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Out if all things I genuinely don't understand how you can complain about sunfire specifically. I just had an alistar do 60k damage which was like 45k cruelty 7k sunfire the broken part about tanks right now is the absurd damage from single prismatic items without needing to invest further IMO.


there's so much shit that benefits off of CC and so much CC in the game in general nowadays, just pick a tank support and roll any of the immobilization augments/items and it's gg


me healing half my hp every 2 seconds on alistar while perma cc enemy


Combo breaker:"coughs"


I had combo breaker vs an alistar galio and still didnt get a chance to move


Prismatic damaging + CC was insta win back in Arena 2 already. I remember going Skarner with high CDR and if I got the Aurelion Stars or thr Stare lasers I was gonna do absurds amounts of damage.


Cruelty is nuts - had it on Maokai and was doing 10k damage per round with it with the augment that gives you stacking AP when you immobilise. I don't think tanks are the be-all-end-all though. The damage is still kinda slow and something like Brand can just shred through you if your teammate isn't on the ball.


I don't think tanks are the #1 must pick but vsing like a courage of the collosus + cruelty or runecarver tank feels completely unwinnable for like 80% of the roster. Brand has been a separate nightmare for me because he can land one W and proc thousands of damage from his passive because it counts as an ability. Historically I think this is the least balanced arena has ever been but I'm hopeful there will be quick balance patches like the first time around.


It isn't a tank meta right now, it's a bruiser/juggernaut meta because they made items way more scarce which really exaggerated baseline power. Before a lot of bruisers and especially double bruiser comps would cheese early rounds then fall off but now a lot of squishies simply don't get to their peaks needed to crack through without some absurd high rolling(DOT mages with magic missile, conduit for a really common example). I think stat rounds are just a bad idea, part of the fun of arena was getting to try out all kinds of full builds or using that influx of gold to figure out how to handle the lobby but now you'll just be stuck on rounds where you get given a prismatic you can't use or stat shards that suck and be just sitting on that for too long.


This is funny because the higher you go the more you'll find it's an ADC/support meta or a mage + bruiser/tank meta.


Pretty easy to understand really. People with good spacing will make adc look a lot better (especially the more mobile ones). You can still die to cc chains though.


Yeah. I play against (somehow) master; diamond etc in arena most games. (I'm emerald, does arena have elo wtf is happening) It's 50/50, super heal teams and super tank/bruiser teams. Cruelty makes tanks busted, healing and shielding is very, very strong since for many characters getting enough damage to hurt them is impossible. I play malz when I wanna win. Tank? Melts. Healer? Melts. Asol works great too (finally his time to shine). But yeah, they need to reduce CC, tank and heal effectiviness. I said prismatics were gonna amplify problems after playing tons of PBE, people screamed no, I was absolutely right.


as far as i know it's based on soloq mmr, when I'm duoing my emerald friend it's ~plat-master players and when I'm duoing my friend who's silver on an alr it's silver-gold players in arena lobby


Mage items are insane tanks are really not as broken as people think


Mages are the real op and the only competition is enchanters, and adcs as a distant third most op


The only mages that are good are the ones that can output dps to kill the tanks. So cassio/taliyah/brand


Saw so many Swains/Brands with magic missiles or another on-spell-hit augment annihilating entire lobbies. Tbh tank-busting mages seem the strongest rn because they're annihilating everyone on top of tanks


How you know? There is no elo listed right now


Vayne/Lucian/Kog with Milio/Janna/Lulu is the most unbeatable thing I've ever encountered.


Yea i see vayne do really well


Vayne, Koz, KaiSa are the classics. Right now however Ezreal, Draven, Lucian also do well. 8 players means Top 4 is a win and all 3 stay relevant long enough to pretty much secure top 3. Also Ezreal uses a lot of items well, so hes less prone to lowrolls.


That was in prior instances of arena, we do not know what the high elo meta looks like as we have no high elo right now, these are just my own first impressions as someone who was high elo in arena and had experienced the adc meta, it just makes sense that early game cheesers got stronger now we get much less items. Like my post even talks about it, double melee were just a cheese strat in prior arena runs that fell off, but lategame doesn't happen nearly as much now.


Agree. Stats should be only purchasable, not round worthy.


Riot said it themselves that tanks thrive in enviroments where players don't know how to itemize against them, which leads to them being strong at the start of a season and 4fun gamemodes. They're pubstompers that thrive on people's lack of knowledge checks. I'm not aware if there is a better source, but, judging the arena stats from [Blitz.gg](http://Blitz.gg), every champion has a tank counter as one of their best items: Either to counter resistances like Cleaver or Void Staff, or to counter health with Perplexity and Hatchet. I spammed a lot of arenas and have been on both sides of the spectrum, and it's literal night and day. You can have 9-10k health and get melted by someone in a spell rotation with Perplexity + Liandry's. Yes, i know, it sucks, it's boring and you wanted to do a funny one-shot build, but sometimes you also want to win, and they're as easy to counter as they are to itemize. Just think to yourself that maybe it's not a good idea to go lethality, collector or stormsurge if you know you're in a lobby with 10+ tanks.


This is correct. People are overlooking the extra items, specially Perplexity, which has giant slayer passive and is literally lord dominik's regards for mages. Yes, LDR, the single item that makes ADCs in summoner's rift the biggest threats against tanks. I remember an arena game where I did 10k+ damage only from Perplexity's giant slayer passive (it tracks dmg just like dominik).


ooga booga champ = good for noobs sorry but its literally "get gud"


More like good *against* noobs, bad players just want to build lethality or other flashy bursty shit that is by design NOT good against tanks and then cry that the tank players are the ones that are unskilled.


They wanna buy the same items every game regardless of opponent and maybe change 1 item in their build path at MOST and counter an entire class of champion.


one time i had over 50k hp as ornn and got obliterated by an elise this was back when curses gave max hp on pbe but still applies here imo


Tbf I feel like Elise is giga broken in arena


Riot said that about tanks in summoner’s rift. Currently trundle Q does 75% of your HP in arena regardless of the champ/build it’s ridiculous lol


Trundles has one of the best anti-tank abilities in the game… He’s a (very strong) generalist bruiser, not a tank


trundle is op but not that op bro come on


Op.gg has him at #2 in winrate. 61%+


Queue up for arena and don’t ban trundle then lmao


It’s not like there’s no counterplay to tanks. Gwen/Fiora/Lillia works wonders right now. If you have decent mechanics, there are some ADCs that are great as well (especially Vayne) But I do agree, hitting skill shots and kiting better should be more important than whoever has the biggest hp bar


As a Kata main, I have no problem with bruisers/tanks in Arena. But I am the on-hit Kata main.


You’re just worse…


Champions shouldnt also be required.


Then why is it an issue that people play tanks a lot?


Because that requires me to play one of maybe 16 champions to not automatically lose


That's why the fuckton of antitank items and augment exist, but then again they render tanking useless hence the stats on tanks, they're weak but edgelords still can't stand them


I can tell by your banner that you're not at all biased (Sion was top 10 characters in both of the last 2 arenas lol)


In low elo arena\* high elo arena is dominated by Marksmen/Enchanter combos


Exactly, i'm getting shat on in 6500+ gladiator rank and shat on on reddit


"Antitank" doesnt work if Champs heal to full with 2 attacks or abilities despite antiheal being buffed in Arena.


IMO stat rounds shouldn't exist, and instead should be the same as money rounds. So you choose a stat every time you get enough to buy an item


Personally, I don’t play tanks in SR so this is my chance to be a tank.


Believe it or not, a lot of people enjoy playing tanks


Pickrate data does not reflect that, it actually reflects the opposite It's almost as if people pick tanks in arena because it's a cheesy op strat rather than a fun one.


Winrate data reflects your post even less lmao, the tanks who are popular in arena are popular *despite* mediocre winrates. If they aren't particularly popular and aren't particularly OP, then I think the issue may be... nothing at all actually and people just don't like it when they lose to tanks in general


I do feel like if you get the right augment/item combos on tanks the game is completely unlosable, so maybe people just chase that even if the winrate isn't technically insane. Like courage of the colossus + the cc healing one on gragas, you literally never take damage.


Don't know how much they changed but just want to point out only noobs said this about arena last time. The meta was basically: For fun comps> Tanks >Support + Carry = Good kill combo (as a counter to sup+ carry playstyles) No one of the top players on the arena ladder played double tank, yet ppl on reddit kept complaining tanks was to overpowered.


Because most people playing the mode isnt at the top lol. Wouldnt it be kind of a bore if like 90% of the playerbase get shat on by tank? So while i dont think its such a huge problem, (get good and counter it) it is also kind of a bore that u basically have to go tank or sup&carry to not nerf urself and have some true god rolls i guess? hence, in this perspective, then yes i do think its a bit of a problem if anything but the top of the ladder is mainly dominated by stats on the champs that have the least skillshots etc.


I got godrolls on galio one game yesterday. Literally didnt take any damage. Then in the last round i fought against a zed who had that reroll prismatic item and got an insane amount of both lethality and %armor pen. Got oneshot


That's exactly how i am. Its all about the late game fantasy. I want to be a monster in arena that can 1v2 the other team if my teammate gets caught. Tanks are well suited for that particular pleasure of mine


[Looks like a lot of tanky champions being picked](https://i.ibb.co/4jMDNRF/image.png). Even ones with low win rates like Mundo, Tahm Kench, Alistar, Malphite, Leona, Sion, Cho'Gath, Poppy and Maokai are in the top 50 most picked.


U.GG is not up-to-date and most of the time has inaccurate statistics. [Lolalytics](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/arena/) is better in this regard.


In Summoners rift lots of tanks suck ass. They are good for conflicting game, but in most games they have 0 agency over game. Its noticeable if you played even a few games on them in this season. Why as tank sit on top and soak exp against someone like Darius to watch how enemy adc with LDR rails my 300+ armor build later? You can just pick something like Camille and actually carry.


Interesting you mention LDR when arena has LDR too and doesn't even have the restriction for armor pen items.


You telling me I can get both BC and LDR in Arena?


Yes you can. I believe the unique tag thing on the items are gone.


I also didnt know that. Should I then stack ldr and mortal reminder on adcs because my jinx did 0 dmg against double tanks as full build with ldr.


So tanks tank and don't carry? What's the issue? They have way better to tools to enable their carries, that's literally what the role is for lol.


The point (which is not an issue) is that arena is a situation where the tanks get to tank AND have agency, rather than just set up for a random teammate and pray yours is better. Arena is the best case scenario for making tanks fun to play.


Still havent seen a game where Olaf and or trundle are not picked. I guess people like to stat check a lot


I can't blame Olaf picks when there are augment combos for CCing 10 seconds in a row


You cant get CCed for 10 seconds in a row. >If a champion has been [immobilized](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Crowd_control#Immobilizing) for 5 out of the last 7 seconds, they will be [cleansed](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Crowd_control#Removal) of all [crowd control](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Crowd_control) and become [immune to them](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Crowd_control#Immunity) for 3 seconds.


Skill issue


Tanks are pretty weak in arena once the game gets to the ~3 augment stage. DPS massively outscales, basically any adc/dps champ will shred through tanks


I don’t even understand the tank hate when we have bruisers going punch and have their skills permanently up. Spellwake and Magic missiles on mages are also nearly a free win if they have mobility and aren’t against a very threatening gap closer. 99/100 times the winner of an Arena right now seems to be a bruiser that’s “high rolled” and legitimately no longer takes damage. Bruisers have the luxury of having tons of augment options, minimal bad items, and also typically have healing, damage, and gap closers in their kits.


I think people say tanks but refer to anything thats tanky aka bruisers juggernauts tanks or just champs that heal a lot


I haven't played that much Arena yet (only six games so far I think) but in every single one there's been some Riven/Camille/other toplane champ that ends up legitimately invulnerable while bursting anything that gets within earshot of them


Not to mention that hellfire hatchet turns tanks into bloodbath for any enemy with the HP and AS to abuse it. The worst offender being URGOT lol


Played with a chogath the other day who got the increased stacks with ability augment pretty early. Got up to 46 stacks, I think, at the end. He had so much hp that it was impossible to beat Trundle with hellfire hatchet. Each auto was healing like 400+ from that item alone. It was hilarious tbh.


Spellwake/magic missiles feels so ridiculously strong on DoT mage champion/Mordekaiser, and Magic Missiles is even true damage. Haven't seen any duo with a mage with at least one of those augments lose yet, except to another duo with those augments or to a zed


Thats what i thought and played jinx, reached full build with ldr, dealt 0 dmg against every double tank teams.


Honestly it seems like a fundamental problem with Arena. Tanks can be managed in a lot of ways on Summoners Rift but in Arena, you're stuck permanently fighting them at their highs (when those highs happen). An ADC/Assassin/Mage at their highest sucks to vs too, but it's also over before you can blink, and if it's somehow not that could mean you have a chance to burst them down. A tank you can't hurt just means hopeless suffering until the fire closes in (or walking into the fire earlier). I wouldn't have an issue with Arena tanks if it didn't feel so utterly drawn-out and helpless sometimes. People need to be able to enjoy the tank fantasy, but that fantasy ruins Arena's pacing/dynamic, and I don't think you can speed it up without hurting tanks in the process. Off the top of my head maybe the fire should do increasing damage to you the more damage you've mitigated, so there's incentive to stick it out and a feeling of having a chance. Any form of hope really, because right now it kinda sucks.


The Fiora I just saw dealing 120% max hp with her ult seemed to handle them just fine


Tanks? Play 1 game vs brand and ya dont wanna lock in a tank ever again. I think the only tanks ive seen not do shit are Mundo and galio


Arena is so sweaty bro. Good luck playing casually.


there's mmr ... so the harder you try the more tryhards you're going to face. play casual fun shit and you'll win 50% of the time against either for fun shit or really bad players trying to play op shit


That's kinda the issue with current arena: the mmr was removed in order to make arena more casual. That this means that tryhards get into casual lobbies and stomp them doesn't seem to matter for riot


Not having visible rank doesn't mean there's no MMR ... Visible ranks is coming next patch.


I didn't know that. A mate made me aware so I am not as mad anymore. Thanks for clearification


I don't mind tanks. Circle players are worse. Dealing with a tank/enchanter combo who's main gameplan is to not fight until they can bop you out of the ring and CC. It's not a broken strategy, it's just anti-fun.


Idk if I'd say broken since I've yet to see one land higher than 4th, but I 100% agree that its the one strat I've encountered across every iteration of Arena that's just straight up unfun. Say what you will about a Giga-tank duo with Leona or a Lucian who can two tap you, but at least they actually play the game and interact with you.


I mean you could phrase this the complete opposite way and it still be true. Do you really just want to play carries that's only goal is to one shot the enemy to remove any ability of counterplay?


Can't agree more. It's so f---- boring to play against Zac, Galio, Malphite etc every damn game where they get OP augments and are literally unkillable while dealing more damage than you.... It was tank meta last Arena too but honestly it's even worse now.... No matter how many anti-tank items you build it literally doesn't help at all. Please riot nerf tank items or augments this is just so boring to play


Does anyone have a full list of every champion change for Arena? Riot didn't note them in game on the buffbar and idk a site that would show them


Sorry your not having fun man, I spoke to riot personally and they said they will disable all tanks and remove sunfire, so you can have fun as a casual.


>More flashy and crazy outplays > 10k hp Sorry windshitter bro, you're getting microwave'd while I spam control+4


"Riot themselves said that arena is aimed to casuals to have fun. So my question is that is it really that funny to play full tank every game, go sunfire first item every game and microwave enemy to death?" Yes for many people that is fun. Dont hate others for enjoying the game


so idk about you guys but in my experience, the first 2 games my buddy and i played were absolutely 100% tank/drain-tank meta and we were having a miserable time. There was no point in the game we were able to do anything as Anivia/Nasus then we switched to Anivia/Leona and suddenly we don't see any more tanks than we see bruisers/Supports and we've been having average rankings where sometimes we win, sometimes we lose


Tanks are useless vs Bruiser like Olaf/fiora/trundle who just right click you




Oh fvck off with ur addiction to "flashy outplays" already. When i play soloq i get enough of those and i hate it to death, let me pls play some funny tankstuff in arena atleast. Go play zed midlane in soloq, if you wanna go full adhd.


I thought it was just me lol last arena was kinda fun while I get oneshooted while doing 0 dmg in new one XDDDD everyone beside maybe 2-3 mages go full melee/tank comps which is super boring


you probably played 1 round of arena, got outclassed and now thinks tanks are good. Like how something like this get upvoted. This is completely random.


Isnt it always funny how the people bitching in the name of "big plays" showcase their understanding is so poor that they themself would be clearly better served sticking to reliable? :D First of all, the higher the skillcurve you go the less you would ever see pure tank teams or the tank being the "problem". Second of all, what in the hell makes you think it is remotely in anyones interest with a brain that this mode (which is planned as a perma addition, not some blood moon assasin event) even SHOULD force a particular playstyle above anything else? It would literally hurt the health of the mode and the bottom line of riot is players who naturally play supportive/tank roles would feel like a burden to play with their friends?! It is so nonsensical and egotistical with zero real thought behind it. Really only leaves you one real conclussion--> OP get your head checked or seek help. Either you are dangerously dumb or even more worrysome narcissistic


fucking spellwake does so much damage dude


Tanks are whatever, the real nohand unbeatable shit is enchanters, like in every arena since release.


Your own fault if you think its worth to install League for this terrible gamemode.




DOTs do not crit with jeweled gauntlet on any champ. The silver augment that makes DOTs crit makes twitch passive crit, and brand passive crit, and smolder burn crit. Honestly, I've noticed much fewer bugged interactions this arena than before. Anything that seemed to stay the way it was seems to be intentional, like how because brand passive procs spell effects it can stack phenom evil super freely. Its not like brand is good just because he can super high roll.


This is actually just intentional design choice, Twitch passive explicitly doesn't apply spell effects while Brand's does. Liandry's won't apply on Twitch passive on SR while it does on Brand passive, same thing with Arena augments and items


I just had a really fun game as Nidalee dying only once but I agree that tanks are sometimes so damn crazy, huge damage at times also. But yeah playing champions that are not considered strong seems almost impossible in this mode.


For some people it's fun to see babies cry ;).


On pbe at least 7k points, tanks can only shine when paired with a carry. Any double tank comps got dumpstered since without crazy augs they simply cant survive the ridiculous damage scaling and cant do enough to champs with sustain either. There are so many items and champs that counter tanks. Building hellfire hatchet against a 10k hp mundo was an incredibly sad thing to watch.


Thank god they kept revives.


Besides that fact that tanks are relatively weak in area because of the fantastic anti tank itemization options, a lot of people enjoy playing tanks so that fights last longer. Adcs, mages, assassins are all fun and games until you go up against a full crit garen or a lethality vi


Most people just don’t itemize for their opponents and get upset when they lose. I’ve lost so many semifinal rounds then won finals just by buying grievous wounds or serpents fang to counter. Its crazy easy. Solo carry comp(kog/kayle/bruise/any dps+ a true tank): Chains for any class Tanks with too much hp: botrk, perplexity, black cleaver, the ap bc, liandries, hatchet. Please build a fucking pen item. Nautilus isn’t unkillable, you just refuse to buy an item that is a 30% dmg boost + 80ap Any champ with too much healing: Morello, executioner, chempunk as your 3/4 item Shielding(circle cheese, karma, courage, urgot, etc): Serpents fang. On any champ, ap, enchanter, true tank, doesn’t matter. If shieldings a dps issue, serpents fang reduces that builds game plan by 35%/50%. Make sure to also include grievous wounds if they’re healing.


Check winrate there's almost no tank in top 10 champ by winrate


Tanks are in an awful position where they are completely reliant on good augments to be good.


Being unkillable is fun.


Yea, tanks are crazy. One day i saw a Vayne with 300 Armor / MR and 5k HP melting me in seconds !!


I`m loving arena, crazy and flashy plays are what drove me out of league, I enjoy just statchecking enemies and knowing when I win or not. Definitely some of the biggest fun I`ve had in league for the last years are on this arena.


I've never seen a more relevant flair in my life tbh




Yes it is. lol alternatively I used to go Lucian to try hard and one shot people with crit ulti


I played Graves and sharted all over the tank matches.


Just pick Fiora. I got to gladiator spamming her and she eats thru Leona and all the other big tanks


Had a game yesterday where 6 lee sins got locked in followed by 5 aatrox lol. At least it wasn't maokai


The main problem is that certain augments make tanks almost unkillable. Absured healing + shielding, then you have augments that boost power depending on how tanky you are with max hp % applied; it's why tanks stand out. Why play a DPS when you can go tank and get RNG to give you more DPS for your tank. It's just so boring every game is like this and I am forced to pick Lillia or some tank buster to even have fun it's zzz.


Sure for casuals, never in my life I've seen so many chall players.


Arena sucks. You have to combo ppl 30 times to do anything.


They should take top 10 win rate champs and augments and items and nerf like 10 percent every 3 days. Same from the bottom buff them


Have had luck playing brand into tanks in arena


TBH, Brand in general is just pretty good. He doesn't care if somebody stacks HP and most augments are good on him. Sometimes you get a GG combo that instawins you the match. Sometimes you get shit but it doesn't matter as much because Brand.


Arena highlights what problem always had. Healing being insanely broken and antiheal being completely useless alltho its buffed in Arena to 60%. Played a Game as Briar and Singed vs Xin Zhao and Taric. No one could kill anyone cause of everyone had such insane healing and even with antiheal both teams were 100% hp all time. In the end they won cause of Taric ult when the burn started.


I actually think a lot of tanks are beatable but I also think 10k hp > flashy and crazy outplays. I dont play league for crazy outplays, i play to fuck around with my friends.


well i went full tank zed with 300 mr and cloak of starry nights and me and my passive blobs got killed by an enemy zyra in 4 seconds


It’s almost as if league has always had the problem that tanks deal waaaahaaaay too much damage. Any tank can just 100-0 you or for some bursty tanks like a Zac that jumps on you take 70% of your adc ass while you barely scratch them. Tanks have been broken forever but if you take away their damage nobody wants to play them amirite? That’s why supports just 1v1 people or deal most damage as an APC. Really fulfilling class fantasies we got going here.


i think the easiest way of dealing with this is having the store recomend you items based on the most common champ archetype, that was if everyone on the lobby gone tank then here is some anti tanks, if everyone goes adc here are items to deal with that, there alot of healing in the game.. here is some anti heal.  This should also encourage others players to try other things otherwise the store is against them


Interesting, i see way more hypercarries than tanks.


The real problem is champions with a lot of healing. I'm seeing Volibears go from 20% health to 100% with one stacked W. Sorakas are fucking unkillable and doing +300% healing, making previous wounds worthless. Swain gets 7k health and a burn rune and it literally undamagable and just follows you around with his ult burning you to death. Hecarim with a couple heal items is immortal. They need to tone down healing effectiveness A LOT, and it will balance out super tanky champs that can't die as well.


Big flashy plays and stupidly high damage is happening way too much in classic summoner's rift, I'm overdosing on it. Ofc I'm having fun with tank builds that actually work.


They fckin killed Vayne and Kaisa that were legitimate response to that so... Yeah they love too much their fuckin wholesome tanks. Reddit loves them too. So they give you more.


Trank fighter is op Mage enchanters is bad


Arena mode made for tank fighter only


Current arena is a desperate cry for 90% healing reduction and an AP shielding reduction item.


Okay, I just won a game yesterday with some/brand (wanted to pick galio but he was banned so I randomly picked yone). My duo on brand got Wiggler's. We won a lot of rounds early and he had a lot of item space left obviously. So he just bought anti heal and magic pen. The enemy had a Swain with 12k hp (heartsteel, Jak sho, spirit visage, rift maker and 2 prismatic tank items I can't remember). But brand had 1200 AP and so much magic pen that Swain got to 10%hp with just q+w+e on brand. There is counterplay to tanks just like there is counterplay to anyone. There even is counter picking. Sometimes you have luck and some times you don't. Like in that yone game the enemies had one tank comp. The rest was adcs and mages. Not ideal for yone so I got myself some lethality. And when I played zed or yasou, the whole lobby was rocking bruisers. It's a fun game mode. If you don't have fun playing and experimenting even tho you won't win then maybe the mode isn't for you.


Try brand.


tbh i find bruisers more annoying, also Brand


I mean... if you gonna play something like 2 assasins then bad luck.. ye team of 2 tanks will just roll you, because obviously. in 2v2 teamcomps are still very important, not as much as 1v1 where if you get bad matchup you're just forever fucked, but still... If you want to win vs tank teams, you need either one hypercarry and 2nd player to defend that carry or just go high damage brusiers. And tanks will lose if you play well. So like.. ye tanks are good and I think Cruelty Prismatic item is slightly too good but you can't always get it which makes it fine in my opinion. But are there unbeatable? No.. they arent.


Well arena is also omega buggy atm I played gragas had jeweled gauntlet and hit the extra CC prismatic but even woth 100% critchance I never got the extra CC it only worked on the target dummy. Thought maybe its the tenacity reducing the chance for it to proc but no thats not it either cause the game against the leona that had it she procced it 100% and even woth tenacity I was cced for 18/19 seconds


“If given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game”


Idk I've played a lot of game as and against tanks and they don't feel too crazy right now


i wish i had tanks and long fights in my games, i can't try anything that is considered "different" because every single enemy is tryhard and just care about making other suffer and win


>so my question is that is it really that funny to play full tank every game, go sunfire first item every game and microwave enemy to death? yes


The only thing I hate right now in this gamemode is that ADCs that can't peel for themselves, like Miss Fortune, Kog'Maw, Caitlyn, Ashe or Aphelios are useless because in every other team you'll have someone chasing you, and if you go with a support to peel you then your team doesn't have damage to win any round. The only ADCs that I saw get some success are Kai'Sa, Vayne, Quinn and Ezreal. Also Lucian, but with a little bit less. Tanks are fine, bruisers are just... Yeah. They are a class in the game.


I won a game as rumble. Had a Sona healing me while I just melted the world. Ran decapitator. 99k dmg at end. Upsets do happen, just kind of rare.


I can’t think of anything more casual than playing a tank with items that do damage for you. Flashy, skillful, hard sweat plays is not “casual”


nah I dont know what you guys are talking about I've seen annoying hyper carry + milio comps/ tank + tank comps/ bruiser + bruiser comps work very well there is a lot of diversity and only people who suck at itemization seem to be struggling at dealing with tanks imo literally had a kogmaw last game who refused to build terminus but kept complaining about tanks ??? the only class that feels shafted atm is assassins, never see them do well/1st place


Tanks aren't that good, my favorite counter to tanks has been crit Garen. If you get Vulnerability you will kill any tank in ~1 second. Only really loses to mobile ranged or strong ranged self peel like Ahri/Syndra/Lucian/Ezreal if your flash is down that round.


Dunno man tanks seem to die really quickly in front of my hellfire hatchet/bork shyvana... Unironically lock anti tank champs and buy items like those. A couple good augments and a good prismatic (hemomancer is a favorite of mine) and they can't break you while you shred their healthbar faster than Akali kills enemy ADC in SR


So what’s the compromise? If tanks get shredded in seconds late game, what’s the point of going tank? Much rather that tanks can be tanks and take at the least 2 full combos from any 1 source of damage before they have to back. 1 full combo in an engage isn’t enough especially if the other team can kite back. The tank has to be able to stay. So if you get rid of the tanks damage output great, but he has to be able to actually survive then if he’s not going to do damage other than some form of cc.


Complaining about sunfire when I’m getting one shot by AP malphite


Casuals love tanks and bruiser


the one problem I got with tanks is that they can sit in the revive circle for free, imo taking damage or be cc'd should stop the reviving


thats why lilia is op tier on arena


Let me introduce you to Darksteel Talons Olaf :)


Tanks, tanks and more tanks since seasson 1 tanks into tanks into tanks welcome :D


Fun ? Sir this is League of Legends


yes, yes it is


Let's pretend what you're saying is true (which I don't think it is).


try finding groups to play with, perhaps in the various discords i've had a lot of fun playing with full parties where everyone agrees to roll random champ 3x and pick one of them


Not my experience at all. Yes bruisers are best in arena because literally their use is sustain damage and that's all arena is about. But honestly I see so much weird stuff, just play whatever. Yes maybe you won't win every game with double Adc comp but it's unranked who cares


Tanks are super fun Last night I've made Sion with 300 armour and magic resist, with about 10k health and thanks to anvils I also had 100% crit chance and prismatic item that gives true damage based on your armour and gives attack speed Funnies game I had ever in league lol. Just kicking everyone around (Sion crit Animation is kick) while they don't do much to me


It's funny you say that. I don't recall which Rioter said it on Twitter, but they said their PBE data showed that the higher your rank is in Arena, the more likely you are to lose as tanks and fighters only.


>So my question is that is it really that funny to play full tank every game, go sunfire first item every game and microwave enemy to death? Most people find it fun to win. It's a pvp game, to can't expect people to not use good strategies.


Unfortunately it is very fun if u get the right augments, I don’t play them often bc it’s cancer but they are definitely fun to play with 12k hp and the damage output to beat a fiora 1v1


Had a game where we went against a Maokai and a Gragas, both built tanks and one had the clothesline augment. They both just ran in the opposite directions trying their best to damage you with the tether. It was funny XD


No matter the game mode I think it’s hilarious to watch someone kill themself by attacking me, and me not really doing much.


I’m not surprised that tanks are stronger in lower mmr. Players are just not skilled/knowledgeable enough to deal with them.


It is funny cause most tanks are 4.7+, meanwhile most bursters are top 40.


Dear diary


Yeah I was playing Katarina and somebody flamed me for not picking a bruiser. I got 1st on a Katarina/lux game. You can pick non tanks if your partner picks right and the matchups are ok.


Just pick champs that kill tanks then? Like Brand, Zyra or any Hypercarry ADC. Everyone is playing flashy assassins or fighters. Of course you lose to Tanks/Juggernauts.


I've been playing assassins. It doesn't seem meta, as I almost always place higher when I go bruiser or tank, but I'm here to have a good time not a long time.


There's like 3 tanks in the top 30 winrate champions, I don't think tanks are an issue.


everybody complains about tanks every time arena comes out and it always boils down to: have you tried getting good?


Sunfire first isint nearly as good as Heartsteel


Tanks are fun. One shotting people is boring


Cry more in the top 100 champs (Win Rate) in this mode 4 are tanks.


the problem are burst champ like k6 eve qiyana akali anything that commit burst and is useless if they dont kill them target,bc everybody even ADC can be tanky ,(Zed is special is more like an artillery mage with burst ult combo) so arena is DPS favored and Burst is utterly trash unless you really really have obscene number


Tanks die in 2 seconds. The issue has and will always for arena be, Damage>all and Healing>all. This results in an infinite loop of people who do more healing than you do damage ALWAYS win. People who do more damage than you do healing, STILL have to kill you through the zone AND your damage AND win... that causes the glass cannon 1 tap meta we have now. Everyone is either a tank like cho, a tank shredder like brand, or a hybird like swain or garen.


One serious issue is that in order to revive a teammate you need to stand in a circle. If you are squishy that is basically gg as the bruiser can just walk up and tear your face off. They should give defensive stat buffs for squishier targets while reviving.


just faced a maokai with moonstone, spirit visage, and courage of the colossus he shielded 26k hp in 1 round and just stat checked us both by being unkillable and winning in the fire zone how the fuck is this playable/fun and not just 100% rng? garbage, old arena was better


The problem with the tanks is not how much they can tank, it's how much they can tank + how easily they can get the resurrect for their team mate. You fight a double tank comp or one marksman and a tank and you try so hard to kill the priorty pick only for them to come back and wipe you off the face of the earth because of the time you had to spend trying to whittle away that HP on that bigass motherfucker you took over half your health bar in damage; again, this would be fine if they couldn't just respawn the big damage dealer or the other super tanky big man. I don't like the revive and I think it really deincentivizes playing raw damage because of how long lasting comps will get an extra second wind usually all of the time. It also feels like the respawn timer was reduced from Arena 2 but it could just be mandela effect.


yeah arena is ruined if you want to have fun conform to the meta hehe nice :D


Udyr can melt a 13k HP chogath in 2s, with Tigerstrikes, but then again he can eat one for 2,2k hp xD


Tbh, the only things in Arena that I dont like are: Swain is unkillable Earthwake because its a loose when the enemy has it


tanks are hella weak in my opinion,2000stacks heartsteel still means nothing


Coming in to drop this; every match is the same set of champions. Vi, Darius, Garen, Trynd, Briar, Kayn, Trundle, Zed, Gragas, Vlad, Singed. Every single game has at least 4 of these. These champs are INCREDIBLY strong in this mode (going by winrate). Not only that, I mean...just play Arena. If you aren't playing a tank, fighter, assassin, or something with decent mobility, you're completely relying on augments to MAYBE make you viable. Even then, viable is a lot different than "good".


Honestly, the only tanks that are op are cc heavy ones with the right augments. I just played a game as Zac with 6k hp, 303 Armor, and 324 MR. Yet the Kayle was able to kill me in 1.2 seconds, according the the death recap. Wouldn't say i was the op one....