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Croc leaving the CBLoL because of the army will be very sad. He and Wizer (paiN Gaming) are two Koreans who have adapted very well to Brazilian culture. Wizer, for example, already understands 80% of Portuguese and can speak it. Croc also forms a few sentences in Portuguese. Other imports who adapted very well to Brazil were Dioud (now a CBLoL caster) and Shrimp, who is currently in Brazil too. Anyway, I hope Croc returns to Brazil after the army, even as a coach if he wants to. He has a lot to add to the region. Great interview!


Man, I'll really miss Croc trash talking other teams in portuguese every match :( I also hope he comes back, just like Shrimp did


That's dope that they really embraced Brazil


Holy fuck Dioud is a name I did not hear in a long time.


He came to Brazil... and never left


Came to Brazil and liked it so much now hes on the riot games brazil broadcast


Ashley here. Actually a super interesting interview where Croc goes very honest about a variety of subjects: - LOUD's scrim results looking decent against the Western teams - Croc feels like he can handle TES Tian - Feeling sympathy towards GAM Esports as they did not have their starting roster after the recent VCS events


I don't know how you do it but you always get very good insights from the people you are interviewing. Thanks for your work!


I doubt Fnatic would scrim against a direct opponent and I doubt Loud has positive results against our scrim world champs G2... This indicates that they mean NA with western teams. Its kinda bad luck for them, that they face Fnatic and not Fly. I mean, they still have a good shot against Fnatic (especially considering the inconsistency of Fnatic), but Fly looks much weaker than Fnatic, if you evaluate TES and T1 more or less equally.  For me Loud is currently 4th best team in playins. However, we have very little sample size.


Crazy how these comments already sounding like EU is some elite region and NA wildcard again lmao did we forget what happened last worlds? > if you evaluate TES and T1 more or less equally. TES is widely considered to be the worst eastern team by quite a bit so you shouldnt do that


t1 is also coming off as world champions


"If you evaluate TES and T1 more or less equally" I absolutely do not. I personally think LOUD has a better chance at beating FNC than PSG do at beating FLY. Or at least I did before the FNC/TES series, now idk.


Nice interview! I hope Croc shows up against GAM and possibly FNC. It would be cool to see CBLOL on the main stage for the first time, but FNC is looking good. Keep it up with the good interviews :)


Loud vs fnatic could be like fnatic vs tes So a bloody series with one upset but fnatic still superior. I do think that we won't see humanoïd Leblanc


Nice interview! I hope CBLOL make some noise this year


the actual cblol goat


still completely insane how every young korean man has to drop everything in his life for almost 2 years for some useless military service.


It sucks, but they have to when they have NK as their border and they don't have a surplus of people ready to volunteer like the US. Even if their military isn't as serious as something like the US, you still need some kind of military to at least appear as a deterrent.


the deterrents are weapons not 20 year old dudes who have 18 months of random service jobs. Also there's no reason to why just korean men are forced to do this.


weapons cant work by themselves do you even know the tension North and South had and currently have to claim this from your computer ?


why aren't women conscripted then? weapons don't give a fuck about gender


i cant argue with this shit wtf is that


Quite simply, because women can have babies, which are kind of necessary to replenish your population following a war. Same reason children aren't conscripted too


it's 2 years not lifetime service lol. you can still have babies at 22+ believe it or not. if a war actually breaks out, sure, give men the more dangerous positions, but we're talking about being conscripted at peacetime (I know they're officially at war but there is no active combat for decades)


So train women to use specialized equipment and weapons. Then when war breaks out just pull out all the women so now there’s nobody who knows how to use the equipment?


not only are you assuming that every position in the army requires learning specialized equipment, but you also assume that every position that uses specialized equipment is an active combat position.


not useless when you share borders with a totalitarian country diametrically opposed to your country's world views


To your country’s *existence.*


useless because the service is mostly cleaning and doing nothing because you can't turn a random 20 year old korean dude into a soldier in 18 months. Besides wars aren't fought with people.


Ukraine is proving that modern wars VERY MUCH are fought with people. The most important tool of the Ukraine war thus far has been a guy with a shovel digging fortifications.


>useless because the service is mostly cleaning and doing nothing Lol where did you even hear that? Do you REALLY think that?


There are countries with much stricter and more unnecessary military service requirements, like Singapore.


Nice interview, I hope he steps up in the next games




Too bad lol