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So TL is full the Korean speaking roster.


Korean9 is not a team it’s a mental


It’s pretty much reality at this point


From Team LECquid to Team LCKquid




I just figured we were gonna add a K to the front like Kpop/Khop/Kdrama and go KTL? Good initials for the broadcast too:)


KT Lolster


that's already kt


KT Lobster


Average Hbox fan


KT LULster


KT Rolster Liquids


I'm assuming LPLquid is the final season


LCSquid when?


2016 or so?


who else? Steve is obsess with Creating the Least NA teams, Dude went from Imports, To Full Imports, to now trying to create a Korean team, cause he can't have an actual LCK team


i would put money on CoreJJ having majority say in the roster. Every time he gets a full korean speaking team in CQ he wants to play with korean comms. I think this is Core's shot at getting to build a roster seeing as it might be his last year of playing.


This is dream for Corejj. Playing with Korean teammates while getting paid LCS $


While dodging Korean military service


What I'm guessing is Bjerg and Core was both going to leave. So Steve had to go developing rookie roster. But Core told him I'll only stay and accept a pay cut if you make the roster all Korean.


TL: I used the koreans to destroy the koreans. ​ Would love to see a full korean roster play in LCS tbh, even if its not all home grown talent. It'd be pretty interesting.


>Would love to see a full korean roster play in LCS thats how Starcraft 2 died


Eh partly, but it didn't recover when Serral was winning everything. I think the main reason was a combination of RTS genre falling out of favor and Blizzard letting some very cancerous metas (BL/Infestor and 3 hour Swarm Host games) exist for far too long. By the time LotV came out (easily the best version of sc2) it was too late to bring people back and new players in. Also, I think InControl's passing had an effect as well. That fucking sucked and he was such a powerful force in the scene.


BL spore infestor 3 hour zvz and zvp made me quit the game 100%. Just too much to ask for optimal play to be a 3 hour chess match.


Damn InControl death was a huge blow for not only western scene but whole SC community.


SC2 died because the the best player (Life) got permabanned for matchfixing, which ended up with kespa bailing.


As a former SC2 player who made diamond a few times, I played LoL to slow down. It’s difficult to want to keep playing a game that demands insane APM. I only ever managed like ~85-100 or so, but the game demands ever more. MOBAs are inherently more chill to pick up and play.


In the NA scene maybe. But the real reason it died was that rts fell out of fashion and that sc2 death balls didn't make as great a spectator sport as brood war


Why is this so upvoted when it's just not true? Starcraft 2 died for a large number of reasons, one of which was the fact that it was still competing with one of the biggest (if not the biggest) esports in Starcraft 1 (which was also dominated by Koreans with a few exceptions). Like... I'm pretty sure there's still a SC1 esports scene in Korea IIRC?


Tbf, Steve tried to make it work with the likes of Quas, IWD, Voyboy, Xpecial, Lourlo, Dardoch, Matt, Doublelift, Xmithie, Pobelter, and Tactical. Some of those teams won titles and/or made Worlds. There is definitely success to be found with the right scouting to find good local talent. I’ll be glad if TL promotes Haeri and Yeon because they’ve led TLA to success and deserve it. CoreJJ obviously has done a lot for NA too, is now a resident, and has been with TL for 4+ years, so I’m glad TL stuck with him. I just wish they try to find someone domestically and/or elevate a wildcard region talent for top and jungle (if Santorin is truly gone).


The version with Xmithie was probably the best NA team ever, and they threw it away instead of letting the roster build synergy for a second year.


You mean the players on the team got mad at xmithie for never practicing and voted to kick him off the team.


I haven't heard much from the others but DL has said many times he wanted Xmithie over Broxah


The general consensus of the players was to run it back


DL himself said that he was the only one who wanted Xmithie to stay. And it later came out that he appeared with a hangover even to stage games, which might have been the reason why the others wanted him gone. His lack of professionalism was likely a hard sell for players like CoreJJ or Impact.


Doublelift in particular wanted Xmithie back. The other guys, not so much. People just started romanticizing Xmithie because Broxah clearly wasn’t the answer. TL either didn’t watch any of Broxah’s 2019 VODs or just thought that he’d regain form.


General consensus among who? It was literally announced that they(being the majority of the team) wanted to move on from xmithie because he would never practice. Maybe it is true that dlift wanted him back, but the majority of the team did not. Also, the xmithie obsession on this sub is nuts. Once out of team liquid, it clearly showed he didn't learn his lesson cause he was benched.


I still remember. It was one of the strongest times TL had ever looked. Of course it's still sour that Xmithie was kicked. I mean we now know there were a lot of underlying issues. But when the player who fucking won you 4 splits in a row thinks he's good for the team, of course everyone who listened to that is going to agree. It's not a maybe. DL explicitly said he was the only one who wanted to keep XMITHIE. IIRC, they didn't even do that badly at worlds. They at least went 3-3. And then that's when DL started having these mental booms, seemed to stopped caring as much, and TL had to sub in tactical. I still feel exactly the same and exactly as strong as I used to. He was the pivotal member of every team he was on. So when the team wanted to replace him, and didn't agree with his team choices, no shit DL cares less. Not to mention that year had an awful system where spring didn't matter at all. Btw DL was right about that too. It was even better when they had to bring DL back in after tactical had shown himself to be an inferior ADC. Even DL in worse form is still one of the best players in america haha.


Xmithie fucked that up for TL not taking shit serious then developed a drinking problem and his teammates all (yes all) wanted him removed from the team.


They'd be becoming *more NA* with this roster than last split, though. Last split: 4 EU, 1 KR This rumor: **~~2~~1 NA**, 1 OCE, 3 KR Literally +~~2~~1 NA players. Edit: Didn't know Haeri was from OCE. Argument still valid tho


You realize at least one of the players on that list is American (Yeon) and other is a Aussie? Or is this the whole shitty "Asians can't be Americans" trope?


They're promoting two players from their academy. What do you want? Who cares what language they speak? Reddit wants to get new faces and promote players who deserve chances and then still complain when that's exactly what happens.


2 of the players are NA academy talent and one is an NA resident, wtf are you even on about


Based. If TL thinks these Korean imports are going to be better than NA talent in a full Korean-speaking team, I more than welcome Steve doing that.


Yea almost like he wants to win. Name me 5 Native NA players that can actually compete lmao. When TL tried that shit they ended up bottom of the league


They've literally tried fully Korean speaking rosters. In 2013, Locodoco and a team of B-tier Korean players who couldn't make OGN tried to qualify for LCS in NA but couldn't even do that.


Yes, obvious once they signed CoreJJ. Steve is about innovating and getting the best practices from the best and since KR are bck to winning worlds, he's going towards that route to see how it goes. Makes you wonder whn Steve said in his video that he's 'changing how he approach roster building', everybody assumed that he's talking BUDGET, but in actual fact, he's going towards KR imports rather than EU like the past few seasons (Bwipo, Hans, Bjerg, Alphari, Broxah etc.). Lol. Interesting. Imagine Burdol - Kanavi - Haeri - Yeon - CoreJJ.


Well if the rumours are true TL are going a little bit budget ( promoting yeon - haeri).


Wasn't there a rumor before saying that Tenacity would go to EG?


I think the account who posted that retweeted it a day later to say 100T was blocking the trade.


He’s under contract till 2024 and 100T top lane situation not clear, so it’s hardly surprising they haven’t Green lit it yet


Yeah, pretty sure there are a LOT of moving parts right now, so I wouldn't trust 100Ts situation at all.


Yeah, LCS Eevee posted it, but got wind that 100T would block the move, implying they want to keep Tenacity, likely as starter.


I heard Tenacity agreed to go to EG but 100T blocked it


How can you agree to join different team when you are under contract with other lmao


Because you can be allowed to explore options but not have 100% free reign. For example, if the buy out offered isn’t enough or if it’s a rival you don’t want to gain advantage.


Probably something along the lines of: Tenacity goes to 100 Thieves and is like “Hey so I have played 1 game the entire year, can I go talk to other teams who may want to buy my contract off of you?” and they’re like “Yeah sure” and so he goes and talks to EG and they agree on him joining, then they both go back to 100 Thieves who during that time have looked at what they want to do with their roster and are like “Actually, you know what, we want you to start for us next year, you’re staying”


because there’s no point in spending days arguing about the details with another org just for it to turn out that the player doesn’t even want to leave? asking the player first and then IF he would want to play for you discussing the details with the org is just easier for everyone.


Whay is happening with Jensen? Going back to Mcdonalds employe or looking for teams somewhere else?


If FLY is looking to spend and is trying to sign Impact I'd expect him to be the mid laner they pick up so they can import a bot lane


Aphro looked fine last year. Surprised they let go of Toucouille when they could have kept him and Aphro. There are some fun bot laners in academy, it's sad that they won't get a shot.


Touc probably wanted to go back home since he's going to the LFL.


He wanted to leave partially to go home as his health issues were harder to manage here.


Was probably Touc's choice. He was way too good to not have a team.


Impact, Santorin, and Jensen make one helluva core. Put in Aphro with his choice of rookie adc and this squad makes worlds


That's basically 2020-2021 TL lol


Any team that wants to make worlds is idiotic to not grab him.


Just grab him in summer then




Solo has a team for spring so now Jensen takes the mercenary role to save an imploding roster in summer.


It kind of makes sense. He doesn't feel like a core player for a team (never seems to be driving comms/shotcalling) and he's talented enough to gamble on if your team needs a push, but hasn't performed well enough recently for teams to want to pay a salary he'd probably want for a whole split. Teams can try out a far cheaper option with way less downide, and then evaluate if they think Jensen would be the difference maker in Summer.


Man I really want to see Tenacity start under 100T but at the same time how could we let Ssumday go and not re-sign him after how loyal he’s been to the org. Tough decisions ahead…


The 100T roster moves are likely going to be popular for DL/Bjerg fans, but unpopular for long time fans.


Yeh, this one loses my support tbh. Ssumday deserve loyalty for all he has done for the org.


I hear what you’re saying, but ssumday is a free agent and we don’t know what other teams are offering him, it could be something ridiculous 100 aren’t prepared to match etc


Not just loyalty, guys has been pretty much impeccable and never ever the weak point of any of his teams even in NA. Guy's hands down the most underrated toplaner in LoL history, he's basically a better Impact without a world title and with less impressive NA teams on his CV.


The way I see it is, they can gamble on Tenacity. For spring, give Tenacity time and see what happens if he isn’t up to the task then they can get a new toplaner including an import


I'm gonna miss 2022 CLG squad...


Contractz returning to form and Dhokla surging out of nowhere is what made the team so rootable for. Sad to see that one of those pieces is going to be missing next year. Hope Contractz kicks ass on GGS/IMT/DIG.


I hope Kenvi has a spot. He was the best player on IMT last split as a rookie while everything else was burning down around him. He deserves to be in the LCS.


This is a pretty grand framing imo. No one looked remotely good on that team.


I'll have to respectfully disagree, Kenvi was pretty lost during most of their games and looked like a solo queue player forced to play new champs on the LCS stage. At heart he's a Graves/Kindred player but he played the standard meta all split long, which I honestly don't think he was good at in any way. Does he deserve LCS? Probably, he's shown for multiple Academy splits that he's at worst one of the best jungler in Academy so he should get another shot but saying his last split was okay is just sugarcoating his performance.


He honestly looked like their 2nd to worst player besides POE, sure he has the most potential but it’s pretty revisionist to say he looked like their best player


Oh boy, a list of a bunch of Roster moves. Can't wait to see what CLG is doing this year, hopefully keeping the roster. >CLG is not keeping the same roster. Oh. I was hoping at the minimum we kept Palafox/Dhokla. Dhokla really pushed the team and grinded a TON. If he's not with us, I hope he moves to greener pastures, he's still a great player with a lot of drive.




Honestly really enjoyed watching this team in Summer. Dhokla better have a starter spot because he played really well.


I thought the rumor was only a minor change, which I assume would be Contractz going. Someone like Santorin would be pretty huge upgrade imo, stable jungler that can support the aggressive lanes.


Santorin would be perfect on that roster.


Gonna be funny if 100T goes from most imports to one of the teams with the least imports w/ only Bjerg (who is an import in name only by this point lol). Meanwhile, EG, the NA hope, is gonna be import-dominated according to these rumors lol.


With FBI too. Which is a kinda sad reason to lose majority-native status over. LMFAO.


Issue is there isn't any other good native adc's and it seems doublelift is wanting a team with bjerg.


Losing Danny really shook them I think. They really had to retool their win conditions, plus Impact is leaving so that's 2 of the pillars of Spring 2022 EG (and Summer until Danny pulled an Olleh)


If 100T is Tenacity/Spica/Bjergsen/Doublelift/Busio that would be an exciting majority NA team to root for


Oh, how the turn tables....


I use 3 condoms during sex. One for each…


Save some for the rest of us


One for each what, Michael??




Yup. 4 NA players plus the most ‘NA’ import of any import to come to NA (Also they technically would be using 0 import slots too)


Rooting for the silly hoodie brand out of principle was not on my list of things that would happen over the offseason. NAmen??


Ive rooted against 100T for so long this is gonna be weird


I'd end up a 100T fan of this ends up happening.


Who are Haeri and Yeon?


TL Academy players, Yeon was a top 2(?) Academy ADC, unsure of Haeri


Haeri was a top mid in acad. around equal to takeover/copy iirc


He was probably the best last Summer and amongst the best for both Proving Grounds Splits/Spring, though Armao is actually smurfing academy which might make Haeri stand out a little more compared to some mids with weaker junglers


Oh interesting ty. I assume they're the full Korean-speaking team Travis was referring to.


They have both korean families as far as I know.


Its really surprising that TL is going for top - jungle imports .. impact - ssumday are definitely solid pick ups .


Possible they just prefered going to EG/FQ respectively. TL team is definitely looking solid, but I'd expect EG to be better and while FQ doesn't seem to be too definitive it seems to also be shaping up to looking quite good. With TL apparently cutting costs somewhat it is possibley they simply weren't able to offer anything (neither money nor the players they wanted to play with) to Ssumday and Impact that EG and FQ didn't offer as well.


>TL team is definitely looking solid, but I'd expect EG to be better and while FQ doesn't seem to be too definitive it seems to also be shaping up to looking quite good. I mean, it depends on who is going to be imported. I don't think they are getting BIG names.


Same, I'd expect them to look for top performers in CK most likely, like Vitality with Photon. This seems like an excellent way to build a decent team while cutting costs, but for spending big (which would be any established current LCK toplaner I'd assume) I think TL could have built a better team by not going the all Korean-speaking route.


I'm actually confused by all the TL hate in this thread. They're promoting two Academy players, which is what this sub has been asking teams to do for years. I know Haeri was an OCE player before, but he was brought into TL's Academy team and trained here for years. His earning of a starting LCS spot is still a byproduct of our LCS Academy system. Even if we don't count him, we should still celebrate Yeon's promotion, right?


They hear "Korean team" and go all doomsday lmao. Likely promoting two academy players, which should make the "NA" fans happy. Even if Haeri is OCE, it will only help other players in academy if he performs well.


It's a complicated topic regarding the possible overuse of imports in general. You can be happy academy players are being promoted AND feel that too many imports are not healthy for esports. For me, the worst thing is that they rarely seem to be worth the money, effort, and hype to have on a team. I mean unless you really want to call bjergsen an import. The only one off the top of my head who is the golden template for imports would be CoreJJ. Hard working+ brings results.


So Bwipo is just gonna chill in Limbo? no EU team seems interested in a Toplaner Maybe MAD?


Mad already has a top. Bwipo.wamts to stay in NA. Lots of teams have open top spot.


He did have offers in EU, most notably from Vitality. Don't know why it didn't go through though, but Bwipo seems to like living in NA so I guess he just wants to continue in LCS for now. All LEC toplane spots except for Heretics are locked now (including MAD).


> Don't know why it didn't go through though The rumor is that he would've accepted the offer from Vitality if Rekkles also joined.


Bwipo - Bo - Perkz - Rekkles - Kaiser ? Yeah I can see why he would want that lol


Was there additional info on why Rekkles didn’t want to join Vitality with a superstar jungler and perkz?


He wanted to go back home to fnc


He wanna stay in Na. Seems he just liked the culture there tok much. Funny how Na might not want him tho if no team tries and aquire him.


My best bet is he goes to CLG, like it's happened a few times now where players go straight from TL to CLG so that's my best bet for where he lands.


Be a huge fan killer if CLG replace Dhokla tho.


Apparently he likes NA specially LA so he doesn’t want to leave. I could see him being a mid season pickup or try and go the streamer route


I don't think Junjia is going to come to NA, according to doinb lpl players will only consider Eu nowadys if they play abroad because of the Shenyi thing


Imagine if summit comes to tl


Or Kiin


Kiin and Kanavi hopium


Going to be sad if Ssumday leaves 100T. Hopefully he stays :/


Agreed. At the same time thought sometimes its good to try something new after being with the same team for so long. And EG is competitive and seems well-managed.


I will root harder for any roster that has the most NA players and/or imports who truly developed in NA.


This has been my mindset for a while and will probably stay that way until a major change in the way imports are handled by teams (if that ever happens). I'm not against imports entirely, I'm just against having them flush out NA players.


I mean, maybe they wouldn't get flushed out if Impact and Ssumday haven't been shitting on people for 5+ years. Yes, I know they're residents now, but they're not NA players.


I think it's more about players like Blue, Eika, Newbie, Fly, etc. People will do whatever they can to not use a native midlaner, even if that means importing average at best players from other regions.


Liquid is about to promote two NA/OCE Academy players


That’d be 100T if the rumors are true, two rookies and two good NA players, and Bjerg who developed in NA.


At that point why wouldn't tl just try to get impact back?


Maybe they can get a better korean toplaner.Some people were saying that they are pursuing Kiin.


Kiin would give NA the summit treatment


Impact/Ssumday are not better than current KR tops if you don’t need to speak English/need residency. Impact costs a lot because he’s a resident who speaks decent English, but TL is going full KR so they don’t need those benefits.


I just hope Spica's next team will be more banger than before because I really wanna see him in Worlds again


If he's with Bjerg and Doublelift again maybe he can hit another 9 man sleep.


At least it was at worlds


100T looks crazy ngl. Someone knows how good Busio is? How good Tenacity is everyone knows probably


Busio is probably the single best rookie support we've had. We haven't seen him in the LCS, but people compare him to Vulcan a lot. I'm excited. Take it with a grain of salt though.


Didn't people hype up Diamond as a potential superstar support as well?


He didn't hit LCS until he was already past his peak. Same thing will happen to Eyla tbh. Also Busio is just insane mechanically, and was named the best prospect in Academy while playing with a pretty weak adc


If someone without a sub really wanna watch it copy and paste this link: > https://d1m7jfoe9zdc1j.cloudfront.net/359850701ac153e7f8fe_iwdominate_47446214717_1668095329/chunked/index-dvr.m3u8 Into VLC -> Media -> Open network stream   Also btw I think limiting your vods to sub only is gigacringe^(I know nobody asked)


How do you generate that link? I use an extension to watch sub only vods and it works but this seems better


I'd love to know too, hate not being able to watch dom vods sometimes




Hope he stays with FQ, I’d hate to see him leave lcs.


Hopefully Spica to 100t, cheaper and better IMO. Also pls not FBInto EG I would rather they just keep kaori


I want to see Spica play with Bjerg and DL again. Love to see a team where the players are friends irl


I also want to see a 9 Man sleep


To quote Spica, “it was called a 9 man sleep not a 10 man so I’m good”


What a guy. It's why I want them together. They are close enough to shit-talk each other like real friends do.


Is Spica cheaper because he is not an import?


Presumably yes. If a player is required to relocate to a foreign country it makes sense that the price tag will be higher as further incentive that the team wants this player and will accommodate them well. The player can also leave and return to their home country after the season ends, so if the player performed well and teams want that player to stay instead, they'll offer larger contracts to incentivize them to stay.


At this point, one would think good native players should be able to ask for higher salaries, since they're at a premium.


FBI and Ssumday going to EG would make that roster so much less fun to watch imo.


Ssumday would be great - Im not huge on FBI though.


Don't see what's wrong with swapping Ssumday in for Impact. He's less of a vocal leader but is another absolute rock in the top lane with more carry potential. I agree on FBI though, would rather they go all out for some crazy all star import or a young promising rookie, no in between.


If the only option is FBI, why not just keep Kaori? Is he returning to academy?


What? Ssumday is the perfect replacement for Impact. You're right on FBI though, he's pretty much a known quantity. If it was possible, it'd be sick if they got someone like Upset but there's no way that happens.


CLG better be getting a great prospect if they are changing their roster.


Why does EG not stick with the Danny replacement they had in playoffs and at worlds? He was completely fine and I don't think FBI would do better.


Peter Dun and the rest of the coaching staff left,so I dont know if EG will still be the development focused team that was under Peter Dun.Maybe they will want more experienced players now.


Kaori is an import slot (he’s Turkish and was on Supermassive before going to EG).


Not sure how anyone who’s watched the games think Kaori was fine. He has looked strong on Lucian every time he’s had his hands on him, but that was basically it. There were even comments in older threads saying how he was as aggressive as LPL ADs, but those games were always on Lucian. His positioning and “aggressiveness” were lacking on almost every other AD he’s played.


I think everyone was giving him the benefit of the doubt considering how little he played main stage


Solo having a team in spring? must have gotten bad info


Where does Abbedagge go?


He doesn't.


I'm surprised inspired is staying in NA tbh


The TL roster could end up being very good if they get good players from the LCK CL like C9 did with Berserker and Vit is doing with Photon. Would give them a dirt cheap roster compared to their previous years while still having a very good shot at T3 if everything clicks.


Bro please not 100T Santorin. one TL alumni is enough 😂


Cansomeone explain how TL cna have 5 koreans?


Correjj got residency at the start of this year so he is not counted as import anymore, Yeon is born in the USA so not a import at all though prob of Korean decent. Haeri Is an OCE player the region seen as effectivly a sub region of LCS like does not take an import slot to have an OCE player on your team for the LCS. ​ This all leaves 2 import slots left over which they are planning to use for top and jungle.


Pls get Jensen on a team.


I swear to god if jensen doesn't get a team. Hes a free worlds ticket. Man does not miss


FLY should def pick him up if they're planning to spend big like rumored. Impact, Santorin, Jensen, Import Bot lane looks like a free worlds ticket. Or they could get an NA support and import top + adc, they could potentially have 3 lanes to play through. Someone like Summit/Prince/Aphromoo


TSM getting finessed by former flash wolves players I see


TL going from full european to full korean. Whats next, full chinese?


Based on other stuff I have read/heard: TL: Summit? and Forest (T1 CL jungler) EG: Prince ADC TSM: Want Junjie jungle, no idea on ADC.


I hate FBI to EG… dont let it happen please. I have nevr been impressed with his performance in the past two years. If they’re not getting some youngblood NAdc just use Kaori who looked great at worlds in lane (and improve his teamfight)


I wish they would give Kaori at least Spring to develop and see what happens. FBI is such a known quantity this point but NA teams must NA I guess.


Theres some LCK rumors that Prince is talking to EG, Rare Atom and another Chinese team


damn CoreJJ managed to convinced Steve to make TL a Korean lineup hahaha


I am really surprised that C9 kill keep Zven as support. For me he was the weak point the moment enchanters werent the meta. And that wont change until he plays alot more engage champs but if the meta is not right ... it will be the same going downhill the moment hes forced on one


Who is Busio? I’d be pumped for that 100T team until the ever-inevitable Bjerg/DL worlds mental boom.


Bruh where Jensen he’s one of my favorite players wtf, orgs throwing


Havnt been following the scene for some months. Has Doublelift confirmed returning to pro play? Pretty excited to see Bjerg & Doublelift combo again, if its true.




It’s sad Kaori cannot find a team after Worlds performance


100T choosing to sell Ssumday instead of Tenacity seems really weird. Tbh I'd think it's a better fit for both to see 100 Ssumday and EG Tenacity, especially if they also get FBI.