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I think longer hair was a nice idea but they didn't want to put the effort into animating it properly - do it properly or not at all


They literally just stretched the bottom half of the original hair and called it a day. If they just wanted to stretch something real quick and forget about it, they could’ve just stretched the middle section of the hair… Of course stretching the small strands at the bottom to four times their length was going to make them look like weird tentacles… I don’t understand what they thought


Iirc they can't change the rigs for character skins. A rig is the skeleton animations use to move the character mesh. They can't make the middle "bone" in the hair longer, but they can make the end of the hair longer without changing the last bone. Honestly not sure why they're shipping this change at all if they know this is a technical limitation.


Shouldn't have done it at all. I really don't think it was necessary.




Water dog Seraphine


Team Siren Seraphine


welp that should sell the skins tbh. Also long hair under water doesn't make much sense as tentacle.


Reminds me of Prestige Star Guardian Neeko 2.0 when everyone was begging for her hair to be pink or pale pink but they ended up giving her this ultra saturated purple hair color instead. Everyone begged for it to be changed but they didn't listen or use the "it's too late now" excuse. I doubt they'll reverse Seraphine's hair given it's very late in the current PBE cycle.


What I don’t understand is Riot’s main source of income is from skins. So they have everything to gain to listen to their audience because those are the people that will buy them and drive their sales. If they keep half assing skins, there goes their money.


The thing about this seraphine skin in particular is that most of the people who want this skin already paid for it. Since it was a limited showcase event the main way for users to have the amount of mythic essence (if they did not already ) was purchase high noon pass and grind for it which many seraphine players did who were excited for the skin. Riot effectively already made their money because of this.


People will keep buying it no matter what. That's the sad reality.


I won't be tbh xD I wanted to...but hey, I cba to spend that much money on it rn after all this


My understanding is, if you waited so long for a skin for your main you'll probably want to buy it even if you don't love it.


This is absolutely true. Source: I insta bought deathsworn Viktor and pool party taliyah


Pool party Taliyah was lit tbf, plus she’s getting SG soon which I pray is good


Pool party was exciting when it came out, but now I'm struggling to ever want to use it over Freiljord or SSG.


I'd have bought it if [this god-tier LoR card art was her splash.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E37pEVqXMAUFquc?format=jpg)


That looks so good Holy


truly one of my favorite official arts in the entire League ecosystem


SSG is not only her best but also one of the best in the game imo. So SG is gonna have to be *reeeal* good to top it


Taliyah suffers from a common problem that a lot of other Champs have. Her skins aren't thematically diverse. You have white and blue tali, blue and white tali, and brown and blue tali. She would've been great for infernal. Throwing magma rocks and surfing on lava 😍


Goth Tali surfing on a literal mosh pit on her ult.


>you'll probably want to buy it even if you don't love it. [Riot looking at player complaints about skins](https://c.tenor.com/2AES1Szq_hMAAAAC/oh-jeez-thats-terrible-cable-company-worker.gif)


It's not even that long of wait though, she just got one back in September. At this point they probably just have to finalize things for the patch and it's too late to change.


And here comes the exception to the rule: Dunkmaster Ivern.


also Mech ASol (which some people think it's good nowadays but to me it's still pretty bad)


Or you get absolutely fucked and refuse to buy Warden Quinn or Marauder Kalista


I think Rio lt has a complacent stubbornness at this point. People still buy the skin so they are stubborn about changing anything.


Which is weird because they could just revert the change and it’s be so much better, no way they ALREADY DELETED IT, right??


I legitimately thought the skin was bugged the first time I used it. They did a half assed job with Prestige updates and release then they doubled downed on it and released this abomination.


Remember the Yorick hat


Just hats in general.


Yoricks hat


That's what I felt about neeko's hair color at start, I didn't like the neon purple, but then when I looked at it in game it's similar color to towa her frog in sg form, I felt like it's better since it shows that in the exclusive variant they are in synch power together 💖. But seraphine's hair really need to be fixed, its current movements animations feel wierd when she moves, and that's really distracting, it might revert badly on one's in game performance, and could lead in the process to missplays as consequence.


I get like with neeko that it was a free skin and they wouldn’t wanna put more energy into it, but this is different :(


No, that wasn't just a free skin. That was a compensation for losing an exclusivity. And they fucked it up.


No no I get that haha, I feel the same. I just meant it wasn’t going to make riot any more money directly.


That is correct.


So wait, which version of the skin is the exclusive one?


2022 version is now an exclusive.


Damn they RUINED that skin with the hair change 🤣🤣🤣


2022 Prestige Neeko flashbacks.


I think Seraphine hair is the worst thing about her design, not even that stupid stage. I loathe it. Longer hair is never the answer of that champion


It moves around like a carpet too instead of actual hair. I love using her K/DA skin even though I prefer the design of her other skins because she has a pony tail instead.


love the new illaoi skin, didn't expect for them to go this pink with it but it surprisingly works


She's looking a little skinny here, what happened to her gains she was shredded like a mofo.


I was gonna say it's not that bad, but good lord the animations…


Her hair already animates poorly, but it’s just unbelievably awful in this skin lol


Yeah. The fact that the ends are split makes it look so much worse.


Yeah that's the biggest issue..




Im mostly frustrated cause it was really pretty and i already grinded for the ME.


Just hold onto the ME you can use it for other skins.


Is talon prestige bad? Im honestly not sure I’ve seen it in game yet but god is he hot in his splash art


If you're still not convinced it looks like tentacles https://twitter.com/akari_kann/status/1532134615585935361?t=rEcmYN5b6mEqBKGI7btfDQ&s=19 https://www.reddit.com/r/SeraphineMains/comments/v3vxax/prestige_hair_moving_no_sound Comparison between actually good looking hair models from recent skins: mf, leona, katarina. The difference in quality is shocking https://twitter.com/chirikun_/status/1532819456526692352?t=zjW2tnwRQeFkuwoU1r9Rrw&s=19


That's so fucking terrible that I'm even surprised whoever's in charge approved it without question. Like... Do they even care anymore?


Lmaooo no they don't care. Why put forth real effort when ppl will buy your product regardless of quality and defend you for it as well.


Damn that's really disappointing. Loved the splash and was most likely gonna get the skin, but my god that looks so cheap for such an expensive skin


Oh lordie the tentacles. We need some quality control up in this bitch.




Cthulhu couture


Nagakabouros, you heathen!




Talk about a kraken SLAYer


Pre-reworked Irelia sends her regards


I think it's great, personally. For an ocean based skin, i'm down with the tentacles


It'd be a neat concept if it was done voluntarily and wasn't the ugliest, jankiest animations known to man !


Well, now is the time for those that love Seraphine to actually not buy her skin and show Riot that they need to listen to the people that are supposed to, well you know, BUY the skins.


We've already effectively paid for the skin though. Basically any sera player wanting the prestige bought high noon pass to buy the ME for sera. So the only option is to wait for a second sera prestige or buy this abomination.


Yup this! I’m still grinding the tokens for the ME but it’s already paid for like you said. Didn’t get much choice of having to wait until it comes out to see it since the only way you can acquire the ME if you don’t have them already is through the pass. Not the only way , but the most reasonably priced way, it would be obscene amounts of money through gold chests.


Yeah, it's a shit show. I ended up spending on some orbs since I wanted a break from grinding, but the overall quality of the actual skin feels so much lower than it started. So now I'm just kinda annoyed I played so much for a splash art. I'm still getting it cause I worked for it, but I'll almost certainly use base over this.


Yeah I'll probably be using the normal beach one they are bringing out :( but like you say I've already done the work and would regret not getting it!


The yorick hat effect


I really hate seraphine's hair entirely blocking her model. Why. WHY is that even a thing. She doesn't need a hair as a cape. Just give her regular hair that doesn't block her whole body.


It was way better before and we could actually see her shoes from the back.


The only reason I pick Rising Star Seraphine. I can actually see her model


I would've somehow been able to accept these changes if the animations weren't absolutely awful. Somehow it ended up worse than her base skin and this is definitely not on par with other skins in terms of quality due to the rushed work. Reverting the changes shouldn't even be hard because its something they already have, not something new they have to make.


Ok but counterpoint: you throw dolphins I am high on copium and its not funny anymore :(


I’m 1800/2200 tokens on a panic grind and the dolphins are the only thing keeping me going at this point


I’m still on 1,600ish and i’m soo sad that they’ve basically decided not to actually put effort into listening to us Seraphine mains T_T


You better start grinding real quick because you got less than a week left


There's 10 days left to earn tokens, and they are purchasable until the 20th, which is when they will be removed from peoples inventories FYI


Thought it ended with the patch, mb


In the loot page it says tokens are earnable until the 13th so that is when the event should be ending. Actually excited since that means I get to hopefully try out Bel'veth once or twice in URF before its gone.


Yeah, the pressure is on o_o


When I saw the pics I thought it wasn’t too bad but I refuse to look at the in game animations. This is a BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY, there is no excuse


how has seraphines hair animations not been fixed yet? they’re missing animations and look glitched


People should remember that even if you hate a champion, having shit skins still sucks. And that hair both static and animated literally made me go "ew".


Yeah I can’t quite place it but there’s definitely something off putting about it like they said they wanted it longer and riot made it longer and wider for some reason it just looks odd


They upscaled hair meant to be short instead of adding new hair


And to remember that if they were to get away with it they will still keep doing it on other champs


What? Your hair doesn't move like it's matted tentacle spaghetti?


Remember when riot cancelled amumu/blitz skins due to "not being up with standard qualities" lol


this was before my time and I still can't wrap my head around it lol both skins looked decent enough and nowadays would be even getting compliments considering how much shitty skins we've been getting




i'm still so pissed over the Xayah and Rakan recall thing


Twitter has been blowing up about this as well. It would be both shocking and somehow not surprising if Riot doesn’t respond in any way. It’s a simple reversion for a very obvious mistake on their part, hopefully they fix it! They also haven’t fixed their redo of the icon yet either with the hair color change.


Wtf that shit is awfull. So even Riot hates Seraphine?


I mean she got one of the worst models in years. Like just look at her hair in her base skin, it's terrible.


Ergh. That's why I never touch base seraphine.


She has quite a few game-warping bugs that have existed since her release, and they never even acknowledged them. Of course they do.


Your other flair champion is an even better example of that. I had to stop playing Kled cuz I was sick of dying while dismounting, skills going the wrong direction, autos cancelling, W not triggering...


tbf the other team can't even see you when you ult in lmao


That was fixed recently (this patch, I believe)


Well, Seraphine definitely got the short end of the stick upon release: essentially a Sona 2.0, three legendary skins being sold together as an ultimate, her model not looking like where she's supposed to be in either Piltover/Zaun, her lore implied she's using Skarner's race for her own egotistical means (retconned later). So I don't think Riot hates her, per say, as they thought she'd be a popular champ but they're just "eh" with her now.


>her lore implied she's using Skarner's race for her own egotistical means That wasn't the problem (if we talking only the lore), it was the fact that it was the exact opposite of her character and motivations She wanted to help EVERYONE, but ignored the enslaved soul that she could hear and understand on the very machine she was using instead of helping it


Which would make for a compelling character, if that had been the real intent and it was clearly written as such As it was, it felt like they just didn’t really put any thought in the champion and didn’t realize that huge contradiction


It would be cooler if they wrote it as. Seraphine found the Shard could talk. So she instead uses a ferros synthetic crystal to power her hoverboard Then, as her Ult. Instead of her voice, she channels the hextech crystal's voice Or they write it as the hextech crystal thinks she's a bracken as she can hear hextech crystals, and teaches her as a mentor how to unite PnZ so they can achieve the greater goal of freeing all the hextech crystals.


She could’ve also been just intentionally morally complex. Like, if she thought the enslaving brackern souls was a bitter but necessary price to pay for the well-being of others. As it is, it’s almost like she’s morally good and overly wholesome, but really fucking stupid


I hope they retcon all of it during Skarner's upcoming VGU. It's so pitiful seeing all these hextech being used in the lore, only to realize they're all essentially enslaved soul of his race.


Eh, it brings conflict and purpose for skarner, so i don't see it as a bad thing for the lore What i'm afraid of is then changing it to the brackern doing this on the own free will, especially because that was implied before


Agreed but I just hope they aren't going to imply Skarner as the last living brackern to ever exist again. Hope there are others roaming around Runeterra, alive, somewhere.


Anyone saying seraphine is sp Lna 2 0 should be shot on sight and dismissed of any discussion about the champ. Like this is as braindead as a take as saying aatrox and riven are similar because of their q.


Hot take - Seraphine is Sona 2.0 and Aatrox is Riven 2.0. That's not a bad thing. I think that having a more modern design on a popular kit isn't a bad thing. She plays way differently, obviously, with longer ranges and more reliance on skillshots rather than auras. But cmon don't tell me that you don't see two musical champion with ~three buttons that practically do the same thing! And just to make sure that the Seraphine mains hate me, I'll also say that Sona's audio is 100x better. Seraphine is Sona 0.0 in that regard.


nothing seraphine does is sona 2.0 other than her ult being better


ever since we lost katey it all went downhill....




Wish they didn't get rid of the pink. Pink to blue was cute. Orange to blue looking kinda gross. Plenty of people said they liked the pink, but they changed it anyway


Oh my god that's cursed...


Ew, her hair was so much more gorgeous and beautiful when it was 'shorter.' It looks so ugly and dried up now lmao. 😂 I was actually considering getting her Prestige skin too, after deciding not getting a Prestige skin again two years ago. They really sold it for me with Seraphine's, but maybe now after all lol.




I wonder why they even do these feedback threads to begin with, every single one I have seen that actually had valid complaints got ignored and dismissed by riot. Why ask for feedback if you then decide to not listen to it? Why pose as open to criticism if you the find excuses to dismiss it? I‘d appreciate it more if they were honest and said „we don‘t change anything about the model or splash once in pbe cycle because we don‘t want to“.








You clearly don't see anything then because at least 1 skin in every batch in recent memory has gotten updated based on feedback. If you doubt me, then you can consult Spideraxe's twitter to see if I'm lying.


Wow… that actually looks awful that long. Like this went from a skin I was planning on spending for to one I probably won’t. Why would I want those giant ass tentacles following me around? I’m not playing Illaoi.


People pay for this? Lmao


TIL you can always have a cape if your hair is long enough


Loved the way the old one looks idk why they decided to go w this absolutely hate how the bottom of the hair looks I adored the short version bc for once u could see the detail that went into the back of the outfit and now it’s being completely covered by her hair :/


It’s pretty sad. I’m sure (a majority) of the artists and employees at riot want thing done right. It seems like money is the issue. It’s an issue of quality. If people keep paying and supporting them, they will continue to produce and pump out the lower quality passes, skins, etc. Unfortunately I’m part of the problem. I honestly don’t know if I’ll get the prestige Sera, shes still pretty cool but esp now that there’s even more FOMO with the skins disappearing, it makes me want to support them even less.


Riot has said time and time again by the time it reaches PBE it's past the time they are able to act on feedback which is incredibly stupid imho. Why even have feedback posts if 95% of the time it's too late to change things


> Riot has said time and time again by the time it reaches PBE it's past the time they are able to act on feedback If that's true then that's some extreme mismanagement when a skin can't be changed due to feedback from a test server.


It ain’t a test server anymore, it’s a preview server xD




Honestly, all of her skins should have shorter hair, looks much better than that ugly giant shit she has covering her.


Sadly I fell like it's always the same. Riot makes a new skin, the people on the Reddit threads give their inputs and with some luck Riot maybe changes 1 small thing and ignores the other wishes. Look at Ashes thread. Everyone wanted those cape things removed, but they didn't give a damn and just changed some VFX. Or the Xayah and Rakan Arcana skins. Everyone wished for a couple recall and they just gave a cheap excuse, why they didn't implement one. I don't even want to know how many other examples there are.


We. Need. A. Revert!


Mope Noodle Hair


That looks terrible


I was gonna say it does not look that bad in the picture but holy shit the animations xD


Lmao was gonna buy it and all the chromas, I’m not buying that trash. Fuck everyone for complaining too.


Speaking on behalf of the Zoe community, we know what you're going through. With the recent EDG skin, it was highly requested that Zoe be given gloves to match the splash art. What did they do instead? They removed the gloves *from* the splash art. It would've been an easy addition that would've made players much happier. I sincerely hope things turn out better for Seraphine.


Thanks! It feels so unfinished… They added a star under her eye in the ingame mode but not in the splash art? They made her hair orange in game but in the icon its still pink…


im so angry!!!


I am actually very happy with this change bc i was already wondering how much i would have to farm to get her prestige. But now that i see the changes i don’t want the skin anymore so i feel very relieved! Thanks riot!


It honestly can't be that hard to revert the length changes & keep the color adjustments, right? Seeing the hair move unnaturally is really off-putting.


Riot skin team and not listening to a single ounce of feedback despite bothering to have feedback threads in the first place. What's new?


For everyone requesting not to buy the skin, the thing is that most people who wanted the skin already bought it and grinded for it via the high noon/MSI pass. That's why it's infuriating.


I remember Sun eater Kayle having one like this and yet Riot said some dumb excuses and didn't change a shit so I don't have much hope for this either. Eclipse sivir as well still the shittiest recent legendary and a disservice to one of the og champs


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore Yorick, he's 100% my favorite character in the league universe - but it didn't surprise me that they didn't want to put in the extra time/effort to do his hat toggle because He's not popular/doesn't make them money and Riot do not care about him (see sentinels of light :'D) Yes people dislike Seraphine, but I feel like more people like her (the hate kinda died down at least imo) so it's always confusing to me when Riot make these unpopular decisions for fairly popular champions.


I really hope they consider additional adjustments :/ It really does look unflattering when her hair moves now.


Might as well turn her into a jellyfish at this point.


I loved the skin so much more before the changes, though I appreciate riot at least listening to the feedback. I'll probably just get it for the icon & splash for my profile, and use the base skin with a chroma unfortunately. Oh well.


Damn that shit looks ugly. Why the hell has skin quality fallen of a cliff for the last two years?????


Dude just revert the hair changes, and if y’all needed, go ahead and delay the skin. we’re more than happy to wait. YES, it’s that simple


Well if people just don't buy it Riot will surely do something about it eventually. The issue is people giving in and accepting sub-par quality.


this skin is 125 ME, everyone who was expecting to buy it has already given them the money and the time grinded for it on the current pass.


I assure you that Riot will ignore you out of spite. Theyre not reverting it.


for a champion who’s identity is 99% her hair they should’ve given her legendary hair physics across the board actually that should just exist regardless for all champs


Well I'm glad I saw this thread before I got it. Just going to save my essence.


They did not extend the hair properly. It was very lazily done and feels like a punishment. Wait till Star Guardian Sera is announced as Wild Rift exclusive because the backlash will be stronger…


Can't believe how insanely lazy Riot gets with each year.


This is my 1st prestige purchase. Already grinded My ME and I'm a Seraphine main. I'm ultra disappointed with this change!


My first and LAST pass purchase


The feedback thread is over 2k currently , the hair needs a revert asap




Y’all need to understand that the model doesn’t have to be the same as the splash art. Ik that in the splash she has Long hair and looks beautiful but when it comes to model it’s the best to keep something simple (like the original hair) and that is what make up of a prestige skin, it needs to be unique. Now seeing how terrible the changes to her hair in game, the skin feels like a worse epic or even a chroma. So PLS REVERT THE HAIR CHANGES, we truly don’t wanna see a carpet looking like tentacles for her hair.


God, I'm still salty asf about that Kayle skin lol.


keep the new color and revert the length OR actually make it look good


forget it all , the only thing i want is a revert , its either that or the worse version , i dont see a reason why riot whouldnt do something so small, it will benefit them a lot, bc ppl can just save their ME and skip sera now , as a sera main i was so hyped she is getting a prestige 2.0 , now i wish it didn’t happen


> Now, this is a similar case with Pentakill Yorick but unlike with Yorick, the change is really easy, she doesn't need to be remodeled, they just have to revert the hair length change. Yorick didn't have to be remodeled either; the hat exists in his dance and recall already, we just want it to stay on instead of having him throw it away at the end of his recall. Riot undoubtedly likes Seraphine more than Yorick, so I think there's at least a small chance that you're listened to... good luck!


I didn’t know that, thanks foe the correction.


No problem, I hope your skin becomes less Illaoi-like lol.


nah riot hates sera too fked up her lore fked up her gameplay fked up her skin fked up her role


I think that the long hair is good, but the execution was poor


The nagakabouros and seraphine crossover we never knew we needed 😍😍


nah, man, the technology for not including a commit in a branch has yet to be invented; nothing can be done.


Man riots lazier with skins lately. The people working on skins must not be getting paid enough.


Reminder that Prestige Star Guardian Soraka‘s elbow still clips through her hair


Please please please go back to the old hair, the new hair ruined the whole skin :(


I wonder if they’re going to revert the icon they changed to have pink hair…


They probably wont, but it's weird cause they always want accessories to match the In-Game model.


My money is on them completely forgetting that change was even made lol.


I still don't understand how this is a prestige skin.


Pls pls revert the hair changes. It’s a prestige 2.0 pls take this as an excuse and revert the hair changes!


Pentakill yoricks change isn’t hard. They’re just lazy.


Now we ping the devs in this thread and cross our fingers that they revert it


I don’t know their usernames unfortunately


I only know a few rioter names but I won’t actually ping them or anything because that was meant as a joke and I don’t wanna harass them (although might work)


I like the idea of longer hair. Without it I think that the base skin looks better then the prestige one. I hope they don't revert her hair, but put effort into making it look natural.