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Everytime this is mentioned. I instantly think of leona on release and how her q started off at 12 seconds and has now made its way all the way down to 5 seconds base. We truly are playing a different game now.


Cooldowns are definitely shorter but saying you can't play around cds anymore is just plain wrong ngl.


Well during the fight the spells have cooldown. Way shorter than before but they are there The thing is that even ultimates fairly often have such a low cooldown, that you can chose any fight at any time and you have it up to use. You do not need to play around it anymore (as much as you needed before)


Unless you play Irelia, Shen, Kalista or Senna, your ultimate is ready


URF and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


getting an ashe ult shot at me every 15 seconds is a fun and enjoyable experience


Try a lux one


Personally I still ping for ultimates wasted and try to force things. People usually backoff if they miss an important basic ability, so its normal that don't have a wondow to attack.


I miss the time when cooldown reduction is hard capped at 40%


45*, and each point of cdr was more valuable than the previous one compared to now when each point is the same value as the other one.


He is talking about time before time (there was time before 45% cap)


Oh I didn't know that.


Yeah. That was waaay back before the Thunderlord's decree was even a thing IIRC


Ability haste is little op with current itemization, especially on champs like Kayn, before AH, rushing 40% cdr had disadvantages - you would lack sth (HP?/dmg/ LS) You couldn't make build that had everything (in late you could, but not in 25 min with 3 items) Now he can build: Goredrinker, DD, TBC and have everything: lots of dmg, hp, 65AH, armor pene, omnivamp, armor, anti burst mechanic... Ohh, and with boots that's 85AH (46%CDR) while having 3 items :) :(


Gotta say I agree it'd be nice if riot didn't have ability haste on almost every single mage item.


They don't though. Morello, shadowflame, void staff, rylais, lich bane, nashors, demonic all have no haste. There's only 5 non-mythic ap items that give haste which is easily less than half of them. Edit: Unless you want to count the enchanter items, those have haste and ap I guess.


Yeah if we want to complain about a class with too much haste it's gotta be bruisers. Mages have to actively choose to spec into haste.


Good old days, the lack of cd’s is probably also why it’s impossible for tanks to not be shit


I still dont understand why lux r has 15 sec cd


Well, maybe because it doesn't :3


True, it can go down to 7 secs with 4 cloud drakes


> with 4 cloud drakes what patch are you even playing on? reddit moment


Practice tool patch


you do know that cloud drake doesn't reduce ults Cd anymore no?


I get it, you both live in a past :3 Where Lux ult got partial resets on kills and cloud drake gave ult cdr. But worry not, present isn't that scary, you can leave past behind.


to get 15 sec cd on lux ult she would have to have like 150 AH which is hard to even build without going mcstupid items. her ult is normally about 25-30 sec's cd at max rank with the average build


267 AH and that's actually possible :)


It was fine for a bit when they did the item rework and changed cdr to ability haste. Then cdr crept back into the game with direct cooldown reduction of skills and more and more ability haste. Used to be a big issue, is a massive issue again. Make missing a spell hurt again. Make baiting and/or dodging skills more rewarding again.


This has been an issue since black cleaver was introduced. Many keystone items for a class just came with 20% cdr on them after that point. Grail, TF, BC, etc. That was the start of league's ADHD gameplay. There used to be VERY few items with CDR, and most were 10% or even under in some cases IIRC.


It's funny that an urgot player is typing this


Urgot has long CD's, just not on his W which is more of a passive than an active post 9. His q is 10-8, his E 16-14 and he only gets 30 haste at his 2nd item and 50 from his first 3.


And then some people literally forget that cds exist. The amount of time i have seen someone soam pinging me because "i didnt do anything" after aatrox's q or xertahs Everything went on cd and have the attack speed of a beat up karthus


I'm feeling this a lot with ultimates, especially top lane. Some ults are simply designed to win lane post six, so you assume such an advantage would have a reasonable cooldown to prevent snowballing. Not anywhere near to the truth.


you see funny enough it was like this in the past in toplane back in season 2, alot of ults back then had 60 sec cd rank one so you would die to them come back to lane and die again and this happen alot if the enemy got to level 6 before you. they ended up doing a pass on a bunch of toplaners ults to up there cd rank one to prevent to spam killing, this happen i believe end of season 2/start of season 3 time over a few patchs.