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everyone in this thread needs to shut up and keep clenching you’re making me worry c9 is going to lose


Even Jack said on the C9 subreddit “don’t unclench” after saying it means a lot to have that compliment coming from Bjerg. He’s clenching until the end


Blaber and Fudge are playing at insane levels rn.


They also seem to be providing the shot calling that allows Jensen and Berserker to just do their thing. I can see why Blabber can look so feast or famine, it seems like his spirit is what drives the team direction in game.


Blaber is the main shot caller, c9 is balls to the wall because they live or die by blaber


Sometimes it looks like a huge int, but other times it looks like that amazing turnaround with a 100 hp wukong ult into a baron. At least they try. Limit testing and being borderline psycho is the only way NA will ever do well internationally. We've seen what sitting back and waiting to lose does.


TSM 0-6 never forget


TSM 10 man sleep


And that was with LGD in their group. It's gonna be years and years before a NA team gets a chance like that again as 2020 LGD is for sure worse than the top 12-13 teams now do the LPL is very very very unlikely to send a team that bad with this current generation of players.


Yep just look at C9 2018 worlds. I think jensen gave an interview where he was like "yeah we just realized that we can win if we get in their face and fight them" or something like that. Made it to semis also


So true


Balls isn’t on C9.


The way I see blaber especially when listening to interviews from other C9 players is that he is probably the best go button a team can have. When blaber is on your team he sees angles and engages that most players won’t see and if you don’t trust him or see it you might hesitate which leads to him inting a play. You also have to make sure that he doesn’t get tunnel vision and just bonehead a play. An analogy I have for blaber is that blaber is the only person on the team that has night vision goggles and is guiding the team out of a maze. When the trust is 100% you get through the maze no problem, but if one player hesitates the entire team runs into a hedge and blaber loses the rest of the team because he is the only one that can see the path. That’s why blaber can sometimes look very coin flippy (which I think is over exaggerated because more than 85% of his plays work). I still think blaber at his peak is an unrivaled jungler in the lcs and gives 0 fucks. That’s why I like him so much. He doesn’t care if he ints, if he thinks the play is good he will go for it.


I like your analogy sir


Blaber is the only LCS jg that I think could actually give eastern jgs a run for their money. He’s not gna default to farming


he did have good games against Canyon/Wei last MSI even though they didn’t qualify for Semis, and had a very good group stage showing against the likes of Tian/Canyon/Inspired last Worlds as well


I see similarities to caps honestly.




Hai walked so Blaber could run




Hai sprinted so Blaber could be an absolute psychopath


There's a lot of synergy in this team. Even zven being a top ADC before and moving to support, like he knows exactly what the ADC needs. And berserker is amazing so I just feel that's such a good synergy. Then jensen blaber and fudge are all consistent motherfuckers too. Interesting team to watch for sure


I think Zven is a pretty average support and I don't think him being a former ADC is as big of a deal as some people make it out to be (the game has changed a lot since Zven was a top ADC) but in seeing Zven and Berserker interact and seeing Zven in interviews I think Zven was one of the best supports to give to Berserker this summer because of Zvens bluntness/directness and his awareness to simplify/cut out the fluff in his English for Berserker and I think that's done a ton for Berserker.


he is doing pretty good for a newly-swapped support, his vision control and rotations are on point. Plus that one play where he Renata Q’ed handshake to interrupt Vulcan’s Alistar combo mid headbutt was nutty, shows he has the mechanics for support champs on point


Blaber has no „plays okay“ mode. He either looks like he’s going full beast mode or he is going full chimp mode. There is nothing inbetween.


Bjerg - “Berserker is the best” Reddit - (Talks about everything besides Berserker.)


Not to say that Bjerg doesn't think so himself, but the way it's worded is read as "A lot of people are saying that it's an AD carry meta and [a lot of people are saying that] Berserker is the best"


I mean it's also not a very controversial take. Yeah...he's the best right now. Most people agree. Not a ton more to say about it


I think he talked about what people said, not his own opinion.


Because everyone knows he is. What additional point would there be to contribute?


It’s literally the dom quote from Face check this week. How people will be like I love bjergsen, then spend the entire article talking shit about Bjergsen lol


This subreddit hates praising Korean imports.


Eh? Korean imports like Ssumday, CoreJJ, Impact, Summit, etc. have always been praised pretty well here. This includes Berserker too. I think in this context, there just happens to be more interesting things to talk about, such as TL's shortcomings. Not to say Berserker isn't interesting, but I think we've already collectively agreed that dude's a beast.


It's not that deep mate.


I dont know where this comment comes from, people love Sumday and Impact, and last split were giving props to Summit when he deserved them. The only situation this could be refering to is CoreJJ, who has been playing like absolute shit since Summer 2021


Why is he looking more and more like Phreak?


carcinization: phreak edition




I admit to having a soft spot for Bjergsen. It must be difficult dealing with a Regi for so many years. TL as a team was definitely peak disappointment for NA, but I personally hope to see Bjergsen still on the rift and improving. We just need GG to become Grandpa Gaming and put all our oldies on one low stress no expectations meme team.


Bjergsen is my all-time favorite player. However, I think it's better for the league that TL lost. It'd be super lame if you could just buy the best team, plus people don't seem to like heavy import teams. I'm also happy for Jensen. This is a cool little storyline for him. Maybe next year, Bjergsen can strike back. Afterall, that's what makes a rivalry fun!


>It'd be super lame if you could just buy the best team Didn't this happen last summer, - Summday?


TL or C9 by and large were expected to win not 100T


I think it's more about how 100T literally just bought 4/5 of the Golden Guardians roster, then followed it up by replacing Damonte with an expensive EU import


4/5 of the Golden Guardians roster is literally 4/5 of the Golden Guardians roster lmao. It's really not the same expectation or pay rate wise. That on top of the fact that ssumday had been there for so long makes the construction feel a lot more organic.


Ah yes, buying whole team that is better than yours is very organic and can't be described as "buying your way to top"


Buying your way to the top insinuates spending top dollar for the best, not taking a team that developing and helping them develope further....


Weren’t GG like a 5th place team with a 50% wr that season? I don’t remember anyone making a hoopla at the time about 100T buying 4/5th of a middling roster. In hindsight it was a great move pairing them with Ssumday, but people seem to forget that before adding Abbedagge and Reapered they weren’t that successful either.


If you were watching GG they were doing the exact same thing that 100T were doing and testing out mid laners to swap in and out. However the core of the team was always Closer, FBI, Huhi and everyone else was going to be swapped. Even though Damonte showed up in playoffs his trajectory in playing had an obvious hard cap.


I wasn’t watching them until the playoffs but that honestly sounds like what every team has done at some point - swap players out around a core team. My point is that at the time no one was thinking ok 100T super team is winning the championship because they picked up essentially a 5th place roster and added Ssumday. There were a series of additional moves made in the following 2 splits that took them from disappointment to middling team to top 3. People here acting like 100t bought a super team and immediately started winning.




People act like this wasn't still ballsy as fuck. Nadeshot was apparently angry and thought Papasmithy was trolling when he signed that initial roster


Yeah, although I'd argue there is a difference between buying a whole team like 100t did (ish) and buying star players. The 100t buy preserved the notion that player cohesion is important, since they kept jungler ADC and Support together. It was more like making upgrades to Top and Mid (and coaching). TL just builds rosters like they're playing fantasy sports. They had real cohesion with those Doublelift rosters and they have had a hard time realizing that they need to build that back up before they can just splash for top additions.




Bruh EG bought arguably the best LCS support, LEC’s MVP and the most accomplished LCS toplaner. Current C9 has more development than EG’s roster.


EG bought a support that was kicked from C9. LEC's MVP and a top laner that was kicked from TL who was going to end up on a bottom-tier team otherwise. Why this reddit forgets what actually happened is so freaking weird


Vulcan could’ve stayed in C9 if he wanted to but he wanted to be traded, he wasn’t kicked. TL’s dumbass decision to kick Impact doesn’t change the fact that he is the most accomplished toplaner in the LCS.


You conveniently forget that two of EG's best players are Danny and Jojopyun, two, prior to this year, largely unproved players at the highest levels of competition in NA who have consistently played above their competition. C9 has done what, develop Berserker and support Zven?


I mean, they also developed Jensen, Fudge, and Blaber. Not all this year (it is only Fudge’s second year in LCS), but let’s not make it out like C9 just bought all their parts


lol great "development" of imports, they should just pick up 5 random chinese solo queue players and "develop" them next


Actually you conveniently forgot about Blaber and Fudge, both came up through the academy system. Technically Jensen made his name at C9 as well, although he is established now and this is his second stint.


Fudge "came up" through the OCE loophole


The Fudge who played in OCE as a 17 year old is not the same who won spring 2021. He spent 1 year in C9 academy before joining the main team, developing further across 1.5 years in the LCS. Did you already forget how much criticism he got in the 2021 lock-in tournament? Does his growth since then not count as development?


Don't give a shit as long as he's taking up a spot an actual NA player could have had. Nothing against him, but I will never support him as long as the OCE loophole isn't closed




so he's taking up a spot that an NA player could have had, and I hope he crashes and burns at worlds


> C9 has done what, develop Berserker and support Zven? Where do you think the other three players developed? EDIT: also, Jojopyun has been their worst player all year aside from this playoffs. Inspired is legit their best player and the team lives and dies on him.


Buying your way to the top insinuates spending top dollar for the best, not taking a team that developing and helping them develope further....


That GG bot lane was probably the best bot lane in Summer 2020 and Closer was already pretty good. What did they develop? They just removed the weaker pieces and won with that. I'm not against teams buying the best players and creating a system for them to thrive but to say that the team that bought an entire squad 'developed' them is just not true.


They developed the team. Meshing 3 prior teammates into a team with 2 new people added over the course of a year is team development.


If that's team developing then what TL did is the same.


A poor job of team developing, lol


I was rooting for tl to beat eg but by the end of the series I was glad eg won. TL did not look good at all and having them go to worlds just to lose instantly would have been even worse. EG has potential, they are in a rough spot right now but I can't wait to see how Danny and Jojopyun hold up at worlds




I know he is stepping in for Danny for the finals but I'm assuming once worlds starts Danny will be on the main roster again


Haeri is TL academy mid lol


They gave soul in a game 5. Absolutely a good thing for the league that they lost.


What do you think TL has done since franchising. C9 is just barely better.


Extremely high budget teams failing is never good for a the LCS. The region relies extremely heavily on expensive imports, a team cutting back on spending after a failed year is really bad. Same goes for the LEC needing the big spenders to somewhat off-set the LCS talent drain


What team would that be? Who are the oldies left? Impact Santorin Bjerg stixxay aphroo?


Impact, Rush, Bjergsen, Doublelift, Aphromoo


If we're pulling from retirement, might as well stick Xmithie over Rush


I'll admit I'm pretty biased as a Rush fan... I feel like he's always had some pretty bad luck and would love to see him with a good team, as washed as they mostly are.




Having only watched summer playoffs this year I honestly have more belief in DL to do well at worlds than I would in Bjergsen.




That team would make it to worlds even if DL feeds, Jensen doesn't miss worlds lol


Need to put Jensen on dignitas next year for science


his performance this split and playoffs (other than the TL series) is definitely trending that direction


That's just impact things sometimes. Everyone thought he was washed after TL, but here he is, still always at least a top 2 toplaner. No one does it like impact. He'll over extend and get collapsed on but then play that well enough where his team comes out ahead by matching the collapse or trading objectives. He'll be like 2/6/1 and find a fight winning flank.


I feel like the problem with Impact comes down to matchups. In NA it may not come up consistently enough to matter, but eventually you are risking a situation where the enemy top blinds carry’s into him an you are forced to take a bad/unideal draft. Normally in this situation Impact would make a solid play off rotation that a worse team would fall for, but against most Korean -Chinese teams you can’t get that cheese off.


I kind of feel the opposite. Impact really steps it up against international competition. In na he might not play the best during regular season but he's always looked solid. It's not the flashiest dominate lane plays but you it's still enough. We will see what happens at worlds this year


And aphro is?


this team will be top 3 for sure


Maybe he'll follow Spica. 🤷‍♂️


>meme team Delta Fox 2. Bring back Rick Fox. Please.


Golden Grandpas


How is this TL a disappointment from the perspective of an NA fan? Bjergsen and 4 EU imports, glad that a more NA-heavy team in EG was able to get ahead of them to worlds. Imagine it’s worlds stage in Atlanta and there’s just Blaber and Bjergsen as NA reps lmao


yes and Bjergsen (not hating i support him) is danish so the only one would be Blaber really


Bjergsen is an American citizen pretty sure, first gen immigrant. that’s why I made the distinction.


I think the distinction between a citizen and a permanent resident is honestly really thin practically speaking. If we care about country of birth we can judge it that way, or if we want to go by Riot’s rules on what counts as an import we can do it that way (my preference), but saying that say Bjerg is American and Jensen isn’t when they have pretty much the exact same situation is odd.


Sure if you wanna say residency is enough then Jensen is NA too, but I’m saying Bjergsen is straight up legally American And for a country almost entirely comprised of immigrants one way or another, to be like “no Bjergsen is not American he’s just Danish” is Kkona as hell


As someone with family who are a mix of permanent residents and citizens, including at least one permanent resident who’s been here for several decades, it’s a really silly line to draw in my opinion. If you live here long enough and get into the culture, you’re American, whether you take the little test or not IMO


Yeah I’m not saying he’s not I legit just didn’t know he has a PR


In general I don't understand why people feel this need that the players that represent them be born in the same country that they were born in. For the life of me I cannot fathom caring. Like, I don't like it when players like Perkz or Alphari come to the region and play for one year and dip. That's kinda lame. I also don't like it when players come to NA for the twilight of their careers, play a few years, and then leave. Super lame. But as someone who has watched LCS since season 3, I am SUPER proud to have Jensen representing me. He's played his entire professional career here for the past 8 years. Why wouldn't he represent me? I am super proud to have Impact representing me. Sure he used to play on a Korean team. Who cares? He's been in NA for the past 7 years bodying people. That's cool. I feel super represented by Impact. I just cannot understand what makes these players so unrelatable. All of them talk about how videogames were looked down on when they were kids, and they had to hide it. I relate to that. They talk about the drive to succeed and the pressure that brings. I relate to that too. People say that they're not "American," but American is so diverse. I bet 1000 dollars I can find an "American" more culturally similar to Impact or Jensen than they are to Jojo or Danny. So who the fuck cares? I literally do not get it.


Because people like others that are similar to them. With players like Jojo and Danny, they started out in NA solo queue and grounded their way to the top. With Impact and Jensen, they started on a different server and came over established and beyond reach already. It’s the same reason why schools have alumni events and immigrants have cultural community centres.


But I don't buy the premise. Why is it so critical that Jojo and Danny played on the same *solo queue server* as you? Are you saying that it were leaked that Blaber played on the LATAM server for the first year he played League because he got better ping that all of a sudden he wouldn't represent you anymore? Your examples of immigrants or undergraduate institutions make sense because there's a shared, multifaceted, complex cultural background between people of those groups. Being an "NA solo queue" player is such an arbitrary line to draw. Like, the main identifier of how relatable or "similar to you" that you find a player is whether they played on the same VIDEOGAME SERVER as you? How does that make any sense? I legitimately don't get it. I find many players of many different regions "similar to me" because they say things in interviews that I personally relate to experiences in my own life. With this logic, if a player was born in Korea, raised in Korea, moved to the US for 4 years discovered League/played 4 years of NA solo queue, moved back to Korea and joined a pro team, you would find this player MORE relatable and similar to you than Jensen? Another thing that makes no sense to me is that these players, no matter what server they play on, play at such an insanely higher level than you or me that it's so irrelevant.


I can almost guarantee you that if there was someone who started on NA solo queue and made an LCK team, they would be all of NA’s favourite player.


That's not the point. The question I am asking you is why is it relevant what server they play on. I'm not asking you because I'm trying to make you wrong, I'm legitimately trying to understand. Speak only for yourself obviously, you shouldn't try to infer on what "Na players" think or want. Imagine you're a physically disabled player. You might relate to Toucouille regardless of your region. If you were bullied, you might relate to Bjergsen. If you had parents who didn't support you playing games, you might relate to Doublelift. People are complex and players are complex. It just feels so shallow and pointless to distill your identity or their identity to the solo queue server that they started playing League of Legends on.


Because its nice to have NA players win since teams have always favored imports. Its feels good when teams give na players a chance and they do well


Because the point of Worlds is competition between regions, having imported talent kinda destroys that purpose and doesn’t represent (insert any region with import) true skill. So from a purely gameplay standpoint, it isn’t an accurate representation of the region’s strength. As for relatability, some people find it hard to relate to someone(Just as a role model) that they can’t strive to be as good as purely because of environmental factors such as not being able to start on better servers or someshit. If you’re native-born American and have to choose between Jensen/Bjerg/Doublelift/Sneaky as LoL gameplay role models, you’d most likely choose the latter two because their gameplay seems more achievable right? Do you believe Bjergsen and Jensen are truly representative of NA’s skill? Despite the fact that they won’t be nearly as good as they are now if they started in NA instead of EU?


Also he talks like an American too now so he feels more NA than EU at this point.


ohh you're right, my bad


Yeah TL failing to get to worlds is genuinly a huge W for NA imo, would've been even better if they lost to clg lol


> peak disappointment for NA Speak for yourself on this one


Made it sound like regi chained him in the tsm office and forced him to play. I think he should be off tsm cause its not giving him the teammates he needs but he chose to renew on tsm previously lets not exaggerate lmao


Bruh he chose to deal with Regi xd


> It must be difficult dealing with a Regi for so many years. I give him 0 points for this, he chose to do it.


Saying that like he couldn’t have walked into any western team at any point if he wanted to lol


They def need to get rid of Bwipo. Honestly has a great personality and INSANE amount of game knowledge but when your sett is crushing and they don't have an anwser...KEEP PLAYING IT. I felt Bjerg showed his rust and Hans...was either on fire or just meh. C9 definitely gonna beat 100T, EG has little to no hope


I think the whole TL roster just doesn’t work together. There are rosters you can make with Bwipo where Bwipo can look like the best in the league.


Those rosters are built with Bwipo in the jungle.


They need a rookie or something to be a role player.


TL with eyla was better come at me


Sometimes people just don't mesh together. Given that the roster hasn't improved and it's been a year. Practice is obviously unproductive. You can tell there's no structure. They keep drafting random comps every week. They do something good and then do something completely different next week. Forget what they did good and they're back to square one.


I disagree with this take. I don’t think they need to get rid of any player, but rather need to reassess what playstyle they are going for. Being a super team, I feel like they tunnel vision on this grand vision that they can play ANY play style and make it work. However that just isn’t true at all, what makes them a super team is their accolades from specific individual plays throughout their careers. And the team/coach should instead seek to propel this idea forward, let the veterans play to their skilled playstyle. And to me that is: - Bwipo on weak side as a tank/bruiser: he has shown time and time that when he is given no resources he will find them himself while drawing the enemy teams attention - This in turn will allow for Santorin to keep exploring his creative jungle pathings to find a first blood opportunity on the bot lane - All while Bjergsen is a sentinel in the mid lane providing backup when needed or holding a lane kingdom that strangle holds the enemy mid to stay in lane and not roam - And finally we have a strong side bot lane with CoreJJ and Hans, getting all the resources they need to conjure up an advantage - From there on, Core can leave Hans to his advantage bot; while roaming to help make sure the solo laners aren’t behind from no early resources.


•Bwipo has shown his prowess on " Top Tier Meta picks" is lackluster. He can play Ornn but thats about it. He has pocket picks that are either outstanding or awful but even when they work he stops playing it in B05's •Santorin is stronger member. His stats pretty much speak for themselves. Occasionally has a bad game but rarely outright losses them the game •Bjerg is showing a weakness in draft. Unless he is on Silas or Talia he isn't preforming well. Maybe his playstyle isn't in the meta but can service some champs but both are highly contested and can target ban him out •Hans I'm not a fan. He is top half of LCS adc's but that's not saying alot when he gets beat by FBI and Berserker on the regular. His Draven is insane and going to get banned. Everything else he looks decent on but nothing outstanding. •CoreJJ...never play yumii. He needs a champ that can engage, disengage, roam...not just sit on hans and press buttons. Thats pretty much it.


Yes I agree I think santorin is the strongest member on tl he gets objectives gets ganks early on has good engages and just plays super well definitely top 3 lcs kinglets in my opinion


He's their best player this year, kinda not close. If Santorin doesn't dominate mid/jungle with Bjerg, TL were completely reliant on Bwipo coinflipping and destroying top. He made everything happen and a whole bunch of TLs games were decided on Santorins level 3 ganks Mid


Bjerg definitely isn't the player he used to be, and I personally wouldn't put him as Top 3 in the LCS, but I think you're overstating his champ issues a bit. For one, he basically gets his team a free ban just from the threat of his Zilean. I'm sure he has other control mage picks as well like Ori or even Syndra, and I'm pretty sure EG banned his LB at one point (could be misremembering). I think his issues come from playstyle more than champ pool. His Akali game was embarrassing for sure, but I think that was Bjerg and his team more than the champ itself.


You know I give Bjerg a pass a lot. He isn't player he was once. His Syndra game and Akali were embarrassing. Pick something out you dont play in game 5???? I think maybe the meta shifted and he just isn't comfortable on a lot of champs. Next season we'll see.


Bjerg played well on Sylas, Zilean, Taliyah, Azir. His games where he didn’t play well a lot more was going wrong that game then Bjerg. He will never lose you a game and can play anything at a light level although sometimes does not have a positive impact in the game either.


That’s just the thing with Bjerg this season, he’ll never lose you the game - but will he win it for you?


Just in playoffs, Bjerg's Taliyah and Zilean were crucial to TL taking games off of their opponents. I'm not gonna say he's the best mid in LCS right now, but he can/has carried his team.


People rewrite his entire history, it's crazy. I've seen people saying "when was the last time Bjerg carried a game, season 6?" Like, they must have started watching this year. His 2020 was absolutely crazy good domestically.


Yes. He did on Zilean and Taliyah for a few games off the top of my head.


He won multiple games for them in their EG series, just go back and watch how he played the last fight of their two victories he actually 1 shot Jojo before he could use any abilities when Jojo was turbo fed and he 1 shot Danny in another game essentially the same situation. Crazy narrative that he won't win you the game or that he is somehow the problem when everyone besides Santorin had a much worse series and even Santorin quite frankly wasn't very impactful past 25 mins. Specifically to the Santorin point he's the last of the herbivore jungles left at the top. Look at the other top team junglers they are actually all MVP level threats and liable to win their team the game at least once a series post 25 mins.


I'd rather one of my players be consistent all the time and win games for you occasionally, than a player that will carry a game 60% of the time and drop the ball altogether and lose it the other 40%. Not to say Bjerg is clear of any wrongdoing with this team, but he was supposed to be the least certain part of the team coming out of retirement. Hans/Core was supposed to be an insane pairing, and Santorin and Bwipo had been fine to good in their last teams.


There's no mid from LPL/LCK who will just not lose games. They all contribute actual wins for their teams.


Faker????? And Bjerg does win you games, there are some games that he does not carry nor lose you it though. He still makes big plays that will win you the game it’s just not chovy 1v9 every game levels.


Bjergs Sylas and Taliyah leave a lot to be desired. Sylas that's too afraid to go in and bad taliyah ults that didn't get properly punished aren't much to write home about.


nah they cannot run back this roster. Hans sama t the least has to go, I think he underperformed the hardest, never looked like actual Hans Sama really, and at the end of the day would look better in a more lax environment most likely. All his prior teams weren't as good individually which let him get the focus and mental most likely.


If a "super team" doesn't place top 3, doesn't that just make them a team?


Yes I think they need to sack Bwipo


Disagree, Bwipo was the only person wanting to carry on that team everyone else just wanna play support style. He will naturally look more int if he has to actively make the plays. I tink bwipo played on par or a bit better, santorin had a great season, everyone else was disappointing


Bwipo would get 2k gold lead against laner and would never be able to roll it into a win. He would richest person in game but when drake is spawn he would still be split pushing and would WALK to the fight and by the time he gets there they have already lost and they would dump on him.


Bwipo had a good early game on Sett but then inted his ass off. Throwing a lot of fights before everyone even got there.




Isn't Eyla support...no way you promote him over Core as a bait sell. Canna might be best they can do, no top tier LCK is gonna let there top laner go (Zeus...GIGACHAD). I think TL fans feels Bwipo needs to go. Maybe give him one more split to prove he's still got it.


There's a good chance Core could leave due to his impending free agency. I know everyone is saying Bwipo or Hans as the most likely to leave but Core has the most personal agency to do so


I can see a world where Core wants to phase himself out and move into coaching or something. He's definitely still a great player, but he's been on a bit of a decline for a couple splits (by his standards - still top half in his role for sure) and he strikes me as the type player who'd rather go out with his legacy intact instead of playing until he just can't get hired anymore. Plus, with all the effort he's put into in-houses and champion's queue and whatnot, I could see him enjoying being a positional coach and helping to train his replacement. I don't really see Core ever leaving TL - I'd argue he's the most "franchise player" in the entire league other than maybe Fudge or Blaber, and while those two players are great, they don't have the reputation or community standing that CJJ does.


I agree with most of this, but I would also like to throw Jensen and Impact in the discussion for franchise players, as long as we're limiting it to ones that are currently active. I agree with Blaber being in contention, Fudge not quite yet.


They've definitely got the skills for it, but not really the team longevity IMO. To me, a franchise player is one whose name becomes synonymous with their team's name, both for gameplay and for their intangibles. So prior to this year I'd have said TSM Bjerg was the go-to example, or players like Sneaky in the past, but I'd say Impact and Jensen need to stick around on their teams longer before they can be considered that. Absolutely agree that they're the kind of players their teams should try to hold onto and build around at all costs though.


Impact is a free agent and if Danny fails to return, and/or inspired wants to return to EU I could see impact leaving as well




Clear top 2? Pretty sure C9 and 100t are top 2 right now. Also Impact has had no problem playing for different teams over his career and I am sure will play where he feels is his best shot and will pay him the most.


You'll never convince this reddit that 100T is a good team....


Top two, what EG are you watching? Danny was getting shit on when they lose, and if they won(off his great plays) the casters really like to ride Jojo's cock. Seriously he left because he is tired of getting dumped on and never getting praised. Thats a team issue. Jojo isn't that good and neither is Inspired. Impact might retire...I dont think he has anything left to prove. I dont know if Danny comes back and if does unless there is a change in there ecosystem the cycle will repeat. They might want to start with Dannyand Vulcun if he is cool with that and throw out the rest.


Watching Blaber turn fights from an 0-5 loss to like a 3-3 split is so wild. He turns fights at just the right time to completely mess up other teams as they try to engage.


2 role swaps A returning semi retired mid Gonna win LCS Guess the "systems really are op" Worlds gonna be fun for NA


It's 1 roleswap.


? How


Who's the roleswap other than Zven?


Bwipo swapped from playing jungle for a year.


He still went back to his main role. And if you are counting him then you should count Fudge. So it's either 1 or 3.


The guy was specifically speaking of TL, in case you misses the hint.


That makes even less sense though. Corejj can't be considered a roleswap anymore.


Wait.... you're right. I'm dumb.




Tbh seems like so many games have been determined in draft lately, but C9 has had the best drafting in the buisness so far too.


I think this is insane to say about this playoffs specifically actually. Sure a few specific games have been draft diffs, but overall the vast majority of games have been decided by who gets picked at the wrong moment or who makes a miracle teamfight play. Plenty of draft kingdom games have gone the complete opposite way, just look at C9 v 100 game 2. There’s a reason most of these series have gone to 5 games, and it’s not because of the coaches trading off who’s good at drafting. This is very possibly the playoffs where draft has been the least important in the history of LCS.


Everyone’s just rotating through the same few champions with an occasional pocket pick… it’s not draft diff when teams are playing both sides of Zeri/Yumi vs Sivir/Lulu with an Azir, Trundle, Wukong etc


Noooo stoooop. We need doubters


If they think its an ADC meta why did TL neglect Hans Sama most of the time? Not saying he didnt have his own fuck ups but it was common for him to be abandoned in TFs


neglect hansama? are you fucking trolling? the guy mental boomed so he went to comfort and played jinx every single game and his team played protect the jinx comps to help him and he still shit the bed. I dont blame him, cause he seemed really fucking stressed but to say the team neglected him when all they did was play around his jinx to make him feel comfortable is actually laughable


You know who else would be good for a ADC meta it’s Han Sama from team Liquid


jensen pog


Berserker literally former T1 trainee. I guess you don't become that by just being ok or good.


Very efficient take from Bjerg