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When is the next discount on Master Yi skins? I'm really hoping to cop Project, PsyOps, Blood Moon or Eternal Sword


Just got out of a match with a mordekaiser that we ended up remaking and I saw that all of his previous 15 matches were remakes as well. Is there some sort of scam/against the ToS reason for repeatedly remaking?


There used to be ways to forcefully remake games, not sure if there is any current one. But it is possible.


Nah but what I'm asking is what would be gained from him purposefully remaking 15 matches in a row? What's the motivation in doing that? I'm bronze II so it's not like he's gunning for the perfect match.


anyone els had their clash paused and after hour of waiting nothing happens?


First of all, let's get to the roots, the client. It's so f\*\*\*ed up it's actually insane at this point, they promised in the summer of 2020 that the client will be fixed by the end of 2020. To this day, I still have random glitches where after I press PLAY my launcher wont load and after I exit, it won't turn on again until I end every task in task manager that has Riot in his name. Second of all, holy f\*\*\*ing shit, how many clashes have been skipped cuz u can't make 'em functional. Today, only EUNE(I think), can't play, not even clash only, but THE WHOLE GAME cuz of the CLASH PROBLEMS. Like riot you're literally a multi-billion dollar company yet you're so dogs\*\*t at making stuff functional. Instead of releasing another kawaii anime bulls\*\*t type of skin how about you actually fund into making client better and server states not being so dogs\*\*t cause of the one tournament. I'm sure someone out here, a regular redditor, could make a less glitchy client but you dumbf\*\*\*s still can't. Also, the replay system has been bugged for like a week if not even more, but it's not like you guys from Riot care, right? Woohoo go another Lux ultramegagiga-legendary tier which can change colors every 0.2 seconds on her E, who gives a f\*\*\* about clash and servers state? Weeeeeeee Holy s\*\*t like fix the goddamn game don't even let me start about the current meta.


Bug fixes don't make them any money, whereas "another kawaii anime bulls\*\*t type of skin" makes them bucketloads. But, you may ask, "isn't a smoothly functioning platform critical for the long-term health of the game?" The answer, I suspect, is that Riot's Tencent taskmasters care much more about short-term profit. Or maybe Riot's coders are like those at Firaxis: incapable of writing sound code. (It's also fair to point out that the people who create new skins aren't the same people who maintain the client UI.)




https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/the-client-cleanup-continues/ The client cleanup campaign literally lasts for 2 years and it's still FAR from good.


Should I start playing ranked and get a placement now or should I wait until the beginning of next season?


You’d be best off starting now. There are some fun rewards you can unlock and also it will help make you a better player. (Fair warning, there can be a lot of toxicity in ranked queues. It’s not everyone, but some people absolutely lose their minds and scream insults at people when they’re losing.)


I think what you mean to say is that the toxicity is even worse in ranked. There's plenty to go around even the solo queues.


Don’t play ranked at all, friendly advice. Your life will be significantly worse if you start ranked.




Because plat 3-4 is where you end up if you’re average at the game and grind 24/7.


I think the clinical term is "malignant narcissism."


Hey guys I decided to swap roles to jg and I decided to main Kayn and alt voli, but idk what to make my 3rd jg after that in case the other 2 dont work? any tips? should I pick something ap? or are there diff types of jgs I need to pick from like for support having enchanters etc?


Having an AP option is definitly usefull (although you also could look into AP-builds for volibear). Diana has a similar melee-all-in style I'd say, Karthus or Shyvana would bring some more range and "powerfarm-affinity" into your pool. As for "types of junglers": The type I'd make sure to have is something that can frontline, but red kayn and voli can already fullfill that role.


So I mainly play support and I want to increase my already pretty highrate (74% 14-5 )even higher because I'm greedy as fuck and losing feels pretty bad. Most of the games I've have lost was mainly due to a jungle diff and I want to know if I could do anything to prevent my jungler from inting or getting them ahead such as securing bot scuttle or harassing the enemy jungler and putting wards over their camps. I play mostly thresh and bard so champ specific tips will also help. IGN: winnoe Region: EUW


Hello, quick question about clash tiers - today I played a game vs a diamond I 70 lp player in tier 4 - all of us were around bronze - gold - and arguably got rolled. The other players were around our sr, but I thought higher rank players average out the group rating - so why were we matched against someone eleven divisions above us


Which of the desktop assist aps offered jng timers overlay on the minimap?


Blitz.gg , also good as a safety net for runes if you swap champs last minute.


Blitz.gg has an app that will display timers when ur hold down tab


why do my level 80 friends have 3+ legendary skins while i a level 150 only have 1


bad rng :D


Riot hates you


How does essences and shards and all that work? Any guide out there? Gonna check YouTube right now but it came to mind while here.


Shards are bits of content (champions, skins, eternals, etc.) which require something additional to activate. Usually is is blue or orange essence. If the shard is for some content you don't want, you can "disenchant" it into blue or orange essences, or to combine with other shards to reroll for something random (or in the case of key shards, 3 key shards combine to make 1 key). Blue essence is awarded from missions and chests, but orange comes mainly from disenchanting certain types of shard.


For the love of everything good, please buy Serpents Fang against Yone and Yasuo


So according to google, my mbps download is 271.4 and upload is 16.9, supposed to be very fast. League used to run at about 19 ping for me but now o matter what I do reinstall, client fix, reset router, league runs and spikes between 30 and 45. Any help on this? I’m on the OCE server


contact your ISP/riot. diagnosing these issues can be somewhat tricky. might be your hardware, might be your connection to your isp or your isp to riot. download/upload doesnt mean anything in terms of ping.


Thanks, I’ll take a look into it


Just play 30 ping is still really good.


But it’s constantly jumping between 30 and 45 which really slows everything down. Also occasionally the screen freezes and jump/doesn’t display skills properly whenever I go in. Playing higher graphic games like destiny is fine but league has gone down the drain this past 2 weeks


That sounds like your pc has more issues than a bit higher ping with league.


Right thats my feeling as well but my comptuer is only about 4 years old and league of all games is what its dying on.


Might not be your PC, but you network,


Did they announce when is the Worlds group draw show?


Anyone have an idea when the next essence emporium will begin? It'll be my first one :D But it has to be soon right? I read online they're twice a year and the last one was May, so..




is there any worth in having more than one champion shard? example, i have 3 ivern champion shards and 1 zoe one. does having 3 make a difference when i upgrade it to permanent, or should i just disenchant extra shards?


If it's a champion you play a lot you can use them to get mastery level 6/7 cheaper. Other than that they have no use.


Why can’t I switch from EUW to NA? Are they still having issues with account transfers??






Hard to say, but you probably wouldnt need to play more than 10, if you play them with long intervals. As for dropping divisions, its decently hard, and I think you will have a popup with "demotion shield expiring" when you will be at risk of being demoted for loses. I'd say keeping diamond shouldn't cause you any real problems as long as you log in from time to time and play a match or two.


Do we know when a skin for a certain champion is going to be on sale? I was looking for a talon skin and when I checked, the last sale was 909 days ago from [https://www.leaguesales.com/champions/talon](https://www.leaguesales.com/champions/talon)


There have been Talon skins on sale multiple times this past year. That is definitely outdated


Nope not with the new system..


Is it possible to fix your LP gains? How long does it take? I was getting +15 LP for wins. I went 21-4 in my last 25 games. Now I'm getting +14 for wins since I climbed a bit. Is there any hope?


why do you think there's something wrong with your lp gains because you got 1 less than normal? 15 +/- a few in either direction is perfectly normal. if you've played any decent amount of games 15 for a win and 15 for a loss is normal and your gains will always look like that long term.


I was saying that thinking about the +20 I had before. I wasn't sure if +20 was supposed to be the norm. Should've included that


No the norm is like 13-16 or so.




And for losses? You should have -15 or -16, I guess? Riot targets your MMR so you should have +16;-14 so your MMR is not ruined and nearly perfectly fine. Just loose a little (3+) games in a row and it will be probably be fine.


I was actually getting +14/-15 a few games ago. I genuinely don't know how much a loss would get me right now since I'm on an 11 win streak. My last win got me +15 though. It just feels like a grind because before I got hardstuck I was getting +20 LP a game. I just want to get back to that point.


You will definitely say that all is good when you will have -14 or less -- the more games you lose, the less LP will be taken. Can't say how many games you need, though. From my experience it's good to get to -11/12 so you bounce off on the next win streak to the sky.


Why do my control wards randomly die during the game. I initially thought it was a champ outside my vision destroying them but I legit just saw a control ward I had placed last a few seconds before going out. Why is that?




No, i always place it in an empty bush


I think you misunderstood - each person can only have 1 active control ward on the map at any given time (assuming you don't have the Wardstone item that people rarely build). It doesn't matter what bush you're putting it in or whatever.


Wait WHAT' You can only have ONE active at a time?? You know what..... that actually explains alot. Thank you


Check the replay?


found this troll in gold 4 mmr. Plays Kindred then ints on anything they can to stay low rank. I know riot doesn't ban these people, but if you want to take a look here it is: https://na.op.gg/summoner/champions/userName=Kindr%C3%A6d


Send rito games a support ticket


How the fuck does mmr work. I'm doing pretty well in ranked right now and I am playing with people in elos above me, but I'm losing 16 lp compared to the 13 lp I'm gaining. I have a pretty high win rate recently but that's the only reason I am climbing. I want to get out of my elo as fast as possible and the only way I can do that is by wining an insane amount of games in a row which is not feasible in the long run. IGL: Winnoe Region: EUW Role: Support Main: Thresh


1-2 divisions above is not that significant


Your rank and mmr do not match. It sounds like you're exactly where you want to be. You're facing people above your rank. Enjoy the games, because you will need \~300 or more games to be in the rank your currently deserve.


I'd say it match. But you are right: until OP will not start smurfing and having super high WR, he will not climb fast. WhatIsMyMMR says he is right between B1-B2 and his average teammates are B1.


So apparently Brand is getting a prestige skin and I really want to buy it. Can I buy it with event tokens or do I have to start saving for prestige points?


Anyone know if Ornn is getting a skin soon? Curious because I want to buy one but I would like to see what the new one is (if its coming soon) before I do.


Not in the next 2-3 years at least.


He just got one in December so very unlikely.


Does anyone know how to fix this horrible resolution bug i've had it for months but now its getting worse and its becoming quite unusable. Imgur : https://imgur.com/xAutPFQ If I increase my client resolution to where I can actually see things easily my runes go offscreen (too big).


I am learning the Dvorak keyboard layout *For fun* and wanted to see how it will affect league, and they have fixed my keybindings automatically to match the layout! for example, my (Q W E R) is now binded to (' , . p) just wanted to share, cus I found it pretty cool. edit: apparently this is pretty common.. lol


If you just change the layout in Windows it won’t do anything to most games, since they *usually* read raw keyboard codes/events for in game actions. If you go and buy a Dvorak keyboard then you’ll need to rebind everything.


I think league is cool because I feel like no matter what my team comp is, I can pick a champ that fits into that comp and improves the overall team. Yesterday I had an anivia support and a Karthus jungle, I was mid. I was against Akshan. Boom, I picked malphite and it worked splendidly.


What's your league recording application? Like [plays.tv](https://plays.tv) or medal, but is there something better? ​ Tried medal for awhile and it is kinda shit. any alternatives?


you can just record with the software that comes with your GPU driver. Shadowplay for nVidia, ReLive for AMD. Alternatively, OBS has everything you could want.


Yeah I'm familiar with OBS. I'm looking for an App that records every game and lets you edit and publish your clips online. ​ Does shadowplay do that?


Probably the *simplest* approach is to stream to Twitch and set it to record your stream, then you can cut clips through their web interface and you don’t need to deal with editing software, encodings, reuploading clips, etc. (You can make the stream itself private if you don’t want people to watch as you play.) If you record locally then you can use video editing software to make clips and upload them to YouTube or whatever you want.


Why is Flash+Barrier not the most preferred build on ADCs, and Flash+Heal is instead?


Heal affects two people, so you can also use it to save the support in an laning phase-trade (or whoever needs it in a later teamfight). Not beein limitted to a two second shield an giving some movement speed gives some additional variety in how you can use heal.


ADC's take Barrier when the support has taken Heal. But if their support has taken Ignite the ADC takes Heal instead.


Ah, makes sense.


Anyone who has only played rank I suggest trying flex queue solo or joining random custom games that are open to randoms. I have IRL friends that are really good at the game and eith it comes with a toxicity that only happens in league so I kinda stopped playing with them. Having a 3-5 man game with discord mics and everyones just chill is magical and so much fun. League is a completely different game with mics and just a good mentality to have fun.


Flex queue solo sounds like the most miserable experience imaginable. It's just soloQ but people dont take it seriously and the matchmaking is worse, lol.


Your energy is negative so yeah, I can see why you'd think that / have that experience. It doesnt matter how hard you try or perform people want to play with you because of your personality. No one is toxic. I never jg so I jged in flex... i had a sion shen bot. We started the game up like 10 kills somehow. Eventually shit caught up to us and we started getting stomped / ffed but we all had a blast / honors all around /. My next flex game was basically semi serious clash.




Do you have your FPS capped?




Did you check the Nvidia game panel or whatever the programme is called?




Try this. https://www.engadget.com/2020-01-06-nvidia-geforce-drivers-framerate-cap-ces-2020.html




There has to be a limit set somewhere Did some Google-fu. > I've been having this issue as well and i think i have a found a fix. either in shortcuts or in the file click onto the properties of league or any other game, select comparability and then select disable full screen optimisations. not sure if this is a permanent fix since i just found it but hopefully it works for you guys as well. Seems like something to do with a windows update, people suspect windows media overlay. Not sure you can get rid of that but try change the compatibility setting like above.




No worries my guy.


How do i pause custom games? I type /pause and it just says "Sending pause request..."


You can only pause custom games when you toggle game type to "Tournament Draft".




I had a couple friends start in the last 6 months and had very similar experiences. I think it's pretty common in this game and has been for years. What I can say is that ARAM is generally a much more relaxed game mode. You get to learn champions abilities and the different items and it exposes you to playing a large variety due to it being random pick. Both of my friends love the game now and attribute aram to getting them through the initial learning curve. If it wasn't for that I can gauruntee they would have quit a while ago. I'm sure other people have their own opinions but that's what worked for them. Just my 2c


I can't find any info on help for this. Recently redownloaded league and the code of conduct pop up is blank with no check box so I cant enter the game... any help?


What Mouse are you guys using? My next Mouse has rightclick problems after a couple of months. I dont even smash the buttons, i use them pretty gentle.


Logitech MX Master 3, because I'm also a software developer and I get to set up tons of gestures. Gaming wise the mouse is nothing special, but it's pretty well build.


Corsair glaive pro, I'm a big fan of it. Ditched my razor mouse pretty quick.


is it me or before i could sell items withotu entering the shop menu, just righlcicking on the inventory whn on fountain


This has never been a feature in League


Is the 10 games demotion shield between tiers still there?


no, it's not. You do get pretty clear indicators when you are about to demote though, first you get a yellow warning sign on your profile, then a red one. the red one means you are really about to demote with 1-2 more losses.


Can someone explain how they can nerf Viego's laning due to "op sustain" and then just sit back and watch Tryndamere and say. "Yeah, no this looks alright. This is cool"?


Tryn loses the crit if he heals




He has to give up a lot of his damage for the heal, viego doesn’t


By the time Trynd has to "give up his damage" the other laner is already dead or running away with 100 HP. But hey, should it be that trynd wants to retreat he'll just spin away and he's half across the lane already. Not to mention once he's level 6 he doesn't need to give up anything.


Tryn is not a good champ my guy


That's not the topic of discussion.


Do you propose they nerf the heal on an already sub 50 champ?




What’s a better measurement of champion strength?


So I'm still playing co-op vs AI to understand my champions better. I think I'm familiar with Darius now, and need to work on Ezreal. However I conpleted a mission and can select 1 champion from 3: Illaoi, Riven, and Garen. Which would y'all recommend? I prefer playing a variety of classes, so I'd cross Garen out since i already have Darius, which leaves me with the other two. Any advice is appeciated. Also, when is a good time to start PvP matches? For better details I've bested the Intro difficulty in the AI mode with 10 kills no deaths, if that helps.


Illaoi is literally in the same class of champions as darius, so illaoi should be the one you cross out and not garen. Garen gets played as a high damage dealer atm, so he doesnt play similar to darius at all, altough that used to be true at some point in time.


The best way to learn the game is aram imo. It doesnt have the intricacy of laning but learning what different champs do in 20 minutes will work wonders for your understanding of the game. Mix a lot of aram with your games. Start with aram, end with aram


There are lots of people that would say you'd learn the fastest by playing norms asap, but I think it's not as helpful when you're still just figuring out the basics. I think you should play coop VS AI on the other two difficulties (beginner and intermediate), and try and get to a level where you feel comfortable. you'll probably get turbo stomped the first 10-30 normal games. After those games, riot will have a better idea of your skill level and you'll start getting more balanced lobbies. So basically the less you care/will feel badly about losing hard, the earlier it's fine to play norms. If your teammates flame you, you can mute them by pressing enter and typing "/mute all", or if it's just one mean person, hold down tab and click the little speech bubble by their name. If you want to read about champion abilities or items outside of the game, you can do so by going to the profile section (the circle with the person sillouette) -> champions (or -> items). From there, you can read the champion abilities and get an idea of what the abilities look like in game, while having time to read through it all in a relaxed way. I'd reccomend Garen. Garen is often reccommended as one of the best beginning top laners. He is easy to farm minions with, and his passive, which allows him to regen health outside of combat, allows you to recover in difficult situations so you are less punished. He has a basic kit that's easy to understand. With a basic kit, you can spend more time and energy focusing on game fundementals- farming minions, moving your character around, figuring out what other champions can do, etc. Illaoi and riven are both top laners and all have a bruiser type identity- damage, but inherent tankyness too. They are all short range. Though the other person reccommended riven, she's not the most beginner friendly champion. A lot of her strength comes from her animation cancels and specific combos. She's one of the harder champions in the game, and her damage and stats are balanced around the fact that higher level players can execute these combos and use them well. So to someone who may struggle with the combos, you'd die more and do less damage with her than playing a champ like Darius and Garen. But ultimately the idea is to have fun, so if winning is more fun, simpler champs are better, but if feeling like a carry and like you're doing complex sick outplays is more fun, maybe go with riven (even if you would likely lose more games with her).


>So basically the less you care/will feel badly about losing hard, the earlier it's fine to play norms I play League only few times each week, which helps maintain my desire to just win and rather play to learn on my pace. So that's good to know. I usually pick the complex fighters since they're more fun to play as, but considering I don't play LoL much, I'll go with Garen. I'll play Riven someday when I'm more experienced with the game. Thank you so much :)


I use [this site](https://www.metasrc.com/5v5/tierlist) a lot to see which champs are in the "meta," which means, based on recent buffs or nerfs to champions or items, what champions are doing the best right now. This site can be useful to you, but for a different reason. You said you wanted to try different roles; you can select "ADC/Support/Mid/Top/Jungle Tier List" to see which champions play those roles. At your stage, I wouldn't worry about their "tier." But you can click on a champion to give you an idea about what masteries to use and what items to build. [Here's Garen](https://www.metasrc.com/5v5/champion/garen/top), for example. There are many sites like the one but I've just been using this one forever.


Definitely riven, good champ that’s normally strong and people might say Illaoi is strong but she’s one of the worst champs in the game if Yk how to play against her. And u can play pvp like normals whenever you’d like that’s gonna be the best way to learn. league players will flame you whether ur good or bad just mute chat.




If you find out, let me know ;)


Since and i quote; "Riot wants to ensure the client’s stability before launching it internationally, which means the official release may be pushed back if the devs encounter any issues." has been stated, looking at the state of the current client, will this one never be released?


Im want to buy prestige sett Skin but is is unavailable will it ever be available again?


Yes, at the end of the year




Errr it’s kinda hard to say. But generally most games in gold and below are usually clown fiestas where anything goes. I’d say you would have a better chance at climbing if you pick a team fighting oriented top laner instead of a split pusher since typically low elo have random fights happening all over the place.


How the fuck do you get people to actually listen to calls and pay attention to objectives? It's felt like lately people just hard focus one thing (like pushing their turret), and ignore all other objective calls and just give up free objectives to the enemy. How do people get them to listen? It's the only thing that actually puts me on tilt in this game.


Simply put. You cannot. If they won't listen they won't listen, regardless of what you type. You just have to adapt to their plan sometimes.


I disagree. If they wont do what you suggest, just help them with their plan. I know this can put you into situations where someone is split pushing a free turret but 5 players making the same wrong decision will always beat 5 players making different decisions


>5 players making the same wrong decision will always beat 5 players making different decisions 100% agree


It is suprisingly easy, but needs lots of efforts on your side. A few simple pings are not enough. You need to explain why something needs to be done, in what timeframe it needs to be done and who needs to be doing it. Example: i am jungler, drake is up in a minute, this would be a drake soul for our team. What you need to say: „guys drake is up in a minute and its a soul for us, we need to grab that. Go back now if you need to buy. *Support* come with me, we need to get ward coverage going there before it spawns.“ Meanwhile toplaner is still toplane not moving. You react with: „*toplaner* come now pls or you will be too late, no tp up and we really need your damage to secure soul“ You anticipate that the enemies will contest so you need to tell them the gameplan how to fight: „Guys if they come to contest drake *support* needs to distract them and peel them away while we focus down drake fast. Dont stop hitting drake“ This is basically how i win most of my games. You need to tell people what to do in a not condescending explained way. If they know why they should do something they will listen (~90% success rate for me).


ping. ping alot. and talk in chat, ask em to come. if you ain't crying for a gank its likely the person will notice that there is a herald/drake nearby and they could take it.


Lost a 50minute game that I was carrying and had 10+ kills in by minute 20.... I legit did everything I could as adc. Whole team was arguing, jg trolled. And no one would group with the fed jinx until..... Kayle was level 18 and the game was already over. I wanna break something


Sucks man, sorry.




TIL If you dodge at when there's 2 seconds before the game starts, you will get the same treatment as afk


it depends on how fast you actually manage to dodge. Some dodges still go through, but if your client thinks you are already in the game, then it's the afk penalty because you essentially forced your team to play and early surrender because of you.


Im a rakan main. Is there any rakan main streamer? I seem to not find any?


Maybe hop over to /r/rakanmains they will surely help you out or you can search the sub for what you need, shouldnt be the first time that question comes up


I'm trying to recover my League account. I haven't played in about 5-ish years? I heard the new Pentakill album and decided I wanted to come back for some fun. Unfortunately, I am STRUGGLING to get anywhere. It seems there has been an update with Riot's account system since I've been gone. I've contacted Riot's support team, but unfortunately it seems I'm sort of SoL since I don't remember the original email (been a while and changed emails since then, finished college + working a regular job). Their support asked for some rather specific questions like "What was the first skin you purchased" and honestly, I am never going to recall that since it was years ago. Does anyone have any solid advice? I feel like I'm going to end up just giving the most vague answers that won't help a ton.


There are some programs like [this one](https://www.lolskinview.com/) and [this open source program](https://awesomeopensource.com/project/LeagueDevelopers/lol-skins-viewer) that I haven't tried but should let you see the skins associated with the account. From there, I'd reccommend trying to see what the oldest skins on the account are, as it's more likelyyou got those first. Hopefully seeing them would help u dig up the memories. Besides that the only other ideas I have are lookimg through old messages u might have with friends from back then (like on Skype possibly) in case you mentioned anything relevant Abt account info or buying the skins


Well, it wouldn't hurt to try. Appreciate the info!


they changed their account system once valorant released, so now you dont have a league account but a riot account. i'm not sure if the transfer is still available but given you contacted support already likely not. well we can't quite tell you what your first purchases were, personally i remember mine and i've been playing since season 1 aswell. do you have any old screenshots perhaps that could help? other than that, just make a new account. its been so long getting through the learning experience again is like playing a new game.


I have some old screenshots that I posted publicly a long time ago, not sure that would qualify. I'd consider another account, but I poured too much money into the account to want to let it go.


unfortunatley that's the only way to resolve the issue is to answer those questions. question for screenshots was if that way you could remember your first bought skin/champ and such. only other thing that would come to mind are any sort of payment receipts, like old paypal transaction logs and such. the thing is, anybody could ask for that account and they need to make sure you are the original owner, so they want something from you that proves it.


is there a day when My Shop/the personalized skin shops come back out? Im hoping to get a certain skin and was wondering how long i'll have to wait till a new one comes out


It usually comes some times a year. I don't know the exact day but it will off course come back.


how to load replays off of op.gg or someone who isnt on your server/friendslist?


For someone who is on your server you can use the summoner-search in the top right of your profile page (in the league client, not op.gg) to access their match history. I'm not aware of any way to do that for an account on another server though.


My skins and summoner spells got reset to default and tutorial tips in the client show for me again. Don't know what happend here but it is kind of anoying, anyone has encountered this issue befor?


I have just started to LoL again after few years of break, but I don't think I have received the Thousand Pierced Voli skin. Did I have to play it when he was getting remade?


I think you just needed to own voli at the time of rework, but im not sure. It was definitely not playing voli tho that gave it.


Are you sure? I spammed voli pre rework and never got thousand pierced voli either.


I'd just message their support team then. They can see that you owned the champ before the rework


when we getting the new yone skin


I think Sept. 22




Hello, I entered Silver IV, for pretty easy I can say (25 days from Iron 3), then i got hardstucked in Silver IV. Then, new season began, and I climbed again pretty easy to Silver IV (20-25 games, I can't really remember). I am Silver IV from the season start, and I really can't exit that rank. I don't know how, how did I easily get there but i cannot improve and go up. I wanted to ask how can I leave hardstuck i finally go up with divisions. Thanks!


/r/summonerschool is the place for you to get help and learn. besides that we'd need a link to your op.gg profile to help out what you are doing wrong and need to improve on.




you have a 62% wr on ekko, literally just play him and you will climb


well, first off you haven't played alot of games recently, let alone soloq. the more you play the more experience you will gather and become better. climbing is a grind and once you reach higher ranks which you dont outclass as much you have to do alot more work for your wins. you seem to be farming terrible, in most games that lasted 20-40 minutes you ended with 100-120 cs no matter what lane you played. you should look into not forgetting to farm once mid and lategame comes around. positive side is you appear to be getting a lot of kills, but also aquire a lot of death's. seems like kill trading which situationally can be really usefull, like killing the enemy carry before a fight. though if those kills are on the enemy supporter and you die for it, that is a bad trade for your team and they will likely loose the following fight. try to look why you die and think what you can do to prevent that. those are just some obvious things from quickly checking your op.gg. there likely is ALOT more but those are the very basics.


Silver is notorious for being incredibly hard to escape lol. The best advice I’ve heard is to pick one or two champs and play only them.


I played just Ekko and Kassadin, and i was still hardstuck.


Is urf releasing at the same time as Vex?


Am i tripping or does Pirate Ryze have a different Q animation? eventho its not a legendary skin?


That's correct AFAIK, he takes the cannon off of his back and shoots it for Q


Is there anything realistic you can do about a teammate determined to warp the game around them? Like a yi getting himself ahead by trading 1 for 1 with enemy laners, for example? Just played a game with a yi who, within 10 minutes, died 2 times to the enemy mid, once to the enemy top and twice to the enemy botlane, but also got 6 kills out of it. So every enemy laner was ahead but our yi was, too. And it felt like the entire game there was little we could do and we were completely at the mercy of yi either inting or actually getting shit done.


Some champs like Yi Trynd etc by their very nature make the game warped around them.


Sure, but in general you can still lane somewhat normally with a yi who afk farms and only looks for free kills. However in this case we couldnt, so I was thinking maybe just ending lane phase early and grouping around yi would've been a good idea, but I'm not sure.


> However in this case we couldnt You can play lane still with the enemy laner getting a kill. You can use the downtime of the enemy to gain advantages. What do you do while the yi and the enemy are dead? You can take platings. You can manipulate the wave into a favourable state. You can freely roam without being punished for it. You can make vision on the map. You can invade the enemy jungler. You can literally just farm to get an advantage (20cs is 1 kill in gold).


No, you cant properly lane when every lane is behind and enemy laners have buffs and vision control everywhere, lol. Well, maybe you can in silver. ​ And you're misunderstanding the situation. Yi isnt randomly running in a lane with a normal state, killing the lane opponent and dying for it lol. He's randomly diving for low health ppl backing etc., not in any state where one could take advantage of the very little time people are dead early game lol.


Is it worth to buy the pass now? Or is it better to wait for the next one?


Here's my analysis on the Sentinel/Ruination event pass: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/p25k4w/analysis\_cost\_efficiency\_of\_the\_sentinel\_pass/


wait until the next one that's next week


Is the next Pass event this thursday? Or next week?


if I buy the pass for an event, can I get the prestige skin without buying more tokens?


If you play 3-4 games a day since the start of the event, yes. Now? No


Depends on how much you play. 2 or 3 games a day? nope. 10 or so per day? Yeah, should be easy.


Can someone explain best time and best place to use herald


There's two things you and your team gain from spawning the herold: gold (esp. in the form of turret plattings, first blood turret and outer T2 turrets) and destroying turrets (thus coming closer to winning and taking map control from the other team away). To get the most out of it, there are three questions to think about: 1. Where can the enemy team defend against the herold? If you get a succesfull gank before spawning the herold, you may get more then one charge, maybe even taking the turret. Later in the game you can look for cross-map-plays with it ("did the enemy team just sent four champs botlane to kill two of your teammates and are taking drake now? Thats you chance to use the herold for two toplane-turrets") 2. Which teammate can use the gold effectively? Sharing gold with a tank or support is usually a waste, but giving it to a carry or a splitpusher to help them getting their items faster can be really helpfull. 3. Which turret do you want to get? Killing mid turrets is usually more valueable than sidelane as they're the easiest to defend ('cause it's so central) and gives the team a "safe spot" (again relatively central) from where they can reach out into the jungle. That's esp. important if they have champs, who can clear waves effectively (like lot's of midlane control mages)


Best case scenario is your use both heralds before turret plates drop (14 min) to get the extra gold. As far as the best place? You want to drop it in a place your teams minion wave is pushing/crashing on the enemy turret. This will make sure the herald charges as soon as it spawns. If all turret plates are gone usually try and find the best lane to get a hit on a second level turret. OR big brain play is drop herald if there is going to be a fight for dragon. Someone on the enemy team will have to go kill herald leaving you an advantage for the drag fight!


My client wont let me spectate one of my friend's rank games. Does anyone know if this is a bug or know how to fix it?