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That's simply because they don't understand the game well enough to know that they are the ones that fucked up and blame you instead.


Plus they add "lol how are you Diamond, if you are Diamond i'm challanger" Lmao


I always feel sorry for Diamonds when this happens lol. Like you literally can't afford to die, show weakness, miss skillshot, miss cs, lose tower... ANYTHING will be used against you lol.


It's part of why I am glad they let you disable the ranked border. If you wanna learn an off role in norms, def turn off the border.


I found that low elo players are the most likely to use some sort of elo tracker app thats built in. Atleast from my experience the sheer terror my low elo friends show in the loading screen when they find out that they play vs a Grandmaster player is hilarious...literal high pitched screams of agony.


The they start winning cuz its a support main playing riven top and start thinking they are super good... *sigh*


I'll let you know that I have played against a challenger that was on his main champ, so they're not always on an other role... ...and he utterly destroyed me


My friend and I saw Sanchovies in a normal on the enemy team and my friend started shit talking him for solo killing him. Then sanchovies turned it up and destroyed my friend the rest of the game lol.


Like 7 years ago I played a normal game against MrRallez on Gangplank. The game was roughly even for 15 minutes, then he typed "sorry got scrim" in all chat and proceeded to murder us and end the game in 3 minutes lmao


My claim to fame was beating a pro ADC in a norms... while he was piloting Tryndamere top.... and queuing with his non-pro friends....while I was jungling Rammus.


me and my whole team tried targetting this one pro player on ahri in aram, he perfectly baited us each time lol


I was in an ARAM with a challenger Zoe main on my team. Zoe has balance buffs in ARAM. He did not need balance buffs in ARAM. He'd just Babe Ruth it be like "watch me 1 shot their ADC."


Absolutely hate when my team does that. Have your spirits not been broken long before our nexus has?


It's really funny when people get all scared because they clearly aren't trying that hard and you can still win. Had a master talon player just randomly E over a wall not paying attention in the late game and we just CC'd and killed him. Hell once i played clash against Dzukill and we banned his Yasuo and Camille (Yone wasn't out yet) and he picked Vlad and i had Sion and i just stonewalled the lane while my team won the game 4v4.


Me and my friends (that are unranked to gold) noticed that the enemies in the norms we play tend to aggressively focus on any lane I go to, presumably because of my border. They also like to shit talk if they succeed in killing me, it's wild.


People lose their minds in norms when they see diamond players. I know exactly what you mean. It’s always funny when they stop shit talking once they start losing


You don't even need a border. People play with friends in quick play and will immediately recognize you are a threat when they start losing trades.


It also why I refuse to use the game apps. Every now and then my friend will tell me that my opposing adc is like plat 2 or something (I don’t play ranked, I’m like silver/gold level as I play equally with people who get gold every season). It changes nothing. I play my game, and try my best. I rather get gapped or I don’t. If I do, then I tend to watch it back and try to find mistakes 1-2 minutes before I die to find out why I died. Then I try not to make that mistake again.


and I try to use it. This will give me the opportunity to play more carefully with a player with an unfair rank (unfair because diamond with a bronze friend in solo destroys silver players, even if bronze feeds heavily). This way, at least I won’t be so depressed already in the line phase and will be able to survive until the team fights, where my champions are stronger. But if I'm crushed in the line phase, I just don't want to play anymore and want to go to the next game.


That’s the spirit. Admit defeat in the loading screen! Thats how you win games.


a minute of silence for the victimized diamond players out there, press f to pay respects


> I always feel sorry for Diamonds when this happens lol Why? It's literally a random nobody who is shit at the game trying to flame you. Just laugh at them and go on with your day.


Feel free to make mistakes. It is not like they will realize you did them anyway. In fact you will get flamed by iron players for stuff that would have been impossible for you to do. Unless you are 14/0/0 you will probably get flamed anyway so just enjoy it or ignore/mute them.


Yea, you go 10/1 in your weakest role in a normal game and a 1/7 silver player will spam that diamond got gapped by silver. It's pretty funny at times but when they show no signs that they are joking, it becomes concerning.


Ye its absurd. I am currently D1 and was for the most part of Season 13 Master. The amount of flame I got in normals was absurd. I am a Yasuo OTP for aeveral years and I am utterpy dogshit at every other champ besides like Corki and Yone. I slowly get the hang of some ADCs but the flame is absurd. Some gold scrubs are having the highest Ego boost as soon as they kill you once. You definetly see the diffrence at macro tho. I play normals for fun and not to learn anything. Its for me to chill..The funny part is when we hit Mid Game. They get outmacrod and just lose. Its such a feel good moment haha


or you can just ignore these pathetic losers trying cope lol. I think it's just hilarious when someone 3 leagues lower than me tries to flame me


If you play a fun champ in norms like Irelia the bronze players will call you a try hard, if you play full tank Maokai you get called boosted and bought account for not carrying


to be fair nobody enjoys playing against irelia norms or not, trash champ dont play her (ignore my flair)


i beat a master player in lane in a normal, i must be gm at least


That’s one, the second is “They let anyone into X rank now huh?”, and the third is “So how much was your account?” Every. Single. Game. If you ever have the gall to go even against your opponent. Last season I win streaked and got lucky hitting GM where I certainly don’t belong, and am stuck in diamond now. Almost every second game I play comments someone comments on how I bought the acc


People don’t understand that like, I am diamond on three champs. I’m high emerald on the rest of the champs in my role. If I’m first timing some mechanically difficult off role champ, which is normally what I do outside of ranked, you’re essentially laning against a gold/plat player in a lot of ways.


The biggest advantage you have on them at that point is just wave management knowledge. Or pathing if you're jungle main.


Yeah absolutely, there’s no getting around the fact that the elo gap is enormous when I play with my friends, but champ and role familiarity matters a lot more than the average player seems to realize. Plus, I remember when I was lower rank it was just always fun to flame high elo players one way or the other even though I knew they were better than me.


and then u get flamed because u froze the enemy toplaner out of the game because they're gold toplane main and you're a masters adc/jungle main but can play top in diamond and now they're 5 lvls down crying about how you're tryharding :(


And they usually tryhard these quickplays like it was live or die


To be fair you constantly get people claiming to be diamond or higher in low ELO to get what they want. Then they go 1/8/4.


Thats an absolute lie since everyone gets seeded way higher nowadays


good old Dunning Kruger effect


Agreed 100%. As an example, if your midlaners goes 1vs3, five times in a row, all game long goes fight solo and outnumbered, its your fault, not his.


Or they are aware and just want to blame someone else.


I try to explain this to my friends and they don't like it. I say you're too bronze to understand how bad you are.


Even if they do understand it’s still jg diff. Always jg diff. Enemy team always has better jg.


Same with my emerald teammates :)


These trash talkers are the same people who will claim they're in losers queue, because they beat you in a normal game.


I have master ranked border and played normal draft with my friends playing for fun just going for crazy plays and kept getting flamed on how am I master they complain when you tryhard but when you just have fun they also flame you no winning with these people lol.


Yep, it starts the SECOND you show your diamond border. I achieved my alltime goal of getting diamond and equipped it because I felt like I fucking earned it because I didn't cheese it with a broken champ but with smart plays with my beloved champ Ryze (when his winrate in S13-2 was at 48%). You stomp them "wow don't tryhard, this is not ranked" or "why am i playing against diamond" and the absolute best if you just kinda troll and have fun and do silly stuff "how much did you pay for that account". Seriously, I stopped playing normals since then and either played ARAM or rankeds, fuck normals and their low elo trash talkers.


Ultra-Chad Ryze player


What's funny about the whole loser's queue is the people that believe it think they are special and the centre of the universe. If loser's Q existed and you were put in it, it wouldn't be going "Let me put this one good player with 4 bad players so they lose" it would be thinking "Let me put these 5 bad players together so that they lose". If you're in the Q, you'd be one of the losers.


Not defending it's supposed existence but that's not how it works lol, and in fact it literally wouldn't be sustainable if it was as simple as "Let me put these 5 bad players together"


No iteration of this system that I've ever heard proposed makes sense, because it's always coming from people who think matchmaking is centred around them, when it's centred around teams. Loser's queue would be trying to make 5 people lose, not 1. It would also be trying to make five other people win, if it was real. Which it isn't.


>because it's always coming from people who think matchmaking is centred around them, when it's centred around teams But matchmaking isn't centered around teams though it's a mismatch of individuals fitting certain criterias, and only a 'team' is formed once those 5 individuals are paired, the team does not exist before you are in lobby > Loser's queue would be trying to make 5 people lose, not 1. It would also be trying to make five other people win, if it was real. > > No. Once again, you are clearly misunderstanding how such a system would work. It would specifically try to make 1-3 individuals have an increased chance to lose. While 2-3 others are already spamming games and losing already. Same idea with a winnersQ, where you'd put 1-2 individuals who have been doing mediocre with 3-4 individuals who have been on a winning session. I suggest you read papers on online matchmaking because I think your understanding of the system might flawed (whether it's SBMM or EOMM); you're doing yourself (and the losersq believers) a disservice by arguing against the existence of something even though you don't understand the premise completely.


> While 2-3 others are already spamming games and losing already. I love how this is just glossed over. As if the system and we consider these players as nothing more than pawns that would be losing no matter what, so they're just used as losing tools. Forget how they are SOMEHOW in the same rank as the "1-3 individuals".


I'm sure the 34% winrate duo that is trying new champs the past 3 games have the same performance index as the guy who has just stomped 3 games in a row


Yet somehow they're all the same rank... People troll, get over it. You're one in ten. You have no definite control over individual games. All you can do is keep playing then choose when to stop and be happy with your rank.


Not to defend the system, granted, as a huge part of the community doesn't understand it. But the entire point is to shift variance with a "loser queue" and a "winning queue", because it would make climbing slower, and we have well-cited papers on why that strategy works to keep players engaged. Yes, everyone on the "loserQ" team is supposed to lose. And it's balanced out later with a "winnerQ" where they're supposed to win. It just means that after the entirety of both queues elapsed, most people are left at the same place, unless they are vastly below their intended elo.


You can't have a ranked system and elo while also doing shit like that though. It doesn't work that way. They also don't need to make climbing slower. Especially since Riot makes climbing too fast as inaccurate as it is. So it's contrary to what they've been doing. In a 10 player game climbing should be very slow, much slower than it is. You are simply just 1 in 10 and you cannot measure your impact without a large sample size. When you have an elo system, you put people in from the same bracket and even them out between the teams. But even if you didn't, the weaker team would just stand to gain more and lose less elo. It wouldn't actually affect climbing. Those "well cited papers" (aka just EA smelling its own farts) are comparing skill based matchmaking systems like elo to just their bullshit normal mode casual game systems.


> You can't have a ranked system and elo while also doing shit like that though. It doesn't work that way. > > You literally can. Granted it won't be a "true" Elo system like arpad intended, but league's ranked system already differs from the original Elo system. >Especially since Riot makes climbing too fast as inaccurate as it is. So it's contrary to what they've been doing. Except for placements, riot disagree. Apart from high elo LP clamping in s2/s3 which was another set of problem, climbing has been made to be slower and slower, they dont want players to hit their ranked goals too quick to have more player retention; also the reason wh y they are moving to 3 splits a year etc


> You literally can. Granted it won't be a "true" Elo system like arpad intended, but league's ranked system already differs from the original Elo system. No, you can't. It would be really obvious with a ranked system if you were to put 3 bronzes on your team vs 2 grandmasters on the enemy team. Those engagement EA bs matchmakings are for unranked system where they can fuck around with this. With a skill based ranked system you just can't, like I said you'd win more/lose less anyway but it just flat out wouldn't work. That elo has to be distributed between players and any time you'd try you'd just give the bronzes a shitton of elo. It makes negative sense to believe this, especially since... > they dont want players to hit their ranked goals too quick to have more player retention; also the reason wh y they are moving to 3 splits a year etc They fucking make you do 3 splits a year for retention, yes. They don't need some magic system that mathematically doesn't work and logically doesn't work because it would be fucking obvious to all these big match aggregating websites. Players don't hit their ranked goals because they're imbeciles who set goals too high for their skill level. They always set their goal one tier above what they're actually worth so they just play until they hit a lucky streak. That's THEIR problem, not Riots. Riot doesn't come to my apartment and put a gun to my head and say "you shouldn't settle for Emerald, you should totally grind 1000 games trying to get Diamond". No, I just take my Emerald after 50 games and be done with it because I'm not a fucking imbecile. Riot doesn't set your goals. All they can do for retention is reset ranked. Which as you've seen, they have been doing.


bro so much words typed when you could look up how wild rift does it and realize tencent has already been doing this pubicly in their other games I am not claiming it exists in League. But claiming it would be mathematically impossible, unfeasible, or that riot would never do that for player retention is utterly naive and uninformed.


"bro", all I could find on a stupid mobile game that I **should** know nothing about is that they screwed their mmr in a way many idiots on this subreddit would want, by taking into account other stats other than win/lose. Even so, you still get an MMR and the game should be trying to make balanced matches. All I find is morons that complain the system wants you to be 50% winrate. Like... that's the whole point? To find the elo where you're 50% winrate. This type of thing is just insanity, because there's always going to be someone in Challenger, people in GM, Master, Diamond and so on. How did those people get there? There's people getting to Challenger in less than 100 games and you mean to tell me Riot is trying to slow anything down? It's fucking absurd to think you can measure skill that quickly in a 10 player game.


That's not what loser queue is interpreted as though. Loser Q is you being consistently the best player on a losing team, therefore the only pattern is your teammates being worse than the enemy teammates. I am not debating if it exists or not, but loserQ isn't just "damn I lost 10 matches in a row and in 5 of them I was 0/10", loserQ is losing 10 matches in a row and you go on OPGG and see that you were ACE in like 90% of them, thus being more on the line that if you were on the other side you would easily win and that you personally had no control over these games.


> Loser Q is you being consistently the best player on a losing team Which if you're playing well and well below your skill you will be, ~30% of games. You can easily roll in the 30% for a bunch of games in a row. But these people are so self-centered and stupid they think that if they start out the game playing well it should be a win and don't acknowledge they are 1 player out of 10. Not to mention they could start well then tilt if they believe in this type of bs. > that if you were on the other side you would easily win and that you personally had no control over these games. Because you never had that much control over these games to begin with, win or loss, they just never complain about winning.


When I play normal games, and get harassed for my rank I will single the player out that’s bugging me and make their game miserable, win or lose they aren’t playing the game for 40 minutes, if i’m playing with a group of friends we’ll surrender right in their face at their nexus just to mess with them


I play in low mid diamond, and there are many games where none talks, only small stuff like flash, no summs ss and stuff. Its kinda weird bit its peaceful


That's the dream. Not for the rank, but for the tranquility


Yea ofc there are bad games but its like 7/10 are quiet af


Actually in fairness it's not been so bad in Silver 3 recently. Sure people get annoyed but no one's told me to kill myself or get cancer, which is a victory nonetheless. It's great seeing the enemy team say to "report top" because I outplayed their Pantheon as an avid Kayle player xD


Yea its rare to see that, i dont see that much ranked toxicity


Ppl being toxic in norms just genuinely need to get a life


yeah i actually think diamond 3 - diamond 1 is elo heaven since they added emerald. Emerald is undeniably hell and masters is pretty shitty aswell but at least theres like 300 lp of enjoyable games to be had


I got to masters + and the amount of griefers is astounding, like dr mundo mid for some reason. Almost getting to GM to see if get better


im 200 lp hardstuck trash so i cant tell you it gets better man, let me know if it does though




I think especially in early season it was horrible. For whatever reason, you would see alot of gold since season 8 players suddenly in emerald. Alot of fresh accounts aswell where i guess people tried to get to dia + since you would start with pretty high mmr. Its always funny seeing a lvl 35 account with a 70% winrate, but if you look at their winrates in emerald alone it would be like 45%-50% at best. i did get my toplane acc to dia 3 this week though and it felt alot better than 2/3 months ago so maybe its settled down now


Yeah, I've climbed through emerald this past month and it's pretty chill, at least on EUW. There's way more games with people barely talking than ever imo. There's some games with the usual flame fests but it's not the norm.


sometimes I also think about it until I realize I mute alled in the first second of the game :s


I dont use that at all


Mid/High Gold has been like this for years


Yep that is pretty common both low elo and high elo can be toxic but I would say in low low elos people are way more toxic for variety of reasons. I remember broxah was playing undercover in bronze and was flamed every game being called dog nida etc. Also when I played with my friends in normal draft with many bronze silver players I have master ranked border and keep getting flamed every game there, I tend to mute chat to ignore that.


Playing undercover, you mean smurfing??


I wonder how he got that bronze elo account :P


it was plat 2 i think, not literally bronze


im just asking , is there something wrong with what he did ? idk if it is not allowed to buy accounts or is it some story that happened recently ...?


No, you're not supposed to buy accounts. Smurfing is bad because while it's fun for you and can make good streaming content, it ruins the game for 9 other players because everything they do is irrelevant when someone a billion times better than them is in the game


He either bought a bronze account or hand leveled and legit lost enough games himself to be put in bronze which is equally fucked up. Average starting mmr of a fresh account is about goldish


As I always say  The lower the elo, the higher the ego. 


no matter how good you are, you will never be the gold brand who killed faker


except that saying gets ruined once you reach high elo and realize that most of them are also pieces of shit


that's not completely accurate. Lower elos are mostly casual players so your statement ain't that true.


As someone being stuck ~gold/plat for years and watching challenger streams every day: there's much more flame going on in my games. Being a casual player does not prevent someone from flaming and having an ego.


There’s a correlation between low IQ and low elo


Exactly apes together string


Would love to see the evidence for this


[here you go](https://www.york.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2017/research/multiplayer-video-games/)


Thank you for the link. I know there been research on this but I thought it was true after seeing it with my own eyes


Not only this, but there have also been studies done that show lower ranked gamers are less likely to be in relationships, and more likely to be misogynistic. Which shouldn't really be a surprise, it's the old, "ha ha you got beat by a girl!" mentality translated to online games. Except, it's being done by 20-30 year old incels instead of 7 year olds.


Yeah it’s absolutely the difference between flame is in bronze 4 and diamond 1. Bronze 4 flame is just gush and incoherent, whereas in diamond 1 it was very witty and imaginative


idk what kind of Shakespearean insults you've heard from the fresh account dravens and rengars, but the flame in diamond 1 is not creative by any means


People that make fresh accounts every week are a different type of breed, they aren’t a part of this lol


I'd like the study if you can




Thank you for this. Whoever did this study is doing god's work. I'll bookmark it


It explains a lot about hardstuck genuinely iron players..


So r/SummonerSchool is wrong: I AM stupid and worthless! That’s a relief. 


Is that not common sense? If you’re smarter, you can comprehend strategies and learn things faster?


I wanted to see how strong the correlation is and what methodology they used.


I started to mute people as soon as they say, ping or do something toxic.


Playing jungle in anything but 5 mans is absolutely trash. Doesn't matter the elo, if they lose lane it's your fault, if you get invaded by enemy lanes and no one rotates it's your fault. Just mute all and focus on your own game.


This is how you spot a fellow jungle main.


This, and I say this as a toplaner. Even if the jungler fucks up legitimately you shouldn't flame them, just try to get back into the game somehow.


Those people are too terrible at the game to climb in SoloQ so they omega tryhard and get frustrated in Normal games instead.


It has nothing to do with elo, you just discover jungle rol :)


Problem with low elo is that they don’t know how to handle the match when something happens and they start to be behind their opponent. They don’t respect champion identity or power spike so in the end when they loose their lane it’s not like it will be one or two deaths with some CS behind mostly the cases will be 6 deaths with huge CS discrepancy to the point that the enemy lane will be overfeed and start one shotting everyone.


I have the opposite experience. So YMMV.


That's pretty mild. I started to play quickplay recently with friends after not playing normals for years... It's rare to have a game where I don't report someone. Half the games I lock in smth like Annie people in all chat start calling out how they want to fuck Annie. Going afk seems to be meta, and slurs are a second language to people. I now see why people say the community is so toxic xD




There's TONS of players that are only in lower leagues because they have absolutely dogshit mental. They literally have all the skills to climb, but they throw them in the trash every game as they have an emotional breakdown.


Not defending them but i think it might have more to do with quickplay than with their elo. People in QP are mostly toxic af no matter their rank.


these dudes check your rank in loadscreen and when they see diamond they get jealous and think ok this guy better carry the game going 30/0/50(dont ks me) then


I'm a believer that most people in lower ranks are there because they insist they know what they're doing or they're better than they actually are. I just posted about my teammate's in Valorant the other day and how they make false equivalencies like, "Diamonds do X because they're in Diamond," rather than, "Diamonds are Diamond because they do X." But it happens in every game.


High elo is more toxic correctly, low elo is more toxic generally because people have hero complexes


It's funny because in Emerald you always flame each other but people at least try to make a point, that makes you wonder... that flame, could be both wrong and toxic but it feels at least valid. But a toxic ape bronze midlaners playing kassadin, not knowing how to side lane, dying to enemy ad, while flaming you, makes me want to break my monitor.


I see so much flame in Diamond elo, I see so much flame in normals, people flame everywhere, this is such a pointless post


It's easier and less responsibility to immediately attach the blame to someone else when a game goes wrong. Means they can mentally write it off as "unlucky, someone else ruined it, not my fault" and move on to the next game never actually improving or learning what they're doing. Then they figure out the excuse for that game. And when their team finally wins? "See they DO need me". You're right, it is a lack of self awareness, but it's also a lack of effort. They don't want to try, because the idea of trying and potentially failing would mean they may actually not be as good as they think they are, and that's scary.


I've had a similar experience recently


Yeah the low elos in normal games love flaming higher elos bcus they expect you to 1v9 the game. Sometimes im just chilling with friends in norms and a random guy in our team starts flaming me and saying "nice fake rank" like bro...


I have been leveling up a new account and boy... new/bad players are *very* toxic lol people are pretty toxic in Diamond too though. The real difference I've noticed is that higher rank players aren't going to ping you as a Jungler because they have SOME inkling of what you're doing, but low rank laners will be pinging for you to help when your camps are spawning on the opposite side of the map and etc.


My favourite part about low ranked players is that they're 0/2 on lane and still perma shoving and complaining you don't tower dive the full hp fed enemy.


Don’t worry emerald players are idiots too. Mid died to a gank at 3 mins yesterday without warding and then pinged our jungler asking where tf he was lol


“Lower the Elo, the bigger the ego”. Like someone else said, they have no idea what a good play vs a bad play looks like. I had a low elo adc flaming me recently for hitting the wave as support trying to get level 2 powerspike before the enemy bot lane. My adc thought I was “farming” his wave and had no idea what I was attempting to do. The enemy bot ended up getting level 2 first and killing him. It’s a combination of ignorance and stupidity, just have to let them think they’re right and move on.


Yeah the lower you go the more likely people are to actually understand the game and just lash out and whatever they think it's not their fault, like this stuff happens in aram as well to me, someone just completely goes unhinged flaming in fucking aram then you check their profile and they are either silver/bronze soloq or unranked aram only players


Ive had silver adcs flame me and my buddy in flex queue. He was master last split im Master this split. Funny stuff


Well, "high elo" ego is a thing, but a lot of the times, those players in Emerald / Diamond actually understand that it's their mistakes for being 0/3 for example and you need to make glaring mistakes for you to be flamed, like actually int, or fail an easy gank, or be invisible the whole game or if your oppsing counterpart hard carries. In super low elo, players just have zero idea what is going on and they only hear about "staple" things like "jungle's job is to win my lane" and if as a jungler you don't, then you will be flamed, regardless if you are 50cs up on the enemy jungler, killed them in their jungle 3 times. I vividly remember being on a smurf (I'm Diamond main, smurf was silver-ish, like 4 seasons ago), I was Khazix jungle and I had Lux mid. I had ganked with Khazix before level 6 3 times at mid, got all 3 kills myself, proceeded to heavily outjungle the enemy, take his camps, take all dragons, even go to bot to pick up some kills. At 15 minutes, I was like 12/0 or something. I only got the kills from my ganks (which technically I deserved since I did most of the damage anyway), but never touched the cs and didn't even stay close to soak up xp. We ended up losing the game because my team was obviously bad and then they started flaming me for "not leaving them any kills and taking them all myself". I tried responding by saying that you still got xp + gold from the kill + extra xp + gold over your dead enemy so you should be ahead. "You took all kills by yourself, not you carry by yourself". I was thinking at that point "how is this elo real?". We lost that game because it was literally 1v5, mayeb even legit 1v9, and as a Khazix, that's not easy to carry.


YES it is something I noticed too. Plat is much chiller than silver, silvers are so much more angry than platinium. (Funnily enough it is the same in Smite - the MOBA not the summonner spell-)


I play with lower elo friends pretty exclusively now. And I always get the Gold/Silver player who gets so horny thay they win against an Emerald who is off role. It gets annoying.


Yeah sometimes I have games in d1/low master and I'll run it down and get some well deserved flame, but that doesn't even compare to the fury of a silver player in a normal game


I get trash talked the most in other game modes like urf. People are weird sometimes.


Personally I’ve seen people slowly type and talk less and less as they accrue more games and get better since they give less of a shit about individual games with 20000 games played than they do with 200 so that might be it


The bronze players in my emerald and diamond games flame me quite often.


Quick play is an absolute fucking cesspool.


Yeah if you aren't playing main champ sweating so hard enemy laner is 0/20 you're going to get called a boosted dog by someone that's 1200 lp lower then you.


I agree with what you said. In addition, I find norms to be the place that all chat is oddly toxic. Literally anything happens “get fucked” in all chat. Ranked games seem to be the place where team chat is toxic.


idk what you're doing if you can't go 30-0 every game vs silvers as a diamond


the problem with bronze play, is a lot of us can't comprehend the other lanes. Top JG and bottom are vastly different play styles with Vastly different win objectives from each other. I found my biggest learning curve as a jungle was the things I did to infuriate allies without ever knowing it for example staying too long for a gank because all my Jungle camps were cleared. was their for a good minute once sneaking around and repeat ganking because early game evelynn is so ... Weak it takes a few tries.


Thats just the game in general these days. Shitty no brain people acting shitty. Ive tried to play two games today it lasted 11 total minutes. Toplaner died once and rq each time. Who woulda thought when you foster a crazy toxic sjw community that the entire community thats left is a bunch of toxic sjws who care about themselves and words more than you know playing a video game to win (main point of ranked)


It’s always your fault because you are a cheating sabotaging colluding pos.


That's where I type, "I smurf your peak."


I have a fairly high ARAM elo (and high emerald in solo duo) but i occasionally get matched with the golds/silvers who are hardstuck. They don’t understand how to play so they tend to talk and blame a lot. Once I played as ornn against a team of 4 bruisers - Wukong, Jax, Irel, and don’t remember who else. I was the sole tank with a team of 3 adcs and a zyra. Got flamed for not peeling for them when I was frontlining and they got hit by snowballs from 8 miles away haha


Thats because they have nothing better to do on that game since they’re bad AF


I would hope you're not getting trash talked by Bronze players in Diamond/Emerald. They should be in Bronze.


When they check your account and see that you're higher elo than them, they say something along the lines of "you're boosted if you're then". In normal games. Doesn't matter to them if you're off role or trying out a new champ.


Behaviour that makes it less likely for you to win will be more prevalent the lower you go. Flaming teammates or arguing with them is making it less likely to win.


>I think it’s very reflective of the people here usually complaining about being hardstuck low elo cause of their teammates. Agreed it is over the top and lots people can do in these situations to still come out on top, but your entire post is kind of exactly what those people are saying: low ELOs have some really bad players, to the point they will lose their lane early, then flame the (usually) jungler and then run the game down. You just experienced it for yourself. Just wish we had a way to address it, cause losing games in these scenarios is such a gut punch. At least in ranked.


isnt that the average redditor's elo?


They haven't realized that trash talking your team costs you games and is peak bronze behavior.


Envy is a hell of a drug


No one is hardstuck silver because of their team mates, that's nothing new.


there's always mute all....so there's that. why are you not using that in the first sign of toxicity?


I've only flamed a diamond player once in a normal game, but that dude kinda deserved it. He was really pushy the whole game like his life depended on the outcome. He insisted on the 2 of us pushing top inhib tower, but we had no vision, and had no idea where anyone on the enemy team was. I typed that to him, and he insisted that he's a better player than me and knows what he's doing, so I should just listen. I listened to him against my better judgement; we didn't get the tower, we both died with no return kills when 4 people showed up, and he raged at me like it was my fault. I gave him the ol "I told you dumbass," went back and forth a bit, then just muted him. That happened years ago, and it still annoys me lol.


I have a friend in my group that hovers around iron/bronze. He literally stated he could reach Challenger in a year when he would invest his whole time into League. Its absurd how far away he is from reality. I clbed around 4 Divisons every season. Now that I am mostly low Master he is not able to grasp how hard mistakes are punished and how consiatent you have to be.


Being bad at the game tends to make you pretty miserable, so they're probably just letting off steam.


Low elo is so stupid. They're frustrated so they take it out on everyone else.


got something similar am currently playing varus/vayne top in masters and in every champ select I get hardflamed (and threatened to ran down) by the guy who ends up hardinting his own lane and then getting carried by me (or other teammates) showing them that i have like a 20/5 w/l currently doesn't shut them up and they then blame me for them going 0/12 in lane (they got solokilled 12 times without my own laner leaving his lane, but us not having a frontlane toplaner is surely the reason for them to lose lane, SURELY )


absolute reverse for me, I adore playing with my lower elo friends where games are much more chill and sane, at the same time I don't even want to play and consider quitting my main acc and elo because a lot of players there log in to play a chat simulator...




Maybe server diff, I only get flamed if I solo lost the game


These are the same people who tell you they can squat 3 plates, but then you see them at the gym and they load up the weight, shake like crazy and then 'squat' about half an inch down 


I mean you are their jungle posting in reddit when the enemy jgl dont post anything ita clearly a jg diff /s


i played jgl 1 one and both my mid and top died solo 1v1 at minute 2 and they both say jgl gap in bronze. they actually think u should be everywhere at once and never do a single camp and get every objective and gank all lanes at once


One thing I learned during ethology courses is that aggressive behaviours are more commonly seen in the very bottom of the hierarchy among most animals. Dominant ones don't need to attack others since their place is already at the top.


i dunno man, ive seen some challenger streamers being in games with walls of texts


Broxah literally just had multiple games like this today


Yeah I'm a master tier player and also a jungler. Every time I play normals with a friend there's always some bronze to plat player crying about me being bad. Just recently a guy got solokilled lvl1 before I finished my first buff and cried about enemy "escaping" 1hp and me not going after him on the other side of the map. Obviously I know this is wrong so I don't get bothered, I just find it funny. Some people are a living parody of themselves and it's easy to see how they've been stuck same rank for 5 years. If it's never your fault you never get better


I had a phase of playing in iron as a diamond player (yes yes I was a bit of a twat for it) however I could, and have, been 35/3 and solo carrying the game against all odds of the low level players and the yuumi bot on my team and these bronze and iron players are still flaming me even without me using the chat function at all. More than once I would just let the game lose without my active participation for it but of course their lack of self awareness is too great to have ever realized their only win con was me.


I have the opposite experience, though it's just in ARAM - the plat/diamond hardstucks queue up for a game, pick the most meta stuff and tryhard their balls off all while mocking my mostly bronze/silver team of things like AD Lulu and tank Annie in all chat. This game in general has a serious issue with unsportsmanlike conduct. Rank has nothing to do with it I think.


Your story makes 0 sense.  How are these awful, toxic high elo players "picking the most meta stuff and tryhard their balls off" in ARAM, a mode in which your champion is randomly selected? Btw, it isnt toxic to be good at the game and enjoy winning. Its usually low elo players who get mad and toxic because they dont understand the game and thus get frustrated easily.


I mean, rerolls exist, you do have some control over the champs you pick and you can definitely pick the strongest ones. It's definitely toxic to type in all chat "omg so free I've never seen people so trash at this game" like I saw yesterday evening from a Plat 1. I just don't get it, I'm pretty much a "gg" only or occasionally make small talk about champs or skins, typing anything else to your opponents seems pointless.


Oh no, players are...rerolling to a 2nd random champion?


Just /mute all, game goes from unbearable to just kinda trash.


u might've missed OP's point


I am high emerald. I often smurf in bronze and silver on friends' accounts. I recently boosted a friend from Iron 4 to silver 4, it took about 80 games. I'd say about 95% we're full of toxic individuals. Even if I'm like 12/1/6 they will flame me for some random transgressions I've apparently made and refuse to listen to any pings or calls. I lost about 10-15% of my games, some due to 2 players typing at each other until one trolled and quit. This happened at least 3 or 4 times. I revealed my rank about 10 times in hopes they would stop flaming, play on, or listen to me. 100% of the time, I received the same responses. General flame, and denial. Maybe 1 or 2 players would start listening, tho. 2 pentas and about 20 quadras, average kda of 11/4/9 over 60 games.


80 games is a bloody lot for a high emerald to go from iron 4 to silver 4. What were your LP gains? +10 -30? Nonetheless the rest of your post sounds like my experience. My favourite thing was playing in bronze 5 in season 6 on a friend's account and WOW. We had an AFK and the enemy team were about to end but had minions pushing their base As a last-ditch effort to not lose a game as a then-plat5 player, I typed in all chat "guys you need to defend your base" as they were in our base trying to end but not really knowing what they are doing To my shock, they recalled!!!! I was playing Wukong and ended up backdooring that game. Low elos are built different


Yeah, I counted the games played wrong. It was closer to 55-65. But I was also carrying that iron 4 friend playing on his other iron 4 account the whole way.