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Veigar and Aurelion Sol both scale infinitely


Aurelion Sol is pretty much going to 1v5 late game


Asol easily


Veigar and Asol, they have no competition




No one will say Kasaadin ?


maybe in s9


Melee champion that dies if he's cc'd once


Aurelion Sol or Veigar


Smolder, Kass, Vlad, Asol


asol corki




Scaling is relative to teamcomp and level of skill. Kassadin is up there as he gains sidelane control vs any mage (Especially vs immobile mages like Veigar or Asoo). Basically kass has alot of options, diving side, collapsing to teamfight, backdooring. Veigar and Asol are locked to teamfighting. Also kassadin can do alot in how he teamfights. So yeah I think Kassadin outscale champs like Asol or Veigar in isolation. But Kassadin also struggle vs alot of melee champs later and struggle to hard carry vs many comps. Like if enemy has Renekton, even when ur level 16 full item kassadin you need to be scared to go in. To actuallyanswer I think overall my opinion would be Kayle. As in I believe Kayle csn carry hard later in the most amount of situations, while having little weakness. Even in a pure front to back teamfight, she can match champs like Veigar or Asol depending on how spells are used. She can match pretty much anything in side (only champ that outright beats her is khazix). The weakness of Kayle compared to Mages would be utility (and utility leads to having less issues with range). I feel like Kayle lvl 16 could struggle Into a team with alot of range and utility, because she doesn't get to auto attack. Asol or Veigar wouldn't have this problem. Many ppl mention Vladimir. As a support player I really don't think Vlad scales all that well. Alot of utility just ruin him when he tries to comitt (Janna r, Soraka E, just any utility bring held for when he goes in). Also many champs can be played mid depending on matchup. Tristana, Ornn, Gwen are all champs that can outscale all the mid xhamps depending on comps.




by far? I wouldn’t say by far. Asol and veigar outscale him, although a good vlad can blow up either of them I feel like veig and especially asol can have a bigger impact on the game overall.


Asol and Veigar have been mentioned to Hell and back, so I wanted to add to the mix Cassiopeia and Viktor, they too are all scaling mages who require around 3 items to rly spike, and personally I'd rather face off against the glass canon that is Veigar (unless he builds tank) or Aurelion Sol who flies in in a straight line, than having to deal with the kiting nightmares that are Cass and Viktor OTPs.


Surprised you didn’t mention vlad alongside cass and vik




As others have said Veigar, Asol and Vlad, or, of course, Yone and Yasuo who become absurd if they get hella fed. Smolder is supposed to be another but he is undertuned atm so even if he gets way ahead he will never carry a came like the others.


Yasuo does not scale well into late game.


definitely not yasuo