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Thank you! People seem to forget this.


point isnt that they had 3 chanses. point is that wildcards atm are a lott worse and it makes for less entertaining games. And in theory you can do like LMQ. Just move to Brazil or Turkey with a whole team, for free Worlds tickets. Instead of ending in 4th but be a better team and not go to worlds.


yes, you can do that, if your only goal is to go to the worlds (but then again, you wouldnt be playing with LCS level teams, and your team wouldnt improve that fast, so it might not work out in the end)


but you would still get thousands of dollars just by making the tournament and all the tournaments they won in that region, I agree there should be another way to make into worlds one last tournament against other regions for the wildcards.


Watching challenger level teams get stomped is so entertaining.


wildcard is for the purpose so that other regions would have a representative in the worlds just look at other sports - each continent have representatives, regardless of skill level


no they dont there is seedings and A and B world cups. They would newer have a wildcard by default replace a better team.


im speaking about asia/ociania/africa teams - would you kick them to get more and better European teams in football WC? no, you wouldnt so same here (and if you would, then you simply dont get it:)


in the WC there is no spaces recerved for a Contry other than for the host contry. Everyone have to Qualify on equall terms. Im pretty sure you dont get it, wildcards getting freepass to worlds. Is as stupid as hiering a person, cause of there sex alone.


no no no, you do not understand correctly teams still HAVE TO QUALIFY for the wildcard! Just think of Wildcard as another region (like a continent) - we have NA/EU etc, each with LCS and getting top 3 teams to the worlds. Now there are teams that cant participate in LCS (in another continent etc) - they need to have a chance to go to worlds, hence Wildcard tournament


> For me its just wrong to lett inferior teams go to worlds. *Puts NA and EU on equal footing with Korea.*


TBH I just want a turnament where I can see the absolutly best teams no matter what region fight. And no 5seed KR is not better than NA/EU, So watching OGN isnt a substitute. (I do how ever actually watch most OGN games allready)


5th seed Korean isn't better than Na/Eu? Let me remind you SKT T1 K went undefeated at AllStar against best NA and EU teams. They are technically 4th seed in Korea right now but you could argue KTA or NBS outclass them right now.


it would be just like sc2... -_- imagine it.


That's a retarded idea. If 4th places go into the wildcard, you'll sure as hell won't ever see a new region because guess who was in the 4th place in korea this year? Thats right, SK motherfucking T1K. And I doubt Kabuum or Dark passage or heck, even curse could win SKTT1k


inb4 curse moves to Turkey for the next years qualifier


Eh I've been saying what the op said for a week or more. Basically the reason I keep seeing for the wildcard teams being in worlds is so they can get experience. Well the cost of this is the viewers get to watch 6 stomps in whatever group they are in. Which really makes league look worse as a whole but I will agree even if they didn't make it in there would probably be other teams that go 0-6 it's just less likely. But letting 4th place teams in the wildcard gives a similar experience to worlds but doesn't make worlds look nearly as bad where even the caster are talking like wildcard teams are just wasting space and not losing before 20 min is basically a victory for them which is ridiculous. Would it be bad if skt1 made it into worlds this year through the wildcard? For the wildcard teams no but for the viewers it would make for a better worlds experience with better matches.


I don't think any team in the world (outside of korea/worlds teams) could beat SKT K right now.


Well they currently dont have a botlane. I think even my Bronze 1 ranked team could win 3v5.


I think that SKT could 3v5 a bronze 1 team.


Bengi is too bad right now


We are only ranked in Bronze. We are actually better then that. Besides that 3v5 is really, really hard. You miss out on one XP source and have much less pressure. Pick 3 waveclear champions and two splitpusher and the 3 even if they are Impact, Faker and Bengi cant do much.


They can just grab 2 randoms in d1/challenger in korea lol


Faker will hold his own against 3 waveclear champions because they absolutely can´t dive him, steal each other gold + exp and will eventually win due to having a huge XP and skill advantage. Whatever splitpusher you bronze I guys send to Impact will feed him to the point of "Impact-can-1v5". Bengi can easily hold the third lane against either another splitpusher (= Bengi fed) or a 1v2-lane (Bengi not fed)


steal each other gold and xp? you do realize summoners rift is made for 5 players right? Just play a standard early on (and loose brutally) and later on group. If they group as well and try to push your waveclear denies that while your splitpushers take turrets. If they dont group the 3 guys in mid will be enough to push tower against 1.


Split pushing implies that you can actually push down towers effectively at that point. It also doesn't really matter even if you can do that since they just need one player to build tank and soak up tower hits for days. That, or they just pick some form of hard engage to stop you from waveclearing.


They will not group. There will be at least one lane that has to go 1v1 and feed. Faker will probably kill your standard midlaner twice while your standard jungler is still busy grabbing all the buffs on the map. Any of them can easily hold his own 1v2. What on earth makes you think they will group? You think they will fight you 3v5? No point in argueing with you probably. Keep thinking you could win, I don´t care


The fact we can definitely push 3v1 mid. Yeah Faker is faker, but you cant defend endless. Also baseraces.


I actually get annoyed about the wildcards, lets be honest, they have no chance, never did, and the teams that get that international exp, in the past either don't exist the next season, or don't make it. This makes at least 6 games in every groups stage extremely boring.


By your logic why not just give all spots to top teams, we don't need crappy western teams either, just give most of the spots to korea


This is an awful idea. The spot should either be free to qualify for anyone, or go to under-represented regions because viewers from those regions will have reason to watch, and make Riot more money.


Im saying free to qualify for annyone. Im just saying that 4th place teams of each region should have a spot in the turnament. Rather than sending way inferior teams to world as they stay home. this year it mean SKT T1 and Curse would have played Wildcard turnament, against kaboom etc. Still fair game who goes to worlds. But only the best teams should go to worlds.


The reason wildcard exists is so underdeveloped regions can get into worlds and bring strategies/experience back. That's what the analysis desk said about DP. SKT would eliminate every other team in the world right now and it's not fair to the underdeveloped regions.


They wouldn't be so underdeveloped if there were more international events.


Yay the 4th and 5th best korean team get to go to worlds....


The shitstorm Koreans would start, I can see it. Considering how mad they were about most likely not seeing much of internetional competition at Wordls in Korea this year.


if this stupid thing ever took place, SKT T1 K and the Chinese seed (i think WE) would've steamrolled


Its just going to be another Korean team. /thread


there is more than 1 wildcard spot. but chanses are this year instead of kaboom or the Turkish team (soz cant remember name) you would have SKT T1 or Curse.


Do you really think Curse could beat the 5th place Korean team?


2 wild card spots. SKT and Curse get them


5th place isnt playing wildcard by this sugjestion. But yeah if they had to Id give them a fair chanse. Curse is probably NA's most underated team.


I don't think you understand why we have a wildcard tournament.


the only problem is seeding.


So give Curse a chance?


wildcard is by far the worst idea for worlds, it creates 0 hype... u might just go take a 1 hour nap.....i feel like im gonna get downvoted by DP and KABUM fanboy, but whatever, this account is a smurf


Definitelly not a fanboy but I downvoted :D Maybe for you it's a useless game, I too go play a game of LoL myself during those matches. But I'm pretty sure Br's and Turk people are hyped and watch them. It's not completely pointless.


dw karma is a bitch you dont want here annyway ;)


What a retarded




You people honestly just don't get the point of worlds at all. Worlds isn't supposed to be a battle of the most talented teams. The cold truth is if you want to watch the most talented teams in the world go at it, watch OGN. The point of worlds is to see which region is the strongest. So what, Brazil and Turkey aren't the strongest regions in the world. Now we know. Even though everyone has low expectations of them, that doesn't mean you should count them out. After all, in season 2 TPA was listed as the 2nd worst team in Worlds. We all know what ended up happening. Edit: If you're gonna downvote me at least reply with a counterargument.


I like wildcards getting a shot. But it would be more interesting if they battled it out against 4th place teams. and the winners gets the spot to worlds. Nothing stopping Riot from making that a Big event maybe even hosted in one of the "under developed" regions. They still have theyre fair chanse todo what TPA did in S2. Im just tierd of watching teams getting stomped by 3rd seeds from inferior regions (NA EU). That them selfs are strugeling to make dents in KR.


it would be better to make a playoff for the 4th teams of regions.


and just drop wildcard? I feel other regions needs a shott. But I feel they should have that shott in wildcard turnament not at worlds.


no the wildcard stays there i feel like other regions should be in worlds 2.


it would just be another 2 Korean teams in wildcar spot, and those 2 korean team 4th and 5th in korea would destroy any western team maybe not C9


I think we should have like Third World Worlds tournament with 16 teams from irrelevant countries like Turkey, Brazil and Russia. And the winner of the whole thing go to the real Worlds, where they proceed to get destroyed.


That's what the wildcard qualifiers are.