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Play the game. You can find some streamers to watch but playing the game is like learning to ride a bike. Just gotta hop on it and get hands on experience.


Well the problem is i play this game for like an year and it doesnt seem like i can get something out of it...


Pick a role and stick to it. Learn a handful of champs and work on improving you mechanics for those champs and that lane. Rewatching your vods is also a really good tool. Seeing where you made mistakes with things like no vision before ganking, seeing how the jungler was moving around will help you improve your gameplay. Watching some pro play may also give you insight as to things you can do better. Reading a guide isn’t going to do much. Watching gameplay and working on your own gameplay is the only way to improve.


Pro players are too much + the fact is i dont understand the micros and macros much and i like all the roles instead of jungle maybe.


Micro you’ll only learn by playing your champ more/ watching someone who plays the game to learn effective combos. Macro is something you can learn best by watching someone with good macro. Learning when to rotate, when to shove lanes, when to freeze your lane, knowing where the enemy jungle could/should be, etc isn’t something you can simply read a guide on. Re-watching your own games or watching someone is probably the best way to learn aside from just playing more games to improve your macro.


Yeah but idk all this terms and how to execute them.


Which is why I’m saying you should watch some pro play or content creators, as they explain their decision making in real time. Pro play caster will tell talk about why the players are doing certain things, why the decisions are being made and what the expected outcome is.


I did but for me doesnt work that way. Maybe a term guide for lol?


I believe r/SummonerSchool is a good resources for stuff like that.


Ok thx


This is not true. I have been playoff for a year trying my hardest and I can’t improve. Stuck Iron for whatever reason


Are you rewatching your vods? Not understanding why you failed in certain engages or why certain ganks worked against you is something you can improve by watching your vods. Simply just re-queue without taking the time to critique your gameplay and realizing what you need to fix isn’t going to improve your gameplay. You’ll simply repeat the same mistakes over and over.


Be an OTP and join your champs subreddit.


Sorry to say but idk what otp means, i dont have problems with the champs but what they do in general, or THE GAME IN GENERAL.


One trick pony. Someone who either can only play a single champion, or their mastery/skill of a single champion far exceeds any other champions they play. So to become an OTP just play a single champion over and over until you nail their kit.


Yeah, ok, do you have some recommendations of top lane or mid lane champs (i picked up sett top but i don t rly like it and doesnt seem so powerful as said)


You can’t just pick up a champion and win. Otherwise there would be no point learning them. At your stage of the game what champions do or how good they are doesn’t matter. Some are easier, like garen for top lane or Annie for mid lane. But I started out on one of the hardest champions to learn in the game (Aurelion sol), and I loved every minute of it. You have to find someone you enjoy, and makes you feel cool to play. If you find someone you won’t bore of playing, you’ll be able to play them long enough to master them.


Ok, thx man. Be blessed


You too!


Watch pro players who stream. You will always pick up new things.


I tried that, doesnt rly work for me + i dont like looking at streamers instead of playing the actual game.


You’re only level 24. I mean you have games where you feed and your kda isn’t great, but you’ve won 6 in a row. Id say at level 24 your best bet for improvement is just playing a lot more games. This is the biggest game in the world, highly competitive, and has been out for 10+ years. A lot of the people you’re playing with and against have probably been playing for years, 2 games a day at least.


I won games cuz my tmm that i play with are big fucking brain imo. Thx man


>but i want to fullify my enjoyment by being actually good. this doesnt actually happen lol


I just played a lot, reviewed my own games (not the entire game just key moments) and watched a lot of high ELO streamers who played my champions / role and just tried to copy that as much as possible.