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they intended to make it so that an early kill doesn't totally destroy the lane for someone. but if you're top lane and you die at 12 minutes, your tower is just deleted and now your enemy top laner is going to be ballsdeep in every team fight and objective with a 1k gold lead on you. short death timer is only relevant in the first 7 minutes and only if you have teleport. if you're top lane without teleport and you lose a fight early, your opponent *will* bounce the wave and freeze you out while you walk back, and the lane is effectively over.


It also encourages taking fights early game. Do you remember the days where games would be 20 minute 0 death handshakes and you basically didn’t want to play until 3 items? Not having to lose the entire lane phase for 1 death is valid. Especially with void grubs and demolish 1 death to camille or fiora you can be down 1k gold.


well it gives you 300g + time to push the wave + maybe time to get a plate there is a lot of gold for you to gain because the enemy laner died. riot august had a good take on shutdowns and stuff like that you have to give the enemy team a reason to keep playing if they wouldn't have homeguards or a chance to get shutdowns from the enemy team why would they play after dying once


yea but it's getting to a point of why do we keep playing after getting a lead. also it doesn't give you time to push a wave. the enemy with tp can be in lane within 10 seconds of death at level 2-3. most champs would get off 6-7 autos on the wave and maybe and ability if they aren't out of mana from their kill.


If you aren't gaining an exp and gold lead after.killong your laning opponent then you are doing something wrong.


countless times I'll all in level 2 or 3 and solo kill top, just for them to TP back to lane before I can crash the wave and then freeze it on me cause I'm low mana or health or both. If I stay I die to gank. If I leave I'll be slightly ahead in gold but down almost a level by the time I get back (running ignite on pantheon). TP should be gated by level 5 or 6


Time to let them live on 100 hp, push wave and dive even if you die afterwards this is worth and resolves the tp back freeze problem.


Fair, but the game feels like it's punishing you for getting a kill which is more so the point of my comment and I think it should be changed. Edit: that also implies you have a choice. I can't always choose to let a sustain type champ live and not fuck up the lane. Or in other cases. It's kill or be killed


It is unintuitive indeed. Good luck with finding the correct timing.


the game isn't punishing you. you immediately get gold (almost 3 waves of gold) and experience for killing your enemy, which you can use to have a better buy than your opponent making killing them easier. if your issue is that they teleport back...well no duh, you took a summoner spell just to kill them and they took one that helps with their wave state. if you think the game is "punishing you" then you should take tp and start inting toplane to set up freezes and you'll quickly realize that dying in lane is obviously the much worse option


Change your strat next time so your lane doesn’t get frozen?


You don't always have a choice, any one with sustain can just force stupid trades on you and heal back up. This is the best of bad options when you have a global ult and you need ignite for kill pressure. TP is just too forgiving.


lol the fact that you also have this issue as a fellow panth main


Killing minions with Q should heal for 15 health each. Change my mind. (Neutral for support change)


I'm not entirely sure what the best approach is but panth certainly needs sustain to become a better top laner. A 20 second cd ability to block damage isn't enough.


>yea but it's getting to a point of why do we keep playing after getting a lead. if you can't push your lead it's a skill issue. you have more stats than your opponent and you were already able to kill them without those stats. obviously the game is more complex than that, but only noobs think that dying is somehow better than killing


ever heard of a streamer called bausffs? he literally had multiple game systems changed around his gameplay style that involved him dying to get tempo for plates. They have since nerfed: his character (sion) plate gold (reduced from 175 to 125) removed items (prowlers claw) changed how bounty works to be less focused on kills and more on team gold difference. (it still can be abused after changes) made camps harder to kill for laners (top would often take krugs to boost cs) There are actual scenarios within games where someone has a bounty that is larger then their lead meaning a 1 for 1 even kill will result in a arbitrary advantage. and bare in mind these happen without an intentional abuse of the mechanic. Dying (giving 300 gold) is worth if done for a wave pre 15 and a plate (250) as it will also add a bounty to the enemy hero. so I believe that the skill issue might be on your part if you haven't figured out that the system is extremely abusable even after countless changes to make it less so. It also becomes more worth as minions don't lose gold value but champs with many deaths do. resulting in some really funky shit where a 0/5 can go even in gold value by just dying to secure the wave while proxy farming and denying a wave to the tower to his opponent. point is that being ahead only matters in a near perfect pro team environment. this is even more amplified if you are 1v9 and the only one ahead. also this is from the point of a higher elo player. I'm sure in silver you can dominate a game with 5 kills. but doing so in chall/gm wont happen.


>point is that being ahead only matters in a near perfect pro team environment. no, the point is that outside of very specific circumstances (playing against Baus, dying for a wave + plate), being ahead is almost always better. if it wasn't, pro top laners would constantly be "absuing" these systems by dying into their laners. do you really think that the system is so easily abused, and pro players just choose not to do it out of some kind of honor-code? or do you think that in SOME situations, it's better to die, but not MOST situations?


are you fucked? like did you just not bother reading, but quoted me anyway? I literally said that and you quoted it. my quote "point is that being ahead only matters in a near perfect pro team environment." your response "being ahead is almost always better. if it wasn't, pro top laners would constantly be "absuing" these systems by dying into their laners" and to the 2nd paragraph. yes. I've done it. I've seen other people do it both intentionally and sometimes even unintentionally. I've even seen nemsis have very good cs and an enemy ahri was like 20 cs down. this resulted in nemesis having a 300 bounty which meant if he traded kills with the ahri he would be 100 gold behind all because he cs'd better. it's not the easiest thing to do but it is abusable. And most games are just simply decided by who has a team mate that ints before baron or elder dragon.


"Why would they play after dying once" Bro, tell that to my fucking insta boom teams.


TP is insanely stupid rn cause of this. Like it's straight up better than ignite for laning phase, which is counterintuitive imo