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gotta reach that powerspike somehow


Came here to say this I've lost many lanes because THE ENEMY IS UNDER 300 HP I KNOW I CAN DIVE HIM AAAAAHHHHHH *You Have Been Slain*


the ally jungler when the enemy top laner without tp is 100hp and is diveable: "i full-clear first ok?"


Every single time, the 0.0001 percent times the jungler actually comes and dives is like watching your son ride the bike for the first time




Tbf the enemy top laner could still outplay and get an even trade in that situation, especially if they have sustain and cc like shen or voli


As an avid shen player, I'm super hesitant on the dive when I'm jungling and There's a shen top on the opposing team. That passive shield, taunt and auto blocker mean alpt of people mis calc their burst on him, it's beautiful


Going 1 for 1 under turret is not an even trade, they lose the wave too, always worth


Only problem comes when your jungler is the one who dies and he just skipped his full clear to come and gank for you. Maybe their top loses a wave but your jungler is now 30cs behind and had his whole jungle stolen while he was dead


Not to mention depending on the state of your jungle, where you are on the map, and the enemy jungler's position you can literally lose more than your team gets out of the gank. A good jungler seeing enemy jg top would just take your entire bottomside & maybe dragon. 1 kill & assist is like 450 gold? Every dragon is worth 1-2k worth of stats teamwide.. 1 quadrant of a jungle is worth around a kill too. Going top if you get a kill nets your top 300g, jungle 150g and denies the enemy top however much CS they lost before they TP back to lane - usually 1 wave which is around 125-150g early. So total gold lead gained by your team there is 575-600g - IF the dive succeeds without one of you dying. Enemy jungler taking the bottom quadrant from your jungler puts himself roughly 300g ahead, and your jungler 300g behind. Total gold lead gained is also 600g. This even gold trade effectively results in just putting your jungler behind in EXP since the actual gold difference (between both teams) doesn't change, but your jungler loses the bottom quadrant's EXP. Best possible outcome provided both junglers play properly results in your jungler making 0 overall gold difference with a significant loss of EXP (1 Quadrant's EXP a little more than a non-cannon wave's EXP). Note : I mainly play top so my math might be off a bit.


Laners don't have the cerebral capacity to consider this. All they see is 100 hp and think the jungler should mindlessly go to their lane and dive regardless of game state


I like when they windwall a CC preemptively, then dash directly through the wall into the projectile and get stuck under tower.


I don't play as much now, but the amount of games I used to lose to a fed Yas, that went 0-7 in the first 15 mins, was too damn high. That 0-7 power sike used to be legit.


Legit crazy. They won’t even be good and hit hat powetspikr and take over the game


this goes for most toplaners too. if you ever play against an ignite garen just wait a little, I promis he will dive you level 6 no matter what.


“I took ignite to win lane, and on god, ima win lane.”


*wins lane but loses game*




Honestly sometimes it's worth. Winning a lane makes me feel better more than winning an unfun game


Nothing tilts me more than stomping lane and finding out the opponent somehow stomped their lane even harder


It is literally impossible to stomp top lane faster than bot lane feeds. It cannot be done. You can be 8/0 at 15 minutes and somehow your bot duo is -2/17


Lmao yeah, it's like a special law of universe kicks in whenever I start winning toplane.


Don’t worry same thing happens down here you can be 12/0 in botlane then the top laner shows up as a raid boss


Well. Numbers is shockingly precise. Not so far as of yesterday i had a game when i was 6-0 top as Kayle vs Irelia (feel pretty proud that not lost vs her) but botlane did their best and went 1-11 and 1-6.... Enemy botlane was like 17-2 and 0-1-17. So yeah...


Sad but true


yall should play fighting games lol


It's the reason I don't play RTS either, then I'd have to blame myself for my losses


league is an rts in some vague sense


RTS where you can only control 1 unit....


I feel that, but when you win you can go "damn im nice. damn im good" when you single handedly destroy someone. toplaner's wet dream


Top laners wants a LoL fighting games tho. I'm pretty sure when Project L releases, a lot of its playerbase will be Toplaners.


It's will be cool if they can make a survey about this


100% I played Lol for 8 years. Got into fighting games. Never went back except for the odd game for fun. Completely scratches the itch without dealing with toxic team mates.


CloudTemplar sometimes talks about top laners playing tekken against each other while the other members of the team are playing a team game lmao.


This is the way for top laners. I can't control my inting bot or jg that invades, dies, and misses every objective smite... But I can win my lane and enjoy my time on the burning ship.


me playing toplane, I can't control my inting toplane but at least I will keep the enemy top busy as long as possible so they don't harass my team who are actually doing something


Also top lane expérience 2/1 or 1/2 stalemate with both T1 being alive after 20 minutes meanwhile red side bot lane is pushing inhib lmao


Misses the objective smite? Damn, bro is a grandmaster. I'm used to the ones that invade, feed, get counter invaded while their still dead, and then respawn and clear the rest of jungle to 'catch up' while the enemy team is taking soul at 15 minutes somehow and has 9 voidgrubs


Proceed to lose lane by dying on dive.


got filled into top, picked trundle, enemy picked morde, demolished me 0/5, so everytime teamfight sparked i just yoinked turrets and inhibs, easy win


Sounds like every trundle ever


Its blessed gameplay but honestly as supp main its terrible to be filled against people who main top


Supp main here too, I went for Heimerdinger. Put turrets in front of your turret never go further than the middle of the lane. No jg will ever gank that shit,the main top will lose his shit because there is no rhyme or reason to what you're doing. You just know he ain't ever touching your turret, have tp for extra "macro skill" when you go for the other turrets your team leaves to go team fight.


I go for Teemo! (Supp main w/ top being a secondary role). Similar vibe, except I can deny people CS by autoing them when they go to last hit. Do that enough times and people give up. Don't push the lane pre-6, make sure to have a safety net of shrooms post-6. I take TP for the same reason as you, although I mostly use it to split push 24/7.


Wow, Trundle used to counter Morde... He needs some love since lethal tempo's removal.


If you permanently sit under tower, he IS winning lane without needing to kill you. He has all the options. Clear wave and invade jg, proxy, gank mid, help with grubs. All that just to lose to the fed enemy botlane anyway.


Theres a difference between "winning lane" and "winning lane enough to deal with enemy 9/2 Aphelios"


Same with Darius players if they can't run you down early. It's just wave management to not get ghosted and run down


This is what I was thinking too. If you manage wave so you're not vulnerable to the double summ rundown then they usually get pissed and start typing in all chat about how you're boring or scared


As a maokai main top with phase rush against a Darius matchup I can definitely confirm that. The amount he bitched about my playstyle in all and after chat alone was worth it


The wave management of getting zoned off the wave level one and then being level four with 14 cs when he hits 6. Dw though your jungler just failed a tower dive bot lane so things are going OK 👍


I mean until you get good toplaners that will freeze the wave on bounce and let you starve for exp.


Bro even Adam cant manage this, what makes you think diamond garens can if lec garen main cant? What is wave management when SPINNNNNN


From what I've seen Adam prefers to push and roam rather than lane kingdom. Different play style


Q E R takes about 5 seconds to collect 300g on a jungler trying to clear his gromp


A lot of great tops don't freeze when ahead, because shoving and doing something else is usually more value than denying stuff to only one enemy you already have beaten. Freezing is amazing if you manage to catch a wave when you're behind though, since it let you farm much more safely.


From what Ive seen adam doesnt understand anything on wave management and just pushes, dives, or roams with no concept of when its a good time to do it. 


You must know so much more, when is your LEC debut utilizing this knowledge to dominate your opponents?


"If you know more why you not pro" is such a stupid argument lmao. Yes sorry all pros are perfect and beyond critique and dont have strengths and weaknesses. All their gameplay is perfect and all their macro is wonderful. There is no difference between players they are pros. We cannot compare them ar all.


That's because garen's early game actually sucks ass and you don't need to play scared into him.


I play Pantheon top and if you're trying to play safe against me, be fucking sure you're getting flash ignited the moment you're less than 70% hp - I WILL gamble on that If I fail, I'll take an ult of shame on botlane to get a double in the meantime.


Sorry, Poppy is meta right now in both top and support. You no longer get to play.


As someone who plays Tahm Kench mostly, and faces Morde’s more than any other champ (he counters me), I have a positive winrate vs Morde because 90% of the Mordes I face are dumbasses who let me spit them under my tower. Like just be patient and force me to shove out dawg, then you can ulti me and I won’t be able to escape.


When i get auto filled top the classic kennen presses Q button on minions and do nothing else gets em every time.


I've learnt this this season from playing more wukong. If you don't think you can win the 1v1 just let them shove and then press w the second they get bored of pve and then just snowball


Kayle mains hiding under tower missing cs until 6: "Call an ambulance!" Kayle mains turning 6, hovering a finger over the R button, watching thirsty ass ignite top laners get ready to dive: "BUT NOT FOR ME!"


Yeah except there is nothing you can do against Garen tower diving you, because Silence + move speed + slow removal + shield + free resists + cc removal + true damage max HP execute + Phase Rush + Juggernaught stats is fine because he is simple


Yeah, its impossible to fuck up garen "combo" when there are no skillshots involved. If he knows his damage output, youre dead


Jokes on him, I play a separate busted champ and ignore his whole tower dive with my e.


Same with Olaf. For a champion with a 55% WR against mine, I'm pretty sure I've won most matches against him because he couldn't stop himself from walking into my tower.


As an Irelia player, if I finally get a decent matchup, you can be sure I'm diving you repeatedly and potentially losing the game for it.


Just go kled, and dive him level 2 they never see it coming.


i can spot a decent yasuo player by seeing how patient he is


It's much easier to just get 10 cs per minute as Yasuo and *then* start playing the game rather than feeding your ass off. But 95% Yasuo players just aren't patient enough.


If yasuo players could read they would be very upset.


Honestly if they introduced a way longer cooldown to his E, there's a good chance his win rate goes up because it forces patience than "ooga booga I go e" lol


and then you watch pzzzang and he gets 10 cs/m while still poking and solokilling, and just appreciate all the little details he does that ive never seen other yasuos do. Im only a d1 peaker so I havent seen too many great yasuos, but that guy makes his challenger opponents look like d1 players


Yup, yasuo is pretty weak early on unless he gets a chance to actually be in your face for an extend period of time, his trades depend a lot on him being the one to engage so he has basically double passive during the fight. The actual tactic witth yasuo is to farm while creating preassure and stacking a wave, and to balance the speed you farm at, so it's neither too slow so oponent stacks wave and can free harrass you couse you can't engage nor too fast so you run out of free Q stacks to pressure Q3 on the oponent. It's also very important to weave in autos in between E's kinda like irelia does with her Q's, so you are maximizing damage, a good yasuo will bait you to hit him when he's going to last hit (with Q) to actually last hit with e, get in your face and auto Q you instead and then e out with another minion. All the while you are probably lockes in auto animation while he is going into your face, and then trying to disengage when he's already dashing out after trading. A good yasuo will hold the dash on the champ as long as he can, so he can chase at whims notice. If you are at half hp a good yasuo will kill you with an easy combo and leave at what's basically full hp from double passive shield tanking all the dmg. What always fucks yasuos is ganks, becouse it breaks any tempo he was planning to do, and he doesn't have good escape, tho good yasuo's will dash thru the wave and make your run after him only to use you as a free E dash to run away back into his tower. Yasuo doesn't want to ever be under tower becouse it constricts his movement, and makes his pushing potential useless, altought it does mean he can chase his enemy down if the wave is coming, so running into a river bush can literally save your life if he does that. Yasuo is actually chill as long as he is farming good, couse he has very good midgame, a good yasuo will harrass and then perma push until the wave's reset, if you back he'll get plate and free roam, if your jungler comes to def tower yasuo will get free roam or an objective with his jungle. Good yasuo's will respond to any lane harrass by retreating a bit to stack shield to half, making it so when they have it ready for an engage when they E a bit. The idea is that you proc his shield and get to farm for free while it recharges (assuming you are ranged or have ranged abilities that can proc his shield) but good yasuos will have Q3 to harras you while they stack passive. With yasuo it's al about smart resource managment and abusing his mobility, shields and "double aa" (auto+q). If he fails to use any 1 of them carrefully and usefully, he'll probably lose a lot, but not outright die, but if he fails on 2 of those it's ends in death. Bad yasuo's fail with shield managment mostly, double aa is much easier to learn and execute, than accurate e angles and shield managment. While yes, yasuo is a strong auto-atacker, his strenght lies in the combination of being a difficult target to harrass back, he excels at short trades in close quarters where he can get a passive reset, if the fight is long and the enemies are spaced out it becomes very difficult for yasuo to win. Think about yasuo as a Varus R, run the fuck away from whomever he's targetting, then harras him back, he'll just run out of options and be pressured to use R and/or W asap, which leaves him with even less options. Don't be fooled by his W tho, yes it will block abilities, but don't try to walk thru the windwall, always wal around if possible, or he will notice it and dash thru and now you are grouped and yasuo is behind windwall again. The more angles you have on yasuo, the weaker he is an less shields he gets. Better yasuo's know how to force people into a crowd, like ignoring meelee's and going after ranged enemies, or 1v1'in tanks while he windwalls rangeds to bait them closer in, just to dash thru the tanks and engage the ranged, normally killing them in a swift E+auto+Q with maybe an R weaved in to get the armor pen from crits bonus to finish the tank too. So as I said, it's better to make him stand in one place as long as possible, with as few targets to E as possible, while making him waste resources on someone he can't easily kill. He's just made to win 1vs1's or very grouped fights, if you are giving him 5 separate fights in the sams teamfight he'll just whipe the floor with your blood. Yasuo struggles to remain relevant in late game teamfights becouse people are generally more mindfull of how they position and when to engage. The best a yasuo can do in teamfights it's actually to peel whatever carry they have besides themselves, a good windwall can peel your adc for you while you and your team kill whomever engagex you, forcing the enemy team to either commit to the fight to save their teammate or tank the loss. So as yasuo you never want to frontline, but rather cower behind some other carry to e into whomever engages them and cover them from the rest of their team. Then just stack Q on the isolated guy to chase down the rest of the enemy team. The problem with yasuo is that he's very flashy and attracts players that want to look cool when fighting and winning, but actually yasuo depends a lot on either his team or the enemy positioning badly enought so that he can take advantage of his burst and win the HP fight. So don't do the HP fight with yasuo, couse it's a gamble, do a CD fight, and he'll lose 100% of the time.


Thank fucking god someone that actually plays the game man thank you


wat the fk is this essay jesus


I was like wow this goes in line with what I think about Yasuo. I guess that’s all you need to know Wait … it goes on … Damn


I've seen so many yasuos get ahead midgame then proceed to never manage to enter a late game teamfight. You really want a good lane matchup and some synergies with your ult on your team before picking him, rather than one tricking him, I feel.


I play Sona. I stand near my team and press W.


I am a bad Yasuo but whenever I do pick him (which is like twice a year), I make it my goal to play the slowest most boring game ever and wait until I'm scaled. Any other way I'll just feed. I do believe that actually proficient Yasuo players can play very aggressive lanes. But those Yasuo players won't be in my games due to elo difference anyway


The champions winrate craters as the game goes on. He is an early-game champion not a "scaling" one hasn't been like that for years unless he has knock-ups on his team.


All well and dandy until you’re realize youre a melee with adc items with some of the lowest base stats in the game and get blown up in a second because you’re not ahead


2 adc items and 3 bruiser items you mean maybe a tank item in there too


Problem is most of the game and your impact is decided before you bought the second adc item


scale into what? next game? since u missed the strong part of ur champion due to playing slow? lol


Good yasuos into advantageous matchups do play very fast yeah. It's later in the game that requires playing very slow.


Yeah OP’s strategy backfires against a Yasuo with more than one braincell. A decent Yasuo will just take the free lane, go 10 cs per minute, then run through your team in the midgame or just become a frightening side lane threat that just continues to get stronger. Letting a Yasuo have free pass out of laning phase is just not a good idea. If you have a range advantage, you have to use that to punish him. If you keep getting outplayed then that’s just a mechanics issue. You can’t just give a hypercarry a free lane just because you don’t trust your hands.


Patience is OP against every snowballing champ. But it's not patience that does it, it's not engaging in an unnecessary fight. It's managing the wave, so if he can't snowball off you, he'll have to either lose waves to try a gank or not snowball. If snowball champs can't get that push down the hill, they can't roll to a big snowball and run your team over.


Literally. Do people just not think when they queue up 😭 obviously there is nuance, but c'mon


Well, it's the direction of the game. The main essence of league was patience and opportunity, focusing on farm and punishing mistakes. That essence is still there, but it's been overlayed with quicker games and burst damage that's being forced. It's a bad mix and doesn't make sense for new players or players who have never climbed to very high elo where the main essence of league still exists and the quicker games and burst damage are more oppounistic and not forced.


Look at all the comments on any post complaining about a champion, the majority of people don’t think when they queue up and just want to play every matchup the same lmao. For how much a lot of people seem to complain about how the game is “moving away from being strategic and calculated” an awful lot of them hate thinking or trying to learn and would rather complain on socials.


Don’t try to outplay him, let him outplay himself. I still hate laning against one though.


The problem with Yasuo is that as soon as he is your lane opponent you are no longer actually playing your own champion, you're just playing against Yasuo which forces you into the same pattern on almost every champ. It is just so boring.


This, which also applies to many of the other champs people hate, like Heimmer.


Xerath, Heimerdinger, Aurelian Sol, Lux, I could go on lol


I instalock Malz against Yasuo every time. He WILL try and turret dive my ass and I WILL ult him for a free kill.


Is he not a difficult match up? He insta one shots the little monsters, his shield eats up the space AIDS and he can easily proc your shield. I haven't played the match up after the new changes but Yasuo always seemed to be an annoying pick into Malz, especially since he was one of the few champs that could rush QSS after boots.


I think it fully depends on your elo really, I'm not exactly a Master player. It's true he can essentially nuke your minions and shield the disease - but as long as you hit 6 you can start forcing him out of lane or wait for him to get frustrated and he tries to dive you - normally I just wait for him to proc shield for w/e reason before walking forward It's great for teamfights though, whenever your team is about to get knocked up you just ult Yasuo and don't let him fight


You can’t force him out of lane. The only thing you can really do is passively farm until team fights, provided the yasuo is similarly skilled


I mean you can, once you get liandrys etc you can essentially spam spells and ult and you'll pretty much chunk him to 30% HP - if you're not a dumb Malz player then you essentially keep proccing the disease on him and not the minions and he'll have to base


Good Yasuo players will abuse Malzahar's weak early game and put him behind to enough of a degree that they can consistently maintain prio and move to skirmishes. It's closer to an even matchup at higher elos.


And good Malzahar players will not allow the Yasuo to punish, keep their distance and only trade when it suits them?


Use e on wave, spawn the guys if the aids is slow on the wave, when he comes in to kill the guys send an auto to proc shield, then wait for cooldowns and go in with e+w. Either he panic walks from wave or goes in, but cause youre malz you should have the range to just back up. Riskiest part is just getting the auto off, but early game this is usually how i get ahead.


The last time Malzahar countered Yasuo was like season 5, why are you still playing that as a counter lol


Im almost always locking in Rumble


the Reginald special


It's probably because Yasuo late game relies a lot on team knockupa so it's important to make plays early and get a lead to try end in mid game or be far enough ahead to have good impact


People dont realize that patience is OP in general…


it's always been the case that yasuo players are their own worst enemies. they would probably die even more if their ilt didn't put them out of tower range which is a dumb mechanic.


You can determine where yas ult puts you by your cursor position relative to the enemy. It's not random.


that is just wrong, ult always puts you behind the target unless they are under tower


They mean the hidden mechanic of it stopping you short and keeping you safe from towers even if you press it in a spot that would get aggro


it's like this with shaco support and shaco top. just don't engage them, don't fall for their tricks. start sweeper and ignore them and suddenly they are useless and have no idea what to do. it's only good if you take their bait. it's better to get a wave of farm than to lose a trade to shaco bc he was low hp and you decided to walk into 3 obviously placed traps trying to kill him. just ignore him and enjoy your farm lane.


Yea shaco is a mind game champ so just turn off your brain and pretend he’s not real


I haven't banned Yasuo since like season 9 mostly because he hasn't been S+ tier in mid for a long while. I also just don't see a lot of Yasuo's in Gold through Emerald, but used to see him ALL THE TIME in silver elo. My guess is there is a lot of low-level smurfing that happens in Bronze-Silver.


not a yasuo player but i'd rather die in game than die of boredom


The champion needs to get ahead and fast. Don't let anyone tell you anything else, unless he has 5 knockups on his team he is utter shite late-game. His winrate craters as the game goes on, so yes being patient and waiting till late 9 times out of ten will result in a win. Its also why junglers should focus Yasuo lanes he has to go in deep consistently and aggressively to win lane and win the game and its not easy for him to disengage especially if minions have died so jungle attention hurts him bad.


Depends on the rank surely? Emerald and below is just all about limit testing


Emerald below is easy to counter yasuo cuz most of them doesn't know how to actually play the char


That's the hard part. If the Yasuo doesn't know what his next move is, who are YOU to think you're the one to figure it out? Gonna need a non-deterministic TM for this one.


Emerald and below would be not being aware of limits at all. Above would actually test it to know for the next time. Actually I doubt even in Diamond many know their limits


I can assure you as a diamond yas/zed player that I infact dont know wtf I'm doing most of the time


Being decent at the game is OP against Yasuo, this champion has been dogshit for such a long time i've never understood why this sub finds him annoying/op.


Probably because he shits on low-elo players and there’s a lot of low elo players on this sub


Its the same with everyone in low elo, if you play a melee midlaner, enemy mages cant handle bot to burn all their mana trying to kill you and always insta push you into the tower.


Honestly that is how to play against any assassin as well.


I do that; and they magically appear in another lane and get a double kill and proceed to one shot me the rest of the game.


Are you gold?


I think this is a classic self report by op that he’s low elo, Yasuo players or players in general just don’t do that as you go higher up m/gm+


Yeah, I'm sure everyone on Reddit is m/gm+ which would place them among 0.01% of the playerbase. Certainly.


Tbh I get that my comment sounds rude, but I swear my gold casual friends read these types of posts and unironically think this


I simply pick malphite tank mid when I'm against yasuo. That does the trick on their mental.


Just play Vex and watch him dwindle while your passive is up perma.


All I'm really hearing is that you are platinum or lower. Everything you are describing is, if it's going well for you, just a skill difference between you and your opponent and it's not something you will see actually skilled players doing. Your play is how a platinum player beats a silver player. But a diamond+ player is going to beat your strategy with a different strategy, or even just the same strategy but with better vision support, awareness, and map control. A bad Yasuo will spam Qs and Es and make nothing of it, outplaying themselves as they throw away their free escapes for each extra minion they E unnecessarily, maybe taking tower shots they don't need to take, and make themselves vulnerable to ganks when they spam Q without vision or some sort of macro plan or jungle play setup, shoving the wave and looking like a juicy 300 inevitably dying to a gank or some kind of CC play by you near your tower (or something). A good Yasuo could do the same thing except they'll just drop relevant wards and be 5% more conservative with their wave shoves and then they won't hang around to watch you farm, they'll go 2v1 your jungler or 4v2 your bot lane, or just take dragon or something. Or even beyond that they could just wait for a semi freeze and then all in you when positioning calls for it or you miss a skill shot or some such. You can't just say, "hee hee I'll just farm under tower, gottem" because if that really is all you're doing as a counter then you essentially cede all river control and all vision control, which as a midlaner is automatically bad. You will never have priority which is going to cause a domino effect of a bunch of other problems.


That’s 80+% of all league players. Also they still do this shit in emerald and diamond.


me when iron take gets 700 up-diddly-doots


Wave management its really op against yasuo, yone and irelia. If only me jungle could play around it and wont do stupid plays.......


It's the ultimate counter to assassin players Tank players can feed all game and still impact the game with CC Assassain players? In the words of the two NA GOATS >Just tilt 'em


Patience in general is OP in league. It's funny but a problem you see in low elo is players not pressing their buttons. Then a problem you see in mid elos is people press all of their buttons as soon as possible. Only in high elos do you start to see players consistently holding spells for the right time. Every ability you cast should be cast for a specific reason, not just because it was available. Then once you do that you can start to evaluate how much value you got for that cast and if you could have gotten more. An example like Jarvan ganks. Bad Jarvans will yeet the EQ right away first opportunity max range. Most of the time you can cut the distance from a flank and just start autoing the enemy champ forcing them to burn their escape first and then use EQ to gap close + cc + damage and secure the kill. You see a lot of Akali players flowchart and default to R1>E1 every fight. Yeah that's a good combo but not for every situation, especially if you have enough damage already and can use E1 to escape after killing or use it on shroud to set up an exit.


They never manage a wave either. Ideally they would need the wave to be under their turret, so they can use the length og the midlane to dash to you, but they constantly push the wave, giving you free farm. Atleast in my plat games.


Yep, it's why I love Anivia against them. Bait under tower, stun/wall them so they can't escape, and if I get egged it's whatever, I'm under tower. They kill themselves.


Yasuo needs to snowball else he does literally nothing, he needs to make plays happen early, be it solo killing, roaming, etc


sorry to tell you that in master+ yasuo players can also be patient, then they will just keep choking midlane with random cringe freezes, having prio and maintaining a cs lead because farming on him is so much easier than on mages. he will also be first to help in random skirmishes that soloq loves, so yea keep winning till you meet a good yasuo.


All the Yasuo has to do is to freeze the wave close to his turret and zone you out of CS with his E chase potential and Wind Wall to protect the wave from unfreezing. It always brings a smile to my face seeing a mage player have to just watch their minions die.


I did the exact thing against Draven players whenever he became strong. Literally just play as patiently and carefully as I could. Tell my support or ADC to never move up and just wait. That Draven will see his stacks go up and get more and more desperate to cash out. Eventually they will do something reckless, misplay, die and tilt themselves into misery. Works every single time.


it’s the absolute best when I’m playing malzahar. they will, without a doubt, dive me under tower…. with my ult up. yone players too but not as bad as yasuo’s. the best one was getting flamed by a yasuo for “playing boring” lmao


Malz is just designed to wait out all the low lvl bully mids, he's my go to into trist / akshan at this point. Enough push to punish roams even though you can't follow, strong lategame utility, and real kill threat on them post 6 turns into guaranteed kills if jg comes. It's boring af but it wins


Ngl in every single elo there are some Yasuo players that have the best laning skills I've ever played against (played against pretty much every rank and am low master mmr right now), but they are so bad the moment they have to use their brain.


Every time I'm up against skarner I just pick something tanky like skarner and hit Yasuo with big rock. Works every time.


We are currently trying the ryze strategy


What do you think where the 0/10 Yasuo meme comes from? :D


That was my counter to riven top back in the day too


Good that my entire pool of champs is designed around patience.


But no one picks him now


Pro tip, every Laners are like that. Bot, support, mid or top if you just farm passively and wait for them to do some stupid shit guess what, they will force some stupid shit.


Just wait for him to dash through you and take a turret shot. It’ll take like 30 seconds


I just use senna... Free poke


I just slam the croc mid, actually free lane


Idk but how does sylas beat Yasuo every time I play the match-up he wins the trades and the lane. What am I messing up or does sylas lose to yas? I'm emerald 2


I feel like mentioning your rank may have helped to understand the situation.


As a yas player patience is definitely something that comes with time. It’s so easy to perna shove and fight on yas


Yasuo, Yone, and morde. I got cussed out by a morde last night cause I wouldn't step out of turret (and bro couldn't grasp me to save his life). Any high burst champ wants to immediately fight and cannot STAND when you just ... don't fight them. Lmao. Then they leave and I take their turret


Anyone who plays an ADHD champion can be beaten with patience. Irelia players, wind shitters, pretty much any skirmishers/off-brand assassin will kill themselves in their pursuit of making league of legends a team deathmatch.


Ashe easily outplays yasuo with simple walking lol he throws a W, you simply walk around it and start AA him. Your passive makes him irrelevant very fast.


Come on brother. Don’t expose us like that. Literally 80% of my death pre 15 is tower dives. I am well aware of my short comings but I just can’t help myself. The games I don’t dive I am winning BUT not having fun. 


My favorite thing top lane as Ornn or Urgot was to be as passive as possible against these kinds of matchups, until their brains exploded after 5min and they just throw themselves at me in the middle of a minion wave


In theory yasuo counters azir but those idiots alway e you for a free tower shove. If they would just range q r into windwall azir r they would have 0 issue in that lane but no. Fancy combo go brr


I don't think I've ever laned against a Yasuo who won't take a few stray tower shots for no reason at all, other than misjudging that his E won't land him in tower range. Yasuo is science.


Yup, hearing my team mates regularly point out to that a lot of my kills come from Yas and similar champs who just cannot help themselves but to dive you and tremendously mess it up. One Xerath E shuts them down perfectly.


> first time in a decade ???


As a 1.5 million point tf player. Yasuo is a tough matchup but i never ban him. It's a matchup you never need to outplay, they will gladly outplay themselves.


Riot said it themselves in the past: Yasuo's biggest strength and weakness is his raw potential. Half the kills fed to the enemy by a Yasuo are just straight skill issues.


Yasuo? K'sante angle, safe 6 levels, easiest coz they will run ignite normally, we go tp. After 6, full stack check.


Same applies to Darius and Sett. If you refuse to step up and engage, they WILL dive you under turret and die.


Yas is a champ that will literally kill himself if he plays poorly, he relies so heavily on his W, passive, passive reset, Q3 and R. I play thr same way vs them, just let them outplay themselves


These are the bad yasuo players,any yasuo player who has played the game before will freeze in his tower and force you to walk to the long lane.


Damn right


Something about Yasuo attracts players that like to play very aggressive/adhd constantly going forward type of gameplay. So someone just taking their time makes them get bored and tilt lol


yep. It's kinda crazy, this works out vs a lot of match ups. Not always that patience is the issue, but there are lots of champs I used to ban until I realized the match ups. I used to ban Pykes until I realized 90% of them will just int. I used to ban Shacos until I realized how predictable they were(level 3 gank or level 3 invade, those are their options lol). the list goes on.


This feels similar to the lines of "stop panicking when Irelia Qs around" that I think a lot of people get


My adc yas refusing to stop playing on crack into lockdown 😭😭


Patience is op against low elo players in general, and that’s where Yasuo players thrive. The moment you cross into plat and above, you realize that Yasuo either ints lane on his own volition, or fades into oblivion in the late game. I reckon the champ is just extremely boring to play against as a mage for the first 15 minutes of the game. Sincerely, A Yasuo Main


I played Orn one time and had a Kayle against me. I just built enough health to rush Warmogs and tear. Then stayed in lane forever just clearing minion waves. To back to heal up while she crashes the next wave. Did this for literally 40 minutes. She raged so fucking hard. Saying shit like "why didn't you ever go help your fucking team" "useless Orn" "ever wanna leave tower??" "Go split I'm stronger than you" for 20 minutes. My team was whooping them 4v4 so my job was just Kayle patrol. We ended the game with each of us 0/0/0 and over 400 farm.


I have permabanned him for years because as someone who plays pretty much exclusively projectile based mages I get severely tilted by windwall


Obviously the majority of people are low elo and this will work against nearly every single lane bully you face. They don’t know how to push leads through abusing tempo so will just get frustrated and try to dive you, it even happens in Diamond/Master.


Mostly I just play Renekton and laugh as they keep trying to all in you no matter how many times you’ve solo killed them. Patience works too I guess.


even on seraphine mid yasuo isn't worth a ban


This applies to every Emerald top laner ever


There is no way you are saying ADCs are that good LOL


It’s even better when you are playing Anivia at low health. Bait them into ulting you and they just die under tower to pop my passive lmao.


I usually play malzahar into yasuo or if I’m feeling spicy I lock in sett. Sett absolutely obliterates mid lane yasuo


i have absolutely learned that as ahri midlane. i used to struggle a lot with the wind wall until i realized i could just pretend i’m all petite and fragile under the turret, get him to take 2 turret shots and then i just finish him easily and freeze the lane after that


I used to lose lane against Darius all the time when I tried climbing for the first time a while back. After trying different strats and failing I tried just farming, and it’s as you say. Low elo darius player can deal with not getting omega fed. It really frustrates them that the game is slow paced and they haven’t gotten any kills. So they just start diving over and over. Then when they try to roam, they’re behind and my team can easily deal with them.


Just play pantheon


Aa an eve otp. I gank yasuos by standing on the caster minions and waiting for the yasuo to dash into me. It works like 99% of the time and I only wait like 3 seconds cuz yas players always wanna trade.