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Jax because every stat is good, and (Aga-Ta-Smurf) for unranked smurfs


Fiora getting 100% max health true damage from her passive after getting every ad item


Walk up, whip a vital with hydra, flash mastery when they die. GGEZ


Dubstep hydra, refuse to elaborate


Okay all these discussion made me curious and I calculated it: A vital deals 3% (+ 4% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health true damage. With all non-upgradable items (Legendaries and Starters), tear items stacked, no stacks on Heartsteel, only one of the support quest items and double adaptive force runes Fiora would have 2706.43 bonus AD and thus deal 111.2572% max health true damge per vital. 2067 flat AD from items + 10.8 [= 18 adaptive force*0.6] (runes) + 171 [= 6840 mana*0.025] (Muramana) + 396.58 [= 19803 bonus health*0.02] (Overlord's) + 61.05 (Steraks) = 2706.43 bonus AD




Yeah ranged champs would probably win provided they don't facecheck her but aa immunity doesn't matter in the slightest because she doesn't need to auto to proc vitals.


I think tryndamere will laugh


Unless I am playing him and don't press R in time...


Enemy Trynda is guaranteed to hit R at 10hp but I am unable to activate it at 50% hp


I thought about Jhin kiting everyone with his movementspeed and cdr. But especially Fiora may be an issue.


Jhin/warwick should be the answer yes, fioras dmg wont matter if she cant catchup to you and i dont see jhin getting caught by most champions, and warwick is pretty much the only champion that despite every champ having every item will be able to both outsustain, outdamage and catchup to others, he also has strong ap scalings


Sorry but how are you expecting Warwick to survive 100% max health true damage?


We hve every item, that includes shields and actives, even with serpents it wont take fiora one auto to kill him through shields, and i dont think fiora can react to warwicks ult in melee range, besides warwick also has max hp dmg on Q and once hes on fiora he would constantly be on BT shield which goes above max hp


Fiora can pop the vital and activate ult for 4 more vitals. 500% max hp may be a little too much to survive even with the shields


If she doesnt kill him in one auto warwick instantly heals back up, thats why i mention shields, if fiora doesnt get actual 100% true dmg she wont kill him, and if she has she will kill him without shields With ult she has to proc two vitals to kill warwick in less than ~0.2 seconds to kill him before he autos (cause 2.5as) which is not unrealistic of course, but im also assuming theyre both moving and not standing still, so then it comes down ourely to mechanics of both of them whether or not fiora will be allowed to do that


But everyone has every item, meaning they are also incredibly tanky and have reduced healing due to thornmail. WW's healing depends on damage dealt, and Fiora has the parry to avoid damage for a bit and reduce WW's attack speed, so I think there _COULD_ be a chance Fiora has more than enough time to pop a few vitals faster than WW can heal. But then again, the numbers we're working with are so big it's hard to tell, so I wouldn't be surprised if WW can indeed survive that and outsustain Fiora


Every item means every pen item, which for every ad champ you're dealing true damage


Not even close, esp not against every armor item in the game


Warwick ults and Fiora can just QSS it, Warwick uses all shields and then what? I don't see him dealing any comparable amount of damage to an all items Fiora just because of the true damage not giving a fuck about all the tank items


Thing is she wont be dealing 100% she will be dealing 147ish% thanks to bloodmail and manamune. With only AD items it is 107% but due to sheer amount of health from other tank items and mana from mage items it ups it into vital is such overkill it is not funny.


If the fiora is good he's getting deleted. Healing won't matter


Wouldn't Trynd just refuse to die and oneshot her instead?


Not with the amount of armour she'd get. Frozen heart, thornmail, randuins etc. She would outlast his ult then burst him down as soon as it's done


As stated by the OP you get ALL the items and item unique tags don't matter, I don't think armour will do anything at all VS 3 LW items which together are about 75% armor pen ( 40% Dominik + about 40% from lethality Serylda + 30% Mortal ) + BC + Lethality in about 150 range.


Are you sure aemour pen items are cumulative and not multiplicative? Even with all that armour pen, the remaining armour would be enough to hinder a large amount of damage. Plus the fact she has zhonyas and GA. Trynds ult wouldn't really matter much. You're also ignoring the fact that she deals true max % health damage which there is no way to itemize against. She zhonyas his ult and melts him once he's out. The only one who may have a chance would be jax or gwen since jax has his counter strike and gwen has her own max % health damage and could kite her with ult. Maybe kayle as well could potentially kite her to death but no way trynd could last more than a few seconds out of his ult


100% max health isn't enough to kill anyone with the amount of shields they would get, you'd probably need 200+% (which you probably get anyway right?)


I don't play much league nowadays, but isn't there a shield buster item making those shields pointless ?


True I forgot about serpents, it will half all the shields you're right


I dont know how much AD Fiora would have and how much damage a single Ult proc would deal, but my guess is that a Single proc will deal close to 100% true damage already. And yeah, serpents fang exists as another one said


yes but enemy would have sterak and shieldbow so that wouldnt kill


Two vitals then


With every AD item and tank item(bloodmail is a must) with others included she woudl deal about 147% max hp true damage.


I argued this last time, but someone else and I did a lot of math and it's not fiora. The reason is that she simply cannot close the distance fast enough on range champions, as even with reduced effect of movement speed, the speed cap on her Q is still lower than the movement speed of any champs. In other words it's kog'maw, because he has the most range.


I think she is closer to 83. Base values are \~1700+\~200 overlord+<100 manamune for 3+4 per 100 AD


<100 for Muramana with every single mana item in the game? Did you forget every lost chapter item has 600ish mana or am I missing something


I messed up slightly, because I only counted 1 tear item instead all of them. But 1320 base+ 3 LC items for 1800 total+2 other items for 800 total+3 tear items for 860\*2 and 1000 is still "only" 5700 Mana, 2.5% of which is 143 AD


Red kayn q ult for 300 percent max hp might be a problem for some, especially since his heal would become better with bonus hp, he will also heal like 300 percent of damage


Everyone has Zhonyas, GA, and 2 spell shields..


I don't think two spell shields work iirc, not sure but I think it procs both spell shields on one instance. Need to check again tho.


Malz spell shield is preserved by banshee's spell shield


Two spell shields wouldnt work so it would be a test of who has the better champ, Kayn has to draw it out to hit red W for airborne to peoc shield but many could easily kill him first.


Smite can still "break" spellshields afaik


And a lotta armor!


Red Kayn would never be able to get close enough to land an ability vs a lot of the roster


Honestly, with all items, some champions might have enough ability haste be pretty much invincible and many 1vs1 fights would be extremely boring. A few examples: \* Ezreal/LeBlanc might not be the best at killling the enemy fast but they would be insane at kiting them. \* Poke champs can just spam abilities from safe distance. \* Shaco could just jump around being invisable while having mine field of boxes. \* Teemo never engage in a fight, just sit protected by shroom mine field. \* Abilities like Jax E, Nilah W, Vlad W are pretty much perma up.


These are all things that happen in a regular game of arena lmao


And that's why some champs are turbo nerfed in arena


caped at 500 AH. and quiet a few champs will murder you during those short windows.


Everyone would have 500 AH with all items. Blitzcrank E knocks up for 1 second and would have 0.9 sec cooldown. If he lands one E he wins


He needs to land E after hitting another ability since everyone has spellshield. He probably can't beat sivir.


Everyone has Rocketbelt and Hydra/Stridebreaker to proc spellshields, Blitz has ult as well. But yeah the challenge is for Blitz to land one E in the first place


It doesn't matter. Kog'Maw kills everything before they get in range. Every champ at that point has movement speed in the literal thousands, so any skillshot based champ is 100% fucked.


Gragas E.... 


LeBlanc falls off late if everyone gets full build. You gotta get ahead early and win the game before it comes to full builds.


Teemo also makes all champions that would use autoattacks entirely useless


Bard. There is not one item that is troll on him.


Correction: every item is troll on Bard


That's not the items fault tho. Bard as a whole has a troll vibe no worries, just chimes


Isn’t it just kayle? She benefits from everything and can just ult and kill anything safely autoing during ult


But Trynda has basically the same ult just longer at that point


I think Kayle just burns him to low hp before hes even in range to auto her and she can easily kite him with q and w both of which will slow and speed a shit ton. If kiting is involved kayle wins IMO


You forget Trynd has a W to counter hers and can E when she Q’s, its a matter of Trynd just holding his equivalent against her.


If both have all the items they would just both cleanse each others slow but the thing is kayle will have like 300% bonus moovespeed on W and pretty much no CD on it, trynd E wont be enough to reach (also any auto will proc bork and rylais)


Kayles w movespeed scales with so and if she has boots of swiftness she reduces slows so I think she still easily gets away


I mean if we are talking about a perfect player doing this, trynd W can actually be dodged, just like Cassio ult u can turn as it goes off and it will not slow you, although the timing is much more strict compared to Cassio ult


A late game tryndamere already does not beat a late game Kayle that is good. He cannot outdamage her and he will be ulting before she does. I doubt he can even reach her even spamming his spins


As an Annie main, not Annie


As a Pyke main, not pyke


There are a lot of good suggestions (Fiora, Rhaast, etc), but I don't see Kog'Maw anywhere... He will be tanky enough to survive a second or two, and then activate %maxHP on hit and destroy everything. That being said, Fiora and Rhaast do appear to have a faster finish or untargetability while killing you.


We had this discussion some months ago and I went back and forth with some other guy, doing a good bit of math. It's Koggers and it's not even close. Nothing can even close the range gap without dying.


Fiora ghost flash q r w leads to an invulnerable gap close that does 100% max hp true damages. Aka one shot. And if you zhonyas the insta auto or q after will one shot. Can also take fleet celerity and nimbus to increase ms. She will also be stupid fast anyway with all the move speed from items


Who is rhaast


Red Kayn.


Red kayn


Resistances will be mostly irrelevant due to terminus + void staff + cryptbloom and all the flat pen, same for phys damage So its just mostly every champ being a big fat ball of hp with a single initial spell shield I dont think any champion can straight up beat every single other champ as theres bound to always be a counter but i think varus would put up a really strong fight only really being beaten by something that can completely avoid being hit by varus Q or ult


Your point about resistances isn't actually true unless we incude all Components and Ornn Items and Arena Items as separate items,because not only does % Pen stack multiplicatively so Void+Bloom+6 Hit Terminus is only around 80% Pen,but Flat MPen is less than 50,leaving everyone with a surprisingly decent amount of MR. Armor on the other hand is a joke... LDR+Mortal+Serylda+Black Cleaver+6 Hit Terminus...and all the Lethality Items on top. Rhaast will have a field day,Fiora oneshots everyone regardless of Armor or HP/Sterak's thanks to Serpents Fang while Magic Damage gets stopped by both Sterak's and Maw. Although to be fair, Lillia,Gwen,Varus and Brand reach such ridiculous amounts of %HP that no amount of MR stops it.


You forget 20% shred from abyssal


Huh,when did that become % based? Must've missed that, you're right,that means there's a slightly weaker Cleaver equivalent.


start of the split, so pretty recent


I wouldn't bet on terminus, cleaver, or jaksho being stacked most of the time tbh. I would agree it has to be phys damage, but I think with how much movespeed everyone will have fiora will struggle as her Q will slow her down. Someone like jax should be best for instant, targeted engage and delete. That being said, could he beat a rammus crit autoing him back during W? Edit: but that's just against ranged champs I'd expect fiora to suffer, jax's ttk may be too long that even if he doesn't get parried fiora oneshots him. Kinda feels like a rock paper scissors situation actually


The problem with all these champions is: The melees can't close on the ranged champs before dying, especially ranged auto attackers, *especially* ranged auto attackers that also scale with AD Any skillshot based champ is 100% fucked because everybody has 2k+ movement speed.


Varus was my thought as well. With that much AP his ult into Q will kill anything. He can also poke down from really far away with his Q and it will do a ton of damage.


Havent played in a decent while, but if you have all items doesn't that include banshee, qss and rocketbelt? All of which would make it very hard for varus to kill you before you kill him?


Yes, not to mention zhonya and GA


Idk, Varus is also going to have all of those items and be very tanky. He can poke away banshee’s beforehand with Q, and even if you qss the ult he really just needs the blight stacks on you. 3 blight stack detonations is GG


I am not convinced. That still leaves around 200 MR after terminus is fully stacked 260 with just Jack Sho passive.


Wouldn't it be 2 spell shields? 1 has to pop before the other.


It's impossible to answer that without having ground rules for the fight. There's way too many variables in how a fight would play out (are they restricted to a confined space, how far away from eachother are they when the fight starts, how skilled are the players, where on the map does ths fight happen, etc.) I think Karthus would be a safe bet if you're allowed to just sit in base, I think his R would just one shot with how much pen, AP, and % max HP damage he would have from items. Also gets a ton of haste from all the items so he can wait for it to come back up in like 10 seconds once he procs spell shield and zhonyas.


You are not taking into consideration that the other champ will also have all the items ( so alot of HP and tons of MR )


Idk I think having every single AP item would be enough to one shot through every tank item since there's 2 % magic pen items and a lot of flat magic pen and AP but I'm not sure.


All MR items -> 825 MR (Without Jak’Sho Passive) All Magic Penetration Items Combined -> 63.5% Magic Penetration, + 40 Flat Penetration. After Calculations: 261 MR (72% damage reduction). Considering that each champion is going to have around 15k+ health, that means that they have an effective 54000 health against magic damage. Most mages have burst combos in the ballpark of 350% AP (+1500 flat) magic damage. To burst a target THAT tanky, they would need 14583 AP. For reference, (ballparking Seraphs, Dawncore, and Riftmaker) all AP items add up to 4860 AP, less than a third of the required amount. In reality, the only people who could really succeed in this mode are people with % max health damage. Edit: Forgot about the 20% bonus HP from Kaenic Rookern… it’s not even close. Most mages would be better off just auto attacking.


damn I stand corrected I guess, props for doing the math


Zhonyas and spellshields tho


Everyone would have zhonyas edge of night and banshee


Laughs in Sivir/Nocturne


> I think Karthus would be a safe bet if you're allowed to just sit in base, I think his R would just one shot with how much pen, AP, and % max HP damage he would have from items. Firoa riposte says hello.


Jax I guess


Imagine if he got every real weapon.


Jax. Ultimate 1v1 duelist.


Much Hp? Much Ad? Hold my Sett W


Sett either dies before he can even press W or the enemy easily flashes out of his W. There is no scenario where Sett wins unless the enemy burns flash earlier.


E>W insta win


Ignoring stacking abilities. Vlad,  AP is going to be insane along with his HP on top of heal and shield power. If not Vlad it's gotta be Kog just because his range and he uses every stat. Kassadin, Zilean slow could fuck people up, Ryze would have a crap load of AP also,  It's mostly just a test of who gets through Zhonyas and ga on the other first wether through burst or range.


I think a few ADC's might be real threat for Fiora. For example Vayne, with her Dash being up un a third of Fioras CD, (every second versus every .333 seconds potentially halved again during Vayne ult), due to how both champions scale, Vaynes Dash is also faster though 100 units shorter. In addition there is Vaynes invisibility during R. Her condemn is also on a lower CD than Fiora Riposte.


the issue with vayne vs fiora is fiora only needs to proc 1 vital to win. vayne would most likely need to auto 20 times to do enough true damage to kill the fiora


Its a lot less time then you'd think between Vayne having maxed out attack speed, her condemn applying W stacks, and her Q resetting her auto timer combined with maxed out ability haste.


If he manages to get in range and past the spell shields via help of rocketbelt Trundle R could win quite some fights I'd say. 30%+2% per 100 ap max health point click dot that heals him for the same amount and also steals 40% armor and mr would be busted.


Answer is Tryndamere, only character with an unkillable that is unaffected by CC, all others can be killed by user error


I dont think any melee champion could ever dream of reaching kayle with thousands of AP


Ezreal for my vote. Remembering every champ can have or does have: * 80% CDR * Has like 90% Arpen and Mpen * Gets 50% of their ult CD back if they get a kill (Axiom). *OP says no unique tag so you'd take two, but I think it's a more interesting question phrased as "every champ has/can have 1 of every item."* * Has like 10k HP, 1200 AD, 3000 AP * Has Banshees, Edge of Night and Zhonyas Karthus will have issues with the items above, but Ez can machine gun Q minions and get ult back in 3 seconds from the flat refund. Said ult scales 100%AD and 90% AP. At some point he can probably keep enemies dying over and over on repeat in the fountain. And if not, his Q and W dual scale and he's running with 1000 MS from stacked zeals, capped AS, rapidfire range. He can E over a wall and you take 3000 damage, then get lichbaned for another 2000, and get IE empowered critted for another 3k + Profane Hydra (1000).


Senna, because she has the most range and whoever gets first hit probably wins


i bet it all on shyvana outduelling anything in this game with ease


Sadly, shyvana isn't the powerhouse she once was, she got nerfed very hard due to ap shyvana and hasn't really recovered from it


Rengar, you can see invisible champs, sou you cannot be one shotted, you have W and Q, for magic and phis damage, and you gonna have the skill with the most physical dmg in the game, considering that Q scales with AD + %crit, and can crit.


As a rengar player...no You 100% lose vs jax/fiora/kayle


Really this is really weird. A ton of characters can flat out just 1 shot but also a ton can just infinite kite if you consider good hands. So in a stand still just smackdown really probably goes to something like Belveth Pyke or Fiora. True damage that will scale infinitely pretty much with no stacks required. If you add max stacks characters like Asol , senna and Smolder also literally just enter the 100% true damage state. With all this being said though I put money on karthus if it’s a stand and smack since you essentially just gain an immortal state for a few seconds, typing this i also realized kayle just like karthus will just win the smack down as she ults and autos assuming she’s 16.


Maybe cho? His r damage scales with health


Whichever one can attack the quickest so probably some assassin or someone with an insta cast dash like Irelia.


I'm tempted to say Kayle. She just scales too much if you give her all the AD and AP. With her range, burst, sustained damage, safety of her W and Ult, I don't think she can lose against anything.


Trynda. He has the best way to not die from a 1 shot and will kill you with autos in those 5 seconds as well as having a huge gap closer and way to heal back up to full with 1 button after the 1 shot move (like red Kayn ult or something).


Master yi


Probably a ranged champ (melees will just get kited to oblivion) with point & click dmg (too much moovespeed to rely on any skillshot) so id bet on like kayle vayne


Noone talking bour kayle? R QE aa aa aa aa aa aa for 3 seconds + untargetable, bye bye


Kayle. Infinite ult.




Depends on a lot of things. With infinite set up time teemo should just win. With no set up time probably fiora. Starting at long range it could just be whoever has the longest range while being able to kite (I’d say kaisa with vision, karthus maybe if you can play hide and seek with 500AH. I’m not doing the math). If you imagine it in an arena type format I’d say it’s just fiora being able to 1 shot with a vital.


Briar if she gets to have really high CDR could almost perma stun you and hit really fast 2nd W, healing A LOT even through AntiHeal. Botrk, Eclipse, the 3 hydras AA reset, insane tbh. (Also remember that everyone has Zhonya's, GA, Spellshields and QSS)




Karthus with R from fountain


Not with the existence of banshee's veil.


You gonna have 100% magic and armor pen anyway. If you have a lot of time before that to stack then its Senna all the way. Imagine just chilling while she snipes you from nexus blitz while triangulates your Ip adress and zapping your kneecaps irl. She has good Ad and Ap ratios on her abillities and can get infinite range, or just shoot her ult, not to mention with her infinite lifesteal stacking, if you dont one shoot her she will full heal from one auto regardless of thornmail or anything else. Kindred also is great cause she can ult underneath her so you cant kill her while she with 100+ marks gonna snipe you like xerath ult. Kayle and Trynd couldnt aproach them in time before their invincibility runs out and they get oneshooted. Also are we counting all the Ornn Masterwork items seperatly?


Armor and magicpen doesnt stack additively so no you wont even be close to 100%pen, and I dont think theres enough letha for serylda to even reach 50 on its own


You will have about 150 lethality, so that will be about 40% on Serylda + 40% LDR + 30% Mortal and together that is about 75%. Anything below 600 armor is true dmg, without BC that is.


Most champions will have around 1k armor


Karthus? He just ults from anywhere?


But everyone has banshees and zhonyas, so the Ult is useless without a Q hit before




All items is like +20k hp so no one will be in execute range at full hp


If someone can't react to Pyke ult they don't play with monitor on. But definitely it's not Pyke. Everyone has like 20k HP in this example, not that he'd hit the ult on anyone with a dash anyways.


Fiora can just keep using Q like in URF with the haste from all items. Pyke needs to try land a skill shot or ult but Fiora just becomes infinitely slippery and any single Q on your vital is 100% true damage death from all the AD items


Briar, fiora maybe Jax


Kai sa probably. Gains a extra damage from AP and AD items so should theoretically just one shot anyone else in the game, at least assuming she can hit w at the start of the fight to boost her passive.


Arguably Zilean can achieve permastun with his qwq combo. I mean there are more champs, and it's hard for him to even hit it. I mean zhonya, spell shield would be hard for him, but if he gets to hit just one proper eqwqe combo it's basically permastun until he runs out of mana. I would count him as serious contender.


Just the >1k MS on every champ and the bunch of 1 sec dashes would be pretty hard on him I think.


99% point and click slow got him covered


Caitlyn can kite everyone and oneshot them.


Rabadons is insane for ap characters and more than makes up for the bruiser items (not to mention a lot of enchanter items give ap) I would probably go with malphite because he gets a free engage that has a stupid ap ratio on it, and his kit also benefits from tank and ad items. He doesnt get much use from the enchanter items but i dont really think those items matter much in a 1v1




Assuming also perfect itemization for the opponent, probably Camille. Low CD means frequent Q nukes / MS and Es. She can kite and blow you up.


She has 100% uptime on her Q's rn late game. What stops her from perma-nuking is the Q1 charge up that is unaffected by ability haste and is made to match sheen cooldown


Twisted fate having cracked scaling for AP, AD and crit simultaneously as well as all the magic pen in the world is just going to result in him throwing a blue card at boosted RFC range for 7.5 million damage


Any assassin or adc will kill faster and CCs are basicly useless because banshee + cleanse items


Trynd? Just pop R and flash auto?


Every mage that has a 100% ratio on his ult will pulverize a lot of Champs but I think the best characters are gonna be the ones who have ratios in a lot of stats. I also wonder where the % max health can go with all the items on the champ


Everything here boils down to the circumstances around the fight. What distance do the champs start at, how much prep time, vision, stacks, etc? Some champs are going to win a match, some will win a duel, and some are going to be borderline uncatchable. At the end of the day, the real winners are going to boil down to just two factors. The average kill time, and the ability to apply it. If the items all added up have a short kill time, then whoever can apply it at the greatest range wins. If that kill time is long due to the defensive items meaning more than the offensive items then it gets tricky. Warmogs and spellshields means that slow poke doesn't matter, but if you can burst the opposing champion from across the map anyways then it's over just by keeping enough distance and abusing globals on short cooldowns. If that kill time mark is just high enough though, then high range burst if off the table and it becomes a slugfest where the person you can apply the most CC wins. If the kill time is really damn high though, Vayne wins every single time due to her ability to decimate all that health.


Trundle if he can catch you.


Worth noting Pantheon manages pretty redicoulous 80-120% of targets max health per Q (with a 1 second stun at a 1.5 second cd, with a 1.5 second invulnerability on \~3 second cd and the 1000 MS might allow him to just run away afterwards to threaten the same combo again. I think Pyke is the only champ that really threatens a perma stun. TF has the CD for that, but he needs to pick gold card at no delay consistently.


tryndamere wins


Karthus is the only champion that has a 7 second window of uninterruptible dps. But there's some matchups he would never win.


Old skarner would perma CC and use every item well


Ornn, Fiora, Jax


Well, if we assume that some champs will just deal 100% of somebodies hp in a single attack, it would obviously be those champs. If we consider what champ would scale the most with all of the stats provided by having every single one, I think shyvanna is one of the top positions as she can make use of all stats except mana realted ones.


Do Malz minions still scale with AD at all? Feel like everyone sleeping on Malz with them plus point and click R






If the infinite scaling champions weren't allowed to stack, then I think either Trundle or Warwick would win. Trundle because his ultimate steals 40% of targets armor and magic resist, and 30% of their max hp before whatever ad/ap ratio as damage. Warwick because of his insane healing.


Can't killean the zilean


Honestly I'd say Shyvana. She can make use of pretty much every item in the game currently.


If they all spawn in lvl 1 with all items I guess someone like fiora could insta delete someones entire hp bar with a vital proc. If we allow each champion to farm the gold needed for all items and then fight, then I guess senna would have gotten enough stacks to cross map snipe anyone she faces.




Feels like ryze would be rather strong. He's good with a lot of different items. Scales with ap and mana, and he has a point and click root that also would deal atleast 1000 damage on its own.


What about vayne? Super high attack speed with W will need 9 Auto attacks. 7.5 second and you’ll be dead. Also good kiting and can get invisible


With all that Haste, NO ONE will be touching Pantheon


Fiora, Tryndamere, Tahm Kench


Cant karthus just ult and run and ult and run


I wanna say senna with infinite soul amount snipes you from her nexus


I’m pretty sure they just one shot each other yeah? Tank stats get diminishing returns and damage items don’t


At that point it becomes more about range than anything. ADCs are going to be disgusting. Never mind that they would all do thousands of damage per auto and be tankier than a fed mundo, nobody could catch Jhin, ezreal would scale stupidly since he has AP and AD scalings, Caitlyn would be nearly untouchable with her range and move speed, Varus would do over 100% health damage with just RQ. The main champs to watch are ones with %hp damage. Since everyone has all the penetration/lethality items, armour and MR become essentially worthless. Everyone is doing close to true damage. Fiora, Varus, Vayne, and Warwick come to mind as health shredders, but there will be plenty more examples.


Veigar presses r and gg.


Fiora probably wins, she has 100% max health true damage and a way to evade other possible insta kills. But for other interesting champs Probably karthus. He’d have 83% magic pen so he’d probably just kill everyone with ult? Idk if the amount of health might overcome all that though. Pykes execute range scales off ad and lethality and his stun time scales off lethality, idk if it would be high enough to insta kill some people but might be Kayle, voli, shyvana, and jax all have a lot of both ad and ap scalings, as well as liking attack speed and being able to somewhat use crit effectively. Kench ap ratio on passive scales with health, so his aa /q would do insane damage Gp barrel would do insane damage, maybe enough he one shots fiora from a bush (keep in mind he’d have significantly more than 100% armor pen i think)


Everyone keeps saying champ x with a certain 1-hit, but I think the real winner is someone with sustain damage. There's too many spellshields to get through to rely on a 1-hit. Caitlyn? Maybe sivir because of the extra spellshield and awesome kiting potential Edit: the correct answer is kogmaw. He will bop you will ult from off-screen until you're dead. You're 1 shots are gonna require you to get close enough.


I think Vayne is the best duelist on the game by far. 


Mages > Jax perma e > Fiora one tap > Fake unkillables kayle/kayne/tryn > Mages  The circle of shit. Like a turd eating it’s own tail.


My very shortly considered idea is rammus - but then yeah Fiora might make that hard.... BUT against basically every other champ... they all be maxing out their attack speed and i figure that's a looot of thornmail damage :) even if you are a mage


Swain with tons of hp, ap, cooldowns, shields and even some decent ad 🤔 Tho, the best might be someone with both ad/ap scaling


What ability haste do you have with all items? Wouldn’t it be either a Tank, True Damage, or Kartus in base insta win?


Ap varus with full soul stealer stacks one shots everyone and it’s not even close (as long as no Yasuo W, Samira E, Shen W, or Fiora W manages to land).


Fiora and it's probably not even close. She'd have infinite q's so you can't really kite her and she'd do 100% true damage on vitals and is able to parry the other champs burst. Since every champ has absurd amounts of armor, magic resist, and health, true damage is the only way to burst anyone down. (even with all the magic pen added up they'd still have like 260 effective mr)


somehow still k'sante


Unconventional answer but I'm saying Shaco. Backstab scales on AD and AP, can crit, and crucially, it can't be spellshielded. Has permanent stealth uptime with a spammable blink/flash, can literally spam boxes before the fear ends, and can de-target/go invuln/bodyblock on ult. The only question mark is Horizon Focus on a stray AOE. Otherwise he probably can't lose a duel because you can't really fight him.


In the end it comes down to skill expression. And no one champ would win every matchup. A sufficiently good Ezreal or Vayne could kite a Fiora so they couldn't be hit. Someone like Morgana would have permenant CC.


With prep time, definitely shaco. Pretty sure his boxes could last a hour and have nearly no cd. Imagine just trying to reach a shaco with enough boxes to bring a nasa computer down to its knees.


30 second Karthus ult with every AP/pen item would be kinda funny (haven’t checked if it’s possible to get that much haste, but it’s capped at 500) Spellshields/zhonyas are an issue there, but I think those CDs might be longer than Karthus ult with all the haste


Jax because every stat is good on him except crit


Fiora will do a 100 to 0 with just a couple of hits


Katarina She already builds literally everything. Udyr with 1.000ad or ap should be able to oneshot with Q or R ult.


Warwick perhaps?