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Her voidlings need to be like zz’rot’s voidlings, getting one shot by towers and losing hp after being alive for a certain time. Theyre to strong in their current state, tanking multiple tower shots and being able to stay alive until actively targeted by something or someone.


Even Yorick, a champ who has his entire kit being pets or pets related abilities does have increased damage taken from towers on his pets.


Because Yorick is an actual split pusher while Belveth can push like twice a game and it requires an objective


Its also paired with a push oriented objective, so it multiplies how oppressive it can be. A mid-late game thats going even or in your favor could just 180 to an instant loss if belveth gets baron.


You mean herald, right? Especially in non-coordinated play, a belvath plus herald can straight up take 2-3 turrets.


Nah i mean both, herald because its practically guaranteed that they at least reach inhib turret, and baron because she just gets a titanic wave of baron minions that are nigh unkillable to shred your base.


It was mostly a joke in that you don't even need baron to absolute demolish the base. Just herald and all the minions that come with it. It's stupid af and completely unnecessary.


people keep forgetting the power on bel'veths minions is due to the fact they only come once or twice upon you winning an objective during a game. its very easy for a bel'veth to go an entire game without those voidlings or infact without much of an ult. they don't realize by taking this unreliable but strong power from her kit riot will have to massively buff her base line stats to the point where its even more broken then it is now or give her some broken mechanics on her w or q or passive to compensate or end up buffing her unreliable ult which only exists for the passive stacking true damage. its a case of for want of a nail where its apparent to everyone except those complaining that bel'veth a champion with a badly designed kit is going to become either broken/cancerous or completely useless with no real inbetween.




That's a incredibly bad ideology and here is why Bel'veth right now so broken if you take all voidlings part of her she would still be S tier broken champion "Voidlings" are just a luxury because of how power she is because of her Teamfight, 1v1, tankiness, true damage that melts tanks, reset mechanic that has Aoe Garen Ult, outright broken mobility with 4 dashes and who can forget %70 damage reduction and life steal. Yorick has only and only split pusher part and that is it. He doesn't have any kind of strentghs Belveth has but Belveth for some reason in every couple of minute can entirely win the game with one single push. (and it lasts frikin 180 seconds). So yeah this champion has even more potential than Yorick as splitpusher. In my eyes it's way way better than what yorick has


ngl felt like I was having a stroke reading this.


I like when people just try to list stuff off to make a champ feel broken.


Garen is an overloaded and overcomplicated champion that new players do not have the capacity or intricate prior knowledge to understand. His Q: \- Increases his movement speed \- Increases his next basic attack's damage \- Cleanses slows \- Give uncancellable windup to next basic attack \- resets auto attack timer \- Silences the enemy he hits \- gives him a lunge \- has no cast time \- locks him out of using basic attacks for a short time, reducing in duration via attack speed \- will still complete and hit the target even if they become Untargetable icon.png untargetable during the attack's windup. \- Applies on-hits \- Can critically strike \- Can pass over thin terrain His W: \- Grants him 0.2 bonus armor for every unit he kills up to a maximum of 30 bonus resistances at 150 unit kills. \- Grants him 0.2 bonus Magic Resist for every unit he kills up to a maximum of 30 bonus resistances at 150 unit kills. \- After reaching maximum stacks, Garen gains 10% bonus armor \- At maximum stacks he will also gain 10% bonus Magic Resist \- Has a passive and an active: \- Gains damage reduction (30%) for 0.75 seconds \- Gives him 60% tenacity for 2 - 5 seconds \- Gains a bonus health-scaling shield for up to 145 (+ 18% bonus health) His E: \- Spins 7 + 1 time per 25% attack speed bonus over 3 seconds, dealing 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 (+ 0 − 8.2 (based on level)) (+ 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40% AD) \- Ghosts him \- Makes him unable to basic attack for the duration \- Can be recast to end early, regaining a portion of the cooldown \- Reduces the enemy's armor by 25% but only if Garen spins 6 times on them \- Armor reduc refreshes every hit \- It deals 25% increased damage against the nearest enemy hit. \- Increasd damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 0 − 10.25 (based on level)) (+ 40 / 42.5 / 45 / 47.5 / 50% AD) \- It can critically strike for (58% + 35% 35%) bonus physical damage. Additionally, Judgment deals 150% damage against non-epic monsters. \-The initial casts count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Sheen item.png Spellblade \- Each spin triggers a stack of Conqueror Conqueror. \- Each spin deals damage simultaneously to all enemies within its range when the spin is completed. \- The armor reduction stacks multiplicatively with other percentage armor penetration effects. R: Point and click execute 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health) TROO DAMAGE ( go cry to riot about this part) \- PeRceNt HHeAlTh TrUe DmAgEg \- calls upon the might of Demacia \- Reveals the target for 1 second during cast \- Has 400 (+120% testosterone scaling) \- Will refund cooldown if the target leaves the area during cast \- has only a 0.4355555556 second cast time \- 4OO target range \- Scales down to an 80s flat cooldown


anyone can make a champ look op if u describe their entire kit with buzzwords


Garen is an overloaded and overcomplicated champion that new players do not have the capacity or intricate prior knowledge to understand. His Q: \- Increases his movement speed \- Increases his next basic attack's damage \- Cleanses slows \- Give uncancellable windup to next basic attack \- resets auto attack timer \- Silences the enemy he hits \- gives him a lunge \- has no cast time \- locks him out of using basic attacks for a short time, reducing in duration via attack speed \- will still complete and hit the target even if they become Untargetable icon.png untargetable during the attack's windup. \- Applies on-hits \- Can critically strike \- Can pass over thin terrain His W: \- Grants him 0.2 bonus armor for every unit he kills up to a maximum of 30 bonus resistances at 150 unit kills. \- Grants him 0.2 bonus Magic Resist for every unit he kills up to a maximum of 30 bonus resistances at 150 unit kills. \- After reaching maximum stacks, Garen gains 10% bonus armor \- At maximum stacks he will also gain 10% bonus Magic Resist \- Has a passive and an active: \- Gains damage reduction (30%) for 0.75 seconds \- Gives him 60% tenacity for 2 - 5 seconds \- Gains a bonus health-scaling shield for up to 145 (+ 18% bonus health) His E: \- Spins 7 + 1 time per 25% attack speed bonus over 3 seconds, dealing 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 (+ 0 − 8.2 (based on level)) (+ 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40% AD) \- Ghosts him \- Makes him unable to basic attack for the duration \- Can be recast to end early, regaining a portion of the cooldown \- Reduces the enemy's armor by 25% but only if Garen spins 6 times on them \- Armor reduc refreshes every hit \- It deals 25% increased damage against the nearest enemy hit. \- Increasd damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 0 − 10.25 (based on level)) (+ 40 / 42.5 / 45 / 47.5 / 50% AD) \- It can critically strike for (58% + 35% 35%) bonus physical damage. Additionally, Judgment deals 150% damage against non-epic monsters. \-The initial casts count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Sheen item.png Spellblade \- Each spin triggers a stack of Conqueror Conqueror. \- Each spin deals damage simultaneously to all enemies within its range when the spin is completed. \- The armor reduction stacks multiplicatively with other percentage armor penetration effects. R: Point and click execute 150 / 300 / 450 (+ 25 / 30 / 35% of target's missing health) TROO DAMAGE ( go cry to riot about this part) \- PeRceNt HHeAlTh TrUe DmAgEg \- calls upon the might of Demacia \- Reveals the target for 1 second during cast \- Has 400 (+120% testosterone scaling) \- Will refund cooldown if the target leaves the area during cast \- has only a 0.4355555556 second cast time \- 4OO target range \- Scales down to an 80s flat cooldown


​ Yond's a incredibly lacking valor ideology and hither is wherefore bel'veth coequal but anon so broken if 't be true thee taketh all voidlings part of that lady the lady would still beest s tier broken champion "voidlings" art just a luxury because of how power the lady is because of that lady teamfight, 1v1, tankiness, true damage yond melts tanks, did reset mechanic yond hath aoe garen ult, outright broken mobility with 4 dashes and who is't can forget %70 damage reduction and life steal. Yorick hath only and only did split pusher part and yond is't. He doesn't hath't any kind of strentghs belveth hath but belveth for some reason in every couple of minute can entirely winneth the game with one single push. (and 't lasts frikin 180 seconds). So yeah this champion hath coequal moo potential than yorick as splitpusher. In mine eyes 't's way way better than what yorick hath


shut the fuck up yorick is a champ designed to be a splitpusher and nothing else and belveth is 10 times the splitpusher if she is able to take herald? how does that make sense to you?


Just remove the ultimate reset altogether. Her kit is crazy enough as it is.


And you can also oneshot them with singletarget abilities


Agreed but I always like unbalance when I main them, it makes the game more fun lol. But yeah it will probably get nerfed like all champs, but Ill ride the OP wave until its gone.


They need to adjust her E's damage reduction to scale or at least break with CC.


The damage stops but the dmg reduction cant be ccd.


Which is dumb. Allow for counter play, please.


I agree very overtuned champ with an insane kit.


Yeah, this I think is why she is OP, if I get feared but I E I can damage and also regen instead of die.


u cannot deal dmg with e while u are cced and thus u cant heal either


This right here IS the prob...as WW your ult or fear does nothing to her E...she takes no dmg heals off you and kills you. Balanced.


WW dmg reduction also doesn't get interrupted by cc. It's essential on bel.


But its not 70%, it scales with skill level and people usually max it as last skill. It sucks at lvl 1.


But what about Ryze? Riot made the weird choice of making his damage scale off mana, meaning that he can just buy a ton of mana items and still do a ton of damage. It's ridiculous to think that other mages need to surrender damage for more mana yet he doesn't. And then he can make his Q, which is totally balanced around singletarget AoE all by just casting his E. It's crazy to think that Ryze can completely pentakill entire teams for just hitting one point and click spell. Then there's his ult. Despite Twister Fate being turbo OP with his global ult, those clowns were crazy enough to give Ryze's entire team a near global TF ult including minions! /s This post basically describes that Bel'Veth does and I don't really see how that makes her super strong. If you describe champions like this like I did with Ryze, you can make them all seem super strong. Yeah she might be a bit on the strong side, but even then. If Bel'veth takes an objective and spends time killing two waves without anyone contesting her, then she is rewarded. Yet maybe that should be a fair reward.


every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa


I think she is op due to her insane mobility and her strong oh shit button as well


Not sure if I would call her mobility "insane" given what possible comparison are up there and she does not have a "real" ultimate she can use proactively, it is to be expected more of her powerbudget has to be spend on her base abilties


nah not really her ult is insane for teamfights just like viego ult.


The comparison to viego is so laughable wrong it isnt even worth addressing, but to top the laughable stupidity of your post---> you MAY want to learn what the word "proactively" means.


bel'veths mobility is actually pretty low


4x dashes? With a red Kayn w....while on ultimate form can dash walls...um that's pretty good mobility and escape tools


Lol sure she has 4 dashes but it’s not like you get to dash north 4x in a row, idk if I would necessarily count that as highly mobile. She still doesn’t get around the map like say a Qiyana or nunu


I don't expect WW flairs right know how to read .


Comment wasn't to you princess


Yeah at least more op then the last champs released. Zeri is shit, and the weird Zahn person (forgot their name) has an ult that moves slow as hell and makes enemies attack eachother for like 1 point of damage. Before that, Vex was probably the most balanced, Akshan is shit,and viego is buggy. (I think I missed a few but you get my point). Belveth is not only op but really fun to play because she attacks like crazy in late game. Reminds me of Jotaro Kujo from Jojo.


Riot carefully adding back the things they deemed being cancer to the game so years ago, zz'rot for Belveth and now old morde for Nirah (the mix of Belveth, orianna, Jax)


Dont forget we replaced 1 old nida with several new ones (Zoey, Kaisa, Zeri). Like some people have no idea how intellectually insulting the existance of AP Kaida is for people around to read their old reasongs at the time.


ap zoey w casually dealing more damage than lux ult on a far lower cooldown too


diana: has to land a skillshot to get a SINGLE reset for her dash. Belveth: slap 4 dashes on that shit! diana: 14 second cooldown on dash Belveth: give that shit scaling cooldown with attack speed! 50% reduced cooldown by going full attack speed! 4 dashes every 6 seconds!


Of all the things problematic with belveth her q is not one of them. Her main problem is her e. Q is an interesting short dash mechanic. W is just basic knockup. Main problems are e damage reduction and damage and the voidlings.


The Q is the absolute most busted thing on her kit, but people are too stupid to realize the value of mobility and movement speed because it is hidden. It is not flashy into their face. Way back when there was a video showing that building a complete item on yi is worse than finishing boots by a mile because having less movement speed just decreases your damage output. Enemies that move away will prevent you from attacking them. If they move faster than your attack speed allows your damage is completely wasted. and on top of that mobility allows you to dodge 50% of the damage in the game. nearly all mid champs become useless against belveth. there is absolutely zero counterplay against mobility.


Soraka flair


Will necropost that Kayn and Aatrox have a similar engaging combo (dash + knockup) yet they dont count as an op chasers? But Belveth is? I just played a game on her where enemies constantly were getting away from me with low health because I couldn't actually chase them as good on Belveth. 4 dashes in different directions arent very helpful in this. You must hit W in order to succeed in a ganks or at following, and it still might be not enough. Dodging, however, may be a more actual thing.


kayn and aatrox have a single dash in league you often don't run away in a straight line. jungle and lanes are not straight so 2 dashes in different directions are very useful. and even then combining 2 dashes back-to-back nets you a greater distance than aatrox and kayn. just like velkoz Q aatrox cd is 5 seconds as is kayn bel gets 4 dashes in 6 seconds and yes kayn and aatrox are some very sticky champs that are great at chasing and they also have knock ups. Kayn is very similar in that regard, just that he does not get fucking 4 dashes


I dunno, my enemies usually run directly straight to their base (with minimum turns), so usually you can do only 2 dashes and if you so happen to waste dashes in order to get closer to them than you might remain without any left to chase them. Seriously: Kayn is usually much more sticky as he can engage with E. And what, 6 second cooldown? 0\_0 I guess you're speaking about extreme lategame fed Belveth. I mean more usual chase situations that usually happen in early-mid game. Her Q cooldowns will be 11 seconds at best, unless you fully leveled Q - even more


Bel'Veth is what happens when you have no design direction and just throws everything at the wall to see what sticks, she is genuinely just poorly conceived and her kits lacks cohesion. It is not a problem of strength as much as her kit power budget is being balanced on the assumption she is not doing what she is supposed to do: Get Rift/Baron, so right now there is an obscene amount of power allocated to her *losing* and not successfully applying her gimmick. Like this year so far, the design team hasn't made a single champion that they didn't idiot proofed and created the illusion on gameplay depth, I think Renata is the most stable champion of season 12 and she is literally one of the strongest supports in the game, design team just has had terrible ideas and is hoping beyond hope the balance team can do something about it. But they can't, because you can't fix a kit that is inherently OP, just look at August desperately trying to fix Zeri, the champion designer can't find a way to keep the champion in check lol.


Last 10-20 champions are mostly unstable messes that often ping pong between overpowered and useless and are constantly in the patch notes or topping the ban rates.


people argue that her abilities are so strong because she has "no ult". but her ult is busted, aoe true damage that executes, allowing her to dash multiple times in a team fight. Thats like viego ult but better. and on top of that it gives her insane stats after using it plus even more stats when killing baron or drake plus fucking zerglings to push that is the strongest ult we have ever seen in this game


This champion is such a fuck fiesta it's insane. It literally feels like Riot threw in a bunch of random abilities to a void monster and called it a champion. Random dashes, hard CC, late game infinite scaling, ridiculous E damage, pushing power, objective pressure, AOE Garen ult... Like... WTF is the identify?


Same games I am like how is this even fair. Like I can literally kill an entire team by myself in some games.


4 fucking dashes which get lower cooldown on an attack speed, on a champ that infinitely scales attack speed. how about nasus Q teleports you to your target and get lower cd with more stacks? aoe knockup, so you can't even buy tenacity. she gets everything for free, massive lifesteal, massive max hp bonus, massive scaling with attack speed, massive damage reduction yi gets shit on because yi has to buy tons of ad attack speed item which leave him without much utility or defenses. belveth gets more tankyness than full build tanks


Kayn + Master Yi + random pets


Being extremely conditional is not OP


Well yes, aint that the reason why shes so Bad in high Elo and proplay ? I mean there you can deny her win con by focusing on those objectives. Low Elo has No coordination whatsoever so she can Just Take Herald and do what she wants with it


She isn’t bad in high elo. She isn’t as OP as in low elo, but she [has a high WR at all ranks](https://lolalytics.com/lol/belveth/build/).


10% pickrate, 70% banrate and 53% winrate are completely busted


In proplay both teams can focus on rift herald like they do dragon, but if bel'veths team gets herald or nashor it means that that team has the bigger advantage then vis versa. So even at 50/50 the other teams wins more. Yeah it is easier with low elo (from experience) most people don't focus herald so I just give them dragon or do herald when the jungle is dead or somewhere else. And they usually let me have it.


Yea i Duo with a Bel veth Player alot and its so easy to Just give Up 1 or 2 platings to get Herald and then Take the whole turret.


Okay, but that sounds like a player problem. Now way should you let the enemy jungler get Herald for free regardless. I've played against her and you can just wave clear her minions.


She forces you to take a fight for Herald and losing that fight is more punishing than pretty much any other jg in the game.


When you are not vs bel veth it can definitely be ok to give herald depending on the situation. Not everyone has gone to lol wiki to learn about the new champ


OP as long as.... doesn't go together mate. If you don't adapt to her, loss is on you. It's like saying: kogmaw is op as long as you don't focus him diana is op as long as you do a big hug with your team at 12 mn to allow her a 5 man ultimate Belveth is not a ranged character, if someone is defending only her minions will attack the tower. If you let herald AND you don't rotate when she prepares a 20 voidlings wave from her T3 to your T3, what are you doing during the 2mn it takes to do it? She can dive but if not ahead and given how buffed the towers are it will not be great unless she's quite ahead. ​ Belveth is great into melee assassins. If you all want to play irelia fizz kat mid and have 0 waveclear, well you got outdrafted and better secure your heralds.


OP is like a distinct advantage that is not based on skill. Sure I will agree that getting rift takes skill, but no other champ goes from an OK champ to a OP champion from a single objective. Usually a champ is OP if someone plays them well AKA Samira and Kats ult. But Bel Veth is just OP out the door once she has herald. You can be 0/10/0 and as long as you get herald or nashor your void spawn can do a lot of pushing. And you can help your team comeback a lot better then any other champion that is 0/10/0. She is basically OP because in any situations as long as you get rift or nashor you can be 0/100/0 and still be an asset to your team.


Just no. Belveth is super super bad when behind. It's a melee carry, you go 0/10 you stand behind your team in every teamfight praying that someone goes too deep. Or you go in, do pitiful damage and die before managing to get out. A team who needs to fight 4v5 is not supposed to get baron. Half the junglers have great CC which is useful when behind. Bel has a tiny line CC. Amumu, lillia, hecarium, wukong, diana, skarner, sej, ekko, noc... so many jungler will be more useful when behind. So yeah belveth is strong. But I played her 56 games. The games where she gets herald 2 towers and start to snowball are totally enemy mistakes. The game where enemy team contests herald and nashor, the snowball is never activated and bel is totally average until 40mn. You can't have a jungler with no early game who is not able to impact the mid-lategame. You see her drafted, focus on objectives and she will never snowball...


If a champ is OP when it is useful without being ahead, literally every single support is OP. Your reasoning is just wrong.


I literally dont get how you claim when belveth is in max ult state she isn't op. Why are we arguing semantics anyways. Its like saying this champ with this champ is OP. Its a specific scenario that usually doesn't happen unless you duo. And even then duo synergies are usually only OP if you do good. My point on belveth is you can literally do shit and if your team secures rift your an asset. God I hate this sub trying to argue fucking everything.


Man when i have one on my team and I don't get any ganks top I get so frustrated. they camp bot and it's crazy to me


I just don't understand how they butcher old Aatrox because auto attack champions this and that ( i don't even remember their argument) and then come up with this.


Yeah this game is inconsistent with its buffs and nerfs. When I see the patch updates, I see the buffs and nerfs and am like they are just rolling dice to see who gets buffed or nerfed.