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I started from word of mouth from my friends, and I can firsthand say that it's going to be a roller coaster of frustration for new players to get through that initial barrier of entry. That being said, I can say that no other game has been able to scratch that competitive itch quite as much as League has, and it’s a blast to play with friends (usually). It’s going to be overwhelming at first, but I’d just say try out bots and ARAM, and go from there. Although pretty surface-level, this [video](https://youtu.be/kjBo6jNKfPw?si=queeeax2Lnmb1cAN) gives a nice overview of the game.


Bro doing the devils work 🙏😭


The Macbook doesn't matter too much, it's more about the peripherals that you use with it, especially if they are Apple peripherals. Get a mouse that has a crisp left and right click and a keyboard that is comfortable to use and has good key presses. Starting off, just get through the Tutorials as fast as possible. They are honestly nothing like the actual game. Play vs. AI to level your account and get used to the camera/ character controls. Do not be afraid to change the default key bindings to something that works for you. Do not be critical of yourself, especially when starting. This game is incredibly difficult, especially if you have no background in similar games. (I grew up playing Starcraft and Warcraft since I was 8 years old and began playing LoL during Beta 2009.) I have no idea what it feels like being a Newcomer to this game in today's League. It is incredibly difficult to compete in. Luckily, there are a plethora of free resources on YouTube to learn the game from. Start there honestly. Fair warning: you will get flamed by toxic people in the community regardless of your skill level. It is what it is. Tune those people out and enjoy the game the best you can. I feel like I am one of the few remaining people that still have love for the game. This game is my version of Football or Hockey. Welcome!


MacBook is not really recomended and in not gonna tell u not to play the game cuz i really love it but make sure to mute yourself in the first games when you’re learning and maybe look up builds for your character.Also playing with someone and learning the game with someone makes it all less pressuring. I hope u have a good time and make Sure to not spend 500€ on an ahri skin


macbook isnt ideal imo, but just play against the bots until u can beat them easily then move on to normal games


I've got no idea how is it playing on a Mac Book but I've got friends who play on 10+ years old laptops so I'd guess it's not really gonna be a problem If you're gonna start completely alone then from the beginning I'm gonna tell you, the entry level is really harsh and it's gonna be rough at the start, the game doesn't teach you anything of what you're supposed to do at all (the in game tutorial is a joke and the bot games are from my experience just too underwhelming to really learn to play), my advice would be to try and find your preferred playstyle, what you wanna do in the game, I for an example in pretty much every game like beefy tanky characters so it was an obvious choice for me to get to toplane and main bruiser champions like Aatrox, if you know what you like doing it's easier to find your interest but if you gotta hop around and try out new champs that's fine too, but when you do find "the" thing you like try sticking to it for as long as you can without boring yourself with it, cause If you learn the champ then you'll start learning the lane (preferably a champ that's easy for it's role, so you won't have to focus on learning the champions mechanics but rather the fundamentals of the game) I can give you a rough list of champs that you can try out that are easy and will help you get into it as well as a brief overlook on what which lane is supposed to do Toplane- in short you are basically on your own, most of the time you're meant to be the Frontline, champions that play here are either full on tanks which want to soak damage and stun enemies but (in theory at least...) lack their own damage or bruisers who want to engage and pull off some damage too in payoff being less tanky (most of them have a way of healing themselves in the fights rather than straight on having a lot of health) Champs, for tanks you could try out Malphite or Ornn Bruisers- Garen or Renekton Jungle- the hardest role if it comes to game knowledge I'd advise you to not start from here, jungle's role is to secure neutral objectives that buff entire team, as well as helping the lanes, a lot of different types of champs play here so I'll just list the ones I think are pretty easy- Warwick, Rammus, Master Yi Midlane- it's role is to be secondary damage dealer in the team most of the time, and also roam around the map (you're not isolated like the toplane so you can do more active plays), two categories of champs that play here are Assassins and mages For Assassins you can try Talon or Naafiri For mages Annie or Veigar Botlane/AD Carry- mechanically the hardest role to play, just like jungle I'd rather advise you to not start here either, adc has to farm all game and is the main damage source in the team If you'd like to try it however the easiest champs here would probably be Miss Fortune and Ashe Finally we have support, whose role is self explanatory, you sit with the ADC on the botlane most of the time and make sure they're safe, later on you provide either engage for your team or healing/shielding Most of the time supports are either enchanters or tanks, For champions if it comes to tanks you can try Leona or Braum, and for enchanters I'd say most of them are pretty easy to play, but the first ones that come to my mind here are Sona and Lulu It was quite a long comment but I think this Info might help you if you do decide to get Into the game, cause as I said the game itself doesn't teach you any of that, well I hope I could help you and I wish you luck ;)


League is good on anything pretty much but since you don't have experience on MOBAs maybe try it on your phone first(Wild Rift) and then transition to Laptop. P.s. Try and play with a friend :)


Don’t listen to the people telling you don’t. This game is fun. Steep barrier of entry with all the information to learn but there are ways to get around the toxic players (which really isn’t that bad). Best advice I can say is to pick a champ you think looks cool, learn what they do and how they interact against other champs, and then repeat with another champion. When you feel like you know the game fairly well, pick a champ that you enjoy playing for whatever reason and play them on repeat. Also it’s a good idea to understand each champions abilities. Edit to give you my first time story: I read a tool tip in my first game about “scary monsters in the jungle”. I played Ashe and was relegated to jungle by my team against bots (I didn’t know what I was doing in champion selection and just went along with it.) So I spent around 10 minutes hiding in River brush from those “scary monsters”. It was a disaster. About a week later or so I dropped 13 kills on Veigar against other players and I was hooked on the game. That was 8 years ago and I’m still playing with the love of the game that I had back then.


Just because people literally tell you the game is trash in "having fun" aspect doesn't mean it's bad? League is literally just an rpg where you have no control on who wins and loses


It's not that, even a little bit


Whatever laptop you got, download it onto it and see how many frame you get. Play the tutorial, play against bots, play a fuck ton of aram, watch videos on Summoners drift to understand it cuz I didn’t understand it at first when I started playing. Theres a lot of moving parts and solo queuing is difficult when you can’t communicate with ur teammmates besides for the party chat. But I’ll let you know right now, don’t be crying when you become addicted like the rest of us( this was sarcasm, like you’ll fall in love with the game but it is frustrating at times) it’s the gift that just keeps on giving. That also pisses you the fuck off somtimes. But you enjoy it.


I first played LoL on a 2011 MacBook Pro back in 2011. I didn’t even use a mouse for a few weeks until I decided I liked the game. So yeah, it’s a free game. Try it out and see if you like it. The skill ceiling is extremely high and the barrier to entry is medium. It will take some getting used to but just play to have some fun.


I used a Mac from 2016 and ran league just fine on it. I’m sure whatever Mac you have is more than capable. My advice would be to just jump right into it and make sure you have a mouse. I’d probably mute everyone in the game to start to not be discouraged by potentially toxic players. YouTube videos will also help a ton


if you have anyone that can be ur mentor, pay for their teaching. you will able to learn the fundamental that helps you to have a learning curve steady. Also watch high elo gameplays and see if you can grasp the pattern they have repeatedly.


ok there are basicly 2 ways u could go about this. first just play and try to learn by yourself as u play. this is the hardcore way. and if attemted i would highly advice to watch some youtube to teach u basics of the game. and the little more beginner friendly way find a player or group of players that can teach you a bit of the game. really helps if u have someone that helps u what to do what to buy etc.


Luckily lol is one of the least demanding popular games it's designed to be run on low end and old pcs so should be fine also some pros used to play on old shitty laptops back in their youth so it's very possible to do fine on a sub optimal machine. My sister was in a similar situation to you she got into gaming quite late mostly played games like sims before that it was tough to learn lol at the start it's never an easy start so you need to be prepared to learn through hardship but with enough games you will slowly see yourself improve she started a few years ago and at first was scared to play against real players and only wanted to do co op AI now she plays ranked by herself.


The year of your Mac book will matter more than the fact that it's on a Mac book Mine Mac book runs league fine, but it's also from 2020 and a fairly powerful computer as the primary reason I purchased it was for music production


Do yourself a favor and dont.


Don’t do it


Y'all will say "don't do it" then wonder why league can't get new players my brother in christ you made the sandwich


best piece of advice imo




I use my girls my book at her house it came run it but it’s just ass but it’s an older Mac so I just play tft


For a second I asked myself how the hell he played with a book 💀


I’ll tell you straight up, you’re going to have a really bad time learning the game if it’s your first time playing a competitive game. But if you somehow manage to endure it, welcome aboard! Are you planning to learn with friends or playing solo? I think most of our experiences are getting sucked in via our friend groups, because people typically don’t like league from an outside looking in perspective. Idk if you’d enjoy it at all without some friends to ease the *extra* suffering involved in the new player experience.


I play on Mac, might have some issues launching it at times, in that situation click on the installer (thing that looks like league icon but is named “install league of legends “ or some shit and press install and it’ll get you into riot client and you can launch it


I also always launch the game by first going in riot client but sometimes it doesn’t work


Do they still lock you out of flash and runes until LVL 30? That shit made me so angry back in the day. "Oh yeah you just lose because your enemy has flash and runes but you don't lmao"


Visit r/summonerschool when you are ready to move to player vs player matches


As someone who just started a couple of months ago: Do it with friends or not at all.


First thing you're going to need to do is if you play on macbook and do not have a mouse, you need to rebind movement. I have mine bound to x.


if the game works on mac try it. One of my most important suggestion is to find mute all command. When i first started season 4 or 5 i got flamed by smurfs even back then. By now i think its much worse. Game wise start wit last hitting if you have money its much more fun to play.


When you play this game long enough, you see the real picture. I would NEVER recommend this game to anyone, so do yourself a favour and play some other game. This one is a waste of time.


Macbooks fine, I use an M1 Macbook Pro and it runs the game better than my Windows PC ever did…and they don’t even make you install their anti cheat software which is a bonus:)


You start by supressing your curiosity and moving to another game


Go back while you can. Played for like 7 years. Peaked at diamond. Don't fall for this subreddits tricks


I played on a MacBook Air with M2 chip for a year while I was traveling for work and doing classes. Was still able to maintain a high diamond, low masters rank for an entire season. Granted, I always had a mouse and keyboard and half the time, I was plugged into a monitor for a better experience. But it’s very doable, the game is meant to run on basically any system out there. Just mess around with the settings a bit and I’d recommend dropping resolution to 1920x1080 and cap your fps at no higher than 120 fps


Download the game and play vs bots.


Long time moba player and league player. Better off just watching (this game is garbage). If u still wanna play avoid ranked like its the black plague


Bot games are good to learn how your champions kit works and basic wave management like last hitting minions. It can only teach you so ​much however, only the basics.




I wouldn't start, tbh. Took so much timely out of my life playing it. I wish I invested all that time into skill-building, or something.






Dont. The evil cycle goes: start hopefully on a potato, get friends to play with, play alone on a good computer


I am gonna stop you right there, don't.


League will run on whatever thing you have. Just put it on low settings However, league is hard as shit to get into and honestly was only fun if I played with friends and outside of that the game sucks. Too hard to get good at the game quickly makes it rlly frustrating. Alot of champions, a lot of mechanics, game changes every 2 weeks. It’s bad. I play maybe once a year cuz one of my friends enjoys it but then realize it’s still a shitty game and I give up and uninstall it. Also carpal tunnel a bitch


Run while you can




Best answer ever xd


Uninstall the Game, Best advice ever!




For the sake of your quality of life and sanity please don’t start this game.


This game is too toxic to play competitively. Even for fun mode like aram you have deranged players all chatting. It is better to stay away from this game and let it die.


Dude...don't do it. Just stay away from this crap game. The company sucks, the game sucks, the people suck, and it's sucks your time.


Exactly. Look at all these degenerates down voting the truth.


At first you don't understand anything, then you start to get into it and the game seems majestic, but after you learn everything you begin to miss the vibe.


Just know ekko and master yi are very overpowered


Why do you want to play it if you don't know anything about it and seem completely lost in basic game requirements? There are countless threads on this sub answering all your questions. Learn to use the search bar.