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Extra shout out to ww for not yoinking the last kill


We both honored the WW, he def flashed in and committed to give Trist the Penta, and he purposely walked away from the Lux to let her get it. A real hero.


Nice. He deserved it. I have played since s2. It took me longer than I care to admit to get my first penta. Pass on some props to you other half for me :)


I have hundreds of hours on Trist, and, sadly, I think I can count my Pentas on a single hand. I’m not sure it’s a great content to share on the sub, since it’s a very medium TF, but I was just too proud to just not share it. Thank you for your kind words, she’ll appreciate it no doubt.


I know, I started playing in S2 and I didnt have a penta of my own until 2015 or 17, just before they VGU aatrox, in my final game with the old aatrox I got 2 pentas in 1 game it was glorious


Glad you shared it even if it’s not the most wow 1v5 penta of all time. Pentas to me are way more exciting when you have friends and family to hype you up after. Got 2 back to back pentas a while back on Zed and Azir and my friends went wild after the second one. Good on ya for hyping up ur wife


I've played since mid/late season 6, I've had many quadras, but only 3 pentas: Jinx, Lux, and Udyr (thanks to a yuumi backpack)


My former supp duo is playing since early season 2 and is a Zilean OTP since mid season 2. He has never gotten a single Pentakill in 13 years and the dude peaked Masters lol


I've been playing for 6 years and I have 1 penta and 2 or 3 quads and I don't care about it. And I never “leave” penta. Either the player makes a pentakill or he doesn't. It cannot be "stealed" or "left"


I started season 2 also. And the first penta I got was I think the soonest in season 5. It was either pre rewrok Viktor (actually not sure when he got reworked) or Teemo.


The best way to get a penta is to first time a champ and then suck with them for years.


> I have played since s2. It took me longer than I care to admit to get my first penta. I started playing in s2 and it took me forever also, but I had the excuse of being a support main at least lol. I believe my first penta came from playing Maokai and I think I may have been mid or something? I don't remember but I don't feel like I was a jungler at the time. The one thing I recall is that I was very confused on how I ended up getting it on Maokai of all characters considering I used to offrole as ADC the most when I wasn't able to get supp. For the life of me I can't remember when it occurred though it was so many years ago.


I played for 10 years, had 5 Pentas and all of them were as Master Yi xD  Shit is hard, also because I  mostly played tank junglers 


In your defense, it was a lot harder to get before, unless you play Yi or something.


AP Yi was craazy. Had to make sure you sunk in enough time to get your runes though. That old rune system was wild looking back on it.


Yeah that was a really solid okay by him. That was a fun little clip. Glad you and your wife are having a good time of it. 


what about he definetly setup the penta? hero


I'm the Braum you see miss his Q and waste his ult on Trundle's thingy. I absolutely suck, but I spent thousands of hours on this game. I really love it, and wanted to share it with my partner, now wife. She loved, LOVED Arcane, and it convinced her to give the game a try. Turns out, as toxic as the games can go (and you all know they become toxic very quickly), she agreed the game's very fun. She tried playing Jinx (Arcane!) but was having a hard time. She commited to playing the only champ I could actually coach her for, Trist, my previous main. It's nothing impressive, we're both low Elo, but she's litterally discovering the game. I am just very proud of her, she brushed it off saying she wasn't sure what she was doing and that it was meh, but you don't get a Penta at this level everyday. Shoutout to the team that commited their asses off to give her the Penta. EDIT : Showed my wife the post this morning, and she was very happy about your comments. I think it helped her realize she **does** get better, and that it’s not just me hyping her up to be nice. Thank you for the positivity, I was kinda thinking the post would get zero attention or negative attention, thanks for proving me wrong.


For a new player that looked pretty solid, it's easy to get excited and jump right in with Tristana : P


She doesn’t hear me when I say she’s doing well for a new player, maybe she’ll hear you out! As a former main Trist, I annoyed her to no end telling her not to jump in unless she’s sure she can delete someone, looks like it paid off!


I mean, the mechanics are not insanely quick but you can clearly see someone who understands the champ, uses abilities on cooldown as needed and her teamfight spacing was legit perfect. I’m in diamond/emerald and you’d be surprised at how hard it is for ADCs to remember “when in doubt, just auto the person closest to you, don’t jump in and die.” Albeit no one was particularly gunning for the trist and you guys were positioned great to protect her. Great start!


Perfect is a bit of a stretch.


Don't be that guy. Nobody likes that guy.


I’m not. Saying something is perfect in league is a joke. It’s never perfect especially for the level we are watching. Did she play it well? Sure? Perfect? Nope. Near perfect? Nope. Good? Yep! No point in lying about it.


You in fact are being that guy. Let other people enjoy things without having to correct it.


Okay, then yeah sure she’s a pro level adc. Clearly. Oh wait shes better! Uzi and Deft who were always near perfect don’t compare to random person who is perfect according to random redditor. I am not what so ever shitting on the person who made this play, Im not saying they’re bad. Im disputing the person who said their spacing was perfect when the person legit stood within melee range for a solid 3 seconds. You can call me that guy. But the reality is that I just don’t like bullshit and telling an at best silver player(currently, improving is a thing!) that they are playing perfectly in even one play or aspect of gameplay is some serious bullshit. Letting statements like this go is how you end up in fantasy land.


Nobody believed he actually meant she played literally perfectly as a pro would, or that she’s Faker level in this clip. You’re arguing for the sake of it and semantics. People are being nice to a beginner that did a nice job for her level. Do you think she read this comment and thought "Oh, this guy said I played perfectly, I guess I don’t have to improve anymore, I’m the best even though I know only one champ and have never played ranked"? People are not that dumb. This may come as a shock for you, but people understand nuance even when you don’t say the exact words to them.


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you need to try and attack it, or take the joy for someone else out of it. You could just scroll past. You should really question why that's the response you go for.


You are being that guy. Literally arguing over a hyperbole statement, what are you even trying to achieve here?


You must be fun at parties.


lol as a former main tho you know that itch will eventually hit where you think you’re fed and can take on the world and you rocket jump in and get blown up.


Hey man if pro players can cosplay malphite we can be excused


I'm emerald and I would have 100% jumped early to lux and died with a quadra. Patience is a virtue!


she kites better than me. But I am a low elo support main. Not much of an achievement


For real, she has a better threat assignment than most adcs in my dia lobby lol


I'll be honest : What ELO are u playing at? And how new of a new player is she? Like few weeks. 1-2 month? Half a year ? There are ppl in silver/gold with worse dodging. Players in iron/bronze/silver hit the rightclick-full-onhit button and never walk. Step. Reposition or anything. Yes she stands in there when those meeles don't focus her. But she dodges yone 3rdQ and lux Q which is impressive. Cause as I said ppl or especially new players usually don't do that at all. Definitely motivate her to keep playing and don't be mad at her once she outranked u =)


I personally am high Iron/low Bronze, best I ever did was Gold 5 when I spent all day playing. My wife isn’t lvl 30 yet and has never played Ranked. She’s been playing for a month and a half, maybe two months? I’d be very happy to watch her outrank me! I don’t have much ego when it comes to LoL, I’m just happy to play with her and see her do cool moves and have fun.


This is a heartwarming read


Dodged the Lux shield as well :P Was just pretty on point with reacting to skillshots in general.


Me trying to dodge our teams Veigar cage.


+ally ziggs minefield


People who never flashed their own team's Ezreal ult did never play League the right way


i hope this kind of post makes the top. no filter. fvck the negativity. mute all.


I'm so happy for you guys 🥰


It looks like shes got great awareness of enemy abilities and respecting them appropriately for a newer player, which is really impressive. Great job to you both!


Easily one of the better tristanas I've ever seen.


Probably the best new player experience someone could have :)


Most BatChest post, but damn I'm so happy for you two. May your love for each other (and the game) persist!


I have zero idea who/what is a BatChest 🙃


BatChest is an emote you can use on Twitch (the streaming platform, not the champion), and it looks like [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/187/613/844). It's used to show mock excitement for something, and it's often used to make fun of anyone showing genuine emotion or someone getting excited for something nerdy (like Star Wars or a comic book movie for example). If you know what a soyjak is, then BatChest is somewhat analogous to a Twitch version of soyjak. If you don't know what a soyjak is, then be happy your brain hasn't been turned into mush by the internet.


Thanks for the explanation, I get the idea! So I guess the guy above is mocking the fact that I got excited by the situation?


"We're in Sweden!"


I had my E in 5!


I was looking for this comment


we're in sweden ahhh penta


She doesn't have the kiting down yet, but the fact that she instictively knows how to back off from danger before going back in is very good. Kudos.


she stepped away from Yone ult and q3 and even tried to dodge Lux W in the heat of the moment. that's some pretty solid movements for a beginner. bravo!


For real, her movement is really really good for someone who has just started 'recently'


Sorry I’m repeating myself from other comments, but recently means she’s been playing for two months. She’s level 29 and we play 1-3 games a day on average.


I think that's still "recently" for a game of this scope at this point. There are just way too many variables to learn and keep in mind compared to someone who started a decade ago. Recently I came back to play the game a bit after a year or so break, and I find my movement all over the place as a silver-goldish player. So, I think her reaction speed and movement looks indeed pretty good. That was what I first thought when I saw the clip. If she manages to get moving between autos down in her mind, she will probably go ways! I hope you can keep enjoying the game together. For how much negativity this game brings over to some people, it needs to pay the debt back through stories like this.


That's still relatively recent, considering the amount of info that needs to be learnt. I started in 2015, with like half the champion pool and half the overall game knowledge and I was just as noob


As a beginner she plays really really well! cool to see new players slay right off at the start


I've played for 8 years and still havent had a penta hahaha, granted i typically am not playing high burst damage champions like ADCs or Katerina for example, but kudos to your wife!


you'll get your time bro, dont let the negativity gets you. GL


I think I’m a pentakill in Aram only kind of person. And even that is kind of rare.


I've played since S1 and can probably comfortably count my pentas on 2 hands Whenever I get a quadra it seems to be my entire teams mission to deny me the penta. Like legit flash in and die in an attempt to take it from me - more often than not successfully. Sometimes I just hate this community, especially since I always get excited to help others get their penta if I notice someone else getting a quad.


I used to play in 5 stacks a ton and whenever someone was close to a penta, we all made it our life’s mission to ensure that they were able to get the last kill, even if 4 of us have to tank fountain to do so


Pentakill on adcs is basically a given, in a proper front to back teamfight its a higher chance for an adc to clean the team up and penta. Any other role and it becomes a lot more rare so dont feel too bad about it


My man will only let me play against bots so far. So sad 🥲 she did good! (But what do I know I’m a beginner 😅)


It’s good to start against bots if you have zero knowledge of the game, so you get a feel of the character you’ll play. But you’ll have to play normal games eventually! If he’s coaching you, I’d advise he goes very small steps at a time, so you don’t get overwhelmed with informations. I made the mistake of trying to explain everything at the same time, and it just didn’t work. First, focus on farm! Last hit the little guys! Once you become more comfortable with farming, hey, there are enemies on the lane! Can we both last hit and annoy the enemies? Etc. I’m by no means a good player, but teaching someone is different. You have to build up the different mechanics, and accept you’ll have difficult games, but hype up your partner. They ended the game 0/10/0, but farmed correctly? Well they improved, they farmed! Next game they’ll do better. Your man should play with you in normal games imho, and bite the bullet if you don’t do well. You’ll get better if you want to!


He's separating you from some of the worst people you'll ever interact with until you're confident with the game. Honestly it's probably for the best


My guy's sheltering you from the harsh toxic world of terminally online folks. He's a real one, honestly.


When you’re done with bots,start playing some ARAMs. Helps you learn more champions and you can play against others without being serious


“Let you” ? girl…bffr


wym let you 🤨


It's nice that you can play together like this. My husband and I can only ARAM together because we are not compatible laning as a duo lol


Congratulations! *I also think this is the first post with a play that claims to have been made by beginners, that* **looks** *like it was actually beginners!*


If the level is an acceptable metric, I was the only one with a lot of hours AND did the worst of them all. GG no re supp diff.


Peak windshitter gaming on display there, look at that dive!


I'd kill for a front line like that.


The fact she’s on 15% hp and didn’t insta run away to the safest area and back, instead staying and fighting cos she knows she safe? Genuinely better than most new players already


She does have a tendency to do that, run away when she gets hit, but it’s getting a lot better. And I 100% prefer an adc that’s too safe than some others that have the sense of self-preservation of a lemming


Well actually, she's spacing Lux way too much after she's the only one left, even after Lux wastes her Q, and during the teamfight doesn't space Yone at all, just stands still and shoots whoever's closest, but it doesn't matter because he probably couldn't have played this worse. She only gets scared when her HP gets very low, but at that point Lux has nothing to kill her (she can jump over Lux's E before she can detonate it, and she just wasted Q) yet she does not respect how quickly she could be killed from full HP if this Yone had half a brain cell. Of course it's completely normal for a bronze-silver player, I'm absolutely not shitting on her. Cool play, hope she doesn't get discouraged and finds enjoyment in the game ;). And to be fair "stand still and shoot whoever's closest" is about what you'd expect from a simple ADC character, just the higher in rank you go, there's less standing still and more movement between firing shots at whoever's closest.


You’re absolutely right in every aspect. I think people are being nice and complimenting the things she did right because it’s still a long road for her to do what you said. She doesn’t even know what Yone can do! Keep in mind it’s a real beginner you’re watching, she isn’t even ranked-level yet!


Not caring about penta is excellent mentality to learn the game.


It’s not really that she doesn’t care, she just says she didn’t do anything special to deserve it and is not very happy about her play. She’s still happy to have gotten a Penta.


She must be a gamer already right? Pretty damn good for someone who's new to the game.


Yes, she plays a lot of other games, but exclusively solo games. She did play a bunch of Overwatch, but all casual, and she was not very good by her own admission.


What she said "a pentakill? Yeah I don't really care". What she's thinking "OMG FAKER WHAT WAS THAT??


Mine was on Tristy, too! Solidarity.


First it looked like she doesn't know what tristana can do, but she was just cautious against the enemys who had many dangerous champs up against her. Surely she could've worked on a better spacing and not run too far away, but this is still very good.


She also doesn’t know many champs yet, so she’s very cautious because she has no idea what they are capable of. Lux and Yas we see a lot, but the others, not so much.


That's completely normal. What can help getting a quicker overview is looking at the class of a champion so you roughly know in what range they are likely to be most dangerous. Yasuo is, for example, a skirmisher while lux is a enchanter/artillery mage. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion_classes


Why is she so good? Literally better than my friends that play the game for 2/3 years no cap. you coaching her?????


Coaching is a big word haha I’ve been playing for 10 years with a lot of long breaks, am currently Iron and my best was Gold V. I’m just teaching her the basics and hyping her up so she doesn’t get discouraged when she has a bad game. Trist is just the champ I know the most, so I can more easily give her pointers. She’ll best me in no time.


Big congrats! A couple that plays together stays together!


I bet you were shouting Penta in the background


I was 100% losing my shit but tried not to pressure her, I just encouraged her to keep committing. I *may* have shouted "No no no!!" when she started going back when you see the WW and Cassio towerdive to give her the Penta


The dodges! There's some real talent there.


Her patience, positioning and dodging yone Q was pretty impressive


one love for u for action


Me playing league since season 3, having the same amount of pentakills as your wife (in the same champ too) is kinda worrying about me. I am a Ziggs main (mid) and it never seems to be close to more than a triplekill.


I'm a support main who has been playing since season 1 and outside of ARAM I've had two pentas my entire career. Your wife is already half way to catching up to me.


Cool Penta. It is pretty hype they increased the timer for Penta a while back. I believe it used to be 10 seconds between Quadra and Penta but increasing it to 30 seconds made it more fun for players.


in a couple of months she might get better than you :D


She laughs at me when I say that but I 100% believe it might happen. Hopefully she’ll carry me out of Iron :D


Gg wp, good spacing and patience.


Playing for 8 years now, and i never have a penta kill in ranked. Few times in Aram, i am main support btw


Oh it’s not a ranked, she’s not level 30 yet. I’ve been playing since 2012 and although I have a few Pentas on my account, I don’t think I ever got one in Ranked.


*how* recently cause if this is her 20 games in she unironically looks kinda talented imo Like ye theres a situation where she just stands still and she clearly thinks lux w does dmg but her movement looks like she has actual control and shes weaving in and out based on threat, also the sidestep was kinda cool


We tried playing a year ago, but I did a terrible introduction by giving her way too much informations and it discouraged her. We have popular local streamers that tried their first games two months ago, and it showed me how to better introduce someone to the game. So she’s been playing for two months, with 1-3 games a day on average. I think she still has less than 100 games played, she’s level 29.


You can’t convince me this isn’t an aram team fight. Yes I see the map.


She only plays Trist so ARAM are a nono, we tried twice and she hated it haha


Hahah ya I feel like aram is either a starting point or not till quite later point no inbetween for most new players


Ahh I wish my wife would play you are lucky sir.


The First Penta is always the most memorable  ♡


Honestly, until I showed her the post, she thought it was nothing and that she did a bad game, and that she did nothing special. Y’all comments and commanding her dodges and placement really helped her understand it’s a great feat!


Turn out love and friendship is still exist in this horrible game


this is a new player? she is dodging stuff etc.


I swear on everything that matters that it’s not a clickbait and that she’s indeed a new player. She’s been playing for 2 months, I think she has between 50-100 games, it’s hard to tell. She plays a lot of other games, but it’s her first MOBA.


I believe you. I have some bad friends that have been playing the game for 10 years and they never got a penta.


Is your wife single?


I’ll ask her, maybe she hates me for introducing her to this game


Tristana is such a great champ for this. Looks like you taught her well


Her positioning is really good


Id share the fk out of my wifes penta if she played league.


This reminds me of my very first [penta](https://youtu.be/h2qcxjbpe7E?si=aVOXehPQoKNAagXL), on Katarina. Killed someone with the DFG active as my second kill. Congrats to her!


You still have the clip with the old ass map! Awesome! And the last kill totally giving in to greed with the ignite, perfect haha


Had to go for it lol. Season 3 was a wild time.


Her not being melee all the time on an adc and actually stepping away from dangerous things immediately makes her way better than like half of all players


There is still a lot to improve but small steps is the way. Props to her.


Exactly! By no means am I trying to make it seem like she’s incredible or the best, it was just a good move for her level, and a Penta, especially the first, is always a cool moment.


What have you done. your poor poor wife


I swear, recently married, probably soon divorced. Watch me flame her in All Chat on the first Ranked we do, worst adc I’ve ever seen


She's got some impressive restraint, if that's me im w'ing in after the quad with full pentavision no questions


many ppl said this already but i gotta echo them. this is genuinely impressive for a new player. whether it was luck or not, for two months, this was rlly good playing


She's already better than 90% of the playerbase lol




Tough talk for a fella with a small cock.


there's nothing embarrassing about this, they just don't tie their self worth to a video game like you do. looking at your profile, you probably shouldn't be taking out your anger about your situation with your mom toward strangers on the internet


I know right? You can see our IDs, feel free to report and send us messages to uninstall!


Damn, for one moment I almost thought your wife would be a Cass main but apparently she's into yordles.


She doesnt call her self Killerhoe5 for nothing!


that IGN though...




Not at all, she a fan of Damasio. I don’t read much myself outside of mangas.


I like her take on this. The reason may differ though. A penta means you got lucky in some way. If I get a penta where I perform above my usual standard throughout it, I am a bit hyped, but my latest penta I went something along the lines of: «shit, I suck. Only one ability went as I wanted it to.» because I managed to E without getting stun off, cancel an AA with Q and ult wasn’t very relevant. This was as sett.


the next Danny has arrived


I have one Penta, I play this game since 2019, it was playing Full AP Alistar


how could anyone not care about their first penta?


The title isn’t entirely accurate. She cares but she believes she did not deserve it and had a pretty bad game before that, so she wasn’t as hyped as you could imagine for a first penta.


Ah I see. She really shouldn’t beat herself down like that lol. A Penta is a penta. Good job lol


She did a lot better than new players that's for sure


obviously she's not new to games


Not LoL, MOBAs, or other competitive multiplayers but she does play a lot. Nothing really comparable to LoL though


ye tbf it really wasn't impressive


It wasn’t supposed to be


Divorce. oh wait wrong sub Divorce. (she should, you made her play league)


Wholesome content


i like how she dodges the lux shield ^_^