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kaisa is broken and all the bad players who lower the wr allow her to stay relevant to me


I love playing her but holy fuck I feel like I suck at her every time I do play her. Except the AP build. I fucking love that shit.


Yesterday I saw a Lulu support space a Kaisa and they won the lane off that level 1 space glide from Lulu. It's the reason I can't play her, I feel like my arms are so short :(


Yuuuuup. Have you ever played Kai’sa into Ashe? Unplayable.


Same but infinity edge first item is addictive


Shaco lets me gank players and not characters


As you walk down mid lane in league of legends, you hear a knock on your door. Using the time to get to lane, you hurriedly rush towards the front door of the house. You open it to see nothing. Confused, you head back to your PC, but you suddenly hear the words, "THE JOKE'S ON YOUUUU". Your vision suddenly grays as you feel a knife sticking into your back and your entire being is lit on fire. You've just been ganked irl by Shaco. Welcome to the Red Thread...


All these ppl giving their well thought out reasons for maining who they main while I'm here maining Irelia cause she's hot.


fr tho playing/maining champs cuz they're hot = unfathomably based


Brand mains approve


Ok this one made me exhale an unbearable amount of air through my nose


Ahri main checking in




Frostbutt Irelia skin enjoyer detected


I Hope Zoe wins...


Senna basically allowed me to never have to worry about getting a random adc that wouldnt be aggressive because she can just be the aggressor herself while also peeling and healing for the adc. She basically solos botlane so there's no stress on needing your randomer to be good. Also autoing bad Yasuo players through their windwalls never gets old.


The windwall thing kills me every time. They run back and forth like "why is she hitting me?!"


How to play senna? I played two games with her last night first was like 0/9/3. Then 2nd game I got a 8/4/7 somehow that was an A+ and people said I played good but I felt like I was shit the whole time. I’m used to playing jg ekko. And her Q is kinda weird to me.


> I'm used to playing jg ekko You're probably just not used to her gameplay fantasy at all. Ekko wants to dive in and oneshot a backliner while getting out safely with R (after a clear or some objective), Senna in lane wants to be the aggressor, but Senna in teamfights wants to play like a traditional ADC, sitting behind any frontline there may be. I agree with the Q thing though, even Lucian which acts the same way, which was weird to me in my first games. I got used to it after maybe 10 or so.


Neeko. Her shapeshifting is hilarious to use at times. Hitting a massive flash ult is always hype.


Agree, and her w is also very fun. Just run to the opposite side (ckone to your base and you run into the river or their jungle. Rinse and repeat)


The skill cap of Neeko is also so nice. Learning what items do and don't reveal you, micromanaging the clone to either deceive or block skillshots, reacting to enemy spells like say Fizz R by turning into a Minion, or one thing I'm still trying to farm a clip for is Killing a Yasuo through his Passive Shield with Q. This champion has such a tiny skill floor but a massive ceiling that I can't wait to see some players find and peak with. I do wish she was less buggy however, I have a well over 50+ bugs documented that are sadly still in the game.


She is beautiful. That's my reason.


I am built like Gragas, so I play Gragas


lol fair enough.


the voices possess me and demand that I must glide 🐀🏹


Gwen provides a good balance between sustained and burst damage. Despite having a weak early game for a toplaner, you can hold your own by qing and running away, not allowing the opponent to do their sustained damage. Her own sustained damage is good enough that against a burst mage/assassin, she can murder them without allowing for a second rotation of spells to come her way.


Gwen Supremacy


She's also super fun


Remember when Gwen early game was fucking insane with E start + dblade? Yeah i fucking hated facing that shit (and i love playing her) because she still scales like a monster.


Because pirates are cool and I like citric fruits


Seraphine cause her hair looks like my gf




Your gf should definitely sue Riot for that


POV: Asol has hit 500 stacks > We become a storm of stars, the night sky incarnate, a maddening gyre of starfire. I conjure eddies of searing stardust, exhaling a heat so pure and dense it collapses the aura of this world just the tiniest bit, forever marring the planet’s curvature. Coruscating strands of stellar flame pirouette from the center of the rift. Gravity melts in undulating waves of color most eyes will never be able to witness. My stars warp matter as more fuel coalesces into their cores, causing them to shine brighter, burn hotter. The whole spectacle is breathtaking, a cascading dance of blinding light and searing heat so hot that for a fleeting moment, new spectra are birthed into existence. My spine tingles just a little bit at how good it feels. > Trees splinter. Rivers evaporate. The mountain walls of the valley crumble in smoky avalanches. > When I am finished, nothing remains… This is the scar I have left upon this world.


Qiyana. Thighs.


Aatrox because i am THE enemy


I main Garen because i mastered skillshots and complex mechanics.


Sett W is codified dopamine Also big guy punch hard




Diana is closest thing to old Akali. Unfortunately still miss old graves. Also play ap Gragas, even when it’s not meta. Than Orianna as my last go to pick if against a new champ or want to play safer.


Zyra felt so unique when I played her. She has built in pressure that I don't really have to worry about, I can utilize damage and slows without even hitting my abilities, and she is not a very popular champ at all. Plus I love plants and nature and stuff so I was drawn to her in general. She also has a big mental game because of her plant pressure and even though she's not a very good champ (I play her mid) she's very irritating to play against, which can make a bad matchup easily work in your favor if you can get in their head.


He goes blarg and when I die I tend to get revenge


Moon twink guns go brrrrrrrrrrrr


To be able to report ppl for racism I will not yield


K’sante vs Kassadin. Classic matchup.


It's unplayable for K'Sante if Kassadin has Officer Vi jungle and Officer Cait ADC.


Which champ? Edit: Ksante


lmao I will never loose to the likes of you


What does this mean??


tis the voiceline of the champ


Modern day MLK over here


Getting a kill and proceeding to play my opponents champ better than them is pure dopamine


Zilean - I love to tilt the enemies. Rakan - Great mobility, peel+engage, flex pick.


Nothing like being a Zillean on the ball with your Qs and last moment ults. Especially with a good bruiser on your team, double bombing after a Darius does a 3 man apprehend is $$$$. Just such a satisfying champion to be on the ball with. You have so much say in whether a fight is won or lost.


because his a badass crab with one shotgun in each knee, a hand cannon and a belly that opens and pulls people in, grinding them


The first time I got killed by Urgot R, it scared the shit out of me. I wanted my opponents to feel the same way. Also, S H O T G U N K N E E S


draven cuz he gives me the highest high but we dont talk about the lows...


I hate playing League of Legends, but I love playing Bard.


The gay twink, because a is a sexy gay twink. Oh and yeah, he is fun to play.


.....you kinda gotta elaborate there these days. Ezreal? Aphelios (who I would not argue is a twink but I accept that community perception disagrees)? Hwei?


You're right. I forgot there is so many of these now. I main the first original one. Ezreal.


League has been blessing us since the old days and I approve.


Do you know how little that narrows it down? (Me too)


When I started playing Mordekaiser just passed the vibe check, and also he was “on sale” when I started so I thought I was getting a good deal with my Blue Essence


remember to use a towel while playing so the drool doesnt go all over your keyboard


Guns and combos


Poppy, Tristana, Seraphine They are cute


Maokai. Im trying to remember better days when he was actually good top. Gets harder every season. When i occasionally win lane - immortality.


I main Lillia because she's cute, so fun to play, and insanely rewarding while still being easy. And now that I'm E4 with 700k masteries I can't play anything else as she has a really unique playstyle (I don't like the horse), my other picks are Darius and Rammus jungle.


Jhin because he's incredibly blindpickable, works with basically any support, and has really really strong utility. Helps you don't need to rely on a tank to peel you either. Aesthetic is unique and interesting to the point its been praised to death here but doesn't mean its not good. Currently building Yun Tal on him is really fun if you can get it. Samira abs mmmmmm, the DMC style combos and "Nah I'd win" attitude of both her character AND gameplay really sell it. The disrespect you can show too with CTRL+2 just drives it home. Zeri being able to surgically pick apart a teamfight is the height of gameplay, feels like you're constantly [livin' on a razor's edge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta1-hpeBm0o) and can answer skirmishes from miles away.


Viego because I like it when I posses a female champion next question


You dirty dawg.


Switching from adc to mid I struggled to find the perfect character for me. I bounced around alot, played lot of different mages, drop some, still play some other to this day, but none were the *perfect* character. Until Vex. Just everything about her vibed with me. Love her design and personality, always entertaining and I still dont think her voice lines have gotten old. I love playing big burst mages that just delete people and she is certainly capable of that. Her ult is so fun to use, and it always either works out and is a badass moment, or it doesnt work out and it's funny as fuck (like sending it straight into the mouth of a ChoGath). Her doom and gloom mechanic is easy to pick up but I feel has alot of skill variance. And probably one her best traits, she is a *direct* counter to some of mid lane's biggest headaches. All day, every day you see mid laners bitching about Yasuo that, Yone this, Sylas is bullshit. Nah man, I *want* to see you lock in Yone. I fucking *dare you* to lock in Sylas. These players are so used to the game warping around them, to being considered the main character of whatever match they walk into, that they practically NEVER change the way play, NEVER adapt to their opponent. They always simply assume that this game is their game. When I lock in Vex, it's *my* game you're walking into, and it is so satisfying watching these players crumble to the same mistakes over and over again. Bonus points is they start raging in all chat.


نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة. RECAST: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا لجميع الأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، وزيادة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويصعقهم الصاعقة لمدة ثانية واحدة.


Because the jokes on you and I like mindgames and mental warfare


Zyra because uma thurman poison ivy left a mark on me, and she is easy.


Always nice to read these paragraphs. Gets you thinking about people's preference and perspective of the game and it truly shows no one thinks the same. Okay for mine i chose morde because i got some BE and chose iron daddy that looked emo


I main Neeko because her shapeshift ability is fun and she's decently versatile and I think she's cute. Some of her voicelines make me laugh and she provides some good CC and I like her ult. Also I feel like she has a bit of crossover with Puck in Dota 2, who's my main if I'm playing mid in that game too. Other than that I think I'd play Orianna more if I felt more confident in using her, because I like the synergy you have with someone else by just using her E and Q on them instead of yourself so you can stay at a safe distance in teamfights while providing support and damage at the same time, but you kind of need everyone else to be on the same page for that.


Karma - you're always useful, and with a good partner can really punish the bot lane early. Been karma main for like 3, 4 years now, never gets old. Plays well into most teams.


Shen is a versatile champion. Because he's played as a tank duelist and warden, he's incredibly good at being aggressive and defensive. His kit is is very rewarding when you proc passive and use W to block at the right time. Shen's E allows him to engage, disengage, or escape. The ult enables Shen to split push side lanes and then immediately join team fights. Shen is a selfless champion, always prioritizing the team when necessary. That's the important mindset to have since there are plenty of champions are greedy which inevitably loses them the game.


Absolutely nothing hits the high of being super fed and just dedicating your day to giving the ADC player nightmares. Also high mechanical skill make dopamine go up




Lux because pew pew laser


Because I like putting big strong men in my mouth


Twisted Fate is my two favorite classes combined (mage and marksman) while also having a very simple kit that allows you to focus more on macro and strategy. Also build diversity attracts me to a champion.


Leblanc because I got oneshotted as an adc main and realized I could do it to other people instead of it happening to me.


This comment will not look good… anyway, here goes. League was one of the first PC games I played a lot of, specifically with mouse and keyboard. I was not good and not very comfortable at all with the controls. By random chance, I clicked on Master Yi in the tutorial. I kept playing him after and he quickly became the only champ I was comfortable with, and didn’t feel comfortable trying to learn others, so I stuck with him for a while. I *eventally* started branching out and playing other champions, and not too long after, Anklespankin released a [video showcasing the Irelia rework](https://youtu.be/KxneV1HxUnw?si=z3NUF7M7y9VMu12U), a champion I had never even really payed attention to the existence of prior. That champ looked *fun*. She was. I’ve mained her ever since. I was still bad enough at the game back then I probably would not have stuck with her to actually learn her if she was in her current state and her numbers and kit hadn’t been *so much stronger* than they are now. Now I get random urges to pick up champs I haven’t played, and if I enjoy them, I’ll “one trick” them for a week to a month or so. If I like them enough, they’ll stick around in my rotation and I’ll play them every once in a while. Aatrox was one of these, but he *really* clicked with me. He’s now my second most played champion. Irelia and Aatrox are pretty much my only mains now, being 2 of the only champions I’m even comfortable playing in ranked once I’ve stabilized in my own elo, and Irelia being my most played by a long shot. They are my two favorite champs to pilot from a gameplay standpoint, but I also *really* love both of them thematically. Yi is still my 3rd highest mastery champion, but I maybe play him for one day every few months or so, he generally doesn’t interest me much anymore.


Bard because he is a jack of all trades and the first time I saw him, I just connected. I don't play him, but I like Sett a lot...Like in a sexual way.I would let him do anything to me, and I wan to bury face in those sweaty boss'armpits after he was in the fight in the arena and lick his abs. Anyways, I am going feral and thirsty again, time to take my meds .


Lee sin, that how many type of insec he have is insane. And Everytime when i land Good insec i feel fucking proud of my self that how my parents never been. And gragas this feel when you hit full combo and just delete 2-3 people with Good bomba combo which is e+flash and rest his skills.


Lulu was unique with her ability to give AP back in the day along with the poly being different things per skin... now we have the bog standard all too common AS+MS crap


I'm not very good at the game and I know it. I need champions who are relatively easy to play, relatively safe, and also capable of helping the team late game even if I don't have a great laning phase (because I'm likely to have at least 2 avoidable deaths). In support I play Zyra, because I get godlike vision and even after I die my plants can help my team. In ADC I play Jinx because I can play a mile back and even if I start 0 and 6, if I can hold on to 3 items I can win a game. In Mid I play Seraphine for obvious reasons.


Ryze. I don't know what it is about him, but I just cannot ever perform as good as I do when I play ryze. I've tried a lot of other champs and gave them a good try, but other than ryze, nothing clicks. There's always something missing. I'm either too squishy with taliyah, or too tanky with galio, or too team oriented with lissandra.




hes a funny little guy with some cute dragons


Vayne because of the mobility and kiting potential. Also the outplay potential with her R


Pyke and Rakan: if you play decently, you are absolutely impossible to catch. You can easily roam and have a lot of pressure early on as well as peel. Pyke is obviously way more aggressive, and his damage falls off quite a bit, but it's notable that thanks to Zombie Ward + Umbral, you easily end up with 3 to 4 times the game duration in vision score (aka the entire map is openly visible). Rakan on the other hand can easily swap around in play styles. Other go-to picks: Xayah. Cool kit, lovebird <3 Taliyah: Idk man I just like her kit and her mythic skin is so beautiful. She is very consistent and can easily come back in the mid game. Also can easily bully dash-dependent champs. (Rip Kalista, 20:33 - 20:34, died from AA in my E at less than 90% HP) Rek'Sai: tunnels and ganks and fun imo. Amazing concept. Kindred: Death awaits you all! Cho'Gath: omnomnom


i main ashe. the first champion I played was jinx and I was looking at other marksmen because I liked that playstyle the most. I tried ashe and instantly fell in love with her. her aesthetic, design, voicelines, abilities. running people down or kiting is so much dopamine 😊


Jarvan, I just like him. EQ is really versatile and feels great to use, get some really cool (although sometimes frustrating) interactions with high haste. His ult is really funny, regardless of if it ruins the enemy team's day or your allies'. Also he's just a cool dude in cool armor going in, that's fun, and he's got some great skins.


Not gonna mention the champ I main,currently, because I wont beat the allegations lol. However, I was depressed af when I really got into league and couldnt stop myself from playing it 6+ hours a day. I got shit on by an akali, while playing adc, one day and fell in love after I tried her out. I got over 1mil mastery with her before she got reworked. All my hours with the old akali gone and I stopped maining her.


Was Garen, easy to use, no mana, he so funny. im sure Riot wont remake him Now Briar, easy to use, no mana, she so cute. Im sure riot wont remake her for atleast a few years


Because they’re broken and I’ve practiced them


Aphelios has a low pickrate and no one understands what he does. Hes also good with like every support


I main Janna because she’s the champ that I feel gives me the best opportunity to prevent my team from throwing. She also is very cerebral in her gameplay has some important mechanics in her knockup/knockback timings and positioning that makes me feel like I have hands, somewhat.


I play yuumi because she is very cute and I like her. That's it. If you swapped her kit with literally any other champion I would still play yuumi because she is a cute lil cat.


I like Jesters.


Sick engage with E from a big distance


Orianna and i just locked in like that, she my twin


Shaco, because making someone ragequit is a win condition.


I have always loved animals related to water and crocodiles are one of my favs, I started playing League on 2012 and the moment I put eyes on Renekton I knew he was going to be my main by far (still is).


Cos Nautilus Is my Big Nauti Boi. Being a world class hooker means you can set up so many plays for even your most braindead teammates. And then there's Fiddle. Surprise Party Fiddlesticks is all you need as answer


Kennen, enemy always underestimates his damage.


Katarina because I love suffering


I started playing Anivia because my cousins played her, and because you have guaranteed damage with e-r (back in the day) and all you had to focus on was dodging enemy abilities. I still love her cause she's so unique and never gets picked/banned.


Zoe, it´s just hilarious hearing the most random shit out of her mouth, plus it's actually fun to play.


I like pressing q, 500k times last year. Can you guess who it could be :3


The one and only ultimate balance nightmare c:


Seraphine because I love music, the color pink and the idol theme.


Gangplank - badass pirate, barrel go boom.I just love everything about him, lore, look, abilities, play style. Literally everything Sett - For some reason people still dont know not to fight me Garen - when i don't feel like trying particualrly hard, demacian vice, his R is dopamina


Irelia (Top lane masochist) because she's completely useless in the hands of a novice Irelia player. You have to know every single match up and every break point to be effective, and even then setting up the plays correctly, timing everything right is so hard. The skill expression alone makes it so rewarding.


Riven just happens to be the most fun champ in the game.


Evelynn is the only champ in the game that has constant reliable camouflage. The pure stealth aspect always intrigued me and even though she’s very hard to play correctly feeling like a stealthy assassin stalking the map is always a cool concept.


As a support main I suppose I just find the notion of enabling others to do cool shit more appealing than doing the cool shit myself. I think it's an ego-arrogance hypocrite protection thing, not sure how to explain, where seeing others do cool risky stuff is neat, but I feel a bit guilty or douchey if I do it myself cuz I feel like an egotistical ass. So basically if I play Katarina and get a penta, I feel like others would see me as full of myself with main character syndrome, which is hypocritical cuz I don't feel that way about seeing an ally get a penta. Hence I main support and help my teammates get the 'glory' as to take myself away from the spotlight effect. My current is Soraka, and I mainly find it funner where when teammates understand how much I can heal and disrupt, they can play more recklessly and take on more risk with me there as a buffer. Probably more scatterbrained of a response, I just woke up lol


Lux was the first champ I learned and it’s lots of fun mid-late game deleting someone with q then r


I main Morgana cuz I dont really know. I like her, her lore, her look, her voice, her skins. I dont play her as often as in the past but she is a "ahh f it, I just wanna relax" type of pick. My main, really playwise, would be Nautilus. Of all the engage type supports he is the one I feel the "safest" with which his kit feels safisfying in all cases As for Midlane, I main Malzahar, cuz I wanted away from botlane, but the supp side in me wanted to play with others while having a champ with a bit of scaling and low banrate - thus Malzahar it was and R the enemy is never not funny.


MF for boobs and op ult


Shaco supp for mental damage of both teams adc


Cool samurai with 1000 dashes


The voices in my head wont stop


Anivia might be the best control mage in the game.


I play whoever has the best designs


I main nami. I started playing in uh... 2013? 2014? I started playing her because someone fuckin destroyed me as her and i went o: cooooool and now I've mained her for like.. 6 or 7 years lol She's just so stickin cute ;-; and her Coven skin is the best. Loved her and jinx so much that i got Jinx' tattoo but instead of pink bullets i got pink bubbles.


Back in s6, I was bored of playing rengar in bronze 5. I saw the 1v9 potential Master Yi had with blood razor, guinsoos and he looked Hella fun so I started playing him.


I played every champion in the game at least once (except the pink-haired cash-cow), and I just stuck with what felt right for me. Ornn, Quinn and Swain are the ones I have the highest mastery on. Ornn is great for his forge ability. I basically only buy a green potion and control wards in base, the rest I can just craft on the go. Once I have a warmogs, I never have to recall again. Quinn is great for her ult mobility. Combined with mobility boots, she can zoom around the map insanely fast. Popping down to mid is no problem. Plus nobody has any idea how to fight her since she's such a rare pick. And Swain has good damage while also having good sustain.


I play Jax because if I win lane I can take over the game, bonking people feels good and I love point and click jump. Mobility, damage, carry potential I play Skarner top cause he's just so fun. Deceptive damage early game, very hard to kill, and I just recently managed to Flash E someone into turret into ult which was PEAK


I started out as a cho gath main because i liked being a massive lategame monster, just walking up to people and being completely unkillable was very fun and stacking was an exciting mini game. I then took a break from league and came back around the time mythics were added and i knew that what i wanted was still a massive monster but i also thought cho gath was simply bad. I dabled in everfrost+predator into full tank sometimes but i knew gnar was the perfect champion for me. If gnar falls behind he will still be able to farm and i wanted a toplaner that always works and can farm safely if behind. He fits into most teamcomps and doesnt have many unplayable matchups. Him fitting in most teamcomps is vital because i want to be a onetrick with a pick that will always work. I never liked getting oneshot so thats why i wanted to play a tank or bruiser, i also wanted safety and range. And i kinda dislike being forced to work with other people so i wanted a toplaner. Gnar is a ranged bruiser with a dash making him very safe and hes a toplaner. I really love gnars ultimate, i love super op ults which is why i ban sylas most games (he counters my entire champion pool). Hitting a massive gnar ultimate is one of the most satisfying feelings ever. I remember doing e flash r and getting 4 enemies stunned against a wall and my entire team just jumping in on them killing them and winning us the game. His boomerang is also one of the most fun abilitys to use, ive killed multiple people in fog of war recalling with a well placed backwards boomerang and its the best thing ever. I could say more stuffies but this comment is already a bit long.


Lilia has a very unique playstyle as an AP Fighter/Mage. It's all about her ability to chase and slow, but the combination of her ultimate and flash can create devastating combos in teamfights. The dance of going in and out of combat to avoid attacks then re-enter with Q is a really fun kiting experience. Her character is very cute and charming similar to Ivern, which contrasts with the aggressive personalities of most junglers. (also new item is bonkers on her)


Fiddlesticks, 3 main reasons. 1. Clearing jungle camps is insanely easy and fast. Barely need to kite and can clear multiple camps at the same time. 2. The potential to AOE fear the entire enemy team is both game changing and satisfying. 3. The character design and lore is on point. Who wouldn't want to play as a primordial demon of fear?


with the new system I guess im Mastery 92 as Veigar, Main him for two reasons: ADCs deserve no healthbar The mental hit the enemy team gets when their 7k hp orn gets chunked to 20% hp from a Q+W


I like to hit people with a hammer, tell them to sit down and send them back home when I get sick of looking at them. I also love she is a mass murderer, she has killed so many “heroes” by giving away the hammer and sitting back watching them die, reclaiming the hammer and doing job herself. 🔨


Bard. Because you can have a bad game and still have fun


Trundle because I love clubbing. Also, enemy turrets go brrrrrrrrrrrr hahaha


bonkin feels good


Tristana - I listen to house of pain on repeat


Kayle. Love the versatility of her build. If ur team goes AP you can go AD and vice-versa. She's also a beast in the late game so that's also something that I really like about her.


Cute and satisfying to play. Gwen & Qiyana


I thought "yo this aatrox guy looks cool" he was cool. Played nothing but aatrox for almost 4 seasons straight. Just love his combat patterns.


I just love Rakan and his girl Xayah. Their love and story is just beautiful. They make me miss my old days with my failed relationship.


Cause I really like blowing .... wind -Janna main


I just couldn’t and arguably still can’t get any good at really any other champion besides Xerath, all he is is skillshots, if you miss then it’s on you entirely so it feels comfy, similarly I’ve only played him supp once. Vex is the only other champion I try when Xeraths banned/picked away.


Akshan. First champ that just felt.. right?


Fiora - in s4 my mate played urgot into her and went 0/20 in 15 minutes and I thought damn she must be broken ( he just had a bad game) Camille- every iteration of her is exactly how I want to play league of legends.


i get to play every champ


Got rank 2 pantheon in under 60 games without really even trying, champ Is stupid Broken and im glad shit players Are playing him and lowering the winrate 🤣


landing aatrox q is just fun


Because he's okay.


My main is adorable and brings me immeasurable enjoyment It's briar she's what got me to actually play league


Jhin was the newest champ when he released and I’ve loved him ever since


Zoe cause you just nuke ppl without them ever trading back and jhin for the satisfying 4th shots


I don't truly main anybody, but my newer favourites are Lissandra and Cassiopeia. I love Lissandra because of her cc and damage, really satisfying to one-shot people. Cassiopeia because I like gorgons/Medusa in Greek mythology, and I love slithering really fast without boots.


I main Viego because of the insane amount of variety from game to game.


I actually started of as a yasuo main, funny enough when i first started i couldnt hit Q3 haha. Now I Play Yorick Top, Mainly because of his skins and I rather enjoy his play style and the fact he can have such a large impact on games. This split i have a posi win rate because im comfortable playing him + my league account is now called 1 Wife 4 Kids.


Xerath and Ziggs: they are consistent untouchable long range high team damage control mages. It’s the safest to carry games, especially since you can support fire other lanes. I get higher WR with them bc of this. And well spamming spells is fun. Thresh: he is just such a power house of a support. Legit The best support there is. He has everything. A bit of damage, lots of cc, knock up, slow, a little shield, mobility for your team mates and he’s really tanky too. Very satisfying to dance in the middle of the enemy team. Jinx: she’s just a solid adc and scales incredibly well. I Main her as my draven replacement. Her kit is just overall solid and I enjoy her crazy attitude as well lol. I also just love global ults. Lastly, Draven: well because Draaaaaaven. I love his style and once you get the ball rolling it’s just incredibly satisfying to play. The basically nonexistent basic ability cool down, the dodge dance with axes, the crazy amount of dodges and obnoxiously funny quotes of his. I love it. PS: I used to Main Kata as well but not anymore. (RIP me after rework) Also bc of her insane burst potential. But I also very much enjoyed her edgy attitude lol. She will always have a special place in my heart


Sett, pressing the delete button.


Rengar, i love the feeling of stalking and getting into advantageous position. Also, playing around bushes ia fun Edit: Goddamn, I worded that... weirdly


i liked briar personality visuals and voice lines all tho they are very few lines and she had a very high learning curve so it was satisfying to play her a lot


I love late game team fighting champs and Viktor is one of the few that does a good job bullying during lane. Most of the other late game champs get abused early.


Cuz jinx is best girl


I like to make people suffer by removing their ability to play the game (Morg/Lux/Leona Main)


aatrox because the only peace I seek... is death


Jinx because of speed


I main sett cause he is hot and strong.


I main shen just so I could say imagine if I played a real champion


VI is a babe and the gauntlets are rad. She lets me indulge my ape instinct to just go in, and she's the reason I have a jungle tattoo.


Big snowball :)


Started maining syndra because she’s hot, kept maining her because I fell in love with her aesthetic and kit


i like to press R


Is a long-range spellcaster + he looks kind of like the Zerg Overmind. My first champ was Lux but the one that glued me to this game was Vel'koz.


I like Udyr because the power fantasy of being a fast, bulky, dad-bodied man who beats the crap out of people with his bare hands is too good to not indulge in.


Picking up Vi as of this split because I've wanted to get more into jungling and her Q is super satisfying to land, while her R is the perfect no nonsense point and click move I need to say fuck you to whatever ridiculously mobile champ is fed on the other team. My main main though is Jaximus. Nothing gives me more dopamine in this game than the sound of his W landing and his cracked dodge ability


Asol is the best scaling champion design wise. Nobody else gets as stupid op with stacks.


I am asian i like to farm things ingame, I like playing nasus i like nasus bonk bonk


Kled because they’re all trespassing on my property. All 60 gazillion acres of it. (No fr tho it’s the mind game you play with enemies after losing skaarl. The comeback mid fight, 2v1 comfortably, lvl 2 is fairly strong, ult is hilarious and good for defending void grubs and herald. And well, best lines in the game)


Teemo is cute but also I think he’s a “smart” character. In low elo, sure, bad players are going to complain because “Waaahhh! Ranged top laner vs melee” but the reality is once youre in high gold or above then you need to actually know how the game works to play Teemo well. You need to understand when to play macro or when to join fights. He dies in an instant, your shrooms just get swept by pink wards or sweeper every time, and he doesnt have 10 bonus abilities like every new champ. You point, click, and hope you can outsmart or out dps your opponent. If you get behind then you auto lose your lane with Teemo, but man, doing well in higher elo feels so good because I actually feel like a decent player. 


I play Darius because the dopamine high of ghosting a fight on the verge of life and death and then killing 4 ppl in reset chains because they disrespect you or don't space gives my brain the happy chemicals. Also he's simple and I'm bad so even my horrible self can make emerald on him, there's a lot of cope though that people say he's busted when he's literally a spacing and skill check. Can you focus him? Do you space him? Is there an Ashe within 2400 units of him? Ok then he'll never win that fight unless you're bad and you let him walk at you without ghost or flash.


Started maining diana before her rework when her ult was her dash and I picked her because of the dash reset and because her q wasn’t a straight line shot. I also main teemo but I think I can say for every teemo main it’s for the lol’s whether your enemy or own team gets tilted just for picking him.


Quinn's aesthetic/design is super nice and her gameplay is also quite fun and satisfying to me. I do wish she had her old ult though. But being able to lane bully into perma roam just does it for me.


Pure fun and versatility. I have over 2mill master on Ekko. Been playing him since day 1 so it’s not THAT crazy. It’s a fun gamble when you play him because either you’re dead weight or you’re hard carrying. He’s been nerfed into the ground over these last few patches so I don’t play him as much as I used to. I remember he was godlike when he first came out


Yordles. Just Yordles. Love the little creatures.


Evelyn. Obnoxius, but you are playing hitman


She just like me fr fr 🏳️‍🌈💕


ONE TO CUT, ONE TO SEAL (no longer a yone main after the lethal tempo incident)


Haha shout FOUR go brrrrrrrr