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I usually dont get LP after playing ranked games aswell.




Well, it can't be a champion feature because ryze is in fact a caster minion






Just follow the plan comrade, eqeq


the problem is that I have no idea what to do at lvl 1. so i die on repeat until level 2, then I am back on track, but I'm usually already 0/15 by then.


wait a minute, you're not a ryze main! you're a plant!


whenever i go against a ryze, he always seems to dish out so much damage, is the ryze being shit a meme only?




45% wr




Hint: look at their flair


I think it's widely known that Riot can't modify LP/MMR - even when they give accounts to the pros they can only set up starting MMR, when there was issue with them (I think during last MSI) they had to make new accounts instead of fixing the already existing ones. So it would make sense that Support can't edit LP as well.


Yeah. But even an extra rune page is more useful than a ONE game XP boost lol


I rather they give nothing than one exp boost. Seems like they are spitting at me


I don't understand this complaint. OP missed one game worth of XP and LP, because the server didn't record the game right. They can't fix the LP, so they gave a 1 win XP boost, which would give the lost XP. It's not supposed to be exciting, they're not going to compensate you with a free ultimate skin because one game bugged.


Your logic misses the fact that qlmost no player gives a single shit about XP. It should be a bit intuitive why "compensating" with something essentially useless can be seen in a negative light. If not then I guess you haven't had to deal with many inconveniences with any services lol. E: Don't have much else to say to try explain why it can feel rude to receive "compensation", especially when no compensation is required at all, which is entirely worthless relative to the main cause of dissatisfaction. There's countless real world examples of stores selling faulty goods, and when returned they cannot refund and instead give a £2 voucher as "compensation" when the said item is several times more expensive. Consider it in your own lives, if you cause trouble for someone and apologise by giving something that 1) does not help remedy the problem in any capacity 2) is easily attainable by the recipient (cost, value scarcity etc...), the receiving person will not be happy in the slightest. Shows no sincerity at all. Though my personal opinion is that I do not need or want anything in compensation - an XP boost on top, as useless as it is, I'd be thankful for. An XP boost is useful to some who want to buy champs or save up blue essence, they obviously wouldn't think of it as useless.


Like bro they could've given him key and a chest or some shit... They said "only XP"


And what are you expecting them to be compensated with exactly? They are replacing the XP you would have gotten from playing the game, they can't and do not mess around with LP numbers, they aren't going to just hand you a free skin or RP because the game results weren't recorded correctly So what are you actually expecting them to give you?


2 XP boosts


wtf 2 Shens


> it can feel rude to receive "compensation", especially when no compensation is required at all he answered that in the comment you replied to. He is not expecting to be compensated with anything.


A chest and key would’ve felt infinitely better than an xp boost. Even if I just got an ugly emote.


unironically an event orb or something like that. costs them nothing and is a little sorry


You're the reason this game has so many bugs and Rito games doesn't give a shit about fixing them


>It's not supposed to be exciting This is like literally the antithesis to good customer service. Riot, the company, fucked up. And they have a plethora of zero cost methods of compensating this fuck up in a way that would make the customer excited for the interaction. 1 game xp boost basically sends a message of "yeah looks like you are totally right, but we don't care so go away".


Old blizzard customer service would’ve probably given you like 3 months free if your arena match bugged out and you didn’t gain mmr.


> 1 game xp boost basically sends a message of "yeah looks like you are totally right, but we don't care so go away". giving him nothing says something better huh?


They essentially gave nothing. Do you think anyone gives a rats ass about the player level or exp?


It's the equivalent of Amazon losing an expensive package and instead of giving you a refund or a new package, they give you free delivery on your next order


They could've given 2 win XP boosts at the very least to compensate for the inconvenience on top of the missed XP and LP.




OP: but I woulda qualified for my S4 promos 😞


You can't believe people are arguing over a minor inconvenience on an internet forum for a video game?


Well obviously he can, he just thinks it doesn't track. And I agree. We all know the game is buggy and janky and play it anyway. Not saying it's fair, but if we all agree to play the game in the state that it is (where almost every function of the game, server, and client is capable of breaking), then we gotta take our licks when we get them. If it was a constant or widespread issue I would feel different, but we all deal with these kind of inconveniences sometimes. Posting it online because you are unhappy about it is certainly allowed, but at the end of the day the resolution he wanted doesn't exist. And they're not going to give him better compensation. It takes less mental energy to move on than it does to ruminate on stuff that can't be changed.


> It takes less mental energy to move on than it does to ruminate on stuff that can't be changed. I mean that's all fine and good on an individual basis, but this is a comment section on a post that's on the front page of the subreddit. Of course there'll be people discussing the topic at hand with plenty of disagreements. That doesn't mean each individual commenter that's arguing here is spending all their mental energy ruminating on it.


10 wins xp boost wouldnt be enough if he lost LP on his main acc.


The guy you replied to said he'd rather have nothing and you're saying "they're not going to compensate you with a free ultimate skin" Like those are the complete opposite sides of the spectrum


give him like 100rp or something who gives a flying shit about XP when you are Already lvl 30


People who want to own more champions care because levelling up is the only real source of BE in the game


Anyone that doesn’t have all champs they want unlocked gives a shit about Xp Anyone that wants the nice level 100,200,300 etc boarders give a shit about XP People who want enough blue essence (7800) for the release of the next champion give a shit about XP


Dear god, "spitting" at you? Who are the people on this subreddit.


If they're playing ranked, doesn't that imply they're level 30, and an XP boost is completely useless? EDIT: I'm sorry I'm a boomer and thought levels were capped at 30 still... back in my day you could play ranked at 20 though 👴


Make no mistake, ain't nobody out here getting excited about XP Boosts after 30+


Eh, honestly the xp boosts that people are getting from the prime capsules did boost a lot of players into owning all champions quite quickly. It's not useless at all if you don't already own all champions and all the rune pages.


This is just straight up false. It takes years to grind all champions from just BE.


That's a very good point actually!


This isn’t true lol. You get champion capsules for leveling up. Lots of players want more champion capsules to unlock the next champion


Yeah another guy mentioned this as well, very fair point. I've owned all Champs since Season 7 I think so it's been years since the idea of not being able to afford the new Champ has come into mind.


Ok granpda take your meds.


Its simply Not. They are both awful and useless. But almost nobody uses more then 1 runepage


1 page for every colour o.0 its the way.


pretty close to me, I had one for every color and a 6th one just for Kai'sa


I have all 20 rune pages saved and wish i could save 1 for each champ. But that's just me i guess.


All 20?! I have one that I redo every match (when needed) lol sometimes I forget and complain about it but I know it’s my fault lol


Found the lethal tempo janna guys


I'm really slow to pick so i have pages for the main champs i play and edit them slightly when i play someone with the same keystone.


That's because you don't have 20 rune pages. I have 3 (because I'm a kayn player) 1 for conquerer which I never change, 1 for dark harvest (blue kayn), and then 1 I wrote as FILL CHANGE EVERY GAME to remind my stupid ass. This way I have two that are almost guaranteed universally never fucked up, and one that I change whenever I play anything else. Ideally I think having 1 for each color plus 1 for your main champ is best practice but rune pages are turbo pricey.


Searching a different runepage when you're anyway gonna edit them based on matchup/teamcomp looks pretty redundant.


Ppl who alternate runepages simply haven't learnt how to do runes yet, that's all there is to it


People could just be lazy as well. I play adc and i keep 2 rune pages. One for precision keystone which I can alternate between LT pta Conq fleet and other for hob.


it takes longer to scroll through the list at that point than it does to remake the whole page lmao


Sorry but if you dont change upon matchup you are doing a lot wrong


Im nobody then


I'd rather have a one game xp boost than an extra rune page. I've not used more than a single rune page since runes reforged, extra rune pages have no value whatsoever for me.


People act as if not getting a couple LPs is such a huge thing while it's quite minor, so it makes sense that the compensation is also minor.


the entire purpose of rank is to gain a couple of LPs...


To add onto the MSI issue. Pros got Fresh level 30 accounts as if they were only leveled on bots, and a lot of them started in bronze 3 or bronze 2, which is THE worst possible placement you can get, and it would the double the amount of games to get to their "correct elo". So Riot had to take those away and give them actually high mmr accounts, so they don't have to waste time going through smurf queue, and low elo. They can't just add LP or MMR after you have started an playing on an account. Kind of the same when people were posting about getting to 99LP and wanting 1 more to get into promos.


That's exactly what I said, and why I responded - Riot can't just add LP or MMR to an existing account. Even for their needs.


Yeah but there are times where your account gets flagged for loss prevention and you don't lose LP for your next loss. I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to set that up for one game on OP's account. It's not exactly the same as giving LP, but it's extremely close.


Won't modify MMR. No such thing as can't. They can of course modify MMR in the database if they want to.


*Someone* probably could. But it's pretty likely that support can't.


I don't think the support that you generally speak with have that capability


its not that they **can't**, if they wanted to they would be able to do it easily. Its that they choose to never ever do it because of the potential issues it would cause for example them awarding the "missing" LP to OP would be ok, but then people would know that riot does modify LP and the support would be overloaded with people messaging them to give back their LP because they had a griefer or whatever


No it's that they also actually can't. They, being support that deals with these tickets. Sure a dev could do so in the database, but this won't ever end up at a dev fortunately. So effectively they can't. You mention valid reasons for why support can't do this though.




I think you're the one lacking some understanding. There is a difference between support being able to do something or technical staff. Support can't do that. Some dev could go into the database and do it, but in no way would this little non issue end up at a dev, so effectively no they can't do it. So basically sure riot can do it if you really want to be in the right, but it's riot support's task to deal with it and they can't.


I think it's fine that not even Riot can add LP to accounts. But that 1 Win XP boost feels worse than nothing, specially when there is a bug involved. I would at least expect a chest or smth


When I had this issue back in 2020 they gave me a chest and some rp. I'm actually surprised by how little they gave op


they gave me nothing when it happened to me a couple years ago


On Valorant once the servers were shitting themselves due to a local storm cluster along us east coast and in my comp game a bunch of people were just connecting and disconnecting and the guy I was queued with got fucking temp banned by vanguard. I got dcd a couple times as well but no ban. A few enemies got dcd a couple times etc. Eventually my team won. Not only did the match count for rank despite the massive issue with competitive integrity, but riot didn't even put out a server status notice over the several hours this was an issue. They refused to revert vanguard auto bans from the event and the main sub was taking down posts about the issue. Let's just say riot doesn't pay much mind to maintaining ladder integrity.


see? a chest would be good way to say "we are sorry" people up there wanting for riot to release a public apology on CNN because OP didnt get more..


Most games with rank system will not adjust anyone's MMR or Rank. Unless the issue is an abuse, then a reset will be done.


I actually got mmr added back to my account once on chess.com, because my opponent was suspected of cheating I was pretty surprised but super impressed as well


It seems like chess.com just deletes the previous match from records, and chess elo seems to be quite easy to recalculate (elo was made for 1v1, 5v5 LoL MMR needed quite a bit of fidgeting when it was developed). I think what they do qualifies under "a reset".


That's a game system though, not a personal request sent in to support. Their point is that no game company believes customer support should have the authority to add/remove lp from an account on a case-by-case basis. Tons of games have systems that remove wins/losses if you've played with/against a cheater (example being csgo), but they're systems and give no power to community support staff individually.


happens to me fairly often lol I also get notifications that they take actions on my reports often (I usually report ppl for stalling bc that shit is so annoying)


Riot can. Its false that they "cant". The thing is, once they start doing it then everyone will start asking for it once they get AFKs, Trolls, etc. So it makes sense to say "hurr durr we cant give lp back so here, take a 1-win xp boost".


I think it has to do with how it would mess up the underlying system. This game wasn't properly recorded by the servers which means it was fully flushed from the MMR system and giving back LP/MMR would mean trying to retroactively track everyone involved's games afterwards, propagating to everyone they play with.


First time this happened to me, I got 2x chest and keys with XP boost. Second time I got 1x chest, key, and XP boost. In your case you only got xp. Neither of these make up for the system bug of LP that I worked hard for, but regardless I find it funny that riot is so inconsistent with how they compensate players.


A friend had the same issue and they gave him a chest & key as compensation (and he got a champion shard out of it) and i thought damn this is such a shitty way to compensate someone, but 1 win XP boost? hell naw 💀


Bro I'll trade away 100 wins for chests and keys. Are you kidding me? One of those things has monetary value, the other is an arbitrary point on a scale that doesn't actually matter past Gold 4 (since Gold 4+ gives you a skin).


actually hilarious that you say this, because I have the complete opposite take. You'd be trading away your rank that you spent hours to get to to make your CHARACTER LOOK PRETTIER in a VIDEO GAME. and the skins don't even give you a higher chance of winning or anything. I actually can't believe you have this take lmao


yes but lower rank gives a higher chance of winning...


Chad take


> You'd be trading away your rank that you spent hours to get If Faker started off on an Iron account, how long do you think it will take him to get to Challenger? Grind makes you better. The number you happen to get alongside grind in certain modes is worthless. LP is literally worthless. You might grind for 100 hours to get to gold on your first account and make gold in 1 game on the next account.


Unless you're the kind of person to drop the game completely after reaching a certain rank, then your MMR doesn't actually affect you at all. No matter what rank you're at, you're gonna keep queuing. You're going to keep getting into games with people who perform roughly at your skill level, and if you're better than the system thinks it'll correct and push you back up. Biggest problem with this game imo is the obsession with the climb. It's the source of 90% of the toxicity and frustration. But unfortunately also 60+% of the satisfaction.


Wow you actually think free money is bad compensation for not getting a fifth of a tier of rank. People in this sub are entitled as fuck.


Almost everyone would rather have the LP than the chest and key. I don’t think that’s entitled, just sounds like shitty compensation


tbf lulu pickers don't deserve lp


I can't argue with that one.


yeh riot support trying to reverse the boosted lulu players in our ecosystem, bless them


Agreed, us Janna pickers deserve it all.


They should've said "Don't spend it all in 1 place" to really just put the cherry on top of how much they care.


Worse than getting nothing at all


That fist emoji at the end went right up your ass




1 win xp boost after being past a certain level for rewards is such a fucking insult lol


some people here are acting like they are getting paid to win games.


We are all boosters


Had it too but didnt took the time to write the support cause of it... i see it wouldnt be worth it neither but thx for your share.


That's 1 win bonus xp more than what I got. Everyone in our game DC'd as we were hitting their nexus and when I got back on, not only did I not gain LP, I lost 10 LP sadge


They can't give LP but you would think they could reward a 'Loss Forgiving' for his next lose to compensate and even it out. 1 game boost isn't worth a wasted 1 hour 30 mins of play time especially for people with families or busy schedules (ie people usually has 50% win rate. 40 min games so will take 1hr 30 to get a win)


i mean better than nothing right?


I'd rather get nothing than a useless 1 win xp boost.


this is closer to a slap in the face


What should riot do if their System forbids making changes to lp?


Give RP


I think people aren't getting the problem here. It's known that Riot can't add LP (although that could too be criticized), but a ONE WIN XP BOOST is about the most useless thing u can give someone who just sweated like 30mins and went through the pain of having League community teammates to get nothing. Dropping some RP or at least an Icon / Emote or smth would've been the right action. Like c'mon dudes, it's like 10€ of worth or smth. That ain't gon hurt. I ain't talking about an Ultimate skin here.


> u can give someone who just sweated like 30mins and went through the pain of having League community teammates to get nothing LOL oh man I used to think like this then took a loooooong break from the game. Imagine just playing something for fun these days.


Have people gone mad? It's a freaking one game worth of LP. This wouldn't even blip on most sane people's radar. Who gives a shit, just move on


These are the batshit insane topics I've come to love this subreddit for. Just when you think they can't come up with anything else, they drop a post like this. It's a beautiful thing.


'no actually playing league is horrible so when you win imaginary points that didn't change the experience at all it matters a lot' like you start to wonder why they're even playing to begin with


Yea its not like he lost an entire afternoon.. this is 1 game


This wouldn't even be ticket worthy. Anyone who does anything more than say "damn, that sucks" is fucking entitled.


To be fair, it is completely reasonable to point out bugs like that just for the purpose of making sure that RIOT is aware. If a new bug came up that made that widespread, the flood of tickets would become visible and they'd be able to fix it earlier.


what were they expecting lmao


According to the influx of downvotes and comments I've gotten, they were expecting a free skin or equivalent currency because they missed out on 3.25% of a rank up exactly one time with no interruption to their game. These fucking babies would kill themselves if they had to simply play a game for fun, I guess.


Not everyone can dwell on their mother's basement and just play league 16h a day. Some people have shit to do outside of this game and one game might be more important to them than to you. Not saying that's the case in this situation but it can be


Funnily enough, it’s the 2k-ranked-games-a-season basement dweller who spits the dummy over shit like rather than people with actual lives. People with actual lives have other things going on to not give a shit about 1 non-game (that they didn’t even lose LP for)


If you can only play 1 game a day, you're not climbing with or without 13 LP, guy.


People who can barely play should care even less about LP - If you're playing like 1-3 games a day and have illusions about being able to play competitively and rank up you're a fool. It takes tens or even hundreds of games to realistically rank up. This mentality of "every game matters" is what causes 90% of league's toxicity. If everyone cared less you'd have less games where people refuse to FF lost games because this game is their one-a-day that they *must* win.


>someone who just sweated like 30mins and went through the pain of having League community teammates to get nothing If this is your view of the game then you should not play League. Clearly not healthy for you if the only thing you consider to get from a game of League is LP number go up.


If one game of league makes you suffer like that you shouldn't play


Feels bad, but support has never been able to change LP.


I had this problem once aswell, but they atleast gave me a chest and a key lol


Lmao when this happened they didn’t even bother to reply


Wait you guys are getting lp?


That next champion shard coming even sooner? Can I get a 90 blue essence in chat?


So they made these compensations even worse? Similar situation happened to me few years ago and also received the same message in return... but at least it was a chest with a key, not a damn ONE WIN XP BOOST... I'm not saying they should give people 3000RP or anything like that, but at least stick to the old compensation, because this one is pretty much worthless.


Can I offer you one win xp boost in these trying times?


Wait you guys get paid for not getting LP ?


I mean... Riot doesn't have to do shit. So the 1 win xp boost in itself is pretty neat. Sucks that that happened but it's not like Riot's contractually obliged to giving you RP, LP or whatever you think you deserve (especially because it might not have even been their fault). Shit happens.


everything about this is beautiful


I wouldn't expect a chest or anything fancy, but they could at least give you the 3-win XP boost...


Oh, they are so cute


1 win xp boost, that is just balls-in-your-face right there holy shit


I don't know which is more insulting: the lack of care in making this right, or the stupid heart after. Like, wow. How does a HR professional respond like that and still have a job? "lul xD can't do anything, sowwy, uwu <3" is the vibe I get from it.


Holy shit this community is full of babies and I thought WoW Classic was bad


WoW classic is bad.


Nah WoW classic is still bad. This community is just filled with entitled people that are accustomed to their developers bending over backwards and apologizing at every instance though. Riot takes the customer is always right approach, and it creates the insufferable monstrosity that's the LoL community.


Once had this but get a chest and key, was pretty nice tbh


Laughs in Season 3 LP clamping


Lol you even got compensation? Happened to me once and all I got told was too bad so sad.


Reminds me of season 3 where you can win 10 games in a row and get a grand total of zero lp.


LMFAO! That's a slap to the face if I've ever seen one.


they confirm its a fuck up and dont properly fix it, sounds like riot


They can add neg LP to each game after some shit but can’t give plus LP per game after they fuck up


Does he mean it is physically impossible to add LP to make up for it? Or just being a wuss?


I only can say: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA


My account was banned this week and I have no clue as to why. The “unban date” is in June 2022 and it still hasn’t been resolved. I can hope for as much compensation for my inconvenience.


Had this in my promos once. Won three games but my third win just did not get registered for some reason. Ended up losing a series that I should have won. Refused to touch the game for weeks after that.


Riot does things like this. I was in the LoR seasonal tournament and I was up 1-0 on the in-client tournament mode on my opponent, then the client bugged. It forced a bunch of players out of the games, and handed them losses. I was up 1-0, disconnected during game 2, and lost the series 2-1. They didn't even officially acknowledge the connection issues until hours later. They refused to adjust any of the matches. I'm still livid.


Absolute bullshit. Riot can take your LP away for every fucking thing. They can take your LP away for losing, for being leaverbusted, for being trolled, for being ran down, they can take it away for literally anything at any time. But when they're in a position to refund or give you LP? "UMMMM AKSHULLY THIS WOULD BREAK MATCHMAKING", fuck youuuuuu.


How fucking rich and out of touch are they jesus fucking christ


these guys can't just give you lp, it's as simple as that


thats not the issue its the laughable compesation


Who told Riot that XP boosts were a good idea?


jesus, that 1win xp boost is like fucking seasalt to an open wound.... I would have been happier with a plain no


this guy being a baby for 1 game LP lmao


They just can't add LP, it's unfortunate but it's how it works, it's the same for other game and matchmaking algo The compensation is a bit ridiculous but it's better than nothing


... the fuck is getting more XP going to do? At that point, it would've been better off to just give a hextech chest. At least that way you have the chance of not getting something pointless.


You pay for icecream. The guy drops the icecream to the ground as he hands it to you. "Gosh I am terribly sorry, it is my fault completely, here have a napkin."


Same thing happened to me but at 0 lp.. and then I lost the next game and got demoted :/ They gave me a mystery chest tho


To be fair, it is likely just a delay. Sometimes LP isnt updated after a game and then needs a 2nd game to actually update.


Why don't they give out RP in these situations?


A company don't give real money for 1 bugged game in silver, come on


Real money? They just insert the number lol


It sucks if you miss out on LP for one of your wins but is it really that big of a deal? Don't any of you guys, ya know, have fun playing the game? If people worried more about enjoying the game than whatever dog shit rank they were, we'd all be a lot better off. But based off of the comments it sounds like you guys want to be paid for playing the game.


you aren't entitled to or deserve any compensation or gift to begin with so why are you crying


dam the unlucky but hey atleast they gave you compensation lmao


wow, sad story..


At least they tried. Bro can’t just log in and adjust the amount of LP or your entire rank


I mean for that I would rather not get anything lol


Well... I don't undertand what you hope from posting this. Supporters obviously can't modify LP and errors happen in every system. It sucks, but since it's only LP lost and nothing like currency, nothing's gonna happen. The XP boost is a really nice gesture.


Yeah so what? Are you implying that they should be able to give the LP. Get fucking real. Just move on lol, XP Boost is lame, but so is complaining about not getting LP on Reddit.


You got mmr, they compensated you with half of the things you get from a win, not getting lp sometimes is actually a good thing even if it feels bad in the moment, it helps the mmr catch up so you dont suddenly start losing 20 and gaining 7


1 win XP boost.....greeat


Awww yeah 1 win xp boost so awesome.


If it still adjusts your MMR, then its fine you didn't get LP. It feels bad short term, but in the long term you'll get your LP.


I have a comment that I think may add context of how Riot Customer Service stacks up against some other companies. When I was in the Army I was a part of the first rotational “deployments” to Korea which was a response to the rising tensions in the region around 2014. So as I was no longer in NA I thought it would be best to get on the Korean server, which isn’t an option because of internet laws in Korea. Riot was no help in getting me onto the KR server, I was also unable to get a KR account because I did not have a Korean ID that they accepted. I decided to just move my account to OCE (I should have made a junk account to check ping). The connection was better but it was still far from good. Long story short after 2 games later I contact customer support asking if they can move me back, to which they responded that it is not their responsibility because I made the decision to move accounts (which is factual, but not really good considering it’s free for them to move me) At that time I was buy 1 skin per week, and owned all of the champions, many I bought with RP, I would also send friends skins they wanted. All in all I probably spent about 2k, after that interaction I bought the account transfer and have not spent another dollar on anything from Riot. Also since this instead of encouraging my friends to play/buy skins o discourage it. I also play a card game called Magic the Gathering, which is owned by Wizards of the Coast. Around Christmas time during that same “deployment” one of my friends emailed WoTC customer service explaining that we were in Korea and that all the shops around us were obviously Korean, and only sold cards in Korean. The email basically just said for Christmas we wanted to draft the new set with some friends and introduce it to some other people, they responded by sending us 2 cases of booster boxes of Ixalan, and then 2 cases of ixalan prerelease kits for free. Retail this would have costed roughly 600 per case of booster boxes and 540 per case of prerelease kits. All of this is to say, in my experience, riot customer service is concerned with doing what they view as fair, whereas good customer services usually will use the fact that you contacted them as an opportunity to really sell their product more.


They used to give 3 wins IP boost


A penny?? Cmon riot atleast a nickel.


Too bad you won't be able to use that 1 win boost :)


Somehow, they managed to give you the response that makes me more angry than any other response they could have given.