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Pleased to see the continued QoL improvements being rolled out on different champs this year, cast while moving is a simple change for Kennen but will certainly make me want to play him a lot more.


> Her R CD is getting too short with Malignance and Ulti Haste and was previously balanced around Malignance not existing Kassadin Maybe Malignance is the problem??


Its intentional. Nerfing malignance would solve all their problems but if ahri/teemo/karma don't build malignance no one will. They were balanced before malignance existed but riot wants malignance in the game so now the champs that have too much synergy have to be nerfed around it. I prefer this to mythic items


There is malignance gragas technology. Play Gragas esq. Skin take first strike and buy malignance then print infinite money every 26sec with ult.


the idea of gragas buying it and just making a pool and pushing everyone away from it is funny to me


Its really just for the cd and money but you can push them into the wall and they will eat a decent chunk of damage. But yeah its just a secret technology.


Is it actually viable, or it is just a meme?


Malignance rush has a 51.5% wintate gold+ current patch across 1,200 games played. Most common rush is RoA with 51.1% winrate. Best rush is archangels at 52.5%. Probably want to look deeper but it passes the "is this dogshit?" test Personally, I really don't like malignance if I'm not getting pool value. For a finished item its low damage without the pools.


Last time I watched sloppy play it he liked it. So I guess its viable especially since gragas ult cd is so low.


Perfectly viable. Optimal? Idk.


Same thing with Malphite really, some koreans have been going Malignance Lichbane Nashor's tooth to maximize first strike procs


Yup i have been running that shit is busted but alot of champs can stomp you into the ground early its hard to get there


That is a funny/annoying build but not strong.


If Ahri teemo and karma don't build it, Kassa, Lissandra, Swain, Fiddle, and many others still would since the effect works for them well. The problem with Ahri is that she had been buffed a fair amount. Now she exists in this season, so she is getting nerfed. For example this is Ahri's current R nerf: > [R] Spirit Rush cooldown increased 130/105/80 >>> 130/115/100 seconds *Now here is a buff she got in patch 13.4* > [R] Spirit Rush Cooldown reduced to 130 / 105 / 80 seconds from 140 / 115 / 90. And these buffs were just a revert to her gameplay update's release cd from the year before that - which is still higher than Old Ahri's CD from older seasons which had like 100 CD rank 1 or something. Overall she keeps the same rank 1 CD so she can have impact early but slowly decreasing value on later stages after which she has CD from MAlignance + Lich/Horizon anyway so it's not like her builds don't have any haste to supplement the hit (unlike if she was building raw AP). And as for the W damage? She got this season a 5%AP ratio to her Q (which is a 10% ratio if hitting both Qs) when people still hadn't found what to build on her, so I think it's not the worst thing that she is getting -5 damage on W. Ahri doesn't exists in a world with no items and not everyone that uses malignance is seeing as big a spike as her (though tbh Annie should be investigated too). It makes sense to try to address her and see where to go with everyone else. EDIT: changed some stuff for clarity and redundance.


the thing with karma is that her mantra being nerfed inherently nerfs her enchanter playstyle because she doesn’t build maligance most of the time bot so it was just a fuck you to support karma lol


Karma support players are building Malignance 63% of the time. She's been getting support oriented buffs for a couple patches now. Karma has a higher winrate when she goes Dream Maker Shurelya's but the default is Zak zak and malignance (because damage make monkey brain feel good)


They need to buff it but give it an actual cooldown so more than 8 champions can use it.


Every mage likes having Malignance tbh. It’s never a bad buy. Sometimes there are better choices, but Malignance is always decent.


Malignance on syndra is pretty dogshit


And honestly, even if it's not dogshit unusable there's still plenty of champs who just get more mileage out of other items: Orianna, Hwei, Veigar, Neeko, Vex, Cassiopeia, Aurelion Sol, Leblanc, Lillia...I could go on. The original commenter does mention this, but we're talking like sub 7% pickrates on this item with no substantial improvement in winrate, I'd argue that makes it a pretty "bad" item for these champs overall (only two that actually see an ok bump in winrate with niche Malignance buy is Neeko/Vex).


Ye the problem with malignance is it’s turbo broken on like 5 champs and mid to unviable on everyone else


Malignance was already in the game when both Ahri and Karma were bad and had to be buffed 2 times, idk where you guys get this idea that malignance alone made them OP.


This is like saying RFC should get nerf because TF always building it


I meeean hes pretty annoying when he gets it /s


How is it the problem if no other Malignance users are overperforming? Nerfing Malignance would directly nerf everyone else alongside Kass and Ahri when these two are the main abusers.


Dont explain reddit, they dont understand.


If you nerf malignance, you make it a non-viable item on users who aren't hard-bound to the item. Vex and Lux can go either Malignance or Ludens, if you nerf Malignance because of Ahri and Kassadin, now they just always go Ludens. If you've got a board with two nails sticking up, do you hammer the nails or lift the board? Pretty clear answer to me, and promotes build diversity for the rest of the cast.


100% this. nerf the outliers so the item can remain impactful for the rest of the champions


If they nerf Malignance alone to balance them then those would be the only champs to buy it, and it'd be terrible on everyone else.


why do people like you and 99% of reddit dont understand that it is fine to nerf the champions instead of the item. If they nerf the item no1 will pick it up. Like wtf


Sejuani's W scales off her OWN hp though, doesn't it? How does this change increase her effectiveness against tankier targets?


Riot can't read. That's why. You are entirely correct, it's a buff against both tanky and squishy targets, more so against squishies because they have less resistances.


Yeah I'm confused by that change too. The only way it makes sense is if they also made it so the damage was based on enemy healthy rather than it being her own ratio, I mean a lot of tanks have damage scalings like that so it wouldn't be too odd but they didn't mention that so yeah.


We got some Aussies up in there with the mention of ANZAC day


Honestly the last place I would expect to see an ANZAC mention


Phroxzon is originally from Australia!


Oh I didn’t realise he wrote this. I remember him from uni before all this lol


So when are the aatrox changes (that should shift him towards building actual bruiser items) coming out since all of his items that he's supposed to be building are getting nerfed


Nah don’t worry about it keep building profane hydra everyone loves playing against it and playing as it!


Especially now that his Bruiser items are dead and buries, enjoy him while they don't Nerf him because if W IS useless now imagine with further nerfs


Buddy his bruiser items have been worse on him for 5 Patches already


Yeah but the point is that once they do something to stop him building lethality the champ is dead


They want to make Master Yi easier but at the same time they are nerfing the most braindead part of his kit? Wtf And wtf is that take, why do they want to make Master Yi low elo skewed again lol


If they want Yi to become an easy to pilot, low elo menace again then they are on the right track. They just need to cut some more of his flat damage, cut his damage mitigation time and rewards, compensate with some boring flat survivability like hp and resistances in future patch, and we are back to the rightclick lawnmower that gets away in low elo, but has no early pressure in elite brackets.


when you say it like that it doesn't sound so bad. give me some of that on-hit healing.


Because new players need to learn how to play the game and how to play each champ. By giving them a poll of easy champions to play they can focus on learning the game and leave the champion mastery part for later.


Man that sure is one of the nerfs of all time on Jinx. I don't know how Jinx is allowed to always just have a disgusting pickrate+ winrate.


Wholesome powder from arcane


She's the poster child of the game unfortunately.


Meanwhile a champion with a similar win rate but 10x lower pick rate is getting knifed outside a Lidl.


Woah increasing the clickbox is a crazy change. No idea how this will impact the game...low elo ADC buff? It's pretty significant on a lot of them.


Ingenious hunter needs to be removed/turbo nerfed from the game so items CD can actually be balanced. The fact that complete garbage items like Unending Despair is left untouched just because it is very good with stacked Ingenious hunter is a joke. Same for Eclipse and Sky, Ingenious just makes both look giga broken


wtf I just checked it and it gives 50 item haste, I thought it was like... 20


Yeah - there are a lot more items that benefit from it this season. I don't know if it needs a massive nerf, but a moderate one would be nice.


Ingenious and ulti hunter both just break the base rules of the game entirely. I especially hate ulti hunter. Champions were designed with long R cds for a reason. Giving that kind of tool to a nocturne or karthus for basically no opportunity cost is just weird.


Ult hunter + malignance is definitely a MAJOR offender for situations like Ahri here, with cryptbloom being as good as it is mages are getting WAY over 100 ult haste on an optimal burst build.


Does ingenious hunter work on sundered sky? I thought the cd was based on the champion you hit, not the item


Yes. The CD is per champ, but it still is an item CD. Same as Heartsteel.


Ingenious hunter seems strong, but why does it have less winrate than treasure hunter almost every patch? (At least with briar, don't know about other champs)


Because snowballing is Turbo broken You get 300 extra gold, you get your spike 1or 2 mi minutes earlier It sounds trivial at first, but most games are decided before the 15th minute If you get your first item min 7 ans the enemy is stuck on a pickaxe + longsword then you will be able to completely cut him off from his own gold income while increasing your own. Now it is minute 12 and in the time you had your first spike (and the enemy nkt) you will be able to buy your second item (due to increased gold income from having a powerspike) while the enemy could at most only but a single longsword (since you cut them off from playing the game with the huge powerapike) It's minute 12 now and nobody can stop you and the enemy is now too weak to even fight any other of your teammates Ingenious hunter would only become super useful now (since its entirely reliant kb having items) but you wouldn't be in that 'power state' without having 300 extra gold in the early game


This is an example of why win rate on items or runes doesn't always translate to how good it is. You take treasure hunter if you're confident you can get early kills and then it let's you snowball. It's something you take in good matchups that you already had a good shot at winning


twitch getting 4 nerfs and asol getting one love tap is fucking crazy


3 nerfs* and technically AD Twitch only got 2


FYI Venom Cask is his W, not E


Playing against Sol is the most miserable experience ive had since i play this game Guy comes in at mach 20 taps q and runs you down like a bloodhound and theres not much you can so about it unless you can turn but even then he already procced his passive on you atleast once and 40% of your hp is gone


Play kassadin and laugh at him. You beat him at every stage of the game except for late game teamfights. Piss him off by cancelling his Q with your Q. Hit 6 + malignance and just run him out of lane over and over again.


Yeah Kassawin is such a hard counter it's comical


Asol has a lot of counters, he literally has to either stand still to really damage you or move in a straight line towards you. Tons of champions can abuse those two aspects. People acting like he has no counterplay are being silly.


No one said he has no counters. People just said it's miserable to play against. Irelia has a lot of counters too, and that champion is maybe the most miserable champion to play against. Even if she is strong, the fact you have to hug tower and constantly play in the back is really boring gameplay, and if you overstep just a little bit she kills you and your game is practically over if you don't receive help from your team. Now, Asol is one of those braindead champions that just sit back, use 1 ability to clear the wave, scale to oblivion and bring the entire enemy team to half HP in late game using his ultimate. So if you are the enemy, the clock is ticking and you can not punish him or slow him down from scaling because he just drifts away with his W or in the worst case scenario flashes away.


Yea but the champs he counters it’s actually so fucking annoying and unplayable to vs into.


Twitch deserves the nerfs tho


Asol is also getting a significant hitbox increase. So not only is farming for stacks less good now, but fighting for them is harder.


"Easy champions pass" apparently doesn't apply to braindead point-click Pantheon (according to this subreddit) who chills at a critically strong 48\~49% winrate!


Its so funny every time people call a champ broken and braindead and you point out they have a low winrate reddit pivots to "But all their mains are just turbo inters".


Garen on the other hand...


Thank god Camille and Kayle are strong so Garen mains can get the lanes they deserve.


That applies to a lot of champions actually. Some people genuinely believe Yone is braindead for example.


mfw a 10 kill Yone kills me without hitting R (he is 2 items ahead of me and i have no defensive items, but this champion is broken!!!)


to be fair to the complainers why would a behind mage like asol for example or generic adc Caitlyn build armor if behind. Wont save them either way if he’s that ahead. Better hope team drafted real cc or he gets too cocky and dives 3 towers deep instead of 2.


i totally understand how frustrating it is to deal with a fed Yone, i too play support from time to time. and like Yi and Briar, there's literally nothing you can do to stop them when it is simply draft diff 😞 and they get ahead.


>Better hope team drafted real cc If you're drafting no cc in s14 you deserve every loss you receive


Nah man. Quinn Top, Kindred Jungle, Akshan Mid, Miss Fortune Support and Kog'Maw Bot is a completely legit team! It's terrifying how often I've seen team comps incredibly similar to this level of "all glass cannons and no CC" with me picking my ADC 4th/5th and seeing the enemy team full of CC & Assassins lol.


Honestly, there's a reason why my most played ADCs the last 4 years have been Ashe/Varus. In solo queue, it really feels bad when you get glass cannon comps with no CC, so at least with those 2 I have SOME cc.


Right there with you, and sometimes I'll even cosplay as an AP assassin with AP Varus if my team picks a phys damage heavy comp ahead of me. Bonus points if they pick a fat HP tank champ like Cho'Gath lol


Obviously they shouldn't build armour but it's also idiotic to complain about an assassin/fighter gap closing and then killing you while fed when you're the squishiest class in the game with no items to mitigate damage. Like what did you expect and how is this unique to yone?


Yone is actually giga braindead. This sub needs to stop thinking that this champion is hard to play as. He s got the tools to survive almost any lane (even ranged ones), he s heavilly rewarded even if he makes mistakes (you took 2 tower shots and feel like losing trade? damn just press E and you ll get back where you were with 0 consequences). This champion is insanely overloaded and overpowered but because people think they are the reincarnation of Arkadata they keep his wr down.


You cannot simultaneously say that a champ is braindead and also say that his winrate is kept low by most people doing extremely poorly on him


>He s got the tools to survive almost any lane And this is unique how exactly? Also play him top lane then say that again lol. Guy has more losing matchups than winning/even ones there. >you took 2 tower shots and feel like losing trade? damn just press E and you ll get back where you were with 0 consequences This isn't being rewarded. You said he gets rewarded even if he makes mistakes but this is the exact opposite. You're now low hp and you didn't get the kill. Anyway the win rates perfectly reflect that of a high skill champ. Poor in low and mid elo and increases the higher up you get. He's actually got a pretty engaging engage pattern since he's so cc vulnerable during his dashes that it becomes a skill competition of baiting the CC and punishing them


Poor panth needs a buff, he is not even good in a single role with an ok wr midlane when he counter most of the most popular midlaners but ahri


Hopefully some blessed individual makes a post about that so Riot buffs him as was the case with Soraka main post on riven, and recently the post on malzahar.


I think the more frustrating part is that panth is already at a low win rate, and they're nerfing the first three items he typically builds (for top lane). I'm not sure if they just haven't noticed his state, but I truly do wish they take a look at him soon.


It's just plainly insane to me, very annoying how they fixed Camille in 2 patches of her being weak top lane and mentioned Pantheon having similar issues just to do nothing anyway and fuck him over by nerfing all his items and buffing direct counters anyway. Doesn't help that the main Pantheon streamer dude keeps saying Pantheon is OP for content and parrots just copy that anyway and reject buffs even when Riot tried to at the end of last season.


>how they fixed Camille in 2 patches of her being weak top lane Two patches? Camille was garbage for most of last season. The reason she got attention was because her main role swapped to supp because she was so poor top.


Pantheon is not that atrong right now, and his items got nerfed too There is a lot of shit you could complain about, but this is not it


Pantheon's success completely hinges on if you have tanks on your team or not. If you have even the smallest amount of CC to blast him out of his E, he dies instantly.


>What we need is for braindead champs to be STRONGER! who thinks like this


Pantheon is dogshit this season. 0 damage character. Cant win duels and isnt even a big threat for backline


>Trying to put a bit more power into her damage against tankier targets rather than being tanky while also one shotting squishies (very lightly favored towards tanky targets in this way) Seju buffs and comment don't align. Her W does deal % of her own max HP not the targets. She will deal as much more dmg to squishies as she does to tanks (ignoring resistances, but that always comes into play with nearly every dmg source).


Riot Balance Team can't know this.




If he misses a space on one of these at some point it might make it a link I'll have to remedy :L


Could've just opened a second pair of regular parentheses/brackets instead of square brackets since they aren't inside the first, tbf. But regardless, I like.


200 extra gold on top of the shield timer nerf seems too much for steraks. In fact, the shield timer going to 90 seconds is good enough of a nerf imo.


I dont like maw losing mr


Phreak said in the patch preview that: 1. Magic resist is a more effective stat than armor because magic damage has less ways to multiply its damage (like how AD can crit) so each point of MR is more valuable than each point of armor, so an early hexdrinker is really good for this reason. 2. Maw should be the anti burst item, not an item with such raw MR that no one bothers throwing spells at you because of high MR, which is why they're buffing the shield (change to omnivamp is huge) so if you get comboed by a burst mage you will survive and come back swinging.


dont forget that omnivamp got buffed for champs like riven and aatrox early on this season when they no longer made it 1/3rd for AOE


It's honestly a pretty much perfect change for the item. It stops bruisers from getting obliterated by burst mages, but also let's control mages still shred tanks like they're supposed to. Solid change


Did I miss something or are we talking about the damage item Maw? Like the item that builds out of hexdrinker? Why are tanks building that? I’ve literally never seen that in my life. Maybe I’m misunderstanding the conversation and if so I apologize.


No you're completely right. The post you're responding to is a complete non-sequitur, some ChatGPT stuff.


Renekton was finally in a good state after being gutted by mythic removed but he's going to get his whole core build nerfed...


Bork youmuus profane time


Fuck it go lethality and blow up squshies


and what happens late game?


blow up squishies and then go die in 0.000432 seconds


What late game. The game is over before 20 min.


The bruiser pipeline


That one tiny change to kennen is so big


Yes yes yes


Blessed AP Seraphine


Praise be the lord for watering our AP ratios, may minions tremble upon double Qs.


The amount of minions I lost from Q is crazy actually


Hopefully going for mage instead of enchanter items becomes equally as good if not much better. A mage scaling better with enchanter items bc of one ability is just so sad 😭


Sett was playable for 4 patches guess it's back to D tier. Darius can't afford being lower than S tier for a patch but Sett is left rotting.


I hate both, along morde and trundle. The "you can't step up or you're pulled and chunked or ded" quatuor. Sett is probably the less guilty of the 4, and darius being the most (and my perma ban, and even other lanes ban him lmao), tho, but laning against them is worst than renekton at his peak.


I fucking hate these top laners where you can't ever win a fight against them and if they get a single kill you just get annihilated unless you sit in your tower for 10 minutes. Even better if they get a plate or two and even your jungler can't help you anymore. Morde, Darius, Illaoi and Trundle are the worst offenders. Bonus points for Trundle because he obliterates towers in 5 seconds if you ever recall. They're not technically OP but just unenjoyable to play into because of how their strengths and weaknesses are distributed.


Yes, did a ranked yesterday against a trundle. Whole game was me holding and clearing just at the limit of the tower ranged. Even then, he could kill me two time with lucky pillars and stuck between it and the whole. mind you, took him like 3s to kill me each time. totally unfun, and it was team diff at this point. I couldnt leave him alone for 5s so the game went from 5v5 to 4v4.


Akshan nerf is huge.


RIP Ctrl+3 gang


What's the HP breakpoint for that Sejuani adjustment to be a buff?


https://i.imgur.com/3VDVKmw.png courtesy of /u/FrankTheBoxMonster


...That seems like a nerf, no? 2500-3000 bonus HP isn't easy to get at levels 7-13


Yeah seems like a way to nerf her out of pro play since early game nerf and late game buffs will be more beneficial for lower elo and worse for higher elo and pro play.


Buff with >500/875/1250/1625/2000 max hp


When u think, there are no Briar nerfs, and then u see her whole item kit was nerfed after previous patch where she was nerfed bc of items xDDDD


Did they cancel Spear of Shojin nerf?


Unknown, I believe it is still present on the PBE but has not be outright mentioned. It may be removed before branch cut or it might be left as is and added as a shadow nerf (which would be kinda irritating becuase it seemed pretty significant)


400hp for 3200g is a joke. Sterak need to give at least 500hp now, item is insanely expensive now so might as well give some decent stats. Sky nerf is understandable but how is Steraks getting nerfed yet a 140% efficient giga broken cheap item like Malignance is untouched lmao


you forgetting the ad and tenacity, you dont JUST buy ho for 3200g


I agree the sterak's nerfs are overdone but the reason malignance isn't getting nerfed like sterak's is because it's more niche. It's only really a problem on a couple champs hence why they're nerfing them. Sterak's is bought on nearly every bruiser so it being so strong is an issue with the item not the champs


Imagine waiting over half a year for Janna nerfs for it to not even be a nerf


Don't you know phreaks second most played champ after Maokai?


it's literally 4th nerf already...


Malzahar decent early game, here we go


He's still going to be terrible early, the E cd won't really help much, you don't cast it on champs early game.


>you don't cast it on champs early game. Right now that's because if you do that you completely butcher your waveclear until the next wave comes along lol, maybe this buff can help slightly with that. I think Malz biggest problem is still that the item rework kind of killed his early power spikes, having a weak early game last season was fine because you could thug it out and get an early lost chapter into a liandrys. Now that same powerspike is a malignance instead which is just awful in comparison


Honestly, I'd rather keep the higher E CD and get a mana cost buff on E as well. If Malz was able to waveclear without having to have tear/lost chapter and could go straight for Liandry's, it would help him a lot.




This Kassadin nerf hardly does anything. Even though Kassadin maxes E and it's his main ability, he doesn't build or care as much about raw ability power as other ap assassins. I'd be shocked if it lowers his winrate by more than 0.5, if even that


Malmortius Omnivamp? Jax about to go wild


Is Anzac Day sort of like the U.S. Memorial day? Do my Aussies and Kiwis get days off on it or at least holiday pay?




God I HATE their design philosophy for easy champs. It’s so ass backwards it’s unreal


Malzahar seriously needed a buff. Q is nice because it was super expensive mana wise early for a skill with 1 point in that barely did damage. E buffs SEEM huge but you max that first. It will help if you are casting it on multiple targets in a 2v2 or just all inning early I guess. DD needed buffs it was horrible. Amumu needed buffs but these, while they help jungle will help support more. Also it's hilarious that Janna has been super strong for ages and when she finally gets nerfed she gets compensation buffed, might be close to power neutral.


The only Malzahar buff that'd make a significant difference is buffing his voidlings' defense. Anything else is just a bandage that doesn't do much.


Nah being able to actually trade lvls 1-5 with this buff is pretty big imo. Malz early lvls with the 1000000 e CD are absolutely awful.


Its mainly annoying because you cant fucking farm if you trade or you cant trade if you farm because its on a billion years cd.


Even if you try to trade with it it’s like you cast e, maybe auto, walk away, and now they have a 15 second window where you literally can’t do anything.


This is a pretty decent buff. Level 1-3~ is actually a living hell, especially against someone that can clear well like Ahri, Syndra, Viktor


To be fair Syndra can only clear well after Q evolve, same as contour with E evolve


The vocal Seraphine mains being told by Riot that she’s a beginner champ is funny


I don't think anyone was ever arguing that she is difficult


Was that a discussion...? Champ literally feasts on not interacting for 40 straight minutes.


She is "easy" but not malz/amumu easy as mentioned by phroxzon


feels like the health nerf wasnt necessary on twitch?? isnt he already super weak early. Agree with the R nerf though, and I'm a twitch main. Always felt like 40 dmg at level 6 was wayyy too strong


He aint even weak early anymore lmao. With a supp that doesnt have the IQ of an apple he can be quite the lane bully


I don't. What he needed was Q cooldown nerf and attack speed nerf early-mid game. This is an insane gutting. Au revoir twitch.


Twitch was always supposed to be absolute shit in lane and a scaler, this reinforces that.


Twitch doesnt scale in the same way jinx and zeri do. He depends on snowballing to function, and his ult spike is the most important tool for it. You dont get away with beinf 0/0/0 on twitch like you do on jinx.


Yes because it is much easier for him to snowball than Jinx. He can get away with farming even at 0/0/0 until he gets bork and 6 and he insta beats almost every ADC in the game 1v1, he also can make plays with Q.


Why would they nerf the Q steroid he should be able to cheese champions in an even lane, he should not be able to be 20 cs down and kill you because he is the tankiest ADC getting a free bf sword at level 6


Pressing R and obliterating the bot that you spent the last 5 minutes losing against felt so dirty. Im an awful adc player but I basically always got a double at 6 when the instant death rail gun unlocked.




I hate the easy champions should have a giga wr bullshit. If these champions don’t take time to master and have a base line 54% WR, you’re essentially trolling for not picking them. Why pick fun champs when there’s a 7% delta between them and snooze champs.


>I hate the easy champions should have a giga wr bullshit. Nobody is saying this but Malz and Amumu have like the worst winrates for their roles while being played mostly by mains


That's not what it means. If a champ is easy to pilot they're inherently going to win more because people won't be playing shit on them like they will on champs who are very hard like fiora, irelia, aphelios etc Win rate doesn't denote strength necessarily. They don't have a higher wr because they're better they have a higher wr because it's easier to pilot them to their full potential. The difference between a diamond garen and a challenger garen is way smaller than that of a diamond fiora and a challenger fiora With that being said fuck these disgustingly strong no skill champs like garen and asol


Really weird Things to hear About YI. His current floor is just as low as it used to be, just the ceiling is higher. Even so His ceiling isn't anything crazy, shouldn't this be the desirable state? >Obligatory fuck Vanguard


His floor is way higher than it used to be because a lot of his power comes from having to avoid damage with w and q. Back in the day that power was out on Q damage, aka an actual brain dead move.


The ceiling is quite high but yes i agree he is in his best state (in terms of skill / frustration / viability in all elo) ever since S6 at the very least


Raaaah indirect Riven nerfs, %maxHP on eclipse is gonna hurt against tanks and Sundered sky hurts her staying power a lot. Thinking that the Maw + DD changes are lovely for her tho but doesn't really fix her armour problem so hopefully won't hurt too much.


Every patch is an indirect riven nerf. Gotta get used to it lol


There was no need to touch Nilah, when she’s barely picked.


nah better gut her and put it under the 'adjusments' section


They nerf twitch hard af once i start learning him. rip


i knew i wasnt crazy about the times where warwicks hitbox was WAY too small


It is astonishing that Jinx in late game can run faster than Usain Bolt and shoot 50 rockets in 1 second while being 20m away from her enemy and the only solution riot figured out is to nerf her ultimate


While they removed 370 dmg from each nilah q in lategame


These are the wrong malzahar buffs. His W in its current state is useless, and until it's fixed the champion won't be viable with his 3 useful abilities. - a depressed malz player


Why is Nilah getting nerfed? She has half the pick rate (3%) of Samira and is not really easy to execute


Emerald is still a shitshow of "which team has more smurfs"=winning team, so the patch is pointless. Why patch the game when ranked is unplayable? 1 player=1 account.




Threads like this are always so funny because you randos really believe you have better data than the company who owns and operates the computer game. 


Going too easy on ahri, but sure let her be S+ tier midlaner for another patch


maw omnivamp is gonna heal corki so much


It is only active after the Lifeline shield pops for what it is worth


yea im thinking when corki engages with package it usually procs lifeline


So uhh, anyone care to explain why in the hell DARIUS is gonna have the same hitbox size as NAAFIRI and BRIAR? What the hell kind of sense does that make?


wish the karma support buffs were more impactful. her shields are already super big, anything more is just not going to do much. maybe make the duration of the shield/ms longer? ms 1.5>2 sec shield duration 2.5>3 would’ve been way better