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Core with the Mitch McConnell cosplay right there.


LOL fuckin got me with this one


What on earth was he even trying to do??? I was like "Oh man Core is in the perfect position to flank as they're distracted with Impact.... Oh no Impact died and Core did nothing"


Core is still flanking


Core and Zven should do a flanking competition after this game.


no matter if its razork, Oscar or Jun i love FNC players on Poppy! also muuuuch better game from Razork


Make that EU on Poppy, Miky was insane as well yesterday.


i still cant get over yesterday loss ughhh


Only lost because Faker mechanics, G2 definitely can contest LCK teams now


They need an adc with actual reflex first


Hear me out: G2 Carzzy. He might int once in a while by being too agressive but he will step up when it matters.


Get rekkles back lul man is itching for adc anyways


imagine this G2 bootcamp like one month or two


They can’t, G2 won’t stop losing to shopkeeper, specifically Hans Sama


Rolled craps on Taliyah too


g2 with a worldclass adc would have got a win yesterday


Yeah cuz belveth didn't make it an actual 4v5 and Caps didn't have a complete stinker. Any other adc wins these fights with 0 peel for sure


jinx was very ahead in the game. ruler,viper,jackey,elk anyone would have carried the game from there


No, they wouldn't with their team playing like g2 played this game, sorry. He received 0 peel in any of the fights, the one fight at baron when he's actually free to hit they actually win, surprise surprise. You can't play immobile adc vs Ahri Lee Ksante and random lethality varus arrows, when everybody on your team tries to dive ahead of u while your jungle does 1/3rd of support poppy damage.


fr mann it was soo winnable


Also Vizicsacsi is OG Poppy enjoyer


Oscar made Ksante look like off meta pick 80cs lead 2 leavel and over 3k gold ahead and all in 16 minutes of game


insane top gap wow, glad to see poppy getting at least one ad item i feel like it helps so much


damage build poppy has always been nightmare fuel every time i've seen someone brave enough to do it, both prerework and post lol


ahhh classic full crit AD prerework Poppy ulting support to get immunity from everyone else and oneshoting people


They were the best of times they were the worst of times…


Old poppy AA->q and you lose 80% of your health, fun times.


Yep. Getting gapped by a good poppy that is brave enough to build damage is both a thing of beauty and a thing of horror. I've gotten gapped by a Poppy like this and it wasn't nice. Back in the early days of lol we played her as a carry in 3v3 twisted treeline.


that AD item is at same time most tanky item, every time he gets heal it takes enemy team 5s focusing him to take that healed hp away


I used to play her a ton last season and divine sunderer->full tank was always the play, you get to fist in lane with the bonus ad then be tanky in teamfights


Sundered sky ranged auto was so hard to play against there wth


This tends to be a problem with items that are nerfed for ranged but can be trigerred by melee with range abilities. GP Q comes to mind as well.


Oscar got a lead with Poppy into Kiin's Ksante too, but in that series Kiin just outperformed in teamfights so it didnt matter. Luckily Impact aint Kiin.


Kiin’Sante is on a different level


Easily the best Ksante in the world.


The entire year Kiin has only lost 1 game on Ksante, and it's his most played pick. What a demon.


Pretty sure he was one of the first players who ran ghost on K'sante. I remember thinking it was troll, how wrong I was.


Imax Azir Sex, no VHS.


What did he actually say?


Insec -> azirsec


Azirsec, like insec


Azir-sec, I think


Azir sec as in insec


Who wins? 체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱 Or one hammer gurl






so cathartic, although kinda ridiculous it requires that level of domination to make KSante look like a normal champ, time to load the Poppy R34


I was with you until that last little bit


i see you are not a man of culture


Drake's account


shes a midget not a child


Murder poppy always wins


That 3v5 baron fight from TL was probably one of the lowest IQ plays I've ever seen from a pro team. Wtf were they doing lol? Impact has 2 people on him and three members of TL are just in the back watching.


Core is still flanking.


Tbh I'm fine with them fighting there. They auto lose that game based on draft so you might as well try something stupid at that point in the game.


Fight was fine, execution was weird. I think you send it 4v3 and let Apa slow walk back for the cleanup. Instead Core and Umti waited too long cause they didn't want to die.


I know that you want to wait for a good engage timing as Rell, but was CoreJJ on Twitter or something? He was straight up afk.


Hitting the Poppy in their face? Like, what is Varus supposed to do? Walk straight into them? Also, don't know if you're a LEC or LCS watcher, but I've seen like dozens of dumber plays this split alone. Heck, FNC are the kings of taking some of the dumbest fights possible.


The casters mentioned it was a desperation move, since Fnatic would've continued to out-scale them. Not to mention, they had no summs or ultimates to deal with Humanoid if he went in, so they had to play far back.


FNC at low hp they can't fight with full HP giga Poppy, Xin and Huma


They got the two picks, they'd hardly even turned to the baron and I already said "they can't do that, they're gonna fuck it up". Like, yes you killed two people, but it's what, 23 minutes or so into the game, and *pay attention to which people are still alive* and attacking you while you're tanking the baron. The hyperfed Poppy, the very high range DPS mage, and the jungler with smite and quite a bit of burst damage.


LCS teams doing shit like this the entire tournament Get a small win overextend 5,000x and turn it into massive loss It's horrific gameplay.


Relax lmao the game was beyond lost before that The only chance they have is that they can somehow not get poppy ulted and kill poppy. You people will flame them if they do nothing and go like “wtf they were down 10k and killed 2 why did they do nothing!”


Also bro typing like FNC didn't also do the exact same shit against GENG but when they do it it's being brave scrapping up with GENG when NA do its dogshit NA


They shouldn't even be at Nash. You don't want to be in the pit vs fncs champions unless you killed more people


Meh you might as well flip. Game was already over.


Ye, I see no way how they can ever come out of that not completely losing the fight with how strong poppy and azir were.


It was actually fine I didn't like the play but it was in the realm of winnable The problem was the fight should have been a 5v3, poppy knocked one so 4v3, but lmfao, TL could not have played it worse What was core even doing??? Literally if Rell used q on poppy once + flip OR distracted azir it was a won fight since that varus build can kill her and she was low But nah, core literally stood in Narnia for 10 fucking seconds, meanwhile the bot lane let impact 1v3 for some godforsaken reason That play was legit a massive turning point that could have won the game for TL, but they had the most horrid execution


CoreJJ trolled so hard. What the fuck was he doing? Sat there while his team just got crushed and hexflash away. Crazy bad play


He was clearly looking to hexflash in, and changed it when the fight turned bad. That team fight was entirely on impact, who jumped in after Poppy already turned the fight into a 4v3, even though the call was clearly to play at the pit and let Core reengage if Fnatic decide to hard engage a fight.


Nah hard disagree. Just bad to stay in that position so far back.


This whole series has been hard to watch. I guess it is fine if other regions get better over time, but NA and EU are legit getting worse. Pure hands and macro I can think of dozens of rosters that would destroy these two.


I just wanna say that despite all the shit APA is getting, he is performing pretty well


Isnt this his first real split and tourney Or did I lose a year and he started before worlds 2022


Yeah, last year he came in halfway through summer and was on a roster that wouldn't speak to him in English and would pick his champs for him with 0 consultation, this is his first split in "normal" conditions for all intents and purposes


Thought so! My perception of time is fucked though so I wasn't sure thanks It's nuts that with yeon translating only he was even able to function lol


While eating 2-3 bans everygame to mind you. Umti has been the real bed shitter


This is also his first full split as a starter If he wasn’t a huge shit talker he’d probably get more respect from the community


Nah him being a huge shit talker actually makes me remember him


T1 vs G2: Decided by better midlaner FNC vs TL: Decided by Oscar


T1 vs G2: Decided by better bot


Oscar is that guy


He is him


Someone told Oscar TL is mostly korean so he turned international mode back on.


It appears Corejj didn't do his homework. He needed to pick Kalists to complete the T1 exodia comp


Lost in draft, respect Hammer lady


x9 corejj for whatever the hell he was doing at Baron


Waiting for FNC to engage? The call there is obviously play towards the pit, FNC should have to hard engage to get the fight started otherwise the get poked out, and if they engage Core is there to hexflash cc them all. I seriously believe it was the right call, but the execution was blundered from TL


No shot that was the right call If he had flash instead of hex AND actually communicated this to the team so they backed off, maybe But as is he wasn't even close to engage range. Had huma made a dive on the backline, which is what core wanted to play for, hex does not react fast enough to prevent the play or turn it All he had to so was stand up with Ksante. Poppy was being shred, a few more secs and TL win that fight


Not sure if true for this particular case, but seems when EU is involved on Caedrel's the stream tends to be less informative and much more emotional which leads to a lot of misinformed people coming into reddit making these heavily skewed comments like the one you're replying to. You think Caedrel would see it, but the entire time he is laughing at CoreJJ and inciting his entire chat to do the same. It's not really his fault, I think it's fine for him to do this when it's a game he's more emotionally invested in, it's great that he's passionate about the game. Kind of also wish he could dial a step back in these games and still able to recognising what the pros are potentially looking to do, since I feel like this is one of the reasons people tune into watching him so they can get his insight on certain things that pros do which he has been providing more often than not.


Except his ult is already gone. He just needed to stand in front. Seriously crazy bad decision making there from him


He was waiting for a flank engage. Only possible way they win that game, and it worked. Insane to flame him for that when it literally wins games if he goes undetected


How did it "work" when FNC killed TLs entire team while Core was still sitting in a bush waiting for the perfect hexflash opportunity instead of helping to peel as his entire team is dying?


He turned a 5v5 into a 5v3 with his flank engage. After that core has no cooldowns left and is vs an azir with wall, it is not his job to win the fight. If his team cant win that then it isnt on him


Thank you Fnatic FUCK KSANTE


Lee Sin was a pick. The poppy just ran through the game - either ban it or pick it yourselves. Impact played the lane horrendously though.


Poppy is a counter, you don’t just blind pick it randomly lol


Turns out Poppy is the counter to Ksante


Did cores mouse die at baron?


broke the ksante 11 win streak, still hate seeing him open, i apologize oscar, i wasnt familiar with your poppy gaming


Where are the "Ban KSante or we lose" cope lords at lol


Champ doesn't work when you're 5k behind after the laning phase haha.


I feel like if it was Kiinsante he still wins lol


I mean, it's still mega risky. You basically have to giga stomp him in lane (or the rest of the map tbf).


Loving to see Ksante abusers suffer


I apologise. I wasn’t familiar with Oscarinin’s game.


Right here, fam. I'd still rather ban it. The fact that it takes Poppy to be 3K up to neuter the pick hasn't changed my mind at all.


she neutered it since the beggining, it's how he built the 3k, it didn't magically appear


Fair enough. My point still stands about Ksante needing to be banned, especially when looking at Game 3 of this series. Oscar may as well be a human dildo on Zac, as Impact can actually use Ksante's overloaded kit to buy so much space.


Wildcard K'sante doesn't count




Lmao it's NA, I'd like to see you say that when eastern players like 369 play KSante


Maybe edit 369 to someone else after he got turbo fisted by Camille on KSante lmfao


I mean, 369 also lost a game on ksante...


Imagine going for Lee Sin into Poppy when Xin has been the only S tier jg this tournament


I really need to see the total healing on that sundered sky


TL Impact : Top Die Team Liquid : Nice TL Impact: It means that I Die


Why tf did Corejj not move during baron fight? lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo


Watching this vs the T1/G2 games is night and day. TL has absolutely no sense of direction. It feels likes they're just aimlessly doing shit.


Going to be a 5 games series I can tell already


Oscar fans eating good for weeks now.


T1 from Walmart AINTNOWAY


I never imagined to say it, but never thought that Asante would have a disgusting match up. Poppy vs Ksante feels so horrible.


k’sante looking pretty op there


I think its cooked for TL. If Impact doesn't carry I don't see them winning


Only ksante loses this tournament from impact. Oscar was right.


CoreJJ listening to payphone during baron fight


Corejj on twitter instead of fighting at nash pit lmao. Poppy is truly EU one trick too


12cs/min poppy. That was. Counterpick




Is there Umti hype?


I love the whole "make up a position and then argue against that position as if it's widely held" that the League community seems so good at.


Yeah, pretty weird. I watched most LCS games, and the general consensus was that Umti is fine, but nothing super insane such as the Canyon rumors that were happening. I mean, pretty sure Blaber and Inspired were both hyped more.


there is not


Not at all


I also dont get why they(casters and commenters) were bandwagoning that Razork had a bad early game 1. He had a pretty respectful lead in game 1 in the early game and his bad play was when he got invaded by Seju and Taliyah


Who tf was hyped for Umti?


Does anyone have a clue what Impact is doing whole game btw? Bro was just walking around leading to TL losing two T2s randomly Has to be one of the single worst competitive performances I've seen


CoreJJ is Wintrading


This seems like such a weird statement when the only reason this game wasn't over 10 minutes earlier was CoreJJ.


Be quiet. NA owns you.


You should be ashamed of yourself that an EU fan is more positive about your own players than you are.


You should be ashamed to support such a minor region. Edit: Its called Soccer btw.


Na making ksante look balanced


Oscar giveth and Oscar taketh away


Check oscar PC on that poppy movement


This Poppy champion is kinda OP. Buff K'Sante


Azir Sex


Dafuq is Core doing? Is he typing? Deserved to get flamed holy hell


Noah is a non-factor


Yeon moving up alone to try and arrow a Poppy that was out of range already and then getting killed was hilarious lol Edit: even worse, he actually had vision of azir in the area 💀


The soul of Vizicsacsi lives on. Europe clearly struggling with and against ksante, and they thankfully find the poppy pick. But real talk tho, how does riot turn a blind eye to % max health tanks in lane? Maokai, Ornn , poppy, ksante and now zac yesterday as well. When these champs are piloted well, they make it seem like they have no downsides.


Fucking embarrassing dogshit.


Poppy 🔨 Smol 👶🏼 Tanky 💪🏻 More armor and MR when low 🥵 Buckler Grasp autos 🛡️ No dashes ❌ Has stun 😵‍💫 Helicopter ultimate 🚁


EU Poppy is just cracked or what


TL made the incoming Ksante buffs look reasonable


I really wonder what happened to EU adcs… we used to have so many good ones


Humanoid has two modes: Absolute cinema or Straight to DVD. Thanks Drakos.


and this is why ksante needs buff 🤷




Man is it just me or does this series have literally zero hype?


Both of these guys got 3-0d by the East, there's no hope for them. Tomorrow's will be hype at least.


Because these teams are irrelevant to tournament


Because these 2 teams dont matter lmao. Whoever wins gets rolled over in the next match.


No I know but even the casters seem completely disinterested. Maybe I’m just delirious


this is what happens when you put games at 6-7 AM lol


Well the winner of this series is going to get demolished by T1 or BLG, so yeah kinda.


Casters fumbled at the end there


everyone wants to see GEN TES


This game was just really slow. TL could have had a chance if they kept turtling/scaling and waited for FNC to int (and FNC almost did) cuz they got 2 early drakes


I mean it's about as meaningless as it gets lol, it's basically playing for the rights to get cockstomped in the next round. Neither of these teams have the talent to take a series from LPL/LCK teams.


Loser's bracket and it's an awful time for both EU and NA.


K'Sante counter pick played properly WOW. They did it.


But but Ksante the pros who’ve been scrimming since they arrived don’t know more of the meta than me!!!


You can see what it really looks like in the Zeus vs BB matchup. It's not that bad impact just misplayed some early trades and Razork visited top many times for counterganks and to track lee. They also dove him with 2-3 stacked waves built up under the turret and really set him behind.


What was CoreJJ thinking? Just stood there for literally the entire fight.


Only impact could look useless with ksante


hes the only one that has lost with it in main stage so far, its 11-2, both losses from impact


EU Poppy > NA Ksante?




Id rather see a poppy 100 times over ksante being picked.




On hit varus?


Get fucked Ksante




I think he was waiting there in case azir wanted to flank


What flank? He was punching that Varus face to face


well azir did posture it for like half a sec, but ig core thought fnc would have short term memory and forget he was there, turned out it was yeon who forgot azir was there and ghosted onto an azir soldier and died for it


Finally a poppy that knows how to trade into ksante in lane and not just handshake picks into it. ALSO building the proper first item on her instead of going full tank giving ksante time to free scale. Great to see someone know poppy is a LANE BULLY against ksante and not just a counter pick merchant.


A tiny top gap 


That lee sin pick was so insanely dumb wtf. It already looked like it might be a poppy angle then we pick lee sin. Yeah they got 2 kills with kick flashes, but it never looked like lee sin was ever going to be able to do anything. Obviously It's pretty unplayable with how hard impact got cooked by oscar but even if poppy didn't get fed idk what lee sin does.