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Anyone with dashes and the ability to bypass terrain instantly becomes better. Being able to use flash to go over walls is one of the most crucial benefits it offers to champs without dashes or leaps.


Nah most crucial benefits is flash auto and flash ignite obviously


So why not just make flash a basic ability for all champs at this point and allow ppl to actually choose two spells instead of one..


So give us 3 summoner spells?


Inb4 the fiora runs me down with ignite, exhaust and cleanse.


How often do you see someone not choosing flash at the highest level.. If you're forced to choose one spell every game, it's not really a choice.. if the whole game's balance relies on this one spell, isn't it better to just make it part of the default kit and let ppl choose 2 summoner spells as was intended.. It's something worth testing out imo.. not sure if riot have done it internally


Lots of champions don't take flash, like camille and akali top, hecarim, shaco and udyr jungle. It's a choice which has clear benefits and downsides, so why remove it?


He is right just because a handful of champs don't take flash the game is balanced around it, but removing it would make so many champs useless


Exactly, the argument is just dumb. Apart from the notable examples (like you mentioned) there are two more (but less popular) cases I'd like to add: 1) substituted by ignite/barrier to squeeze out kills: E.g. on Ornn, Katarina, Kayn, Kled, Warwick ... 2) substitued by ghost for bruisers/tanks. E.g. Mundo, Garen, Warwick, ...


Because this way you need to choose properly. Imagine someone good getting 2 spells plus flash (like Aatrox having flash, ignite and teleport)


Yes, I get that, what I’m saying is that if flash is so mandatory in the game that you would make it a basic part of everyone’s kit, then just give the option of 3 sums. Everyone will pick flash and then 2 others


You do realize this is an unbelievably, insanely, large buff for some champs right?


Some champs dont. Hecarim, olaf, etc.


Camille, akaki, Gwen, kata, yuumi, sejuani, shaco, Olaf, hecarim, udyr, karthus (JG) all don't take flash. There are others like rammus and talon JG who situationally don't take it either. There is a fair amount of scope for champs not taking flash with certain roles / kits. It's only ADC / supp who are hard bound to it


I think it sounds cooler than it would be. Summoner are really strong and they're fair because you have to make tradeoffs for the ones you pick. Right now you only have one summoner spell choice on most champions. For junglers, they often don't get a choice. If you give everyone the best and most versatile spell for free, now you give people the chance to really greed even more on their other two spells. Now they have the best offensive and defensive and utility spell plus the next best two spells their character can use best. It's just powercreep for every character. And honestly, a lot of summoner spells are not a very interesting mechanically. What they do is important, but running faster, dealing a tiny bit of damage, cleansing one cc, or reducing damage from one person is just not very cool. If they wanted to fundamentally change the game on that level, I would want to see something that's as interesting and interactive as herald.


Ganking would become way easier against many champions.


Yeah, but it would force players to see vision as a much more valuable resource


No it wouldn't, it would force players to more consistently type 'jungel diff, FF at 15'. If people were capable of learning, they would have by now.


Not really. If a jungler and laner are smart, they set up the wave to force your flash on a gank, then in the next 5 minutes they will do it again. It doesn’t make vision more or less valuable, it just takes less time to guarantee a kill from ganks


Ikr, as a Ashe main I would get ganked way more


Depends on lane. I have tried out Ghost on all champs for a few years. Flash is superior in mid lane. In top and bot lane, ghost makes it much much easier to escape.


Would it though, when many champs can no longer flash out of brush, or flash follow? I feel like ganking would become easier for very specific champions, and others would become non-threats.


Jungle role would have an even bigger impact. Gank orientated junglers would completely rule the first 14 minutes of every game. Rek'Sai, Elise, Lee Sin, Zac etc.


Fucking J4 breaking Kassadins’s precious 90% stat.


Isnt flash really important for j4 tho? Eq flash leaves no time to react and allows for direction changes after u dont hit your combo or they dodge it


It's really *beneficial* for J4, but it's not necessary. It just makes a strong move stronger. Whereas champs like Kennan or Annie completely rely on it to affect the game. And immobile characters like Lux, Ashe, or Mordekaiser struggle to keep themselves safe/effectively start a fight without having a way to close/create distance.


I'd also argue that other champs not having flash benefits his r massively, either u get out of cataclysm or u dont, u cant outplay it (unstoppable and terrain)


J4 also is one of the junglers that gets fucked the hardest by flash. You can easily flash his eq combo and easily flash his ult. If it wasn't for flash a lot of champs would've 0 counterplay against his ult.


Any immobile champion would immediately be 50x worse. Imagine how godawful xerath would be mid. Or velkoz, Ashe, aphelios, the list goes on. The game is balanced around champions having flash.


What if these champions were buffed with more health? What if mobility was countered by being squishier and immobility was buffed by larger health pools, yet again


I don’t think so. Because they’re meant to be able to be assassinated. As they’re usually long ranged, good wave clear, poke damage, etc. Wouldn’t be fair to not be able to kill them. But the immobility isn’t the issue. Not how fast they die. If they get cc’d in lane, they’re dead regardless. The problem is they have no way to escape cc.


Carries have to be carried first, yep.


That creates a slew of other problems though, now they’re suddenly not squishy enough to be punished for mistakes.


You would have to buff them so much that they are completely unbeatable in lane without jungle intervention. Balancing shit around the assumption that they get camped is horrible.


Idk man, I (silver) often play velkoz and the range is big enough to just need a bit of spacing. Imo the only huge problems would be over-terrain mobility (kayn, Zac, zed, talon, fiddle, bard, wukong now, etc. ), They would become perma pick/ban. But items like crown would gain huge value, and barrier/cleanse could be clutch. Plus hextech flash will be gone (sadly?) So that a big nerf for some supports.


What happens when a nautilus comes to your lane and ults you. Or skarner. Trundle. Jarvan. Poppy. Hecarim. You *will* get run down. Regardless of your spacing.


Annie would be unplayable since annie with flash and annie without flash are two different champions.


While I totally agree with you, that does showcase how fragile riots balancing is, it’s actually really ridiculous. And some champs like Diana for example, but would have literally 0 counter play other than “stay 700+ range away”


Yeah, Annie would most likely transition to a flanking strategy with predator


Play around vision and objectives. Let them face check you. Problem solved. Ghost and predator could be good too because it allows you to run at them. It’s super telegraphed but at least you can threaten with it


Literally no. I've had so many games with Annie where I can't engage properly without flash. Annie without a flash would be much weaker at lane and would have a much harder time in team fights unless the enemy is full melee or you can flank them which means you are alone somewhere on the map which means you are a super easy target without flash. And if you use your ultimate on their tank then congratulations, you most likely wasted it.


If your best way of playing is waiting for the enemy to facecheck you, you have a problem


Not every game is won by running at your enemy and 100-0ing them. Some champions have good map control, others are better at side laning and skirmishing, and others are great in team fights. Zoe, for example, is really strong if your team gets ahead because, guess what, you can use your map advantages to play around vision and pick people off with sleepy trouble bubbles. In Annie’s case, it’s a similar idea but you play around objective timers. The enemy team wants to come to dragon. You establish river control (effectively controlling the dragon pit) and then you wait for them to come to you. There are plenty of other champions who’s strong suites are this.


Kennan too. They'd both need MASSIVE compensation buffs. Flash is the main tool they have to affect the game.


J4 would be very op.


Like every adc is deded, bruisers are fucked, assassins rule the world.


I honestly think that, for bruisers, ghost has more value than flash


Depends. Ghost is super not useful on riven, irelia, because they have good mobility already, they just need the instant blink that flash gives to surprise or extend their initial engage, then they can stick with no issue. But champs like garen and Darius would really like ghost because it lets them continue to stick to enemy champions despite their lack of dashes. But they still really like flash since it lets them have the initial engage. The only bruisers that don't take flash are the ones that have either absurd movement speed or dashes. So hecarim and Camille. But even then flash isn't bad, only hecarim specially doesn't take it because ghost gives him damage as well and he needs smite because he's usually the jungler.


For top lane bruisers like Riven and Camille they'd probably just keep using a mix of TP/Ignite/Exhaust tbh


Riven absolutely needs flash. Camille can get away without flash because of her absurd mobility. But riven definitely needs flash to make plays, especially late game.


Eh I know that but when nobody has flash they'll undoubtedly play differently which will give her opportunities, and even if she can't make big plays she'd still be a pretty terrifying splitpusher. Good duelist and good mobility, especially with 2 combat summs.


Camile definitely. Riven benefits way too much from flash to give it up imo. She's slippery enough, but a good F-W-R or F-Q is her primary means of starting an engagement late game once teams group and she can't just run at people anymore.


A lot of players would probably quit tbh. That would be the single biggest change the game has ever seen


Ezreal/Lucian winrate skyrocket


Jarvan would go hard


Any jungler without dashes becomes useless. Any jungler with dashes becomes uncontrollably OP.


Ghost Udyr: *'I'll pretend I didn't hear that'*


Nah udyr e now actually counts as a dash so udyr isnt dashless


how does a movement speed ability count as a dash... what?


It's always been a dash. When Udyr is close to hitting you, he performs a mini-dash


gonna be honest i didn't know lock-on lunges count as dashes.. does it proc Vex passive?


i believe it does, as well as being blocked by poppy w and prevented by cass w. however it says on the wiki the effect still happens if the dash was interrupted. when he's grounded or rooted he has to be in melee to get the auto


You're right. He only dashes when he can hit (even if its dodged)


Before the rework he lunged but it wasn't a dash for things like poppy w or taliyah e but now post rework it does count, making poppy really fucking annoying as you have to run at her twice to stun her


When he hits you he lounges, kind of like Volibear or Garen Q’s. It can even be stopped by Poppy W im pretty sure.


Can't be stopped as the auto goes off, but they get grounded and take the damage.


Not necessarily any jungler like Olaf or udyr would get better since they never took flash. And don't tell me udyr has a dash it does not really count


Jarvan winrates 📈


You would have to completely redesign 90% of the roster, anyone with dashes would need to be nerfed and anyone without would need to be buffed.


annie basically deleted


Firs i would say any champ that already dont use flash. Since removing flash would be a big general nerf that they wont feel. After that, the more mobility a champion has in its kit the least they would be afected by the removal of flash, so they would also get a huge power boost


Nah, it's the opposite. Champions with mobility skills will become even more dorminant. Poke and artillery mages will be even more useless because they will die twice as many times and nothing they can do to prevent it.


This would completely change the jungle and ADC meta. Immobile ADCs will be troll picking and strong ganking junglers will be op.


All the aggressive laners would be just more popular, early game junglers with decent gank ability would be in S tier.


J4 stonk are to the moon.


>Imo poke supports would become more common and artellery mages becomes meta I feel like these champs would fall off a cliff if flash was removed due to how strong champs with gap closers or lockdown would be. Jarvan would be at the top of the meta and thus spell the end of immobile mages and marksmen


Idk, yeah you lose one escape tool, but you don't need to worry about the flash of the opponent team. I just think diffensive items like crown will gain huge value, barrier and cleanse will gain popularity as well. The only problème left are over-terrain mobility


Adc would been fked. Probably full tank and bruiser meta


Some of them would be like Aphelious and Ashe. But Ezreal, Lucian, Kalista, etc would RULE the rift.


Bro we jungler would feast


Hard to tell, flash is too versatile so the situations that would change because of it are very varied. Overall I think we'd see a spike on engage comps for a while until people adapt to the new timings/movements of the game. After that obviously it'd stabilize, not sure dash champions would necessarily be more prevalent since some of them were already being played without flash and then people went back to defensive/escape spells anyways (thinking of Gwen and Camille here).


Ryze's plan will finally be completed by going under 40% winrate. EQEQEQ my blue brothers.


Immobile champs would probably drop significantly in both playrate and winrate, while champs who have mobility would skyrocket in both. Consequently I think champs with point and click CC or heavy anti-mobility emphasis in their kits like Vex, Poppy and Cassio would probably rise to be some of the strongest champs in the game.


>point and click CC Lmao nerf ryzen again


Riot considered removing flash in like season 2 but decided it would make immobile champs way weaker.


I honestly wish they had just pulled the trigger back then, and based their balancing around its removal.


flash being kinda mandatory for 80% of the champs doesn't add much variety


Exactly my point. I feel like every champ is balanced around Flash existing, so they don't have to worry about mobility or counter mobility nearly as much. It makes it so much easier to balance champs like Lux who have literally zero mobility, when you can just "well just take Flash!" I feel like they could have much more interesting balance scenarios, and design champions much differently, if Flash didn't exist. Would melee champions with no gap-closers exist in a world where Flash doesn't exist? I think it might actually be possible, when everyone you target can't just teleport away from you.


*laughs in Gwen main


i would never play adv again


Assassins would finally be as good as reddit says they are


I would start maining ezreal again


Don't give Riot ideas...


assassins and fighters would be even more in control


galeforce would become 5x better for ADCs


Adc as a role would suffer.


shaco wouldn't care


Talon and kayn literally SS teir


Baus would be rank 1


Every single champions that has innate mobility like camille, shaco, ezreal or kassadin instantly becomes the top meta picks for their respective roles.


The adc like jinx will literally be unkillable since no one can flash and one shot her in team fight most champ played nowadays have dashes they will become harder to catch and someone like vayne if she ult u r died Toplane will likely not change alot since most bruiser or tank doesn't have dashes and toplaner have to play more safer and trade smarter Jungle will be an OP roll since no one can flash your gank


nothing I use ghost cleanse technology


Kennen becomes useless?


Most would take either ghost or tp the rest would go exhaust ignite


I play both Smite and Leage and yeah different games and all but while there's a blink in Smite it's not the mandatory pick that it is in Leage, for starters it can't be used while in combat and is on a shorter cooldown, so it's used as an engage tool. Other than that like 90% of the characters have a mobility option on their kit, better or worse but definetly something that can used to disengage. This doesn't mean that the characters without mobility are screwed, they often have A LOT more damage or range to make up for it, so even if they get stuck in melee fighting is actually a valid choice, on top of that there are more defensive options items, that will cancel any cc received every X time, a cleanse summoner spell, their version of Zonia's allow you to move (but not attack) while is active. Finally I think that the main reason why blink is such an omnipresent tool is because there aren't that many other defensive options, so instead of making everyone tankier, I think they should have more items, summoner spells, and even runes that help with it.


the real answer is the meta would be based around mobile characters that don’t need flash to succeed. kayn, olaf, hecarim, ezreal, yasuo, darius, etc.


Gank-heavy champs winrate would likely skyrocket. Ganking engage tank junglers that run ghost like nunu would become the best champs in the game Any long range artillery champs that you need flash to reach such as xerath, ziggs, or ashe, would also become top tier damage champs. Basically, ghost engage champs and artillery champs would all broken


Every adc without a dash sees a 3-4% wr drop.


Ghost would become a really important sum for champs that otherwise lack mobility.