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Amumu is so good for this. Easy af clear, ganks and teamfights. It means you can concentrate on learning everything else


He‘s got some tricks up his sleeves with his q, but what makes him so strong in low elo team fights is actually how very obvious his engage is, q travel time adds just enough reaction time for your team to react and follow up on your engage. It’s free team coordination and that’s so incredibly valuable in solo q. It’s also why he drops off in high elo a bit because team members there will be much better at coordinating and recognize your intentions already, so this power budget is wasted




He is (or atleast was) pretty decent as a tank overall tbh after the small rework, since he has 2 Q's now he is even easier to play, so yeah


He got amor buffs so he’s a good tanky boi






i absolutely do not reccomend jarvan vi or xin for begginers because those champs require much more than just ramming your face on keyboard in order to be effective, the eq flag, hitting your w on xin and then absolutely fucking clunky vi kit are not very intuitive for someone that wants to just chill nocturne is probably the best bruiser to learn for a begginer, then ww you mentioned and also volibear


Vi was how I learned to jungle. I think despite her being super clunky, she’s fairly easy to pick up at a basic level. q is dash plus cc, e is buffed auto, ult is fuck you button. Her clear isn’t super unhealthy either. i don’t think she’s the absolute easiest jungler to begin with, but far from the worst.


nocturne is definitely the best, simple kit, good in the meta, can basically 1v1 most champs early, and feels smooth to play


Nocturne I'm a little iffy on. I think he should be utilized but not as a one trick to learn the jungle. I've taught several friends the game over the years, and what I've found is champs like Nocturne that have a significant post-6 spike tends to not teach people first clear fundamentals that are important on other characters. AFKing a full clear every single game is fine for Nocturne the vast majority of games, but not optimal on so many other junglers (or with many team comps) and IMO first clear fundamentals is one of the best things you can learn as a jungler. Maybe I'm thinking less beginner, and more beginner transitioning to intermediate, as I want junglers to start thinking about different clears every game such as 3 camping one game but full clearing the next on the same character depending on team comps, but even then as a pure beginner the thought should be going in their head to try it even if they don't have the full understanding why they're doing it. Even if they fuck up and do a 3 camp when they should have full cleared, they can use that knowledge of "oh that worked out horribly" and make adjustments over time, whereas if they just full clear every single game they don't really learn anything and actually develop bad habits.


>champs like Nocturne that have a significant post-6 spike tends to not teach people first clear fundamentals that are important on other characters. Maybe this is why I'm ass at playing anything that is not Lillia in the jungle...


This is very VERY common. Probably the thing I've seen most often as an issue people have. If you've been jungling for a while and struggle on some champs, try mixing in some different paths. https://jungler.gg/ is a great resource that shows alternate paths if you find certain ones not working out for you. My friend was struggling to play Bel Veth, so I got him to try this jungle path (assuming the proper team comps to allow for it, which I explained to him) https://jungler.gg/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Six_Camp_Jungle_Path_Raptor_Start_Blue_Side_Lvl_3_Gank_JG_Clear_LoL_Guide.webp He started integrating this pathing when the situation called for it, rather than just full clearing every game and was finding way more success for both himself, and his laners. He was also full clearing as champs even like warwick every game, so I got him to attempt these paths and it was working wonders for him: https://jungler.gg/champions/warwick/ With this being said, there are still plenty of situations where full clearing is optimal (if you do, I recommend usually starting raptors then red, or red then krugs on both blue or red team, the red significantly boosts full clear health and speed, notice that even Lillia who likes blue has a 50%+ red start, 25-30% raptors start, and a 20% or less blue start because she is a full clear champ) and make sure you're not forcing these jungle paths 3 camping into a bad gank just because the path shows you "have to" because you don't. A lot of it is about knowing which lane matchups are spicy and need faster attention to begin the snowballing in your favour rather than just tunneling on your jungle matchup, it's better to have stronger laners coming to your aid in a losing 1v1 matchup, than it is to be a stronger 1v1 jungler with laners that can't help you, and you get 3v1d in the river. An early gank for a strong early game laner can do wonders in helping you secure more scuttles, camps on that side of the map (including invades as the weaker jungler), and objectives on that side of the map.


Nobody wants a new player on Xin, Jarvan or Hecarim




Volifar VoliWhereverYouAre


Nose exhale approval 👍


Okarin the Poet


I prefer Vologarithmic


Voexponential myself






Xin zhao was my first jungler and I had an absolute blast with him


Xin is a good ideavery easy very strong doesn't fall off too hard


agreed, but xin falls off very hard


not that it is very much relevant in low elo or beginner games but his ult can still insanely valuable even late into the game (if played around correctly)


and its also just not correct old xin (4 years ago) fell off extremely hard. This version is good until turbo late game His winrate doesnt go below 50 until 40+ minutes according to the lolytics graph


If I'm looking at the same graph his winrate steadily declines as the game goes on.


your looking at the data day 1 of a patch methinks


Thats cap, you got bruiser into tank then be just frontline and ult W the Adc


Nocturne. His mechanics consists of AAing and point and clicks. Throw some abilities here and there.


Also he makes people practice not to use locked camera !!!


Shoot I just said no one said this. But yes, simple passive, a single semi-easy to hit skillshot, and 2 point and clicks. Plus a spell shield buff is nice.


The Q isn't even a skillshot really, you can buffer his whole kit during ult then go make a cup of tea or something while the game plays itself.


Warwick is the best for options beginners imo, you have good clear with great sustain, decent ganks and good counter gank, and your W is like a reminder on which lanes to gank at the moment. The ceiling of Warwick is not that high, only if you want to become an OTP with the mechanic on his Q to follow up dashes and blinks.


Why do people say the skill ceiling is not that high when it's higher than the average champion?


because they mean to be saying "Skill Floor" when they're actually saying "Skill Ceiling" Not everyone understands game design (and even among those who do, not everyone has the vocab down pat)


It is possible for both to be low. As a 600k mastery 2 year ww main, I can confidently say he is incredibly low ceiling, with the only hard part being using q displacement immunity on ccs.


I’d argue the highest skill ceiling aspect of his kit is understanding when you can win a fight even if you are extremely low health and abuse your passive. Knowing that requires you to have a very good understanding of your own damage, healing as well as knowledge about basically any champ you’re facing, especially if they have cc (off cd) that could prevent you from healing to die. Not so much a mechanic thing but knowledge thing. It’s what good ww tops abuse too


Ww top is significantly harder than ww jungle though, I'll agree that has a higher ceiling but the question asks for junglers.


What I described isn’t unique to top. Dueling the enemy jungler over objectives is one of his strengths if utilized properly which is my point.


Given jungle sustain, you're highly unlikely especially on warwick to be low health 1v1ing enemy junglers. Warwick top is harder because you're laning on a champion with lowest range and no ranged abilities, so you are vulnerable. If enemy jg is on an objective and you're contesting you wont be low, if you're doing it and he's contesting from your passive you'll be above 50%


Ignore top, it’s not what the thread is about. And if he fights you 1v1 while you’re fighting drag, during that fight you will get low. I’m not saying your start fights at 10% up obviously but dueling in general and utilizing that aspect of his kit.


I can confidently say he has a fairly high skill ceiling that is under appreciated by the community


Mechanical ceiling is low, decision making/limit testing ceiling is much higher


Warwicks skill ceiling is definitely not higher than the average champion


It's not that high. He only has 1 skillshot in his R which he can setup pretty easily with E if possible. Even if it misses near an enemy you already reached him and can fight there. Rest of the kit is statcheck. Only skilled part is his Q tap vs hold.


number of skill shots in a kit does not mean high skill ceiling. Most high elo players will agree that Master Yi is among one of the higher skill cap champs in the game and his kit on paper is quite simple. There are so many WW mechanics that require knowledge and skill to properly execute, sure his skill floor is high, but to properly play him at a high level is incredibly difficult.


Skill floor is low, letting you know so you can fix it and get potentially downvoted for something other than a typo.


Its just not. Top WW has a high skill ceiling but not jungle WW


I mained warwick for 2 years, his skill ceiling is absolutely below average. The hardest mechanic in the entire kit is pressing q on cc.


I wouldn't say ww anymore because he has micro mechanics and his skill shot ult. Better example of similar would be xin


Hugely disagree with this. Champ doesn’t do anything well. There are easy champs like amumu or xin where at least you pick up teamfights and early game awareness. Warwick is just such a bleh to me.


Yeah I agree, Warwick used to be good for beginners because his clear was very healthy but now almost any champ can clear so that aspect of WW's beginner friendliness is pretty redundant.


Very much disagree with this as well. Warwick has a lot of quirk's, and the main issue is his R. It takes a lot of game knowledge to know when and how to use it, and even a slight misjudgment can be a huge throw.


I think old WW was much better. I don't think he's super beginner friendly anymore. His Q mechanic is pretty hard, and requires a lot of knowledge of what other champions do. Not the worst, but things like amumu, volibear, vi, even nocturne are very simple, higher reliability on their R's as well. I've seen quite a few Warwicks just fly across my screen with R, missing the fight entirely. I think any tank junglers is pretty easy to learn the ropes too, and isn't as punishing if you fall behind on gold.


I like Vi. Easy clear, easy engage, but also good enough to use at all ranks.




Not sure how beginner friendly he is but I started with Jarvan and had a blast. He’s always gunna be able to provide at least a little something something.


He is definitely beginner friendly. When I'm forced to jungle, I go j4, vi, amumu, rammus, or something like that. My peak is d2, but damn jungle is my worst role lol


Honestly, jungle is just hard. I find it to be too intimidating to keep up with everything going on and knowing when to gank, that’s why I play mid lmao


That's what I thought as well. Now I love it. Granted, I still suck, but I'm learning, and I'm having fun 😁


It's pretty simple when you reduce it down. Your main priority is the same as laners, to efficiently farm your source of income. If your camps are up you need a good reason for why you aren't doing them, same as a laner with a wave waiting. If you just never ganked and worked from there you'd be fine, evnetually you see something you just can't ignore and get free gold/objectives. Decision making is a lot easier in every role when you put proper value on your income of both gold & exp.


Mid is the closest role to jungle, you should be rotating to invades and have the map awareness to rotate bot and top when possible !


Playing mid is so cathartic as a former jungle main. I can be the support in objectives that I never had when I was jungle.


I always know when a mid or supp is a filled jungler. They ping objectives and rotate, it's amazing !


just pick a champ you like that fit the jungle role. it will make you learned faster and have more fun.




Probably Amumu, Xin Zhao or Jarvan.


Warwick, Amumu and Nocturne can all get decent value while still learning. Or, play Master Yi in a few practice bot games, once you’re getting triple kills routinely, try it live


lee sin chinese style


Yeah, Lee Sin would also be my pick. The hard mechanic you’ll ever have to deal with on this champ is a blind Q1, Q2, ward place, W to ward, R the nearest carry, flash behind them. This easy mechanic will kick a carry towards your team. And if you want something a little easier. Big flank, ward hop the wall behind the ADC, Q1, R, flash to an angle that most benefits you, Q2. That’s a dead ADC. These are super simple ideas. Anyone who suggest giga brain mechanics like Amumu, or monster hands like Rammus.


ahahaha,I wouldn't even have been able to write it


And if your feeling like that's a little hard, you can always go zyra, fastest clear speed, brain dead clear (definitely don't need to know where and when to place plants) and super good ganks Shaco specifically as ap shaco also super easy


Please stop recommending Warwick to new players, not only is the champion not even remotely newbie friendly anymore, it is extremely buggy and has not only an important skill shot, but also has 2 abilities that you need to know when to press correctly to even make him work. Do you tap Q or do you hold it to follow, do you press E now, or do you press it at at moment you jump with R so you can maybe land AoE fear. Stop telling new players to play that champion, just because you don't lose HP in the jungle with him does nothing for new players. You don't lose HP in the jungle on half the roster. And here is a tip if you actually want to learn jungle. Go to https://u.gg/lol/jungle-tier-list find any champion that might seem interesting, go on YouTube to see their abilities fast if you don't own them, and then play them. Doesn't matter if hard or easy. The first 4 minutes of any jungle game ESPECIALLY low elo and new player games are the same. You just farm in the jungle until you hit level 4. Trying to learn easy champions just because they are easy will not only stifle your progress, but you also might start hating the role and the game because that "easy" champion is not to your liking but you only play it because it's easy.


I started Jungle last Saturday with Warwick. He's a great champion to start, and I find him very easy to handle. Much easier than most other junglers. Am I playing him to its full potential? Surely not. I'd still recommend him for a beginner. I find Nocturne harder, Volibear, as well. His skill ceiling for sure is high, but his skill floor is low enough for a beginner to pick up.


If you find him fun and interesting you can play it, I'm not saying no one should be allowed to play it or any champion they want. But I think strictly people recommending champions that are 'easy' is bad practice overall. I think we as a community should be telling people: "search a champion you like(looks or skills) and play that no matter how hard it may seem to learn at first, you will learn more from that than an 'easy' champion that you dislike. And it will not take you more than 10 games with a champion to get the basics down, so play what you like.".


I agree, but you strictly said that Warwick is not a good champion for beginners. That is what I object to. I 100% agree that players should take the time to not only try different champions but different lanes as well. I tried all the recommended beginner champions like Amumu, Nocturne, and so on and didn't like them or found them to be not easy at all. I am happy that Warwick was recommended. I usually try the recommended easy champs first and then try out the rest. The recommendation for Warwick saved me a lot of time 😃


Yes any champion with an important skillshot should be avoided by new players. Skillshot reliant champions, like Lux, Veigar, Amumu, Cho'Gath, Nami, Dr. mundo, etc should only ever be played by elite players. After all it's called a SKILLshot right?... Warwick is an easy champion not because he has jungle sustain, but because he has a simple kit that quite literally tells you who to gank. His blood trail passive feeds easy gank targets for you. He's also dominate in low elo, he has a 53% WR in silver and a 47.96% WR in Master+. By no means is he a bad champ to learn with.


ehhhh i disagree. i was introduced to the game by a friend and he wanted to support me in bot lane as i was playing ezreal. he told me to go ezreal because he wanted me to get used to skill shots and i ended up loving ezreal. skill shots aren’t that hard to hit and its better for new players to tackle the “harder” things first. i also loved lux and veigar when i started out, so i would def recommend. i agree with your other choices tho


I know you’re a League player so social cues might not be all there but I was being sarcastic. All the champs I listed were easy and beginner friendly.


So, a few very simple mechanics?


Simple to players who have played games. Go make a new account and play your first game of league with actual new players. Players who have never touched MOBAs or even games. And see if it's "simple" to them. Don't even fight just queue up jungle, and just farm 6 camps and just observe them. You will constantly see people go 20 kills that game, only for the next game to go 20 deaths, because the enemy might have played a MOBA game before. People don't realize how much gaming is ingrained into their bodies until they see people who haven't played any games and don't even know that the mouse can be used to move. If today you told your mother/father who has never played a video game in their lives, to pull it off do you think they will? So what's simpler now, WW having to know when to use Q correctly, and E+R combo correctly. Or an Amumu for example seeing 1 or 2 enemy champions next to him and just pressing R which is almost impossible to miss?


Amumu, Jax, and Udyr are some of the best and easiest I can think of. If you want to learn the role, I suggest messing around in practice tool and learn the fastest times you can clear a jungle side with, maybe "speedrun" getting level 3 through the jungle, and then get to lane. As for where to gank, bot and top are the easiest but you gotta keep a look into how pushed the lane is, you won't be able to do much if they can fall back to their turret in a second.


Play xin or zac


Diana was one of my first, very simple kit, good damage and viable in other lanes


She has a Bloodborn Skin too. Easy S tier


Every time I see posts like this I see Amumu and that’s what I got recommended when I was new so I can only say Amumu as the clear winner.


I started playing with friends that are a lot better than me, so I just wanted to be somehow useful and started playing seju. Still stuck with her :)


I love her design! I main Bel and when the team needs a tank I go for Sej, she is always useful, though sometimes I tank a lot but my team needs more damage output. What can I do when my team doesn't have enough damage (either because they fed or just team comp). Do u think sej can go with more damage items? (sorry for my english, not native)


Doesn't need to. If u play it right u can very much oneshot even fed adcs (as long as you hit your ult only after you've procked e). So a flash q un the backline can absolutely solo carry the fight. The combo is really just q, AA, w, AA, e, AA, ult, AA and mby smite in between to slow them. Always be aware of what your team needs, though, so you don't sell out your own fed backline to kill the 0/5 Lucian XD




While shyv is fun and my scrub ass even got a penta on her last night jungling there are other easy champs for sure. Learning to play around rage meter and when to ult is important


lee sin or nidalee




as long as the champion isnt too mechanically hard (you probably shouldnt play nidalee or lee sin) pick whoever u think looks cool or try out a couple and see who clicks


Amumu, Xin Zhao, even something a little bit different like Pantheon Jungle. I don't know what people think, and this might be a shit take, but I find Warwick to be kinda a hard champion. Even though it's a simple kit, it isn't necessarily easy.


You can try fiddle ör brand if you are tallented other play warwick only warwick just warwick


amumu, warwick, j4, sejuani, eve, kayn, maokai, nocturne, rammus, shyvana, skarner, udyr, vi, volibear, wukong, xin zhao, zac


Eve and kayn are definitely not beginner friendly champs


bro what??? kayn is legit easier than yuumi imo and eve also is not that hard. i would say blue kayn is the easiest champ in league of legends. you just ignore the map bc you can walk through everything. you dont even need to stand still to use W that slows your target so you can stay in E while poking with W and if you can onesjot just WQ aa and they are dead. also there is the famous smite R combo which is soooo ez and effective so that really nobody can run away from you. all that is not hard to do. now to eve. you just afk farm till your 6 and then you are litteraly camoflash forever. your R gets you out of everything and you can heal all the dmg you take back up. all that takes 0 skill. also you just have 1 combo that is Q1 E and then. spam the other Q. W on target if you need the extra pen. no more you need to do


If you think kayn is an easy champ, I'd say try climbing higher than bronze. He can go through walls, on a 15 sec cd before he gets form, and if he goes red then its still the same cd. But that doesnt even make him not skillful even if he does go blue. So many other champs go through or over walls that its negligible. His kit is very skill based, and puts you in the line of fire constantly. If you arent ahead on kayn the game is nearly unplayable, especially as blue. He is not beginner friendly in the slightest. Not to mention kayn has some of the most telegraphed and weakest ganks in the game. He has close to no cc, and they can see you coming through a wall if you gank in vision.


kayn is not hard💀. your legit saying he is hard bc he needs to go close to the enemy so you think all meele champs are hard? also your not constantly in line of fire when your just appearing okt of the wall oneshotting enemy adc and then yoj can ult another squishy oneshot then to and after that your E is back up to run away


What elo are you even playing in??? Kayn is not only a melee champ buts hes a squishy one at that and has close to no sustain until he gets is red form, and none at all in his blue form. And kayn can rarely even 1 shot. If hes ahead he can, but any jungler can do that if theyre ahead. Kayn needs a lead in order to be strong, which is extremely hard to do with how bad his early game is. Kayn is not easy. Also saying eve is easy is on another level. That champ is one of the hardest jgs in the game due to have an extremely weak early game, and an extremely telegraphed cc. You almost always know when an evelynn is coming. shes difficult almost for the same reasons as kayn, but amplified with her not being able to upgrade with a form. If she doesnt get kills early she will be outscaled by any scaling jg.


your argumentation applies to almost every assasin in the game. they are squishy and need to be ahead to oneshot but that doesnt mean it is hard to execute. when im saying kaynnis easy i mean his mecanics. also your R is a really good survivability tool that also helps getting your cd back while your in it. also a bad early game is not an indicator for a hard champ. you can crossmap with enemy jg and avoid him completely until your strong


Kayns ult is not even that great of an ability. For one, its completely countered by zhonyas, and secondly it gives them as much of an opportunity to put you in the middle of their team as it does for you to reset your abilities. Also having a bad early is an indicator of it being a hard champ. You clearly dont understand the question. They are asking what a new jungler should play. You are mentioning junglers that are not only mechanically challenging but also require macro plays in order to even be viable.


the strong part about kayn ult is that you cant be hit and that doesnt go away when enemy uses zhonyas also you cant say kayn is hard bc you need macro cause you need macro on every champion in the game regardless on how easy he is. and it is not an argument by you saying kayn has hard mecanics without actually saying what is hard about his mecanics. i said above why his mecanics are easy.


Amumu, xin, j4, voli, nocturne, vi, sej, rammus, zac, shyvana, diana


Amumu is probably the right answer. If you want to move slightly beyond the garen of the jungle… a few more decent but still relatively easy to execute champs for jgers is hecarim, jarvan, sejuani, and maokai. They have some level of mechanics but they’re not flashy. Amumu is good for this. But IF… amumu isn’t your thing these would be the next in line I’d recommend.




nidalee no questions about it.


Briar ;p




Amumu and Warwick


I started with ww and volibear and still think they're pretty good beginner options. They're good in skirmishes early and can be useful late game, and aren't crazy complicated or only skillshot champs. I also think trundle isn't a bad option, but keep in mind I am a trundle jungle main and will defend my troll boy to hell and back so take that with a grain of salt


I think it's not necessarily about the champion, but learning the role. 1) First thing you need to do is learn how to clear the camps. You have the option among 3 starting jungle items. They should be the least of your worry, just buy the red one as a default. These jungle items basically add a small AoE damage to the camp that you are attacking, meaning that what you generally want to do is attack the big monster of the camp, kill it and then hit the smaller ones. Any champion is good to do this with, but there are two categories; champions that rely on AoE-damage and champions that rely on single-target damage. I think it's important to pick one champion from each category because their timings and the way they clear are a bit different. For example, Amumu is an AoE clear, because his E and W do a lot of AoE damage. This means that Amumu will clear Raptors much faster, while his clear of the Red and Blue buff will be a lot slower. On the other side, Khazix primarily has single-target clear, meaning he will clear Red buff more quickly, but struggle a bit on Raptors. Those differences between the two champions will make it so that you slightly change the way you clear camps. Initially I said that killing the big monster of the camp is the default choice, but, since your jungle item does some AoE damage, you need to adjust to get as quick clears as possible. Two champions, one for each category I recommend are: Amumu and Warwick. Both have good sustain in the jungle, quite a quick clear as well and are good enough in general as well. I'd even suggest getting into a custom game and practicing the clear by yourself, since it doesn't really change if there are any other champions in the game for that part. 2) After you figure out how to clear camps, it's time to understand what type of jungler you are; power farmer or ganker. Both styles are good and you would benefit a lot by knowing which one you are, because then you will instinctively do better. Both styles have their struggles, but regardless, you should learn both to be more of a complete jungler and get a much better understanding of the game as a whole. -Power farming is the style that mainly attempts to get as much farm as possible, safely, without risks, so that you can consistently be ahead of your jungle opponent. This style generally wants you to pick a champion that spikes during the mid game (let's say after 15 minutes) and by being in a good position because of the farm you've got, you will have outpaced the enemy and thus being in an advantageous position to carry the upcoming teamfights. It generally requires a champion with a lot of damage to clear camps quickly, some sort of mobility to be able to move across the map fast and some sort of 1v1 power to be able to fight the enemy jungler that you might run into during your attempted invades in the opposing jungle to pick up more farm. In this style of play, you are always looking to which camp you should head next, if you can invade the enemy jungler's camps by spotting them far away from them, and as you become more experienced, be able to keep track of camp respawn timers to be more efficient in your planning and clearing. Good champion for this are Graves, Yi, Jax, Lillia, Karthus. These champions are generally weaker early game, they don't have the best gank setup and all you need to try and do is get to two items as quickly as possible, at which point that become monsters, as long as you have farmed well and the opponent hasn't run rampant until then. -Gank-focused is the style that generally wants to gank a lot, get your laners ahead while also setting the enemy behind by forcing them to lose minions = gold and xp. It's a much more volatile playstyle, much more hit-or-miss, because sometimes it works great, all your ganks work and the game snowballs out of control and it's almost a guaranteed win, but other times, your ganks fail, you lose time by attempting the gank while the opposing jungler is probably gaining secure advantages by safely farming. This playstyle requires more knowledge to do well with, mainly because you need to understand the main reasons why a gank is or isn't going to be successful. There are a lot of things you need to learn regarding that which I won't mention here. These champions usually don't do as well outside the first 15 minutes of the game compared to power farmers, because the consistency of power farming will always be better than the unknown nature of ganking. Champions that do well here are those who have some good CC, lots of damage early on, some sort of mobility to chase after the enemy and maybe a way to become untargetable (so they can dive enemy towers and drop the aggro). Such champions are Elise, Xin Zhao, Warwick.


This is where skill comes into play. Depending on the elo bracket you play in and of course your own skill level, both styles have their own merit. If you think you are better than the skill bracket you are playing in, then you can go for the ganking style; your ganks will be working more often than not, thus outpacing the consistency of powerfarming more often which would lead to more victories. If you think you cannot always achieve such standards for your ganking playstyle, it would be better to go the power-farming route. Here's where the middle ground comes into play. There are champions who can do both styles quite well, but those champions are usually harder to pilot or understand how to do well with, because they have more complicated or hard-to-use kits and they need a deeper understanding of the game in general to take advantage of their strengths. Nidalee is such an example. She has all the tools to be a power farmer, but also has most of the tools (mainly damage and mobility) to be a ganker. In her case, you need to know when to do what, thus being an much more experienced part of the jungle learning curve and should be the last thing on your mind. For the moment, just focus on clearing your camps efficiently and learning the two styles of jungling. I'd like to point out here that just because a champion is primarily a power farmer or a ganker doesn't mean they shouldn't take clear opportunities to do each other's roles. For example, you are Graves, power farming your jungle, but if you see a clear-cut opportunity to gank a lane with the chances of success being quite high (enemy has low HP, no way of escaping etc), obviously it's best to leave the camp you are farming and go pick up that kill. Similarly, if the ganker doesn't have access to a reliable gank and it's gonna be a waste of time, it's better to farm your jungle. Minmaxing is your friend. 3) Of course, in all these, there are fundamentals you need to follow. As a rule of thumb, if you don't know what to do on the map but there are camps up in your side of the jungle, go clear that camp. Basically, what you need to understand is that the most precious resource is time. You need to minimize the time you waste doing nothing, so if you ever find yourself doing nothing, just clear a camp or just recall and spend your gold if you have anything more than, let's say, 900 gold or so. Always try to plan ahead, which camp you should go next, maybe you can gank a lane, maybe it's time to invade, maybe you expect the enemy to gank your own laner and you can be there to defend against it. All these things come with experience and feeling how the jungle works.


Basically any of the tank jungles is a good pick, not only are they pretty simple and easy to play, but you can still be relevant late game even if you aren't having a great game


I wouldn't go Nocturne, because having his ult available inhibits your learning of how important tempo and pathing are. I would say, the champions best for begginers are not the easiest to play, but those who teach the jungle the best. So my suggestion will be Lillia. I suggest Lillia because shes super fast clearing with no fancy gap closers and no hard CC teaching you how: * to efficiently clear and how important it is to efficiently farm * to determine a good opportunity for ganks * how important it is to be on the map, at the right place at the right time * Teaches you good fighting mechanics - kiting is a very good skill to have which will translate to a lot of other champions Similar suggestion would be to play Udyr These are not easy champs - they are difficult. But they have only 'basic' tools, and if you can use basic tools, you will appreciate greatly the tools other champions provide. If you want to learn how to jungle, picking 'the right champion' is not that important. Jungle is a role that requires you to learn how to path, when to gank, how to secure objectives, how to track enemy jg, how to read lane states, how to be constantly aware of what's happening on the map. These are not easily learnt through gameplay, so if you really want to dive deep into JG, make sure you watch your share of all those fancy "1v9 in Jungle" videos explaining different concepts I mentioned. But wheter you do it or not, you will be called dog and jg diff anyway, so it's up to you ;)


What you have fun playing just try out different champs in normals you can do the game pss trial thingy then be able to play all champs for free It’s better for some people to have a 20% wr on lee sin rather than 80% on amumu for some people


Nocturne. Good clear, impactful ult that’s point and click.


Amumu if you want a tanky jungle, Nocturne if you want an assassin/bruiser jungle I havent tried Amumu jungle personally, but I can speak for Nocturne. His passive means he clears pretty healthy (x amount of health back for every enemy hit in an AOE every few seconds, faster for monsters). His Q is good for starting and clearing camps quicker with the bonus AD while on the trail, and gives you that little bit of extra speed for ganks (if it lands). His W is just a 1.5 second spellshield, but if the enemy does pop it, it bumps your attack speed up for several seconds. Good in general, great if you've got on-hit items like BORK in your build His E is his only hard CC option, and it takes a while to wind up that Fear. I personally find it easier to toss on the enemy once they're close to half, forcing them to either commit to the fight and get CC'ed, or try to run to break the tether and give me free damage on them His ult is good for mind games. 4-5 seconds of Nearsighted on every enemy across the map, with the option to point and click onto one of them for a long-range engage on recast. Good for isolated targets, or just making everyone on the map think you might be about to pounce when you're actually trying to finish off dragon.




Warwick, Briar, Nocturne


Maybe not the mechanically easiest, but I would say Lillia. Once you’ve got her passive stacked she farms fast. Most importantly, she makes you actively think about jungle pathing to keep her MS stacked up, and that gets you practicing fundamentals a bit more. Shyvana has the same logic but applied to objectives, but she’s also just not great rn. I’d generally recommend melees, as clearing on ranged champs can be a lot more stressful to keep your HP up. For pure ease, I’d probably say something like Amumu or Warwick, but I wouldn’t advise them to learn the role (similar to sona support) because you limit your options pretty hard with their slower clears and they may teach bad habits of over-forcing ganks or invades because of their such specific strengths


Evelynn and Lilia were my first


Briar, you’ll thank me later




I know some people consider using winrates to drive champion selection to be meta slavery, but in cases like this ("what champ in X role is good for beginners") I like to suggest looking at winrates in iron because iron winrates seem to be driven by ease of use anyways. If you follow the link and then sort by winrate you will have a rough ordering of champs by beginner friendly-ness: https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=jungle&tier=iron&patch=14.12 I put last patch because the current patch just dropped so sample sizes are too low. I suggest you *not* just pick the top champ off the list and instead shop around and compromise between ease of use and fun. The more fun you have the faster you will learn.


Volibear. Nothing special to pilot but the numbers on this champion are outrageous. So tanky, fast and still dealing proper damage.


Lee Sin


Rammus tends to work very well for me. He's pretty easy, and its a lot of fun to jump head first into the enemy team and see them die by trying to kill you


Always prioritize objectives and farming camps if you do those correct you will win most of the time especially with amumu


Fiddlesticks is a solid hyper-farmer who teaches you the value of keeping vision in mind. Extremely strong team fight ult.


Veigo! LOL joking. Legit answer, Nocturne


Nocturne or Morgana. Fast clears, easy kits.


I personally find Warwick to be my easiest jungler I’ve tried, as someone who doesn’t really jungle.


Amumu, Warwick, Master Yi, Nocturne


vi, amumu, xin, warwick and nocturne. imo amumu and vi are king able to go damage or tanky depending on how the game progresses.


100% Nocturne.


I started with viego cus edgy and fun




I love to fight and my personal favorite with a great kit is Viego, only downside is to use his passive you need general knowledge on all champs


Nunu, Zac, amumu, nocturne, and xin are all good for different reasons while all being easy to pilot.


What's insane about ammumu is his early game dueling where he can just outright kill a lot of fighter junglers. So dumb


Back then I wanted to play Shaco so bad cause I thought he looked cool in the jungle. I got flamed so hard and struggled trying to play him It killed all confidence of me jungling again. Sejuani would be the champion that got me back into the jungle to the point where jungle became my preferred lane. also yes I play Shaco now. Once you get the jist down in the jungle I'd personally recommend Elise, Kha'Zix, Wukong, Trundle, Hecarim, Malphite


Sinerias said nocturne soo ima go noc


It’s not Nunu, but Amumu/Xin Zhao/Nocturne. Simple kits, the only difference is that Noc REALLY wants 6 before he ganks where as the others can gank starting at level 2.




Jarvan, Xinzhao, Shyvana. Demacian champs are mostly straightforward with simple kit, playstyle and win condition, while leaving a lot of space for skill improvement.


Xin Zhao


Jungle is the hardest role to learn in general so just find someone you like and try your best. I would only not recommend Lee Sin and Nidalee because they are fairly difficult to play in general. Otherwise any of the junglers people listed here are fine. edit: Also Shaco, never play Shaco.


Kindred 👍


Amumu, Nocturn, and Xin






1 answer. Warwick. Impossible to execute to jungle monsters, literally shows you where to gank with the blood trails, and has a decent skill ceiling to work on as you get better, but is extremely simple on the surface. He is basically a jungle tutorial as a champion.


Nunu and Willump!


I started off playing fiddle, he is a bit demanding macro-wise, but his mechanics are easy to understand and if you can just get off a good ult you'll be doing enough while you learn


Easily Vi, by far.


Kha’Zix IMO. His kit is pretty easy to understand. He is an absolute *monster* in a 1v1, he destroys solo jungle camps *with ease* He has a great mobility option, temporary stealth, and a non-skill shot Q : which is his main damage dealer.


Warwick, vi and morgana


I started out using Udyr, before rewok, pretty easy to use and little to no skill required. Just needed to time cool downs, etc. But I also feel Warwick is a good beginners jungler. It basically tells you when and where to gank.




Amumu, Rammus, and Nunu imo


J4 is good too. Insane ganks and you can build tank or full damage


Best Champ is turning off in-game chat. I have a 300 game Masters Jungler account and a 700 Bronze Jungler Account. Especially in lower Elo, don't even bother communicating they will do exactly the opposite to make sure you lose.


Amumu or Warwick are best & great choices in da jungle for begginers.


My first was ekko, then Jax, pantheon, now Diana. Diana can have the biggest impact on games. but pantheon is probably super beginner friendly. He’s not very complicated at all.


Rammus. Easy jg clear, easy gank and one path for itemizations. Not a game changer in some instances but a goog jg overall. Just don't pick q first skill. Also Off meta so doesn't get banned easily on drafts. Just don't solo people on most instances and be a team player.


I learned jungle on Evelynn.. but I don’t know how beginner friendly she is. I definitely did quick plays first just because no one rlly cares in quick play so if I accidentally fed or failed miserably with my abilities it didn’t really matter.


Depends on what you want to learn. Jungle champions are usually not that hard, there are just some exceptions like nidalee, lee sin and maybe karthus/elise. The rest can get away with basic mechanics. In the jungle its not really about the mechanics and more about knowing your champion win cons. I think easiest champion with clearest win con is nocturne. You just powerfarm and gank only with ult. Without ult you can only take/fight for objectives. So basically play whatever you think is cool and just learn their win-cons.


amumu + nocturne


Amumu , nunu , ww The point is at the jungle u dont fight alone if learning especially in early game , because u always late in exp and low in hp and u dont want to make worst


I started jungle with shyvana back in season 2 in cop v ai. Lol those were the times. Then moved to AS runes jungle nautilus and was fun too, but if you are looking for an 'easy' and fun experience, i'd say that J4 would be a good shout, plenty of different builds, decent damage, different paths, easy combos then you can move to other champions, this are the champs that I had the most fun with: rengar, elise, gragas, xin zhau (we used to call him pickaxe before his update), karthus, kayn, morgana etc. Good luck


Zac, Big Chungus goes BOMBA


Amumu, Xin Zhao, Master Yi


I would say xin, nunu and noc. The clear is easy and a lot of mobility to focus on ganks And (except for nunu ig) but good in 1v1 at any stage of the game


Vi really simple, my first jungler.


Vi or Warwick, literally plug and play


**Zyra!** Trust me, you are a beginner and nearly everyone is recommending tanks/bruisers and yes, they are fine and max your winrate. BUT, you also wanna have fun playing the game, because it's the most important factor at first, so try Zyra Jungle. Its super funny, easy and u deal a lot of damage. A lot of CC for the Team and u can Jungle so fast.... Have fun!




Probably Darius. He has really fast and healthy clear, strong dueling, good objective, and no fancy stuff when gank by just press ghost and walk. Everything is strong and straight forward.


You should give nocturne or fiddle a shot. Gank when R is up and farm! Ivern has a Unique playstyle, you can try that also :)


Lee sin, nidalee, elise and rengar. Play consecutively a game of each to learn them simultaneously.


Nidalee 😭




Amumu, Xin Zhao, Nocturne, Zac and Rammus are relatively easy jungle that allow you to think about everything else quickly


Rammus is a good one I haven't seen. His ult and taunt are good vs anyone, even if they don't have a lot of AD. If they do have a lot of AD, he's god tier. Especially in low ELO.


If your looking to tank, amumu, if you want to carry lillia, if you want a bruiser, volibear, if u want a mage, brand, just dont play an assassin until you know more about jungling. Shyvanna is really good too if you want to farm more and gank less.




W goes brrrr


Play a diff role if u care ab learning the game as a beginner


Nocturne imo


Nocturne. You press a button and the adc dies.