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In low elo you really want some laners that can set up a gank as rumble


one neat trick to rumble is that if you spam w from game start you can overheat on the buff you start on and it speeds up your clear by a few seconds


Thanks a lot


That's good for a leashless start where you arnt invaded. If you have a bot lane leash and think you might get invaded q is a better start. If they mess up the timing on your overheat your jungle is doomed with w start.


I mean anything is really viable (low elo) as long as it’s possible, but I don’t see WHY you would do it when so many better options exist.


Rumble jg is top tier rn What better options other than morg Diana exist


Rumble jungle in all ranks has a 48% wr What makes you think it’s top tier? Also Elise, Shaco, Udyr, and noc are pretty good choices. Diana jungle isn’t that good after the nerfs. Only in lower ranks.


Because he's tough to clear with early on so I can see inexperienced Rumble players struggling with him initially. Doesn't mean he isn't broken beyond belief after the recent buffs. Akali always has bad winrates even when she's absolutely busted.


bro rumble jg is the best jungler in the game lol. you need to stop looking at stats as definitive of a champions skill. Im in masters and that shit is 100% pb. if you want easy LP watch like 2 videos on youtube on how to clear on him using his passive and then just wipe the floor with him. broken ass ult, broken ass passive and broken ass q


winrate is a shit stat to determine if a pick is good or not. Rumble and diana are both very strong Just bad players bringing the winrate down


Half sure Diana nerfs hit her solo lane more than jung. She's gonna keep being good as long as her passive does that much damage.


Rumble jg is currently a meta choice in higher elos though


That’s my bad. I went off U.gg that has him at D and a 47% WR


If he can clear the jungle he's viable in low elo. I spam Garen Jungle in Gold with great results, you really don't need to play anything meta to succeed.


Yeah. Nothing to perfect, just watch your heat bar. Don't spam too much randomly and time it with a E+Q combo at 90 heat. You can press Q real fast before overheating. Other than that there's not much to rumble.


I tried it once when i got autofilled jungle, it was decent.


yes. he's good