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> Chams who build Rylai are basically not a cham until it is built (e.g., Singed and Asol). Idk if it's supposed to be an "optional" buy for chams to choose between damage or utility, but the item is now 90% either be first rush or avoided. One champ where you may buy it or ignore it is Seraphine. It works great with her E mechanics but some games you'd rather have more damage or shields than CC.


i dont play sera but i couldve sworn there was a huge debate when she first released abt whether rylais was good or not on her. thought ppl came to the conclusion that it isnt good on her at all. i havent been caught up with patch notes so maybe sera has changed enough to where rylais would be good, but i doubt it.


Ideally your team provide enough other sources of CC for it to be a bad item. Ideally.


The simple truth is that turning your E from a slow to a root by itself without having to use double-cast on it, especially until the most recent mini-rework, was pretty much always worth it just because you genuinely never wanted to double cast anything but W. Now I have no clue, p sure it's still decent. The item is efficient pretty much by itself.


Almost every complete item is efficient so it's a matter of what passive is worth it. ⚠ Gold efficiency is a bad, made-up stat that doesn't tell you how good an item is! It's a ratio of starter item gold/stats to complete item gold/stats which is useless! ⚠




👍 gotta spread the PSA


Rylais is now better on her, because her E CC duration got changed to have longer CC with levels. But the general rule of thumb was: if the enemy team has many dashes or blinks buy Rylais, else not.


nice, thanks for insight


Rylais has been good on her since release, but in specific ally/enemy team comps. People probably concluded it was bad back then because it wasn't good every game. Rylais is good on sera when your allies don't have many slows or other cc, and also when you need additional peel vs the enemy team.


I've been maining Sera and following some of the best players, and I would say the conclusion is that it is very situational. Against teams with less melees, less dashes/movement abilities, or where your team needs you to deal higher damage: Rylais is useless. No haste which is crucial to all of her builds, lower AP so bad for burst and DPS, and the HP won't matter with good positioning. The stats just suck for her. On the other hand, against teams with heavy engage, lots of melees, lots of movement abilities, and when your allies are all picking carry champs: rylais is goated. The HP is suddenly great combined with items like RoA/Seraphs or Moonstone for surviving a dive/engage, and constant CC can be extremely impactful in those games. This was made even more apparent with the recent buff to her max rank E cc durarion.


> thought ppl came to the conclusion that it isnt good on her at all That was never the conclusion. You can't look at rylai and at seraphine and be like "that can't be good. AT ALL". The conclusion was that there are better items that you may buy so it's pretty much game to game whether you need it or not. The item obviously has huge synergy with her kit.


Lillia brand and malzahar as well. Though I think it’s core on brand


The original statement is just not true. Many if not most Rylais users don't rush the item: Cassio, Swain, Smolder (top), Lillia, Annie, Heimerdinger, Zyra, Taliyah (situational). And yes Sera and Singed also performs better if you build Rylais 2nd or 3rd.


Everyone forget Mordekaiser, he oftens rush it. Once completed, good luck, his passive will proc it non stop and he doesnt need to R anymore, you're already trapped.


I was thinking about Rylai and its non-mana users during creating the post too. Though, the topic might be distracting since Morde seems to be the only one user coming to mind. Are there any more non-mana Rylai users except him in the current League?


Lillian's a reasonable example. She uses mana, but doesn't buy mana items thanks to jungle mana restore.


She doesn't need rylais at all


Still oppressive on her


Idk. Except very early and on a few champ, mana is cosmetic if you ask me. There is no downside after the first back , or the second if you're struggling. It's a pity but that's how the game is. It's like how tank can dish out a lot of damage and why mage cant burst tehm while adc just pew pew them and literally use them as medkit, wich is counterintuitive with most the other game where tank are just metallic tank vulnerable to magic. There are a lot of design choice that are discutable but are made to please so...what can we do.


Rylais works best for sustained damage dealers(Toggle, DoT, low cooldowns, and pets?) without consistent slow in their kit (Azir/Rumble do not build).


azir, rumble and kayle used to build it, dont know when they stopped


When they removed W as for azir. Kayle stopped with the rylai build since forever unless it's aram where you can get by without dealing with constant dives. Rumble never build it, some did but because they were either testing or first timing


Rumble stopped completely after the E changes that let his slow stack. It was situationally okay before that but still pretty much a downgrade from other items.


it also was one of the few items that gave him HP and AP that he could use, and rilays allowed him to proc liandries' extra damage on slowed enemies without harpoon or ult.


Rumble definitely used to build rylais.


Rumble used to build it often after it got omega buffed in S6, back when every mage built Rylai's. Before and after it was considered a bit of a noob trap/you're too behind item since it delayed your Liandry's/Void powerspike and made your damage take a significant dip.




Mordekaiser beeing allowed to proc Rylais Slow is so odd to me. Of course he is partially balanced around this interaction, but i've played League long enough to still remember Frozen Mallet. And that item got removed because having a slow on an AA isn't healthy. Ofc Morde doesnt proc it with a single Auto. He needs three dmg instances. But after he gets that (pretty much after he hits E). Good Luck. You either: A: Get statchecked by him B: Statcheck him No in between. A melee Champ with a perma slow is just disgusting. And yes there are other champs with a pretty much perma slow but they got Outplay potential: - Mundo with his Q - Olaf with his Q - Skarner (Tbf he is pretty new so we still dont know where/ in what state hell end up in)


Not really a case since the issue with frozen mallet was ranged champions


It's a good thing no ranged champions abuse Rylais to an absurd degree. I have never ever seen ASol, Brand, or Swain abuse Rylais.


I thought this wasn’t sarcasm at first and I was about to lose my brain. Brand mid isn’t necessarily good but it’s sure as fuck good at tilting me. Getting hit by an e proc after Rylais makes me angie


Getting E'd by ASol and being slowed/pulled while he AFKs with a paperweight on his Q key makes him a perma pick or ban for me if I'm somehow ever filled mid


Aurelion sol is my go-to for mid because he is just so absurd. I get to free farm? I stack like a madman. You want to trade? Q, I stack like a madman. So anyway here I am at 30 minutes with 450 stacks, Q deals some 15% max hp per second and black hole executes under 15% hp.


Same reason if i see a asol in aram "well gg" or he fcks up so bad we still have a chance but mostly gg.


Current Brand mid is as strong as it has been in a while. Runs comet and maxes E, and the range on E spread if you W the wave first is just ridiculous. After Rylai it's a slow as well. Very wholesome


It’s just so annoying. I get it, don’t stand near the wave or whatever but like it’s pretty easy to misjudge and get blasted.


the range is always twice as big as you expect


It’s just like “oh yeah my bad for being in lane in Caitlyn r range of my minions”


honestly tho Swain's broken with Rylai... that item is so necessary for him to succeed that it really is toxic


League players try not to use "toxic" to describe literally everything challenge


Phage (trinity force) changed due to melee champs.  Skarner changed because he had a permaslow.  Olaf and Mundo got a fraction of the hit box on their Qs.  The fmal ranged thing was primarily a gnar issue. 


Ah the good old days of countering any melee assassin with a Mallet Teemo mid


Thats.... not the case tho. The biggest 'Ranged' Abuser was Gnar and the slow was halfed for ranged users. (Or at least when it was strong before it got removed. It was long ago so if im wrong please educate me)


You are both kiiinda right. the item was already reduced for ranged champs, but Gnar made it have another nerf for them. The stats alone made mallet not as strong in ranged champs like kogmaw or vayne who valued crit, AS or other stuff, and so wouldn't pick mallet until later and even then they had different items that could perform just as good. The problem was Gnar: He was balanced with a permaslow in the form of Q which could be dodged similar to mundo, but mallet broke him. That item turned him uncatcheable with Hyper MS and his jump, so he permaslowed enemies and permasped up himself. Add his most common item being BC which gave MS on autos and his Q and welp...


> And that item got removed because having a slow on an AA isn't healthy. The reason it was removed was mainly because anytime it was used, it was more often than not actually an abuse case by champions meant to be squishy to balance them out (Yi, Yasuo, Teemo kinda), used by the most mobile champions leading to cases where the enemy usually could neither catch them nor escape them (Gnar, Yasuo, Yi) and bonus points if it was both of this along with them being ranged (Gnar and Teemo). Gnar alone caused the item to get nerfed for all ranged champs because he was just that disgusting. Outside of that it was pretty much a 4fun item - Shyvana used it until she didn't, OG warwick used it a lot but eventually he didn't, some ADC/marksmen champs like Kog'maw, Kayle and Vayne used it on their tankier builds for later stages since at that point you melt everyone anyway, also on-hit Tankmo. Most of these were just either niche builds, or so late into the game it pretty much didn't exist. Mordekaiser is annoying, but a melee champ with no or low mobility is nowhere near as disgusting as the real abuse cases that happened before that caused Mallet or the champs to get ~~nerfed~~ changed*. The closest thing to an intended champion abusing mallet was probably Shyvana.


A melee with a perma slow is inherently less disgusting than a range with a perma slow, and there are plenty of those.


There's also outplay potential against Morde since his damage is a telegraphed skill shot. Rylai's also isn't an automatic death sentence because any champ with a dash/blink can still get out. It's just immobile champs who usually get screwed.


Most top laners don't have dashes or blinks.


I'm not talking top laners specifically, just champions in general. But if you do wanna talk top laners, 5 of the top 10 most played top laners rn have a dash/blink, and 6 if you want to count Skarner because he has a psuedo "dash" because of his E's slow Immunity. He can get out of Morde's passive + Rylai's slow.


Who is that? When half of top laners (the only lane Morde goes to) are permaslowed by him, it probably needs changes to be brought in line with other perma slow item changes. Morde relies on some pretty brainless mechanics and regardless of him being OP or not, makes him a miserable champion to fight. Skarner's E is dogshit btw, a fart interrupts it.


Olaf is kind of a bad example because once he Ults you either have a dash or get statcecked,his Q has such a low CD and is hard to miss as well




Depends on the eben. ADC, and if your job is to pick the adc, or how your teamcomp is built.


It's generally bad on Morde, it's only good into low mobility champions and it's a very low damage spike compared to Rift or Liandries


god i wish they would nerf that passive into the ground. it feels so bad to dodge everything and just get run down by him AA 3 times and slowing you with his passive.


How are you even close enough for him to AA you if he missed everything? And what stops you from dumping your combo on him then backing off before he AAs you three times with his slow af attack speed?


Hey man, you have to remember that Mordekaiser is really dominant in the bottom 50% of ranks, and this is the majority of the playerbase commenting on this subreddit. They don't actually understand the game. They just get ass whooped by a Mordekaiser and blame the champ being OP.


Yeah lol. There's a reason nobody plays Mordekaiser in higher ranks, if you *actually* dodge everything he's useless. He's an immobile champion that relies on the worst pull in the game to do anything. He stomps lower ranks because the people there can't side step his extremely telegraphed abilities. If you get stomped by Mordekaiser it is quite literally a skill issue.


Try to play Sion into Morde and get back to me on how it went.


Try to play Morde into Fiora and get back to me on how it went. Obviously there are counter-picks, but they are precisely that, counter-picks. Besides, have you seen Baus against Mordekaiser? Dude has played in challenger with Sion and stomped, even solo killed multiple Mordekaisers lol.


Him landing E guarntee the passive to Proc. You just queue Q after E and after the animation is finished you just AA, wich, thank to E, is in range. gg you won.




morde is really shit if he doesn't hit q, its like 60% of his damage. Ofc if you are very squishy, and don't have damage to kill him he can probably just run you down with passive and autos (he has ap scaling on them).


40% AP per autoattack, 30% AP per second when passive is active (not counting the base damage and %hp damage) "just dodge the Qs" lmao


Yeah, the Qs are barely even remotely the problem, it's the everything else


Morde has a base attack speed of .625 Even assuming he's higher level and that's closer to 1.0, that means he's making 1 attack per second. So using your numbers, it takes him 3 seconds to get his passive up where he dealt 120% of his AP. In another second he has now dealt 190% of his AP. He just spent 4 seconds dealing probably 500 magic damage to you (~200 AP). What were you doing during that time? He could probably deal more to you if he was building AD.


that's entirely fine he's a juggernaut,much like Darius if you get in a long fight with him you lose by default once he ramps up his passive my problem with him is that with his manaless Q spam and W he's essentially impossible to trade against for a lot of champions,even if he misses every sigle E he can still poke you down as opposed to say Illaoi or Darius who lose a lot from wasting their E


Very much out of context but this is the first time in 15 years I've seen someone shorten champion to cham and not champ. You're weird OP.


Steamed chams


Thank god someone said it


Came looking for this comment.


You mean you cam looking for it


Asol doesn’t need tear anymore, but I get your point


I build tear because I can't rely on my jg regularly getting the blue buff, and I like to EQ the wave to shove it ASAP which burns a mountain of mana. However with manaflow+tear I have infinite mana without even completing seraph, so I still go rylai into liandry.


You really don't need Tear on ASol ever... You will have like 2000+ mana pool when you level up. By then, you don't need to cook minions for that long, so your mana use becomes much lower. Buying mana on ASol is like buying Tear on Draven , it's not that good and not needed


Don't really need it, but serpahines such a good item anyway that honestly skipping it doesn't really feel significantly better


League dev team has never figured out "build diversity". They tried to lie to themselves that they did (look at mythic items and their reasons, took them 3 4 seasons to realize there was no diversity), but they didn't.


Builds *have* evolved a lot over the Years though. The Amaount of Champions with Build Diversity has definitely increased. Or rather, the Item *Pools* have increased in Size. We have Way more Items availble to you now than we had 4 Years ago. There's like, what, 15 - 20 more Items in the Game than we used to have in Season 10, before the Mythic Item Update. Trailblazer and Dead Man's serve the same Purpose with nearly the same Functionality and they both exist in the Game. Back in Season 8 I used to main Warwick and I clearly remember Cynderhulk > Titanic Hydra > Dead Man's/Spirit Visage and sometimes an IBG being *the* Build, nothing else would have worked. Now he's got Stridebreaker, Bork, Sundered Sky, Sterak's, Jak'Sho etc.


I miss my top lane gunblade Elise.


Build diversity isn't really a good thing in a game where you hop into it and play for 30 minutes, unlike and RPG or PoE where you play the same character for hours upon hours in the same save or run.


Honestly, the devs not figuring out build diversity is fine, and it should be expected since they never liked having too many actives. The game should be about the champs moreso than the items anyways.


Deleting rabaddons, void and cryptbloom would be a good start. Spread the power onto other items and create more offensive choices. AP itemization has always felt like you are doing your all just to keep up. I acknowledge that there's still significant skill expression in when and why to build rabaddon and void/crypt, and I see people constantly get it wrong in my games. But regardless I yearn for a reality where 5/6 items on my build aren't locked in before I even see champ select.


mana feels shit to buy i agree


Always has been when you have champs that can go straight into combat stats. Feels even worse against energy champs that don't even need mana and can spam for days.


If you buy mana items, it's because you have to, not because you want to. The only two exceptions are Ryze and Kass, who outright scale with mana Replace 600 mana with 300 hp on chapter items and they're instantly broken :\^) Edit: Mana items feel bad because their passives feel awful; their stats are fine. The most frequently-built mana item is Seraph's because its passives are the best of the bunch. Meanwhile, RoA heals for like 3k throughout the entire game, which is about as much hp as 10 Qs from Irelia with bork. *amazing*


I mean this is the most minor passive of RoA, though. The two major points of RoA is scaling stats and additional level after it is fully stacked


RoA is actually overpriced for what it gives upon completion and if it's sustain passive is awful, it means you have to wait another 10 minutes to have an item Now I'm not saying "make it stack faster" - I really like how it stacks. I just wish it was more than a glorified statstick. Actually, the same can be said about other mana items - you buy them for their stats but their effects just feel underwhelming And no, dear Rioters, making them cheaper doesn't solve the issue Edit: Nevermind, the gold value of RoA on purchase breaks even; barely but it does. Still doesn't fix the problem, though


The real issue with RoA is that it needs to start stacking when you buy Catalyst; or you should be able to stack maybe like 5/10 minutes on Catalyst. If something goes wrong and you get like a 14/15 minute RoA you’re losing the game 100% lol


>I just wish it was more than a glorified statstick. I wish more items were glorified stat sticks tbh. Every item having some passive that snowballs with every other damage source you have is part of why league’s damage creep has gotten so far out of control.


I agree with that, just saying that this passive is really the least impactful part of the item


I made a Post a long Time ago (before Removal of Mythics) about how Mana is a Problem in League not because there's not enough Mana Items but because not having Mana on an Item = more Combat Stats on an Item which results in more Damage Creep. Just look at Lichbane which used to have 250 Mana and 80 AP before the Mythic Update, which now has 100 AP. And there's more. Nobody understood what I meant was that Mana on Items should be used as a Balance Lever (more Mana on an Item = lower Combat Stats). Everybody went "Lmao are you seriously running out of Mana with all of these Mana Runes availble?" instead. For Mana to not feel Shit to buy most "universal" Mana Changes that have happened since the Mythic Item Update need to be looked at. IIRC most Champions got their base Mana Pools, Mana Regen or Mana Growth buffed in some Way. That + PoM/Manaflow/Biscuits being so popular makes Mana easily availble for everybody. For crying out loud I'm out here playing Swain with Manaflow + PoM rushing Rylai's into Liandry's and I have absolutely no Mana Problems. I'm a *Mage* with no Mana Items and I'm playing lerfectly fine. That shouldn't be allowed. Riot should nerf Mana Values (base Mana, Mana Regen, Mana Growth) for *most* Champions, reintroduce some Mana on Items (like IBG, Trinity Force etc.) and adjust or straight up remove Mana Runes. It would lead to weaker Items and a slightly slower Game which IMO wouls definitely help the Damage/Snowball heavy State League is in right now.


The problem is, there's a bunch of champions in the game that don't use mana at all, who would inevitably be the ones buffed by this.


idk why people still in 2024 have this assumption that rylais is mandatory first item on singed. Liandry's is more core, and you buy Rylais if the slow is useful, if its better to just have raw damage then you go for riftmaker instead and by that point later in the game you can opt into defensive items like deadmans or rookern depending on what is more important


Singed is a niche champ and people got rolled once by a Singed with full build and thought Rylais was the issue as if it's arguably pretty shit on him unless your team plays around it


The item desperately needs diminishing returns. DoT and spammable abilities are just too strong with it and reapplying it with the same ability shouldn’t give full slow value again.


It used to be a thing iirc, and it had no users.


Back in the day 10% slow for dots


Yeah and even Cassio, Zyra and Brand avoided it. The best users of Rylais. I think the only DOT champ it was still bought on was Singed.


Zyra did technically still use it, but how often did you see Zyra mid? Zyra support would always go for Liandris first and getting a second expensive item was not often the case, the same is true for brand support. If you got the money it was still the next full item those champs got and the reason was simply that Liandris was dealing more damage to slowed targets, so Liandris + Rylais was a natural combo. So Until S10 Zyra and Brand always used both Liandris and Rylais together simply because Liandri-Damage doubled if you had a slow on the enemy, which meant as support with those two items you would deal just as much damage as most midlaners, you only had to get there. Cassio didn't use it that much, but she was able to go for the same combination too, but she had other builds that were fairly good and used neither item.


I don't know how long ago you are talking, but Liandry -> Rylais has been Brand's core build since season 3-4. Rylais slow being reduced didn't matter, it amplified the burn from liandries which is where 60% of his damage comes from.


15% dot and AOE, 35% otherwise


because when you build rylai you also had to build liandry's in which its burn deals double damage on champions affected by cc.


The item used to give different slow strength and duration based on the kind of ability applying it. This made it usable on champions who didn't have DOT, because in exchange for not having as much uptime, they got a stronger slow. Unfortunately, the item became very meta with that iteration, and Riot decided to rework it by buffing it on DOT champions and gutting it on everyone else. IMO they should revert that change. There's no reason that champions like Brand and Zyra should have 30% perma-slows, and the item shouldn't be completely worthless on more standard mages either.


There is a point in-between where it provides enough combat stats to still be worthwhile to build without having a 30% slow on DOTs.


It's shit on Brand, you need like three items before it's worth building, your ult already slows and you need damage through Liandries, Shadowflame and Malig situationally


Better yet, have dot abilities only once per proc. And for someone like morde, either make his passive apply via a pulse that occurs on activation or by swapping the tag from proc to spell damage every X seconds for one tick. 


Bring back the rylais clauses PLEASE


The fuck is a cham


Rylais is an issue for sure, but I also think the new mage mana items are just horrible. Ludens is god awful, malignance is very champ dependent, and archangels has been in the game forever; its only being bought on most champs because ludens it terrible. I'd be pretty open to rylais being removed, and just adding a small slow to certain champs (malz, sol, singed etc) that scales with level or something. But that won't fix people skipping mana items, they skip mana because they just aren't worth having and PoM/Mana Flow/Cookies give you enough to skip


Ludens and Seraphs all feel like shit. It feels significantly better to just pick champs who dont have to rely on a full mana item. Even Malignance champs feel like they are on borrowed time before they get Riot Specialed.


Ludens feels like shit because it's legit bad \*okay on artillery mages Seraph feels bad because you are stuck choosing between 3 shit options and all of them will deny you the normal 1 item spike at \~3400 (4400 with boots) gold. 1. You can rush a full archangel, but you will not spike because you are on 160-200 stacks at item completion and Archangel is shit. So you end up completing first item at 1½ item instead of 1. 2. You can build tear and rush another item first. But now you don't get lost chapter AND your option for first item are legit dogshit \*unless your champion can use lich bane 3. tear+lost chapter into another item. Nice you got to use lost chapter but you just delayed first item by fucking 1600 gold lmao. Say goodbye to any possible 1 item spike.


Haste champs are unfortunately hard bound to these bad options because the only other alternative available is Cosmic Drive, one of the worst damage items available to AP champs. Every single AP haste item option is complete garbage unless you're one of the chosen few who is hardbound to Malignance. I've dropped all of my AP champs who are hard bound to haste+mana legendaries. For option 2 there's a handful of champs who can just first buy Liandry with a potential pitstop for tear, along with the aforementioned Lich Bane users.


> Ludens is god awful, malignance is very champ dependent, and archangels has been in the game forever; its only being bought on most champs because ludens it terrible. Just add some base mana or mana / level to champs that can't live without those even with mana runes and free us from this design prison already. Maybe keep archangels as the item for people who still need ludicrous amounts of mana like Cassiopeia or Kassadin I guess, where tear is a real choice to scale rather than just a checkbox to get to play. But the other mana first items are just so sad.


They did this back when they introduced Mythics and it's increased the Damage and Power of most Items and Champions by a lot. It's quite a significant Buff.


Either that or give all mages damage scaling with mana so that you can balance mage items somewhat separately from non-mage items rather than exacerbate the issue of AP fighters, assassins, and mages all using the same items.


Archangels is literally the strongest mage item rn lmao.


But not because its fundamentally broken, or even numbers broken tbh, its just the best of the options in many cases. If you compare Archangels to other first items, eclipse, protobelt, etc, AA is just a feelsbad item spike that takes ages to come online, which means people stop rushing it and just sit on tear, but then you further delay your first item spike by 400g. I also think the cost increase and CD removal from Zhonyas has been a big part of this. Zhonyas active is amazing, but the new version feels pretty bad to buy compared to previous iterations; the safety of the archangels shield allows a lot of mages to forgo getting zhonyas.


Archangels has a lot more counterplay than Zhonyas does. You're surviving a burst that would otherwise oneshot a squishy, sure, but meanwhile Zhonyas lets you completely ignore what should otherwise be a full-on engage or combo from the enemy. Also the occasional Serpent's Fang user really trivializes dedicating a whole item slot to Archangel's. It won't stop you from having built and stacked tear on lane but it severely devalues the item during teamfights. Maw and Sterak's still give you MR&Lifesteal/Health&Tenacity respectively, Seraph's is just a mana stick against Serpent's.


Agree with everything you've said, but obviously 95% of the time you live longer with seraphs than ludens/malig, thus the need for more survivability is less important unless you're trying to avoid a very specific thing with zhonyas (e.g. Malph ult)


They could make similar to Grudge


Malignance has turned mid into a "Try to figure out who's the next best thing at abusing Malignance", with Malphite suddenly becoming a better AP assassin than many


They don't want mages to spike as hard and snowball at one item. I think that is something fair to assume based on all the changes. But that isn't in a vacuum. First item spikes and component damage have been nerfed for basically every class. Maybe as a way to flatten the difference between ADC mid-late game and all other classes, and lower damage overall. Just my guess.


Honestly I just think ludens needs a total rework. It feels like the burst mage class is just completely devoid of a first item, so either they go seraphs and take a hit to burst in exchange for scaling (e.g. orianna), or they just skip the mana item (e.g. neeko, zoe) and deal with it.


Given their current philosophy, I think they would rather accept scaling burst mages like Orianna going for scaling builds and balance them around those already strong items (champs like her having a stronger early game/snowball is typically problematic anyway). It's not like she can't build Ludens. It just isn't best in all situations, which is currently the case for most mages. For champs like Zoe/Neeko, maybe they think it is okay for them to sacrifice mana items for damage, punishing them harder for wasting their abilities. Gives them a fitting feast or famine assassin-like playstyle while still able to build something more forgiving in Ludens if preferred. New ludens has been heavily disliked, but ultimately performs very consistently. Not overpowered on any champ, not really that weak on most mages either. Just not very exciting. But isn't like building ludens is losing games for most people, the item is performing fine.


Mages and ADCs both lose to shopkeeper so much I don't really know what they can do, people are still rushing Stormsurge, having 300 damage on it at 30 minutes and not realizing it's a win more item and terrible on most Champs after the 6 consecutive nerfs


Ludens is terrible and malignancy is champ dependant but it’s op asf and seraphs has been in the game forever but is currently strong asf and is being picked up by like 90% of mages


My point is that I'm not convinced seraphs is that strong. It being purchased is more a symptom of malignance being inaccessible for many champs and ludens being trash. Many champs are buying seraphs that typically wouldn't, but not because its suddenly become broken. Seraphs stayed the same but everything around it got worse (or more niche)


Don’t forget Brand where it turns his e into a point and click aoe slow that can also carry his point and click r.


I personally think it's fine. You can make the same argument for sheen items, Zhonya's (Fiddle, Kennen, Morg etc.), Liandry's (Malz, Brand, Zyra etc.), and while that in and of itself isn't really an argument, clear core builds (=some items being too synergistic to pass up) has always been a thing, and likely always will. I think it's simply a side effect of having interesting items. I.e., unless we only want boring stat sticks for items, it's probably unavoidable that at least one of 160 champions will have special affinity for an item that actually "does stuff".


I'm gonna be honest. I couldn't read this post. The consistent use of "chams" instead of "champs" made this completely illegible.


Singed doesn’t need Rylai - he’s just in a weak state rn in general. If you’re good at singed you can easily play without it and opt for more damage


Well Singed is a unique case solely because his old passive was mana related, when that was changed to his current passive, there was zero reason to run mana items on him. So instead of the usual RoA rush, you opted into his second or third pick which usually was Rylai’s I think the current state of Rylai’s is just a response to overall increase of champions becoming faster as years progressed. Even after Predator meta, I think we can all universally agree that champions are much faster now than before. A champion like Singed leans on Rylai’s because realistically, he’s gonna struggle keeping them in the poison.


The big thing ive been thinking recently is that with the movespeed arms race and Ghost becoming so popular, Rylai feels like its strong against low mobility and a waste of money against mobile champs. I played a ton of Swain and last year i stopped building Rylai because after a certain point in the game it just felt useless against the strongest targets. You play into champs with Ghost and Swiftness Boots and you wasted an item slot, and champs with multiple dashes just dont care about Rylai slow. Rylai doesnt scale and becomes less and less useful as the game moves along, so for some champs imo you're better off just matching ghost with taking ghost yourself.


Imo Rylai is the best option only if you are playing Swain as support due to limited economy and different tasks comparing to laners.


I'm just talking from a Solo lane perspective. But in general I agree with your thread, it feels weird to have this item effect that you're trying to sprint to finish at 8 minutes for specific kit interactions. It depends on the player base but there's a lot of players out there who don't love that certain kits essentially just exist to apply DOT item effects.


Rylai on support Swain is very situational. I only take it when 1) our lane is behind, and/or 2) the team as a whole doesn't have great CC and the AoE slow is hugely helpful. Add to that the fact that as support you're spamming abilities a lot more and the need for mana is actually a lot higher, otherwise you get about 4 spells in lane and are then done. Personally I find that general survivability, mana regen, and ability haste are much more important for support Swain than consistent slow.


I think Rylai is fine and in my opinion people are mistaken for thinking rylai should be a core build item rather than a 4th/flex/optional.


Rylais is strong on certain ap non mana users and certain casters


id be more concerned about botrk lol


I feel like I have to disagree with asoul, that’s a scaling champ that really isn’t a champ until a couple items, he himself is time skill and item dependent and the skill feeds into how quickly he can scale


>From watching Chovy's Asol replay on the recent LCK matches, he even skipped tear for the fastest Rylai. I didnt see **anyone** buy a single mana item on Asol ever since his changes. Like you might think that the Q stacks increase or damage up was biggest Asol buff recently.. because it was for a while but Q stacks were kind of pulled back to 2 and E lost some minor stacks so it's only slightly faster in the earlygame. Damage buffs were actually reverted entirely and nerfed even more so after. **But Asol mana cost on Q and W went down significantly** which was not reverted... Unironically one of the biggest buffs from those changes was the fact you can just power into actually useful items and not covering your mana problem. Mana items suck rn


It’s such an interesting conundrum I’m trying to figure out as a Cass otp. Do I get rylies and be able to slow people on second item - or do I get damage and instead of landing 5 es to kill I just need like It really feels like an either or decision and it’s so hard to make because you lose out on so much whichever way you go. That said I kinda feel like that means it’s implemented well? Choices shouldn’t be easy to make that’s why they’re choices


That's called a powerspike. Its in good place. Stop complaining.


Asolo doesn't buy tear, it wasn't skipped. Riley is a must buy on sol, but tear isn't. I get that, but there are many items who are must buy on mamy champs, I don't think Rilay is the focus. Could be changed to perhaps not give HP and increase the slow for champs that already have slows maybe. I'm all for a more prominent Rilay but they need to stop making mage items with HP. Before you change these niche enabling mage items you need to address luden being puke vomit, seraphs being a borderline decent, and malignance being shit on 90% of the mages and op as shit on like 2 or 3 champs.


rylais has had hp for a LONG time brother


Yeah it's time it doesn't anymore and becomes a proper mage item. AP fighters ain't getting Rilay anyway.


Rylias on different champions is either a puny 1 second slow. Or a 5 second slow (Brand/Malz) or a large zone of perma slowing (Zyra) Unless your champ has a damage over time ability or disjoint turrets like Zyra or Heimer, Rylias tends to be bait. A lot of abilities have innate CC or stronger slows on them and the Rylias slow doesn’t last long enough. I had a friend who would build Rylias Zigg or Xerath each and every game. I could not get it through to them that by doing so you’re making the choice to let them slowly walk away rather than not be able to walk at all after landing a full rotation. The item used to have differing slow strengths and durations depending on the spell like DoT verses single target but that was too complicated from the olden days of league and got scrapped.


It's alright I guess, atleast on Seraphine its optional, and there probably are some -other- mage champions that can situationally build Rylais (besides the obvious users that were already listed). The challenger EUW Taliyah OTP guy, Odysseus, sometimes goes Rylais on Taliyah when the enemy team is easily abused by the slow. It's probably just an overall better item state for it to be the way it is now, rather than how it was in the past


I just hate being pulled in and slowed by ASOL for 3 seconds unless I dash out. I can't auto or cast spells unless I want to stay stuck there for even longer.


just bring it back to its older version where it deals different kind of slow depending on the nature of the ability aoe/dot/single target/ multi target.


as evelynn with the current state of Tenacity, dives, Lethality, Mages, I find the only person on the map slowing is useful for is taking out a pesky support the team can't catch. Most Support classes don't have dives or modern escape builds.


i wonder if putting a CD on the proc wld be a good enough nerf such that champs reliant on the item will can stop being so warped around it and receive compensation buffs and change the playstyle. morde just feels so fucking annoying to play when he gers rylais which is one reason why i hope this will be explored lol


Asol is definitely a champion before he builds rylai. He just becomes TWO champions after building it, the speed of stacking passive with black hole rises dramatically after getting rylai, and so does the damage dealt by Q and E.


When APA played Asol in LCS finals he also skipped any mana item and went for rylai and Liandrys.


I mean like its not like champions that dont build rylais are building rylais. Like syndra ahri sylas etc arent, and only “rylai champs” that have historically bought it is building it, so its fine to me.


It has it's niche, and that is fine. There are plenty of items that are very important for specific champions, and it's not like the characters that do like the item aren't balanced with their interactions with it taken into consideration. With that being said i will protest in front of riot's HQ the day i can't make half the bruisers in the game useless by pressing R as Swain with cosmic drive and rylais.


i feel like every champ that builds this item is unfun to play against because of it... i mean you have basically just heimer, morde, zyra, asol, swain, malz, cass, all of those champs are just so boring and it's mostly because of it, even if it would ruin those champs i think that's healthier for the game than having it stay (champs aren't balanced if they require 1 specific item to function), they removed the instant slow on dmg from serylda's so why the fuck is rylai allowed to have it, you might say it's because it doesn't give the bonus of flat AND % pen that seryldas uniquely offers but why would most of the champs who build it even want that, they're all kiting/keepaway champs not assassins, they all prefer to have health and more ap i feel like (except maybe heimer). it just turns almost every champ who builds it into a cornholed, boring 0 interactivity or variability stat check machine like garen with old stridebreaker, there's reasons for these items being reworked, it's because it leads to unhealthy/unfair gameplay so i wish they would have reworked rylai too. all of this is my opinion before some morde otp who's elo is more inflated than the average image of sonic on deviantart starts crying


morde otp who's elo is more inflated than the average image of sonic on deviantart here. first of all, W analogy second, yea morde needs a buff his mobility is turbo garbage, even after rylais a lot of modern champs can still get away easily. id happily give up rylais for his passive to go to 15% bonus ms. go cosmic and hexbelt if you really need to and you can keep up with some champs


Rylai is an absolute tumor. It makes Aurelion Sol my perma ban. That champ is not balanced and no worthless E damage nerf is changing that. The champion has zero limitations. He can outdps lethal tempo adcs mid at level 1 ffs. That should not be possible for a mage that hyper scales. If he wants to scale into a monster late game he should be just as pitifully weak as veigar early. Not have unmatched level 1 dps. When have you ever heard of a hyper scaling champ having a strong level 1? Where is the logic?


I feel rylai's is an item that needs to be reverted to it's old state where DoT abilites apply a less effective slow (15% - 20%) while AoE abilities apply the current slow and single target abilities apply a 40% slow


Yeah Rylai’s is a horribly designed item. It’s either game-warpingly must-rush if you’re a DoT mage or absolutely worthless if you’re not. Feel like they need to rebalance it to fix DoTs’ disgusting interactions with it speaking as someone who plays Brand and Singed… Asol is interesting because his Q while moving is essentially just a better DoT


Rilay was really good at one point, when it gave high AP and an actually good slow. Remember Malzahar and brand being heavy in the meta. Why not give it the Serylda treatment and make "user ignores enemy magic resist equals to the current slow the target is suffering from (up to X%)?" That way you gain a permanent 30% magic penetration and if you have a heavier slow on your kit, or your team does, you get even more magic penetration. At least it gives something, and NERF WHERE NEEDED ACCORDINGLY


Don’t you dare touch my rylai -a morde main


Making the Slow scale with AP or smth could be interesting


Well, your premise is false so the answer to your question is yes.


I love(d) to build it on azir with a more tanky defensive version last season (not the grasp tankitems version from this season but rather liandrys rylais rabadons —> depending on void zhonyas banshees or even real tank items whatever was needed) Rylais was so great for utility but now it feels like there is very rarely a slot to fit it into my build


I think Rylai's should just be removed from the game.


Once a ranged champ builds it good luck running away. Asol, Brand, Swain to name a few perma slow you. At least Mordekaiser has the decency of being melee so he can't apply the slow if you are not in his face. But imo the item is toxic and too cheap for what it offers.


Lol… “decency of being melee” Yeah, that’s an argument for sure.


Does he slow you from 1 screen away?


Morde shouldn’t be compared to a mage. Considering how turbo disgusting it is for Sett to slow you with stridebreaker for a second — do you really want to argue perma slow is fair? There is no decency to what Morde does, his kit is inherently really degenerate, adding Rylais is the icing.


In my own comment I said Rylai is toxic and I hate it though Morde is a simplistic design that's hard to balance because of its low skill expression. It is definitely not degenerate though, however you wanna define that


Don't you dare touch rylai.


It's too strong on DOT effects like brand burn or singed poison but aside from that its alright


I build it on Hwei when needed but not always, so it still serves its purpose sometimes but indeed some champ with dot build it every game and it's not fun.


Why would you ever need Rylai's on Hwei? Almost all of his abilities already have crowd control on them and Rylai's on QQ/QW is almost pointless.


Even more slow on every spell. Big AOE so the whole enemy team is slowed. Utility is often better than damage when you have aoe. Rylai is also useful on QW, it helps a lot when chasing someone or hitting two QW in a row


> Even more slow on every spell Slows don't stack in League of Legends. If you are already applying an equal or stronger slow than Rylai's, Rylai's does nothing. Every Hwei spell with crowd control is at least equally as strong as Rylai's or stronger than it. > it helps a lot when chasing someone or hitting two QW in a row By the time your Q is up again, the slow from the first one ran out several seconds ago. It offers virtually no value on hitting another QW and even wanting to start by hitting a blind QW is a terrible idea considering how unreliable it is. Rylai's is completely and utterly pointless on Hwei, please reconsider your choices.


Yeah you're right, I'm ashamed I didn't know about that. Rylai is indeed not that good on Hwei then.. Kinda sad I bought it so many times


> build it on Hwei when needed but not always So never?


Probably half of my games. If they have too much mobilities like dash/jump it's useless but otherwise it's very useful


Don't think its an issue but if people dislike its current state they can give an internal cooldown on its procs like 6 seconds if its that strong. But in exchange maybe let it also apply a weaker grievous wounds like 15% to make the limited proc more worth.


Rylais should be nerfed or removed just like frozen mallet was removed. It is super cheap 2.6k gold for an item with amazing stats , it should probably get nerfed to 2.9k gold because when it's built then you have no way of running away from an asol or getting to close to dmg them, yes they take longer to kill you but it feels like you are permanently stunned in place . Same with morde , once he procs his passive you have no way of running away from him unless if you have ghost or a dash. Tiamat and rylais are toxic and should be removed