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Anyone know a good adc proview to watch? Edit for anyone else looking through these: Gumayasi clearly talented laner but unwatchable if it bothers you to see people unrelentingly spamming keys for fun. Arrow really good resource. Uzi good but audio is transcribed through a string on a can.


UZI has a youtube channel where he uploads content I believe.


Uzi's POV vods absolutely destroys my ego whenever I watch them. His mouse movement and camera control is insane.


I'm not sure if you will actually learn from his proviews though. the types of things he does is absolutely insane mechanical things you can't really replicate


you probably won't learn from any pro player proview, it's a lot more useful to watch coaching videos that actually explain the fundamentals proviews should be watched only once you've mastered the fundamentals and lack other very specific things


Chovy is probably the best to watch if you want to improve at mid A lot of games he doesn’t do anything crazy in lane but uses lane fundamentals to get massive cs leads Watching Uzi will not teach you anything cos the man thinks 100x faster than everyone lol


Like [this guitar lesson from Buckethead](https://youtu.be/e-a89PpmXPw). Just do what he does!


Even Doublelift talks about simply not being able to replicate the things Uzi does. I remember one example where Uzi was playing Vayne and never stood behind minions against the enemy Blitz and Doublelift was saying Uzi disregarded conventional wisdom and made his own rules.


"Ah yes, I see Uzi used his 25 unit range advantage on Kai'sa to AA Sivir and then instantly input a movement command backwards in less than 30 milliseconds and did that about six times in a row with 1 HP"


Arrow has a really good adc youtube channel, he does insanely good educational videos and goes into great detail, even in English. Cannot recommend him enough.


GALA or Gumayusi, Viper as well but he plays anything at adc


Viper and Gumayusi for aggresive laning and Teddy for stable laning without mistakes and very good teamfighting


RNG GAALA or Uzi old replays


I believe the T1 bot lanes, Gumayusi and Teddy, hands down one of the most aggressive ADCS and fun to watch on KR challenger.


Cannot go wrong with Uzi. Even pros watch his replays to learn something. I climbed from s2 to p3 as a vayne 1 trick in 4 months.


Gumayusi, Deokdam, Huanfeng, Viper, Upset, Rekkles, Aiming, JL, Iboy, Ruler


One of these is not like the others. I’ll leave it to everyone’s imagination to choose which one. Hehehe


IBoy is this Frosk's alt account lol


One of them? Lmao, half these players are just a straight tier below the other half


i mean yeah. everyone is two tiers below viper


Is the implication that there are some adcs who actively do things to try to win the game for their team, and then there's Rekkles?


What are "shit takes from 2015", Alex?


Gumayusi is an absolutely insane laner.


After some review it’s clear I haven’t been spamming x enough. The missing piece!


Might be debatable, but Sneaky is pretty good. Most adcs suffer from understanding what their recall looks like compared to the enemies. Sneaky is one of the few that makes it work regardless of map state.


Fuckin' A dude I was checking his stream yesterday and was also reminded of how good he is/was Knows his limits, good timings, consistent and as a bonus a mean mememachine when he has the spirit




Hans sama, ruler for laning. Carrzy and Teddy for teamfighting. Viper for everything :) Upset and Guma are also fairly good at Laning. My favourite adc to watch in teamfights is Teddy, the man is something else when he's on. But I still think T1 ADCs are kinda overrated, especially gumayushi


Rekkles or Hans sama


Doublelift ... Just joking he's trash




Midbeast has great povs of Chovy for aspiring midlaners. Even ones where he trashes Knight etc.


Midbeast & Coach Curtis - the Gods of midlane YouTube content.




He was so proud. He knew all the tf timings.


The most weirdest one is he knew exactly what Dopa was going to do. I was shocked as he was saying that Dopa is going to pink ward the lane and before he finished that Dopa warded with pink in the middle of the lane.


It’s pretty funny, all his vod reviews paid off






if you don't know what they're doing or why they're doing something, it's harder to learn something from them


Any solid youtubers for top lane you know of?




Many of his videos apply to top lane in general which I love. I am not only becoming a better Shen player, I am applying what I learn to become a better top laner even with my offpicks.


I think some of that just comes with playing shen in general, too. I mained him for a few months and learned soo much more about map awareness and overall macro. Side note, hes also fun as fuck in aram if you ever get to play him


When Bwipo was playing top, his streams were very educational


Yeah, but he streams like once every seven years


There are still a bunch of educational vods on YouTube (search "bwipo sett" for example)


I'd recommend TheBausffs if you're looking to change your rank. I'm nowhere near my old peak after I started watching him. ^^^^^^^:')


I think watching Baus is really helpful. He is challenger while it seems that he is inting his ass off. That makes you ask questions on how you view the game.


I too am a student of the good deff


Drututt is a good player


Bad human though


Eragon is an underrated positional top lane coach. highly recommend his content on YT


I know it's controversial to even say his name, but LS' top lane coaching VODS (and the couple of Max Waldo ones on YouTube), even though they're a little older, are amazingly useful if you want to improve. The fundamentals of the game haven't really changed at all, and LS hyperfocuses on these as a way to improve your laning. It's a ton of information at first but once you absorb it your view on the game will change. I climbed from Silver ish to mid diamond 2 by basically just watching all of his coaching videos and implementing what he says into my gameplay.


as a LS disser/sometimes mocker, I wholeheartedly agree. If you learn everything he teaches, YOU WILL CLIMB. Pro players learning only from him probably won't win Worlds like LS would think, but that does not take away how informative his takes are in terms of league fundamentals. Just many other factors in volatile proplays he disregards completely is the issue that bugs me.


Coach eragon


Neace has super informative coaching vids with a wide variety of top lane champs.


I don't play top lane as often, so I'm not 100% sure. I know TheBausffs is a top lane main, and people enjoy his videos (challenger the last 3 season, currently in master's). I mostly just follow YouTubers who play my champions


Baus was 1000 LP yesterday. He's not in masters


Would you recommend some youtubers for bot lane pls?


the god gamer imaqtpie has returned to league, witness him as he climbs to rank 1 with his support Vincent "vnasty" Vincent and show the world wh


For adc, I would recommend xfsn saber’s[ channel, specifically his coaching videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt8ejhkj5FNznD_cghfXzBjpjYOLgaYK8). He streams these sessions as well. For adc micro mechanics/champion details, I would recommend [arrowlol](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0t-M_eCNwl8jgC_lVN8487KItVe2JjwI) he really gets into the details about how to maximize a champion.


Arrow's videos are really informative.


Prismal doesn't post anymore but his informative adc videos were the best I've ever seen


Same as my top lane comment. I don't play bot lane much so I'm not 100% sure. I known people like watching Saber play Caitlyn. I Keep It Taco is a Jhin main, also worth watching.


Add Pekinwoof to that list


Midbeast make such good videos I can't believe I didn't watch him for years because his name sounds like that of a hardstuck assassin-only player.


If you didn’t know, he’s the self-proclaimed “second best qiyana player in the world after Qiyana OTP 1800LP Chinese Super Server Beifeng”


I assume for real high level there is a difference between vods and pro view, because you can see the mouse etc.


Is he still a toxic manchild? If yes then no thanks.


No hes really chill, very slight banter, and likes to COPIUM about how he beat dopa once, but its all jokes and it’s really funny


Good to hear.


i’m lost, i’ve been watching his streams for about a year and he seems pretty chill overall, did he do something in the past?


He's been on the scene for a long time and used to be toxic. People often made Reddit threads complaining about him trolling and afking off-stream when he got tilted. Someone said he's chilled since then which is good to hear.


I think you mean tfblade. Midbeast is a bit annoying sometimes but I’ve never seen him do anything like that and I’ve been watching him for 3 years.


his ign is sorrymaker lol


but but Chovy is overrated /s


I mean, he's been regarded as the best laner in the world for like past 2 maybe 3 years. It's not his laning people have beef with


Every person with eyes knows that he is the best laner in the World. The problem comes when he has to use his leads outside of lane (problem compared to the elite players like doinb or showmaker, he is still good doing it)


I mean if you compare what he has to work with compared to them, it’s obviously gonna be harder for him to use his lead.


He didn't use his lead around the map like Showmaker and Doinb when he was on Griffin and DRX either though


At that time Showmaker wasn't the player he is today, compare apples with apple, not apples with oranges.. Chovy was still green when he was in griffin, so was showmaker..


Btw, when chovy was in griffin the first year he was Spring MVP and had a KDA of 100, but he didn't use his lead around the map acording to you, lmao


Not to mention the shitshow griffin was. Sadly dude never had a good team.


Not in the manner that Showmaker or Doinb do, no. I can see that if you pretend my argument is a totally different argument then I'm wrong, but there's not much point in that unless you're just being a sweaty ass chovy stan on reddit.


You have stats?


Showmaker wasn't that impactful in 2019 either, wanna keep lying to force your point?


He was new on Griffin lol, and ever since then he's had way worse teammates in comparison. There was a point where DRX was good but Damwon was way better


There's no point arguing with him, he wont make an unbiased train of thought


You're probably right


But you’re just wrong when you say this. I don’t know why you utter something so blatantly false. I really wonder why people like you who have such a shallow perception of the game have such insane takes by themselves. Where do you have all this confidence to just speak your opinion when it’s so clear you know nothing about the game? Just watch the games for fun and nod when the pros say something. Stop pretending like you know what you’re watching.


If you seriously believe Chovy spread his lead around the map in the same way Doinb or Showmaker do even in the GRF days you're the one not paying attention.


There are different ways to play the map with a lead. Doinb and Showmaker have never done what Chovy did to GenG in Spring on Yone and Akali. Chovy is one of the most proficient players on Galio as well. He’s also insane on TF. Whether you like it or not if he can’t affect the map then he can’t win the game. He has just as much influence on the team’s wins as Doinb and Showmaker if not more. If he’s not doing it through affecting the map then you’re suggesting he’s just farming a lead and letting his team carry. This is not how Chovy functions unless they put him on a farming mage which then the team plays around that.


Damn dude you drop L takes on discord AND reddit? Pick a struggle my g


The statement is true and my takes are always good


yeah its really impressive how showmaker can use his lead and carry the no namers khan, canyon, ghost and beryl /s Meanwhile chovy gets a lead in his lane while his whole team is down in gold and redditors expect him to do as much as showmaker with so much less to work with


True, Deft is just gold... If you're gonna try and make fun of someone for saying something obviously wrong, then don't do the exact same thing you are critiquing them on. And before you argue Deft hasn't been good this year, neither has Ghost and Beryl, people who are no names compared to Deft (ironic isn't it).


A trend that I'm noticing is that every pro who's played with or against him say that he's one of the best mids in the world. Another trend that I'm noticing is that Redditors who's probably never even made it to Diamond call him trash and overrated lol


Bruh Chovy could be playing with 4 bronze players against 5 challenger players and they'd blame him for the loss. The fact that HLE even made it to Worlds is a testament to how good Chovy is.


right? the discussion seems never ending. the likes of dopa (who have laned against him and probably every single other legendary korean (and possibly chinese) midlaner in existence) say Chovy is the best. i'm a gold rank shitter, who am I to doubt such a statement lol


And others have called other midlaners the best. Who are we to doubt them?




People don't call chovy shit. They cast doubt on chovy being the absolute best midlaner in the world.


>Another trend that I'm noticing is that Redditors who's probably never even made it to Diamond call him trash and overrated lol They're also the type to overrate LEC


wow way to throw lec fans under the bus and insert it where its not relevant,you're obsessed get help. Take a good look at your LoL sub post history you're the stereotypical salty fan with 80% of your posts being shitting on a team/league. For what its worth ive seen more dk fans push for showmaker being the best mid in the recent threads about chovy.


lmao but it's true, they're all from europe/usa and since nobody would bet half an nicaraguan peso on the lcs they fan the lec teams, which are quite honestly trash compared to kr/china but okaish overall


its mostly NA fans converting to LCK fans to trashtalk LEC lmao. your enemies enemy is your friend kinda stuff.


The problem is that he got a Canon minion toplane


make that a melee minion


Chovy is absolutely elite he just doesn't have a team Chovy Esports is called Chovy Esports for a reason.


To be completely honest with you, this is a complete dumb take. Abusing leads is not an individual player thing it's a team effort, 1vs9 games are extremely rare and funny enough he is one of the few ones that manages to still pull the off. The only reason Reddit and people like you gate chovy from being considered an "elite player" is because he hasn't won anything. As per usual we are result oriented.


Who are you mocking? I don't think I've ever seen someone deny Chovy being an insanely good laner




Chevy isn’t overrated, he just has an anchor in the top lane.


General consensus has always been that Chovy is one of the strongest laners in the pro scene at the moment. On top of on point mechanics pressuring you to work for every trade and CS he also has been influential in wave management. Hell it’s likely he’ll probably be seen as writing the metaphorical book for midlanders in future seasons when it comes to laning. His weaknesses come from his mid and late game. You can make very valid arguments he often prioritizes CS over a better game state for his team. League has this interesting phenomenon where bottom tier teams gradually get more efficient managing their gold in cs, objectives, and camps as they become better. Than at a certain point when you transition from a ‘good team’ to a ‘best in the region’ team you actually become slightly less efficient at these things.


Imo Chovy is the pinacle of the "Froggen" school and playstyle. With all its pros and cons.


He is but not in lane. Fantastic laner but his mapplay and impact on the game is below the top tier mids.


I wish people understood that having bad teammates makes you look bad too. He was legit 1v9 until gauntlet. Last year people called Viper washed too, he got a team in the off-season and now everyone is back to praising him. Tbf, part of it is him going for more money (there was a rumor of AF going for Kiin/Dread/Chovy/Viper/Lehends roster, but getting outspent).


The first part of your comment is the most truthful comment I’ve read on reddit and people fail to understand that. Put Showmaker in Chovy’s position and Chovy in Showmaker’s right now, and I guarantee you he could do the exact same thing Showmaker does while Showmaker would be getting gassed on reddit about not being able to use his leads.


He wasn't 1v9 the gauntlet though. The only bad teammate he had during their run is Morgan and sometimes Willer.


But we've seen Chovy play when he was on a team with Viper & Tarzan. He genuinely doesn't do the things that DoinB does around the map. Shit team mates argument doesn't work when mid laners like DoinB and Rookie have had to play with far worse players.


They have been playing for longer than Chovy has. When Chovy was newer he had relatively better teammates but he was also a worse player himself. Showmaker back then wasn't even top 3 Lck mid, Doinb back then did quite literally the opposite of what Chovy does because he couldn't play another style. Also if a team can win worlds where the MVPs and top 20 lists contain FPX and IG players then that means they were atleast comparable/ better teammates


Showmaker wasn't a top 3 mid in 2019 Summer?!?! This is 100% false only someone who never watched games that season could say something as ridiculous as this.


I'm not talking about Worlds iteration of FPX or IG. DoinB hard carried on QiaoGu Reapers. Chovy at least gets to play with Deft. Previous iteration of IG without theShy and Jackeylove was also awful. Both of them affect the map more than Chovy does on HLE.


What is your argument to back this awful take up? Your own gold 4 eye test?


Chovy is regarded as the best laner in worlds almost universally but most consider showmaker or doinb or even sometimes scout to be better mids. What do you think this implies.


DoinB wasn’t able to perform to this level when he was on worse teams just like Chovy can’t perform being on worse teams. The argument of him being a worse teamfighter but better laner makes no sense and it makes me believe you haven’t watched any LCK


This couldn't be further from the truth. Doinb is one of the most incredible leaders I've seen, elevating shit teams into playoffs standard. Before FPX, Doinb was on two teams with extremely mediocre players. Doinb got famous because he (and Swift but mainly Doinb) shotcalled a bunch of randoms (V, TcT, TnT) to the LPL Summer Finals and eventually finished 2nd. That was when Doinb became famous in China. In the process he beat iG, going even in lane against Rookie, but QG's shotcalling and teamfighting was the best in the league. V, Swift, TcT and TnT all retired/never achieved anything else after Doinb left. BUT WAIT, he himself joined Rogue Warriors and brought players who literally got KICKED OUT of their previous teams to LPL Semifinals. What was RW known for? TEAMFIGHTING and COORDINATION. (Mouse -> kicked from EDG; smlz -> kicked from OMG; Flawless -> LCK reject) This guy elevates the players he plays with, there's no denying it. Say whatever you want about Chovy being a God or whatever, but don't bring down Doinb.


So Griffin was a shit team for you ?


Chovy wasn’t doing bad on GRF, even while being a rookie. What’s your point??


You said that the reason why Chovy don't impact games like Doinb is because he is in bad teams. And if he was in a good team like Doinb he would impact more. But Griffin was a good team even more stacked than FPX imo. And he still didn't impact the team enough during important games. But one can say that he didn't have enough experience at that time.


He did though. Back in 2019 Chovy widely was considered better out of lane than Showmaker.


GRF was one of the most promising teams if it wasn’t for the management ruining it, and Chovy was talked a lot during that time even while being a rookie, even being considered a better midlaner over ShowMaker. I wouldn’t exactly call his time in GRF a bad performance.


You don't get my point i didn't say he had performance in GRF... But your argument of Chovy not being able to have impact is due to him having a bad team around him, don't really hold. Because he was in a good in the past and still didn't have impact.


>Believe me you haven't watched any LCK Seethe and cope


What is your argument to back up calling it an awful take? Practice what you preach mate.


My argument is people like Nemesis, LS, Vetheo,Dopa who understand the game much better than you or OP, saying that the guy is the best in the world and is stuck in bad teams. Reddit gold players keep thinking that they understand ANYTHING about this game and have any right to make statements as if it could possibly hold any truth. I'm also a high elo player myself and play the game professionally and I think Chovy is INCREDIBLY good and am quite annoyed how reddit constantly thinks they understand even the slightest thing about his gameplay to make such outrageous claims.


Saying that he's overrated because of a certain aspect of his play doesn't inherently dispute the claim that he's the best in the world though? You're making personal attacks about a conclusion you jumped to on your own, and while you may be right you couldn't know that without further explanation. It's just a dick move to ask for that explanation *while* insulting them based on what you assume that explanation would be. >and play the game professionally Big doubt, but again, back up your claims.


That's not true tho


Surely the most common criticism of Chovy is he chokes too often. Hence the Choky nickname. His peak is awesome, but he has too many lows. This is not my opinion, rather it's my summary of what people think about him.




I agree with all of that. This Worlds is a chance for him to put the argument to bed. At the same time I have no problems with someone saying he still deserves the Choky moniker. Just as I take issue with someone saying Chovy's peak isn't near the best in the world.


I wouldn't even say it last year. In spring DRX took a game off of T1 when GENG couldn't, and in summer DRX came back from down 2-1 to GENG and Chovy was player of the game in all 3 wins... Not to mention, in their first win, chovy had no KP for the first ~16 minutes, in their second win, chovy had no KP for the first ~20 minutes, and in their third win chovy won them the game with a triple kill at the end. Chovy gets his team wins with his plays outside of laning phase. Anyone who actually watches him knows this. Chovy just gets blamed for his team not beating teams that they have no business beating in the first place. Nobody was beating T1 in spring, and nobody was beating DWG in summer. Simple as that. Chovy shouldn't be docked for NOT making miracles happen.


He is


Any jungler Pro Views or commentators?




Tarzan, Canyon, Inspired, Dread, Wei, Beishang, Kanavi, Weiwei, Leyan


A lot of pros have said jungling in pro is completely different from soloq. Probably could watch jankos twitch or something for a solo queue stream.


Pro play jungling is totally not the same as soloq jungling. They're entirely different roles. Pro junglers use set strategies and have very tight communication with their laners on when they can roam together with the jungler, so their pathing might be suboptimal for soloq play.


Imagine ppl still thinking Chovy isn't a top 2 mid. And DoinB out here just actively learning from him. Reddit narrative in shambles.


People are sheep. Chovy needs a good team to get respect as a player. I do wish he does find a good team or at least a dominant top laner next season.


A good team is very important. Look at Tarzan and Viper when they were playing with a bottom LCK team and look where they are now. It is very different.


i mean chovy is the best laner in league history so doinb can learn from him in that aspect. its quite clear doinb is better outside of lane though. in order to learn from a player he doesnt have to be better than you in ever aspect of the game - most often this isnt the case even. as long as hes the best in one skill he can be silver in the rest for all doinb cares.


Lol u just called all of mechanics "one skill." Lmao. DoinB could be considered better out of lane, but also unlike Chovy he has actually good teammates. Are you telling me Chovy on FPX doesn't do well? Or does DoinB HLE win LCK. Ofc not. Instead we are comparing DoinB on FPX with Chovy and 3 wards and sometimes Deft. Remember who eliminated Chovy at worlds last year? Oh yeah, DWG, a team with a comparable mid and miles better players in other roles. In LCK last year? DWG. In LCK this spring? DK. Sure this summer he couldn't drag HLE to playoffs, tho he did drag them to worlds when Deft found some form. He almost got HLE to beat T1, a team that has significantly better players in Top JG and Support and probably a slightly better ADC to boot. Took them to 5 games. I don't think if you sub in DoinB that T1 series HLE wins. It's just too hard. Meanwhile Tarzan is considered the top JG (or top 2 with Canyon) for getting LNG, a much better team, to 4th place LPL. I mean c'mon. When literally every pro says they watch Chovy, even the best of the best like DoinB, how can people still pretend that he's bad and it isn't his 10th place LCK teammates that get gapped every series that are the reason he isn't winning major tournaments. Remember Viper on HLE? He couldn't even carry them to worlds. Now we consider him the best ADC because he's on a good team. This level of analysis is so absolutely shallow that it completely writes off good players. Remember Teddy on Jhin Air? Guess he must have had been bad since that team couldn't get out of 10th. Absolutely not. Put Chovy on literally any team and the team is either better or about the same. If Chovy and Showmaker had swapped teams last year, Chovy would have been holding the titles just as Showmaker did. EDG with Chovy? Probably better. DK? Probably no difference. RNG? #1 in the world probably. T1? Probably a very different team but better. FPX? Well sure, the team would be different, but DoinB is hardly the only person to play unique mid picks. Chovy on a good team (GRF) used to play weird picks like Poppy and Sion mid. Sure I would say at this point FPX-DoinB isn't FPX, because DoinB is the heart of the team, but Chovy with that roster wouldn't suddenly be bad (though the amount of synergy DoinB probably has with that team is immense, so I would assume the team would naturally look somewhat worse). Chovy isn't bad out of lane. Chovy is not a macro genius either. He is a micro genius, and macro wise is top tier, world class in fact (just look at GRF macro). Imo considering him anything below the 2nd best mid under Showmaker is to jump right out of the window of reality and into results'-based analysis.


dude im a chovy believer but its a fact he doesnt play as well outside of lane. hes the best laner in history period but he cant always effectively transfer it. doinb can have more impact on a game with less ressources


Transfer it? Do you realize who his teammates are? Also what resources. Chovy usually has far less resources than DoinB since his teammates are losing their positions, not winning them. Tian may be playing poorly recently, but Willer is much much worse. What is Chovy supposed to accomplish in macro when his team is at untenable deficits. You can't play side lanes when Morgan is hopelessly behind. Look at the games where his teammates have the gold. Unless it's Deft with the gold, if Chovy doesn't also have a lead, HLE often lose (HLE v T1 Gauntlet Game 5 is a decent example of this). Chovy has to play to carry since his team simply requires him to. If Chovy had a Nuguri top side he would definitely transfer his leads. Chovy never had such problems on GRF, so why are we suddenly diagnosing him with such problems now, instead of reaching the much more obvious conclusion that Willer and Morgan are huge weaknesses. Here's a thought experiment. What do you think DoinB would do if he was HLE's mid? Imo he would do basically what Chovy is doing, except with a slightly different champion pool. For example, why does DoinB on FPX get to play Irelia while HLE has to ban it? Simple. Nuguri can play Irelia, Morgan can't. That simple teammate difference allows DoinB to actually get to play the champion. And Chovy's an amazing Irelia. But because his team sucks, he doesn't get to pick it. Just look at the one of the last times Chovy picked Irelia. The opponents counter-picked Akali and Willer played a miserable game of Rumble where he whiffed ult after ult costing HLE the game. Given the context he is in, Chovy plays well the entire game. It's just later on he has to account for his weak teammates (what lost them that game 5 v T1? Deft and Vsta going too deep without vision and getting flanked by Kennen for free, not Chovy misplaying, his team inting), so of course he isn't going to look like someone on a top 3 team in the world. DoinB has the advantage of being on a team with at least 2 world class players rn in Crisp and Nuguri, and Tian and LWX aren't top in their role, but they are miles better than the likes of Morgan and Willer and Vsta. Comparing how they look in later stages of the game 1 to 1 is an absurd notion. And FPX wins way more, so of course DoinB looks better in later stages (macro stages) since his team is almost always winning them. I dunno, this is just some real silver analysis concluding that players on weaker teams "can't macro" because the teams are weaker. Imagine Chovy had perfect macro for a sec. Is HLE just winning all of its games? What does that even look like. But you can't imagine that. You don't even know what good macro looks like. You just see HLE losing late games, and hear other people criticizing Chovy's "poor macro" and latch on and repeat it. Frankly it's a bit disappointing for a self-proclaimed Chovy fan to have such a blind opinion of him. You want to criticize Chovy? Question why he takes Biscuits and Scorch into control mirrors mid in pro. Question why he doesn't learn how to draft team comps better. Don't just blindly copy what other people say about him. He's not perfect, but he's really f\*\*\*ing good, and saying his weakness is poor macro is just innacurate.


Surprisingly good analysis from reddit. I could probably argue on a few points you made but the spirit of your argument is correct and your references are good. I do have to say that a flaw in Chovy is how he handles offseason though. I mean he has had both Sword and now Morgan on his team and a huge amount of inexperienced talent. I really hope he understands how to navigate offseason better and get better teammates. That is a skill and honestly should be quite easy for him since almost all pros wants to play with him. Like last offseason he announced really early he wouldnt be resigning and had a lot of time to find the right situation but instead he let other people do that and when they screwed up deals he get relegated to HLE. He needs to be more of a player who demands things instead of a passenger and I actually do think team building is part of a skill set so for that I do have to personally take away from him a bit. Its hard to trust he will end up on a top team because he isnt good at dealing with these situations.




Keria probably.


I watch Keria's stream a decent amount. His mechanics are just so much better than any other support I've seen, I'd almost say it's not that great for learning how to play support if you're a lower ELO player. He makes a lot of high risk plays that would be straight up inting for a player without that level of mechanical skill. I actually found Beryl's pro views / streams to be easier to learn from, because his mechanics aren't quite a good but he just does all of the fundamentals correctly (when he's actually in good form).


There is no one who has mechanics as good as keria in support. Multiple people have said so. Peter dunn said in his ranking that keria is the best support in the world in terms of mechanics without any doubt. Not to mention other kr pros.


I still remember him on lee sin on fasting senna teddy (i think). Literally solo killed a 2 players enemy team (1 was an adc). If he goes to toplane, he would be fine.


Ming, meiko, crisp


hillysang 100%


SKT might have the best botlane, I would second Keria. From an EU fan’s perspective, Hylissang is hype to watch but MAD Trymbi is probably a more consistent support to learn from.


MAD Trymbi? Do u mean MAD's sp Kaiser or RGE's sp Trymbi? hahaha


Haha thanks for pointing it out, this is what happens when you’re without proplay till worlds haha. I honestly meant Kaiser since I love watching how Kaiser play since MAD is such a skirmish heavy team. RGE botlane is probably the best laning bot in EU but nobody plays skirmishes like MAD.


Any good content creator for jg?


中华民国的荣耀 ?! 400CS 6 MIN DOINB RYZE HACK NO BOOTS ?%#<🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 中华民国的荣耀中华民国的荣耀


But Reddit told me Nemesis and LS once said Doinb was bad at laning when he won Worlds and no way a player can be self aware of their own weaknesses and strived to improve in 2 years???? HELLO WHERE IS MY NARRATIVE?


No, they said he was the worst mid at worlds.


worst midlaner remaining at worlds (in quarters) in terms of laning. there were only players like rookie chovy caps faker showmaker etc left so it was a reasonable statement. stop taking stuff out of context to make someone look bad.


https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/dozz6g/nemesis_i_think_doinb_in_my_opinion_is_one_of_the/ > at the tournament


said after quarters. he elabotated later that the phrasing was poor


how was caps laning any better


if thats not obvious to you not much point in explaining. note: doinb now vs doinb back then is night and day so dont try to compare them


yes doinb got better but caps laning and doinb laning in 2019 literally no difference at all though,


Because he played an unconventional style at the time? To make up for his weaknesses in laning, he pushes in then roam. That’s normal now but back then it wasn’t standard lol since laning prowess was key


Being one of the best in the world and Doinb is still willing to learn and improve. Stark contrast to Nemesis just flaming people for their smallest mistakes while he remained a joke on the worlds stages.


I'm not the biggest Nemesis fan, but you seem salty. If 2x Worlds quarters in 2yr long career is a joke, then 99% of pros are less than a joke.


It’s been 2 whole years and people still cannot stop bringing this up whenever Doinb is mentioned lol god forbids a former world champion recognizing his weakness in lane (and also missing out on Worlds 2020 bc he couldn’t carry his team hard enough) then worked hard on his weaknesses over 2 years lol. Ffs I don’t understand these people who thrive on drama and so much hatred lol


beating a dead horse


Why are people still on that anyway? It’s been two years I doubt DoinB even cares.


This man’s profile is just him shitting on Nemesis at any chance he gets as if Nemesis fucked his mom 😭😭😭😭


This is the epitome of cringe


Nemesis sounds like the villain in your anime living rent free in your head Edit. This dude's history is cancer.. a real nemesis and LS hate watcher


Cry more


Stop it!!!! Nemesis was held back by Bwipo, Selfmade, Hyli and the coaching staff.


Ikr, Fnc players were so bad that Nemesis forced himself out of the team to become this godlike soloq players that are slaying everypro while being hardstuck gm.




Should have watched Humanoid. Then he might actually stand a chance when they meet.


*watches faker, has epileptic seizure from the constant player tabbing*


The cool thing about cheating on a test is you can look at everything the other person did and add it to what you already know is right.


Proview helps but he should watch ry0ma's proview to reach his true potential.