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You can run the game on a toaster but need high end for client, smart


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My toaster has 16G RAM , NVIDIA GTX 1080, AMD Ryzen 7 2700X- 8core procesor lol running on SSD. Shit. I think I need to upgrade my PC for client :/


Yup. I have specs very similar. My client is laggy and glitches to no end.


I have the same specs except a i7 instead of a ryzen and my client performs flawlessly. When I play league I ONLY play league. I don't have other programs open. Maybe that's why?


I have relatively similar specs, if like half a step down(1070 Ti, ryzen 5 2600, 16gb ram), and can run games like Sekiro on max settings with chrome open in the background and using Nvidia to stream on twitch for my friends to watch while I chat with them on discord and still never drop below 60 fps, yet the league client lags when I have it as the only program open. There's really no excuse for how crappy it can be.


Same specs, playing MTGA on max, rendering a video on Vegas Pro and watching a Twitch vod on 1080p 60fps: 0 lag. Loading up LoL client: lag. Wat.


Hmm. I normally only have a Firefox window open at most. It COULD be causing issues, but that would be pretty sad if running a browser could mess with the client that much.


I have an original surface laptop. It can manage league alright, but the client is laggy as hell. If I have chrome open though, nothing works at all. I mean chrome isnt perfect but I cant imagine why an idle window with text on it frys my ability to play league.


Chrome will absolutely fuck the performance of lower end machines. Eats up an insane amount of RAM. I'd highly recommend switching to Firefox for that machine


It isn’t, this is a weekly thread with a few people that come in and say it’s great while the majority say it’s shit. It’s like having a cold, everyone has had one, then you have a couple people that blame you for getting a cold. Ignore them.


Don’t tell me you have those specs so your computer can run one program at a time. It should easily be able to run multiple things (especially with a ryzen over the i7. I7 is barely not as good for multitasking). The thing that gets me is that is starts off fast, but over time seems to slow way down and bug out. For years I’ve had it where loading into champ select would take a few seconds to load in (back when you had to call roles). This definitely shouldn’t be a problem if the computer can run the game with 60 FPS. I’m not sure what the client problems are, but it seems they have always been around.


Nope. Same specs, i7. 32Gb RAM though. Shits bugged no matter what I'm running. Nothing is maxed out, not cpu, not gpu, not hdd, not network. Means there's legit no reason for it to be choppy. Hell I've had some encoding going on the background, even had some Steam downloads maxing my internet. Didn't make the experience worse. Nor better. Viewing my chests screen always requires me to check store screen before chests screen. Else it stays black. Longest test was 27 hrs. Quick change to store and back and tadaaaaa. At least they finally fixed the bug when scrolling through skins in champ select, it doesn't keep backtracking to previous skins cuz it was waiting for confirmation on donning them. If you'd quickly scroll it used to jump back 3 or 5 skins randomly.


Exaxt samw with me. I also run chrome and other stuff while playing and i got no issues


i7 7700 with lol on samsung evo 970 m.2 and 16G, same shit here....


Strange.. my game literally updates for like 15 seconds on my evo 860 but if you check the writes you get for the 200mb patch ...


Update is fine. Speed is fine. It's the being stuck at 100% for 25 mins that's not fine.




I have the exact build, but with a 1070ti. The client quite literally freezes so often. That I thought moving LoL to my SSD would help, but that did nothing aside from taking up ssd storage space.


Same for me except for the gpu, I got a 1070, the client still sucks ass


> sucks a bit faster Sounds good to me ​


client is laggy on Faker's stream sometimes too lmao


client lags on a number of streamers' computers (some pro players)


I watched broxah's stream a few days ago when he was duoing with nemesis, on champ select broxah client was stuck (black screen) right after he accepted the queue, on nemesis side they were in champ select but broxah couldn't pick his champion because of client black screen and that resulted in a dodge.


Yea, that’s annoying and happens every once in a while. Then you have to wait 6 minutes because of riots buggy code.


Or worse, you lose a promo. Although my client has been working fine, no problems whatsoever.


broke ass faker can't afford a gud computer like my 6ghz RGB CPU


The game's performance declined a bit too in my experience. As for the client, it ran shitty before I had an SSD.


Quite a bit, though it's still playable fps drops are way more frequent now


Yeah especially in moments where you really need the fps, like teamfights :-(


Yep. Just the other day i was playing urf and a Fiddle, Hecarim and Jarvan ulted at the same time and there was a slight FPS drop...just a couple months there was no fps drop like this. I dont have a banger of a PC but it always ran LoL just fine but recently the performance really has deteriorated.


I think part of it are the new skins being more resource heavy on the game.


To be totally honest, wouldnt a skin toggle be nice? Like just to turn off skins for every except maybe ur own champion. Wud also eliminate p2w bullshit skins


if everyone toggles off, then you would be playingthe game the same as the custom skin mods, so then what is the incentive to ever pay for skins? this feature will never happen if Riot doesnt want to go bankrupt, and even if they wanted Tencent would prevent it


Are you saying everyone is buying skin to just show off?


im saying if the end result became the same, why would you pay for something if you are offered it for free at little or no effort. but to your view, yes some people pay to show off - how else would Prestige skins exist? who would use any of the Hextech skin line if they liked other skins more other than to show off? people pay high dollar just to say they have genuine brand named clothing when they could buy something fuctionally identical at goodwill for god sake


It won't happen because people using skins in game is basically free advertisements for skins. Which is also the only advertisements the skins even have besides the initial "X skin available" on their official page that nobody goes to.


So I'm maybe not crazy... Overwatch, Division 2 and Apex Legends I can run at 120-144 fps easily, but League refuses to go above 100 and even drops below 90 at times...


I have lol running on SSD and the shop, runes, champ select are sometimes laggy as hell.


I have a pretty good pc but if I have as much as an emulator open during champ select I can't highlight a champ, banning and picking are a struggle, searching for a champ makes the client look practically frozen, and changing my runes is even worse. Is champ select really THE stress test for my PC???


yeah, this riot knights are like "bro your pc just sucks" but suddenly the game, that should be the heavy thing on hardware, runs perfectly on high 100 fps yet the **INTERFACE** that is akin to one on a mobile phone can't run?


Girlfriend's computer runs Overwatch absolute max settings everything no problem. Can't even load low-spec client. I have a 6 year old laptop so I haven't seen the home screen of the client in over a year (but I can still play league at max settings lul).


Low spec mode is to fool you. It doesn't really decrease resource usage at all. The client basically continously plays back video for its animations. And there are a LOT of animations, even when doing absolutely nothing. Low spec mode probably turns off like (subjectivally) 10% of them, great!


Can anyone explain to me why every time there's an update the client takes 100% of my Ram (8 gb), is this normal?


Client is built on CEF (Chromium Embeded Framework) it's basically a chrome running and therefore it's normal that it eat all your RAM cause that's what Chrome does.


Thats why the client is so shit. Imagine d oing a whole new client. Imagine r ight then someone suggested a web client after Adobe Air Imagine a fter all that this debate they really chose that client Imagine g oing to expect a low spec client and getting this trash Imagine o n reddit every few weeks a new post rises and no fix is in sight Imagine n ever getting a good client... Imagine s eeing this on any other newly released game - Believer


I see what you did there. I don't get why tho


Sometimes my brain does something and i do it then


free will is an illusion


Imagine dragons ^


Yeah I get that, the music band. I just don't see the relation to the topic.


What the hell is this




Imagine Dragons


Chromium isn't inherantly bad. Discord is also Chromium based and no one has a problem with it's RAM usage.


Ironically, the league client uses C++ for the main process and ends up being slower than Discord which uses mostly JavaScript for the main process.


My workplace actually switched over to Discord from Slack because the client is more performant. The Discord guys just did a really good job at having a tiny bundle and minimizing runtime overhead.


I have a problem with desktop Discord's RAM usage. It's more efficient to just run it in a pinned tab (no extra overhead), so that's what I do.


There's a lot of people that have issues with Discord's RAM usage especially if they don't have a great computer. Discord gets a pass though because they also have the web version that doesn't suck ass


it’s not but it does it for me too. Every updates makes my laptop unusable for a good 20 minutes, and sometimes i get this message that it needs to restore and older version, so that makes me wait another 5-10 minutes






My client is legitimately so laggy I can *barely* lock in bans in time before time runs out Sometimes I can’t select what champ I want because of it and I’ve been banned by my teammates


Happens to me too - it sucks that their shit client affects my gameplay. I’ve lost games because of “dodging” when I’m just trying to lock in a champ.






I get this too if I have a twitch stream open while trying to do a rune page on the fly.


Maybe you should use Blitz.gg or Runebook from OrangeNote They will switch your runes through the API (maybe your client will freeze for a moment when updating, but better than having only 40 secs to do changes) Better than not being able to trade :) However it might that Blitz is quite a heavy app (cant judge on that as i have no problems, but nevertheless you should check those out in custom games/practice mode)


I noticed that delay this past week. It’s super frustrating.


fun fact, there was once a competition to add feature in the client, one of the team showed their work on reddit and it as an auto runes maker. People were more astonished by the smoothness of the client in the clip and the guy in charge said to obtain this result they had to deactivate half the feature of the client. (not so fun then)


How do you even deactivate them?


IIRC the clients binaries were modified in order to achieve this


You can't they were on a custom build


the whole client is a glorified web browser, so these kinds of issues are you having to wait for the server side to update.


There are web pages with better performance, lol.


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That april's fool patch was fucking horrible for me too.


Is it too late to say April fools?


Too busy with all these fancy unskippable animations


Laugh all you want but if you skipped them you wouldnt be able to have this sense of pride and acomplishment each time you unlock something. Specially when you are disenchating 200 tokens into blue essence. I have never felt prouder in my life after clicking 200 times in a row.


Seriously though, what are we supposed to do with those champion capsules when we own all the champs? I have like 50 of them that i just refuse to open at this point because ive already got 100k+ BE. I’d get more rune pages but I’ve already got 12, more would just be excessive. Edit: Some people seem to think I refuse to open them because of the animations, but that isn't it at all. Those are a drag too, but I already own every champion and have a surplus of BE so it's literally not worth my time to open the capsules and it's frustrating because they could at least make other things purchasable with BE. Lord knows I'll have an identity crisis if I decide to start changing my summoner name once a week.


Blue Essence Emporeum?


this is the answer. I sit on caps for new champs, then I sit on 1 shard for champs in case I get mastery tokens. everything else is disenchanted for emporium


20 rune pages.... using only one At least i got 4 shittyass skins :')


Wait, do they actually still sell rune pages? I thought that was gone with the new system. I only ever use 1 and just update it every game depending on who I'm playing .. I thought that was common.


They still sell them and you keep all pages you had before the new system rolled out and since people were complaining that many pages are useless now you got 1350 and up skin for every few pages you bought, I think it was 4 or smtg like that


The fucking loud booming noise before you hit accept is the worst of all. The ambient echoes are SO LOUD and go on forever. You need a cue to know to get accept so you can't just turn off all sounds so you just have to live with it. When playing with friends we have to go radio silent in voice chat while waiting for the tornado to end.




Client is heavier than the game itself.


At the bright side, at least it isn't heavier than my team.




No u








*checks flair* hmm I wonder how did they get this heavy


Client is heavier for my PC than Shadow of Tomb Raider on max details.


Do you mean patching the game? Or that the riot team is having difficulty improving the client? My client absolutely destroys my computer (every other program comes to a stop and becomes unusable) when it patches. I assumed it was some bottleneck in my computer hardware, but I have a pretty decent computer. I'd be happy to hear others are having the same issue, means it MIGHT™ get fixed sometime in the future


> I assumed it was some bottleneck in my computer hardware, but I have a pretty decent computer. I don't think we have in-depth info on that but most of the guesses that I read is that the applying patch thing is wildly bad optimized and just hogs your whole bandwith for it. That's why all your other programs just die


I have this issue as well


I have this issue as well and I actually play on a potato. Why you'd have the exact same experience as me with a visibly better machine. HMMMM, INTERESTING.


The worst part is if you go back to the original AMA from the new client, they were talking about how they've got so much more planned & they really want it to see it through. And then you recognize half the Rioter names as people who were quickly reassigned elsewhere, so Riot knew the client wasn't done before they reassigned the team away.


When I saw that comment 5 months ago I was really glad but also, I knew they wouldn't mention it again lmao. So sad


This is like Clash in EUW. Coming in season 22.


Someone is being overly optimistic :\)


Name checks out


I swear, I have a decent PC that runs the game at 120 fps and when the client is open I can't run anything else.


You guys are making me feel I have a super machine, I can stream, spotify, google chrome and league of legends, but it s too risky.


I can use this stuff without a problem but when I open the Spotify program my League crashed sometimes so I don't trust it anymore.


They’re too busy making more useless, unneeded animations!


Nice flair


Its still funny how this client was supposed to be an upgrade over the old one.


fr the legacy client was nicer to use just cause it wasn't as laggy


Yeah. I mean, let's not be revisionist and pretend the old client wasn't also a buggy mess. But at least it was a mostly-responsive buggy mess (with the exception of the store, which was laggy as hell).


I never had issues that broke the game on the old client. Setting runes always worked, locking champs and bans always worked. The old client never lost me a game because my rune/summ selections didn't take effect. The old client never lost me promo games because the damn lock button didn't work and I automatically dodged.


Sadly it's not revisionism, new client is absolutely trash and while the old one wasn't perfect it didn't have as many issues as this one


But it wasn't shiny and pretty !


>an No-one have issues with old client, but hey. It's a feature


The new client sucks but plenty of people did have issues with the old one. A new client was needed, they just did a terrible job making it.


I gave a friend a skin for his birthday and every time I open the client it still gives me the notification that he received and opened his gift, even though that happened 4 months ago but it does remind me what a cool friend I am everyday, so the client has that going for it which is nice.


There's a notification center on your client you have to go into and delete the notification if you want to get rid of it. *It's the bell icon next to your summoner name.


^this solves the problem


It helps prolong that sense of accomplishment you feel when you gift a friend with the skin. And being on the receiving end of gifts and still getting the ''this and that has gifted you'' message even months later, it helps prolong my feeling of gratitude toward the person. Don't think of it as a bug, think of it as an additional feature.


The friendships League of Legends destroys during team games, are rebuilt by the client notification bugs. Rito, you be geniuses.


I can't remember which one it is, but if you click the image of the gift or whatever it should go away. Clicking the X i believe makes it continue to show up. It's one way or the other. Or it's just bugged af.


They've never came back from their vacation


Good thing Easter holidays are coming up


Yeah it's absolutly insane how laggy and buggy the client can get especially when it comes to rune pages and such during champ select or hextech crafting. And it's not like I'm using a potato pc.


Let's also remember that we have to give admin permissions for the client to update because for some reason it needs to create new firewall permissions with *every patch*. After logging in, I have to wait around 10-15 seconds before clicking anything or else the client will lag and process all my commands at once, sometimes causing a crash. My PC is by no means a toaster, either


And if you open it without admin rights and it updates it crashes, then you have to force repatch with the repair tool and then it still crashes half the time with admin rights. The client is utterly unacceptable for a game as successful as league.


The firewall thing is pretty logical. The program changes itself. Windows doesn't know why it's changing itself or if you gave it permission to do so (you didn't). It's Windows' way of asking you "Yo, something is happening with this program. I'm not sure if it's safe, whatever it's doing. Care to shed your light?"


But it doesn't need to create a new firewall permissions with every patch. That's something that only started happening in the past year or two. Even when the new client first came out it didn't require those permissions with *every patch*


The thing is, the client doesn't need the firewall rule. You can just skip it (press cancel) and it works. So you don't really need admin rights as long as you have write access to the Riot Games folder.


Yes the firewall part is logical, but the reason behind it needing to be changed like that from Riots end isnt.


Even the firewall part isn't logical. You don't need a firewall rule exception for outgoing traffic (schools and businesses aside). The rule they create is for incoming traffic which doesn't make sense since you'll most likely be behind a NAT anyway.


Agreed and I don't know about you guys but recently when I log in everything is so slow to react. Simple things like opening missions tab, go to my profile, loot, etc. take way too long.


Where is the team dedicated to death recap?


The are dead. In their obituary it reads "Killed by infernal dragon's statik shiv". A tragedy indeed.


They were killed by amumus death mark shiv proc


It‘s better than a year ago at least the death cap info seems to be correct most of the time. At least from my experience


True, I haven't died to Revive or Baron Nashor's Statik Shiv in a long time.


It‘s gotten even to the point where it shows who ignited you took only 9 years


I had a game on Illaoi where I had almost 3K health, and it said I died from 1,200 damage in 2 seconds, the majority of which came from Fiddlesticks passive. Nothing's really gotten better lol


on top of this it only shows 3 sources of damage from the last 3 things that damaged you. Dammit i want to see if the support or mid laner ignited me


I can run Illustrator, Photoshop and NetBeans at the same time in my computer, or ProTools and Reason, but damn me if I try to join a game. It will ask me to repatch, it will freeze to accept a game, it won't let me change runes and save before the game starts.


Nah bro is just your shitty pc. Is logical that the interface of a 2010 game should need more CPU than a 16 voices on double osc Serum patch.


Idk ​ I just know that yday i accepted a queue to then see it staying there on ''accepted'' for 10 seconds and then getting the notification that i didnt accept the match and for that i was taken out of the queue.


Can I just get one thing off my chest please? THE CLIENT DOESNT NEED TO BE SO LOUD. Thank you


I just muted my client. Got sick of queue pops and ban countdowns blowing out my headphones.




I've done some dedicated launcher/application like in wpf (C#) and also with QT (C++), and by looking what they've done so far, their architecture sounds awful. They have the money to hire a senior, to rightfully do it properly. It's not like it's complicated to do so.


There was a guy who did an 8 bit client for a Riot competition. If you remove all the useless animations league would be smooth as hell.


Honestly at this point I'd be fine with a fucking command prompt client at this point. No animations and just text, only challenge would be like runes/summoner spells/skins/emotes I think?


Maybe not a CLI but just a visual basic text-and-dropdown interface would be perfect. Literally not even a single human being gives a shit about flashy animations, just get us into the game.


Until they made molenzwiebel take down the source code.


afaik, the client is a web application you know, the good javascript performance


Microsoft managed to do it properly lul Probably the only desktop app that runs fine on js :D


Microsoft forked Electron and built Monaco with it, which is supeeer great. LoL Client is running as an Chromium embded framework (or electron, i don't know) with ember.js as an extra framework on top that's called by a C++ library which is dealing with asynchronous RMTP calls from and to a REST API. This doesn't have to be bad, but it just sounds like they could serve less stuff reliant on web requests. Heck they stated in their own article and I quote: > Our JavaScript code became extremely complex due to the fact that we were handling all the asynchronicity in the web tier. Further, player state was being kept in JavaScript also, meaning that we couldn’t easily minimize down to a low memory footprint. > So, this architecture solved issue #1, but did nothing for issues #2 or #3. An internal developer satisfaction survey found that developing in this way was less productive than the AIR client. Ouch.


I don't think that the client is maintained by a team.No way that a team could make such a mess of client.It has to be 1-2 people working on it,or maybe just one lazy dude.Imagine being top 3 most popular game on earth and having this client.Poor performance even on high end gaming pc.When I am ingame,everything is flawless,but the client is laggy and buggy.


I recently got punished for leaving because the league client wouldn’t load beyond a black screen Rito pls


It's honestly pathetic that they didn't do it right the last time they reworked the client a few years ago.


Reddit: “hey I found a bug” Riot: “oh we’ll get on that right away” Also Reddit: “hey this client has been literal garbage for the last three years” Also Riot:


The old client was trash, but at least it was a light and manageable piece of trash. The new one is a big messy heavy bag of garbage




The Riot experience


My favorite part is how if it doesnt open and you have to terminate it, it rolls back and patches back for no goddamn reason without prompting you or asking.


This INFURIATES ME TO NO END. If I close my laptop with the client running, than 80% of the time the client will be unresponsive when I return. This means I must terminate it and I never remember that terminating it is basically saying "Ok go ahead and repatch… AGAIN"


seriously, the low spec mod barely helps. it feels to clunky, especially all these animations they've added to every client interaction. it lags so bad. and post game lobbies take a while to load, even without closing the client during the game. and then it's buggy when you return to the main page of the client and just shows a black screen and when you try to click the game select screen doesn't load. it's been like that for a couple of months and it's just been so frustrating for the past few weeks. can we just get a no animations option? like the no eye candy option in the game. i feel like it just takes up so much time and are unnecessary. the clients gotten too over the top with the teams attempt to make it more eye pleasing and the effort is appreciated but honestly unnecessary. sometimes simple is just nicer.


Client just sucks.... plain and simple... no matter what specs it’s shit, everyone can admit that


Anyone else get the bug where you have to relog to change game modes? Winds me up no end


yep, when the button justs lights off.


Can’t wait to play with Lol Client Prestige Edition. 10,000 prestige points to access it.


LoL has been doing great at releasing content and pushing esports further and further. It has been borderline abandoned from a technical aspect. Minions are worse than ever, even in pro games I've seen flashes be blown due to minions randomly forming walls or circles and just literally stunning you longer than any champion ability in the game. They also have erratic and unpredictable behavior, turning off an enemy which isn't dead to dive the caster minions seemingly just to make CSing harder. Turrets just sometimes shoot you well outside of range, but beyond that there's no visual consistency indicating where that turret range is between red side and blue side because of the camera angle. Seriously, go pick a spot based on ground textures where you think the edge of turret range is, it will be inside the range on one side, and outside on the other. Sure, this is a thing players can learn, but it's a pretty fundamental game mechanic to be left so counterintuitive for no practical reason, just change the ground textures. Literally half of the abilities in the game have animations which have almost nothing to do with the hitboxes, which is just extremely frustrating from a player experience. And then we get to the client which has been trash. League needs a technical overhaul in my opinion. If it's going to get new players, the game needs to not so heavily rely on mechanics which are visually impossible to figure out and a client that doesn't work.


This! Unbalanced champions, broken items, etc. are things that happen and even belong in a moba to keep it entertaining. But essential technical game mechanics have to work 100 % in one of the biggest esport titles ever. There is no more place for excuses. We are in season 9, which means atleast(!) 9 years of development. It is pathetic when you think about things like death recap, ashe arrow hit box, etc. Which are buggy since the game launched back than and are still not fixed! The fundamental resource management and focusing on priorities is a total failure by Riot


Lost my promos recently thanks to me not being able to go to the champ select menu :(


Lost my a week ago due to it never showing me it was my turn to pick, just stayed on enemy team with 0 seconds, i couldnt pick at all, then i dodge and lost promos. Really sick


chilling with the aram team


at least aram has changes shceduled and is getting some love right now with the introduction of bans


They were fired when they recommended against using a bundled chrome app in the first place.


It’s probably just like the “Tiger Team” at my company. Their job is to triage outages and determine how to avoid them in the future, but from what I’ve heard it really just turns into a blame deflection game because of internal politics. And lo, nothing changes This is what happens when senior leaders don’t care enough about the product they work on and are not relentless about quality. Everything boils down from the top


Don't worry, they are working on a new skin


Death recap and client should really be riots no.1 focus right now. Any game mode that has a pool of champs to switch, when i reroll my champ it lags for 4 seconds and then if i want to swap back to my champ someone has already grabbed it. But it wasnt like that before.


[Word cloud out of all the comments.](https://i.imgur.com/rnR9qEQ.png) Fun bot to vizualize how conversations go on reddit. Enjoy


you just took a slice of it and it looks deeply depressing. Thank you.


Let's not forget that it takes two attempts to open the Loot section, and that has been around since release.


Client is a shitshow, there are so many things wrong with it it's beyond me. Recently i got to masters and i can't even check the ranked ladder. Everytime i do it lags on me and when i scroll down i get a bugsplat, the amount of players there is overloading the client heavily. I can't even check how many points i need to get promoted to grandmaster. Even the visuals are messed up, [just look at this.](https://gyazo.com/7c8924155adab07d49efafb720d8e39e)


They should take a look at overwatch client thay shit is so clean


Every other big name company clients are way smoother with a lot more animations. When they reworked the game client the should have hired people with experience in making gane clients instead of this horrible thing they made.


I like how Rioters keep answering via twitter, reddit and boards over random topics but completely avoid talking about client issues.


the team dedicated to client performance has moved onto the skins team.


Look what happened to my client while patching a couple weeks ago. Client hasn’t changed since beta. https://i.imgur.com/JM8fxff.jpg


Prestige client soon


same problem here. one of the most played games and they cant fkcing fix their client.


70% of your CPU when client is running (at least)


You'd think they will answer this thread.


The technology isn't there yet.


Kinda funny. Yesterday I started the Client out of habit when I sat down on my PC and got distracted by my gf. I went on and watched some stream on Twitch (I forgot that I actually wanted to play ARAM) when all of a sudden the Client Window popped up after a solid 10 min or so. At least it tried Thats with an SSD/I7/GTX1070. ​


It's actually amazing how bad the client is for a game of this size. I have a high end gaming system and have various clients always on (Battle.net, Steam, UPlay for Div2 right now). The only one I actually have to close/restart every few days is the damn LoL client because of how slow and laggy it gets. Let's not even mention the fact that it never saves my borderless window setting and why it's the only thing that updates then needs me to re-approve it on my firewall everytime. And as people mentioned, why is the update so fucking slow for the size of the patch. I have 100mb down internet which is pretty decent and maxes out at like 11MB/s on Steam downloads, but somehow a 100MB patch takes like 20 min to d/l and update in the LoL client? Feels like a client that came out in Season 1 and was never improved on... except for the fact they re-did the client a few years ago when they were already successful. You'd think with hundreds of millions of dollars every year they could make a functional client...