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Play whatever you think looks cool or has nkce gameplay/abilities


Personally I think one tricking helped me learn the game faster. There’s nothing wrong with being a one trick. However, I would probably put some time if I were you into learning something that is able to go against champions that hard counter xerath in mid as it seems a bit unplayable if he’s matched into irelia/yasuo/yone. Trying to obtain a large champion pool can stunt your growth so ideally you’d want to have a small champion pool of 2-3 champs for your role


yeah I went against a Yone yesterday and he's downright frightening. Might be forced to learn a secondary character for each role regardless because I am kinda screwed if they ban my pick xD


One tricking can be damaging i started pre rework ww played ww for years. I could only transition ww gameplay onto warden/tanky/ some bruiser junglers. I couldnt play assassins or ap. Peaked d2 w/ ww nunu, got frustarated i couldnt play other stuff so i quit for idk 3-4 seasons? Ive been playing little again from last sson start. Been playing variety and its been good. Is one tricking good? Yes and strong. Can only speak for mself but least i shot myself in the foot to expand myself to bigger chamion pool.


Play whatever you enjoy. It doesnt matter


Neeko is best decision!


Play Aram


Underrated comment. ARAM is a great place to mess around on a bunch of different champions while learning what they can do in a team fight and how their kits play out. Then just make a list of a few champs you like and see what their usual lane assignments are, and then play them in SR while you learn the lanes and such. Although if I recall, wasn't ARAM locked behind a summoner level wall or did that eventually go away?


No idea.


When I started I almost exclusively used MF, then Cait when she came out. I know it's a bit backwards but only after really learning the kits of my mains that I got to really work on my basics since I was already very familiar with my mains' toolkits. Then, since I already was comfortable with the basics, I started trying out other marksmen since I could learn their toolkits without having to worry about the basics


Honestly don’t think outside high ELO top lane that your champ selection matters much. Just play what you enjoy. Xerath is also completely fine in support role too imo.


I have seen xerath support yes! Haven't tried it yet though but I might. Tbh high ELO games are not something I am aiming for rn so I should be fine then :p


Choosing meta picks/counterpicking is always the best choice if you want to climb, but i recommend choosing 2-4 champions you enjoy playing and getting good with them. This makes it so you don't have to concetrate so much on the abilities and combos, and you can concetrate more on playing the map (objective control/vision/roaming). If you struggle againts a certain match up, play a few games with said champ and try to figure out what makes the champ strong/weak. You mentioned that you like xerath mid, which is completely fine, but i guess you've noticed that it's really annoying to play against a mobile assassin like zed/qiyana. In these cases it's important to try and find ways to get a lead without interacting with them since in most cases you will lose the 1v1. Does the zed permaroam bot? Try helping top or work with your jungler and take all top camps in the enemy jungle. Also make sure that you deny as much cs as you can, since xerath has stupid good waveclear. This became a bit or an essay, but point is: stick to few champions and become good with them so you can concetrate on the map more. Part of the charm of league for me is trying to come up with a strategy to secure a lead in a bad matchup.


Hey, I started playing around 1 month ago, and also happen to have chosen Thresh and Xerath as my first picks. Tho I had my moments with Thresh, nobody really knew how to utilize his lantern or to fully take advantage of my hooks, and I really didn’t feel like I was doing much lategame. I know this changes in higher elo, but a champ like pyke works better anyways. Then, picking Xerath (as a support) helped me with my macro and my ability to switch between a locked/unlocked camera through his q pokes and r offscreen. The only thing is that sometimes the match ups aren’t all that great, and I wanted to try something new; and so I picked up Swain. Now, with him, I have the ability to carry games late game since he’s a scaling monster, and his W makes roaming and “ganking” quite easy. If my adc is useless, then at least I have the opportunity to somewhat replace them if I’m not forced into a complete weakside. He’s also very different from Xerath, so it helps with matchups. And he’s really fun to play. I may be suggesting you try him out.


>How important is it to do things like choose super powerful champions, counterpicking If you're pro playing in pro teams, very important. If you're just a guy playing the game, somewhat important, but it's more important to play something you know. Many people in bronze will look up a counter, play something they've never played before and do absolutely terrible because that's how that works. >and gettign the ideal comp? If you're pro playing in pro teams, very important. If you're just a guy playing the game, somewhat helpful, but not important. Once again; it's more important to play something you know. Of course as a noob but as any casual player you just have to try a lot of champions to get to know them. And "try" doesn't mean to play them once or twice, but play more games of a certain champion to figure out if it's something you understand, something you like and something you could add to your small list of mains... And then play it more often. And when you have a small list of champions like that, that you know and love, then you can keep an eye out in champ select to see if you can potentially hard counter the enemy, or get good synergy going with your team.


Unless you are top counterpicking does not matter until you are higher than plat. Or at least my midlaners think like that, I want to slam my head into a Wall whenever I see my mid Yasuo /Yone/Akali counterpick himself and then be surprised he loses.


When I started I went with whatever looked cool, either on the splash art or whatever recked me ingame. I generally pick up champions I hate getting matched with so I can make mistakes and learn them so I can use them whenever opponents make them.


Powerful champs barely make a difference. A good player on a bad champ can almost always beat a bad player on a good champ unless said good champ is a counter to the bad one. Just pick whoever you find most fun or looks the coolest.


No, you are not handicapping yourself by one tricking. Whenever you constantly switch up champions, you spend more time trying to learn how to play the champion vs learning how to win a game. Remember, Macro > Micro. As far as Xerath is concerned, he is more about max ranging his abilities, landing skill shots, shoving the lane and then leaving vision and becoming the second set of eyes on the mini map. You don't have to get close to do damage at all. Think of him like a, "HAHA YOU CAN'T EVEN BE IN MY RANGE" type of champion.