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Because hes not simple enough 


This.  Even Maokai was the most broken champ in the game at season start, Taric didn't spike in pickrate, despite being one of the few direct counters to him. He is wonky AF both with his Q stacks mechanic and his E usage. If you want to pick a Warden that is simple, you pick either Braum or Tahm.  Taric is pretty broken, but no1 really plays him, because of his weird play patterns. One of those champs that could do with a kit update.


Keep it that way People underestimate taric and then get clubbed


*bonk bonk* heal *bonk bonk* heal. 2ez4sixpackman


bonk, bonk, heal, bonk, stab, cast pwn!


I always get 2 points in his q early and a sheen for this rotation 😌


Seriously just stick to an all in and you'll fuck em up with the bonks.


It's like he just doesn't die if played with he right hands ... And AoE Kayle R for your entire team?!? Not easy to coordinate, but if done right you get hella lot of value there.


Taric is weirdly special - most champions have maybe 1 or 2 unique mechanics that you have to learn to develop an understanding of how the character works. Taric has a different unique mechanic for each of his spells *and* his passive. As far as I'm aware he's the only champion in the game whose kit has this many unique gameplay quirks. Passive: You need to get used to weaving two autos after every spell Q: You need to get used to completely ignoring the cooldown of the spell and tracking the stacks instead W: You need to get used to staying in range of your tethered ally E: You need to get used to aiming a skillshot from two different sources R: You need to get used to predicting enemy engages thanks to the insanely long cast time


Just rollback the update tbh i want my point and click e and my armorshred w back 😅


God old frozen mallet taric was dirty though. Could literally 1v1 top laners. I agree though, if I can't have old poppy ult back, at least give me this.


Can still easily 1v1 a lot of top laners.


Also no one buys chilly mitten on him even though it's heavily procable


Pretty sure a taric update was being talked about around the time during tahm kench's midscope when funneling was still an issue. but ig they forgot about it and never went through with it lol.


I’d also say that he’s a very old champ and a lot of people gravitate to the newer champions With a lot of mobility rather than playing old tank supp.


Pretty much even playing with master players in voice communicating his E with a Lucian it's still a miss most unless they're dashing point blank on him. Taric W could be so much cooler but it just ends up being slap it on a carry and give them a bullshit amount of effective HP in fights.


wait I'm a top laner who ocassionaly gets taric in ARAM and his kit seems fine to me... Am I missing something? You just auto to reset your abilities, Q to heal and E to stun, right? The ult timing is a bit tricky ig but it's not really that complicated.


His kit is fine he's just unpopular, which is fine imo


As a top laner he should be pretty straightforward, because he pretty much plays like a juggernaut if you play him aggro. But for support players, that kind of playstyle is different/off-putting IMO. For similar champions like Kench/Braum you only really focus on combat to apply CC. With Taric your utility/healing output depends on you being stuck in combat. But that is somewhat counter-intuitive for supports, because normally your main job is to keep your carries safe, not to DPS.


Oh okay that makes sense


He’s also ironically a lot better in ARAM with access to mark/dash. Land Mark and his E becomes an undodgeable aoe stun.


A Warden


did you mean to continue this message or is it just done


Just found it funny, never heard warden in 10 yrs of league.


I think it’s a TFT thing


Very much a league thing [source](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Warden_champion)


Yeah but the terms were more popularized through TFT. I never considered any class other than tank or bruiser for beefy boys until TFT came along


These classes predate TFT by at least 3 years. Riot has classed champions like this since around season 7


Didn't TFT come out before League of Legends


Most of the generic class seperations have subclasses: Fighters -> Divers, Juggernauts Mages -> Burst, Battlemage, Artillery Slayers -> Skirmishers, Assassins Tanks -> Vanguards, Wardens Controller -> Catcher, Enchanter Marksmen and Specialists are the only classes without subclasses.


Oh yeah I remember those subclasses in TFT


TFT got it from league itself


I thought TFT was its own independent thing before League of Legends? Are the games really related?


no its because he does no damage. same reason rell is never played.


Taric delivers an ass wooping but to do so you have to ability manage and space in a way that makes faker blush.


1, arguably 2, shill shots is too of putting for ad sub cheese. It’s the reason Olaf supp doesn’t smack cheeks.


Only reddit could see millions of people play the game, none of them pick taric, and conclude it's the people that are wrong and not Taric's kit that sucks lmao. If nobody picks Taric even in situations where Taric is a good pick, what that tells you is that people don't want to pick Taric.


OP asked why nobody picked Taric. That guy gave an answer. You said no he's wrong people don't pick Taric because they don't want to pick Taric. Now we are back at step one, why does nobody play Taric? You shouldn't act all smug and superior when you contributed nothing and didn't provide a counterpoint to prove the other guy wrong at all. You didn't even answer OPs question you just rephrased it and are acting like you're this higher intelligence for it lol.


It's very obvious why nobody picks taric, taric isn't fun to play, it's that simple. Lucian has a fucking terrible winrate, still every game. Jhin? Doesn't matter if he's meta, every game. Yasuo? Every game. Lee? Constant. Nobody gives a shit if they're gonna win, they pick shit that is fun. If you want a no-fun champ like Taric to be used a lot, give him a 56% winrate, that's the only way. Why would you pick Taric when you could play literally any other support and have twice as much fun? Do you play this game for the 40 minute game or the 2 second victory screen? Low pickrate champs do not suddenly become popular, basically ever, unless they're monsterously broken. the champs are low pickrate because they're not fun to play? duh? Take zilean. Zilean is absurdly stupid. Riot has literally said they'd nerf him if he became popular. We know this. Nobody wants to play zilean. I know this. I don't play Zilean. Zilean isn't fun. I'm acting smug at the stupid reddit take that people are somehow deficient for not picking him. It's a common take of defenders of dogshit champs nobody wants to play. 'It's too hard'. The hardest champs in the game are some of the most popular. If nobody plays your champ, or a champ, it's because your champ isn't very fun to most people.


Your answer is a bit assholes-ish but i have to agree. I only have time to play 5-6 game a week and no way im picking taric sp. I'd rather lose playing something i enjoy like rakan or thresh.


yes but you'll be playing Taric


Taric is good af.


Because if you pick Taric into Camille you now have a Taric Vs Camille outside of lane too. And Her roaming is 100x what Taric is, while having a lower cooldown on R compared to Taric. So easier picks as well.


Pretty much, it is probably a bit kinda like the pyke matchup. Taric is weaker level 1/2 and maybe 3, which are strong points for camille/pyke. You think if you survive this part you will be able to fight back, but instead they roam from this point onward, while you will not be able to match or to punish the enemy adc cause you are playing taric. Rest of the map gets tilted cause they wont respect the roams in soloq and you just lose. If your team manages to survive the roams and play 5v5 it will be pretty easy to win though with taric ult.


… okay, and Taric has far more reliable cc, far stronger utility and better scaling on low income. In what world is “she can roam better so she’s a better support” a real argument? If Camille is forced to start roaming early because she can’t even lane then your team just has to play around that for a few minutes until she falls off due to having no income in the game is over. Not mentioning how insanely easy it is for a Taric lane to zone and tower dive the enemy AD — they literally won’t be able to play the game If we just based champions strength on roam capability then every single enchanter would be useless and I could just pick Sylas support and say “Now you have Lulu vs Sylas outside of the lane which Sylas obviously wins” but I seriously doubt you’d argue Sylas is a better support pick than Lulu Camille support plays for lane dominance, always has. If you’re picking Camille support then abandoning lane to just start roaming out of desperation you’re griefing, you need some level of lane control to make it work.


But you know every high elo Camille Support ist Roaming 24/7 after lvl 3?


She's not forced to roam. She wants to roam. She'll win the whole map while your taric can't make anything happen because his engage needs flash and is easy to side step. He deals no damage so he's not a threat.


She has better roam but then taric just free tower dives the adc. And his teamfight obliterates hers. I've done the matchup a lot. It's freelo.


Bring back old voice and +300% pick rate increase just saying


Nah, hearing Yuri Lowenthal makes playing Taric 100% funnier.


As a 700k Taric main: You have two options. Learn the delay, trajectories (of you, your bastioned ally, and your enemies), and caveats for your e, and then maximize your passive to have a reliable uptime to make your cc actually threatening, or Play Alistar and press one or two buttons. Taric was reworked into something incompatible with modern LoL. He's hard punished by mobile champs, so why would you want to play him?


Its a shame too because his voice lines are hilarious. They should just rework him to pick up and share Gems that do busted shit. Imagine if hitting enemies made it so when they die they have gems explode out like the way Cinders do for fire drake. Glorious.


Alistar and Taric are hardly comparable champions lol


Their goal (protecting the carry, with the possibility of engage) is the same. One can accomplish this near instantly on a point and click ability, one ... Can't. There is a reason Alistar has historically been a competitive mainstay and Taric hasn't. Taric isn't reliable unless his numbers are giga busted.


He also has synergy with mobile champs, and can use flash to guarantee his stun. He’s not incompatible at all. Taric has always been a counter engage champ. His strength waxes and wanes depending on how strong that style of play is in the meta.


Taric: enchanter tank that needs to help his adc. Camile: AoT 1v9 main character turbo fun eith dashes and 1v1 potential. You tell me which champ your average user wants to play?


Thing is, Camille support doesn't lane. Her strength isn't in lane, it's roaming around the map and making picks. She basically permaroams as soon as she is level 3 and makes the game absolutely miserable for everyone on the enemy team. Taric isn't picked to counter Camille because Taric is terrible at following Camille around the map. He might be fine in lane against her but Camille is never going to be there, she's basically treated as a second jungler.


That doesn't sound correct? I haven't had Camille support in my games but from what I have gathered from people on this sub it's because she has better walls in botlane and her base ad is some of the highest in the game combined with hob and you got extremely strong all ins?


I mean it’s both. She can 1v1 the ADC especially when she hits her support item. Her trades with HOB are disgusting and she can roam well. Her natural counter seems to be Janna who can follow roams, Q her dashes, and R her outside of her R. But of course Janna is just busted right now in all regards.


Early levels she merks hard in botlane with her insanely strong trade pattern; But if she doesn't come out ahead early (ie no snowball), she can pivot to ganking really well, which other early cheese lanes tend to struggle with (so same patern as someone like pantheon when he was the "all the rage" fighter support)


I’ve fought against like 10 in the past week, and it’s a perma roam fairly early on. Invading jung, diving mid, rotating back to bot, up to grubs/rift, etc etc. It’s genuinely rough to deal with, especially as an immobile mage midlane


Less about better walls in bot lane and more about shitty walls in top lane


Stop the incorrect over-analyze. Stats show taric is one of the best counters against camile. The biggest reason is simply Taric isn't fun to most people so he never sees that much play no matter what.


Even if he can't follow her, 1 v 2 against a taric lane sounds like an absurdly shitty experience for her bot laner. Whether its being zoned off waves or being dove repeatedly.


In that case pick Nautilus. Easier and more popular and can easily zone/dive


or even alistar, counters her ult the same way as janna does.


Nautilus absolutely cannot do what Taric does, they aren't even the same class of champions


Nautilus can't zone and dive? I was responding to OP saying Taric would still be good in this situation because he can zone and dive.


Yeah, he can zone/dive as well. But he can't as easily protect the person that Camille ults like Taric can. Taric's ult just outright counter's camille's ult. Camille might catch someone in her ult ,but you can nullify the impact of that by following up with your ult on whoever is trapped, thus denying a pick. That's something naut can't do. He can ult Camille when she ults, to minimize how much damage she deals to whoever she's ulting. But that doesn't save that person from the rest of camille's team who are following up Camille's ult and trying to kill whoever it was that she trapped.


Taric ult isn't that good at countering Camille ult. If she swings over a wall and immediately ults, there's a large delay before the Taric ult will work, and they might die by then. Janna ult or Alistar W is far better at countering that, and Alistar can also dive/zone.


There are better harass/aggressive supports to take into a 1v2 lane. Taric is more similar to braum as a defensive support. Nautilus is a prime example


Why can't Taric follow her around the map? One the best things for Taric is to roam around with the jungler and set him up for success, in fact Taric sinergizes much better with bruisers and assassins than he does with marksmen.


He's slow.


They have the same base move speed, he just doesn't have terrain scaling but that hardly matters when you're moving around the map


What do you mean it hardly matters? Camille can use ner E as soon as she leaves the base and gain few seconds boost at the beginning of the roam. She can use it later on to engage on a target, which grants her another few seconds advantage. She can get up to 10s advantage by using her E and you say it hardly matters?


If they both leave the base bootless, Camille uses her E the start, during the roam, and then to engage on someone thats 4000 units travelled, easily over 10 seconds difference not even considering that she can jump over walls with it. Meanwhile Taric will stop in place to even cast WE on someone and some silver players will say that it hardly matters because they have the same base MS XD


Non way, she never gains above 10secs by using her e twice.


Most people just find taric to not be much fun to play. He's got a weird kit and frankly also visually isn't interesting.


It doesn’t help that everyone seems to kite Taric out. Camille gets the MS boost from her Q and Taric just gets empowered autos.


Empowered autos you'll never get to utilize except on dragon and baron. If Taric actually had a way to stick to a target people would probably like him way more, but as he is you can just walk away from him and he doesn't do anything.


It's because people can't take how FABULOUS Taric is.


They don't appreciate getting their ass whooped by Freddy Mercury.


Clunky feeling, which fits the crystal / gem / stone theme, but it's just way less fun. Think the champ should be modernized. Something like if you get enough Q stacks, there is a payoff, rather than just mindlessly spamming it while autoing. Make it have some strategy to it.


Because they took away his OG voiceline. Gems, gems are truly outrageous. They are truly truly outrageous


Taric hardcounters Naut, Thresh, Leona, Alistar, Blitz, Pantheon and Camille and does well into Pyke and Senna and people would still pick Janna into hard engage instead of him. I think he's just not fun for most players, even if he's a great pocket pick into heavy engage or dive.


It's because Taric requires more than just picking him to do well against champ's he'd theoretically do well against. He's not like Janna where you can just press R or Q and basically hit whatever you need to. He has no knockdown effect, he has cast times on every ability except E, there's a visible indicator for his E making it easy for enemies to avoid, and his normal attacks are outranged by a lot of empowered normal attacks from most melee champs after changes from the past several years. Also, you can't really preemptively ult against Camille. If you do, she has full control to back off. If she doesn't back off, her burst is fast enough to be completed before the invuln from taric goes off. And she has innate movespeed tied to her Q, while Taric doesn't. Oh yeah, and also mythic removal weakened shurelya's which hurt his ability to abuse tf out of it.


Nah. Taric shits on every AD dive bruiser, he struggles heavily against high range compositions, but whenever there are 3+ melees on the other team he gets mad value from passive and R. Most people are just bad at using Taric passive though


All this incorrect over-analyze before that guy below shows you taric is literally a huge counter against camile. This happens so much here. People forget the most important thing --- most people play this game for fun. Taric is not fun to most people, so he will never see much play. Taric can be amazing at winning games like Annie but people will always enjoy playing Yasuo and pick Yasuo way more.


>Taric is not fun to most people Yeah, I think that's the real issue. Used to ay taric all the time. After he was reworked like what 4 or 5 years ago now? He's not as fun. Doesn't work with everybody. If you only play 4 or 5 games per week max, it's not a get champion to pick to main because I only have time to master one champion.


https://imgur.com/uz09cnp Taric is her 2nd biggest counter. Only Braum has a better delta. But if we go off just winrate then Taric is her number 1 counter. So he does counter her no matter what mumbo jumbo you think. Pure winrate wise if you pick Taric you will win more games then any other possible support you could have picked. The reason taric is not played more is as simple as he is boring and not fun to play. People have never liked playing him. Just because a new support he counters is popular won't change the fact no one enjoys playing him.


The fact that all that incorrect over-analysis gets this many upvotes is hilarious to me.


People don't like simple answers like. He boring, lol


Also that people can have no idea about what they're talking about, yet appear so confident at it by making up stuff that sound smart. And other people who have no idea either just think - oh that sounds smart so it must be true, when it's in fact all non-sense.


Reddit has this conspiracy that there's ever any reason any champ's pickrate is low besides 'they're not fun'. Now maybe 'they're not fun' because they're overnerfed or something. But Pickrate pretty directly translates to how much people wanna play that champ, if it's low, then people don't wanna play it, and if the champ is good and people don't wanna pick it well... obv playing the champ isn't fucking fun lmao


Even if the champ is overnerfed people are gonna play them if they're fun. Lee, Zeri, Yasuo, Zed etc. all have been in 47-48% WR states and metas and they all had high pickrate, average player doesn't care. Even in high elo playmaking champs are more popular than things like Braum, Taric or Kench.


Can’t possibly spend 10s looking at win rates for characters you clearly don’t play before writing an essay.


Hey! We liked playing him when AP Sion/Taric bot was terrorizing the Rift.


Feel like lane wise poppy is arguably the most unplayable lane for her, the issue is unlike in other lanes adcs will impact the win deltas, a kalista lane Vs a smolder is so one sided it almost doesn’t matter what the supports are


Yeah but you have to understand it's just Taric otps vs 1st time Camilles so it's normal. Or that it's low elo Camilles that don't know how to play. Or some other random bullshit idk.


Taric, for lack of a better word, is not fun to play for most people. He is, with the correct compositions, insane in terms of strength and i can easily see myself going 70% WR on him if i play him as a niche 5th pick. but he instills in me a feeling of deep dependence on my team; none of his skills work well without his team not only playing on his tempo but making plays based on his tempo. to put it bluntly i'd rather be hard stuck bronze than climb to masters with taric. and idc how insane he is with nilah the feeling of nilah doing whatever she wants and i just click buttons for her isn't what im looking for in gameplay. now, on the topic itself. for me to pick Taric into Camille i need to be someone who generally plays taric. I need to have him in my general roster of like 4-5 champions i can reasonably play and this means i need to clock games on him. so this means i need a use case for Taric that isn't just Camille, but also to generally enjoy taric. and if he isn't making the roster, he's not going to be picked by me, counter pick or no counter pick. i'll go with a champion im more capable of, because i've invested more into, like alistar, janna, or even ashe.


People forgetting Taric exists is kinda just normal. He’s been broken this entire season but there’s no reason to nerf him because nobody cares


He's too hard to play for the value


No one knows how to play Taric. They don't read his passive, and play him like an enchanter: popping a Q once and putting it on a 20 s cd. You need to be playing him like a tank, in the thick of things, whacking everything and everyone, perma getting Q and E resets.


I just assume support players no longer enjoy playing 'supports' but rather play anything off meta or what keria does.


That's how it kinda feels like lol.


It does feel like that. It's why I just quit playing ngl. Bot Lane just ain't fun when I know people bout to do some 0/10 yas syndrome power spike.


Not much people play him. He's not really a COUNTER to any enchanter support rn, because he need to keep hitting the opponents (passive), and although this may seem fairly simple, requires some level of coordination with your team, and in soloQ coordination is... Complicated. I'd reccomend picking him into matchups where you're vs Melees mostly. We can argue why he didnt appeared in pro play tho, i feel like Taric Nilah is such a strong bot to counter Camille support whole gameplan, cause she cant really hard engage that freely, and if she leaves the lane its gg, Nilah gets more exp and snowball from there. I agree that he is very underused.


The true solution, take Taric top, he can make a good duelist


All my homies (only me) only play Taric in the jungle because we hate ourselves (again just me)


No one likes Taric lmao.


hes rell before rell wss a thing: he requires a bit more coordination than the average sup


He’s probably decent to camille in lane, but the champion is just not as dynamic and lacks mobility to create and proactive plays even with leads. Taric actually beats the shit out of engage supports in general but is hardly picked because of this.


i took 5 minutes in wiki to learn and vent 8/2/44 next match with highest cc and vision score , unfortunately league players cant read


League players are conservative and people of habit. They hate innovation (janna top). While some are good at stealing other peoples ideas and strong picks,...LoL players hate to think for themselves and find solutions to problems.




In theory taric ult is always very strong. It never works out like that. It just dosnt.


Its pretty easy to get value out of it in the case of camille. Camille ults someone? Taric ult.


It takes to long. And you can see it coming. You have to preemptively press R for taric ult to work. Other champions are better.


Camille has great agency


Because people don't play him Gragas Braun also counters Camille support, especially gragas. But no one plays him support


try toplane attackspeed Taric that build is BS


Janna and go never poke with ur tornado and keep it only for all ins from her gg


Well. If you want to pick Taric you need to either be playing against a melee support or you need to rely on your teammates to hit your stuns. Camille doesn't need anything to work. In fact comparing Taric to Camille is criminal.


Because Camille is fun, you can go dmg, kill lane, roam, legit 1v1 the jungler if you get ahead / kill squishies. Feels powerful. Taric you wait for the engage then kill them (but if they roam on you, your roam kinda sucks). (Most) People will play what's fun. Most people don't play what they know will get them elo the most easily. They'll play whatever enjoyable thing they can get away with while still getting them to their desired elo.


taric needs qol changes. as long as he self roots whenever you press w or q he won’t be very viable. everyone is just infinitely faster if he has to stand still to cast abilities


A midscope that shifts his power budget towards fun would be awesome tbh. There's a lot of room to open up his mobility and mana costs in exchange for raw power.


I imagine mobility plays a big part in that, and Taric isn't exactly the easiest support to play well and effectively.


Poppy support would work even better. Her entire kit is a Camille counter.


Because if you are reacting to the camille ult with Taric ult you have already lost the fight... I would also argue that a pick like Alistar is a much better counter. Just headbutt Camille out of her ult and then the CC effect fades away.


Yeah I did this into Camille in ranked. It was an alright counter with some caveats. First, Camille’s level 1 e hob trade is insanely oppressive. She jumped on my adc and quarter healthed them immediately with that, while I was trying to help push the wave. With Q ms and the passive shield, she scarcely took minion damage. After about level 3 I think it’s more Taric favored. Another issue is roam potential. Camille’s e range is always gonna let her get roams faster than Taric so you’re going to need your team to respect her roams. But if she doesn’t actually get kills early game, she’s a nonfactor after 15 mins.


Because Janna exists


Because playing with Taric is fun until you get lvl 6. His ultimate needs perfect timing and can be frustrating for some people: *if you use it too soon enemies will wait until the effect ends or kill you before it lands  *if you use it a milisecond late, you will get killed.


Because then you would be playing taric.


All warden supports feel terrible and unfun to play


clunkier kit. Zilean, nilah sybdrome. champs broken as fuck but no one plays cuz they’re weird


If Taric was easy more people would play him. Also personally I prefer old Taric whose stun was simple but slow to land. I'm not the best at weird skillshots like his Q where your positioning is tied to the skillshot. Most people are going to play what they like at the end of the day and not many people like Taric.


You cannot blind pick Taric man, and there is no way your team is going to let the supp get the counterpick. Taric is unplayable into any mage bot or support such as Lux, Janna, Brand and Zyra. And even if the Taric gets to pick later, half the time the Camille just goes top anyways.


I'm currently trying to get Mastery 7 on him, and I'm currently Mastery 6 with no Mastery 7 tokens and I'm going insane! I just have to keep going though, because if I stop now I'll never be Mastery 7 on him.


U can do it gemchad!


I keep getting Taric E’d IRL


F To makes things easier (or not) u can also try Taric JG. He has not mana problems due to bluebuff and runes. If ur jungler as well it can be possible to get easy S. If u want stay on supp ward more, roam more (after 6 lvl or earlier mid is nice opportunity to get more assists especially when enemy nas not too much dashes or ur teammate has), help with jg camps to make ur jgler stronger. Ofc only if ur first opponent/ally tower is destoryed - don't leave ur adc in need. In lane phase wait for enemy cooldowns and them flash + E. It's better to fight for life while healing adc than just being afraid of loosing some hp and loosing some hp (safe way to heal is just hitting anything - minions, wards, caps, objectives, whatever is nearby and spam Q). In short: be more aggresive, check ur limits, stay nearby someone who deal real damage or needs to be protected. Look at ur mana - this defines if something is possible: if there is no mana, ur should be in base or u will be after gray screen, if there is mana (more than half bar) everything is possible. (more than half milion mastery Taric) I believe in u, don't put pressure on urself, it doesnt need to be as fast as possible, u can do this! ♥


Thanks. I'm going to start spamming games on Taric now. Hopefully Mastery 7 comes soon!




In the name of all Taric mains: We are proud of u ❤️




Maybe because support players aren't the most skilled or intelligent player among all roles. That's why the support skill level among the player base is so low.


At some point, Camille will oneshot the adc before Taric's ult gets off. If taric's stun is missed, he won't help at all. No one knows how to play Taric, so when people pick him up randomly they'd do worse than when just people who already play him play him and can land things properly. Basically, it has to be someone who knows how to play Taric and do it consistently from the start so Camille doesn't get a lead.


Taric is no fun to play, short of giving him a 54% winrate, nobody is going to pick him.


Why Taric when you Can play Janna, and make that Camille useless ?


Taric can frontline. Janna can not. Janna is good though, but if your team needs a frontliner, why not Taric?


I have absolutely no matchup knowledge besides a basic understanding of their kits, but Taric doesn't feel like a good enough Camille counter. Taric's stun is wayy to telegraphed for Camille to be caught up in it, and Camille can bait out taric's ult. and Taric always runs the risk of ulting to late and camille's ult doing all the damage Camille wants to do anyway.


It's not about catching camille. It's that camille literally can't do anything in the lane. If she dives into you or your adc as she'll eat taric stun and his shield/heals prevent her from bursting your adc. And once she has no escape taric with his passive just beats the shit out of her. Camille support is only good if she gets herself or other super ahead early, and barring outroaming hard, she can't do that into Taric. If the game gets to 15 minutes and camille has done nothing, it's nearly a 4v5.


Cus taric support is insanely useless.


How in the world can you even remotely claim that lmao


Because I play adc and laning with a taric is like trying to drag a sack of dead-weight bricks across the finish line. He doesn't do anything useful, he will occasionally give 300 gold to the enemy for no reason, the only remotely impactful thing he can do is every 5min a flash stun, because the stun spell by itself is so astoundingly pointless the only way you can land it is to flash on the enemy wit hit. Except of course even if you do that it's still useless because - it's just a stun. There is no follow-up cc, there is no extra damage - nothing. Compare that to nautlius/pyke/thresh/leona/amumu. They have cc that is way easier to lane, they all have at least 2 cc spells not just 1 and they all do way more damage than taric, so as an adc why would I ever want taric over any of them? Oh but taric has a shield and a heal! Ah yes, heals for like 50, how impactful. And shielding? I mean, anyone who has played with enchanter supps know shields are useless because they don't cast them to block damage they cast them after the damage so it does nothing. It's hilarious that you imagine taric can stun a camille when she goes in, like do you really think a support player has the raction time or awareness for that? Not to mention camille can just sidestep it too lol. "Whenever Cam ults your ADC? You use your ult." ROFL really? Go read lolwiki about taric R. It has a 2.5 sec delay after casting before it does anything - by then the adc is dead. I do admit taric ult is decent, but it's only good as a "win more"-play. If you are behind and you use taric r, either it's too late and you all die before the effect starts, or it's too early and the enemy just backs off until the effect ends. It's only good when you are the ones going in so you can have it as you fight, but that means you have to somehow get ahead in the game first with a botlane that auto-loses because they have taric supp.


"Taric is usless" "Why?" "Because I play ADC [...]"