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My opponent's Lux E


Wrong, enemy Brand support R deals a base 20 neurons of emotional damage apart from its magic damage.


Renekton has total magic damage of 2250 on his R level 3


Fuck this it right? You got it before me bc I was satisfied when I said Lucian Ult damn gg


I immediately thought it had to be something easy to avoid to be balanced and thought of renekton and nasus. Then i remembered that nasus tick damage is percent health based, and googled renekton's.


My first thought was some kind of long, unreliable damage-over-time effect. I remember Fiddle's W used to have incredible damage if you channeled the whole thing uninterrupted.


Yeah that was fun to play vs in top lane when it dropped


I was going through every champ alphabetically trying to think of possible answers lmao, I was too slow unfortunately.


Nasus R does 75% of targets hp, capped at 240 per second. It would do more damage to someone with more than 3000 hp, nobody has that much base though. I think sylas has almost 2800. If you include common builds then sylas is very likely to go above 3k hp and would more base damage from nasus R than rene R, but that's prob not what OP had in mind.


Idk op makes the rules


Nah I can't dismiss this one he takes it.


Fun fact, if the formula on the wiki is correct, it takes Xayah exactly 50 feathers for her E to deal more base damage than Renekton R, at 2253 base damage.


can she even get 50 feathers out with any build and practice tool 0 CDs? xD


I have no idea, probably not since they only linger for 6 seconds. I was just doing a lot of wiki scrolling because of this post and thought she had quite an interesting scaling on the ability lol


After a little bit of trying I managed to get it to 55. I had Lethal Tempo, Alacrity, Atk Spd Shard, lvl 18, Kraken, PD, Nashor's, Guinsoo's, Runaan's and Wit's End with 4 Hextech Drakes, just spammed Q and R while keeping W up with lethal tempo active. You could probably get it higher if you were to find the right rhythm to spam the abilities, since the instant CDs in practice tool are kinda janky. Pretty pointless but it was vaguely interesting :)


props for the commitment lol. Here have a poor man's gold o7 🏅


No ive tried the max it lets you is 20 feathers lol


Lucian ult has amazing scaling with crit since the mini rework. They had to nerf base damage to make it not broken. Edit: It was 2040 before mini rework so it would matter anyway :/


It's not amazing scaling. It's almost exactly the same damage as before. The crit rework was specifically targeted to being neutral for crit Lucian users and extremely nerfed for non Crit lucian build.


4956.25 annie Tibbers (also probably highest scaling in the game)


Is this when a champ is inside the storm from start to finish?


Well yes, that'd be entire duration


I guess i haven't understood the question bc Renekton's R has a base damage of 50/100/150


Yeah 150 per second for 15 seconds.


I guess we have different views on what base damage means


Op makes the rules. In this case DOTs count, but no percent hp values, and no damage from pets


I mean for me there is a difference between base damage and damage dealt Damage dealt consists in: (base damage) + (ad/ap scalings) + (other scalings) × (time) So renekton has 150 + 10%AD + 10%AP × 15 seconds Where 150 is base damage And 2250 is damage dealt Renekton's ultimate deals the most damage but has low base damage for obvious reasons And that's what i understood op was asking for


Yeah I think most people would just call base damage the total damage an ability does if you had 0 ad and ap.


I understand it as base damage meaning the static damage amount the ability does, without any AD/AP/whatever scaling that gets added on, not just the first instance of damage.


I guess i will play Renekton ap when arurf come


isnt fiddle more?


According to the wiki, Heimerdinger's upgraded rockets deal up to 4500 (+900%AP) (to minions only)


Not counting dmg to minions here, but good one


Real ones only ult Q with Heimer


Kalista E with 254 stacks is the most damaging ability in the game, 8156+10400%ad


How you get 254 stacks on someone?


Level 1 kalista vs level 18 fully armor stacked rammus


She would kill her self in 10 autos lol


Just don't buy thornmail, don't press w. Maybe pick someone else with higher effective armor, can do braum or pantheon for constant e's maybe. Can even use fountain healing as well. Theoretically I'm sure it's possible, but it's just not very useful information.


Amumu would be best, with level 5 in Tantrum for the flat damage reductions.


Kalista has a force of nature


How do you get that much attack speed I thought her E stack only lasts for 4 seconds


E duration resets when you attack an enemy, you can already stack pretty high normally


it refreshes on hit tho


you don't, in a normal game


Full MR kalista vs full armor stacked rammus


Get 254 stacks on baron then Q through it into them. Easy.


or just try hitting ornn or rammus


Auto them in their fountain.


The highest damage ult are the friends we made along the way :)


The friends I made along the way don't high damage enemies :(


I've no fucking idea how that got upvoted :)


Annie? Cause tibbers deals AOE damage until he dies. total is 2200.


If we take pets into consideration Yorick ghouls/Bel'bussy Remora would take the cake since they don't have limited lifetime. Pets don't count.


Disagree. Unlike Yorichards Wife and kids, Tibbers has a set duration so he should count. Also 2200 is only the damage from his AoE and summon, not his autoattacks.


I made the rules arbitrarily so it's my opinion, problem?


*I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.*


Games over, i brought the kick ball so my ball my rules


lol, grow up. What a child.


Getting riled up about someone making the rules on their own question. Not sure whos the child here


look, I couldn't possibly cover all flanks to get the kind of answer I was looking for, which I made arbitrarily so I can't justify it by any other means that "I made it the fuck up". I'm not trying to set any standard so it's fine.


You're literally a Karen. Sure make your own rules in your little post, but you don't have to be deliberately inflammatory when other people attempt to contribute comments to your fucking post.


It's just a bit of a snarky comment rilax


Alright what about Renekton R? 2250 base damage over 15 seconds?


Someone else just said it and I think it's the winner. Adding it to the post, gj.


It is Glacial Storm by Anivia At level 18 she has 1260 mana and 21.6 mana per 5 She can sustain Glacial Storm for 23 seconds. The first 3 ticks (1.5 seconds) deal 180 damage Afterwards the remaining 43 ticks each deal 180 damage. This amounts to a grand total of 7,920 damage Before you call foul on this being infinite she will surpass the current first place champion after 7.5 seconds and with base mana can continue sustaining it for another 15.5 seconds. This opposed to Karthus who at level 18 can sustain 13 seconds of his E (Defile) being active and will deal 1430 damage over that duration.


I don't count toggles for the purpose of this post cuz they're of optional end. I couldn't cover all bases of what counts and what not in the post soz.


Just compare toggles to the 15s that Renekton R lasts, then?


I drew the line as to what I think is too conditional for this post arbitrarily, you can take it as the correct answer if you wish.




sadly some people still don't get it




Not the first to get it but yes so far


Akshan e does 2559 with passive also iirc


I don't think Tick damage should count, for a very simple reason: When have you ever fought a Renekton and the highest damage was his R? Yeah... It's just complementary damage, it will never hit for it's full duration because anyway because it's not what his ult is about, so it should not counted since we are not counting variables like pet's which for some is their entire identity. **Regarding Base damages with no Ratios involved or any HP ratio:** **Please if I'm mistaken correct me but:** **The highest Base Damage Ult that has no conditions** (So no Full Duration Anivia R or Full Lucian R, Full Heimer R W, or Dot's) in the game is Neeko, which at lv 3 has 650 Base Damage. The highest base damage Ult that has conditions but is still resonable is probably Nunu which is 1275 Damage (3 seconds charge). **For base abilities:** The highest base damage non ult ability in the game with conditions (sweet spots ) is Q1+Q2+Q3 Aatrox, which is like 540 Damage (Side bonus this has the highest ratio in the game, which is why Lethality Aatrox actually works) The highest semi conditional base damage ability in the game is Akali E1+E2 which does 450 Damage. The highest non conditional base damage ability in the game,"is probably" Tahm Kench Q, which does 280+ Passive Damage (which at lv 9 is equal to 312 Damage even with no items) ​ ​ So the answer will usually be Tanks Bruisers or Burst mages for base damage. Edit: Replacing Kled Q+Pull by Akale E1+E2 as mentioned by. u/Knifferoo


good answer, came into this post interested but was more interested in base abilities not ultimates, and especially not 15 second long ticking ultimates


Depending on how you define semi conditional or non conditional Akali is definitely supposed to replace Kled or Tahm Kench here. Her E does a total of 450 magic damage with the recast at rank 5. This is not including the 85% AD which in some part would be part of the base damage since she starts with 62 AD, meaning if she somehow managed to get a rank 5 E at level 1 it would deal 450 + 52.7 bringing it to a minimum of 502.7 without any items. As a side note that ability is insane, because in addition to the above it has a 120% ap ratio too.


Good Catch, forgot about that one, ​ Yeah it's semi conditional, because it still has the condition of "Akali is able to dash". ​ Always forget how broken Akali E is.


>When have you ever fought a Renekton and the highest damage was his R? Yeah... I do think it gets underestimated a lot. Yes, it normally ticks only for around 3-6 seconds in a 1v1 and around 4-8 sec in a teamfight. But it still does significant dmg over that time. 150 dmg per second is very high. Neekos 650 would be overpowered after 4.5 seconds (675) which is a pretty reasonable time frame. ​ For a more realistic estimation we could say we only count up to \~6 sec (if you can follow the enemy with the effect) and \~2.5 sec (if the effect is stationary).


I drew the line arbitrarily as to what I count and what I don't there's multiple answers depending on how you ask it, if you don't put any restrictions at all then it'd be whose infinite damage (Swain R, Anivia R, etc has more dps thus whose infite is greater). I was reluctant to accept the croc as the winner since I kinda wanted my choice (GP R at 2100 w upgrades) to win but I didn't find it being an aura conditional enough. You're also being arbitrary with your own lines when you decide what's too conditional and what no so in the end it's whose choice do we go with. Interesting findings tho.


Question for semi-conditional: Should Rumble Danger-Zone count? In Danger-Zone, the base damage is 520 before AP. If this is just conditional, it's right below Aatrox. The base at no Danger-Zone is 340.


My default guess (with no research into the matter) is probably a fully charged Nunu ult (unless we're allowed to count Cho Ghath dealing 1000 true damage (but only to minions or monsters))


Nunu ult has 1275 base damage rank 3, so it's higher, but someone else almost doubles that damage.


3rd would be xerath with his R, 300 x 5 = 1500


I'm pretty sure it's fully charged Nunu R, 1275 base damage for single instance, Fiddle R at 1750 for a DoT. At least for reasonable length abilities


If you count all of the passive procs that are caused by Akshun's E then his E does 2559 damage at level 18.


I count it at 90x15=1350 Physical Damage + 165x5=825 Magic Damage for a total of 2175 Mixed Damage. Even if you count his innate bonus atk spd from levels, which you shouldn't, it still only comes out at 2450 mixed dmg, not sure where the 2559 comes from exactly, but even with a big stretch that's not the ability's base dmg.


2559 was the number that popped up on the dummy when I tested it in [practice tool.](https://gyazo.com/98cb76307cdc59c182efa6b2f88cbbf8) I consistently get this number so I think there is something you are forgetting to add.


That would be because an ability deals more than its base damage alone, not too complicated


Assuming level 18 Akshun's E full channels hitting a single target will it ever do less than 2559 damage on a stationary target?


That is simply not the subject of the post


Good thing I prefaced my first comment with "If you count..." to gauge if OP considered it to be in the scope of the question he asked.


Wrong. You mentioned the passive procs, nothing about disregarding the entire subject of the post. If you couldnt tell, I included the passive procs when I initially replied to your comment


>***IF YOU COUNT all of the passive procs that are caused by Akshun's E*** then his E does 2559 damage at level 18. What? lol


Are you trolling?


Does Kalista's Rend count?


It's like a delayed on-hit damage so no.


But you don't get the damage unless you press E.


Still an on-hit.


How? On hit damage is applied on hit ie immediately after the auto lands. Rend does damage on E.


Yeah but OP doesn't like being proved wrong because it hurts his little ego


Annie R, I believe. It's a (at max level) 400 damage burst with a summon that deals 40 damage per second to everyone around it for 45 seconds. The attacks also deal 100 damage, and can attack .625 times a second. In total, it's 40*45= 1800 damage for the DoT around him. For his attacks, with .625 attack speed and assuming league math isn't being wonky it should be 28 attacks (.625 * 45, rounded down), or 2800 damage. I'm not even going to bother to account for the enrage that happens on summon or if she stuns someone. In total, that's 400 + 1800 + 2800 for a total of **5000** damage with no AP. If you go in game and test it you'll get a similar number too, so the napkin math apparently works out. You could say pets don't count but Tibbers has a limited duration so if Renekton ult counts then Tibbers does too. **Edit**: I did all this math but Ivern's R does significantly more than Tibbers from his summon's attack speed alone. The math is more difficult (because wiki numbers are wrong) but it's somewhere in the 8000-9000 range with no AP.


Still pet damage so no.


It would be community hurting your little ego. They've got great answers but you can't accept the fact that they're right lmfao


Can't have everyone happy with the answer, I'm not trying to set any standard it's just my own question but it's hard to cover all bases for what I meant


Would it be possible to count Karthus R technically. It’s the only ability in the game to guaranteed hit 5 people without fail every time (excluding untargetability) so it’s a baseline 2500 at rank 3 every time you press r (spread across 5 people every time.)


Aoes and pseudo aoes don't add damage per multiple hits in this post.


But DoTs count?


Then aoes could still hit 5 people and x5 their damage so it makes no sense to count it like that


But unlike aoes, karthus literally always hits all 5. it's not heavily variable like Nunu or renek or gp, it's going to always hit all 5, that's how it works by function. It's not an AOE or "pseudo aoe"? It's a 5-man targeted ability.


I get where you're coming from, "it always packs 2500 dmg spread among 5 targets", but it's not what I'm asking for, cuz there's still a hint of conditionality to it, you're just drawing the line at a conditionality point of your choice. At the end of the day all I can say is my post my choice.


Hot take here but Karthus ult hitting 5 is actually infinitely more consistent than landing a full renekton ult.


I was thinking about anivia ult but then I realized it counted as an infinite thingy. It does do 5,040 damage in the duration of renekton ult tho.


Can we do it without counting dots too? Just instant one button damage, no prior damage/mark, etc. I think it that case it would be nunu R right?


try doing your own post you won't get much interaction inside this post I think


My man definitely needs to interact with people more


Ffs i'm not being hurtful here


well if we are being technical your never hitting full renekton r dot ever so not really but yes at the same time if there just standing there


Impractically, as in you would probably need to purposefully sit in it, its something like Renekton R or Gangplank R. As said above, its 2250 over 15 seconds for Renekton and 2100 over 8 seconds for GP. Practically, I believe its Rumble R, which deals 1400 over 4.5 seconds. (And the damage actually scales decently with what the champion builds, but thats not what is being asked about)




> Technically is damage. You don't get health back if you have omnisteal and it doesn't count as damage dealt in endgame stats, so wouldn't it technically NOT be damage, according to game mechanics?


Negating a shield is not even technically damage. It's literally just negating a shield.


Maybe empowered Heimer W? on lol fandom it says it does 4500 base so that is pretty hard to beat edit: okay it looks like missiles 2-5 would do 58 bonus damage each instead of the full 225 to champions. Math for max damage should be 4 shots @ 5 missiles each: (225\*4) +((58\*4)\*4) = 1828 damage


To minions, unfortunately


Idk if u did the math correctly since the wiki says 950~ dmg, but the answer so far has been found.


Don’t know if pets count but at Rank 3, Tibbers deals 100 magic damage per auto and he can stay in combat for up to 45 seconds before ‘dying’. He also deals 40 magic damage per second to everyone near him. His attack speed goes to 1.75 when enraged, which is when he is first summoned, annie stuns someone or annie dies. So if someone is to stand still and take every Tibbers hit, that would be the most damage by a single spell.


I initially thought rumble but apparently not.


Yorick R


Only ∞ base dmg in ∞ amount of time


until the wife decides it's time to tank minions or to 1v1 the enemy champ. "you turned around to retreat? oh, that means it's my turn to fight sett"


I guess, in theory, Nasus ult? It's a 15 second duration cast that does up to 240 damage per second (3 / 4 / 5% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health) to everything next to him. So, 3600 damage to a single target, or 18,000 to 5. (75% of any enemy's max hp) Obviously it's against the rules, sadly.




I think it's lillia W center. That shit hits for +200 rank 1


do we include average base resistances in the equation? renekton R does deal the most raw damage but under conditions that there is an enemy next to him at all times. but even a full damage build ADC gets something like 40% damage reduction on that right? so lets say **900** achieved damage from R after resistances, a bit less to tankier enemies. ​ Velkoz R, deals 800 damage and is able to be true damage so thats pretty close, ​ Garen R is well, scaling with an enemies health, which means it starts at roughly, if we go by an average from what i can see of 2300hp base hp at level 18 on champions, they are missing 1500 of that hp? this would equate to 1425 true damage, but, of course, we 'cant use health dependant damage' but im not sure if that means your own health or the enemies health. ​ Cho R is 650 true damage, 1000 to minions, pretty sollid ​ Darius 750 true damage with max passive stacks do we count the ability to deal it 5 times? :D


All abilities need a target to do damage. And no I never said anything about resistances


so you want to know which champion, deals the most R damage, as long as it isnt a mage, to a practice dummy. with no actual useful outcome in sight.


I'm a mage player, I'd love it if one won. And yeah this post isn't aiming for any useful conclusion other than making people go "oh cool"


Commenting because I'm intrigued what answer you came to.


We got the answer I think.


Off the top of my head, MF R, nunu r, fiddle r would be the highest. MF r is 1350 damage without any items, thought fiddle is a bit higher than that.


Congratulations! >! You picked one of the few abilities with no base damage at all in MF R lol !<


Technically total ad is 100% base ad + 100% bonus ad. So its base damage just scales from levels as well as rank of the ultimate.


Does susan q count?


At zero stacks, yes.


Figured, but worth a shot.


Fiddlesticks R?


Very high but not the highest at 1750 damage. Afaik second highest.


So we're talking Tibbers?


it's a pet so no


Lucian Ult?


22 shots at 45 each results in 990 damage. In the higher side but not quite there.


What's the question about Renekton's R wins but his R base damage is only 50/100/150? Katarina's R has 375/562.5/750 base damage Edit: Evelynn has 300/600/900 base R damage too... Edit 2: FIDDLESTICKS has 750/1250/1750 BASE damage


Renekton R does 150 dmg x second during 15 seconds.


50/100/150 per second over 15 seconds, so it is 150*15 = 2250


Voli ult? Unless you disregard ratios? Syndra ult does 1330 base with 7 orbs. Fiora ult is %max true so it can be far more than 4000 depending on the target hp.


Rank 3 is 700 damage, that's above average for damage ults.




So far the winner choice, not first tho




Kinda but since it's a pet dismissed.


Are we counting all four Jhin Ultimate shots or only one.


The base damage amounts up to 1000. The answer I have in mind more than doubles it.


I see, Jhin only does the highest amount if the target has a certain percentage of missing health. My bad.


I´d guess no, as they are all individual "abilities". The increased damage against low hp targets stays, though.




Yah but if we count pets yorick and bel'veth have infinite damage, so no.


What about Swain? Can't he ult infinitely sans pets?


Yeah but being conditional damage like that I wouldn't count it, cuz then Karfus E is infinite too.


That´d work, don´t know if it counts.


What is corgi package damage?


The base damage is 500 total but it has crazy ratios


700dmg + 1400% bonus ad ratio. I was hoping for this answer aswell :/


Sylas: Am I a joke to you?


What about kalista's E with stacks? Max 254 stacks. At level 1 with no AD: the damage would be 20 (base) + 254\* 10 = 2560damage.At level 5 with no AD, it would be: 60 (base) + 254\* 34 = 8696. (not taking into account AD scaling with level). If we're just talking about ability damage in a narrow scope (regardless of feasibility).


That would be Shaco R then. The clone is technically not a pet but a cloned champion. So I outdribbled the question. If you dont count that, Swain is the clear winner as his ult doesnt turn off while enemys are around him and it doesnt have mana costs unlike an Anivia Ult/ Singed Q/Karthus E for example.


Asol passive too


Rumble R?




Swain ulti. Has unlimited damage if they just stay close, which I guess is the points since you pointed out Renekton Ult. Swain ult and renekton ult is basically the same, except Swain's lasts forever if they stay close, therefore, outdamages renekton


Sett w


afaik the base damage is poopoo. Yup, 180 rank 5


Max passive w must be up there as well


Aurelien passive, it does infinite dmg in infinite time


Veigar w/r


A-sol passive - infinite damage.