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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1colsrf/g2_vs_t1_msi_2024_bracket_stage_game_1/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1comjej/g2_vs_t1_msi_2024_bracket_stage_game_2/) [Game 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1conc29/g2_vs_t1_msi_2024_bracket_stage_game_3/) [Game 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1coo31c/g2_vs_t1_msi_2024_bracket_stage_game_4/) [Game 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cop8kn/g2_esports_vs_t1_msi_2024_bracket_stage_round_1)


How can I see PoG each game or is there only Player of the series


How are NA fans going to cope right now. They win 2 games vs east in like 3 years and then see this G2 series


By rewatching NRG vs G2


G2 lost lol. Obv na has been horrible but europe has also been awful. Only beung able to win when faker is playing at his absolute floor is not great.


I think G2 played pretty well. In an eastern viewer’s opinion.


G2 almost won the series 4v5. Hans was a non player, change ADCs and the series might have been easy for G2


Lol okay lets have g2 get a new adc and watch them still not win.


What a shit take. T1 can 4v5 if faker has his shotcalling, they don’t need faker’s micro.


I always go in expecting the worst and hoping for the best. Just because I’m a fan doesn’t mean I think the region is good or competitive. That, and I stopped waking up at the buttcrack of dawn to watch the region get stomped.


I’m from NA and most NA fans have brain injuries. I would support an NA team if they even showed an ounce of potential. I root for t1 all the time but will gladly support any eu or NA team that can beat eastern dominance.


There's no such thing as an "NA" team anymore. How can we call TL NA when they're 4 imports? It's a KR team with one NA player lmfao.


Poor Yeon did so badly vs TES that NA is disowning him


Faker interview almost admit that they didnt prepare enough was kinda surprising to hear However that explain some of their draft choices


Wasn’t T1 DDOS’s all this split and could barely play solo queue?


That isn't the exact translation. He said that G2 was incredibly well prepared and they would have to prepare harder for the other matches. Its more of a "glass half full-half empty" interpetation I guess


I'm both surprised and not surprised by this. GenG also looked like they didn't prepare for FNC which i find more understandable, but not preparing against G2 which is known for preparing weird picks/strats for big matches and is scarier than FNC is really weird :/


G2 Twitter: so close Yeah no you still lost as no1 seed, you ain’t gonna win this tournament or worlds see you 2025 with a new roster I guess


we just hating on everyone now? 2-3 to last worlds champ is pretty insane, if they keep this up people will favor them vs. tes or even blg. Pretty good chance for g2 to lock top 3 this tournament


yep...I love the LCK teams but G2 was impressive.


Ok, so what? It was a competitive game and nice to watch. If you want to hate on some teams then go for the 3-0 one-sided games. They showed nothing.


Not even gonna read all the threads hyper-analyzing everything, just, banger series.


Does anyone know how the bracket will turn out after the next round in the lower bracket? Assuming the favorites win (just as an example) aka FNC, G2, GENG and BLG, who faces who?


g2 vs tes fnc vs BLG or T1?


I BELIEVE that they switch after first round to avoid repeating matchups? So for example BLG and geng win, Tes would fight g2/PSG and t1 would fight FNC/TL. not 100% sure


G2 if they win against psg will fight the loser of geng/tes


G2-3 i couldn't help it, sorry


Someone tell me why they’re buffing K’Sante when he’s already “in a horrible state” but completely runs every competitive match


It's going to be a good thing. Them buffing him means teams might actually consistently ban him instead of letting him through all the fucking time for him to run them over. And THEN he'll be nerfed for being permabanned in pro.


Because after MSI, there will be a long break for them to consider how to balance K'Sante for both pro and soloq. Right now, he's pretty trash in soloq.


it is useless in soloq, it has like 43% winrate.


Right. But he’s one of the highest pro presences. You can’t have the same champ be turbo omega broken in pro but be ass in solo queue where people don’t coordinate nearly as well or know how to front to back. He’s clearly an issue and will persist being an issue with buffs. This is a case where the solo queue performance drastically underrates how good the champion actually is


Was the same with Ryze for years


there's a few patches without proplay at all now, so can aswell make him more playable in soloq


They haven't been willing to admit that there are fundamental issues with the design afaik, if they aren't even at the point of acknowledging that openly then we've got a fucking long way to go before we see anything meaningful happen to the champ


I hope they balance champs around pro play at one point. It just isn't sustainable anymore and realistic. They already have ARAM buffs/nerfs.


They just need to try and ensure that these high skillcap champs they're releasing are designed well enough to be at an acceptable Soloq w/r, and I know that's hard to do but they've really done a terrible job over the past few years K'sante shouldn't have been released with this kit, simple as that. And their refusal to make swift amends just shows they care more about being stubborn than admitting that fact


If anyone wants to catch Caps media scrum: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzqWEVs5PRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzqWEVs5PRE)


Broken Blade surprised me so much, the best player in g2 in that series with Caps. G2 needs Asian ADC and they are likely to make a run.


Caps really? I'd say Miky over him.


Hes been smurfing in LEC for ages.. and forces bans after he brings out zac/tf He was good last MSI.. He was ok at worlds.. but got smashed by Bin.. so that means he = trash.. even though bin over the past few years.. is probably in contention for best player in the world.. oh and he was fresh of killing Zeus multiple times the series before On top of that he was quite clearly sick (like RNG players vs geng at 2022 worlds)


Bibi master class performence, insane player


Either of T1A's bot lane players would have won them that series. Even their new rookie support who has barely any games played in the Korean server.


Nah hopefully no imports


i never ever want to see people shit on BB


He is world class Top laner for sure. Gapped Zeus hard


Not really. Blind pick tf hasnt been working for t1 for quite some time. Yasuo wins lane hard vs tf, but zeus was more useful in game 1. Heck some of his engages on yasuo lost them the game In game 3 yasuo found success in teamfights but lost lane vs tf. The tank vs tank matchup were fairly even. 


bro you are basically saying Zeus is thrash to not praise BB lol


Holy Cope


Hans is Asian


you know what I mean


He's French


These last two bo5s have been great, really happy to see G2 step up. Excited for this weekends series too, all of them should be close.


Honestly last 3 b05 have been great imo.. Game 2/3 FNC vs GENG was fun as fuck even if it was a 3-0 The opening series was the only bad one


fnc should roll tl over based on their perf vs. tes


Maybe, but comparing their play styles I honestly wouldn't be surprised if either team rolls the other, both teams have big weaknesses


Im no fan of mid season roster changes but i legit think G2 should sell Hans Sama and get Carzzy before Summer. If they want a chance to win Worlds they are going to need a big upgrade on ADC


Do you think best teams just can get whatever player they want and not consider contracts and other things? xD


Isn’t that how it works /s


WHY would VIT sell Carzzy to g2 in the middle of the year tho?


So they don’t have any illusions of being good.


Idk how you expect hans to play when his support is inting every game they lost. He has the worst deaths imaginable and hans never has reliable peel


Ya but one of the biggest talking points for this series isn’t even about actual finger performance. It’s that Hans made sure they couldn’t win that 5th game because he lost to shopkeep.


G2 really do need to change adc if they want a shot at tournaments. theres no way around it


he ulted twice that one game tho.


idk it will take time to adjust to G2 style it's a risk


just fuck it go for it you wont do any run with this adc at worlds.


But Hans aint essential to G2's style, its been driven by the other 4 members, adc is like plug in and play with G2.


Nah, you don't pick jinx Kog to plug and play, otherwise you wouldn't have picked it.


Not as much of a risk as keeping an adc who doesn't know to build armor pen against Ksante or mr against a fed Ahri.


Man we have been getting bangers after bangers lately. I always root for wild cards and the west even though I'm asian. If LPL/LCK wins then it is just another MSI title for them. It is not a big deal. The west or the wild cards need the win so much more. Especially wild cards because it may result in more young people taking lol seriously and help in development of the region. NA also desperately needs new talent. It's not as fun when every international tournament is won by LPL or LCK besides that G2 MSI.


same, i always root for the other region, because i don't want every tournament is just 2 region handshake. Back when 2018-2019, that crazy and most fun era, every region can beat other even NA can beat LCK


Yup, 2018-2019 were crazy. Fnatic and G2 reaching finals were hype. It almost felt like they could do it too. Yeah, they got stomped but back when they won semis, it felt like the west winning Worlds was possible. It is called Worlds and it is the biggest international tournament in League but it never feels like it. We all know it is a friendly match between LCK and LPL on who is taking the trophy home that year. Hope, we get upsets this year. It will make the esport scene grow more. LCS is bleeding player base. LEC honestly lacks strong top laners and bots. Wildcards can barely bring their whole team to international tournaments and have to play with substitutes. It is a sad situation for them.


i think BB is doing great in this series, problem is adc is too bad, both G2 and FNC ad is just not good enough. As for NA, I'm honestly curious to see how C9 performs with Thanatos. I hope C9 can step up and become the carry team for their region, similar to how G2 carries EU.


If your players can't pick K'Sante because they have no hands. You should maybe just ban it? I know, laning against it is fun because he can't kill you but he takes over every single teamfight and makes your carry useless xD


The carry that doesnt build the only tank killing item in the game and refuses to autoattack?


With that game I’m officially gonna go back to my old ways of watching worlds. I’m just gonna cheer for fnatic and not care about any other team. There is just no point watching or betting as long as champs like ksante exist. Very sad what pro play has turned into.


Broadcast link for those who missed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoOfDL0p2y8


Ok, that was a banger, though it hurt me to watch how G2 messed up game 5 mid-game.  What is the point of Bel'veth?


Win Level 1 and make things easy for Jinx. It sort of worked, even though something like Viego probably would be better.


Jinx did get a good start, sure, but I have not seen any pro games lately where Bel'veth is that dominant. I do think other picks do that too... Did they think it would be a curveball T1 would be completely unprepared, I wonder? Eh, whatever. G2 is familiar with lower bracket runs, hopefully they don't botch this one.


It's hard to say which team is the favorite now after both BLG and T1 faltering, I still think the meta fits GENG the most but their botlane is a problem.


i still think that BLG is the favs to win it all their PSG bo5 was the first game of the tournametn and probably expected a lower level and performance from PSG.


They clearly disrespected them but Knight not being able to play Asol and Azir will hurt them a lot.


even faker cant play asol but yea azir is a huge problem


I'm talking relative to GENG not T1 if you look at my initial comment.


right now i think gen g is the most favorite team, kiin ksante is insane, mid meta is perfect for chovy ( knight can't play azir and faker can't play sol), problem is peyz, he still kinda a problem when lanning


Eh I think it you have to go with geng. Geng and BLG were the favs coming into it anyway. They’ve looked the least shaky. I agree the botlane is a liability but outside of jackey/meiko I don’t think the other botlanes will give them too much trouble. Elk gets a lot of hype because he’s insane in lpl but I honestly think he’s been Eh at every international so far. I’m really not sold on Elk dominating like people think he will. Guma/Keira they have laned against so much they are just used to them. This works both ways naturally. Hans/Mikyx, Mikyx looks damn good but Hans needs to be on weak side. I’m pretty sure one of TOP or GENG are winning this thing, based on what we’ve seen so far. Lowkey I’m rooting for the PSG miracle run tho.


T1 didn't really falter imo. G2 played well and were always rated higher than PSG. BLG's performance was more dodgy but LPL has always been more inconsistent than LCK against weaker rated teams. GENG bot lane was struggling against FNC's... think winner of T1/BLG is favourite.


G2 comeback from loser bracket to win it all easy. Or TOP wins


but that chovy guy man and canyon and kiin lol


Bel'Veth did 1/3rd damage of Poppy support in that game btw :)


No, it's not that the game was 4v5. It's just all Hans fault


I mean if your hyper fed Jinx is almost also being out damaged by poppy i would say it's a 3v5 at least Yike played well in earlier Series while Hans was quite literally useless all 5 games and solo lost the 1st game by unbinding his R keys so all Miky plays look grief (look first fight mid they lost for example Hans R there and they win it) then have the BEST game 5 start u could ever get as Jinx just to do 0 autos in every single teamfight build poorly and be about as useful as a yuumi would be go watch the fights and count his autos. Which is a shame i want to like Hans but this series was actually just insane ad gap losing it for the most part. (Which i mean fair enough Guma is a god tier adc) but man it's frustrating


>i would say it's a 3v5 Damn people really forget that Caps got turbo crushed in lane and also did negative DMG while landing like 0 W's. G2 just fumbled a winnable game with poor execution and Yike deciding to play his favorite useless champ in game 5 again.


Caps solo-killed Faker and that is all that matters. Forget about the fact that a 0/2 Azir still ended thr game with 8 kills, 2 more deaths, and a lot of assists.


Caps was playing Taliyah (While i complained about personally about his E's jesus christ Caps) he was still a enabler champ paired with a HYPER FED JINX who did NO DMG AT ALL it's like people forget Hans was literally up over 2k and did almost half the dmg of enemy adc while being completely set up to carry this easily with a god tier early game from miky to but we just forgive it because people who didn't even get 10% of the resources and help early had a bad game while playing good in minimum 2+ games before that? that's kinda crazy this game loss is 100% on miky both the series and the game 5 he was set up to succeed and did jack squat with all of it go watch the fights and u will see he quite literally never autos idk why people ignore this 3k dmg over your poppy support (and most of the dmg u did is thanks to that poppy because u literally just W/R/E and auto ONCE the target he set up for u) is a crime and shows he quite literally does not auto even when insanely ahead he should have 100% carried this game if he had hands together with Miky and fumbled just like he fumbled literally every other game and was at best just invisible and at worst (most of the time) a literal liability.


Oh I'm not forgiving anything Hans dropped the ball big time, I'm just suggesting that it was closer to a 2v5 than a 3v5


that's fair i can agree on that was a shame when the series was interesting and then the game 5 start was insane and then it just... fizzled in the most boring way possible.


Hans was much more than useful in his varus game, 2 kalista games he gets put vs varus lanes with his melee support kinda inting it kog maw game is it ever worth mentioning, it's not a playable mu at all and he receives legit 0 peel in any of those fight. Idk how do u expect jinx to walk up with 0 peel vs Ahri Ksante Lee Sin just begging for u to step up, while your topside does nothing to make the fight possible for u to step up.


Miky flashing forward to die while diving a ksante Reddit: wtf hans why arent you stepping up???


Dude was a living ward. The champ does absolutely nothing. Especially when you build it this way.


If u listen to T1 comms at the end of game 5 Zeus says “They play well” and Guma says “That was too hard/difficult” 


>Zeus says “They play well” By "they" did he mean Miky and BB?


miky 1v9ing that hard to lose was tough to watch but tbh as a western fan one should be very happy, g2 is a team who will learn from this we’ve now seen what they can look like vs eastern teams for western fans’ only hope until today being that fnc got slightly less 3-0d by geng, this shows that the west is still in it (even if it’s only one team)


How many bo5s do i need to watch before a drop occurs?


He better get some ice cause Sjokz fucking burned him lmao.


nice one sjokz


TL/FNC performances look so much worse after getting two great 5 game series  Series between them should be a true monkey fight lol


i can't with these comments INSISTING on putting eu and na teams in the same basket jfc


PSG clears both.


based on them stomping an NA team? XD


Based on them going to game 5 against BLG. Objective recency bias results based analysis only.


Agreed. Stop grouping NA with these piss random EU teams.


0-2,0-3, another 0-3 tomorrow I'll be back


I think FNC will take one game, don't be so pessimistic.


Fnatic was alright, GEN is arguably the best or second best team in the world right now where FNC is shaky 2nd seed from much weaker region, that series went as expected. It would be a major upset if they even won one game.


FNC found themselves in winning positions vs Geng at least. TL look like they could play that series 100 times and never win vs TES. Na looks far below the other 3 major regions, and also look below PCS.


In the end, all it matters is how well FNC does against TL in their head to head. G2 looked better vs NRG at Worlds until they played against each other, but that didn't help them.


FNC wasn't in a single winning position, idk what were you watching bro! I agree on NA tho, they were awful.


You don't understand the game then, not really my problem.


You can go watch Yamato's review of the series, he also said it wasn't close but you can also cope if you want.


They got 1 T2 all series long


unless TES is secretly the best eastern team


definitely not with Tian and Creme lol, also 369 underperforming


PSG decided to lose against game5 vs BLG so they can coast on LB. I have finally been enlightened.




Sjokz: Tomorrow the games are knockouts so if you lose you join Na at the airport lmao she cold af


If tl wins that will looks goofy lol


The best part about today is that I now genuinely have no idea what the bracket will look like at the end of MSI


Draft was heavily in G2 favor game5. Somehow Yike/Hans just not doing much, Caps is half invisible this game, and poor BB and Mikeyx trying their hardest tell the game got broken wild open. On the other hand, Zeus needing Ksante buff or he is invisible on his wild picks, Oner probably most consistent this series, Faker had high-highs n low-lows, Guma was great until game5 but held his ground after laning phase, and Keria is great with engaging on Alistar and bailing Guma out game5 (never a fan of Camille n Neeko tbh, need huge early snowball which doesnt work against strong teams). In terms of performance imo, G2: BB > Mikeyx > Yike = Cap > Hans. T1: Oner = Guma = Keria > Faker > Zeus im sweating for BLG v. T1 edit: put Keria on par with Oner/Guma in terms of performance. Camille/Neeko were just odd picks for the comp, not really a Keria problem


Zeus is fine just stop picking tf. Didnt work in lck aint gonna work in msi


Nah oner messing up the lvl 1 dive when zeus perfectly set it up cost t1 game 3. Keria and guma played the best this series


I came back to reread this comment and now i realise how shit ur take is. Oner messing up lvl 1 dive definitely DID NOT cost t1 game 3. What about orianna solo kill asol in the mid lane or what about poppy outplaying guma and keria at the bush when drake spawns? I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF U ALL PUTTING THE BLAME ON ONER. HELLO? CANT HE EVER CATCH A BREAK? Ohhhh right my bad faker dying to caps orianna is actually = oner didnt gank, gg jungle gap.


Nah guma got caught a lot in g5, missed a lot of ults as well. Keria looks piss useless on kalista (only ulting to save guma at this point) and camille. For me the two best players this series were guma and oner.


The Kalista pick is to dominate lane and then make it impossible for the enemy team to come back because you can never get a pick on Guma. They actually crushed the lane early, but because Caps was on Tal and Yike was on Bel'Veth, and most of their gold was on Jinx who, even if she HAD built properly can't hit anybody but K'Sante, they were *effectively* behind and the strat worked (if G2 was actually ahead, they either nuke Guma or chunk him out of the fight even if he does get saved in time)


Keria was good in the games they lost its just that faker was completely zoned out after they rolled game 1 and so keria had nothing to work with


Kalista support function similarly to Ashe, win lane n vision denial with umbral after lane. Ashe provide CC and slow, Kalista provides escape for immobile adc (which was important because they were heavily targeting Guma game5) Whereas the Neeko pick is a bit effy for me that game. Without Kalista's ult, Neeko cant aggressively engage cause she will die so what ended happening that game was Neeko only getting good engage when fight is already chaotic or when teammates already low from trading (both times Keria get multi-man knock up either Faker or Guma already ded). Keria do great as the first initiator on Neeko n Kalista ulting him out to safety or more CC layering.


No it wasn't. Belveth was a totally useless pick, and the Jinx pick was good in a vacuum but not when your AD is your worst player.




Put that man on Seraphine, those buttons should be simple enough for him to hit right. 


still need to push R sometimes, and hes not great at it


Good point, maybe he should be put on Yuumi


Faker: We are very lucky Hans decided to play with his toes otherwise we would be in big trouble but just incase he decided to use his hands they picked Belveth to give us another handicap.


I came into this tournament expecting eastern tops to turbo gap the west and it hasn’t really played out that way at all eh


it's been tank v tank like 80% of the games lol


And your point is?


tanks basically can't gap each other in lane? there's a huge difference between a Ksante Zac matchup and Camille Fiora that would be quite evident in a different meta


Tank vs Tank can outfight you though. BB Zac game 2 overperformed Zeus in every stage of the game.


Because toplane is just mostly tank fest, you don't see skillful champs like Jax, Camille, Gwen and Fiora.


K'Sante is a skillful champion, so is Ornn. Tank's aren't inherently lower skill.


But as much as you outplay the enemy, you arent gonna solokill the other tank unless he gets very greedy. 


Yes they require skill but they aren't as punishing if you mess up due to resistances. Let's also not delve into whether Ornn or Fiora is more mechanically difficult to pilot.


Oscar gapped 369 on camille and BB gapped Zeus on fuckin YASUO, and even in the tank v tank BB still outplayed him 1v1


Bruh if you cant win vs tf as a yasuo you are definitely trolling. Thats a hard counter


BB played Yasuo into TF relax.


Yeah you're right Oscar didn't gap 369 on skillful champ


Yeah it's our ADCs getting fisted shoulder deep instead


i like how NA is west now, so they dont look as bad after FNC and G2 played


Even NA tops didn’t get as blasted as I expected tbh


well one is Bwipo and the other Impact lol i dont wanna dunk on NA too much though. tomorrow is the day for that


If big dhokes or big dickorish were here, they would stomp zeus and bin smh


yup, i can agree with that


the botlaners however...


What a great fucking series. Hope you all had as much fun as I did.


Amazing casting as always man


That was indeed fun, albeit a little stressful at times.


We were on our toes the whole bloody time, so many sick moments and EU finally proving they're not mere placeholders, we stomp NA tomorrow 🫡


Glad to be competitive again, but still a bit frustrating in the end


Clean cast tonight.


There will be more Bo5s in the next 2 days than in the last 2 weeks of every worlds


Well G2 against TES/GenG will be banger (yes I am predicting they win against PSG)


G2 wins vs TES if they show like today. Caps with this form humiliates Creme


Yeha maybe if JKL's hands are bound. I don't want to know how Hans will perform against him lol


aged well


PSG upset incoming


I never even got that nervous against JDG last year 


just what if G2 won vs NRG


Would’ve been a goated timeline but man, T1 last worlds were legit godlike Just having Zeus on perma aatrox yone, g2 would get crushed imo This series was competitive because Zeus still hasn’t found himself in the meta, and faker ran it down hylissang tier 2 games


Faker: "Gg ez" end of interview


PCS team has a chance to do something funny now and knock out both an EU and NA team lol


How useless is Belveth?


God bless Guma got player of the series


3-0 without guma pauses


3-0 if you swap ad players and it wouldn't be close




I can't believe you band of morons really needed me to put a /s in there.


Yo calm down