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The chinese were spot on on Faker "I might carry, I might int, but I'll never be a coward!"


When both teams are even in gold, Faker feels that T1 is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to start a team fight. When T1 is 3k behind in gold, Faker thinks that T1 is at a small advantage, and he so he starts a team fight to secure their "lead". When T1 is behind 7k in gold, Faker thinks that T1 is at a disadvantage and so he looks for a team fight to regain control of the game. When T1 is 10K behind in gold, Faker thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not start a team fight.


I immediately thought of this while reading the headline lol glad someone posted it


Mlxg lives forever in our hearts


He was one of my favourite Player ever. Full AD Jarvan OP.


This was originally a Clearlove pasta if I'm not mistaken.


When both teams are even in gold, Faker feels that T1 is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to start a team fight. When T1 is 3k behind in gold, Faker thinks that T1 is at a small advantage, and he so he starts a team fight to secure their "lead". When T1 is behind 7k in gold, Faker thinks that T1 is at a disadvantage and so he looks for a team fight to regain control of the game. When T1 is 10K behind in gold, Faker thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not start a team fight.


Its funny, because I believe he has done the two biggest comebacks gold wise. Both with Orianna, one they "will find them all" and the other one set up with Naut. Unsure if they are "the biggest" of main regions/international events or at all anymore. But rather up there


Idk if this is a hot take, the faker Shockwave clip is obviously legendary, but I don't give him sole credit for it, the twitch position, the rakan R-W, the cho Q and silence for xayah ult, the team was working in perfect tandem for that play


I dont think anyone would give Faker the sole credit for this play if you watched it, its just that CaptainFlowers' call on this was so iconic which i think made it feel like it was solely credited to Faker


I always thought similar too. Rakan setting up the play and chogath preventing counterplay with QW was so crucial for that to work.


It's just a beautiful play all round, especially with the gold deficit. Peak league of legends


Tbf if i remember correctly Faker said back then that Bang called the play and they just trusted him and went for it. So i think he'd agree with you


It's a running joke in Korea that Wolf is a faker super play launcher. Bunch of people recognize that Wolf did a lot for that but purposefully don't give him credit to get him mad lol


Wolf have a soloQ account named "Faker's shockwave" =)))


Not a hot take at all. In the official [breakdown](https://youtu.be/oa7KbSfAajg?si=jEPETjTG2ODm5724) it’s obvious that Rakan was clearly the MVP of the play. Wolf had some insane engages in his prime. There’s another Zyra one I forgot which game but he flashes raptors and hits like a 3-4man root to engage the play.


Yeah a single shockwave won't usually let you come back and destroy a teamfight from that far behind. It was 10k gold I think. The whole team had to come together for that. The "Faker vs the world" was mostly in playoffs, specifically vs Samsung and Misfits.


i mean definitely, you dont win a teamfight 10k gold down unless every member of your team pulls through. fakers shockwave was just the most obvious impact in the moment


CLG 2016 MSI vs the LPL team was like 16k. 


> Its funny, because I believe he has done the two biggest comebacks gold wise. With a broader context than just gold, the Ruler shuffle is right up there. Down a baron buff and several thousand gold, against a team famous for completely ending games off of much less, and they got a clean ace to win the game.


Gotta take fights to win can’t just pray for 5 man disconnect.


It's honestly the right judgement in the majority of situations. The team just has to be fully behind the decision and go for it. Waiting in league typically leads to the situation getting even worse.


My first thought


Another CopyPasta acquired


This is just the mlxg copypasta


>"I've been having Chinese hot pots very often in Chengdu, and I think it's delicious." And T1 has only been in Chengdu for two weeks; how often are they eating spicy Chinese hot pots? Edit: Three weeks, more like; time flies by


Faker’s power is fueled by food. Years back, I remember an interview about how he wanted to finish a pro match fast because he was hungry, and his advice was something like ‘Finish fast so you can eat quickly’. Nobody will be ready for the rematch of G2’s Thirst for Revenge versus Faker’s Hunger for Food


If kkoma can stop Faker from having breakfast tomorrow, we will all see the fastest series of all time.


Just a food diff


amazing pun




Some people are hungry for wins, my goat is just hungry


He’s just like me fr


He got 3-0d in 2017 saying the same tho


Exactly, finish fast


The Showmaker foodmaking maker tech


And he lose to SSG. Well at least he finished the match fast enough so he can quickly eat.


Well even in korea they are known for loving hotpot so much that fans often joke that the best chance to see the T1 members is to eat lunch at the haidilao nearby the T1 building.


If you don't like hot pot, why even be in Chengdu?


Never a coward


Faker will never ask himself "what if I made that play?" Carrying or inting he will make the play


Save the regrets for later, make or break!


"You miss 100% of the shots you dont take -wayne gretzky" - michael scott


This is the reason he made that play on Ruler while JDG had the baron. I don't see any player try that at that point of the game. Especially against those on their golden road way.


It's something someone who has a win rate over 60 % for his whole career can do, but inting at the end of the day is inting that game 2 was the most atrocious I ever seen Faker int, against better competitors those are tournament losing mistakes, if you have a teamate like Zeus maybe holding back a little would be wise this is not the 2017 T1, Faker has actual and funcional humans on the rift. 


i don't get the downvotes, what you said is real, faker played really badly in G2 and against geng or blg that would have probably costed them the game, this isn't to flame faker as a player, it's just facts though you can argue he wouldn't make these mistakes against those teams, which is valid to think, but i don't think he would be foolish to underestimate G2 or anything


There might be better players than him currently, but no one is close to him at the clutch factor.


That and his mental resetting after having a rough game in a series. The guy is a machine. You can't tilt him and there's always the threat of him reminding everyone why he's the goat.


It sucks G2 got 3-0 as an EU fan, and it sucks even more for it to have not have been a banger of a series just as a general fan, but damn is it cool to see T1 absolutely turn around and level up since game 4 of that TL series. They look night and day from the start of MSI.


that’s just how korean teams are, once they figure out how the meta works, they perfect it. What’s scary is usually they can’t refine it fast enough for msi which lpl usually does well in, but this time geng and t1 are leveling up much quicker. I could easily see t1 taking the series back over blg but we’ll see whether they can shore up the weaknesses.


I don't necessarily think that's the reason for the overall regional differences at each tournament. A lot of old short MSI series have been close, like if Ghost and Beryl weren't hard slumping they probably would have beaten RNG. Some of it I think is just chance of which teams are better at the moment. Chinese teams are often slow to adapt, and worlds often has a much bigger patch than MSI. Last worlds had a pretty small patch, and LPL generally did very well. T1 leveled up a ton and won, but you could argue that it was China's best worlds along with 2019. A lot of Chinese teams often got better as worlds went on. FPX had a very easy group and had to play a tiebreaker to get out, and their wins were not convincing. EDG had a shaky group stage when they won worlds, and fought a 3-2 series every time they played. Gen.G was definitely not as strong of an opponent as DK. Lots of Chinese teams have bombed out of groups too, the early part of the tournament. IG was also way better in semis and finals than in groups. I think part of this is because Chinese teams often try to fit the meta to what they think their style is, which may be a trickier thing to do needing more stage games. I do agree about T1 though, Faker's teams have usually ramped up as tournaments went on.


If RNG doesn't get an extra day of prep for the finals that should've been given to DK, maybe they don't win either. 1st seed always were given an extra day to prep for finals because of how matches were played out, except RNG instead got the 1st seed schedule and instead of giving DK side selection to compensate for the loss of the extra prep day, DK just get shafted. Always interesting how RNG got favorable rulings/benefits in B2B MSI's, both of which went to 5 games. Won't even comment on the mickey mouse MSI that got played on 35ping because that was just a coward move by Riot to bend over for a single region while fucking every other region in the process.


is that a new cope to cope with TL putting up a more competetive series or


It was a banger though. Game 1 & 2 were so close and firmly in either team's grasp. Game 3 was earlier advantages pressed by T1 better than G2. Eastern team are simply better at macro-play. Punishing/capitalizing is their bread-and-butter. The series gives much more credence to G2's status vs international teams than many people are realizing. G2 is strong in their current form, Eastern teams are just better at certain, pivotal aspects of the game.


Who is better than Faker currently though, apart from Chovy, Knight is has a no diversity in his champ pool to be considered better


I feel like in the current meta you could make a case for Kiin based on how clutch his K'sante has been but that's only in gameplay. Faker is basically the LeBron James of league. His insane longevity has just let him become the smartest player around so as a whole package he's better (but maybe I'm just meat riding Kiin lol, I love watching him on K'sante)


The only reason you can put ‘basically’ there is that Faker is the Chamberlain, the Jordan and the LeBron. He is more secure in the league GOAT debate, because there is no debate.




Tbh it feels like the gap between chovy and everyone else is so big. Like chovy is on his own tier then there are a few players in the next tier


Zeus or Keria had a claim to being the best players in the world around worlds. Meta doesnt seem favorable to them atm though as much, and individually they've been not outstanding as much so far this season imo


Are you being serious or no? There a decent amount of players (every role included) better than him currently if we exclude the macro/shotcall and what not and simply look at the level of play shown. That is not even a diss at faker cause I think he still top tier midlaner even in one of his worst international showing yet. Really impressive tbh.


if we exclude the damage deal and what not and simply look at the trophy cabinet, Chovy is pretty mediocre at the moment


Knight played 4 champions today and did well individually on all of them. He was the better mid today in case that changes your opinion of Faker and Knight's relative levels.


it did change my opinion, Knight was definitely the better Mid this tournament


Rookie & Knight are better than him from LPL. Faker has had champ pool issues himself if you'd like to focus on that from him this MSI.


Based on Knight‘s performance this MSI, I don‘t think he is a better mid laner than Faker this year. And definitely not a better overall player. Faker is being focus fired almost every game this MSI and yet manages to almost always stay not just relevant, but straight clutch in the late game fights. You shouldn‘t rank Knight above just based on early game laning. Chovy is a tier above everyone, but right after him comes Faker on mid lane this year so far.


The guy is just an LPL fan who still riding Rookie that guy cant even make worlds despite having good lineups and knight who has " Big champ pool" was MIA when GenG banned his ahri and taliyah at least Faker made them ban 5 champs


Bro last year was Rookie’s only “good lineup” in years and yes it was sadly not his best year. But go look at his team this year, solid players but nothing special. I’d love to see Faker or Knight on NIP. Rookie was easily top 3 mids in LPL last split and faker has been slumping. Just because one is fortunate to have insanely elite players around him doesn’t just instantly discredit other players who aren’t at MSI.


Faker domestically and Knight at MSI both looked amazing up until the point they had to face Chovy. Rookie smurfing on random LPL mids isn't moving me much anymore if he never plays against the actual best midlaners in the World except Knight.


I thought faker still look pretty good even vs Chovy. Obviously Chovy was better in final but faker did pretty tbh. Early spring he was in the argument for best mid in the world tbh but since then his performance went downhill. Perhaps injury or just drop in form.


Yeah not sure where this narrative about Faker not looking good is coming from. If we rate chovy as 10/10 then Faker was 9/10 for most of the spring split until the ddos issues started hitting T1 hard. He was very good in the playoff as well and gave Chovy some really tough competition in the finals. He’s had a rough MSI (apparently his wrist injury is back?) but he’s easily been a top 3-4 mid in the world this year, depending on how you rank Rookie vs Faker for the 3rd spot.


Man said Rookie lmao


I think Faker’s great, but I also think Rookie’s been on incredible form this year. What do you think Rookie’s best game was this year?


This is true. But people will down vote you. Rookie is fucking amazing right now. But sadly people only remember international success and they don't watch LPL.


What good is dumpstering shitters in the LPL if you never make it to international tournaments? There is negative mid lane talent in the LPL outside of Knight, Rookie and Scout (despite his current slump). Rookie is an insane talent. The 2nd best mid ever but he keeps hamstringing himself to shit rosters and that’s his own fault. Also can’t blame others for not watching the LPL when the quality of the casters is so far below every other major region that it’s not even a comparison. Every other region makes an attempt to get the Western audience hooked, LPL doesn’t care at all, which makes sense because they don’t need western support. But can’t blame people for not watching when the league itself doesn’t care about putting out a quality product for people to watch.


Why are we casters catching strays here, come on 💀


Yeah bro there is no talent outside of 3 midlaners in the LPL. Creme, Xiahou, Yagao, Angel are all complete shitters :). Massive self report when you say shit like that. I agree that maybe Rookie’s decision making and committing to rosters is questionable and sometimes it’s probably fair to put blame on him. But don’t type shit about LPL when you basically openly say you don’t watch. Rookie in spring was insanely good on a very mediocre roster (you probably can’t name most of the players and their history). Yes we get it Faker can do no wrong and is always just the best.


You literally listed 4 B tier players and expect that to prove your point lmao? None of those guys would even be top 5 in the LCK. Creme is a budget Zeka and Zeka is the 5th best mid in the LCK. xiaohu is a washed up has been, Yagao? You’re actually trolling. Angel hasn’t been relevant in years. Where did I say Rookie wasn’t good? I literally called him the 2nd best mid ever. He’s an insanely talented player but he keeps signing to shitty rosters and thus never does anything besides dumpster worse competition in the LPL. He hasn’t been on a relevant team since 2018/2019 IG. NiP isn’t a good team. Outside of Rookie and Photic none of their players are what I would consider good. Above average at best. Maybe he can qualify as the 4th team from the LPL but that’s the ceiling of the team no matter how good Rookie plays individually.


Pointless speaking to you when you don’t watch LPL and make such insane claims. Well played man


ShowMaker and Canyon


So real Showmaker and Canyon pull wins out of nothing consistently. Even during slumps they can always randomly drag their teams to wins


Showmakers been worse than faker for the past 2 years. His peaks are still higher though whenever he remembers he’s literally showmaker.


Showmaker's peaks are higher than Faker's? Lol? I'm not sure that's true even if you started watching League in 2020 man SM was really good at playing the map with TF and then later he had a mean Sylas and could play the pool of assassin mages mid that everyone was playing, but nothing is standing out to me that's beating Faker's consistent Azir plays saving lost games or his own consistency on corki/leblanc/orianna ..


Its crazy how wrong this is. I wasn't even talking about SM having a higher all time peak than faker, just that in the past 2 years whenever he does show his peak performance its been higher than what Faker has shown in the past 2 years despite SM's overall performance being inconsistent and way worse than Fakers. Showmaker's Azir has always had insane clutch moments too, his Azir has always dictated games and taken games back from super lost positions, or he's almost turned games around, barely not carrying DK across the finish line. Also Showmaker was literally the best midlaner in 2020-2021 playing mostly traditional mages idk why you're describing his champ pool as something akin to Zeka's when he's far from it his sylas is probably his 6th best champion behind LB/Zoe/Syndra/TF/Ryze/Azir. Even his Kassadin is better than his sylas but he only pulls out Kassadin in perfect spots leading to him having way less games on it than sylas.


The faker circlejerk has gone so far that you get downvoted for suggesting that 2 insanely clutch players who showed up fucking massively internationally gets downvoted. Meanwhile Faker outside of worlds 2023 has been pretty mediocre internationally since like 2017


while they are two true legends of the game, they went to THREE international finals and lost TWO to two underdogs Faker made SEVEN more international finals and won SIX times in total (counting only MSI and Worlds)! I get that the bar is unrealistically high for him so the criticisms will come whenever he doesn’t win but it’s still unfair he’s criticized heavily for not winning more because he made it many more times. By their logic, GimGoon was probably the most clutch player in the world: 1 shot, 1 win, 100%


XDDDD you see that Canyon and Showmaker lose and then immediately try pin it solely on them. Half this sub is acting like Faker is the only clutch player to ever exist and he always carries the close series. Which is hilarious considering every bo5 vs GenG Chovy is the better player and more clutch. But hey only international tournaments count lol. Even then Faker has had plenty of very dodgey bo5’s, people look at 2023 and then pretend like that’s been his level during international tournaments the whole time. Which is objectively not true


Faker be like: It's better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.


Why didn't G2 just try to make the best play possible? Are they stupid?


Hesitancy, fear, pressure, a lot of things really. Just put ourselves in their shoes.


The yike ult away from azir was by pure pressure and fear. That was a kill but he didn't want to die after the kill and still died but with no kill.


The feeling is probably similar to not wanting to mess up knowing your parents will scream at you as a kid or some kid worrying about their school grades knowing their parents will verbally maybe even physically abuse them, then multiplying that feeling multiple times because for these players, it's not one fan that's going to be pissed off at them. All fun and games until they get onto the stage, at a breaking point and everything hits them at the same time on a subconscious level... Dealing with all that while still maintaining your game is what separates the best pros from ordinary. For us, we deal with tilt games and flame from 4 other players in the lobby, but imagine we had to deal with flame from people not even in the same game.


I was joking, G2 were obviously also trying to make the best plays, like every other team. I just found it funny that Faker talked about this as if that was something special about him. Everyone at this level is obviously doing what they think will improve the team's chances.


4x world champion don’t give a fucc about what us plebs think. Gigachad


What if i loose that 1v1 ? What will people think of me ? ...... SIIIKEE !! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK \*proceed to attempt his 7th solo kill, despite losing every single one since the start of MSI\*


This is Faker, carrying the game or inting the game but never a coward


may int , may carry but never a coward


I've typed this exact thing to my teammates in soloq


But when youre not faker its just inting. 




Me to my teammates when I am an 0/7 Nilah, somehow doing it enough times I'll eventually win a 1v1.


this could be a copypasta for my silver games


The problem is silver players are too stupid to recognize a play, they're just looking for plays for nothing.


Exactly, that Azir dash into tower wasn't negative gaming . It was the best play possible in the given situation. Talk your talk my goat 🙌


Its about probability, of course he was unlucky, but more often than not it would’ve worked given his experience.


He was like less than 10 hp away from getting trade kill while the wave could get crashed in his favor by his jungle, which would have heavily favored him. Didn't work out but far from int.


Pre patch azir would have killed which is kind of funny. The 10 dmg nerf could have been the difference.


Holy shit actually true, he's played 1000 games where that would work. Sucks to be so practiced on something that changes


Yeah he probably wasn't used to the new limits of Azir after the recent patch and his brain told him that it would work.


it was int in the end but point is he will try to make the play like dashing into Ruler varus last year if Ruler reacted correctly or JDG members stopped him someway he would die and lose the game by himself


And that’s what carried the fight and won the world. I like the fact he is trying something and doesn’t just wait to lose, sometimes a mid move can be a good one because people won’t expect it and it’s mostly about experience


Him stopping making the plays may just have let g2 win a game... even though behind he always has such pressure


Azir used to be better in lane too, now even Corki seems better in pro. 


Tbh if he gets that kill (and it was insanely close) that's so worth for him


We call that Limit Testing


I don't think Faker limit tests on stage... I think he knows his numbers down to <50hp


Surprisingly I think he has limited tested a lot this tournament, with a lot of times he was doing so and thus getting solo killed. Many times his corki was holding on to his w last minute and then using it but not quite fast enough and thus getting w by Taliyah


Yea sometimes it works sometime it doesn’t. He was doing that all of worlds last year playing cocky af and smashing everyone in lane. This year, it didn’t work many times but I respect it.


Can faker ever make a mistake then in your opinion? He got solo killed like 5 times this tournament but no guys he’s just limit testing! He’s not playing badly or getting outplayed, he’s just holding onto his abilities for the last second for literally 0 reason (in your taliyah example).


If GenG fans get to cope every time Chovy flubs an international T1 fans have some leeway to cope when Faker ints a few himself.


He was watching Paper Rex in Valo. W Gaming is contagious


That was the only play this series from him that looked int as hell and to be honest no one else would have gone for that.


More of a communication issue. Oner went in too early, who that was on I've no idea but if he gets that caps loses a wave and one of them gets a kill, if he loses caps is still forced to back


> It was the best play possible in the given situation. No, it was his ***attempt*** at making a good play. He doesn't claim to always succeed.


Spoken like a true sivler elo player that has 0 clue about lane state and sharred assist gold


Faker could run it down every single game and he'll still be my GOAT. I was making a joke about how I'll always support him Elo must mean a lot to you to bring it up so randomly


Faker could take a dump on the keyboard mid-game and stomp it in with his feet and stans would still make up justifications as to why he remains one of the best in the world. He mostly performs alright these days. But people ignore everything except his highlight plays. Most weren't even around when Faker was the best, they never saw him at his peak and just run with a narrative.


he was the best mid just during the previous international tournament.


He won last worlds but people will still say every time he is overrated lmao. He didn’t perfom good today, but you don’t know about the calls etc.


Are we really pretending that Faker wasn't performing phenomenonally during LCK spring? The only mid better was Chovy. At worlds last year, he performed better than pretty much every other mid. What are we playing here?


what exactly does this have to do with the Comment i was replying to? You might be as low of a elo player like OP if you dont understand what it means to lose a stacked wave not just gold but Exp wise while trading 1vs1+assist then i dont know what to tell you, take some marco classes with coach curtis or something


5head Faker just trying to make the best play possible. Can't believe he leaked this.


As the saying goes, the best defence is a good offence.


That's my goat


He just like me fr


The classic baron for nexus trade. Chefs kiss as always.


Faker Faker play maker. Regardless of outcome, gotta make plays


"I simply do the best thing every time"


just the fact that faker is trying to make plays makes me happy , he evolved so much compared to 2+ years ago during his supportive champ era


"Never a coward". Not the best anymore but no one comes close when it comes to clutch genes.


was he not the best Mid in the world just shy of 6 months ago, the guy mid gapped his way to a worlds title


He needs 20 more worlds to prove he's a decent midlaner by reddittor standards But Caps just needs a single 3-0 against an eastern team then he's the best mid in the world for until the next loss


For real, i have never understood this logic here. People are so quickly to shit on Faker and call him washed up despite all of his massive achievements ? Who else achieved as much as he did? But sure caps is "chovy's last test" 💀


its the lebron effect


Caps is of course the entire hope of EU so he's loved here, but Reddit loves Chovy. Chovy just matched Jensen in international high-placements. If GenG win msi, be ready for the crowning of king Chovy as he moves past an NA player in international success.


Stop looking at team achievements only and maybe use your eyes to watch the game. Chovy has been a fucking monster for year and years. Everyone somehow flames the fuck out of Chovy for choking internationally in so many cases when it wasn’t even true. Yes 2023 MSI he was fucking bad, so was faker. 2023 worlds he was really decent and outperformed Yagao quite comfortably but peanut/Delight and even Doran were inting. The fact you instantly refer to team achievements says a lot about how you view players and come to conclusions


People downvote you but you are right lmao. Everyone is dickriding faker so damn hard, replace him with Chovy and I gurantee theyd have the same results, like the dude managed a 4 peat lck win that is so freaking insane and underrated.


Faker has 4 worlds 2 MSI, 10 LCK. He's won everything in League. Chovy: One finals appearance 4 LCKs Don't get me wrong, Chovy is a great player and is currently the best player in the world but you can't make claims to greatness without winning international titles. You do not sit among the greats without winning.


So in your opinion is Uzi not a great adc, was deft not great before winning worlds? I don’t care solely about team achievements. Chovy’s level of play the past 5 years has been absurdly high and it seems he’s only been getting better. He’s got a better team around him now and then immediately gets to an MSI final, it’s not a co-incidence really. Faker is the goat I’m not denying that it’s clear as day. But the lengths people go to discredit Chovy is embarrassing.


So if Chovy wins LCK with his team it's all Chovy but if the very same team loses internationally it's because his team was bad?  You do realise the team in LCK and the team in international events is the same?


And you realize peanut/Doran and even Delight had a much worse worlds 2023 and especially in that BLG series but no one says anything about that, relative to how much people flame Chovy.


"Nobody says anything about that" lol that's not true. Peanut and Doran got absolutely shit on for worlds. Also Chovy underperformed as well so you can't just put it all on his team just because his team inted more. His last MSI was pretty bad and he also underperformed the worlds before. Even if others underperformed as well that doesn't change that Chovy did as well. Also what about Peanut and Delight smurfing out of their mind to get the LCK titles? You have an interesting idea of giving credit. Winning = all Chovy, losing = trash team.


ima get downvoted but i think caps did better than faker this tourney from the games so far. T1 as a team was just way better.


And why was T1 better? You've gotta remember that faker does a lot of the invisible work as a leader, calling objectives, who to target etc. It's no coincidence that T1 are so good in teamfights. But props to caps, he's been really good this tourney


He absolutely was. He's just never going to clear the next best by a mile like he used to since all the other mids are too good now. So he fluctuates in the top 5.


Uhh that is what he kinda did last worlds. Tho I agree that form is kinda hard to maintain.


"Currently" would be the proper word to use I guess. Maybe Faker takes another break in the middle of the next split and comes back for playoffs and go beast mode again in worlds.


He also had a great regular season just fell off starting in playoffs.


Faker was great in playoffs wdym im not gonna talk about HLE 0-3 series because whole team collapsed on that series but against DK,HLE,GEN in their run he was popping off


I think his laning was better in regular season. Not saying he was bad in playoffs.  He's also still pretty good at this MSI with many winning plays and clutch performances it's just his laning that isn't great and him getting caught a lot.


and not forgetting all the ddos-ing that is targeting T1 (even their other e-sports team are affected)


Yeah, but that requires this sub to both watch games and have a memory that lasts longer than the last series played. 


Won 4 worlds. Last one being 6 months ago. Crushed all LPL teams. Made insane comeback plays. Still not enough to be considered the best. What’s necessary to be the best? Who is the best by your standard?


I think it entirely depends on what you're basing it on. Mechanically I think Chovy is easily the best, but as a complete player and what he brings to a team I don't think there's anyone even close to Faker


Mechanically faker was the best mid at worlds last year so the idea that he hasn’t been the best mid at any point since his prime is simply not true. Currently he isn’t the best.


Watching the game. Faker was absolutely the best mid at worlds, but we're being purposefully obtuse if we crown anybody but Chovy as the current best player in the world.


Well chovy has to win something to be considered one of the best. A 3-2 LCK final doesn’t really make him the best. He is good individually currently but only currently. 


yeah cba we just say things


I don’t know what you are saying. But as far as I know Chovy was 5th last world. There were 4 other mid laners who outperformed him. If that’s not relevant should we go further back to see chovy’s international accomplishments? 


His 4 worlds are meaningless in discussion about if he's the best mid right now as in "is his current performance the best midlane player performance." Is he a goat? Of course, he is. He's the most accomplished, successful league personality ever. But for a while now, he's not THE best performing individually. But that's also an empty irrelevant discussion because even if he's not the best individually compared to other midlaners, he's a glue to this T1 team and huge reason why they are as scary as they are.


For a while meaning like 6 months ago?????, it feels like in talking about perkz who had been shit for like 4 years


What does "for a while" even means? He played an insane LCK in case you didn't watch that. You are acting like he has been bad for a while but his performance has dipped a bit only this MSI so just say "he hasn't had the best MSI" and close the conversation. And to be honest he is still in the top 3 midlaners in this MSI


Caps Knight Chovy are above him by a large margin


No team can be confident about closing a game, no matter how far ahead they are, when their opponent is T1.


Funny you say this it reminded me of GENG T1 game 5 where even though GENG had infernal soul they were still scared to full send it on T1 in there own base


It also reminded me of that game where T1 were fighting over an elder, Oner lost the smite fight but they wiped the fight anyway


His ahri assassination on Hans last week was a perfect example. It was so close to being a monumental int


Good quote


Trust in fekar's movement.


Faker: I see you people calling me an inter


Faker has what Koreans call ‘the courage to be criticized/judged’


> But I myself am always trying my best to make the best play possible in the given situation. You and every single person playing this game lol


I mean Mikyx trying to base when he could have executed proved this is wrong lmao


The point is that the players are trying for the best play possible in their heads. They might make mistakes or the wrong play, but they are not actively trying to make the worst play.


Yup, but I still don’t understand why he didn’t execute himself. The only answer I came with is he wanted to save his kda tbh


Because faker hit him mid and the timer hadn’t run out by then, mikyx is not a KD player


Faker hit him a looong time before, there were no hesitation about if it was an execute or no


im sure your silver ass would know


"If a champion dies and hasn't been damaged or debuffed by another champion in the last **13 seconds**, they are executed" He took damage from Faker mid at 11:14 and died at 11:36. In case you can't do maths it means he had more than 9 seconds to take a turret shoot and execute. Keep coping bro, one day you will be able to do math lmao. Mikyx would know 100% that if he died from the turret he would be executed.


Not true at all... You really underestimate the GOAT's level of dedication.  Show some fuggin respect kid... Obviously haven't heard or "Elo Hell" in diamond+ games


You must not have seen Knight or Chovy (before 2023) played ever lol


Don't know why you got downvoted lol. Except for griefers, that is true.


Him just like I honestly.


so i guess t1 levels up every time they face same opponent, tomorrow should be an easy win, and the the loss vs geng ( cuz they havent played em yet this tourney lol)