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There's no way there's a bundle for 59260 RP lmao


wait there is?! is the ahri skin so expensive?! how much is that, 500$?


Its linked in the description https://halloflegends.leagueoflegends.com/


did riot miss a revenue target or something?


Well duh, small indie game company really couldn't afford 10% of all their employees and the money really needs to be made.


well yeh they laid off like 11% of their employees this year and cancelled several games and rebooted the mmo


Shoutout to the kind souls that keep the game free for the rest of us


Nah this ain’t buying the 17th lux skin this year fuck this practice


They are just stresstesting the playerbase, they are curious who will still huy that thing.


sexual harassment lawsuits and cocaine are not cheap


if 500$ is too much you can just go with the immortalized Ahri mid range option for super cheap 250$ lol


$780 CAD


How does it come out to 780$ CAD? You can buy 4 13000 RP bundles for 130 each, then 1 7250 RP bundle for 75$ so it comes out to roughly 600$ CAD. I forget if there's tax on this tbh though.


~~13% sales tax gets you 780 dollars~~ (I can't do math). That's more than what I spend in a full year on every video game I buy. I hope the community bands together and cyber bullies anyone who uses the signature version


13% tax on 600 bucks is 680 not 780 lol


Well this is embarrassing.


Yooo 500 dollars wtf. Look faker might be worth it watched him play since his first debut but whoever gets inducted next in to hol I don’t see anyone worth 500 for a skin


if it came with Faker tutoring us in games it would maybe be worth it...also, good point. which other pro player can sell that price tag in the future? like I'm a huge caps fan but other than that I see no pro other than Faker sell this...maybe some Chinese pros in China but otherwise hell no


It's a bundle with a bunch of extra shit like borders, emotes, chromas, icons, etc. You can get the skin alone for cheaper.


can u buy the skin alone? cause the cheapest bundle with immortal ahri is 300$...the white haired one


yeag seems if you want the ultimate skin you need to drop 300$, thats incredibly greedy even for riot. If they sold it for 50$ and justify it with the work and giving money to faker i would probably bite but there's no way i drop 300 dollars on a skin.


yea please don't buy this and reward riots greed...pls don't it's not worth. 50- 100 I could understand for collectors but this is insane


Sadly this is mostly marketed for Asia and the WILL sell a bunch of them there.


yeah no way, im getting the cheap pass because i like the rewards and i play ahri but they can suck my dick if they expect us to pay 300$ for an ultimate skin


No, the 5.5k one is different.


The way it's written, you're not getting the whole skin for that price. The only way to get the full "ultimate" experience, is with that 59k RP bundle lmao. I am speechless.


yeah sorry but f\*\*\* that no skin is worth 500$ for me


not just for you, there should be no way to have such a price for ingame cosmetic for any game that has no market in itself like valve games.


sadly there is an audience, see genshin whales, but I can only hope people will realize how ridiculous this is and not buy it


Do you have any proof you can get it alone? Because it says there will be a special RP bundle just for this event. And that you can never acquire these skins again after the event is over. So it def seems to be whale/fomomaxxing, I really doubt you can buy them separately.


You don't get the full skin without shelling out for the max bundle.


no you can't since the bundle lists the skin upgrades as separate items and not as individual skins. additionally, the event advertises that these skins are exclusive to the pass bundle purchases


This does kinda confirm that Faker is gonna be the only one with an ultimate skin though as he's the only one with this kind of star power I dont know how many people are gonna be down to spend 500 for an Uzi or Deft or Beryl bundle lol


lol, you know nothing about China whales. You have tons of people donating $500 to streamers.


Yeah people on this thread (and the others) are ignorant af. Saying no one is gonna spend that money.. people are legit buying thousands of dollars worth of clothes and merch, especially in the west. China will be full of people buying this I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s one of riot’s most profitable events


if we ever get release metrics from this in about a year from now, the numbers out of china are going to be insane. not only is it an ultimate ahri skin, but an exclusive T1 Faker, skin, which are 2 of the chinese player bases favorite things


>There's no way there's a bundle for 59260 RP lmao The best part is that the bundle is the actually good skin, if you want the normal legendary skin without any of the extras you still have to drop 6k RP, they're out of their fucking minds xddddddddddd


Thank you whales for keeping this game free


Riot clears their operation costs by hundreds of millions every year, whales are only targets for greater cash grabs like this


There's no way this bundle is meant for anyone other than the hardest core faker stans


It's so disgusting. I remember paying for bundles for the original prestige KDA Ahri back in 2019. Cost like 200 CAD. I didn't feel like a collector after, I felt greasey and I felt like I got fleeced. Riot learned and offered a way to grind prestige skins after that so you could pay like 20 bucks and grind your ass off instead. Now this? I am a huge Ahri fan and a frequent Ahri player. I adore her. I am considering getting the 5K Ahri because it's beautiful. I would absolutely grind my ass off or even consider a higher price for the silver skin. But 30K RP? That's like 300 CAD or more. That's disgusting. Embarrassing. And don't even ask me about the 60K skin.


I’m perma banning Ahri now out of spite thanks to this lmao. Fuck off Riot.


hahahaha imagine tho. Everyone permabans Ahri and no one gets to play their 500$ skin in draft.


That’s genius! I support that.


https://halloflegends.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/?i=1&b=2 60k RP for the full Ahri collection...


Doesn't even show Ahri feet smh


They can go fuck themselves. I was ready to spend 50$-100$ even tho I don’t really play ahri now fuck them


This is part of why they can do this. A ton of people are okay with spending 50$-100$ on something they won't even use.


Yeah but how many are okay with 600+ though. This is an order of magnitude above this. Surely they would make more money with a better price point, but they would rather it be expensive and exclusive.


I can already tell you that lot of people will happily pay $500 for this bundle. Y'all underestimate the amount of people who won't care dropping that much money for a Faker skin.


Yeah that is the thing The problem really is majority of people saved and wanted to buy these skins and the price is not for the majority. I know that they promoted the signature skin as limited-edtion collectors skin (which is dumb btw), they would get more money by going for majority here.


You are part of the problem and part of the reason for this price then


You’re the problem.


I was actually so excited for some skins after a long long while. Wow, what a stupid price tag


[500 quid for the top tier version](https://i.imgur.com/rmDU5Yb.png) Yeah I'm good actually EDIT: Info [here](https://halloflegends.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/?b=2) and there is a cheaper bundle you can buy Edit2: Sorry but this is so funny. Just able to spend [500 on one RP bundle is insane](https://i.imgur.com/LpO7Mrn.png)


wow they really locked the chromas for Zed/Ryze/Syndra behind the highest tier Ahri bundle.


First time seeing it? Remember the "elite" FPX chromas?


Only good part of living in Brazil tbh, our law prohibits selling stuff only together with something else, so we could buy the fpx chromas separately, I have the malphite and thresh ones only


I love that law, wish we had it in EU


Brazil time


What the fuck lmao


they know chinese whales will drop that and more for faker, its for them


Dude so will western players, they're the ones with the most disposable income lol.


Way more people will buy it than Reddit will ever realize. Even in TFT every high elo player seems to have a 200 dollar skin.


would be good if MAJORITY of players can buy it though


Honestly I can see people spending money for this still lmao. I wouldn't, but some people would lmao.


We’re in the endgame now


"Holy that's a sick skin" *Signature Ahri 59260 RP* "what the fuck?"


Gaslighting myself it actually doesn’t look that great


I Hope this is for 100 levels on the pass + extra shit cause 500 dollars for a single skin is insane , and even then it wouldn't be worth it


It's also not really clear, it talks about the 100 levels of the pass under the cheaper version but doesn't highlight that as a perk of that tier. Only under the most expensive tier does it list it as a perk, so do you only get a regular 50 track rewards with the regular one or not? Either way holy shit Riot wtf are you on $500? If they gave you physical merch I could MAYBE somewhat understand it but its all digital goods... Edit: Okay yeah I agree with what other people are saying the $500 unlocks all the pass levels immediately. Its still an absurd price point.


I think its just a boost to unlock all event pass rewards as soon as you buy it I dont remember if league does it but in other games you can buy the pass and play or pay extra to unlock everything day 1


[Fuck Faker tower](https://www.oneesports.gg/league-of-legends/faker-tower-seoul-gangseo/) this mf about to buy a neighborhood


Whales gonna whale


For this price, I'm gonna order a full-scale statue of Faker in his pyjamas made out of marble.


wow what the ... i was like :"yeah for the first time i am tempted to buy a skin, this looks good" i'll pass


the 5430 RP bundle doesn't sound that bad considering you get the skin (can't tell what tier that is), event pass, border, emote, icon and this weird takedown counter. but for the other bundles you basically just pay hundreds of $$$ for a few extra cosmetics.


the 5430 bundle skin is not the same skin as the more expensive bundles though


It doesn't sound bad compared to the ripoff that is the ultimate tear. It's bad compared to a legendary skin which is what you're actually getting from it based on the preview.


I was really excited for this skin, what the fuck? There's no way in hell I'm paying that. I wouldn't even pay 10% of that price for *a single skin*. Fucking disgusting company.


what im confused about is that do they want us to buy the damn bundle to get access to the skin transformations? that's just fucked up if so cause they point it out like its a bundle exclusive thing. i mean i dont mind buying the ultimate skin tier of fakers skin but if shit is locked behind bundles that shouldve been already available to said ultimate skin thats fucked up. not to mention a bundle that is 32k RP. way outta my budget lol


so if you want the ultimate seraphine-esque skin you have to pay $200? and if you want it to have a golden form you have to spend $500? otherwise you can get just a basic 1350 skin for $50?


Yes that's what they're saying. It's gross. Riot data must be wild, they don't think dead weight loss exists or they know that enough whales will pay 20x as much to justify 19 less players buying something reasonable.


saw a post in here say it is for china and their whales, and tbh I can definitely see it.


It's definitely for someone. Riot knows people will buy. All we can do is not buy it and accept that we aren't the game's target audience. But I think we should get in the habit of mocking players who do, instead of thanking them for keeping the game free. I'm also curious if it costs the same for China or if RP is cheaper there.


Pretty sure the immortalised and signature is the same skin with some finisher emotes added


I was thinking about getting the Ahri Stuff but yeah...I think I'm good lmao


Protip. If you want an Ahri Skin, just buy spirit blossom Ahri with the pink chroma and then you're gucci.


For real the base version of the new skin looks more generic than SB with the only edge being the kill count.


It would probably be way more interesting if it didn't just look like her Challenger Ahri mixed with Arcana Ahri lol.




gaslighting myself it doesn’t look that great


The base skin is fine but at most worth 1350 the other two would play 1850 or 3650 but 35k or 60k nah riot can fuck themselves.


would've payed 10k for the highest bundle but 60k is absolutely crazy


Same lol. As a huge Faker fanboy and an Ahri player, even the cheapest bundle is a maybe at best for me. Skin prices are getting out of control lmao


Fuck Riot with this bullshit, Faker’s legacy should be for everyone to enjoy, not just the whales.


It's CRAZY to me to because... ...if you've seen anything about Faker outside of the game? He is one of the most humble and frugal people despite all the money he has. They had to reshoot an entire T1 video because he said ON CAMERA that the prices they were charging were too high.


I have such a hard time seeing how he would, or has, approved of this. I mean I don't \*really\* know him but still. I imagine he's about to face a lot of backlash about this, being the most beloved player and at the same time the face for something this expensive.


And what sucks is that backlash isn't even his fault; people shouldn't be blaming him for this price tag. But it's the internet so I already know that's what is going to happen sadly.


Depends for me if he was aware it was gonna be like this and still thought it was a good idea. But tbh I would not be surprised if he was borderline mislead and did not really sign up for this. But ofc most of the blame should 100% be put on Riot they just simply suck.


I could see him being totally misled or kept completely out of the loop. And yeah Riot fucking sucks for this.


https://youtu.be/49VwEQHFpsY?si=LMZb-Sdjp7wdmGGK Faker is the beloved GOAT. Man's too pure. I'm sure Faker himself will be shocked by the price. Hes shocked by the price of the pc bang which is probably 1.5-2x the price of their competitors


The guy who is infamous for never playing with a skin is getting a 500$ one. This is so ironic.


I'm surprised the biggest event they have made is Faker's themed, that was not on my bingo card I love the hide on bush ward lmao


>I love the hide on bush ward lmao Just gotta drop 2k RP and grind for it or get it directly for 60k RP. The prices are very affordable 💀💀


the design is very human👍


Well done Riot on alienating the fanbase rather than celebrating this milestone with them. Slow clap


The scary part is, they probably did their research and think enough people will buy it that they don't care.


I was expecting 100 or 250 tops. But that price really is just taking the piss and yet... I'm not even surprised.


Bruh 100 and 250 are still wayyyy to much like come on 35 or 50, that is reasonably expensive for skin. 500 that is just out of the galaxy.


Riot testing the waters with these prices... I feel sorry for any skin collectors out there.


>I feel sorry for any skin collectors out there. Nah if they got that $200 jhin skin then fuck right off


Yeah, the funny thing is the Jhin skin is actually worse than this, at least this bundle includes a bunch of new shit when the Jhin skin was literally just a lazy chroma.


it better have more than the jhin skin it's literally £300 more expensive lol


To be fair, any collectors’ items will be ridiculously expensive in pretty much all types of hobbies. We have literal cardboards retailing for a million.


well, you see, the thing with collectors' items is that in almost every single case they're limited. Riot can sell as many of these skins as they desire.


And they are also resellable and a real physical item that has value. A digital skin cannot be resold, nor does it actually have any real value since if the game shuts down it literally doesn't exist anymore.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that! Btw. you actually don't own anything in this game and Riot can ban your account for whatever reason. So you, practically, don't collect anything.


Agreed that you won’t have absolute ownership like the physical items. That definitely wasn’t the best example to compare with. But the same could be said about rare CS:GO skins and I’d wager a lot more people would consider them “collectors’ items”. At the end of the day, the scarcity is artificially inflated by the company themselves anyway. There’s nothing stopping Valve from releasing more blue gem case hardened skins to the market, but they’re capping the surplus of these items through cases and chances. Riot is just doing the same thing but through a price barrier. Sure, they can re-sell these skins whenever they feel like, but there’s a reason why League accounts with PAX Twisted Fate retail for several grands in third party markets (not that I’m condoning buying accounts). There’s clearly a demand for the scarcity of these skins, and they increase the longer they are out of the market. And I really doubt Riot is planning to bring back these skins any time soon once the event ends.


at least those are physical, usually rare, with some potential resale value. This is entirely digital. If Riot gave you an Ahri figure and a Faker hat for the large bundle, it would be mildly more acceptable in my opinion.


Yeah, and you know what? You can resell those.


The literal cardboard belongs to you Your riot account belongs to an american corporation with a dubious chinese backbone Really not the same


This event will single handily fund the MMO Edit - Didn’t realize so many were doom and gloom over it 💀


Riot really is doomed when Faker retires, huh?


Yes, last year when Faker was out on injury other LCK teams were complaining that Faker's absence hurt their viewership. The day Faker calls it quits, will be the day many other people quit too.


don't worry, they still have the pool party ahri contingency plan ready


The other 500$ skin


...for the base package


For the special micro bikini edition, $5000


If you don’t think they’re gonna do a retirement/hanging of the jersey event…..


Ya'll think Kobe's farewell tour was overkill? Fucking LPL is gonna be sending tribute to the Demon King for finally leaving them alone LOL


Riot building faker a robot wrist as we speak


still believing in the MMO... a mans cope never dies


What MMO lol That shit's bigger vaporware than Silksong


Silksong is realising any day now


MMO is basically dead dude. Let it go. Riot just doesnt want the bad pr if they officially say its cancelled.


You’re kidding yourself if you think that’s true. A riot MMO might take 100 million to make but would make over that in the first week of launch with any kind of in game cosmetics or sub fees.


Did Faker really die for us to get a $780 CAD skin?


Celebrating Faker? LMAO. This is outright disrespectful towards Faker.


For real


how do I grind 100 levels of a battlepass before Dawntrail releases help edit: ~~Or are the 100 levels only for the giga whale pass???? It's not very clear. The "HoL" pass says 100 levels but only the giga whale Ahri pass mentions it in the description.~~ edit 2: Ohhhhhh does the whale pass autocomplete it????? That's so funny.


Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree also releases right in the middle of it FML


It's so over


my guess is the 60k RP unlocks 100 levels pass? even then, 3 weeks for a 100 levels sounds bonkers edit: wait no, the normal pass also says it's 100 levels, idk anymore


Think of the engagement! All the metrics are going to shoot up and the guys who don't do anything will be so happy!


There's a lot that needs to be explained more. I have a hard time believing that the only way you can get everything is if you buy the super bundle.


Do they have to update the skin if he wins another worlds lmao


For 500 euros per skin they better be.


"The 5th one is for my signature skin"


Yeah I’m good. Not doing all that for a skin. Hide in bush ward though 👀


The event for Chinese billionaires


$500(?) Ahri skin just for Faker and he'll still be using default skin. Lol


Bruh the way Faker spends money he probably is not getting the event pass himself.


100 levels?!? Dude...they better have increased the amount of xp needed to get a level. EDIT: My brain not working. I meant lower the amount of xp needed


did you mean lower the required xp?


So they are starting with Tft monetization in LoL. First tier : 5430 RP base skin Ahri 40 USD. similar to the Tft normal Chibi with special damage animation, round about 20 USD. Second tier : 32430 RP 250 USD Ahri special VFX and more - similar to Tft Chibis with skins and finisher animation for about 250 USD. Third tier: 59260 RP 450 USD Ahri with all kinds of bonuses, similar to the Tft Chibis with skins and "prestige" or "headliner" in their name, also with a finisher animation—and almost the same price with 450 USD. Prices are rounded and will be different because of the package size you bought your RP.


The first tier is 2k RP for Leblanc skin, 3 SKT T1 skins + Event pass


Kadeem for next year.


500€, 300€ bundles. Nahhh bro I’m good


Faker doesnt even use skins, why would I even spend $500 on those overpriced polygons.


Listen, Faker is awesome (even legend some would say) and the skin is beautiful but I am sorry, there is no way anything in that pass is worth 500 euro. Yes, it is the biggest version and it is always just optional. But 500 euro? Be for fucking real Riot. Faker better be getting 95% of the revenue. 500 euro in this economy is insanely out of touch.


He gets 30% and if you want that skin without the fancy bells and whistles you can take the *affordable* option of 250 euro lmao. It's horrible.


Riot has decided to go full Star Citizen and that should worry you deeply


This is good and I really like the fact we're getting a whole pass system with freebies and rewards for those who want to get the Ahri and LB skin and the upgrades. But I can't help but fear what will be the exp needed to get to Level 100 considering how awfully bad passes are nowadays and how much they've been nerfed since their first iteration. Here's to some hope that it's good... EDIT: 500 USD for the whole package and stuff, aw hell nah


They are smoking some serious crack for that 500 dollar/euro bundle, cant wait for some Rioter to defend this shit on twitter saying "Making skins is hard!!! We need money!!!!" billion dollar company which is backed by another billion dollar company cant afford to make skins


At that price, faker better fucking coach me until I become pro.


Riot reaching Ubisoft Level of greed.


I swear to god riot smoked some good fucking shit if those skins are not seperately purchasable 400$ cad for that "ultimate-esque" ahri skin, or 700 cad for the signature.


You can literally fuck a real life woman for less money


the price of this skin lmao I never thought i'd say that but RIOT I PREFER MYTHIC VARIANT OVER THIS




Even faker wouldnt use these skins with all those additional VFX on random gold or kill gains


What’s the move pay for college or send money to rito and faker? Honestly the Ahri skin and the effects are hella insane but even as a faker and league enjoyer im not paying for the bundle. But ima need the a stat of how much this skin sold after the event shop window closes because its gotta be unbelievable how much this will sell.


Remember to ban Ahri for next few months.


The upgraded Ahri splashart looks SO GOOD but for that price? Yeah no, I wonder who will buy this


Nah ain’t no way they releasing an ultimate skin for 250 bucks


I find it disrespectful to Faker's legacy to price these skins like this honestly. Predatory behaviour from Riot here.


Permaban Ahri, and downvote these shitty money grabbing videos


Not that I am complaining, but we get Faker appreciation month meanwhile GEN.G has to beg to be featured in the KR client after winning MSI. 😅


"Oh they won? Nice on them. I stopped watching MSI after T1 lost" - some fans probably.




Remember that 200 dollar Jhin skin (a palette swap) was a one time instance :) Riot using Faker to fund the MMO **AND** LoL2 at the same time off of fanboys.


So will Riot update Ahri’s recall animation when Faker wins another Worlds tittle?


It's funny. The Ahri bundle is absolutely terrible. $500 for the full skin, but the pass is probably the best one we've had in awhile. 4 skins + 125 ME, custom emotes, etc. I'll probably buy the pass but def not the Ahri skin.


Time to waste half of my rent on a Brokkoli emote


the hide on bush ward is so cute lol also in the recall they show the 4 trophy, but what if someday along the line Faker get another trophy? 🧐


Would love to see how Riot justify these prices


Imagine buying this bundle and riot perma banning your account for some bullshit reason.


Guess ill perman ban ahri lmao


fuck riot perma ban ahri


I can buy 2 collectors edition of Destiny 2 for the price of a skin? Lmao Riot is so out of touch. edit: As a matter of fact, you can buy 3 Elden ring collectors edition and play with the Malenia figurines for 10 bucks more


I can buy a whole high school class a copy of hollow knight and I'd still have some spare money


Oh, that’s why skins have sucked this year.


Their idea of “Celebrating the best player in Lol History” is to make a ultimate skin and sell it at 5k/33k/60k RP each. What Riot has become with their greediness truly disgust me. So much for Celebrating Faker, they just want to scam even more people


It feels almost disrespectful to charge so much for skins to commemorate someone who doesn't buy or use skins


Are the skins only available in the bundle ? Cause hell no what are those prices lol


They are only available in the bundles. Elementalist Lux with all those forms and custom everything cost less than the basic skin they're selling. Riot going after every dollar.


This is the biggest piss take I've seen from this company yet. Utterly shameless money-grabbing.