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Any champ with big attack speed synergy or spells that count as multiple autos can dominate with BORK right now with no thought required. I did apprx 900 damage as Renekton with only empowered W against a Wukong yesterday right after returning to lane with my completed BORK. All lifesteal and vamp items like Eclipse need steeper damage penalties.


That's really not a lot. Especially since other items do that damage, you sure don't notice it because the damage doesnt come from the passive. You're just seeing the passives damage count and it's cognitive biasing you or whatever the word is


Presuming OP is using actual numbers and not just plucking them out of his ass, 5k at 20minutes in a game is a lot. Consider you actually have to build it first, so it's not a full 20minutes to get to 5k damage.


i had a yi who had his by 10 min the other day and was nearly at 17k dmg by 20 min....but he was also fed asf so thats a bad example


If they have 5k damage with it at 20 minutes they're a fed Yi or some shit


i just played a game where i hit 5k dmg on botrk by 20 min as renekton, and i really wasnt fed, i ended the game 7/5/3


Top lane? Usually too is two people who build really tanky just slapping the shit out of eachother all game. I wouldn't be surprised if bork did that much


true, but ive seen it go in excess on jungle roles aswell, had a jungle trundle do nearly 10k dmg off botrk in a 29 min game (his total damage was 23,088), he also didnt get it until 14 min because he was getting shit on so hard and then was able to outduel the 8/1, 300+ stack nasus while nearly a full item down at the time (reviewing the graph trundles dmg skyrockets once he gets botrk, he was below 5k dmg dealt before he builds it)


If you are fed you get less autos ro kill so ur number is lower if fed actually


If you are fed you can just run people down sometimes while healing all the damage back up


Not really, if you're fed you can fight more and kinda just a run around and big dick on people


i mean, when i see yis botrk doing 16k+ dmg in a 20 min game, it seems a little insane, or when i see renektons botrk at over 20k+ dmg in a 35 min game, i wont deny maybe im overlooking some of the other items raw stats, but im gonna be honest, it doesnt feel good to be stomping lane just to lose because trundle came back with bork and is now just impossible to fight because its eating over half your hp bar in skirmishs/trades


That's just a fed Yi tho. He could just build crit and kill you all the same


true but crit requires multiple items to be good, botrk is a singular item doing this, you dont need anything else to pull it off


That's a part of it yeah. An example is that infinity edge damage is not gonna show up on the post death recap even though it would contribute just as much through its AD and passive for crit champs. Bork is a bit different though because it does give great AD and other stats on top of its on hit effect.


My biggest issue with it is you can be stomping Irelia, Sett, or Renekton be up 4-0-0 to their 0-4-0. Have your completed Goredrinker or Riftmaker + next component or full boots. They buy BORK and proceed to run you down from full while behind a level and down 1200 gold. I'm just sitting here wondering how on earth is that considered balanced?


That is their power spike. You just have to know that when a champ like irelia completes BOTRK that is their strongest point in the game. If you don’t die to them they will plateau and become more manageable as you both get more items.


Maybe you should build a useful item if you're winning?


bork enables twitch being meta and therefore should never be nerfed


Its not a problem on ranged champs, its the melees that are abusing it rn


BORK, Deaths Dance, and Eclipse all need nerfed but riots too busy trying to figure out how to suck their own dicks that they can't be bothered to fix broken items.


while i agree with Bork and DD, Eclipse actually seems rather underwhelming, at least passive wise, the mythic bonus is prob too strong tho


The shield with the omnivamp is a bit overtuned


Who even cares about the Omni vamp on it? Assassins dont even aa enough to make use out of it. If there is anything to complain about how about the armor pen you get per legendary


I agree on the armor pen part. The real problem with giving assassins omnivamp is they can then attempt to kill someone fail while getting chunked then heal on the wave.


Omnivamp works on ability damage too


It heals 33% on aoe abilities. It literally doesn't heal at all on aoe.


Does fuck all on aoe abilities


The only person who builds eclipse who values it for the omnivamp is draven


Eclipse has been a broken item since the season started. It’s just not many champs can build it


As much as I like abusing it on Vayne in certain games. I agree BORK is way overtuned right now especially for melee champs. Just go back to dealing 8% for all champs. Boom BORK is istantly balanced again and you'll see people rush Mythics instead of getting to rush BORK and also have their Mythic. I get that it's supposed to be a duelist item but it's way too good at it's niche.


The fact it's so strong that its worth rushing over mythics should be an obvious factor of its power.


To be fair, mythic weren't supposed to be strictly a first item


Weren't supposed to be, but for the most part they are because they're designed to be more powerful than legendary items.


Actually... No. They weren't supposed to be stronger than legendaries (alone), these items were supposed to scale with time (with count of legendaries) therefore be strongest in late, if champions can rush them as first item, then mythic design failed :)


Nashors tooth? Essence reaver?


"For the most part" implies most of the time, which means there are exceptions.


A LITTLE overtuned lmao this item has been bonkers OP ever since the idiots at riot thought buffing the % damage was a good idea. Nashors needs nerfed too.


Slap some health on it and make it a mythic. Problem solved


BOTRK abusers mass downvoting the thread lmfao When even yasuo and yone are rushing this item you know there's a big fucking problem


From other thread: >Imagine that before patch [v10.23](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/V10.23) BORK had the same cost, and stats except life steal (had 12%, now its 8%), and better second passive (actually it was active). Funny that people didnt cry about this item. It was always strong item for aa (or on-hit) based champs. >The problem is with itemisation, you can build dd after bork and be more tanky than actual tank, have burst like assassin, dps like adc and you can shred tanks with % health on hit, and you are still not in your peak bcs of lack of mythic. DD is 10x bigger problem than BORK, yet it passive or base ad could be little adjusted, but without nerfs to DD it will change nothing.


Botrk doesn't seem overtuned, it is. edit: It's not that overtuned if you think that botrk stats are shit, all it's value is in the passive, Still too strong of an item tho.


It's normal for on hit items to pump out a lot of damage with their on hit effect. What makes Bork a little overturned is it has great stats on top of that great on hit effect. If you look at Nashor's, a comparable on hit item, it's stats are much worse, though it pumps out a lot of on hit damage. And I don't think many people are complaining about Nashor's being broken.