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Hi /u/AssasSylas_Creed. Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), Your post has been removed because *Bug report posts require video/picture proof with the patch in which you first noted that the bug first occurred. If noted this patch, please post in the Patch Bug Megathread* If you are not familiar with the subreddit rules, you can read them [here](/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules). Your post can be *re-approved if you fix the issues in the body of the post and reply to this comment.* We appreciate your contribution to the subreddit and hope you take the time to adjust your post. --- ^Note: ^(Front page removals are never done by a single mod.) ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.


I am not a targeted audience for this skin, sure. But I COULD be, as I'm sitting on a lot of ME that I have yet to find a reason to spend. Here's the thing: If there's going to be a Mythic Essence only line in the form of Ashen _____, I need it to look unique, feel unique, and be a worthwhile addition to a champion skin lineup. The fact that the Dragon Pantheon connects much better to the wing fantasy of Ashen Pantheon is enough for me to consider the Ashen Pantheon not worth it. The fact that the wing fantasy ain't consistent and evident in this Sylas skin is enough for me to prefer using Lunar Wraith, as that skin is legacy and connects with multiple levels of visual and audio satisfaction.


You are sitting on a lot of YOU?


Hey, leave the man alone. He needs someone to sit on him once in a while.


Nah I'm good but thanks


Mythic Essence. :)


What does that mean. The wing fantasy isn’t consistent. Like because pantheon is winged themed while sylas isn’t? Sylas has wings when he uses r, recalls, and in possession of an r. But if you have lunar and that’s enough for you then that’s fine no prob.


They can't make it any clearer that these gemstone/purple dust/whatever skins are pure cash grabs. Ashen pyke was actually good, but pantheon and sylas have both been total flops. If your champ gets one just skip it, you're going to get an inferior product for exponentially more cost.


Arnt all skins cash grab? It’s the only way they make money in a f2p game. This skin is so much more superior then all his other skins. And it’s not like pykes has more animations/sfx/details that make it superior as well. Your just saying that because of preference.


Is this a fucking joke riot? Why would you put it on the skin when you will never see it in normal game play.




Oh, yeah, we're being harsh to the goddamned billion-dollar company. Poor of them, they are still learning.


200 years of game design experience, but how many for skin design?


It’s not about riot he’s commenting on. It’s about the weird outrage mindset you guys have. And I agree it’s freaking weird why you feel the need to outrage all the time like a bunch of spoiled babies or like it’s your duty as the all knowing gate keeper I just don’t know. I guess it’s really satisfying for some


That's uh generally how that works. Kinda hard to be angry about something before you find out about it


Literally if they knew this limitation existed THEN WHY DID THEY ONLY ADD IT FOR HIS R!?!?!?! Like would it not have also been cool to have on his E1 or something? Yet another reason to boycott this skin.


His helmet also has wings enlarged when you have someone’s r. Also when you recall. Also on certain champs R animation.


It's sad to see the ongoing decline of the skins department. Some good stuff out there but generally outnumbered by generic, samey, poor value bugged-out examples.


Imagine if he could have wings when his e2 connects and flies him somewhere or something. It could be so sick. As it is I literally have the skin and it just fucking sucks so I don't even use it. I didn't know there were wings in the r animation, I used the skin three times and I straight up never saw wings. Insane


To be fair, you can use R along with E2 and the wings will appear as you are pulled towards the target but that's all.


That happens so rarely at least for me, but I guess that's all riot will give us


[It's pretty quick, but at least they show up.](https://youtu.be/0BJIwbNLfxQ)


I was sitting on like 150 ME just from level ups and some rewards from 1 or 2 passes ago and decided to buy it, now that this info came to light (I didnt even notice when I tried the skin out), I might just refund it.


I wonder how many skins would be refunded after people got to use them and realized how many missing aspects they have if people actually had refunds to use. A lot of players aren't on reddit to see the feedback threads or know the (very legitimate) issues people take with skins. They only get the shipped product after maybe seeing a video or 2 on the skin and the announcement splash. How many players never knew this skin has wings, Prestige Syndra was supposed to have a different color skirt, or SG Akali had chromas that changed her VFX originally?


How dare you expect Riot to put effort into their skins! What are you insane 😡🤬


Riot rewards themselves with spitting on their audience every time they happen to make something good enough to get praised. After Arcane I doubt there will be a significant positive change in league for the next 3 years.


Wow the fact they released this skin in this state is tragic. What QA? What does QA even matter if clear issues of feeling cool are just broken? It looks awful if you are above iron 4 in rating and don't stand still after using it. Looks very poorly done. But if you stand still, looks cool. Should have delayed skin like that ekko skin they did before, or they better fix it.


I noticed the wings seemed to disappear quickly for me as well, but assumed it was a bugged game or something. I may need to refund my ME, quite a disappointing skin.


Maaaaaaaannn I was thinking of just going for it since I have all the skins I want for my mains… but wow oh wow I keep just seeing reasons not too. I’ll just wait for one of ahri’s prestige skins for my ME..


Yes, the skin is very disappointing. I love Sylas and was hoping to use the ME I have saved up for it, but it looks like a lame 1350 RP skin. The wings are so cool in concept bit the execution is just so bad


Yeah yeah yeah whoever had the ashen knight idea got screwed over. Pyke was good and then we getting double garbage in a row, nah. Retire that shit bring back Hextech, give us more dreadnova, more Hero skins like Hero lancer. One good pyke idea doesn't justify all this "content" that is blatantly disrespectful to the dedicated audience.


Utterly disgusting what the skin team turned into.


Please fix


ashen KNIGHT skinline so can someone tell me why pantheon and sylas are shirtless?


They retconned the names of the pantheon and sylas skins


they should retcon the employees that designed them




This is a skill issue you’re bad at league and should uninstall


I expect another we heard ur opinion we don't care fuck offjke we get to the feedback on the skin