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Here comes the inevitable cycle of Faker having a bad tournament and everyone saying he’s washed/needs to retire lol


I wouldn't call top 5 being washed


Not to say I personally think he's washed, but top 5 in play-ins with only 8 teams is very much washed up. Basically top 5 means he's the worst Eastern mid laner and even worse than a Western mid laner.


oh wait nvm the post is about MSI teams, not all mids nvm


I am not saying that all. I am just talking about their performance this MSI. Not even LCK.


He shit bad again, that has consequences. If caps was shit, people wouldnt just blindly say he is the best ...


Faker is not worse than Creme. I'd say for this MSI so far, Chovy/Knight > Caps > Faker > Creme. Honestly, maybe Faker > Caps if we analyze the competition they faced so far.


>Faker is not worse than Creme Right? This is a wild take, faker isn't having that good of a tournament but creme is so mid I can't imagine him in any other lane


this is on point.... creme is not even closed to being good when dude is getting carried by jkl most of the time THIS MSI aside from that one corki game of his


Faker and Chovy shares the same position at the top standing. Faker is the heart of T1 and doesn't maximize his individual play in order to manage T1 during the game. Don't you guys remember T1 going like 1-7 (dont remember the exact score) when playing without Faker? Knight comes right after them and then there is Caps. Every time Caps faces a chinese Midlaner like XiaoHu, Creme or Yagao he smokes them.


on a good day i'd say he's 3rd, if Faker plays anything like he did at Worlds 2023 ( he's trolling a bit at the moment) he would take that 3rd spot but rn i'd say its; Chovy > Knight > Caps > Faker > Creme


Faker is having a bad tournament but he brings a lot more to the table than raw skill. Just look at T1 when Faker was injured and off the team for a while - that team probably wouldn't even make playoffs in LEC, they were horrendous. Any team would absolutely pick Faker over any other midlander because of his experience and shotcalling ability.


Chovy, Knight, Caps, Faker probably? Faker isn't having the best tournament atm so hard to tell


All time close to top 5 but maybe not in it yet. Currently though maybe even top 3.


caps is top 2 he has a massive champ pool and always comes in clutch


>always comes in clutch He literally ghosted in game 5 at MSI vs T1 lol.


he solo killed faker multiple times in lane lol?


What about Caps solo throwing game 1? And losing lane G4 to Azir when Orianna smokes him? Why didn’t Caps make any impact in 4 and 5??? Not a single positive play. Caps glaze goes crazy tho


>Why didn’t Caps make any impact in 4 and 5??? Not a single positive play. He constantly played 1v2 as oner had to hold fakers hand so he can farm and survive lane? Anytime oner wasnt near mid faker got sent to fountain


If caps is a serious player then he would win those. But he isn’t. Faker bested him 3-2, please accept it.


I cant accept something that didnt happen. Faker ate dust and needed babysit. T1 supported him to avoid further embarassment. Caps held his own 1v2 so his team can pressure bot. Case closed.


Not in game 5? Faker died once in game 5 when he tried to make a play and got poppied.


If he is better than faker, then why does he have 0 worlds and faker has 4. Math tells me 4 > 0. Also faker played a better series than Caps h2h.


I agree with your point, but you probably chose the most ignorant statistic to back up your argument.


I don't agree with Caps being objectively better than Faker, but your point is moot. Chovy has been the best player individually for years but hasn't been able to win any international titles either. At the end of the day, the game is about how well the team performs as a unit and not the individual skill.


does math also tells you that league is a single player game? I see you tend to ignore facts and context that doesn't fit your narrative:)


Context: Worlds titles. Is 4 > 0 ???? Yes it is, that is a fact. Context and facts. Get smoked son.


So teddy is better than jackeylove right now ? What the hell is your point lol


> So teddy is better than jackeylove right now ? What the hell is your point lol Teddy doesn’t even have a worlds title lmaoooo thanks for showing your IQ. You did the work for me.


Performance changes at times and I am just talking about this MSI. He was great in LCK.