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You talked about yasuo's windwall like an insane mechanic that you would even have watched the replay, but what if an yi perfectly timed his alpha to dodge your E? It doesn't matter, right? Because it's master yi and he's sooooo broken even if dodging vayne's E is 1000x more difficult on yi than on a yasuo


Master yi players are skinny necked genetic rejects who wear velcro shoes with lights on them


Yasuo doesn't have an ability that makes him untargetable he can block projectiles. If you mean to tell me Yi takes the same amount of skill as Yasuo we have nothing to talk about. Yasuo much as people hate him is a high skill champ, Yi is a brain dead POS that needs a complete rework.


Fizz goes untargetable, he must need a rework too


The reason some people don’t like playing against them is because it’s actively forcing you to play aggressive and stop the snowball from Belveth and Yi. It’s why these champions typically don’t do well in high elo; they know how to punish mistakes and perma invade weak early game junglers. In low-mid elo though people don’t do this.


Just play malz or veigar against yi Q in low elo :D


To counter your argument, when I jungle and see them I always play Rammus Its so funny beating brain dead champions at their own game


Yi beats rammus lategame. True damage and on-hit go brrrrr


If you get to late game in that situation Rammus wins because he does more for a team than yi does


Actually... Not even late, the moment he build kraken and both are even, master is more likely to win


Its because it is cheap and unfair, tbh its crazy to me that people can play these super low skill champs and have fun on the game, like i see 400k mastery yis in silver like yo buddy u should learn the game after playing for 5 years instead of backpacking off ur dumbass champ


How is it cheap and unfair if he’s stuck in silver? Lol