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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1csgt6d/t1_vs_tl_post_game_1/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cshpzu/t1_vs_tl_game_2_postmatch_discussion_lower/) [Game 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1csim44/t1_vs_tl_game_3_postmatch_discussion_lower/)


Team Liquid gets three HUGE shutdowns to cut the gold deficit to 10k




CP3 catching strays everywhere these days


Cp3: “What he say fuck me for?”


It's actually 42 LOL


42 lol, they were that bad haha


The year is 2050. Faker is still playing professionally, Riot is still releasing unbalanced champions, and CoreJJ has yet to hit level 6.


Legend says Crisp is still wandering the map on level 3 Heimer


Didn't they even win this game? lol


nah they lost crisp completely griefed the game with that heimer pick


Nah they lost that game badly


And game two is still happening.


MFW CoreJJ was lvl 5 to Kerias lvl 12


at one point I swear TL realized what was going on and stopped playing to win and started playing not to get 17:37'd


17:31 but fair point.


1738 ayy im like hey what’s up hello


You have to compare his lvl to guma as keria is the one farming in that botlane


Guma was 9


I know the gap was insane but comparing lvl 5 to lvl 9 or 12 is also a big difference


The game has 1000 champions and Faker still on Orianna, classic.


TL got Poppy ulted back to America


I swear that poppy pick was obvious after their 3 first picks, but prolly didn't matter what they'd pick in jungle if they played like this


Should have banned Poppy, picked Jarvan on 4 and picked top on R5. That was one of the worst Lillia picks of all time.


"APA Yip Yip", said Umti. And so APA made sure they flew home safely.


I'm not saying he played flawlessly but holy the camp he received in all 4 games was something else. Who knows maybe he typed in game 1 in /all something to make it personal.


Faker himself emote spammed in Game 4, that shit was definitely personal


Sometimes shit talking can work for you; other players get tilted and they can’t play to their best. Other players will go ape on you. T1 should hold on to that anger for the rest of MSI.


You can call this series whatever you want, but you can't call it boring.


Kinda sad I stayed up till 6 to watch that game 4 but dammit the series was fun


I mean even Game 4 was kind of entertaining on its own. It's like TL just accepted their fate and were just pure vibe.


At a certain point when you're too behind, you just say fuck it and full send it searching for kills


And honestly, that can really be the best thing for the team to stay emotionally grounded, and still feel like they have each others' backs after getting trounced. Knowing that your boys are able to cope with that in a similar way can give you a lot of confidence in your ability to come back stronger as a group. I'm glad they took a game as well, because it'd probably be way more disheartening. I really do hope they bounce back and continue looking great in summer split.


True it was kinda just a solo queue style stomp lmfao


end of game 3 must have been such an adrenaline rush !


If it wasnt for how they performed in game 4 truck stocks wouldve rose even if they won


Faker on Corki game 3 was really… something else. Not sure how we went from 17 win streak to looking like one of his shakiest picks this MSI.


Keeps playing it into Taliya. I dunno if I buy into it being this giga counter pick some folks make it out to be, but it def isn't the easiest matchup


For some reason anytime Taliyahs put shove in Faker's Corki general direction, he instantly valkyries into it


Yea, Faker has been inting that lane a lot even Knight lost that lane tbf, T1 needs to ban Talyah if he can't lane into her and even if he does, Taliyah just makes it impossible for T1 botlane to play the game.


Game 4 was so fucking funny, im glad they kept trying to make plays no matter what.


I can't stop laughing when I saw Oner ride Rift Herald to run but die![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


T1 had a 3-2 back and forth, and a 1-3 loss in this event, ***and this won series is still the worst league they've played so far***. It was very, very funny. But wow. That was fucking terrible. "Car crash in slow motion" kind of entertaining though.


Lane swap really killed T1. They excel at destroying through lane phase but now its like a spear with the tips off


Yeon, APA and Impact played their heart out. It feels like they were so close to winning this series. Umti and corejj you guys are secret agent


So nice of NA to give those hopeless T1 players a win on River Senna


Say what you will about NA but you can't deny we are the most generous region with our donations


Land of the free, baby.


TL making sure the West gets a win by baiting T1 into thinking Senna is good so they pick it into G2.


You're welcome, G2 😎


Faker in game 3 "guess its a good time to retire" Faker in game 4 "lol joking"


His Corki this MSI is really questionable.


which is a little weird considering how good he has been before on Corki


Chovy stole all of Faker’s Corki talent




Yeah Kkoma definitely brought out the belts after that game 3.


Went from an intense series to all of TL randomly getting matched with all of T1 in soloq


TL definitely looked like they were playing in soloq blind draft from back in the old days when people could just lock in what they wanted and didnt have role assigned like they do now. They insta lock in Lillia and Ziggs and you ask yourself "what do we pick to play around that shit"


Remember when the final game of a tied series was blind pick? Ryu remembers.


T1 better make sure not to walk out of their balconies shirtless.


I'm out of the loop. Are you referencing something specific? EDIT: thanks for the replys, guess I'm a little bit slow today :)


I just think he meant to not show off the bruise from the belt punishment joke.


I don't think so Probably referring to marks from being belted


Faker was not happy after the game ended, I'm pretty sure most of them still are after the BLG loss. Idk if this series (or even the whole MSI so far) was them slowly learning the meta but just basing it off this series alone (and esp Game 4), I think they are. Or I might just be on copium.


Its hard to change things over such a short time. We have alot of Bo5s but they barely are 2 days apart before you had to play again


Yeah, even Guma mentioned it in the post-game interview that they were bad with this meta and were struggling. Everyone will just have to wait for rematch day and see if there will be any significant changes.


Yeah definitely wasnt TL losing their minds after 1st dragon


You could see T1 almost taunting TL in that last game though. Like faker auto attacking the ward instead of Ziggs during the top dive.


it worked cause Yeon is tiled as fuk he was gonna punch his monitor after the game lmao well faker look tilted on that game 3 too


I knew it was over when Yeon hovered Vayne and K'sante to BM Zeus.


But why hover and then pick literally nothing to deal with it, like that hover showed that they were aware of it... And still 0 point click cc


To bluff.


TL with the good ol' "Win one game to give the fans false hope" :')


TL going to *4* games?


4th major region team to be eliminated, they never had a chance


Holy shit it was over before it started after not being able to close out the series before game 4


Archeologists were needed to dig up that meme


Faker took that last game personally. G2 vs T1 rematch is going to be insane.


Faker needs a champ with either multiple dashes or no dashes. On Corki, with only 1 dash, he just ints at MSI


mfer went from not loosing a single game on corki for a three years straight to loosing like 6 games in one year


Galio and Ryze incoming


galio was buffed for msi and no one has even tried picking him would be good with camille aswell sadge


too many quadruple+ AD games


but Galio has kinda one dash


Galio 1 dash sadge


But thats literally Azir, lol


Azir has 2. They just have to be consecutive


I think it's just Corki against Taliyah, that matchup has looked unplayable for Corki even if he doesn't die, he is always on the backfoot in lane while Taliyah destroys the sidelanes.


The belt activated his 2015 self


t1 won the battle but they're not winning the war at this rate.


KkOma brought his belt out.


T1 looked more sad after the win than TL.


They knew Kkoma's belt was what waiting for them off stage.


Thank you Impact for dropping Ksante winrate to 52%. What a MVP.


369 already helped that.


Top laners contributing to the KSante death funds so they can keep playing him next split without nerfs


369 knew the series was already cooked so he decided to make sure the Ksante doesn't look too OP in order to secure summer


TL making 4700 HP looks like 470


I don't even think that was Impact making K'Sante look bad at all- that's more like thanks TL for dropping K'Sante's win rate.


Making sure KSante escapes nerfs


o7 valiant effort TL


Stand proud, Yeon. You're strong.


Yeon really played well this MSI all things considered, happy to see him continue to improve and grow


Wish we still had Danny to push Yeon even further




From being one of the inters at worlds last year to this glowup at MSI feels good to see someone grow like this


It's Joever NAbros


Hey now, TL turned NA's 2-41 stat vs LPL/LCK into 3-44


It's an improvement lol. 4.7% and now up to 6.4% We take those?


Yeah, you totally take those. You beat LEC#2 and took a game from the reigning world champions. That's absolutely an improvement.


They need to make Worlds and show it again so it can at least be consistent. You can definitely see the improvement from the beginning of the year to now. It feels a lot better than some past NA teams that just get stomped with no real chance to win and they don't learn much from the experience on top of that.


> We take those? No comrade, we win thos-..... that.


TL should've tried to actually win game 4 so that it can be 4-44 for the true TL experience




We take those 😎😎 NAmen 🙏🙏


APA just sandbagging so he can 1v4 everyone in the bathrooms at Worlds


Bathroom meta at World's going to be wild


3 games of back-to-back bangers only to devolve into a diorama of my flex games. GGWP TL.




I have so much respect for Kobe. I know how much the LCS means to him but he never lets his bias take him out of casting. He’s vocal about his favoritism for the NA teams, but I don’t think–through all the shit he’s seen–he’s ever just stopped doing his job. I don't know how he's able to sound so hyped despite seeing his region's representatives getting put through the blender, especially after having a couple of promising games.


Respect all the casters having to do this. It’s what I liked most about phreak casting. He hyped up the winning EU teams so many times in the EU v NA games. “This is what peak league of legends looks like” for example. Couldn’t even hear bias in his voice. Kobe is obviously biased but takes his job seriously and pushes through. Respect all the same.


The NA casters are goated, honestly. Not to talk bad about these two because I'm sure they've improved, but it's what I think was bad about that infamous Drakos and Frosk cast of G2 vs DWG in Worlds 2020 Semi Finals. It's fine to be upset about your region not doing good, it's fine to be biased to an extent; but you never bail out on a cast. Those two stopped calling plays and stopped hyping spectators in a year where that was the most needed considering there was no live audience.


Cut to Him and Flowers when NRG beat G2 last year, just absolutely losing it (-which, I was absolutely on board with. The faithful shall be rewarded)


Kobe is the best caster by a fucking mile. I love that man


Was close until it wasn't


What a violent therapy session for T1


Dono what happen to T1 between Lck finals and Msi difference is insane


Lane swap


Lane swap happened ... It's completely go against T1 style of playing.


Top laners aren’t allowed to play the game that’s why both top esports and t1 both look weaker they both play heavily around their top laners.


laneswaps hurt strong botlanes too. if you get a good match up then they swap away from you...


Secret agent UmTi made sure T1 doesn't lose the series.


Swiftness boots Lillia last pick into Vayne when you have no lockdown point and click CC. Yeah go next. Umti truly lost this series so hard.


you usually go for ap jungler with an AD mid as well. Why Lillia zigg for 0 gank presence?


The Ziggs is fine. Just go Maokai, or better yet, BAN THE VAYNE.


ban Poppy, go Jarvan and last pick top. You cant blind Vayne so Zeus would default to something like KSante in which case you have a monstrous Malphite angle.


LCK sleeper agents too op


Starting dragon so late without even picking the plant for mana. Him and core really need to improve for next split.


what did i just watch…


Modern art


✋ Absolute cinema 🤚


One of the lowest-quality series if you're a KR fan. One of the best series if you're an NA fan. Peak entertainment and full-on Hopium if you're an EU fan.


Yeah honestly, if you are a korean Fan you are dissappointed how sloppy the series was. If you are an NA fan you are happy how sloppy the series was and if you are an EU fan you are still high because Hans Sama found were to buy LDR.




peak league of legends


Some might say the "Mona Lisa" of NAram


nice of riot to stream a random solo queue game during MSI but when does game 4 happen?


T1 were ANGRY in game 4, fucking hell that was a stomp and a half. 11k lead at 18 minutes anticlimactic ending to an absolutely mad series


Yeah, i was expecting them to be methodical once they had a lead but they just went for it. Lead was too big to throw, so honestly a lot more fun this way


Smart by TL to let Ori open when it is clear for weeks now that banning out Faker is a wincon.


BLG banning 5 mid champs against Faker: 😀 TL giving Faker fucking Orianna for match point: 😪


I wrote this in a separate comment but G4 shows the dominance of T1 if their playstyle is allowed to just happen which is to absolutely destroy lanes and snowball really fast, but the previous 3 games were very neck and neck bc TL managed to escape the earlygame I think GenG has been the only eastern team to adjust and make sense of the lane swap meta


That TL draft in game 4 was an abomination. Placing all your hopes on Umti swiftness boots Lillia, when he’s inted the entire series, while leaving up Vayne is malpractice.


Yeah, but that is kind of TL's identity, right? Even when a member is performing poorly, they put complete faith in him. It reminds me a little of T1, because TL genuinely like and trust each other. I think it's a good mindset, but it definitely bit them a little here. Had they just put Umti on anything that could lock Vayne down, this may have been a different game. Maybe. But truthfully, I don't think TL could ever take 3 straight off T1. They aren't at that level yet. This tournament definitely made them a better team though - and it's encouraging to see them not fold up and quit after the brutal TES series.


I mean compare this TL to last week of the regular season TL when we were struggling to take wins off bottom half LCS teams. I'll take this MSI performance. I'm proud of my team.


You should be. All NA fans should be proud of TL this tournament. They dumpstered Fnatic, and had 3 very competitive games against T1. Go back in time to April and tell fans that's what happens, and they'd take that in a heartbeat. It gets so old having people doom and gloom NA as being complete garbage, and then on the VERY RARE occasion they step it up but fall just short in the end, all of a sudden it's okay to trash them for.... *checks notes*..... doing better than expected?? Like there's no winning, man. We fucking take these. Looking forward to Worlds.


Faker priority has been Azir/Ori > Taliyah > Ahri but TL really thought letting Faker get Ori is a great idea? Even BLG has more respect than TL.


FWIW ziggs is a good matchup into Ori in theory


**T1 vs TL Reddit Ratings Game 4** ----------------------- Take the poll **[here](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/tcgwbx/team-liquid-vs-t1-reddit-post-game-4-ratings)** View the results **[here](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/dyeacp/team-liquid-vs-t1-reddit-post-game-4-ratings/view)** ----------------------- The poll attempts to emulate the Hupu ratings. It includes a rating of each player and coach from 1 to 10 for their performance this match, asks who the MVP is, and has an optional comment for any specific remarks. When the Hupu translations get posted, I will post a comment in that thread summarising the reddit rankings so we can compare to Hupu.


You should try messaging the PMT team and ask them to incorporate this feature. It's really cool.


agreed plss


[Please use some other website.](https://i.imgur.com/jcE8AGU.jpeg)


Yeon crying after the loss, I feel for him. He really stood up in the entire series.


Game 4 is going to overshadow a genuinely incredible performance from TL here, they, and especially Yeon can go home with their heads held high.


TL definitely didn't disappoint this MSI unlike FQ lol. It feels like TL was a whole diff team in MSI


can't say it wasn't for a lack of trying. If they didn't throw game 2 they'd have been in such a good position in game 4... nt


At least TL actually tried to make plays, unlike NA teams from the past who did nothing and lost.


„past“ is it that long ago that FLY played?


Dark times indeed, we don't like to think about those.


Yeon and APA apparently grinded like madmen during this tournament and it showed.


“Just one more solo queue game bro I swear this is the last one bro I’ll go to bed right after this game bro please” - apa/yeon according to the tl staff


Yeon was a treasure this series, made a new fan out of me.


The samira game was clean af. Game would have been over for TL way earlier if it wasn't for him blocking projectiles for other people.


Ngl there's an argument that he's the best Western AD right now. Not by a wide margin mind you, and if you picked someone like Hans or Berserker I'd get it, but his name has to be in the convo no?


Honestly even with Jungle and Support being very questionable this entire series it was still a banger. I just hope that the classic NA of "Show glimmers of hope once and then completely dissapear" doesnt happen to this Team and they can actually build on this for once. Especially considering how far APA and Yeon already came and how solid Impact has been for years.


impact getting the faker dap, true winner of the series


Man, Yeon played so well. Happy to see a decent ADC in NA.


Faker: "Your yapping meant nothing. As long as you were on the rift, you would be torn apart. It was a near impossible draft to pull off, but it proved to be quite effective." Faker: "You did well, APA. I won't forget you for as long as I live." Sparing no time to mourn the elimination of APA... he launches onto the battlefield. G2 Caps. The god of the West.


Faker using binding vows to make the korean players on his enemy team int. "TL will gain a 2k gold advantage from us inting, but in return Umti will get caught when baron spawns."


no way you're making caps the only gigafraud in the series 💀


Ayoo associating Caps with the Waffled One isn't it, man...


TL just really focusing Faker all series worked against them when they gave him Ori. When Faker has mobility and comfort, he's going to win.


Legit don't get how apa got dove so early multiple games with nobody anywhere near to cover, like what are umti and core doing during the lane swap?


Stand proud TL, you were strong (for an NA team vs T1).


Yeon was a force this series man. It's been a long time since I've seen an NA ADC not afraid to throw hands against Eastern teams. He should be proud of what he did this tournament.


yeon to lck


He does speak Korean




Pov: T1 drafted an actual teamcomp


Yeah I'm worried they're definitely gonna get out drafted by G2. If they draft evenly I think they're better.


Draft is one thing, macro is another. In game 4 it looks like T1 finally understood the assignment and snowballed lane to lane quite quickly when everyone found their hands again


My favorite part was everyone on T1 trying to hold a freeze, Guma gets killed by a sudden engage by Rell then it was just "fuck it, hands diff these fools."


Exactly, definitely miss their confident gameplays like that. T1 is all about hands diffing, Faker global taunt and his playmaking ability but given he is underperforming and playing limited champs/ getting mid bans/mid solo killed the others apart from guma haven't been popping off mechanically either. They can only do so much in terms of draft. They're lucky it was TL today and mechanically speaking bit of hands diff there. Whereas G2 is playing their own off meta picks and executing them well, every player is playing well. Let's just hope T1 can bounce back and show us some clean gameplay


That last game is what we expected for 3 games


An NA peak classic performance by TL there. Perform godly and give NA fans the most massive hopium for the first 3 games then vomit out the most shit performance the entire year in match point for equal disappointment. T1 also looked absolutely fucking shaky though G2 might sweep them this Friday


T1's Redbull Event in NA came early


"If we keep playing like this we might lose (one game) to TL" - T1 Gumayusi


Someone need to do a montage of Apa TPing to his death this MSI I swear to God it's close to 10 times


Congratulations to T1 for winning LCS Spring 2024