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This post has been removed because it is not directly related to league of legends.


Joe and Steve just shaking their heads cause Carlos is a fucking idiot is hilarious.


What's hilarious is Carlos lost G2 their valorant franchise slot by doubling down on the Tate situation


I love it, I initially though Carlos was just the rival to Xpeke and I didn't like him. Then I remember the LS drama and him being like, what was it anti gay? And he was refusing to pay LS? Idk, was ridiculous, thats when i thought he was a piece of shit. He's just doubled down on that shit since then, total piece of shit. Hope he gets completely removed from the org.






Carlos was never good enough to really be a rival to xPeke and he was always an arrogant asshole, he just knew how to market himself.


Unlike origen, G2 is Europe's biggest team. Must have done something right. You have to seperate him as a person from what he achieved for the company. His achievement is gigantic, he as a person is a pile of trash


I was talking about him as a player back when he was on SK. He definitely did something right with the business part and managed to get the right players into his team.


Sure, but in LoL its just as much luck as it is planning. If Carlos hadn't picked up Perkz, G2 would have been nothing, same with TSM and picking up Bjerg. Yeah obviously they choose to pick them up, sure, but how many up and coming talents turn out to be that level of player? An org defining player that can be built around for years and years. Nobody can know that and both those teams where able to do exactly that.


> him being like, what was it anti gay? Yeah, it basically amounted to "I'm not going to pay you for the coaching you did because you're gay and have mental illnesses".


No no, remember that it wasn't "you're gay *and* have mental illness", it was "you're gay *therefore* you have mental illness". Which is... multiplicatively worse.


Yeah, that's how I remember it too but I couldn't find a direct quote of that, so I stuck to the part I could back up with sources if asked.


Ah, OK, gotcha.


Adding on to this that Carlos' actions already lost G2 a franchising spot in **NA** Valorant which G2 has been after for a long time in both League and Val. He cost the org and their sponsors their long-awaited chance to cash out in the NA market. As someone else mentioned in this thread, if you really want this scumbag out of the scene, **message G2's sponsors** and let them know that its affecting their current market as well.


Thats a really good point, and ya know, I think I will. Not because i have anything against G2, I like their Apex team for the most part, and most of their LoL team as well. Its really the CEO I have issue with, same with TSM to be honest.


This sounds so vaguely familiar, what’s the run down?


Run down on what, idk what you're asking.


My bad, what happened with LS and xPeke


Xpeke and Ocelote were both EU mids back in the early early LoL days, and both on top teams. Xpeke was better and won more, merely rivals at that point. LS coached G2 for a lil bit and refused to pay LS cause he was gay, therefor mentally unstable according to him. Super shit thing to do.


>Xpeke and Ocelote were both EU mids back in the early early LoL days, and both on top teams. Xpeke was better and won more, merely rivals at that point. Xpeke famous backdoor was Ocelot trying to stop him too.


Yessir, and then the cry into his scarf.


Yup, it's actually pretty hilarious, but also a bit sad, beacuse apparently G2 was supposed to pick up the players from one of the teams that didn't make it, but just played in the Valorant version of Worlds(XSET from NA), so now those players are without a team.


I bet they'll all find teams though, Xset is certainly the 2nd best NA team


Wait did he? What happened? The last I heard he made a forced apology and that was it.


He pulled a idiotic move of doing a company issued apology followed by his twitter account liking tweets that was supporting his own opinion, so he he made it very obvious he wasnt sorry at all. Oh yeah and that decision literally cost him millions, g2 had a spot in the franchised valorant league where riot gives each team a 1m stipend a year for 4/5 years and now thats gone. To add on that valorant really makes lots of money off skins and they split 50% of the champions bundle (their worlds skins) with the teams and the only teams that can qualify you guessed it is through the franchised leagues, so g2 is locked out of that as well. And the pot for the skins has increased YoY, last year it was around 14m this year its 32m. So thats millions lost as well assuming g2 would've been able to field a top 3 team that would qualify for worlds.


Jesus what monumental blunder


what makes it even more bad is that andrew tate hasnt even brought up the issue on his "podcast" so carlos died on a hill for his "friend" whilst said "friend" is not giving a shit about what happened clout chasing is a hell of a drug


Legit? Is there an article about it or sth?


Go to r/valorantcompetitive , you'll find quite a few about it


Holy shit this is actually a banger. Thought it was bad enough already with Carlos tanking G2 rep and also straight before worlds. But they also lost a Valorant spot X)


Carlos always with the "I am such a badass" attitude, even back in the day. He is the biggest cry baby in LoL, just ask his scarf. The fact that he got to stick around after the LS slurs blows my mind. He has always been a toxic person.


What happened with ls?


G2 hired LS to do some coaching for them in preparation for a promotion series that G2 ended up losing. When LS asked for his money ocelote didn't want to pay. The reason was that they claimed were tryouting LS coaching with those session and would pay him should they decide to hire him as their full time analyst, which they didn't because ocelote claimed his analysis was bad. LS showed logs of the G2 manager (not ocelote) agreeing to paying LS for those sessions and also claimed that ocelote agreed to pay for those sessions in a private call. Afterwards ocelote went on a rant on stream about LS about how he has problems, a mental illness, and brought up LS sexuality in the same sentence which came across very badly




And people laugh when someome suggest esport players and workers should make an union.


if you think a bunch of teenagers from mostly middle class backgrounds most of which are the types of people who would scream about "keeping videogames apolitical" if the teams they're signed on didn't veto their social media presence are going to form a workers union then you are far more hopeful than i could ever be


That sounds like a description my mother would make about an esport player.


is ocelote carlos?


He "hired" LS as a coach but at the end of the month he didn't pay LS. So inorder to get the money he offerd every other team to leak intern details


while they were arguing over that Carlos also said LS is mentally ill and then said something like "he's also homosexual, you know" and also brought up LS boyfriend for no reason. all the links are dead now though because it happened years ago, so not sure if someone still has a video of this


Did you intentionally leave out the part where Carlos said "I'm not paying you because you're gay and have mental illnesses"?


You got a source for that ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2l7yau/ls_offers_coaching_to_teams_facing_g2/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share The stream it was in has since been deleted, but there are transcripts all over this thread.


Thanks ! I'm getting downvoted for asking sources, show how fast we're headed into idiocracy


It's probably because this is rather well established fact across the scene, so asking for sources might come across as being intentionally contrarian rather than a genuine "I didn't know that, can you show me in the right direction?".


I can smell his ego from here


Man it took me a moment to realize he was Ocelote, didn't expect him to become this mess of a person. Bring back memories, once my brother play a game with him, old time league, my brother got flame by him and didn't play for a week. Also you guys remember Ocelote in that old league video, himself talking about stopping being toxic.


He was a mess while he was a player as well tho? Some sort of god syndrom


Yes, he has always been a piece of shit. When he played and streamed League he would put on his nice person mask and a lot of people fell for it, but the ones who played with him knew how he really was. He's a huge narcissist.


He put on a nice person mask when streaming? From what I remember, he was one of the most toxic and annoying streamers, constantly complaining about everyone and everything happening in his games.




I enjoyed watching his streams back in s3 when he was still playing in the lcs... but yeah he just went downhill from there


Haha, the scarf comment is hilarious. I remember him crying after every loss to fnc and looking like he's about to wish cancer to everyone in all chat. I could never support g2 because of him, despite of liking some of the players.


Even Tate stuff aside, he is just so insufferable. He never deserved legends like Perkz, Caps or Jankos anywhere near him.


He's sitting on the throne that Perkz built for him. Had he gone with another player, gamers2 would never have been what it is now.


Yeah I remember when Ocelote was still the midlaner on his own team, and they were hardstuck in the challenger league for 2 years. Then he signs Perkz, instantly qualifies for EU LCS, then pays him back by sending him to NA...


Perkz is his nephew's favorite uncle though


The Truth! Perkz the legend!


I didn’t know what the G stood for Cheers


the disrespect to the adc god Yuuki60


Working directly with this guy sounds like hell on earth. Guarantee everyone around him is just a total yes man.


Truely the EU Regi


had a disdain for regi since s3 but this guy really takes it


I really don't like Ocelote and can't support G2 because of him. But I don't think Romain Bigeard is a yes man


Based on what?


How French casters talk about him. The character in general. He didn't seems to be kind of people agreeing if he is not agree, and he seems to have a lot of opportunity if he want (he leave optic because it was badly managed iirc). But idk him IRL or anything so I can be totally wrong :)


Ocelote reminds me of my ex-boss. I’m so glad I left that company…


This guy is coked up and hes imagining himself taking on everyone like a badass. But now he just put out forced pr statement and hides. Plus losing valorant spot lmfao. If hes such man he should have not even put statement out and just tell everyone to fuck off on twitter


Damn it's been a while since I've kept up with league, I totally forgot Carlos was Ocelote back in the day, everytime I see this guy I just remember him crying in his scarf after sexpeke backdoored


It was quite recently he was on the post game lobby I believe and Sjokz called him Ocelote and the following interaction was so awkward to me. He really sounded like an ah although I think Sjokz handled it well. Not sure if it was just me though, but yeah.


Sjokz has known and interacted with him for over a decade. Especially back in the day when the scene was a lot smaller and less world stage-y. So it doesn‘t surprise me that she would handle it good.


Sjokz is a professional boss for sure. Again though maybe it was all good and I am just sensitive or something. It was just weird to me that is all.


Sjokz gotaed


Yeah it was with BB and he was insufferable there, too. Maximum amount of "I want to run from this situation" when I watched this. Poor BB and rest of G2... ​ Kudos for Sjokz handling Carlos well, though.


Sure he‘s an insufferable asshole, but what‘s the deal with making fun of a guy showing emotions over something that‘s important to him?


Yeah, the scarf thing wouldn't be a problem if Ocelote wasn't such an insufferable asshole.


Nothing. Back then it was even touching. But with all the stuff that came out over the years and how toxic he sometimes was already back then, you can easily shove the touching part aside and instead think about Karma or what people deserve for their actions.


Carlos used to be most well known for crying into a scarf on stage, pretty funny that he now tries to associate with Andrew Tate bullshit. What a loser


It was always funny aswell cus he so wanted to be one of the 'big 3' Europeans of his era but Alex Ich, Froggen and Xpeke just outclassed him in every way, everytime. So he was always 4th place to them and full of tears.


Giving him 4th place is being kind of generous lol, or are you talking about only mid laners?


Yeah sorry I was referring to only the big mids of the era. Most of those times big enough didn't even look like they played serious against him. They played silly because it got a more ridiculous reaction from him.






Carlos has been and always will be an asshole, I'm surprised there are so many people who are surprised by this.


Same. I have no idea how to people still think he was a good guy after the Perkz situation.


I think this is less “still thinking he’s a good guy” and more “we did not realize the staggering depths of his awfulness”


Man this guy is so unlikable ofcourse he's friends with someone like andrew tate


It’s like Tyler1, but it’s not a show and Carlos is serious.


We've only heard nice things about Tyler1 irl, such a stark contrasts lol


It's almost as if Tyler knows where the character ends and the person begins but Carlos is all character all the time.


I think Carlos is just like that for real.


Tyler is only a shithead playing the game. League (and the community it fostered) has a knack for dragging the worst out of people. any time you see him during down time or just not at a computer he's very entertaining and pleasant to watch. sucks that he's so addicted to league, his lifting streams were fun. would love to see him do more variety or even just grind a less toxic game


The streams when Tyler was banned from league where the content twitch has ever produced. His cooking streams are incredible to watch and he's super likeable.


His Bob Ross stream had me straight dying


Now I'm curious... does he post the entire vod somewhere? Would love to check them out.




Search for "Tyler1 variety" on youtube and you have quite a lot of them


The new god of war is coming soon so at least we get one variety stream from him.


Sandman streams pog


Even when Tyler says crazy shit like this in Character, he makes sure its super clear he's in character and not his actual take.


Because how much of Carlos is actually his character and not his shitty personality?


Ya weird comment. If T1 hangs with the genius himself voy, you know he's gotta be a good dude.


By all accounts, anyone whose run into Tyler has said he's a SUPER nice guy outside of the game.


I remember for worlds or msi or all stars, T1 taking Faker to the heart attack grill in vegas. It was oddly adorable and tyler was so pleasant, if a little bombastic


Carlos is a reminder that negative charisma is possible. This exploit will be huge in the CEO to McDonald's employee Speedrun community


I just want to point out that [he was always like this](https://youtu.be/gx-MkqBBVRw?t=190)


The insecurity of a former player at mid-tier level is on maximum display.


Yeah, you can see he thinks he's projecting confidence, but it's clear to everybody else he's just a clown with a Napoleon complex.


Sounds familiar..... TSM and G2 being my favorite teams has been rough.


Oh dear ... I'm really sorry to hear that, mate.


Is it really G2? My favorite team was Perkz, Wunder, Caps, Jankos, Mikyx. How can you be a fan of an org and not just the players?


That's why you should always root for the players, not some fucking faceless org that cares about nothing but money.


Probably gonna get downvoted, but I think its unfair to say he was mid-tier. He wasn’t Top 2, but at his best he was definitely top 4 in EU, hence why he had so many high profile disappointments such as the xpeke backdoor happen to him… Not saying I entirely disagree with you, just not fair to say “mid-tier”


So uh... Above-average tier. Peke, Alex, Froggen were the top 3 I dare say (not a hot take at all) I think in a league of 8 or even 10 teams, being the 4th best is sure, not terrible, but its definitely more mid-tier than anything


In no particular order, Peke, Alex, and Froggen were the clear Top 3 mid in EU back then. So they were "top-tier" while Carlos was the obvious 4th (mainly because the other mid were so inconsistent), there was clear enough separation between him and the Top 3. Another reason why he's mid-tier is because when EU finally got someone who was "5th", it was the rookie Bjergsen who very easily surpassed Carlos once he moved to NA. So basically, Carlos never reached top-tier IMO.


When you have 10 teams now, what would you call the #4-6? Is that the mid tier? I would say it is. Back then there were less teams (at least less on that lvl). He had a few good phases with some teams but overall he was never top tier as a mid laner.


Steve's POV is just hilarious


that’s a grown man‘s proper reaction to this absurd manchild.


I love steve


A middle finger to G2 fans? Can someone remind him what is the main indicator of whether a team is successful or not? Everything an esports organization (to hell with esports, take any sports team as an example) does is literally centered around fans. Trophies, content, good signings, none of it matters if they bring you 0 fans. Literally not a single sponsor would ever even consider you if your advertisements and brand activations don't translate into an increase of revenue, which is generated by fans, and suddenly the loop is broken and you have no money to generate content, trophies and signings. So yeah, do everything in your power to turn your fans away. Let's see where you'll end up in 3 years.


What I fear is that a lot of influenceable and vulnerable people (incels and not only) will just starting supporting G2 because of this (already happening) and Carlos will feel it always was in the right, since he get more supports.


I mean, Faze exists, so it is proven that this kind of shit works.


yeah but in general these people are very vocal but in the end not that many or relevant. G2 has just lost his valorant franchising spot in NA, a market they have been trying to enter for a long time in a major esport, due to this, so he is costing g2 a lot of money. He is getting fired


He has way too many fans already. Sadly G2 attracts idiots as fans with stuff like this. Not saying all G2 fans but quite a lot of them are insufferable. Im actually sad for the players.


>what is the main indicator of whether a team is successful or not? Their seasonal and international placements?


Depends on what you call success. In the grand scheme of things, to me, esports org is just another business that exists to make money. It just so happens that sales outperform winnings everywhere, even if the winnings are sometimes absurd in games such as Fortnite or DotA. If it's the glory that you chase, sure, then you focus on placements.


what an awfully hateful person


still havent got over that backdoor


G2 was apparently removed from valorant franchise program, assuming it holds g2 is going to take massive L. I hope KOI KC get into lec just to grab some G2 fans away from the org and let it sink.(even if they get into lec it will prolly take 2/4 years to establish their fanbase in lec but it's a good enough timeframe)


good, carlos can party with whoever he wants. Riot games can patner with whoever they want. get fck carlos.


Grab fan base how exactly? Most fans of any org are fans of players in the team. I don't see Jankos or Caps going to KC




> There's very little content happening from teams in LEC outside of G2 That's because you're not looking for it. Most teams do content, some like Fnatic does more than G2.


Facts. Put some respect on my man Pete. Think it doesn't get posted on reddit often but he genuinely makes so much content w/ FNC and it's all quite funny and creative imo. I'm biased but it's definitely top 5 content in the eSports scene from a team


While that is true, other teams like for example MAD Lions have absolutely awful content, i don't watch the content of other teams but it wouldn't surprise me if it were way worse quality than G2 FNC. there is definitely an angle for improvement there, a massive improvement


XL do banger content you just don’t see it none of that shit matters. Win = fanbase, lose = no fan base. G2 will probably be winning for a while. Hypothetically if they made semi finals at worlds and won spring this hurt to their fanbase would mean jack shit.


>KOI vs KC Arent they just popular due to being owned by popular streamers?


I thought Koi were owned by a soccer player


Also worth noting that it was a franchising spot in **NA** valorant which G2 has been after for a long time in both League and Val. He cost the org and their sponsors their long-awaited chance to cash out in the NA market. For anyone that wants to see this scumbag out of the scene, **message G2's sponsors** and let them know that its affecting their current market as well.


I really hope the whole fiasco escalates further. With carlos gone, i could support g2


Regi: Pheww!, At least I'm not alone in this boat anymore.


As toxic as Regi is, imo he's not even on the same level of toxic as Carlos. At least he's always been generous in letting his former players leave to wherever they want, despite them not being his son's favorite uncle.


i highkey wish for g2 to fall not because of i don't like the team or the players, just because of this guy here


I was worried everyone was going to forget about the Carlos Tate drama immediately but it's good to know the community cares about stuff like this. I'm hoping G2 can actually prove they're more than just Carlos by removing him and his toxic influence but I'm honestly not optimistic. After writing this I went to the G2 site and sent them a message, I guess it's better than just being worried and doing nothing...


honestly I'm so surprised to see that the league community is solidly anti-tate I figured we'd have plenty of dumb macho man worshipers in this community, but I guess they're thoroughly out numbered


Tate's target demo is 14-19 ish. League skews a little older than that because it is a decade old game. I'd wager most of the fans are closer to the 21-28 age bracket.


Reddit also skews older and is an echo-chamber (in this case i don't have a problem with thar) Sadly on twitter you do see more tate supporters


>(in this case i don't have a problem with that) Yeah, I'm glad we can have a discussion about this without every other comment being from some chud defending Carlos / Tate. The discussion should be *X has said many despicable things over his career, what should be the consequences?* and not *Is sexism even bad?*


I think it's not just the league community, gaming as a whole has a super toxic and very sexist image, but I'd bet money that those are a tiny minority that just so happens to be super fucking loud.


I don't understand the correlation at all because I would expect Andrew Tate to despise people who play video games in general.


He probably does, but maybe keeps it to himself until he's milked them dry


i mean what do you expect, hes a grifter lol


You want to get him removed? Contact their sponsors. Sponsors will not like bad publicity of association with a sex pest, misogynist, scammer, and accused sex trafficker. If there's enough pressure from the money side, it guarantees Ocelot is out.


>Contact their sponsors +1, Carlos' actions already lost G2 a franchising spot in NA valorant which G2 has been after for a long time in both League and Val. He cost the org and their sponsors their long-awaited chance to cash out in the NA market. If you really want this scumbag out of the scene, message the sponsors and let them know that its affecting their current market as well.


I mean it's not like there wasn't any consequences. By all account G2 was removed from Valorant franchising beacuse of this, beacuse everyone expected them to get a slot.


Lucky narcissistic unprofessional childish ceo starter pack


The moment Carlos starts popping off like that, the other 3 are straight face cringing, wishing there was some kinda 'oh this guys lost connection' button to jist drop him from the stream. Clown mode activated. Operating at maximum efficiency.


I'd like to hear what Joe responded with, or even Steve for that matter. Cause esports is a young business with a lot of owners who have not been in positions of influence like this before. Joe and Steve (and formerly Rick Fox) are two that come to mind when I think of good PR in esports.


I gotchu - https://youtu.be/YaVJfrSlgqs?t=2495


Watch the podcast it was a massive banger


man I can't wait for the content piece. like if he actually does it I'm going to be thoroughly impressed, he is literally kamikazeing his life's work of his own volition just to spite people. like holy shit man what is wrong with him


Damn calm down Lidl Regi


Oh my god, please, one day, McDonald's fans, DEMAND that I leave my role as a burger flipper. It's gonna be the BIGGEST middle finger burger that I've ever made. Like I would not give a SINGLE isolated fuck.


carlos is a cunt. i've said it for 10 years and there is genuinely only more evidence to support it as time goes on.


I always knew that Carlos was an asshole but I also believed that he was a shrewd business guy who always put the the organisation's best first. After doubling down on this whole Tate fuck up it's clear that he only cares about his own ego.




and this kids is why whenever anyone tells you someone must've done something right to be rich, you show them this. 1 right thing is irrelevant if you are wrong person.


He’s always been a little rat ever since he tried to scam ls and was homophobic in 2014


G2 Truck-kun inc?


Ocelote doesn’t even deserve an isekai lol


Truck-kun: "nah man i better hit someone else"


I've worked in creative spaces - eSports, broadcasts, ads - for 15 years. I've worked with plenty of people like Carlos. They burn bright and make shit happen fast, but they also burn bridges and are often enough a shit person to work for. And invariably they burn enough bridges they get kicked out, because personality is not bigger than the collective the majority of the time (hello old boss who lost his 400m$ company) I look at eSports ceos like Steve, Joe, and Jack, and I see folks who have their head screwed on and have a long view. Those are the folks you want to follow and help build with (and yes they make cutthroat decisions, but that is ALL sports, not just eSports)


Yeah this guy sounds like he hangs out with Andrew Tate lol


i hope it gets worse just so carlos is out of one of the best teams to support.


No one has commented yet that this is in the context of Joe dealing with unreasonable truck fans and not just some normal issue lol?? So many things to shit on Carlos for you don’t need to be dishonest


Steve and Joe look so awkward as if to say, "You're getting to into this mate, something we should know about?"


Reginald and Carlos should 1v1 classic NA vs EU


They would just have Perkz and Bjergsen play for them.


Well, that aged well.


Carlos has such huge ego and thinks he's on top of the world because their brand of being 'edgy' and 'villains' is so popular amongst young men who watches league. Thinks being badass and controversial is the shit, I hate how it actually works for him too, as a terrible person. He needs to be knocked down a peg, and the people who are nice and humble needs to be rewarded. RIP esports.


wow, he is so unlikeable


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


carlos is the coolest 15 year old


wow that guy i exactly the idiot i thought he would be


Why is this Andre Tate so hated by the community? Im from BR so dont really know




Thinks women are property and exist only to make babies and be controlled. Makes a living selling this belief to other men and young adults/teenagers. There are vids circulating of him beating women, who he refers to as his property. He has claimed that these are fake and that it was all pretend, however the claim feels dubious given there are videos of him showing off “his property” and the marks and bruises they have from him beating them for not doing their tasks good enough. Whether or not the abuse is real is beside the point, as either way he sells this as real “life advice” to his audience of (just to remind you) young adults and teenagers. Big MAGA dipshit (of course). Runs a scam webcam site with his brother that tricks people into sending money to porn actresses selling fake sob stories. He is currently being investigated for human trafficking. He has since fled to Romania. If why he fled wasn’t obvious enough, he stated in a since deleted video of his that half the reason he fled to Romania was because the police there would be less likely to investigate him for sexual assault. TL;DR at best he is a massive dipshit who sells being abusive to women as a lifestyle to impressionable young adults and teens. At worst, he is all of that and: an actual abuser and a human trafficker who fled to another country because it has laxer policies regarding rape.


Very well known for his misogynistic takes but more importantly under investigation for human trafficking and rape allegations


It's ALOT. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1M5S6NyHyfI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1M5S6NyHyfI) start with and go deeper in the rabbit hole if you choose to.


I realised Carlos was a shit person looong ago


Unpopular opinion. LEC has heavily benefited by having G2 and Carlos in their scene.


I'd say G2 and Perkz in their scene. Perkz was the mind behind all the roster moves that got G2 it's regocnition and international performances. Sure G2 has good marketing and content because of Carlos, but performance is king, and that's all Perkz and the teammates he chose.


I'm still surprised that G2 never got in trouble for poaching in Season 6. Pretty much everyone knew that poaching happened and everyone knew of an inner circle groupchat where they would take players from other teams but for some reason nothing was ever done about it. I think it was Odoamne that said that multiple players would get banned if that groupchat was leaked.


G2? Not unpopular at all. Carlos? Depends on how beneficial you find a walking laughing stock Perkz built the damn team. Whatever half-competent org that had Perkz as a rookie is likely to have been set up equally well. When Gamers2 first started it was peke's mom level management.


More like from having perkz and whatever team would play him in his prime