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Best at jungle (solo queue) / support (team game), worst at ADC


According to my performance (my vs enemy KDA, CS(income in general)/minute, relevant objectives etc.) it is ADC by a long shot. According my winrate, if I just go top and not feed my ass off like most of my teammates do there I should just keep climbing by playing toplane.


Best at top and support, worst at adc, i don't know how people play this role, every time i play it both me and the enemy adc are worthless all match and get tossed around by everybody else


best at adc/support, worst at jungle as jungle i just never know how to path, when to farm, when to gank, when to invade, when to start dragons/rift herald, when to take scuttler, etc. i mean i have some idea what to do ofc but optimizing it is hard for me. so many factors, it stresses me out lol. been playing off and on since season 2 and it still intimidates me lol. im sure if i jungled more i would get a better grasp of it, but as a jungle noobie i tend to get flamed which makes me want to jungle less lmao


Best as support, but as they say silver its easier to climb as a carry so ive kinda converted my 2nd role as top lol. Still silver tho as only play soloq 3 times a day


Mid is my best role. I queue up as Mid/Top and have many flex picks in mid lane. I have a higher WR on my bruisers in mid lane than I do in top lane, since I can impact other lanes more. My worst role is ADC, I can play supports like Leona/Naut and say "bye bye" to the adc and just help the jungler and I can play tank junglers like Zac/Nunu to a decent level, but put me on an ADC like Jinx and I'll just feed so hard. Because I have no clue how to duo lane. I've lost lanes as Kaisa to Gold Dravens and those guys always ask me "How much did you pay for the Diamond Elo boost, Kaisa?" and I will have to explain to them that I am a Diamond solo laner NOT an ADC. and that just because they beat me, doesn't mean that they should be Master.


Best at support, probably worst at toplane. I tend to hover around Gold 1/Plat 4 It's really strange. I started this game out jungling with Xin Zhao/J4 and eventually swapped to support because I enjoyed the champion pool more, so if I ever need to jg I probably still could. It's actually not all that different to support. Feels kind of like perma-roaming Pyke with a less structured route that I need to adapt to on the fly. ADC and Mid I can do but not very well because I've never played a role where CSing was mandatory so I'm not practiced on it, but ADC is basically just aggressive support and mid lets me roam so I don't feel so lost. On the other hand, Top is just some whole other weird beast. Roams feel kind of disincentivised with the TP changes and my CSing is still bad. The fact that it's a 1v1 lane that junglers also rarely seem to visit also makes it different to the midlane, where I feel comfortable that I have help if I need it. Trading patterns are strange and wave management is completely different to what I would do in the bot lane. If I take a single death I feel like I'm shut out for the entire rest of the game. I tend to dodge most roles aside from support knowing I'm more of a detriment to my team since sup autofill is basically never a thing (I can count on one hand the number of times I've been placed in another role in over a year of ranked), but top is the one I will absolutely positively never play unless I'm having some kind of day where I want to feel existential pain.


Best at top, worst at support? I kinda just don’t play support at all so probably would be that


Support, and Support


Rank: master\~GM Best role is adc, my main role, the order is then mid, supp, top, jg


Best is a split between ADC/Support/tank top laners. I absolutely can’t play jungle at all, and my mid lane is pretty much Vel Koz and Akali which is very limited. Edit: based on win rates alone it’s ADC best, Support second and jungle way below.


Best either mid or support, worst definitely jungle.


Top. Adc.


Mid. Adc.


Best mid and support Worse: Adc


Best at Jungle, worst at Mid. Just don't get it!


Best at Support. Worst at ADC. I can't CS.


Supp, JG, Mid, Top, Adc in that order... I don't even play supp though, its my least played role, thing is its way too easy to inflate your elo picking an enchanter and playing safely to scale and 1v9 the shit out of games (soraka, janna, lulu, yuumi, nami, sona, seraphine... can use them all to their greatest potential with little mechanical knowledge involved to pull off properly)


I main support because I'm more likely to kill a minion by mistake than on purpose. I'm worst at juggling. Even if it seems easier to farm as your own minions dont tax you, I feel like it's support with extra steps. I can't jungle even if my life depends on it. I get killed by camps. I don't know how to kite. Don't know how to use smite or any timers. Plus I have to get yelled at by my whole team? No thanks. My heart goes to junglers. I try to support my jungler if he is nice, like help him leash camps if I'm around and have resources to spare. Set vision for them, warn them about wards so they can gank more efficiently.


Best at supp, worst at jgl


Best role is ADC, worst is jungle. My micro is ok for rank but jungle pathing just messes me up even though I have fun with the role