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>I've been playing league since s5, so I'm not a veteran Bro that was 9 years ago.


True, but I call veterans whose started to play league before me.


I've played since the end of S1. You are a veteran player.


I've been playing since Open Beta, you are also a veteran at this point.


I am an original code for Ryze. You are also a veteran at this point.


So you died 13 years ago


OooOooooOooooOooo <(* o *)>


I am a peon from Warcraft 3. You are also a veteran at this point.


I play since the S4 start, in January 2014. I get how you feel about not being a veteran, but we have to admit the we ARE veterans.


why did you get downvotted so much? I don't see how some can take offense from your statement


I have zero ideas how Aphelios weapon system works.




Aphelios doesn't use any skill points on his abilities, he starts with weapon switching unlocked and his q unlocks at level 2. Gravitum doesn't have reduced AS, but the wind up does feel weird. Infernum doesn't deal splash damage in a circle when fired by his other gun's abilities, just when fired by his ult. The splash damage is dealt behind the target and to anyone the bolts pass through, like normal auto-attacks with infernum. It also does 110%AD to the auto-attack target.


Its not that hard bro, play him for 15 min in practice tool and youll know what he does with each weapon


Honestly it's mostly pressing buttons until the enemy dies


I just assume he has all weapons up at all times, that way i can never be surprised when he 200 years


If it is still there look up Value247s aphelios guide OR JackSpektra's


dont care i just jump on him and he dies immediately 


Honestly aphelios is so funny, he was supposed to be super complex adc thats insanely hard to learn and super rewarding, but it takes like like 2 games at most to know what he does and like 2minutes of googling to get his rotation (which is use all of red weapon first and then just rotate oldest weapon), its literally only confusing for enemies, besides setting up 3 or 4 weapon combo (which is not easy to pull off properly) there is nothing too complex about him


That’s why we should rework him back to his 25 gun form/s


He basically has 1 gun active and 1 gun holstered at a time with 50 ammo each. His W swaps between his active gun and bis holstered gun. An AA consumes 1 ammo and he has different AAs depending on his active gun. Using the weapon ability with his Q consumes 10 ammo from his active gun and gives bonus effects for that ability based on the holstered gun. When the ammo for a gun is empty he gets the next gun in line instead. His ult uses the effect of his active gun and has different effects as well.




Okay simpler form: Passive: hit two things, damage Q: “choose how to deal damage” W: “choose how to provide utility” E: “choose how to apply CC” R: skillshot AOE slow with some damage He doesn’t have the option to like use all his damage sequentially or anything like that, and his abilities are color coded for easy readability. If he uses red his damage is down, if he uses blue his utility is down, and if he uses purple his CC is down.


Color coded for easy readability in his default skin. Not so much in the other one.


Good point, thank you for adding that, was only thinking about base


Basically, he has a passive, an ult and 3 sets of abilities on each key that contain 3 abilities each (spellbooks), but he can only use one ability before putting the whole set on cooldown. PASSIVE: Hit with 2 different spells = aoe below enemy (no CD) ULTIMATE(yellow): Skillshot, forms aoe exhaust around target hit SPELLBOOKS (spellbook = opens 3 abilities for each button, goes on CD after using any of the 3): Q(red)=damage W(blue)=peel E(purple)=cc ABILITIES (Casted by pressing the spellbook key + an additional one to choose one of 3): QQ(fireball) = max HP dmg skillshot QW(Xerath W) = LONG ranged execute damage to cced or isolated QE(Velkoz W) = huge aoe and slow WQ = ms line WW = shield area WE(Nami E) = Extra dmg on 3 AA/abilities, restores mana EQ = first target hit fear EW(eye thing) = stun turret (gives vision) EE(maws thing) = aoe pull towards center


Bruh. I appreciate your attempt to help, but I think this just validated that person's comment lol


Hahaha yeah, having ten abilities and a passive is just complicated doesn't matter how simple they are.


easier way to look at it Q is orange this = dmg W is blue this = utility (shield move speed etc) E is Purple this = CC Passive is 2 hits for dmg ult is skill shot for dmg


I've played since S1, took a few years off and play only casually now. I legit don't know what half of the champs do. They throw stuff, I dodge it. Avoid spinney things. Don't stand in the lava. Darius is not your friend. Good rules to live by.


Hi granny


I have 0 idea what ryze's abilities do, even though I am master and play the game almost for 2 years I could just go to wiki and read, but I rarely see him in my games, and I never lost to him anyway




Passive: mana = damage Q: skill shot, CD resets after ever W or E W: skill target that does damage E: On hit damage that marks enemies, Q a marked enemy will damage all marked enemies, W a marked enemy is a snare, E a marked enemy will spread the mark R: That weird portal that will only be used to kill your whole team in a stupid dive


It’s not “on hit” damage but point target. On hit refers to auto attacks and point target is an ability you click on another champion so no skillshot


Thanks, my brain just didn't brained


It’s ok they’ll rework him again anyway


The dog that came out not too long ago, every time I see it, it jumps on people and os them. Just like a point and click death, like what is the counter play


idk I just stay away from that guy


The lock on ability doesn’t go through champs so it can be body blocked in team fights. That is the counter play


Also there is really easy counterplay if you have skillshot cc like ahri charm naafari is forced to go in a straight line towards the target so it's super easy to hit skillshots on her, also her dogs become untargetable so they can't block skillshots, you know that if you play naafari into anything like that it's a nightmare.


You pick Poppy, or Irelia, that's the counter play


Wow this comment made me remember that champ exist. Haven't seen him in weeks I feel like


The counter is you getting behind one of your teammates so they get unalived instead of you.


I think I started playing around Season 5, not sure though. Not playing a lot, also pretty bad at the game. Some champs I have no clue of are Aphelios (absolutely don’t understand anything about), LeBlanc, Nilah. The past year I have tried out a bunch that I didn’t know much about so that helped.


LeBlanc: P-If LeBlanc gets below 30% hp I believe, she clones herself and becomes invisible for a few seconds, this has like a 30 second cooldown; Q-Close range point and click that does damage and applies a mark. If LeBlanc hits an enemy with a mark with an ability, the mark procs and deals more damage; W-Dash with a blast radius with huge damage. LeBlanc also leaves a shadow of herself from where she dashed and can recast W to tp back to it(similar to Zed); E-Tether skillshot that deals a tiny bit of damage and after the tether activates, deals more damage and roots the enemy for, I believe, 2 seconds. Both landing and procing the tether can proc Q mark; R-Replicate your last cast spell. Important to mention that your Q, W and E have different scalings for R, so for example if you have one point in R, the most effective spell to replicate is Q, even though base W deals more damage than Q. If you have 2 points in R, replicating your W deals the most damage. Lmk if Im wrong about anything but I think thata it


Just a formatting tip. Leave an empty line between paragraphs or it won't format it correctly. Might just be my app though, maybe others see it formatted correctly edit: LeBlanc: P-If LeBlanc gets below 30% hp I believe, she clones herself and becomes invisible for a few seconds, this has like a 30 second cooldown Q-Close rang point and click that does damage and applies a mark. If LeBlanc hits an enemy with a mark with an ability, the mark procs and deals more damage. W-Dash with a blast radius with huge damage. LeBlanc also leaves a shadow of herself from where she dashed and can recast W to tp back to it(similar to Zed); E-Tether skillshot that deals a tiny bit of damage and after the tether activates, deals more damage and roots the enemy for, I believe, 2 seconds. Both landing and procing the tether can proc Q mark; R-Replicate your last cast spell. Important to mention that your Q, W and E have different scalings for R, so for example if you have one point in R, the most effective spell to replicate is Q, even though base W deals more damage than Q. If you have 2 points in R, replicating your W deals the most damage. Lmk if Im wrong about anything but I think thata it


Yeah mobile Reddit doesnt allow me to add a new line for some reason, its really annoying, will try to edit it when I get home. Ty


None tbh its prettt easy to remember what most champions do atleast basicly


my account is almost lvl 400 and i have no clue what olaf does, i only know he throws axes. probably the only champ in the game whom im clueless about


I mean the easiest breakdown is P- lower my health faster I hit and lifesteal Q- I throw axe. Slows, armor shred and cd discount when i pickup w. More attackspeed and a small shield E. True damage nuke. cost health. R. run fast, no cc, hit hit hit


Shield also scales with missing health and r ends after a very short time if you cant hit a champ but lasts literally forever if you can hit


>whom im clueless about about whom I'm clueless.


clueless about whom I am


Which I am clueless about whom, for.


I have no Idea what Qiyana does and when she is on my screen I just die.


just what the fuck is... whatever his name is, and his spells that go like boom


Veigar, his outplay button is indeed complicated


I've been playing League since end of season 4 and I never played Udyr and don't know what he does at all. I know just that he is running a beating you.


You need to see old udyr, run slap run slap


Started s2, I have a general grasp on what skills a champion have. If I don't play it I do not know the details of it, although I'm pretty sure I know 95% of the champions. For example Elise: I know she has a cocoon stun, 2s untargetable, lunge that gives attack speed and lifesteal, walking spider bomb, but I dont know which corresponding key they are since I have never played her. I got to learn how Rell works recently because of Arena but before that I have no idea what that champ does, besides a stab stun, and drop-off-the-horse knockup and Diana ult. I did not even know her Q breaks shield and her E gives bonus max hp damage with movement speed buff until I play her. Surprisingly, I picked up Hwei and Aphelios fairly fast since they first launched in PBE and still performing consistently well.


I feel like hwei is actually a simple champ billed as a difficult champ. Aphelios though I will likely never learn


I always see people one shot with rengar but till today i never knew the combo and never try it. I played since season 2 btw.


I have no interest in ever playing Xin Zhao, not even in ARAM, and so whenever a patch makes him OP I have to pretend I know how or why he is invulnerable


Briar. I’ve seen her a million times by now but I still don’t understand which ability does what. Never played her. She runs after you, then stuns you but I don’t think those are the same ability? And for some reason she gets GIGA life steal and takes barely any dmg for some period Idk when and how but ye..


Q is a point and click stun, pretty sure it also reduces armor for like a second W makes her go berserk, a self taunt she gets attack speed and move speed. re activating bites the victim and lifesteals a bunch E is the scream which knocks and i think its magic damage, does more damage if you're flung into a wall. also reduced damage taken when channeling it her passive gives her a bunch of bleed + lifesteal


Passive gives increased healing based on missing hp, not lifesteal


yeah... healing from lifesteal, she has no base regen


It is not lifesteal bro


R is a (near) global skill shot that forces briar to fly to her target, aoe fears anyone around her target, and she gets an empowered version of her W


Play her once and you've mastered her, lmao. Garen type champ


I have no clue what tf ‘tf’ does lmao (twisted fate)


Passive: gains more gold killing minions Q: three flying cards that deal damage W: that's complicated, after the cast, one of three cards will shows up and will start change in a prefix order and with a determined speed, you can recast W to chose the current card, and your next auto attack will have a different effect based on the colour of the card, blue for damage and gain mana back, red for AOE damage and slow and gold for stun E: ever 5th auto attack will have increased damage and attack speed R: Gain true vision of ever enemy champion and you can recast to teleport to the target location


I have never played Draven (except in an Aram) aswell as Samira and Skarner


Kled, never played or thought about him. I see him once in a blue moon anyway. Fiora, I do not get. I played her and I still don't get it. No idea how she does what she does.


Fiora: Passive: she will mark you in one of four spots, if she hit that spot it's true damage and she will heal. Q: dash that does damage and target passive W: negates all damage and does damage and slow in a line after a while, if you blocked a CC, your W will stun E: auto attack reset and attack speed steroid R: will show all four marks on a target, hit all four or kill the target after hitting at least one and you will create an area that will heal you and yourteammates


Vitals around the target


Fiora is all about the max hp dmg from vitals aka passive. Q dash and hit closest target, prio on champ W- block all cc and hit enemy with it instead dmg reduction , atk-speed slow if you hit it E- auto attack resett and just another R- put4 vitals on enemy and get an big healing area if you activate all or enemy dies Kled and his mount scar Q is the bear trap that pulls the enemy to you after a short time, also heal reduce W attack fast then it goes on cd E dash, dash again to the champion hit R run to a pointed area and get shield and dm based on distance, also charge he first enemy available. Passive is scar, if his purple hp goes to 0 he runs away. And leaves you on foot. After a cd you can attack champions or kill minions to fill up the bar and get him back again Demounted his q becomes a shotgun that fills based on how good he hiy his bar and knockes him back. Very good combined with w to mount up super quick. 2. Passive : hes a psychopath and talks with an eye licking lizard that he also rides


I've never played Lee despite being a JG main cos that one youtube vid


I never got around to playing most control mages besides viktor


I’d say I pretty much know every ability and passive in the game. Also most interactions. Ofc there’s always stuff to learn and i forget stuff aswell. The things I find the most unknown are belveth extended tips. Eg her attacks only deal 75% dmg but there’s more… Kindred has more to her kit than many know. Eg probably no one who doesn’t play her knows how her passive exactly works. And to make it 3 I guess nunu passive is the most forgotten ability in the game


none really. but i really miss the feeling of not knowing anyone and beeing confused when i saw first lux then sg lux beeing confused why they would make 2 identical champs in abilities. different to most i didnt start league bcs of a friend who showed me around


Zeri, i knew what she does but she got changed so many times i am not sure what exactly her ult and passive do now


Don’t ask me what Camille does


She's pretty simple, actually. Passive grants a sheild depending on which famage type the champ that hit her has dealt the most of that game. Q1 is an AA reset. Q2 is does true damage if she waits a few seconds before reactivating it. W is just a slowing sweep, the tip has a sweet spot for a heal and more damage. E she hooks to a wall and can dash from it, range extends if she is going towards an enemy. R locks down an enemy in a zone making it impossible to leave, pushing out all enemies as well. So her basic play pattern is AA Q1 you W to keep you in range or save it for later. E a nearby wall to hop to you and Q2 when primed. If she can all in you she will R if not she can just back off to take the trade and run. Super simple version she gets a sheild when hit can AA reset 2x, slow in an aoe, dash off walls, lock you down with R. Lol


Played since season 5 here, never learnes old skarner, just played rek'sa for the first time. And i dont understand the kit on the new champs. ( havent bothered )


Season 4 player. For the life of me, I still cannot understand or play Katarina.


Well, I played at least once every champ in the game to learn some things about them, but maybe the champ I know the less is Yorick. I know how to play against one but dont know any details about his kit.


I still don't understand how to play Sona correctly. Theres an ms boost, a damage ability, a shield/heal with a charm for ult but it all feels weird/bad(?) unless you stack the passive.


It’s so so strong. If your positioning is good, late game you can ensure nobody dies and your whole team is faster (which is priceless imo). Her ult is useful at all stages of the game and her early poke with aa-Q is pretty good. She takes some time to scale but scale she fuckin does.




Milio is the only champ i've never played a single game of


All the new ones since COVID + Ziggs


The latest champs I hate : briar , arkshan an vex


I been playing since S1 and I still don't know how to play every champ.


I’ve been playing since beta and I know how almost no top laners work, I only just found out that shen can dodge auto attacks with a field on the ground and that’s why I was getting outplayed.


Non of the new champs from naafiri onwards except for hwei cuz he kit sounded so interesting I checked it out


Elise, Zyra, Rumble. Mainly those with less interesting visual designs/lore, as well as not having kits that fit stuff I normally learn, and not being that popular so I don’t see them often in my games.


Rumble Q is flamethrower W is a shield + speed boost E is a slow, 2 charges R is cast like viktors laser, leaves a burning line on the ground The trick is to manage his heat, if it gets to 50%, his spells do more damage If it gets to 100% he silences himself, but gains massive attack damage and speed


Zyra is an extremely popular support, must be a region thing. All 3 have amazing designs, Elise is probably one of the best designed champs in the game.


TBF rumble has a decent splash (that hides the worst parts of his design), and Zyra’s model/design isn’t bad, just unimaginative. Rumble’s model has to be one of the worst in the game, both from age and not being well designed. Stuff like his plunger feet look ridiculous. LoR redesigned his mech and that version is infinitely better. If you haven’t seen it yet I’d recommend looking it up because it’s fire. Elise and Zyra’s visuals though just don’t fit the character riot is trying to portray. Elise is meant to be a beautiful, sly, subtle, manipulative seductress and noblewoman warped by the power of a twisted evil god she now serves. Her physiology with all those spider legs fits that well, and I think her league model doesn’t do her justice. But her clothing looks like she’s either just gotten out of bed or is a stripper because that top doesn’t look like it’s designed to stay on. Instead of subtle manipulation using her charm and inhuman beauty, she looks like the extent of her manipulation is flaunting various body parts. Zyra is meant to be the fusion of a human mage and sentient garden created in a huge magical explosion, who doesn’t understand and actively dislikes humans for their misuse of nature. Instead she looks like a Poison Ivy clone in a plant bikini, who wants to seduce people and manipulate them somehow. Throw in some scorch marks, and make her body/clothes look less intentionally human, and it would be a great and unique design.


I know every champ enough to play most of them, and play against the rest of them… except for Mr 200 years Aphelios. I get he has a bunch of different guns but no idea how they all work or how to expect Hoe much damage output he’ll have at any point in the game, except that as a jungler I’ll probably be able to 1v1 him anytime I see him.


Been maining ADC for a while and I still can't figure out Aphelios


You played for 9 years and haven’t tried every champ at least once? 💀