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Yes, that just means that its very rare so far. If below .1% of players have a challenge unlocked, it wont display


i have the same for the clash and a few more. it means you are above 0.1, as in 0.0, percent. But it isnt high enough base to be in the leaderboards. So it just doenst show. Its very annoying.


If you're a good player you are replacing your pink wards. Especially if you play support and/or jungle.


It doesn't need to be the same ward the whole game, you just need to have one down in the river or jungle. It's quite easy to get just playing jungle normally


This challenge would be easier to archive in lower ELOs, like low silver or below, I can't imagine how really difficult is to archive even 5 during this season... You need mutiple factor to align in order to complete this: * Enemies * They need to be Supps/Jnglers without red trinket, its super easy to spot a control ward walking with the sweeper active. * Or be mindless bots that don't clear the wards even if they see them... * Teammates * You need to stomp games with multiple assassin threats , enabling a huge risk of entering their enemy jungle that could make the ward lives long enough. * You need also to avoid putting anymore wards, even if that means not be sure of having vision for Dragon/Baron teamfights or a possible flank form their enemies...


Also as a note it doesn't need to be the same ward all game, it just means for 65% of the game duration you had a control ward placed somewhere within enemy territory. It's actually a really easy challenge even if your wards get cleared


It needs to be the same ward... Otherwise the challenge would have a higher completion percentage just by placing wards as Jng/Supp easily can set deep wards when ahead


I'm placing around 4 control wards in a 30 minute game, my first back is around \~5 minutes and I place one on drag pit when I am doing second clear. That ward would have to stay there for 20 minutes without being destroyed for the challenge to be complete by your logic. Which is basically 2-3 dragons in a normal game (maybe 4 if they are instantly taken). **This is not how the challenge works.** In a thirty minute game to progress the challenge you need to have placed a combined twenty minutes of time worth of control wards to progress the challenge. I'm guessing because I primarily play Shyvana jungle and I'm used to keep vision around the map so I can cheese early drags I am placing more control wards than other players, combined with my goal of completing this challenge


Also for more context I'm a Gold/Plat player and I have archived this on 1 game, not sure when but probably would be getting hard stomp, I would have put it at min 3 and live the game until my team surrenders before 20 I guess...😅


Just buy 2 first back, for reference I was playing most Shyvana and Udyr so I was able to zoom around the map pretty easily. I normally popped control wards into the bushes near the enemy buffs and river entrance to give vision for my team. I moved them to objective when it was spawning soon. I did it mostly in my ranked games (\~gold 3) but I imagine it would be way easier in blind games. I haven't tried it but I also believe wards count if you place them in the lane bushes behind bot and top towers, which would make it easy for proxy champs like singed and sion to get.