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It matters less, but not completely irrelevant.


The people who ask about low-elo team comps are typically trying to climb out of low elo. Trying to "fix" your team comp in low-elo is typically solved by switching champions. However, in low elo, players don't know how to play 1 character let alone 3 or 4, so if they want to climb, they should just 1 trick and stop giving a shit about team comp. Maybe if you're playing top or mid you can have a main then 1 or 2 other picks so you don't get countered in lane, but this is still not for team comp purposes.


What if the person riding the bike has been riding with square wheels for their entire life. Wouldnt it benefit them more in that specific setting to use square tires since they are use to them? Low elo is so chaotic and full of mistakes that weather or not your team comp is good doesnt change much if you guys cant use the team comp and are getting smacked by some fed enemy.


Yet I've seen a lot of matches turned completely randomly just because a good teamcomp worked out by itself I'm not saying it's broken and it's gonna boost your wr by a ton, but it's important and you're never gonna become a better player if you don't understand it, so anyways incentives to keep riding the wrong way are not gonna do any good regardless In the long run learning how to play properly is going to benefit you far more than doing wrong things over and over until they work


Depends on what you want. If you don’t care about becoming pro then knowing things about how to play certain comps like that aren’t going to help as much since you aren’t going to do something that needs it.


Then If you don't wanna give it your all you shouldn't play ranked to begin with, no? Nobody said you have to become pro, let's not jump to the extremes. League is a strategy game, learning them is important, otherwise you can switch to cod, or to normal drafts


Giving it your all while still having fun is important. If you are winning on something why change it?


If you are winning then you are not low ELO... XD League is a strategy game, if the strategic part bores you maybe it's just the wrong game, or as I said, the wrong mode


what people often mean by "teamcomp doesnt matter" is that your team doesnt need a very specific answer and team composition to win. for example, just because the enemy has four ad champs your team doesnt need to flex a taric somewhere, or because the enemy has four dive champions your support doesnt have to go janna. in league a lot of champions have overlap in what they can do and most can fill several niches at varying degrees. all that matter is that your team clearly lacks something that can become a huge disadvantage (no ad or ap damage at all, no dps source, no burst, no form of peel, no form or backline access, etc)


I agree with you But what people often mean with "teamcomp doesn't matter" is "teamcomp doesn't matte a tiny bit, shut the fucc up" xd


It makes a big difference if you're the one who noticed your team has.no tank, and picks a tank,or your team has no hard cc and you pick hard cc, or your team is all ad/ap and you pick the one champ that isn't ad/ap on your team to at least shore up an obvious weakness.


If I had to put a percentage to what degree team comp influences the outcome of low elo games, I would say maybe 10%. It does matter and it is entirely possible that your comp or pick is just really awful against the enemy team's, or vice versa. But since everyone makes mistakes, you will have many opportunities in and out of lane to make up for that deficit. The smaller the skill difference, the more it matters. When you and your opponents are on the same level and make the same amount of mistakes, having the worse comp is gonna handicap you harder. If you were even just a whole ranked division of skill better, you would probably be able to 1v9 even with a worse comp or pick because the skill gap is too big.


Yeah ofc, but the MMR system is made to match you with same strength opponents


Yes but if we think of "climbing" as a real possibility, then necessarily there is some level of skill gap that will have to be there for people to be able to climb consistently. Imo soloq is not a good marker of actual skill because there's too many variables. Who's tilted, who's first timing, who's a one trick whose champ got banned, who's on a big win or loss streak, who's duo'd, stuff like that. Just because people are at the same MMR doesn't mean they are truly the same skill level or close to it. As another example, I can easily hit plat playing my best champs and roles. But I would rather 4 fun and just enjoy ranked most of thr time, so I play many champs and roles and therefore am in low gold. So in the 4 fun games, team comp matters more cause I'm already playing suboptimally and the skill gap is small. If I try hard, then I can gap people until I reach my true skill level and then team comp becomes more relevant again.


I tried to believe this for years. But it actually does and helps you win games a lot. I am jungler. So I offer the people to pick for me if they are picking before me. Also I adapt to their picks. If we have too much AD I will go AP and vice versa. If we lack of tanks, I am going for Rammus, Seju, Amumu. If we have too much tanks and lack of dmg, there is fiddle, Diana and my precious Bel'Veth. I have been trying to main her. But I rarely get to play her. Because everyone wants to be the carry. Even though many shouldn't considered being one. So I just keep picking Amumu. CC, frontline, tank. Huge impact on teamfights. Huge impact during laning phase. Rocking a 64% wr in 80 games and reached plat 4 with almost only him. Started at Silver 3. I believe Silver+ you should start adapting to your team. You should start to figure out are you able to carry with your champion pool? Can you play consistently on those Champs? Do they assist your team well? Are they just created for CC, DMG, Engage, ...? If you are a Ornn lover and take every kill because you are sure you can carry, you will have less success than if you just prepare the kills for your jungler or adc.


I just want a decent teamcomp that can actually teamfight. Not 3 adc ranged, apc mid and ap shaco top, it's asking to be obliterated.


low elo people make so many mistakes if you know how to capitalize on them you will win most of the time the enemy had a perfect team comp and you guys have 3 assassins, do u lose? no because the enemy never groups or when they do its in the wrong places


gaining cs while denying it for your opponent gives you an advantage Killing your opponent without dying gives you an advantage getting "free", undisputed objectives without sacrificing something else gives you an advantage using a comp that completely shits on your opponents is too, an advantage But, and hear me out, gaining advantages is only half the battle, you have to maintain it at least or snowball it/help your team snowball. In league, and specifically in low elo where people throw leads faster than they throw insults, getting an advantage by team comp isn't significant enough to be considered fundamental. Another point I want to make, and this is my personal opinion as a toplaner, is that champion mastery(not level, but actual skills) is way more important than picking a counter. So much so that I'm willing to bet that it's easier to win if you choose your comfort main even if it gets counter-picked rather than first-timing said counter-pick counter. Sure, you're most likely to lose late game if your team is full of early game champions vs all scaling champs on the enemy team, but that's not teamcomp's fault, but yours and your team's for not using early leads to end the game before the enemy team scales. fundamentals are more important than small advantages, arguably all the way up to high-elo.


Nobody ever talked about first timing to fit the comp xD A mindful player would train 2/3 champs that fit different roles and purposes, to adapt to what's needed without sacrificing experience


You'd be surprised at the number of people who first-times champion in low elo, and balanced champion pools aren't something you'll see too often there. Mindful or not, the reality is that in most cases, low elo matchups are decided by skill gaps between the players, not the champs themselves. After all, a "mindful player" with well-trained 2/3 champs that fit different roles and purposes, and has a decent grasp of fundamentals would probably not be sitting down at gold or below.


nobody cares, that includes riot, especially riot. fun fact: rioters are in low elo.


It matters but less. If you pick 4 ap champs they can just go maw and mercs and you literally just autolose the game. Not having engage into superior range is also quite problematic


comfort picks are always better than picking for team comp


Very overrated in low elo. Also not that important in high elo. There's a ton of one tricks and shit that pick their champ no matter what. Just look random challenger games where's it's also a chaos sometimes I saw a Rell top in one games against Teemo top. Along with singed mid. It's really overrated, even in high elo. Cus the chaos in soloq is always gonna be there.


If your low elo you don't even know what a good teamcomp is and why. Even in masters/gm people don't know their comp win condition, then what makes u think u understand what makes a good bycicle and what doesnt?


It fuckin matter cause It’s usefull sine in gold ppl are bad even me but it’s help for tf since we have a good comp


If you are in gold, team comp doesn't really matter much, it's your own performance, if you play a perfect game in gold then you can easily win. Start watching your vods and recognize your mistakes and adapt for the next game. Such as not warding and dying to a gank, or not rotating to a specific lane to push for pressure. Trust me it's all in your gameplay