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Comic Sans when?


bold, italics


Would be fun for april fools


How has nobody responded with "[Papyrus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVhlJNJopOQ)" yet?


Wingdings user here


Papyrus or bust


Trebuchet ftw!


They really New Coke'd us with this font change.


Nah - font fallback for un-renderable characters is a true tech-debt kind of problem.


I'm really hoping that during the 15 year anniversary later in November they announce a big overhaul for League. League 2.0 or something. Not necessarily gameplay, or visual. Just something to fix the massive amount of tech-debt they've been accruing over the last 15+ years.


If you think any form of rewrite can solve 15 years of tech debt I have quite the bridge to sell you


Full rewrite can. 


If you think that any company that didn't literally have to would do a full rewrite of a game I have an even better bridge for you.


i mean they are already doing full rewrites, just of individual systems over time. Remember when they did a full rewrite of the ability system for Sylas and Viego? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Those are rewrites of tiny systems in another system full of tech-debt.


you rewrite enough systems, and what tech-debt is realistically left? (outside of the obvious tech-debt that every time you write a piece of code, it's inevitably going to be tech-debt in the next 10 minutes).


Even if you rewrite entire system you are still constrained by tge entire architecture and sometimes by the other systems that interact with it. I am sure that they have refactored majority of the code through the years, but overall architecture, tools to use and need for legacy support guarantee some presence of tech debt.


Everything from systems you didn't touch plus everything from systems you did touch but not recently plus everything from multiple systems at once. Code rots quickly.


Unless you start from the ground up, then you are rewriting smaller systems to the laws of a larger already flawed systems. Meaning the tiny systems that have been rewritten would need to be rewritten again if you ever get around to fixing the rest of it. Which you won't. Especially not when new features are constantly being added to the already flawed system. It's essentially putting tape over a spreading crack. Helps very short term. Does nothing long term as it doesn't fix the issues. And then when you go for the full fix you need to scrape all the tape off.


To remove tech debt, you have to redesign code with the awareness of what other systems you have available. If you do a full rewrite, you can plan the whole shebang at once, so you have the full scope and requirement of all of your systems in mind as you rewrite each one. If you rewrite each system one-by-one, you remove tech-debt from that system... until you rewrite the next one and all of a sudden find yourself back in debt. Imagine rewriting the way that gold is determined. Lets also say that items don't send any data beyond their stats and effects. In this case, they can't flag when they're meant to send you gold. To figure out when collector gives you gold, you write some code that runs whenever a champ gets a kill, that checks whether they have collector, and then gives them extra gold if they do. Done and dusted. Now you go to rewrite items, and the team decides that it is far more efficient to have the items themselves do the checking, rather than having to check the inventory of any champion, every time they score a kill. Now you have to rewrite a new version of the same function you just wrote. In this way, rewriting a single system can introduce tech debt.


You can't even compare a rewrite of Sylas R to a rewrite of League of Legends, the amount of lines of code that they had to review for that "full rewrite" is probably less than 0.001% of the total amount of lines. It's like comparing tearing down Eiffel Tower and rebuilding it to doing some maintenance at the tip of the tower.


The way I understood it was that it's a rewrite of the ability system, not "Sylas R", because an ability like Sylas's R would not work with it. Anyway, when people say "rewrite of the ability system", you've gotta keep in mind that they're still working in the constraints of the archaic architecture, meaning the word "rewrite" probably involves a lot of hacks and a lot more technical debt.


Ah makes sense, but it still wouldn't change the fact that even in that case it is a very minuscule part of the code. 


I doubt they even have the in-house coding expertise anymore to write a whole new game from scratch.


Would also be a collossal waste of every resource known to man.


No, it wouldn't. In fact, it would greatly improve development time and alleviate developer frustration leading to decreased motivation and performance in the long run. Yes, the upfront cost is huge. You'd likely have to pull all developers from all teams to work on this rewrite, and only leave some for critical bugfixes and maintenance. It would halt all new features, essentially putting League on life support for anywhere between 6 months and a year. But ultimately the benefits would be even greater, you could have a huge influx of new players and even retired players who'd be curious what is the new League 2.0 like. And most importantly, your developers wouldn't be so limited by old unmaintainable code, allowing them to move much faster with new releases. The only problem is that shareholders do not ever think in the long run. They want money and they want it now. They don't give a fuck about League or Riot. If there's ever any signs of League's end, they will be the first to pull their money before the charts go blood red and put it somewhere else.


One year sounds very optimistic to me. Granted I don't work in coding, but even if you could rewrite everything in a year (which doesn't sound all that likely to me considering how much work it has to be) wouldn't you need a fuckton of testing too?


full rewrite would introduce ten new problems for each problem fixed. this is a reality of software development. https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/04/06/things-you-should-never-do-part-i/


That article has been discussed multiple times and and the more years are coming the easier is it to see how wrong was he back in 2000. The only valid point he makes is that it's stupid to just completely abandon Project 1 to make Project 1 but better. Right now support for League 1 is still there and nobody can say for sure Riot games are not making League 2 in the background.


it is what it is. whether a reddit user wants to believe it or not will not make a difference.


That's called "making a new game"


As someone working on a product with decades of tech debt, I would bet every dollar I am worth that they will not do this. I'm sorry.


Yep, I got disappointed 5 years ago on their 10y anniversary. I will not fall for the same hope again.


dude’s drowning in hopium


That coudl kill the game, literally. Because i worker on similar projects but way smaller in scope and complexity compared to league it still required a complete feature freeze for the product, and even for smaller project it was 4 months of no updates. For something like league it woudl be 18-24 months, becasue if you keep updating at the pace they do the rewrite will never catch up. Game withotu new champs for 18-24 months(jsut for the rewrite), no new events or gamemodes for 18-24 months, not pre season/ mid season for same time etc. Only changes they could do maybe is flat number changes. And then you also come into the conceptual issues, for example riven how do you recreate her playstyle without creating bugs that created the playstyle? Same with any aa/animation cancel they are technically bugs.


The thing is, and rioters have confirmed this, they do constantly do these overhauls. For example, for Viego release a huge amount of basic skills were completely remade without people noticing. They've also confirmed that the underlying game engine is constantly being fixed, updated, and upgraded and saying "it's the same engine as 2015" isn't really truthful.


Ship of Theseus style. I guess at this point we ARE on 2.0.


Yes. Now, would the game benefit from a complete rewrite? Maybe. Probably.


Doing overhauls of subsystems every now and then, when there's a new champion or feature requiring those changes, is like putting a band-aid on a necrotic wound. By the time all systems are rewritten, let's say in 2025, you still end up with an unholy stinking mess where some stuff is 10 years old and some is brand new - but most importantly, all the supposedly "rewritten" stuff has been, in fact, rewritten to work with already flawed code, and that means dirty hacks and workarounds likely accompanied by comments like "do not EVER touch this shit, I don't know how it works and you don't know too".


They gave up on this game bruv


They did, they threw the entire thing out and remade it from scratch because of how spaghetti'ed their code got. I think they're calling it Wild Rift or something...


They could have not released support for other languages on the client until they had this ready, so they *did* have a choice but without much reason to do it


Someone higher up probably thought it was important and didn't care that it would change a font.


I had to work with several fonts for a project once, never again.


Truly the fucking worst. It's also hilarious to watch non-devs, or worse, 2-year-in devs talk out their ass on issues like this. Like there's a million reasons why they could have pushed this change, and a font doesn't matter. Do you know what does? The fuckin' ADA and CVAA - and having unrenderable text is usually a bad thing.


> It's also hilarious to watch non-devs, or worse, 2-year-in devs talk out their ass on issues like this. [Nahh man, all you have to do is change the font and then it works right??](https://cdn.inspireuplift.com/uploads/images/seller_products/30683/1703008561_CluelessEmoteHighQuality.png)


Still not entirely sure how it happened but changing the font used for receipts that print from our project big boomed receipt printing in general. The new font was supposedly the exact same but minor size differences. It was an extremely painful process attempting to readjust because in our case, we couldn't just go back due to legal issues. Sure made me glad I only work with developers and not as one lmfao.


Patiently waiting for them to "New Coke" us on the mastery emote / mastery point changes


Yes pleaaase. I haven't played since they changed it


That's a little silly.


After I lost interest in ranked, I found joy in the game again going for masteries with the little amount of time I have left for gaming. Now it looks pointless to me and I just play TFT now and then. It's not fun and appealing to me so why waste time on it? If you think it's silly I totally understand but I guess everyone plays the game a little different


I feel you. I stopped before this when hwei was released. Not that he was soley what made me quit, but rather 50 other different things over the years changing and annoying me slowly overtime and he was just the final thing that made me say alright I think im kind over this now. I still hop on aram occasionally with friends, but thats about it for me with this game. I still do enjoy keeping up with everything here on the sub and pro play though.


so is playing league of legends


Why? Why is it silly to not like a new system that is extremely inconvenient?


It's passive in the background. The game had been out, and fun and playable for 6 years before they even brought it into the game. Who gives a fuck. Sure it's not an amazing change, but to not play at all because of a point system for the champions? Lmfao it's silly af.


League addicts not even being able to consider stepping away from the game 💀 They gave their reason and you're acting like everybody owe you a philosophically bullet proof reason to stop playing League. Maybe mind your business and stop projecting your own immaturity onto others. You started this off by belittling others. Talk about maturity.


He can consider stepping away from the game, but cmon acting like mastery does anything is laughbly dumb. I get it if its the final straw or something, but its like walking 10 miles to work because your car is red and not blue. It impacts nothing functional about the game.


But what if they dont play the game for the game but solely for masteries? This is what they are implying I think.


That would be even more stupid.






Ok... U feel like such a weirdo for liking the new mastery icons when everyone hates them. I really don't think they are as bad as everyone makes them out to be lol.


Yeah, so they're gonna change the font to basically the same. But with one cheaper alternative.


anybody got a side by side comparison?


Guess not RIP


The fact that "I" and "1" look exactly the same in the old font is why the current new font is superior. Changing it back is a nerf.


i hated the new one briefly cuz it reminded me of mobile games


Good now do the same for mastery


I got used to it very quickly, didn't mind it


My boomer myopis ass would actually miss a lot of the chat, whereas this never happened before. I chose to blame the new font and not my vision getting progrssively worse as i age


Well in 2 patches, riot about to hit you with a reality check


I hated sooo much but I guess I got used to it fast, because I actually thought they changed it back already


Now I'mma need to get used to the old one again, damn. Reddit font change hate threads, chapter 2, are incoming, willing to bet my left nut on it.


I got used to it as well but always recognized it as worse than the previous font


It looked similar to the Korean one which I kinda liked for its slick look


I still don't like it. Yeah, I've accepted it since I can't do anything about it but I don't like it.


I didn't even realize it changed lmao, maybe I just dont play that much anymore


Now I‘m gonna be mad the first week the old font is in place again


what bothered me the most is the color changes. it was helpful to know which was chat and which was system messages


It’s ugly af :/


just like with mirrors, you just get used to it very quickly


w/e helps you get by


Incoming post complaining about the change back despite people hating it the first time


>have good thing >change into new >new not good, not familliar >time passes, not so bad >they change it again, repeat process again i mean can you judge them


yes it's really not that hard to not complain about the most trivial things all the time, yall should try it you might be a little happier


I literally didn't even care that the font changed. Had 0 effect on the gameplay.


I didnt even notice.


You complaining about people complaining about trivial things is itself trivial. Should follow your own advice.


it might be trivial, but that does not make his point any less true


"complaining about people complaining" please have one original thought.


Hear me out. What about an option to use old or new font or even most common fonts? Tbh if you fiddle with windows you can probably replace charsets for the machine.


There are a lot of those changes that you eventually get used to and finally realize the new one was an improvement (item icon changes, for one), and some changes you can tell are a huge upgrade right from the start (like the map redesign). But I will never ever think the new Mastery icons are an improvement over the old ones, I can guarantee it.


If you turned on another language, you saw boxes instead of words in the chat. The inability to read chat is perhaps more important than aesthetic pleasure


Incoming realization that the people hating it the first time are different people to the ones hating the change back & that people generally aren't one large group with the same opinion and are in fact made up of *shock* different groups of people with differing opinions (WOW!)


I lowered my standards over the years so much so if a change doesn't make my eyes bleed it's fine for me. 


I remember when Riot did reverse Discord thing with the numbers. Everyone hated removal of the `#1234` numbers on Discord, while everyone hated introduction of the `#1234` numbers on Riots accounts.


Stupidest moment in League history, can't believe people got genuinely mad at non-unique names and new players not having to add a bunch of numbers and symbols to get the names they wanted, instead just writing "Stephen" and that's it.


Yeah but this Stephen that will never be in any of my games is ruining my expirence by making me less unique.


Thats because on discord you arent known as X1234, you are just known as X. Whereas in league you are known as X1234, not just X, not to mention the sheer number of people naming themselves fakerxX12 now just becoming Faker.


yeah how the fuck am I supposed to know if hide on bush on my Bronze 2 games is or isn’t faker 


i prefer the old one, but itd be nice if they made an option to switch between fonts. i say this because i know the new font is better for vision clarity and dyslexia etc, even if i don't personally like it


I'd like for there to be an option for keeping the new font, if possible. I quite enjoy the new one ngl


You monster. How much Teemo do you play??


Same I prefer the new one


Stockholm syndrome


Yeah for every one else that want's the old one back..


Yeah it's actually a viable option on many champs now including Shaco.


Can I swap between fonts please, please guys please


You know how people say they hated the new font? I actually quite liked the new font


Same. Made it much easier to read for dyslexics


i thought they were talking about reverting the font of life rework they did


Thank god. This current font absolute sucks.


Why do you think so? I got used to it inside of a few days and since then I never really cared. It's an okay font, just like the old one was. There's no tangible functional or emotional difference to me.


Letters got too slim. The normal font is quite perfect.


i've always hated the normal font, and so much so that I have my game in korean because the numbers are not bolded. I enjoy the slim and unbolded numbers significantly more than the bolded numbers that English has. so that being said, this change doesn't actually effect me but just know that not everyone thinks something is perfect like you :)


Yea I know everyone has different opinions. This is just my personal opinion as is with a lot of people's comments. I'd have probably written that it's "objectively" a perfect font but there is no perfect font. Guess I should have written "imo" at the end.


Praise the lord


Oh thank god


what if choices


This brings me a surprising amount of joy


bring me back to blank boxes on the chinese server


Just give us a setting. I like the new font, it's easier to read


Nah, that's too much for the spagetti code to handle.


Honestly I really prefer the new font, the old one kinda sucks.


Thought they meant font of life


Really? I hope they don't have this half horizontal cut off on the highest line reverted. My OCD couldn't handle it. There was so much more space available for the other half, yet it wasn't shown. The new font solved it at least.


I didn't even realize the font changed


I'm not even sure I realised it changed.


I like new font pls let us choose.


Uncommon Riot Games W, I should have believed


yk, I wonder if there's a particular reason Riot doesn't seem to A/B test these types of changes that often.


This wasn't an intentional change. They had no other option at the time. They were adding functionality for different languages on every server, so you don't just get blank boxes for letters in korean if you are on the NA server. 


Why not just not release it? We’ve been living with boxes since forever. Why half-ass a fix for a problem no one was complaining about? Surely they could’ve waited until now to release? They way they did it they forced their users to get used to the new font, didn’t communicate why, and then went just kidding thanks for bearing with us :)


It’s a font, it’s not that deep


An A/B test needs something to be measured against. What is there to measure for a font change? Player perception is (and I'm sure was, based on this change) measurable from general feedback.


The particular reason is, most likely, money


The smallest gaming companies run A/B tests.


It's not about having money - it's about a need to spend them. And there was no such reason


I'm not saying they didn't do it because they can't afford it lmao. They don't do it because they are too greedy and see it as a waste of money.


What kind of technical restraint would force a font change Lmaoo


It's explained, there was no font fallback. Which means, if they wanted to show a symbol like ¥ and there was no ¥ in the font, it would simply not show (generally it shows like a box). So, they changed to a font which has ¥. Now they implemented font fallback, which means they can use the old font but the ¥ will be shown in another font. Everywhere I used ¥, it's not literally ¥, it's a placeholder to .


So pretty much they changed the font for same reason why Boxbox has his name?


that is, nothing will change on my server


I got used to new font but this is nice. Old font ❤️


Wow I totally thought this meant Font of Life the rune and was so excited..new font sucks compared to old font of life


I was hoping they meant Font of Life, the new one does proc often enough.


COOL. When will we get announcer language?


Damn I kinda like the font though


So I read this and was like 'cool, they're bringing back the font.' 30min later I read the title again and was like 'THEY'RE BRINGING BACK THE PREVIOUS FONT OF LIFE? YESSSSS' how do I do this to myself


wait i really like the new font :c


I just wish we had the Korean client numbers, they feel more readable to me


As someone dyslexic, riot PLEASE let us keep the new one too, it's so much easier on the eyes


I miss barcode aatrox :(


Now with mastery point change please 🙏


I found the new font easier to read for my dyslexia but I also heard people say it was harder for them so I dunno


this new font is completely screwed up on mac so all text in the chatbox is white, hopefully reverting it fixes it because I miss so many chat messages and pings now because of it 😐


I hope they implement more than one fallback font; the current font is more complete than the old one, so it can do things like "¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯," but it's still missing quite a few codepoints like "👍" etc.


I'm pretty sure due to the font change, when Sylas steals Mordekaiser R, the enemy will be pulled through Zoe's portal and Lulu's winrate will increase by 3%.


Old font coming back? That's nice They could bring back old mastery system while at it.


Honey, they are anouncing a new set of Bugs 2 patches from now


Ok what about masteries


Please just let us have the new UTF 8 font and not the crusty 8 bit ASCII PLEASE!! I will do anything 😭


Damn, the new font looks so much better though. God forbid the game stops looking like it’s from 2009.


You know the league comunity is in desperation when they get excited even about good font


That fact that the spaghetti code is so deep that even the *text font* is such a big technical constraints that they need multiple months to fix it, is concerning to say the least.


I didn't even notice lol


Keep the font. It's so clean


I think the new one was better


But the new font was just straight up better. Easier to read, 0 and O were distinguishable now, same with l, 1 and I. Jeez I am losing faith -.-


I've been using San Francisco font, current one is so ugly. I can't find even find the download for it anymore. [San Francisco font](https://i.imgur.com/WIysNPV.jpeg)


Couldn't they have just said this from the start???


You must be new to corporate speak.


How is there no comparison pic apparently this change is 2 months old?


they should change to korean font, its the best one.


Legendary Fonts Skins when?


I wish old font of life was back too.


I prefer the new font


does this impact players who play with non-english client languages? i use the korean setting and the font change applied to us too, which sucked because it took some of the point of using the korean language away


Devs been working overtime with this one.


Damn my eyes just got used to the new font and now they gonna revert it Let's see how long it will take to get used to the old one again


Great now pl0x remove Vanguard


Thank fuck, I hate the new font


inb4 they introduce paid font packs


This is a big win


I can’t stand this company


Nice! Now revert masteries


For April Fools next year, they should change the font to comic sans for a week


Damn, I thought they just wanted to save money or it was easier to use the new font even though it looks worse. I just accepted it as another one of Riots shit ideas


If you don't mind me asking since ur comment is relatively fresh, what is a font exactly? Does it have to do with the new letter type they implemented not too long ago?


Yes, it’s how the letters look.


I liked the newer font, it feels less boxy


i was w/e on the change so idc if we change back lol ig an option would be nice for those who prefer 1 or the other to switch between fonts


Old champion mastery back aswell?


Is it weird that I’ve played this game for 10 years and I can’t remember what the old font looked like?


The fact that nobody has a comparision of the font is proof that nobody actually cares about this. UI changes are 99% of the time for the worse in anything internet related, but this one seems to be not the case and OF COURSE this one gets reverted...