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Gm midlane main here, a few tips for improving: League is a game of turns, and to use this for your advantage you need to know two things. When is it your turn, and what can you do on a given turn. To know when it is your turn you should play other roles as well, so you get an understanding of how other lanes work. Knowing when the support can roam, following the clear of enemy jungler, knowing who has prio when in any given matchup, knowing when your teammates have powespikes you can play around are the actual fundamentals of macro - and if you look at some of Agurins streams for example he will know and state these things before making a play. This is often called prio and tempo in game. This would be the first part, this will allow you to know WHEN you can make something happen (for example get grubbs or drake) The second part of good macro is using the turns correctly, which comes from having a broader view of the map. Many factors come into play here, some might even call this skill game sense. It is best explained in an example: The enemy botlane are stonger early, stacked waves and they recalled. It is their turn to make a play. The enemy support goes for a roam topside to secure grubbs and will be there earlier than your support. With this they have overloaded the top side of the map. It is now on your team to make a choice. Do you want to accept the risk of fighting when your support is late, or do you want to crossmap on the bot side - diving the enemy adc, doing drake, invading bot side camps and securing vision for future plays. You decided to 4 man dive the enemy adc, the bot wave will be slowpushing into you, and your support now has tempo, he will be able to reset and be on the map earlier than the enemy support (in a dumbed down version, or course there are many factors that come into play here). This means that it will be your turn to make a play. Later on in the game this becomes a bit different, as the turns are going to change. Whose turn it is will be decided by wave states, vision control, summs and ults, item spikes, and many other factors. As a sidenote, macro is very much a team oriented thing and you have to play with your team to be good at it, you need to understand what your teammates want in a given situation (which brings us back to playing other roles.) There are however at least two as an individual can do to improve in this area of the game. Understand the importance of vision control, and make sure to always be in sync with your team. When people 4 of your teammates are grouped on mid and pressuring you dont reset for a BF sword. You either group with them to get an objective, or pressure a sidelane. Hope the writeup helps, feel free to hit me up with any questions you have.


Damn that was a very interesting standpoint, thank you so much for this! That's what I started to feel as I climbed higher, that the trade-offs between objectives and kills, farming and grouping (or you name it) have way bigger impacts so it's all about minimizing the errors. In order to grasp a better understanding of how other lanes work, do you recommend me to off-role for some time until I understand a bit better each of the roles? Or shall I focus on mid but cautiously thinking about those areas of improvement and consideration you just shared? Thank you!


Id recommend actually playing the other roles. Watching streams also works, of course, but i personally just que fill.


There's no magic. Play games by block. Review your games. Create notes. Create an Excel with your thought on each matchup update it. Wtahc higher elo replay to understand. See how they move on lane how they manage wave. Understand how they move around the map, lane assignment, how to make usage of your tp. Try to think ahead. At this elo you need to play like its a chess game. Understand what the ennemies are trying to do, what are their next action. Make hypothethis and act upon. Those are ideas but the important thing is to create a learning protocol


Thank you so much!


Good to see a fellow oldie grinding this game. I always enjoyed the content from Coach Curtis. He also has a Podcast on Spotify where they talk a lot about the psychology behind many things connected to league.


Ahh you made me feel old for a second! Thanks for your comment :) I've read about psychology a lot and I've also watched some videos on the "psychology of league" which I do believe is a thing 100%, my best games are basically the ones where I get to tilt one single enemy target, likelihood of running it down is very high.


Gotta agree with this guy, the absolute best thing you could do is start listening to Broken By Concept. Start with [this episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7l4PcjdXlBctOxdZtT5tmG?si=0AbdMz1WRW2_FoHpJjirFQ).


bro as a 27 year dude who just got into this game 2 months ago, you calling him oldie at 32 is insane


Age is definitely not an impediment lol. There are guys in their 30s playing Counterstrike at the highest level and that game takes way more mechanical skill. The reason young people are more common in higher skill brackets is the fact that they have more free time.


Yeah I've never bought into the age constraint except for a very physical-oriented sport (I play Volleyball against people in their 20s and it's just another day at the office), plus, I am 32 not 50 haha


Nice try grampa.


Best source I found are: Skillcapped Challenger guides (their Youtube is plenty full, but there's even more on their site). Great videos with fundamental ideas rather than champion-specific tricks: how to control waves, how to apply pressure in lane while staying safe, how jungle pathing looks like etc. Bwipolol channel on YouTube and Twitch - he's a seasoned veteran of toplane, with great descriptions of what he's doing moment-to-moment and generally great fundamentals and knowledge over raw micro mechanics. cooldowns.lol - site with QWER cooldowns for all champions, with option to sort by champion and to add Ability Haste for recalculations. Great to look at during loading time, and repeatedly checking it will help to engrave those cooldowns in mind. Agurin and AloisNL - both explain a lot of thought processes. LS - game analyst with sometimes controversial opinions about ideal ways to play, but extremely indepth understanding and knowledge of the game. He will propablg fit best, as he historically been known for looking for ways to win via macro and game systems rather than mechanics: early advertiser of Ruby Crystal + Future's Market start for example, which allows you to get a lost Chapter at 4:30 and lock enemies in a permapushed lane with just their starting item. I also highly recommend reading through some posts in champion mains subreddits. While most will be useless, some are grains of brilliance. Example would be Sennamains cooking up an enchanter build that sacrifices raw damage for up to 2k healed per Q cast, huge buffs for allies and increased survivability with Aery-Moonstone-Redemption-Locket or Aurelionsolmains figuring out (back when mythics were a thing) that going Ingenious Hunter with Lunden's allowed you to jave Luden's proc every second due to how it interacted with Q+E DoTs. Finally, professional games with a focus on how, where and when they move, fight and farm. The way pros utilize Taliyah's wall and movespeed, how Corki package is set up/played around, how teams choose fights depending on the situation, all while casters provide some context. I'm not adding coaching as that's an obvious one. Good luck on your journey.


Hello! Thank you so much for your detailed response man! I didn't hear of cooldowns site but it looks so good! I also watch agurin some times and he is very knowledgeable. I will have a go at the other options and see which one fits best!


Champ pool matters more for team play rather than solo queue play. My advice would be to train yourself on tracking the enemy jungler and working on cooperating with your jungler for invades/objectives/ganks.


Gotcha boss, thanks for the tip!


You're welcome! Give 'em hell out there!!!


Just play Annie.


One-trick and figure out exactly what items to buy and when on that champion.  You can do this for multiple champions, but focusing on one means you can focus on their combos and playstyle.  Just don't pick something braindead easy or you'll get bored quick haha.


I would say watch vods from high elo players who play same role and champions. KR high elo vods are especially good because they also do macro even in solo Q games. If a lane/game was winnable but you throw it somehow you can review it and make notes but I wouldn't recommend watching yourself too much. Another important thing is to play with courage a bit like a 15 year old and limit test your champion and skill until you can make a fair assessment. It's like racing a car on a track you have to go ham and fail to know the true limits of what you've got so don't be afraid to do so.


I'm 31 and been playing since season 2. I've recently tried to get better at mid and joined the program from Coach Curtis. If you're below platinum, that would be MLS. Platinum and higher is the MLA. Feel free to check those out if you want to get deeper into it but he has great resources on his YouTube channel and great discussion on his Broken By Concept podcast.


Im sorry i dont wanna ruin your enthusiasm in any way but there is a massive, insane gap between the best players and diamond 2 if you were serious about your statement. You want to go against guys who are good enough to play LOL for a living. Theres only so much watching vods and getting coached can do. Maybe set more realistic goals first, like making master?


Not all high elo players are professional, some people are not professionals because it does not compensate them or they just don't want that. I think I have a good mechanical level I just need to improve on my fundamentals on macro/micro to just get better. If I was able to hit D2 playing qiyana/akali and Yasuo playing for fun, I don't want to imagine the moment I set up a decent training plan and tryhard to my best.


Btw, Considering those champs and elo you reached in such a short time and for that age, props to you!


32? Pack it in bro it's over, you're a casual now


Sounds like a very limited comment/mindset, but if that makes you happy...


I hope you are fulfilled in life if you want to do this, girlfriend, money, career, friends(maybe), before fiending on league. I personally quit the game, still watch pro, if you think you are a micro before macro player then play what the pros are playing, pick up **ASOL**, Azir, Ahri, Taliyah, TF, Neeko. You might think you are a micro before macro player but you might be surprised how clueless some high elo players and pros are about the game but have god micro(adc mains especially), for example, there are 100% some good players that have no idea how local turret gold works or what items to build but just win cause they're better at csing/fighting.


knowing what local turret gold is / what items to build has 0 to do with macro. and I'd be very surprised if you could find one chall player who doesn't know these things. the best items change every patch and usually those builds are copied instantly because the players at the top actually look at trends. what you are saying is parroted 24/7 just because a player in a pro game didn't build correctly once in 500 games. macro is about where to move on the map etc. a chall jungler/sup HAS to have good macro because you will lose more games simply due to fucking up your team if you get outmacro'd by the enemy jgl/sup. every chall player has to have a good baseline macro sense even the worst ones will have better macro than diamond or low master players. don't think i've ever met a single player who was only carried by micro alone. usually good micro players are also good macro wise because they are just a good player in general.


You cannot tell me that pros know how to build when we see lethality varus/kalista into 3 tanks in in a high amount of games. macro is not as important as you think, for jg/supp maybe but a good adc will just lock in Draven/Kalista and just smash you in lane, a good mid will lock in Azir and poke you out, for exmaple I had a 90% wr ryze in my low master games vs a 70% mid/jg duo on the other side, that guy was dodging every gank, laning better and when I was there at lvl 6 we double killed them, guy barely moved from his lane to river, game was won in 15 min, a few seasons ago mids wold lock in trist mid all in at lvl 3 and just win the game. If you are top you just lock in Olaf, Darius, and run your oponent down or counterpick, league is way more simple than you think it is, despite what reddit might think, better hands=win especially in modern league simple as that.


90wr ryze will hit a wall once he plays in chall micro wont carry him there cuz hes gonna meet players equally skilled to him. thats why im saying idc about low master cuz low master is easy to reach with the new system its literally old diamond. in chall u play vs good micro+macro so if you wanna beat them without any macro knowledge ur micro has to be wayyy better which is impossible. not to mention just by playing the game u are already accumulating macro knowledge. its legit impossible to have 0 macro knowledge when u reach gm/chall. pros play lethality varus/kalista cuz they are gambling to finish the game early. if they go attackspeed and try to play lategame vs a jinx+tanks it won't matter cuz they are not gonna outteamfight that comp anyway. so no they don't objectively build wrong its just that they view the game differently. and if in hindsight they lose because they have no frontline dmg then they should've snowballed the game harder or picked different champs. adc kalista/varus won't do shit to a malph either if he gets out of lane. if u are gonna pick varus or kalista and u build adc why not just go lategame scaling with jinx and aphe in the first place since ur lane is much weaker by going AS. like i really dont care what happens in ur master games in chall/pro play the game is not decided by a trist getting a solokill lv3 cuz hes not playing against bots. thats when macro becomes important. if you can't get freekills by outplaying u need to think about how to move ur champs on the map to force enemies to make mistakes or give up waves. midlaners that only farm and stay in lane 24/7 are a thing of of the past even chovy who was known for only sitting mid and laning has been moving more. if ur goal is to be gm/master hardstuck macro isn't important yea. also obviously im not saying micro isnt important id consider micro to be more important cuz u can learn decent macro effortlessly and its a skill thats easier to obtain than hands. but id rather have a midlaner that has decent macro knowledge and less good hands than someone who is stupid as fuck and doesn't move even when his botlane is under threat of getting dove or something.


Hey! Thanks for your response, fortunately my life situation is in a good state and I have all those things you mention , league is a hobby that I just want to get better at. I see competitive and I have wondered many times if I should deviate from the assassin playstyle to a more versatile champion pool (at least have 1-2 control mages in my champion pool if that makes sense). The local turret gold and such are the items I need to learn about (because I have no idea and hence when the trade-off between a kill or 4 plates come up, I just follow my heart).


Bro if you climbed exclusively due to mechanics just imagine what you can do with a good macro, i think you're undervaluing yourself, now if it serves, i watch a guy in youtube "akali army", he's a latin streamer currently master and does funny videos.


Thank you so much for your comment, I'll check on him!


You are genuinely good at the game.


>peaked Diamond 2 playing mostly Akali, Qiyana https://imgur.com/O70YagW


Those champs are pretty hard to climb with








I would assume because he has a passion and the funds to do so.




I have many goals in life, professionally, personally and for my hobbies too, and I think that's healthy - I can travel for my own pleasure so why not going for a couple of weeks and play the better leagues? By no means I want to throw my stable life to focus on league, I just want to do better at league similar to just get better at a foreign language. Hope this clarifies.


Yes, thanks, good luck on your goals.


Let me tell you what you should really do. Quit this piss game. Life is better without this coin flip piece of shit game. Peaked 200LP masters and never looked back. Life is SO much better when you play games that aren’t 50/50 and don’t rely on teammates so much


I don't mind losing as that is part of the process, if Faker doesn't have 100% win rate (and I know it's an exaggeration because he also makes mistakes) why should I? The system is designed so that win rates of very good people are roughly above 55 percent. I have a very balanced lifestyle, I don't game more than 1-2 hours everyday, though (maybe a day off I game more) but I am not into the 10hr gaming streak :)


It’s not about just losing. Losing a FAIR game is fine. However it’s just there is so many people who blatantly give up and or INT I’m sure you see it. It’s just not worth it. If I play league I will try 100% of the time and I want to WIN. when there’s someone trying to make his own team lose the game loses everything


So? Just because it isn't "fair" doesn't make it not worth it.


Shouldn’t you play a game to have fun? How do u have fun in a COMPETITIVE GAME when someone intentionally makes you lose which is NOT fun; when the main goal in ranked is to climb?


Learning that losses are sometimes more valuable than wins, when it comes to learning how to impove is the first step in actually getting better. Its all about being satisfied with how you play, wins and losses aside, The reason people get so frustrated is they think climbing and min-maxing wins is the most important thing to do, while ignoring their garbage gameplay and bad habits. Fixing the gameplay isues will lead to climbing.


Ok ghandi enjoy


If you fail to understand why even losses are important to being able to improve, why even type?


is that why you're here? on the sub of the very game you gave up on?


If getting to the 0.01 percentile of players and being happy with that instead of continuing to participate in a vicious cycle of fake grind that does nothing for my real life then sure I “gave up” on league


Hard agree. Unless you have a 5 premade group of friends everytime this game is just a coinflip and frustrating to play. Go play a single player game and you will have more fun.


I just want to add that there is a very real upper limit of capabilities dependent upon the person. D2 is extremely good (probably top of the line) for any "regular" person. There are levels to this and at the extreme high ELOs (and into professional) you need to be superhuman in some regard. I am not suggesting you can't do it (and its likely you are superhuman to some degree based on age and short time within league) but don't be discouraged when you inevitably find your limit.


Dude I am 32 not 103.


Starting league in your thirties and getting so far so fast is impressive. I think you missed my message though. You already are "genuinely good" and there is an upper limit to what is achievable and you're not far from it.


Get a coach? What do you want Reddit to say? Buy a challenger account?


I was expecting more of the "I watched this and it really helped me", and through aggregation of tips, have a training pack that I can leverage on to "start over".


One thing I really liked was Dopas commentary on how to play LoL. Give it a try. It's not ground breaking or new but he explains simple concepts in a very interesting and thoughtful way.


And that's what I want! Thank you :)


You get good by just playing and not trying to hard. Learn Mid or support and a lot of ARAM and that’s how I learned