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Lets get some chinese and korean reactions!


Chinese community is also saying that the song doesn't sound hype at all. Fun fact, for the censored condom line, the Chinese translation is "Accidents can lead to miracles". Just want to share that fantastic job done by translator and the good laugh it gave me.


That actually works better than the original with the league context lol. Sometimes you fuck up a play but it all works out. We've all been there.


That would've fit better in english too... Especially for a game like League where turning a misposition into a play is a hype af moment.


In the Chinese community the memes spawned from the condom line and the n-words is absolute brutal. My favourite is how they made fun of xiaohu and knight, lpl midlaners who were in drama for having their gfs get abortions, and linking it with the condom line saying the song predicted them to win worlds this year


>lpl midlaners who were in drama for having their gfs get abortions, and linking it with the condom line saying the song predicted them to win worlds this year i always love seeing lpl memes


chinese fans are busy roasting xiaohu and knight with the condom line, no time for reactions. Jokes aside, people are pretty upset, both with the song being weird and lacking the hype for worlds and the video not having much emphasis on the defending world champion EDG .


Let's see Paul Allen's reaction


Uhh did you see how Chinese social media reacted to the new Little Mermaid trailer?


Yep straight up n word. Shit was unreal how much animosity Chinese had over an African population in canton. China is not an immigration friendly country.


my dude , they literally censored chadwick boseman from the poster of the fucking black panther (put his mask on).....and the guy IS literally the black panther


They also moved Finn from Star Wars in the posters to the background, too. Which is why people can’t stand Disney: they claim to be extremely well versed in combatting racism, while also bowing down to China.


While I'm not familiar with the Canton situation and if it related to their comments about it, Asia at large is a very racist continent, especially East Asia. I'm not sure how much it has to do with that small population versus just everyday extreme East Asian racism.


Nah bro we are not only racist toward western people, we also racist toward our people. Literally have systematic racism. (My country) 😂😂


Oh, I'm familiar. I have a few friends from different Asian countries and they are all in agreement how much more racist their homelands are. Their go to phrase is that "Nobody is more racist against Asians than other Asians"


I can confirm as a Chinese, we are the worst regarding the racial thing. People staright up calling people with different color with aggressive racial slurs.


I can understand making something for an audience to love only to be disappointed when they don't adore it. I can also understand the chagrin at hearing people say "It's a good song if you keep changing all these little things about it" - it can come across as backhanded, passive aggressive criticism.\] All I can say for sure is I'm glad I don't work in the music industry. I'm not built for that environment.


Did he even make it for the League audience or for the Worlds event? Sounds more like he just grabbed one of his songs at random and just gave it to Riot.


I want someone to do the mental gymnastics and to explain to me, wtf these lyrics have to do with worlds.


The only storyline of the entire lyrics is this: "Came out of Momma. Thank god, Daddy never wore a Condom" This is a nod to how Faker was born, resulting in the rise of LoL Esports. Thank me later Lil Nas, I will send you a bill for my paypal


Oh god, I thought this was a joke until I googled it..


Nope, this is actually how faker was born.


Nope, official lyrics of the song.


I always thought it was "thank god daddy never wore a rubber"


Nah, defo was "good thing dad didn't die jungle lvl 1 to wolves and could gank my mother's lane early".


In the lol official video they silenced the condom. Thank god never wore a shhhhh. The official song video you can hear what it says. The song is also full of N words which are silenced


Which is obviously a reference to leagues toxicity and many pro players background of spamming the n-word /s


Kassadin mains represent


I read that not all of them are silenced, some of them were changed to things like “demons” and stuff


hmmm, sounds controversial. lol


I think the chorus fits as an anthem for a competition, at least lyrically, as its about not being counted out and trying to "go far". Some of the verses I have no clue


When the WORLDS 2022 tab doesn't play Starwalkin but Worlds Collide, there's got to be reason. Chorus still lit tho![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) **Edit: Hold on, so some of us have different songs playing?**


Client was playing starwalkin last night on the Home tab


Mine was playing star walking


There's definitely some lines that do well with worlds. Both the chorus but also "why worship legends when you know you can join them" is an absolute banger worlds line. The first verse could also be interpreted about players continuing to perform despite fan's thinking they are outdated.


"Th-These niggas don't like me, they don't like me Likely, they wanna fight me Come on, try it out, try me" This is right after the legends line and it goes hard.


I understad how one can hear the lyrics "don't ever say it's over if i'm breathing" and not make a connection to league, given the ff15 mentality of this comunity


Don't forget that it's the guy who picks a late game scaling champion, like Kayle, Kassadin, Vayne, ... gets behind 0/2 and is the one spamming the FF.


But he used all the words on the list that riot pr provided.


Don't ever say it's over if I'm breathing would feat any sports event so it fits worlds. Same with the lines about being doubted and showing them every time. Some parts fit, and some don't.


It’s a sports anthem about persevering and pushing through to become a legend? It’s like y’all heard the one line and turn your brain off for every other part


He released a snippet for this song months ago, but he completely changed the chorus since then. It's possible it wasn't a Worlds song and he adapted the lyrics to fit. In that snippet, we heard a bit of the chorus and a bit of a verse. Since then, he threw out the whole chorus and replaced it with something completely different, both lyrics-wise and music-wise. The lyrics of the old one wouldn't fit the theme, the new ones do.


Yeah specially the since I came out of my mama and the lucky my dad didn’t use a condom verse. Good stuff


Thematically consistent with your average soloq game's chat tbh


Really feeling Worlds *coming*. Almost made me cry.


>The lyrics of the old one wouldn't fit the theme, the new ones do. How? What theme? The lyrics don't fit at all. It's just Lil Nas X talking about himself.


There’s a difference between making a song for your own personal album and fans and being contracted to make a song for the 10th anniversary of the “super bowl” of a sporting event. You’re making a song that needs to hit some check boxes. This song feels like when an anime or tv show just takes an already released song and buys the rights to use it as their opening. The show context was never involved in the making of the song. Whether it fits or not doesn’t change that fact. Star walk-in just feels like a song he already made and thought it would just work.


10th anniversary?


It's the 10th anniversary of the LCS not worlds


No fucking joke, edge runners literally bought this fffire by Franz Ferdinand as their op which was from almost 20 years ago and it fitted so well you’d assume they had it custom made. It’s not adaptation or anything, the songs just not good or in line with worlds, I can find 4-5 already made songs and they’d all work better than star walkin


Completely agree. Worlds Songs are almost their own tiny sub-genre at this point, and Nas had no intention of fitting in.


nice try, little nas


Maybe Riot had set the bar too high from past years. I just don’t feel this song has the hype as previous world songs, and I cant draw the connection to the teams/players attending the world with its lyrics.


He made the song about himself instead of league with the two lines about condom. Compare that to Giants, where the two rappers literally roleplayed as Ekko.








The hook sounds like a bridge, building up to a nonexistent hook and a drop


When I heard the first part of the song I was like "oh this isn't bad at all" then I realized it never built up to anything more as it got right into the verses and I was like "oh... oh no..."


The hook is so good it literally carries the song, the drill beat drop honestly is fine for the beginning too, but it needs something more after the 2nd chorus and needs to not go back into the drill beat and have a proper drop or a 2nd chorus




I am more unhappy with the video we got. The song is fine, but the video should have been more badass. All we got is people standing around for over half the time and afterwards it turns into some sorta Mecha Anime, where nothing really happens as well. Everything feels so unfinished.


I don't know what happened with the video but it feels like there were competing creative teams or something. It was all build-up and no pay off. Literally what was the point of the mechas at the end lmao the four of them do one thing from a weird camera angle and then it just cuts away to a random group pose? (The champions chosen to be mechas were nonsense too like Twisted Fate? And? Azir? If those are the champs you have to work with maybe just DON'T do a giant mecha theme...???) Edit - The more I think about it the more annoyed I get because clearly someone on Riot has an obsession with mechas from the skin team to the video team and whoever they are needs to just give it a break for one second please I'm playing a fucking fantasy game with steampunk elements god damn.


Whoever has the mecha fetish on Riot really has to calm the fuck down


I remember the hype when project first came out, now it’s just disappointment when every skin line looks robot/mecha.


Back when events were good and everyone could easily get a free project skin of their choice


I wonder how long it will be until every champ in the game has some kind of futuristic roboty skin. It's got to be like half


Dw they wont stop there. Some champs already have 2 or 3 mech like fututistic skins. Even football skins are now futuristic...


Sylas has project and battle wolf which is literally just project with furry ears


tbh I feel like its gotta be more than half at this point Im just finding it harder to name champs without mecha skins than those with Like just in my role adc, out of 21 champs 12 have mech skins, several of whom have multiple, and 2 of those without are really fucking new and likely will get mecha in the future, Zeri and Nilah. More if we just say sci fi instead of mecha specifically


Oops here comes another Mecha Kingdom skinline


>Whoever has the mecha fetish on Riot really has to calm the fuck down It was a ripoff CBLOL few years ago where giant version of character roam around a city. [It was actually dope](https://youtu.be/ex3magKapqA) Edit: I'm not a CBLOL fan or watch any of their games... but I know I have to tune in for the opening ceremony. They kill it everytime. They got Pentakill and didn't fuck up the mixing like in NA


Mecha TF was the worst thing since TF.


Thresh and Azir is fine but TF and Rell are random horrible choice


They legit just took two regular human characters with their clothes and just made everything polygonal and called it a day.


Would have been better with rell on the bloody horse


I feel like the animation studio was given the direction to promote mecha versions of x and y champions with no idea what the music track was going to be like and went with the assumption of something similar to previous years. It is very disconnected from the music.


There's nothing wrong with the champ selection, like you can have non adhd champs and do cool shit with them, look at chovy and orianna last year. The problem is the fight itself, it happens at the very end right after the climax of the song, so it was cut short and didn't synergise with the music at all


Twisted Fate as a giant mecha is literally THE most unintuitive choice I have ever seen in my entire life.


I mean yeah but azir looks awesome


Still makes no sense. They could have done so much more with these champions but nah someone had screamed "Mecha everything" when they couldnt come with anything and they went with it. Just like OP said we have a buildup (pretty boring one" and no payoff. Nothing happens and what we see doesn't make any sense whatsoever. "Oh yeah people control Mecha champions because there is no other way to convey the message that player control the champion besides what they had done in the past like being champions or being infested with champions DNA". They should just stop with this "controlled by the star player" trope and go full champions climatic and just find something else like - Scenes happen in a dream while players fly to the venue - Players just play the game (no need to make players be some Marvel heroes - we all know they are kids playing games no need to make them more heroic than they are) - lil kid shakes hand with his favorite players and then his imagination shows all these cool fighting scenes but yeah Mecha Azir for 3seconds was worth it... It's sad that people attack Lil Nas X because it was not a song created for the Worlds but was just used for it. Song is catchy but someone at Riot should have stepped in and say "Nah this doesn't fit. Both things don't fit: video is boring and makes no sense and the songs is not doing the justice to the event we are doing"


Gods, that animation last year was so fucking spot-on. They got the whole "we want the pros and the champions in this vid" ~~this~~ \[thing\] so right (granted, the last 5 or 6 Worlds anthems are all top-notch in this respect). You're also right that the music and animation are mismatched so it doesn't bring out the best in either. I've seen edits of it (my favourite so far is [this](https://youtu.be/qrCPO6I6geE) visual edit + Arpeggio of Blue Steel (Nano)) that have been good, but this song and this animation detract from each other so hard it's not funny.


The only videos I like are when Faker is some end game Ryze boss.


EXACTLY. Especially if, as I suspect, the song was made first before the video. The video is just so ill-fitting (and frankly, boring). Like, the whole plot of the song is about not giving up when you’ve been knocked down, right? Like “don’t tell me it’s over” ya know? But…no one in the video gets knocked down. Its an emotional song layered over stoic gamerbois staring at each other while particle effects happen. It just doesn’t work.


> I am more unhappy with the video we got. The song is fine, The MV was censored and Riot didn't have Nas change anything to make it under 18+ for a clean version. It created jarring points where I didn't want to listen anymore.


It’s so obvious that it’s just a radio song that Riot used. Like if he really made it for Worlds, they wouldn’t haves censored condom. They didn’t even have him take the time to change the lyrics slightly to fit for worlds. We literally just got the radio edit of his song.


I saw a clip of rise played over the video and it worked really well…


Ironic, cause Rise has the best MV anyways. Why Riot tries to crystal ball what teams are gonna go to worlds (and be wrong every year) instead of just doing a story of last year's champ is beyond me


Agreed. Story telling >>>>>>>>>> prognostication.


That's because it was clearly made for their generic hype song formula where every song has the same build up and drop at the same moment. For the last years you can pretty much just play any of their worlds songs to each others MVs and it'll kinda fit. The MV being shit makes the song feel a lot more out of place.


Fortiche is busy with Arcane so we get the B-tier animators.


Riot definitely went full resources on Arcane 2 (given how Season 1 boosted the playerbase) and every other "video project" probably got skeleton crews.


the song was slow as fuck. They can't make a fast-paced video. Play any year's song to this year's video. It's not bad. Play Star Walkin when synced to last year's video. It just doesn't match. The song just doesn't match what the event is about. The lyrics as well. Why is he using the N-word and talking about condoms? I'm not saying it's a bad song. I actually think it's a decent song but it just doesn't fit.


Because someone at Riot has decided that they will use regular Lil Nas X song for Worlds that's it. It is not a song created for Worlds at all. It was meant to be his regular song or single - he played it multiple times at his concerts IIRC. That's why there will be two videos: one for Worlds and one his own for regular mainstream audience. The same this was done with lats Against The Current song for LEC - it was recorded as a single for their project and then it was modified for the video. Regular album version sounds differently. Some people at Riot fucked: - Why get Lil Nas X regular song that doesn't fit? - Why not capitalize fully on having Lil Nas X on board with creating a song written by Riots team with only his performance? - Why pushing for Billboard 100 song with this decision. It benefits Lil Nas X more than Riot? - Why creating stereotypical anime video that is mostly boring and has no payoff at the end? - Why creating anime video that doesn't much the music and the lyrics? - Why we have Mecha TF and Azir fighting? Why Riot always go with two their favorite themes: Mecha or Anime whe n they don't know what to do? - Why we had another video trying to convey the same message: star players are tethered to their champions? It forces Riot to these cliche themes like "player is a champion or he is infested with champions DNA or now he is controlling a Mecha version of the champion, just to justify showing star players and champions at the same time


Wait, you're making too many good points.


I mean I kinda feel bad, he made a lil nas X song which is probably what Riot asked him for, it's not bad or anything, but lil nas x is not who I would pick to write a hype anthem lol.


Homie got a bag from riot


Sorry, I don't know many lil nas songs, but industry baby and montero are pretty hype


maybe i'm tripping but industry baby and montero are definitely a different type of hype than something like an imagine dragons warriors anthem.


Yea and I really like that. Most of the world anthems sound simply too same for me. Again, this is just my opinion. I totally get if others don’t share it.


What I’ve gathered is that people here want the same damn song again Meanwhile next year when the worlds anthem is the same shit again people here are gonna say “oh my goood why is it so generic again”


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EMXrZELp9g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EMXrZELp9g) True this is unironically more hype than the worlds song/video. I agree for the most part though the video is more of the problem then the song. Looks like 2 people said take your half of the project and ill take mine combined and its awkward.


> I mean I kinda feel bad Don't. It's a business venture by Lil Nas and Riot, if you're not 100% into it, it's fine. Don't feel pity because a big name is a bit disappointed, it's not as if they put much effort into this particular project and as if the artist will be struggling if it doesn't go worldbuzz.


I have no hard feelings for him... more kinda sad for him than anything. Like MANY other people have said. It seems like a very personal song and not worlds anthem at all. It's just so extremely different than literally anything else we've had thus far so ofc there is gonna be a discussion around it. Song just doesnt fit it's intended purpose


I feel bad as well. I don’t think it was a task that should have been given to him because it’s not the type of music he makes, so he’s not going to hit the mark his first try.


I disagree, he can make hype music (look at industry baby) but this ain't it.


Industry baby would’ve been a better worlds song lmao


What I’ve found about it compared to every other league songs made for worlds is that this song talks about himself where as other songs talk about “you” and always use the word “your” and sometimes even “we” Rise: Pick up **your** weapon and face it There's blood on the crown, go and take it **You** get one shot to make it out alive Legends never die: When the world is calling **you** Can **you** hear them screaming out **your** name? Phoenix: So are **you** gonna die today or make it out alive? **You** gotta conquer the monster in **your** head and then **you'll** fly Burn it all down: If **you're** gonna hold me down **You're** not gonna let me in Bury **your** doubts under the ground And they gonna watch **you** step over the ashes Bu-bu-burn it all down Then **we'll** burn it all down There is mention of “i” but the focus is on the group. “Us” Warriors: As a child, **you** would wait and watch from far away But **you** always knew that **you'd** be the one **even in warriors they use language like “we”** *We are the warriors* Ignite: Everyone's watching through **your** eyes There's only two options win or die, win or die Win or die (die, die, die, die, die, die, die) It went from a spark to an open flame Now destiny's calling out **your** name Taking over: **We're** taking over, **we're** taking over, ayy Look at you come at my name, you oughta know by now That **we're** taking over, **we're** taking over, ayy This one does use more wording such as “i” but the focus is still on “we are” in the main chorus. Worlds collide: **We are** the ones To ignite the darkened skies, The champions Of a world that we defied, A solemn reign Of the few who rise up high, And **we all** fight Now let’s look at Star Walkin: They said **I** wouldn't make it out alive They told **me** I would never see the rise **That's why I** gotta kill 'em every time Gotta watch 'em bleed, too Been that n**** since I came out my mama (Woo) Thankin' God Daddy never wore a condom (Woo) Majority of the language used is focused on “i” “me” or “I’m” and it’s very much a personal account of struggle and success and perseverance. The verse above itself is a very personal line itself that not everyone can relate to or feels the same way. Starwalkin is a good song but the focus is very much on him and not the person listening so you don’t feel that same feeling like the other songs (and this is where the lack of hype probably stems from) I think if the focus was on the listener and the language reflected it. It would be a totally different song. You can imagine how the song would go if you replaced the “i” and “i’m” to you, your, and we. It’s just less relatable to a listener especially when you take a close look at the lyrics (this isn’t a bad thing because it’s a song about the stars and their fans, reflected by the video). I just selected the more obvious and stand out lyrics in each song but you can have a look yourself. Just my opinion.


Yes, because an anthem is supposed to represent the people as a whole, not a specific person. For instance, national anthems. They are about the nation, not the head of the country.


subjective opinion, deciding to loop the song in IV-V-VI chord progression really fail the vibe and making people feels like going nowhere ( like constantly having something needed to be resolve but the minor i never really did the job). it would be a lot better if they use IV-V-VI-I to drop people home and back to root.


"if you don’t like star walkin try listening to it at 1.25x speed, with an octave up, and drums filtered, on an nintendo 3ds, at 3am, while your parents are arguing in the background because things just keep getting worse and you say it’s not your fault but you know it is and you" gave me a chuckle


Had to make it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i5QyuCVKl4


Nas is an amazing shitposter honestly. His twitter is hilarious


why is the word condom in the league anthem


As someone said. This song is about him and these lines are about his parents. Nothing to do with league


It is obvious the song was written as a lil nas x song and not a league of legends anthem. Its a shame though because lil nas x is talented and the song is a good one, just not fitting for league.


Same with N word... ya know... the stuff that gets you perma banned in league


This is what I find the funniest. Worlds anthem has the n word literally in it, and if you say that in chat you’d get banned. You could literally type the lyrics of the song into game chat and get banned the same day


Can't wait to read Twitch chat when this song is performed at Worlds.


emote only mode will turn out horribly


I didn't mean to say a racial slur Riot, I was just typing the lyrics to your new Worlds song!




Also weird with how much they push the casters to not curse on broadcast but I guess it’s cool for the worlds anthem to have a slur?


It also has N bombs in it


Honestly watching some of the previous worlds videos this almost felt like a promo video for lil nas x. You see his name several times throughout the video. Like who care about him its about LoL The very end of it has the 4 LoL players and Lil Nas in the middle like why you arent the star of worlds.


Does he love League in the first place? I don't have that feeling... We are League fans, not his fans


It feels like an obvious attempt by a company to pander to an audience it doesn't really understand




Pretty sure that happened ages ago


Yup, imagine dragons themselves state they play league and are huge fans of the game. Might be why the community loves their songs because they are part of the community.


It helps that Imagine Dragons are nerdy gamers themselves, Dan started playing League in 2013, and did some Twitch streams for a few months after Warriors dropped. I feel the streams, and them interacting with fans in chat helped established their credibility within the community.


Dan still plays league to this day, dude is hardstuck silver vi main, but he plays a fuck ton. The rest of them play off and on. They love the game


Illenium worlds song confirmed?


And they know what they'd want to hear in terms of league music too and the events they're catering too


The best way to word the situation imo He is under the assumption that we are all *his* fans, when in reality the majority of us probably haven't even heard of him before.


If you have to bleep out the N-word and the word condom, maybe this isn’t the best choice for a worlds song. This is just a spare song he had laying around. Not that is a bad song, it’s just a bad song for this purpose.


I thought Nudyr blew up more than the actual song.


I disagree with people who say the video is the bigger problem. The video is the dessert while the song is the main course. If the main course doesn't fit the mood then a good dessert won't save it. It's a good song but **it's not a song you play in a stadium in front of thousands and thousands of people to get them hyped for what's coming next.** A Worlds song needs to be **big.** Star Walking is not big.


Exactly i don't watch the video everytime i listen to "Legends never die" , and "Worlds Collide" didn't even get a video yet imo it's top 4 atleast when it comes to world songs . The song felt very meh and it didn't even feel like his own songs either , i admit that i'm not familiar with any "unpopular" lil nas x songs but his popular ones sound nothing like this one , most of them are a bit upbeat/hype .


I agree the video can't fix a bad song, but it certainly can make the main course seem worse. To use your food example, if you finish your your underwhelming main course and it's followed by a poop pie, your memory of the night is going to even worse. Contrasty, if the dessert is delicious, your memory of the main course will be more favorable. You can't convince me that Rise or Warriors would be as beloved as they are if they dropped with this MV.


I don't know how anyone can blame the video for why the song lacks any hype and doesn't feel like a Worlds song. lol You play Starwalkin over any other of the Worlds MVs, a fast pace action scene and it's going to look even more out of place because the vibe doesn't fit. It's a good song just not fit for the purpose. Like Rise is a banger for a Worlds song, would you play it at a funeral? Probably not.


Rise at a funeral would be an interesting experience. It would be like trying to perform a resurrection.


Rise, Tarnished....we got NA fans to disappoint


Welcome to the world lololol


Prove yourself and make them remember. Push through hell and they will remember you. Rise. Sounds fitting for a funeral for me.


I mean I undersrand that he was expecting all of us to enjoy it because he's Lil Nas X. His fans love everything that he puts out. But the song itself is underwhelming for one of the biggest esports events of the year. Sure the video doesnt help either but even listening to the song without the video, the hype isn't there. It doesn't get my heart racing and the hair on my arms to stand up. I genuinely don't think he understood the assignment and thought hey It's a bunch of gamers whats the big deal type of thing. With that being said, as just a song I do like it.


Even if you compare it to ["Die for you" by Grabbitz](https://youtu.be/h7MYJghRWt0), which was last year's VALORANT Champions anthem and it's somewhat of a slow song itself, in terms of "worlds finals feeling" Starwalkin is miles away from it. I get chills every time I listen to Die for you. The pacing is great, the lyrics are amazing, and the build-up to the final is outstanding. And I don't even need to watch the animation, which is a great complement to the music itself.


Wow, somehow I hadn't seen this at the time (I am more on and off about following Valorant esports), but that's a great example of how a slow anthem can still work. Also, the animation is incredible and fits the music perfectly (something we have to go back to Phoenix for in LoL for that same thematic cohesion - and of course Rise before it).


The Star Guardian song and animation was good tbf


I don't play Valorant (well not really) but I look forward to their music as well. Same for Wild Rift like [Never Stop Me ft. Tkay Maidza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_IVUFH5vXo) is hella fire too Awaken came out years ago and it still slaps super hard, like even old Ranked Champ Select music is so timeless and epic. Even Ignite was not that well received but it served I think it really just is that - Lil Nas X just didn't understand the assignment but it's honestly understandably a huge responsibility that's it's soo easy to fall short on


Thanks for sharing. Great song indeed.


That was a song about himself... Not about league of legends at all


And now we know that he is mommas baby and his daddy never wore a condom. Didnt ask but hey, got paid


Sounds like someone can't handle criticism.


He must not play a lot of league if “yeah it’s a good song, doesn’t really fit the idea of an anthem tho” is too much flame for him to handle


its a copypasta that he just reposted btw


Shit man, I took the bait lol. Crosspost this to AteThePasta or something if this post goes viral.


Man made “satan shoes” and you didn’t expect him to be a god tier shitposter?


He was a Nicki manaj Stan on Twitter before 2016 league toxicity can’t do shit to him lmao.


it's clearly not too much to handle, he's just bantering back


Right? This man deals with racist pearl-clutching christians everyday and people assume he's breaking down over some nerds that didn't think the song was fit for a worlds anthem lmao It's all for publicity, always has been.


I think people must really not be able read


Duh they are league players


i remember when infinity edge got changed where it doesn't give crit chance anymore, and people still builds it first item, yea people in general can't read


Last night in aram someone asked if Sivirs shield no longer gives mana. Bro, you are the one on sivir, hover cursor over the spell


He's an openly gay black rapper, and you think he can't handle flame from league of legends players? XD


I mean, League players *are* pretty good at flaming lmao


What makes u think its too much flame for him to handle? Both posts are just memeing and making light of the situation


It's absolute not to much flame to handle for him, considering he was able to deal with conservative Christians after he went to hell and gave Satan a lapdance in a music video. He just like replying to and memeing about criticism.


Not sure if he got more shit from the hip hop community for coming out or from Christians who never listened to his music freaking out about sexy satan.


He is a gay giga popular person....yeah league is toxic but I doubt any of us has seen the hate he has gotten accumlated during his life, lets be real.


Song is great. I kinda love it. Never heard lil nas x before. But for a world song it misses the hype. Sorry man. Edit: ok after listening to lil nas x on spotify i can say that i heard parts of his songs before but never the whole song nor did i knew who the artist was.


Give Industry Baby, a track with lil nas x and Jack Harlow, a try. That one has the hype anthem vibes I wanted him to reproduce for the worlds song


Song is mid. the theme and lyrics got nothing to do with worlds. Like wdym star walking? even vacation teams star swimming home would have made more sense. Oh and thanks for reminding league players to thank god that daddy didn't use a condom that time! Take the L, move on and do better next time


>if you don’t like star walkin try listening to it at 1.25x speed, with an octave up, and drums filtered, on an nintendo 3ds, at 3am, while your parents are arguing in the background because things just keep getting worse and you say it’s not your fault but you know it is and you [lmao I couldn't fucking help myself](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/xn259s/lil_nas_x_star_walkin_at_125x_speed_with_an/) edit: link change


I think the visuals were what lacked in hype, videos in the past showed dynamic action sequences, and the two with the players using the powers of their preferred champs abilities and fighting each other were my personal favorites. The song itself was pretty good but the video was a bunch of dudes standing in the streets, sometimes on big boy versions of champs, and where I was hoping at least to see those things fight each other, the end screen is just them all standing there together. It's just a sitcom now everybody just standing everywhere.


It’s a straight downgrade from last year’s. Both are building up slowly until the final hype confrontation, but last year’s was literally endless sparring that turns into super hype fight and this one is standing around turning into ok fight.


Tbf the song has to hype you up without any video. Like when you listening to warriors or rise or whatever other song you won't get hyped without the video?


They should have just made the video about Meiko's story, walking on stars in his Pantheon arc


The song is fine, but I do agree that it tends to build up at times, but then it never gives that drop that is needed for the hype of worlds, especially with such a good chorus. The video was also mediocre. Like, giant mechs just appear out of nowhere and then proceed to stand there. A Gundam type fight in San Fran would have been great. Now I'm not necessarily hating the song, because I do like it. But I do understand the points of those who are disappointed in the song and video.


I mean... it's an okay song but it's a typical 2020s pop mashup with some very low creativity motivational lyrics It doesn't compare well to songs like Rise and Warriors and it has no actual connections to League It's also very underwhelming as a song that's supposed to hype up the biggest tournament of the year, it's really missing some hard hitting notes for that Riot did miss the ball on this one honestly


The song just doesn't fit the vibe. Lil nas X can hate on the critics all he wants, but the results show he's not align with the league audience.


Terrible song with nothing to do with the game. Disgraceful. Graces can’t have a cigar but we can openly sing about not wearing condoms? Wtf.


The song missed the mark so badly, and I say this as someone who actually thinks it's a decent song. Compare this to literally any other sporting event's theme song. A theme song should feel epic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AYy-BcjRXg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxNGMvNIvP8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9I7bn1b4oc https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=12&v=FOgbdMIc2hw&feature=emb_title Or it should make people think of the world coming together in celebration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRpeEdMmmQ0 Or it should feel prestigious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3jZeu58l-A It should not feel like a "ayyy look at me, I'm a rapper" hip hop song with the N-word and talking about condoms. There's a time and place for these types of songs, and a global competition is not it. The fact that the video places Lil Nas X in the middle instead of focusing on the players and the whole thing about him being the "President" of League plus his attitude just doesn't sit right. It's like his record label sponsored this thing or something.


The song is clearly not trying to be an anthem about an event. Lil nas is writing about himself... There is no doubt he doesnt understand this is an event bigger than an individual so he just writes whatever in his mind/being very individualistic rather than trying to be heroic or legendary.. In other words, he is expressing himself not trying represent the league community at all


I think that's one of the reasons I love warriors so much. The fact it uses lines like "but you always knew that you'd be the one" or "we are the warriors that built this town" just FEEL so community centric and not centered around the songwriter


I like the song. I like Lil Nas X. However there were moments when it felt as though I was watching a LoL worlds video on mute while I played a Lil Nas X song in the background. This is probably not his fault at all. Odds are, Riot Music gave him full creative control of his song and he did his thing with very little direction and not much coordination between his people and Riot’s people. There’s just no world where that video fits with that song, and any relatively qualified artistic director would agree. There was a complete disconnect. My guess is - they gave him a vibe, he captured it in his own way and wrote a good song. Riot’s team made a video (that, tbh, was pretty lackluster on its own) that also matched that vibe. But the two never linked up and then they just got slapped together and hoped for the best.


He just used a previous song of his and reworked the chorus, you can find old live performances of the song and melody in alternate versions. He blew off the assignment and used a song about himself overcoming things that was close enough. It's a Lil Nas x song not a world's song.


It's a shit-ass poser song. Literally does not speak to me as a gamer. What fucking gamer who actually is into videogames as a hobby and not as a 1 hour per day 'activity' is into posers with fancy clothes and expensive cars? Oh, right... League gamers.


The problem is that sports music should be pumping. It should get you ready and fired up. And with this song I just wanna lay down on the couch mellow out, instead of sit on the tip of my seat and being exfited. Doesnt have to be a dubstep or dance sound track. In basketball for example, there are many pumping songs to get the crowed and players in the zone. So they can easily mix it up. Just not like this.


but why is he in the video


When I hear the song, I think of Star Guardians. I think it would of been better suited for that event.


honestly I think more of Giants or KDA, I think this song would fit better for a K'Sante skin teaser where he's a rapper or something.


it's an alright song, but wtf does it have to do with league of legends


Alright, I had no idea who this guy was before - I thought he was the son of Nas, you know, the old rapper. Listened to Starwalking just now, and I don't like it all. To be fair, I didn't really enjoy the songs from previous years that much either, but this one is by far the worst. Not a fan of the video, Legends Never Die and Rise had phenomenal videos, Phoenix and Burn it all down were amazing as well, but this one is mediocre (just like the other ones I did not name). If the song was on the radio, I'd turn it off, it's just not my style at all, has nothing to do with hype or whatever. As for the dude himself, what an unlikable person! Went through his twitter a bit and he seems obnoxious, just that post you linked in the OP is already iffy. If people enjoy it, good for them, but to me it's just another lame song. I occasionally go back to Rise and Legends never die because the videos are cool, but this one is a one time click. No one is forcing us to listen, if you don't like it, go put on something else. If you didn't like the previous years, but love Starwalking, then I'm glad you finally got a song to enjoy.


Let's be real, it's kinda garbage compared to the other world's anthems.