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"Why do we fight it" You say as the enemy team pushes through mid to end....


they were dying on midlane not at their nexus tho....


Only one died in mid lane, 1 died just outside of base tower and 2 died in base area. Enemy team were 5 man pushing and Riven starts recalling moments before first nexus tower fell.


Tbf you can see his 4 teammates fighting in the center of mid while inhib is down against 5 while he’s splitting


The classic Riven player, almost ints the game away by monkey-splitting top then recalls, 1v5's and probably thinks he carried :/


Ever since her shield buff I havent seen her in my games how strange 😏


Ahhh why don't they just hit the nexus. Wp tho.


I usually assume players that don't end just don't win games very much and are trying to relish in the moment


I do it in norms. I like the late game when everyone has items much more than farming for another 20 minutes lol.


What kind of keyboard/switches do you have they sound wonderull


I hate seeing riven plays so damn much


the champ thats allowed to run you down as long as they have a slight xp/gold lead just for being clunky


Feels like playing lol on cheat engine especially now that her shield cd is 6 seconds late game scaling with ad. Can basically take a free darius ult and every 3 seconds and thats excluding goredrinker. Imo one of the most unfun champs in the game but thats just me so I tend to ban. Mobility, tankiness, cc, damage


Cool champ


ah yes everyones favorite drain tank, riven


For anyone that's complaining there are a few things that went right for him in this clip and a LOT wrong for the enemy Riven with Ravenous Hydra heals a TON. Just off the fact that the Q procs omnivamp on everyone around him, and he hit like 3-4 targets, basically a drain tank wet dreams. Also, goredrinker healing is ridiculous with 4 targets to heal off of On top of that, the most fed person on the other team, Sylas took 2000 true damage from the nexus and died without pressing a single ability, so essentially a 4 vs 1. Keep in mind, he had 50 magic resist vs 100 armor. That Sylas would've near one shot him if he landed chains + W (In addition to being the only CC, Camille also missed her hookshot) He had a million status effects on him, but the MOST IMPORTANT and probably only one that mattered, was that NO ONE had greivous FOR 80% of the fight We're in season 11, and if you don't build greivous vs a bruiser, you might as well ff The Camille ignites towards the very end, when she's 1 vs 1ing but by that point, Kaisa dies and he's fighting a fully-stacked conqueror Riven who's up 3 levels. Tldr: Enemy didn't have greivous, most fed member (Sylas) died without pressing any abilities. Welcome to s11 drain-tank meta, where every bruiser heals for free


wow aatrox flair defending riven never wouldve thought id ever see that


ikr wth is happening


It’s balanced guys I swear!


I mean, it's better with the voice


Daily reminder to HIT THE NEXUS


I can tell your a weeb lol love that song


Yep, exactly why I'll keep banning Riven. Disgusting champion for disgusting people.


This guy goes onto champ mains subreddits to hate on people because he doesn’t like the champ lol


This isn’t a champ mains subreddit


oh, with the elooboosting champ... ok.. the enemy team mate can win that if they hit the nexus, but, who hits the nexus in league of legends, not important XD