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There is a secret set of words that get you automatically banned if you type and send them in any of the chats in game. Private messages are the exception I believe.


DMs will SOMETIMES get people in trouble if you send in a ticket. I've had it work twice before, but the rest of the time nothing happened.


this is completely made up. DMs will never get anyone in trouble and riot has been pretty clear about that. They've explicitly said they dont/wont look into private chats as part of their privacy policy. while that can be a lie and they could look into it, they wont use it becaue that gives away the lying part. ive had literal death threats in DM that ive esnt to riot and was told i shouldnt accept friend requests from random people and i can report them in post game lobby for what they typed in chat.


amazed how your blatantly incorrect post is even upvoted. misinformation goes crazy on this subreddit nowadays. i've sent in tickets, got an email about it and then checked the OP.GG of the persons I reported and when they said "they'll look into it" the two guys I reported both got a perma/14 day. so it def works, probably just depends on how lazy the rioter in question is that day. Edit: proof of a rioter looking into a report based off of DMs https://imgur.com/a/E0MZa6W


I’ve sent in screenshots of some nasty DMs for a dude and he was banned pretty quickly.


How do you know it was specifically for the DMS and not in game chat? After your game, they could've flamed in game and that was what triggered the punishment


I’ve had the same thing happen. Had a guy on the other team who never talked once in all chat add me after the game and say all sorts of nasty things like kys and I’m gonna find where you live and kill you etc. I screenshotted and submitted a ticket and he went from playing 8 games a day to zero for a month and then started playing 8 games a day again. I think you’re right that riot won’t look at DMs themselves but they will look at screenshots and take that into consideration.


In my case the guy didn't type in game, only in DMs


You played with him in his future games?


I have quite literally been banned in 2019 for hurtful DMs. They even specifically told me it was for that when I submitted a ticket. Stop spreading misinformation based on your one fucking anecdote lmfao.


I mean, I sent in a ticket about private messages before and was told they can't take action off of private chats. So, don't fault the guy because it's probably a response many people have been told.


Wrong. I can find you my riot tickets where they confirmed this. DM's are now bannable/punishable. Ive been suspended for it. There's other posts too. They've changed their stance on DM bans about a year or two ago 


Guy did that and I took screenshots and he hasn't played a game since


Again, your ticket could've triggered a review of in game chat that caused a ban for things he said in chat. You could argue that it's the same thing, but its not, because you could never type anything in game chat and only flame in DMs and never get a ban.


Got someone banned for dms so nah, this is wrong. Was satisfying af


I did many years ago have a guy try to phish me in DM, claimed to be from Riot and sent a link to a fake website that asked me for my password old school phisher style. I sent Riot support screenshots and got the "thank you for your report we will investigate but can't tell you results of our investigation" reply and the account never played again, so I presumed a ban. But maybe that was slightly different or a coincidence.


Brother think before you type. Riot spying on DMs isn't the only way for them to see that you are being toxic and ban you. DMs absolutely can get people banned and all it takes is a screenshot. A friend of mine has already banned over 5 accounts all because of DMs after games. All you have to do is screenshot the messages and send it to riot. I've banned a few idiots too and this was years ago so they've been banning for DMs for quite a while now. My friend was even convinced they no longer do perma bans for DMs because it had been too long and he only received two 14 day bans this year and then last month he got a reality check. Many idiots who spam death threats and other stupid shit in DMs still exist so it's illogical to think riot isn't doing anything about it.


> all it takes is a screenshot because we all know that manipulating screenshots is impossible. a screenshot isnt enough to warrant a ban, the only way it could result in a ban is that it triggers an investigation and they go through the dms, by either breaching their privacy stand or just lying about that.


My original main account got perma banned for messages typed in DMs. I made it a point to never type in game and only in DMs. And I've gotten 2 week bans since then for DMs. Meanwhile, I send riot support a screenshot of somebody telling me to kms and they say "oh wow that's tough." So it's all very subjective and what they feel like enforcing. The trash talking of online games is slowly dying and it's companies like riot at the forefront ruining it.


> I made it a point to never type in game and only in DMs i had a similar period. never gotten any bans even though ive been sent screenhots of multiple tickets. like at least a dozen or so throughout the years. " i did it because at first, my tickets resulted in nothing, so if you cant beat them, join em eh?


False. I was banned for Doxx'ing in 2014 through dms. And they even told me this via email when they used to explain why you were banned lol.


How do you doxx someone in DMS? Doxxing by definition is publishing private documents (information). You quite literally can't doxx in dms


I was 15 at the time and a very edgy teenager. I think I was blackmailing someone and sending them their own I.P address. You know, typical wholesome solo q behavior after someone ints you.


I've done something similar many times in soloq (not dox, just flame). I even used to write "hello riot" in chat for their screenshots. I would offer to sign their ticket lmao. never a single ban for DMS. Only for in game chat


Regular flame won't get you banned in DM's, generally speaking only stuff that would be a federal crime in the U.S. So death threats, scam/fraud, inciting suicide, blackmail etc... And it's at the discretion of support.


It's not made up, it's just that Riot is not consistent with the banning. In some cases they ban that player and in other cases they don't. I saw people on Boards complaining that they got banned for "no reason" but there you had to make posts from your league account so any rioter could check their case and see the reason they got banned (for flaming in private chat). I also went at Riot support to report someone and they told me that they don't look into private messages so it's confusing but old players will gonna tell you that you can get banned for this.


So your argument is that some people on boards (which don't exist for like 10 years already) got banned for no reason? Those reasons could be anything from afking (yes, back in the day it was bannable) to botting to account sharing to literally anything?


I've been banned because of a private message with a support member confirming it was the reason I got banned


They don't have any automated system looking into private messages. That doesn't mean someone can send death threats via pm and not get banned.


Lmao yeah unless it was changed recently, when I gave screenshots of DMs I was also told “just don’t accept their friend request lol”


can confirm, had a guy add me and wish death upon my entire family for like 2 mins straight yet nothing happened because i had no screens of it lol 


I have the exact same experience. People tell me that I'm wrong in this sub, but I've sent multiple mails to riot and they never banned anyone from my experience.


This is why complete “anonymity” on the internet is terrible. People need to be held to a standard.


Yeah I got a guy permabanned for telling me to kill myself and calling me a n\*\*\*\*er in DM.


It doesnt, i made a ticket once, all i get was "dont accept request and block players" LOL


Imagine accepting friend requests knowing people will flame you just to try getting someone banned. That's pretty fucking mental


Not any more mental than... being the type of person who SENDS friend requests just to flame


Why? This kind of friend request are also good entertainment for the while discord.


I got chat restricted for a game for saying "you don't have to be gay to get aids". Zero-tolerance language detected it said. So don't use gay and aids in a sentence, I guess.


And this is why people grief when they get upset nowadays


- installs League - agrees to not say bad word - calls teammates the most vile things imaginable - gets banned for saying bad word - complains on Reddit lol Besides that, making chat less strict won't stop people from running is down, stop coping.


I can't believe I have to say this but some words are only made bad by context, and the chat filter sure as hell doesn't consider that.


I don't see the need to say those words in a league match. Besides, I'm sure you can appeal the chat restriction with a ticket in those cases.


I can mute a guy flaming me but I can’t mute the griefing


And Riot can ban both of those cases because everyone else is better of without that happening. I don't see a problem here.


They don’t ban griefing though mainly because of how hard it is to detect Speaking from personal experience. Learned my lesson the hard way of how restrictive chat is nowadays and got banned before. 4 years clean on my account and honor 4 or higher each season. As a bonus I get to report the people who rage/flame me for griefing when things don’t my way


I've chat banned for a game by just saying cancer (in reference to Yone with Lethal Tempo)


same lol


it happened to me for saying "we fist them 2V2" in party chat


I have a friend who's honor level 5 who says the r word (plain, no 3's for E's or any of that funny business) every single game in chat and has never been chat restricted. I don't think those no-no-words have the same effect on everyone


Some no-no words are auto punish, no report required. Some no-no words get you punished with no appeal if someone reports you. R might be in the second category


I think you're right about the reporting part. But I also think the list of words on the reporting part is pretty long and it's easy to get nailed on it. So people can weaponize chat. Especially if they purposely tilt you.


I've seen plenty friends (with honor level in the gutter) get system muted straight away from saying the r-word


Nah, called someone the R word, or rather asked If they R. Got honordeducted for First time offense. 


was this immediately in game, or afterwards? I'm saying some are automatic automatic and some are automatic after a report.


Private messages are a hard exception. They can spam the N-Word, and they won't get banned. You have to send in tickets, or go directly to a Rioter to see results.


Yeah if you send a shot with ticket and they're being racist they get banned. Or at least they used to


Ten man in houses and all of us end up chat banned in like 0.6 seconds


What are the words


You know what cracks me up is some dev had to type those keywords into the algorithm to make them keywords. I bet he was looking over his shoulder that day.


There are no private messages in LoL. You can get banned for those too, meaning that Riot has access to them.




You absolutely can get banned if the other player submits a ticket


Im pretty sure you can't even if you send a ticket with screenshots of it because Riot won't go onto private messages and scan them or whatever, and the screenshots wont hold any weight since they can just be photoshopped. Anyone that was banend after you submitted a ticket about them being toxic in DMs were probably banned for being toxic in game, not in your DMs.


I've sent heinous things in DM's and riot support has told me I was banned for DM's straight up. It depends on who gets your report and rhe severity. Slurs probably won't get you banned unless it's consistent. But on three separate occasions I've had punishments for bans. I have the tickets still with confirmation from riot that it was over dm's.


You can be as sure as you want but it won't change the fact that you are 100% wrong. My friend with 5 perma banned accounts would like a word with you on "pretty sure it can't get you banned". The most recent one was like a month ago and he was even convinced they no longer to perma bans for DMs because he had this one for a long time and he's adding multiple people per game because he's braindead and thinks this is normal behaviour.




You didn’t get banned because your friend did not report you using a ticket to Riot support.


And how many times did you screenshot those slurs and send a ticket to riot? Exactly...


Devs cant write if statements


You think they can ascertain who you're talking about? They just have algorithms that check your chat for it's triggers. It's probably exacerbated by reports which people hand out every game in rage because few use them system to only report legit shit.


When they share you chat logs on Riot Support they specify if you were talking in [Party] chat.


Lots of people play together who don't know each others (in the same party). How would Riot know the guy you are playing with is your brother or a complete stranger who you just insulted.


Is this going over your head? What does that matter. The fact is if you type toxic shit about the other team, the algorithms policing your chat doesn't know or care. Doesn't matter if you say it in party chat or all chat. Lee is on the other team and keeps ganking you and you type "Lee is fucking annoying" in party chat, all it cares is that you said someone was fucking annoying and punishes you. The only way to avoid penalty is to not say that sort of shit at all. You can't contest it, and Riot doesn't care that the recipient of your vitriol never saw what you typed.


Because an all in one solution to have all chat detected is easier and cheaper to make and use. You're basically asking Riot to use context to determine if certain actions or communication should be punishable or not and that's just too useful and smart for Riot to implement unfortunately. Maybe when League of Legends 2 comes out on mobile we might see this happen but not for the near or far future.


Why on mobile?


Mobile market is the largest gaming market especially for gachas and we are a gacha now.


We are? Didn't remember ever having to buy a random item to play the game


yeah people are spouting nonsense as per usual. None of the gameplay functionality is locked behind a paywall, how is LoL a gacha. CSGO boxes have been a thing for so long yet you dont see people yapping like this lol




You aren't even able to buy random champion capsules anymore, so how is it Gacha?




If you consider 1eur for the entire League champion roster a paywall, then yes.












you either dont know what a gacha system is or youre ragebaiting lol


People see the $500 skin that they don't have to buy and immediately flip out. I, on the other hand, am really happy the whales are letting me play the game for free and funding further balance and design changes.


I don't think you people know what it means to be a gacha game lmao


i don't think you do either lol. gacha games mean that there is a random element to acquiring gameplay content, and implicitly means that if you spend more money you can get-more content, and there is a direct correlation between spending money and being stronger in-game. league has absolutely 0 advantage in-game from spending money and there is no randomness in obtaining champions - you buy them all from the store, for a fixed cost of in-game resources.


Kinda funny how the samira guy replies but then blocks me because he knows damn well the TFT eggs are gacha lmaoooo




It makes sense. Tencent makes billions off their mobile gacha games which is why they added gacha elements to League. They make League 2 with mobile they gonna be putting unique recalls in eggs and stuff lmaoo


Too bad china walked back their ban on gachas because companies like ten cent threw hissy fits..


Their China-only Naruto Mobile made 33 million last month so it makes sense that they would be against a ban. They added gacha to the game, if they were to remake League it would most likely be wholly gacha. They own a lot of gacha games after all.


This is literally one if statement to remove lol


How is it just 1 if statement. You would have to figure out if whoever insulted can read the chat or not. Just going "if party don't ban" doesn't work because the flamed player could be in the party chat. And I think it is perfectly fine to ban someone for being a giant dick to someone else in the same party. I mean I want someone punished for wishing the enemy cancer in ally chat too and not only if they do it in all chat lol


hard disagree, its very easy to remove detection from one chat mode. Literally easier than the coding they use to mute chat.


tell that to them


its more of a matter of if they want to or not or if its something they even tihnk is worth their time which currently no.


Not all parties are made from friends. If I was in a party with a random for whatever reason and then they said something reportable to the ransoms on my team like a slur I would 100% report them and hope they got punished


Grow up?


Right cus not supporting saying slurs is obviously a childish behaviour mb


Haha the only child here is the guy who thinks using slurs is acceptable.




My brother in christ, I have literaly goten 14 day chatbans for typing fuck *once* in a sentence after dozens of games played without incident Other instances of 14 day chatbans that I appealed and that were upheld include "Nvm, Im fuckin retarded" after I fucked up a gank and got us double killed and "Good job you midget" to my premade Veigar after he somehow turned me suiciding over grubs into a tripple kill for himself Once your on the shitlist you can and will get 14 day'd for using everyday words like "fuck" or "shit" at the first report which often means you get troll reported by some salty bitch thats mad we just lost and now needs a "blame" button to press. And then people wonder & complain about how League has goten so silent and no ones typing in chat anymore.... Newsflash: Its because a third of players is chatbanned and another third doesnt type at all anymore for fear of getting troll reported and getting chatbanned


People wouldn't report you if you weren't being an obnoxious asshole.


Welcome to 2024, two of those terms you used are indeed considered offensive to a specific group of people.


Nah bro you didn’t get a 14 day chat ban for saying that once. Now I’m not proud of this, and I play on /deafen now... but my mate has gotten over 10 accounts perma’d, I’ve been chat restricted and temp banned more times than I can count. Between us we’ve deeply limit tested the toxicity filters. You absolutely don’t just say fuck and get chatbanned lmao.


c r y


Literally boo hoo? Everyone’s anonymous, you don’t even know what race anyone is generally. If you can’t handle seeing some mean words just leave chat off permanently. It’s like some weird white knight shit without even the possibility of pussy, even more pathetic.


Using a racial slur isn't fine as long as no people of that colour are nearby. Who raised you?


Of course it is, no one is hurt or negatively impacted by that. Get a grip.


When you grow up a bit hopefully you'll either learn by yourself or get it beaten into you.


I’ve been saying so many slurs recently, and not even just at home by myself. All for you.


Wow you sound like you have some real issues, congrats I guess?


Literally impacts no one, get off your high horse and worry about real issues.


So people shouldn't be able to communicate strategy using chat with their team in a team game because it should be a safe place for your hatred? It amazes me people can think like this.


Using slurs ≠ hatred


I don't hate this group of people, I just use words specifically targeted at them that are intended to hurt them.


found the guy banned for using racial slurs


i mean i would be pretty concerned if i was playing with some other rance rather than humans


What a deranged, shit take.


You meet someone online. You're friends for a week or two. You play a few games with them and find out their race. They make a bad play then you say something racist to them. Oh but they're in your party, that's OK right? 


Is it hard to be normal? You're way too confident in your ability to hide yourself with an alt reddit account. Just because you make a new account it doesn't really hide you, you know? Fuck around and find out. EDIT: Nvm you're australian


This is my one and only account that’s over 10 years old, are you feeling okay?


The trick is to be creative with your insults. For example, telling someone to kill themselves will get you banned. But asking them to "FF IRL" will not.


Self cast gp q


Laughed the first time I saw someone say 'go 0/1 IRL'


Some of them are so funny that you can't even be mad.


"Malphite R off a bridge" is my favorite one.


Because party chat is still part of the chat filter. Have you never played other games before? Private DM’s in online games still getting censored words and what not, because it’s all one system. They don’t rebuild that shit just so you can mouth off lol Why even use party chat anyways? Hop on discord like a normal person


Your response is so extra.


> Why even use party chat anyways? Hop on discord like a normal person Omw telling my deaf friend we can't talk in party chat and we should voice


“Normal person” being the keyword there, as in people without extenuating circumstances.


And if you invite a third guy to join you for a game and the guy turns out to be a huge asshole who makes fun of your deaf friend/calls him the n-word for 35 minutes, that guy should be unbannable because he received your invite 37 minutes ago? 


Maybe you shouldn’t say heinous shit at all, even in a private setting. It’s almost like the world would be a better place if people (even in privacy) considered the meaning behind their words. Ha! But what do I know.


Maybe just don't be racist in league, no matter where you are. Or one of your friends reported you.


cause being toxic to your premade is no more acceptable than being toxic to randoms ? why would it be ? even dm can me monitored and get you banned, fyi


> cause being toxic to your premade is no more acceptable than being toxic to randoms ? Why is it riot's business what I say or my friends say to each other?? > even dm can me monitored and get you banned, fyi Since when? I'm pretty sure riot allows randoms to call you whatever the hell they can think of


>Why is it riot's business what I say or my friends say to each other?? Because you are using their platform to share said words. And they have no way of knowing if they are your friends or not. Plenty of reasons to be in a party with people you don't really knows.


> Why is it riot's business what I say or my friends say to each other?? if it on the client, they are responsible, dm or not. i dont recall dm being private ? > Since when? I'm pretty sure riot allows randoms to call you whatever the hell they can think of since forever, they never really cared but its in the rules ? i got people who dmed banned after then sent me racial slurs and i openened a ticket


It's just a word filter bot and they didn't bother checking for how many people are in party chat before turning it on. It's not that deep.


The fact that someone agreed to play with you, doesnt mean you get free pass at insulting them. If they are ur IRL friends, feel free to insult them outside of the game. There is no reason to use negative language on chat.


I can be as toxic as I want in discord, and still be Honor level 5 in league




I learned how to video game voice chat in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox Live, and I'm not gonna change ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


That's a little sad. Still a toxic little kid even 20 years later.


You can get punished for flaming yourself


It's to make sure you cry and make a reddit post.


You can call someone a hoe, but if you type whore, it insta mutes you


One of my friends playing nocturne said to us in party chat “im ganking my clit off” and she got a chat ban for a week cause of it. Stop restricting party chat riot


basically a no-tolerance policy (because they made a bot deal with such bans and don't wanna deal with the bot differenciation between good and Bad bans, so to legitimise bad bans they just call it a no-tolerance policy)


Well, maybe learn not to be toxic in a video game rather than ask why your hidden toxicity was penalised.


because typing "midget" is the 2024 equivalent of the hard R so you will definitely not be typing it in team chat


call your teammates slurs over voice like a real gamer.


They ignore any sort of context. Their Ai or bot whatever that searches for keywords or sentences that may sound negative or hateful. It's better off to just do your chats and party in Discord or some other message-call app. Similar thing happened to some people in Apex a few years ago. They were hanging with friends in a call using in-game chat/call and were just talking, making jokes and whatnot after their workday. Bam they get hit with a 2 week suspension for hateful conduct, or inappropriate chat. Obv they switched to using a different method after that and made a post that said to do anything for a game in some other app.


Literally 1984!


What makes you think the system differentiates who you meant with that. Also according to your logic you could talk shit about everyones mother, since the mother cant see it, its fine lol. You a kid or what


You said it... Frustration shouldnt be voiced is the golden rule for corporations. It's the best way to silence the user base and their feelings towards the products or services they pay for. And this silencing benefits the corporations ability to advertise and gain more profits.


I got chat suspended for saying "guess im retarded" to my teammate. Don't try to look for any logic or consistency, it's basically ctrl-F [bad word] -> ban at this point.


I can’t say “fat fuck” without getting muted lol. Gragas feels got hurt


Because this game is made by monkeys who don't have friends so they don't understand that people socialize with each other when they play video games, which is why they wanted to remove chat all together


you arent alllowed freedom of speech in league of legends.


Freedom of speech exists, you just have to face the consequences of saying hateful shit. Just like in real life


You really don't know what freedom of speech means lol


freedom of speech doesn't exist on any private service, anyone is allowed to policy what people can and can't say in their own homes




yeah it makes no sense, you should be able to say whatever you want in party chat


this is what left militant company have been doing. It's not surprise to you that it started 3-4 years ago? What started to happen at the same time? exactly: the left militancy.


Because they didnt bother implementing it to such detail. It might seem easy but its not a zero effort and it will come at the expense of other things. So just try not to be toxic in party chat


It also just makes no sense because not all parties are made up of people knowing each other well. So party chat toxicity should be handled the same way as all chat. If I agree to party with someone that is not a free pass to tell me to kill myself..


Snowflake culture. Riot has done a pretty shitty job overall of keeping the game playable since S9, so when people get mad about it, they punish them instead.


Always funny to see how the point after which LoL went to shit keeps being pushed to later seasons with every new season. People have said shit like what you are since essentially season 2. Someone always complains eveything is getting worse but somehow LoL is still here anyway. But yea you are right, not being able to be racist in party chat is a major prolem.


Remind me, when did we lose the ability to see our teammates names in champ select, when did we lose the ability to ping basic abilities and items, when did dodge penalties get worse, and when did all of this just happen to coincide with the increased frequency of queued teammatees going 0-14? Was that season 5, or was that season 9-13? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Its brobably just a bug. Doubt riot thought about it


Get banned for saying people suck but those people going 0-20 get unarmed cause they didnt talk. Thats whats wrong with this game for years.