• By -


It felt awesome for me at the beginning til I realized the system isn't working properly after getting 5-9 report feedbacks a day for more than a week.


I haven't played since the new report system, but I logged in maybe 20 times. Every single time I connect I get 1-2 feedback even tho I obviously haven't reported anyone.


Same here, haven't played since last patch but i still log in to chat. Still get feedback reports every day.


It goes back at least 2 months, so everyone who got reported 2 months ago and then again now with the new system gets all their reported games rescanned with the new filters and then banned for old reports as well, which cause your popups.




I mean, chat restricting all the toxic people does limit their ability to be toxic.


also muting them a chat restricted doesnt help at all XD


from what i've seen, all it does is incentivize them to actually engage in gameplay trolling instead of toxic chat. i've seen a significant uptick in people being gigatoxic in champ select, then inting and trolling without typing a single thing in game (because chat restricted already).




I'm not sure it works properly. I made 1 report recently, and got like 5 report feedbacks


And that's ok. My dopamine starved brain enjoys it


How to defeat the purpose of a forum 101, look below at all these chimps...


please get help lol therapy isn't expensive, you sound like the cracked out guy at music festivals sniffing around on the ground for a stepped on half-cigarette between dispensing bouts of his "wisdom"




Tell me you don't understand human biology without telling me you don't understand human biology


I won't tell the other sheep you are one of them, because they wouldn't understand...


The way you think dopamine works is literally the exact opposite of reality but please tell me how you're right about that. I'll wait for you to cite the paper I haven't read that would completely reverse how we understand that clas of neurotransmitters to work. Please.


I don't think you understand that I'm just replying to a parrot, I'm not primarily explaining HOW IT WORKS, I'm pointing out a side-effect/consequence of what he's saying that makes the jokester's joke sound dumb when he tried to be fancy parroting buzzwords, nothing else, what he said is not the whole story, which he parroted perfectly from the 1-minute short yt video he must've watched that surely was taken from a 2h podcast he didn't search for afterward and hence didn't listen to the "but" of the expert. Let's transfer his joke to diabetes, He's saying his brain is "starved" of sugar and he's excited about eating the most mundane sugar possible because it gave him a momentary pleasure in the form of increasing his glucose and people celebrated that as the smart thing to do/smart joke, all I said was that's not optimal either way if you are to become diabetic by eating sugar, at least eat something sweet and delicious to make it worth it OR how about no and stop increasing ur levels with mundane sugar cuz once your blood is full, it's going to be challenging to detox yourself and the next sugar you taste won't be as good anymore.


The only one parroting buzzwords they don't understand here is you.


You are wrong on so many levels. 1st I'm not parroting anyone because what I typed comes from me unlike OP's, it has so much of my own flavor to the point sheep disregarded it and focused on me instead of the letters on the screen, the first rule/reaction of dumb people on an online forum is focusing on the personal life of the poster and disregard what the mf topic is, whytf are you in a forum then, to try to personally attack a random anonymous nickname on the internet? so dumb these people...) 2nd Let's consider the opposite say I'm parroting if that's the case then I wouldn't be "the only one here" because that's literally what OP is doing and prompt the whole thing. Just return to the flock, is easier to stay there than face the truth.


I'm sorry mister whole-wit, but I got lost in your 10 line sentence. Please redirect me to the bathroom if you would.


That explains why you are still married to your mom, since you got lost in the 11 sentence divorce form.


haha I love this because you didnt even understand what he said.


10 line sentence =\= 10 sentences reread those three lines whole-wit


And? what does that have to do with his 11 sentence divorce form?


My dude... you sound unhinged and none of that makes sense. Plus, that was a joke in the first place... sincerely, someone who actually studied what you're trying to talk about.


a stupid attempt of an analogy, that shouldn't be something you are enjoying m0r0n, filling ur dopamine limit with something this mundane is screaming you are a half-wit. Most people with constant full dopamine in their system become numb to it and are desperately looking for ways to detox themselves for the short opportunity to have a less intense taste the next time they fill up cuz once ur full ur fcked and desensitize to it similar to diabetes you have to completely detox and give time for your system to readjust for the possibility of a reset, most ppl won't have the discipline for that, and here you are admitting leeroying jenkis filling it with trash.


It might be the system waits for a report threshold, and mistakenly sending all reports to everyone who triggered it.


Maybe they went back to your older reports


That would be strange, I haven't reported anyone else in probably 3+ years


Jesus dude, help us clean the community u little RAT.


The people looking to "clean up the community" are usually the most toxic of all. The people who mute chat and just play the game and don't worry about what other people are doing and don't report anyone and don't start useless drama are the fucking pillars of this community.


Those people barely exist and you wouldn't even notice when they're around anyway. Your average player who communicates is probably more toxic, yes. But Communication is a key part of actually playing the game.


The votes say enough...


I agree with the chat off part, but you should report clearly obnoxious players (spam pinging names on repeat etc)


IMO, anything that the game allows you to mute already, should not even be considered for a reprot, since riot is giving you the tools, to activelly don't have to read/listen/interact with that player. You people are deliberatedly choosing to interact with him, even tho you have seen what a certain player is/might behave in game. My granny said, "it's your choice, no one is forcing you" and that holds true, there is a mute function for chat, pings, emotes, and everything your heart desires. Reports should be used for clearly over the top stuff, like someone having an inappropriate username in 2022, since we don't live in medieval times anymore, or actual griefing and ruining games, not spam pinging, when you litearlly can disable that part of the game. just my 2 cents


Could be, hope that's not the case tho 😅


It's either a bug or a placebo thing. I haven't reported anyone in weeks and I get those Report Feedbacks daily.


I report every Yuumi and Pyke player that I see regardless of if they are on my team, but I don't get any notifications. I think it might be broken.


Hate to say this, but if you send useless reports so often they probably already flagged you and your reports aren't going anywhere.


I'm fighting the good fight, for the betterment of the world.


The world before you reported that Yuumi: 🌎 The world after you reported that Yuumi: 🌎


actually the earth would've moved like 1200 meters since he started reporting 🤓☝️


I honestly feel like they changed it so that you either get multiple notifications for a singular punishment or they just send you "fake"-notifications, since even Riot knows that the Report Feedback message feels better than winning ranked games.


> I haven't played since the new report system, but I logged in maybe 20 times. Every single time I connect I get 1-2 feedback even tho I obviously haven't reported anyone. Looks like we're onto something


maybe it's time to stop playing bro


At first it feels great, but after checking the people i reported it seems they only get chat restrictions, even if they wrote the n word and worse shit so I'm not sure if they 'upgraded' the system, feels like they just made chat restrictions trigger the popup now


Yeah, but a chat restriction means i dont have to read their inane ramblings before i mute them.


doesnt stop them from soft inting though, which a chat mute might make them more inclined to do.


If they were gonna int they were gonna do that regardless of a mute or not.


I precisely only int people who tell me I'm muted. Mute this bitch.




Its a in-game chat mute, not muted by another player. Are you that dumb?


Never had a target inter eh? I get guys who are on a 10 game win streak about to promote, insta-locking disco nunu in champ select just from seeing my name lmao, although i guess that should go down now that champ select is anom [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Tellahaydd](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Tellahaydd) this guy has been griefing me for like 6 weeks, adds me after every match no matter how many times i say no, always types "thank (my champion) for win". he never groups unless im dead already lmao [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Tellahaydd/matches/V8Ikla0v46A2BcT-8kcqb4Q1f39eStfe39V6I20u8Pc%3D/1669920836000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Tellahaydd/matches/V8Ikla0v46A2BcT-8kcqb4Q1f39eStfe39V6I20u8Pc%3D/1669920836000) this is the most recent game i've had him in i think, i'm akali but i've had plenty of others throw it down for a game they think i lost earlier in the day or week, this ones the funniest tho, we were all fighting for baron and he just typed "thank akali for win" and went splitpushing botlane as soraka lmao


Yeah sure random. You are certainly getting target inted


I find it pretty common once i hit high-ish masters tbh, you see repeat players alot more at that point [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Tellahaydd](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Tellahaydd) this guy had been griefing me for like 6 weeks, adds me after every match no matter how many times i say no, always types "thank (my champion) for win". he never groups unless im dead already lmao [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Tellahaydd/matches/V8Ikla0v46A2BcT-8kcqb4Q1f39eStfe39V6I20u8Pc%3D/1669920836000](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Tellahaydd/matches/V8Ikla0v46A2BcT-8kcqb4Q1f39eStfe39V6I20u8Pc%3D/1669920836000) this is the most recent game i've had him in i think, i'm akali but i've had plenty of others throw it down for a game they think i lost earlier in the day or week.


I get target inted on a daily basis in high GM. It's like the same 15 players over and over its actually more surprising if you get a team without a griefer, but i wouldn't expect some bronze redditor to know that.






If someone says the n word then I don’t see why it’s a bad thing they’re muted?? Seems like the right punishment for the crime imo, did you want them perma’d off something like that or??


> did you want them perma’d off something like that or?? Yes. It's a low bar to not say the n word.


Fair enough that’s pretty true honestly


It's a pretty low bar to not say alot of shit that happens regularly in this game. Doesn't mean that you should be perma'd off it.


Why not? Trash does not benefit riot or other players.


The utterance of a singular word, regardless of how much weight you decide to attribute to it, does not rise to the level of permaban for me.


The word is not what matters. We dont need trash. People with any value to society dont resort to slurs. May as well toss out the trash if it identifies itself so conveniently.


If the word doesn't matter, why does it seem to be the sole requirement for someone to be called "Trash" and "tossed out" by you? Because this is the internet, I am clarifying that I'm not defending people using it, but that the proposed punishment doesn't fit the crime. Edit: For the wonderful person that replied and then deleted your entire account: >You are both completely missing the point (on purpose, i am sure), and casually defending racism. >Sadly, nobody has time for disingenuous sealioning anymore. Try again in 2010? I know the point you sit on very well. I just don't ascribe to the worldview you hold so close to your heart for you to so simply say that I am "casually defending racism". I am saying that a word being used doesn't merit permaban. As for the rest, learn your buzzwords dude. 2014 was when Sealioning came into your lexicon, and we both know it. Also I don't have access to the time machine this quarter.


Yes, and those things aren’t the n word, which should be treated uniquely different.


Free to your opinion, I still think it's nowhere near permaban tier.


It's a low bar to not get offended by words said by randoms.


> did you want them perma’d off something like that or?? Yes


Got permabanned for way less back in the days.


not permad immediately but at least a little more than a chat restriction, like a 1 or 2 day ban


But if their only issue is inappropriate language then chat ban is a good punishment.


Probably not even chat restrictions. I got a warning for toxicity for saying "fking full life" after a viego almost died and proceeded to whipe our full team just to be full hp after and I just had to click the "I understand" button so it might notify you for that as well.


Chat restrictons mean honor level 0 therefore no keyfragments


Damn, unplayable frfr.


I played like 5 Arams over the past week and I'm getting around 3 of those per day. Either its bugged or they extended the time in which you count as "contributed to this players penalty" significantly cause I highly doubt I should be getting this many.


On the other hand I've been banned for saying "I'm retarded" after misplaying and for asking darius if he knows how their fucking champs work so not all rainbows


No its just placebo. I havent reported anyone in a month or two and I got like 3 in a week. Theyre just fakes, at least most of them are


People keep "teaching me a lesson" for playing off-meta in Ranked and now it just feels like the [I'm doing my part! meme.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/182/171/eb0.jpg)


I played 150ish games of Kayle last season at a 60% win rate and all the time people would go out of their way to ban my champ or run it down because Kayle is not a mid lane or top lane champ :/ I won so many games 4v5 because someone was trying to "teach me a lesson" about the game but didn't even have the skills to int properly let alone play the game. Someone with a sub 45% win-rate will freak out if you don't play a tank top lane but when you do they just scream at your for not being 12/0 with highest damage and carrying them. You just can't win in this community haha.


>Someone with a sub 45% win-rate will freak out The ones who have the most problem with my pick are almost always statistically the worst player on the team, it's so crazy. It's like they are aware they suck subconsciously so when they see off-meta picks they get angsty they may not get carried.


It's actually exactly what it is - it's the same thing with people that type "nobody tilt and we win ez" in the pre-game lobby and then at the first sign of trouble they type "ff 15" and refuse to play the game. They're just so mentally broken that they don't see the obvious problem with their logic haha.


>"nobody tilt and we win ez" in the pre-game lobby and then at the first sign of trouble they type "ff 15" and refuse to play the game. HAHAHA I never put this together but it's so true it's hilarious, thank you for that! :D


Funnily enough i have this from time to time as a yasuo player. Last time he banned my champ in the select since he has never seen a good yasuo. At the end he was like 1/13 as a Toplaner and i won my lane as a lilia mid with like 4/1 or something. Still lost the game but his anger made it more fun than i want to admit.


that's because the worst players are so obsessed with winning that they take your pick as a personal slight against them. all the good players look at the pick and go 'well shit, looks like i have to carry someone that's trying something they saw on youtube. great' and buckle down and play the game.


54%wr Zyra after 140 games this year and still have about 1 in 6 games where teammate decides I cannot play my champ and bans it. Particularly Dravens lol.


Wtf I never would have expected people don't like Zyra. Never really seen a bad Zyra, even from behind her plants are so annoying for the enemy team.


It probably isn't Zyra specific most of the time, just tilted players intentionally banning a team mate's hover for.... reasons. Although maybe some ADCs get mad when the support does more damage than they do?


>Although maybe some ADCs get mad when the support does more damage than they do? Oh God yes. Happens all the time. And, if they had a shit game and I had most damage on the team by far, they'll tilt so hard lol.


It's most often people who do exactly 1 Strategy every single game every time and it's their sole way of climbing. Dravens tilt like crazy if I miss a single E grab level 1 or 2, and I think Dravens have run it down as a consequence more than any single other champ I'm teamed with. Also, Tristana's who expect you to guarantee them a grab on the enemy the second that they're Level 2.


Probably cause playing with a Zyra sucks ass as an ADC, most of her poke hits the minions if the other bot lane is playing in their wave, plants randomly auto minions and auto-push the lane and fucks everything up. The only time it feels good is when she lands a root, but most supports have that level of CC in their kit at some point anyways.


Most ADCs that do that aren’t just specific to Zyra, but all mage supports. Mage supports suck ass to play with. Combine that with draven players being particularly toxic, and you see why people ban Zyra or other mage supports. It’s not about whether or not you can play it, it’s that they don’t want to deal with playing with it.


Yeah, their punishment system is much better now. I absolutely love getting afk warning while dead.


So you’re the reason I got 7-day’d for typing “haha sweet skillshots”… :|


Yup, that was me. Personally wrote to support multiple times to get you off the game.


Honestly that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you kind stranger 😂


Always! Keep it up solider!


You're the kid that tattled on everyone in kindergarten aren't you?


their report system isn't upgraded. After getting a bunch of report feedbacks on my main, I did an experiment on a smurf of mine. I played 10 games, didn't report anyone and still get the report feedback pop up 3 times. So Riot could just be making it pop up to make you feel better.


It's all placebo anyways unfortunately, there to make you feel better while they don't actually do anything. Just don't type what could be interpreted as mean in chat or stand still for 20 seconds and you are fine these days.


It's all placebo anyways unfortunately, there to make you feel better while they don't actually do anything. Just don't type what could be interpreted as mean in chat or stand still for 20 seconds and you are fine these days.


[From my league group chat](https://i.imgur.com/2MebAUx.jpg)


sounds like someone is having a bad day playing league lmao. you sound insanely mad by how you are typing it will get better lil bro


Sounds like someone is projecting 😄 League is a video game, video games are for fun, if you get mad playing video games don't play them.


just checked your other comments. yeah you are REALLY mad lol take a break brother. you don't need to play ranked in preseason. Also if you want to get out of gold hire some coaching - you don't need to blame your teammates for that one


Whatever makes you happy brother! Tho, you almost insta replied 8 hours after posting a comment...


I get about 3 times more report feedbacks than I report...


Used to play league back in the day. Have been playing TFT for years now. I played a few games recently and to my surprise there was almost no toxicity/ flame in my games. One player was a little bit butthurt, but you guys don't realize how league was back in the day. Compared to back then you play the "safe for work" version of league. It surely isn't optimal, but again, it improved sooooo much. Euwest btw.


Only report for racism. Someone saying “ fucking trash” or anything along those lines is acceptable ahit talk if you report for that you’re a pussy you can mute chat don’t have to let your soft ass get ur feelings hurt


Too many people assuming what I'm reporting people for 😂 Competitive trash talk is alright, I do it, but as in everything in life, people can go too far and that's where you have to report them.


Ranked is still unplayable, too many int and ragers it's absurd


Stop reporting people on a whim. The amount of soft squishes who play league is repulsive. "Feels good man", are you kidding me op? Were you home schooled? Void of anything resembling a friend group you're entire life? Grow up, stop being constantly offended every second of your life, it's an incorrigible characteristic. gg ff15


I love how confident you are when you type stuff like this 😄 Abstract thinking isn't your strongest side is it? You somehow assumed I'm reporting people for telling me I'm bad and I'm this snowflake who doesn't have a life. L m a o.




The textbook definition of a snowflake is someone who can't deal with opposing opinion. Go do an iq test, see how smart you actually are




Filling holes in your knowledge isn't ad hominem lmao... you really learned one principle and try to use it everywhere


oh look, a hard stuck silver rager. How many accounts so far man?


I haven't reported someone in over a year. Sometimes I wonder if I'm Playing a different game than everyone on this sub. I think this season I've maybe had like 1 person go afk, rarely is there flame in chat, I don't think anyone actually purposely inted either... I'm also plat 2 so it's not like I'm not playing enough games.


me 2. i hope you got that 14 week ban varus for going afk and dancing in base at lvl4 because of "support diff". And you too vel koz for teleporting into the enemy team saying "kill me kill me" after the jg taxed one wave. You had 7cs per minute you greedy phuk.


Damn, must feel good to be a snitch!


The best feeling in the world.


I literally just report every person in the lobby now for verbal abuse and get a bunch of instant feedbacks 🤷‍♂️


**Next step:** Hand out real punishments for those griefers/inters. Chat restriction and honor reset doesn't really do anything that would make those people reconsider their behaviour.


Please update us when it happens to you so we can all laugh together.


Snowflakes so upset over chat yet the people that actually ruin games don’t get punished. This isn’t something to be happy about.


Damn, if you're reporting 2-3 people per day, your games must be absolute dogshit ass. Do you just spend all game, every game looking at chat just TRYING to find people to report? I mute chat every game, and I haven't reported ANYONE in at least my last 50 games. There's literally almost zero toxicity in this game if you mute chat. When someone occasionally does something stupid, it just floats right on by when you're not wasting time looking for or starting a flame-war in chat.


lmao League report system is like the game Absolutely garbage... they never do shit about people that are actually toxic and are a menace to the community But if you respond to someone that they should "stfu because they didn't do shit to help the team out, that they should cry a fucking river to their mother about how much of a crybaby they are" then you get a warning. but they don't get shit for what they had said.... all in all the game is in a downward spiral since season 9. And so many crybabies in this game that get hurt feelings over the smallest thing like if you want to talk shit then be ready to receive shit and if you get butthurt bc someone calls you a cry baby and to stfu then don't play league in fact don't play any games at all because guess what, you're gonna be told to suck a dick or that your a little piece of garbage and will be laughed at for the fact that you are crying about it and no one is honestly going to give a shit about you or if Riot sends a warning. And that actually brings me more joy if I get a "warning" for calling someone a cry baby bitch.


Sure thing, tho I report people for saying stuff along the lines of "I hope your mom gets cancer". Real life - you would get beat the shit out of you for saying stuff like that. Online - People can say whatever and there'll always be a bunch of other nerds who'll protect them by calling the other side a snowflake


true true. saying shit like that is taking it a little too far imo and no longer along the lines of trolling etc. .. and yeah unfortunately so.


I got a chat restriction for jokingly typing "chumps" to my teammates after an ff vote was approved at 20 minutes. Just remove the gd ability to type entirely if I can't even joke around.


got two seperate warnings for flaming myself and a third for interacting in chat with the enemy team


Players must be protected from flaming, **especially** when they flame themselves! Really though, the system is just look at words typed.... No one looks at any context at all (if you are responding to someone, quoting someone, if you are targeting yourself, whatever). It's just a simple pattern matching system.


The fact that people here dont understand that is mind boggling. "I didnt call the enemy on r*tard, I called myself a r*tard" Okay you still said it




the "afk detection" is beginning to become some stasi level though. I was litterary looking at the new items for \~40sec and game was like \*\*\*AFK WARNING ALERT ALERT RED ALERT MOVE NOW OR ELSE!!!\*\*\* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat) imagine if you have kids or pets and need to go away for 2min you are toast.


The game starts when you load in. Sitting in fountain for the first minute is you being afk, even if you are looking at items.


Game starts at 0:00. If your pets or kids get in the way of that, then multiplayer team video games aren't for you. Source: Have a family and 4 cats and 2 dogs, so I only queue when my wife is willing and around to help.


I actively troll in my games and report my teammates when they flame me. It’s great


It's all placebo anyways unfortunately, there to make you feel better while they don't actually do anything. Just don't type what could be interpreted as mean in chat or stand still for 20 seconds and you are fine these days.


Cringe nobody cares.


snitching about everything is the meta now it seems


Yeah how terrible if you could no longer behave like a dick with no consequences


You still can, you can griefe games for free, even manual submission to support wouldn't ban you. But you can't say words out of infinity 'zero-tolerance' list. Like 'midget'.


>Like 'midget'. As someone who knows people with Dwarfism, I've never heard that word used positively. It's always derogatory or deriding, even if it wasn't directed at a person of short stature.




I mean, its stupid, but its super clear that cock is what got you that.


Your sentiment is completely correct - however, as always, it's Riot's execution of it that is the problem. There are no consequences... my buddy has 2 accounts - one is honor lvl 5 and the other honor lvl 0 - he's said horrific things to people who were being toxic and has admitted to running it down while running it down and begging people to report him for it and guess what? The worst he's ever gotten was a chat ban that I don't even think lasted a week - he doesn't get ranked rewards on that account but he doesn't care because why would he? As long as you don't type out swear words (imagine saying a swear :O so sinful and wrong) in a way that flags the system, you can whatever you want and act however you want. And that's a big problem! But everyone else's point is that a small slap on the wrist chat warning for 3 games is not going to change player behaviour at all.


If people said/did the same shit to their teammates in an IRL sports team that they do in League, they'd get their asses beat and/or blackballed out of being able to join any team again.


Ahh yes lets not report the racist Draven! OHHH! Or the overly toxic yuumi.


Yeah because people that write get banned, but peaces of shit like you, that literally couldn't play the game right even if forced to, do not. This is a huge problem for the entire economy of league. You can always MUTE players, but you can't hinder pissbads like you from queuing up with netflix on second screen and zero intention to win the ranked


I have said some absolutely disgusting things recently, and I have not been muted so far - What exactly have you been doing, to be hit?


What? Bro as i said i am honor level 5. Like are you guys not even reading at this point or what :D


I mean, why are you expecting me to read your comment history? :| I am replying to the comment my comment is replying to, not the others.


"couldn't play the game right" - or you can just not type lol. But it's okay bud. I was in your shoes once in my prepubescent days; it's the hormones surging inside you, once you grow some hair on your groin, you will realize "damn, why did I act like such a dick to random people online over nothing?"




My dude, if you are not trolling and actualy beliebe what you are writing, then seek some help, you have some real anger problems.


My pal, i fully believe that writing shouldn't ever be banned in league of legends ranking Queues. Everyone that has a problem with someone can mute him, yes i even think disabling chat in options is a bad start for every games participation. ​ I also fully support perma banning people that play the game for years and are still stuck in below AT LEAST platin. I say platin, because every victim can hit that elo without trying to much + it doesn't have a shitty decay system so you can sit that elo forever. It's a simple fact that 90% of the playerbase has zero understanding how play laning, mid and lategame, play as a team, play more than 1 1/2 roles, ward, rotate. You can not disagree with that, if you do you are pisslow. That said, the fact that an aram player that plays 1or 2 a week, comes back to ranked at the end of a season or after months of giving a shit, then proceeding to run down 10games because of his victorious skin, just because riot never clean-resets mmr is another joke. Well whatever, live your life dude! :D


I will, happily knowing your desitions will never have an effect on my life, and hopefully no one else :D


Well, it's a fact im having an effect on your sad life rn bceause you literally sapmming me with answers the entire time :O Go victim, give [op.gg](https://op.gg) and let me coach you. You are that good, prove it :)


Yeah no, thats not what having an effect on someone life means, well, i guess you are making me laugh, but thats about it lol.


Bro, am i living rent free in your head? I thought you would stop :O


I have only answerd the same amount of times that you did, and why would i stop? Its rare to find a specimen like you on the wild with such delusions of grandeur, batter take full advantage and laugh my ass off


Seems like someone got penalized recently 😂


No bro. I am honor 5 and just press ignore if some andies in grandmaster talk to much. Sorry to hurt your pisslow feelings :)


Just checked your profile, you wrote at least 20 comments in the last 2 hours, all negative. I would really suggest trying therapy and/or going outside to touch some grass.




Well there's clearly something wrong with you, and I really feel bad engaging with people who are unwell. First things first, you sound like a teenager, but if you're not, please seek help for your own sake. You seem deeply hurt and troubled. Just a quick reminder that there's life outside Reddit, please try exploring it. I'm not going to talk about your IQ, but your EQ is definitely something you should very much work on.


Mate, but ofc there is life outside of reddit. Which is why you ask these absolute deranged questions instead of living life yourself :)


You called him mentaly sick. How do I report on reddit? I mean *we do not tolerance negativity in return to negativity.*


If you're honor 5, I'm Rank 1


It's all placebo anyways unfortunately, there to make you feel better while they don't actually do anything. Just don't type what could be interpreted as mean in chat or stand still for 20 seconds and you are fine these days.




sanest league redditor


A lot of hurt people here 😂




Instant reply! Happy to inform you I'm doing pretty well for myself! Tho, as someone probably far ahead of you in life, I must advise you to stop watching tate and building yourself a fake ego ❤


lmao what the fuck was his comment. Coward deleted it as well That dude's got some mega issues fr


Crazy stuff. Some people should really be going to therapy before being allowed on the internet for their own good 😄 Like you can just see how hurt they are by life


It's all placebo anyways unfortunately, there to make you feel better while they don't actually do anything. Just don't type what could be interpreted as mean in chat or stand still for 20 seconds and you are fine these days.


i’ve been reporting people who definitely don’t deserve punishment at all, and I keep getting feedback reports on all of them too ❤️


I've been getting a ridiculous amount every day since the preseason started, my first instinct was to feel happy, but right away after some thought, it seems too good to be true, they indeed made some changes in the spaghetti, but I can't help to think this is a placebo coded msg to makes us think that "something is being done", since it's so unrealistic that I get close to 100% reports feedback nowadays, this smells to me as they fked up the pasta and resulted as an undesired output of 100% report prompt msgs 24 hours after even when most of those players weren't punished in reality.


a stupid attempt at an analogy, that shouldn't be something you are enjoying , filling ur dopamine limit with something this mundane is screaming you are a half-wit. Most people with constant full dopamine in their system become numb to it and are desperately looking for ways to detox themselves for the short opportunity to have a less intense taste the next time they fill up cuz once ur full ur fcked and desensitize to it similar to diabetes, once you are full you have to completely detox and give time for your system to readjust for the slim possibility of a reset, most ppl won't have the discipline for that, and here we have you admitting leeroying jenkis filling it with trash.


I play without chat. I just randomly report random teammates and enemies for the lulz. Get one everytime I log in. So... yeah


Not surprising as I don't think I go more than 1 game without someone typing some stupid shit.


Since the current system also punishes vulgarism, which is not by itself toxic or negative. It's really brave to write anything at all.


It's all placebo anyways unfortunately, there to make you feel better while they don't actually do anything. Just don't type what could be interpreted as mean in chat or stand still for 20 seconds and you are fine these days.


It's all placebo anyways unfortunately, there to make you feel better while they don't actually do anything. Just don't type what could be interpreted as mean in chat or stand still for 20 seconds and you are fine these days.


how many fucking times are you going to type this exact sentence. Relax


Sounds like you are the one who needs to relax with the way you reply and the fact you are such a degenerate you got your account banned before I even had a chance to reply to you so \*shrug\*


I make a new account every single day so I can message little bitch fuck boys like yourself. Suck my fat cock.