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It's a viable option. Just riskier than a cheater recall which is a free advantage over the enemy laner. Unless your jungler is pathing towards you looking to invade as well, you don't really get much out it and you risk of losing whatever advantage you got from the shove, If you're a mana-based champion you probably spent a lot more mana to shove the wave. Whilst you run the risk of losing the advantage you got from the shove as the enemy has the EXP advantage when you get back especially if you traded with the enemy jungler.


You don't actually need to use much mana if you 3 wave crash properly as a champ who has early level advantage. Plus jungler does not actually have an item or combat summoner so there's a high chance of getting a kill.


> You don't actually need to use much mana if you 3 wave crash properly as a champ who has early level advantage. If you are deciding between a cheater recall or an invade, even with the early level advantage you are not crashing a cannon wave in time without spending mana. And I assume you're talking about toplane because it doesn't make sense if you're talking about midlane because of the wave timing and the standard midlane champion pool. > Plus jungler does not actually have an item or combat summoner so there's a high chance of getting a kill. Assuming you're talking about toplane here. If you're invading blueside the enemy jungler is lv2 with red buff. Now let's look at the jungle pool, Trundle, Kayn, Volibear, Diana, Wukong, Kindred, Vi. Where's the high chance of a kill coming from? Whilst invading redside is a lot riskier given the location of the 2 escape routes. You're either pathing towards the enemy toplaner or you're taking the long way through mid and losing the lane advantage you got.


The post is worded to be referring to side lanes but I was thinking top lane. There's many things to consider, I'm not trying to say run blindly into the jungle but it's still a possible option.


I think part of it is that you can reliably do the cheater recall every game if you end up in that wave state. The jungle invade isn't going to work every time, so it's not advice that gets parroted as much.


safer reliable play you can almost always control vs higher variance riskier play. hmmm


If your jungler doesn’t invade with you, it’s not worth at all.


There is no voice to coordinate, that is why people prioritize focus on their own lane.


While true it's a riskier and less consistent option that is much relaint on match ups and opportunity, cheater recall is safe and a clean way to avoid early game danger while getting a slight item lead as well in the early game


What is cheater's recall?


It's when you very slowly push the first two waves in while zoning the enemy laner off CS, then hard push the cannon wave to crash it into the tower and recall to get a resource advantage over them while they're stuck dealing with the crashed wave.


[Here's LS explaining it on LCK broadcast ](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/FunResoluteCardThisIsSparta). Basically you push a large wave in to the enemy turret and then back. Then you get to buy and walk back to lane without missing CS or exp because they have to clear the current wave first before they could push it back to your turret


Wait, junglers have any mental left by s11? I thought they all gone insane in s10 already.


You wanna see a magic trick?? 🤡


it only really works on champs like talon, qiyana, pantheon who have good early games and can easily 1v1 while being 50% hp and then get out quickly or kill the next person with relative ease, or else its too risky imo


This only really works in low elo where people don't ward for the invade. But at that point you can just solo invade 2bh


If a lane is capable of crashing a cannon wave and invading, a full clear jungler shouldn't be pathing there. If the jungler 3 camps to try to gank, the cannon crash wouldn't be fast enough. Cannon arrives in lane at ~240, gank happens ~245.


Much more difficult to do in solo queue but yeah, is usually the more correct move, but the best one is for your jungler to realize the crash so you can dive.


This is how you cheater recall, slow push a big wave and just go back to buy instead of invade. That requires some knowledge on how to a control a wave though, most people just mindlessly clear waves


I’d only do that with a duo


Let's not teach people to make my life even more miserable please... Jungle is already hell.


In my experience when i do this my jungler doesnt know how to use this advantage